Wisconsin. Circuit Court (Ashland County): Judgment Dockets, 1873-1920

Summary Information

Title: Wisconsin. Circuit Court (Ashland County): Judgment Dockets
Inclusive Dates: 1873-1920

  • Wisconsin. Circuit Court (Ashland County)
Call Number: Ashland Series 19

Quantity: 3.0 c.f. (7 volumes)

Archival Locations:
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center / Ashland Area Research Ctr. (Map)

Summary of judgment rendered by the court in civil suits, consisting of name of judgment debtor, place of residence, title and trade of profession, name of creditor and residence, case number, court, amount of damage with costs, date of entry of judgment, name of attorney, and the satisfaction of the judgment.

Language: English

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-ashl0019
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