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Peace and Jobs Coalition (La Crosse, Wis.). Title: Peace and Jobs Coalition (La Crosse, Wisconsin) Records
Physical Description: 0.6 cubic feet
Call Number: MSS 082
Abstract: An organization active in La Crosse, Wisconsin, from 1980-1990 that supported world peace, weapons reductions, weapon freezes, and union activity. They also took a strong stance against U.S. involvement with the Contras in Nicaragua. Materials include background information, newspaper clippings, state and national background materials, articles of incorporation and by-laws, committee materials, Coordinating Council materials, correspondence, minutes, newsletters, project information, financial materials, and materials from related organizations.
Pohl, Pearl, 1887-1982 Title: Pearl Pohl Papers, 1928-1981
Quantity: 1.6 c.f. (4 archives boxes) and 9 photographs
Call Number: Milwaukee Mss 195; PH Milwaukee Mss 195
Abstract: Papers of Pohl, a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, elementary school teacher and conservation leader. The papers primarily consist of files on the conservation organizations of which she was president: the Milwaukee and La Budde memorial chapters of the Izaak Walton League of America. Included are minutes, agendas, bulletins, reports, and correspondence. Similar but less extensive material is included for the Environmental Education Council of Greater Milwaukee, the Wisconsin Council for Conservation Education, and other organizations. Subject files include correspondence on the Namekagon, Milwaukee, and Wolf rivers with noted ecologist Sigurd Olson, legislators Gaylord Nelson and Henry Reuss, and Walter Scott of the Wisconsin Conservation Department. Additional correspondence of IWL leader Haskell Noyes pertains to the purchase of Moon Lake in Fond du Lac County and its presentation to the State of Wisconsin. Of uncertain provenance is a file on the Walton Boosters, 1930. Some photographs depict conservation education; others show Pohl in a tintype portrait and with Arthur Molstad, Aroline Schmidt, Walter Scott, and teachers of the 68th Street School.
Stirratt, Pearl Title: Pearl Stirratt Scrapbooks, 1903-1964
Quantity: 3 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: River Falls Micro 133; Micro 1076
Abstract: Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings compiled by Pearl Stirratt and her brother Frank concerning Prescott, Wisconsin and nearby areas of Pierce County; including information on births, deaths, weddings, anniversaries, high school graduations, accidents, entertainment, fires, Masonic Lodges, and other area news; miscellaneous prose and poems; and a subject index. Most of the clippings are from the Prescott Journal,Pierce County Herald, and River Falls Journal.
Terry, Peggy, 1921-2004 Title: Peggy Terry Papers, 1937-2004
Quantity: 2.5 c.f. (6 archives boxes and 1 oversize folder), 137 photographs (1 archives box), 15 posters (2 oversize folders), 1 tape recording, 1 compact disc, and 6 videorecordings
Call Number: Mss 1055; PH 6582; Audio 1460A; VHA 898-903
Abstract: Papers (bulk 1963-1972) collected by Peggy Terry while working as a civil rights activist and as editor of The Firing Line, a community newspaper published by Jobs or Income Now (JOIN) Community Union in Uptown Chicago. Subjects documented include Terry's participation in sit-ins organized by the Chicago chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), her involvement in planning the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's (SCLC) Poor People's Campaign in Washington, D.C. in 1968 as a member of the event's steering committee, and her work for JOIN Community Union in assisting poor white southerners who had migrated to Chicago from Appalachia. Also documented is her opposition to the Vietnam War and her Vice Presidential campaign as Eldridge Cleaver's running-mate on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket in the 1968 Presidential election.
Wojtczak, Pelagia Title: Pelagia Wojtczak Papers, 1937-1976
Quantity: 0.2 c.f. (2 folders)
Call Number: Milwaukee SC 103
Abstract: Jubilee albums and newsclippings collected by Wojtczak, long-time state president of the Polish Women's Alliance. Included are PWA Group 116 (the Marya Konopnicka Society) jubilee albums from 1951, 1956, and 1961; albums from Council No. 1 for 1937, 1953, and 1963; and a 1948 album of national golden jubilee celebrations in Milwaukee. Most of the materials are in Polish.
Penokee Veneer Company Title: Penokee Veneer Company, 1939-1967
Quantity: 36.4 c.f. (27 record center cartons and 25 archives boxes), 474 photographs, and 8 negatives
Call Number: Northland Mss I; PH 3925
Abstract: Records of a hardwood veneer and plywood company which operated in northwestern Wisconsin and of its subsidiaries and associated companies, Splicedwood Corporation, Chequamegon Forest Products, and F.A. MacDonald Co. Also included is considerable material from conservative political organizations and manufacturers associations which document their anti-Communist ideas, opposition to unions, and efforts to affect national trade policy and limit the importation of Japanese plywood. Files consist of correspondence, newsletters, sales and production reports, inventories, personnel files, files of company attorney Richard R. Prittie, and financial and administrative records. Prominent correspondents are Joseph McCarthy, Alexander Wiley, and Alvin O'Konski. Prominent manufacturers' associations represented are the Hardwood Plywood Institute, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, National Association of Manufacturers, Northern Hemlock and Manufacturers Association, Veneer Association, and the Wisconsin Manufacturers Association. Penokee founder M. C. McIver served as a director of Northland College (Ashland, Wisconsin); the college is documented by correspondence, financial material, and information on the Freedom Leaders Councils held in the 1950s. Photographs are related to employees, operations, and products of the company throughout its history. They include documentation of each step in the veneer making process.
People's Office (Madison, Wis.) Title: People's Office Records, 1970-1973
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes)
Call Number: Mss 610
Abstract: Records of a Madison, Wisconsin based nonprofit telephone counseling and referral service which operated from August 1970 to May 1973 as a leftist organization directly involved with anti-Vietnam War demonstrations at the University of Wisconsin. The collection includes the People's Office Handbook, leases, minutes, the People's Release weekly newsletter, logbooks of telephone calls and community problems received, “bust sheets,” and printed material.
People's Video (Madison, Wis.) Title: People's Video Records, 1974-1977
Quantity: 1.0 c.f. (3 archives boxes)
Call Number: Mss 489
Abstract: Records of People's Video, a communications service founded in 1972 to provide technical training and public access programming for cable television in Madison, Wisconsin, in order to promote community dialogue and social change. The collection is largely composed of correspondence and grant proposals and other than unprocessed tapes and films there is little production material, although the photographs do document some productions. Of note are files on People's Video's involvement in the leasing of the Madison cable franchise to Complete Channel Television. Files on several related media organizations include Capital Media Associates, Feminists Against Media Oppression, and the Feminists Video Collective. The last-named includes some correspondence with feminist filmmaker Pamela Allen. Materials also document the organization's relationship to funding agencies, VISTA, and the Campaign for Human Development.
Pepin County (Wis.). Register of Deeds Title: Pepin County (Wis.). Register of Deeds. Grantor/Grantee Index, 1856-1887
Quantity: 2 reels of microfilm (35mm.)
Call Number: Pepin Series 11
Abstract: Index to Pepin County deeds (Pepin Series 12) containing the names of grantors (sellers) and grantees (purchasers) noted in real estate deeds. Shows date and time the deed was recorded, names of grantor and grantee, type of instrument, description of the property, and volume and page number of the deed record where the instrument is recorded.
Pepin County (Wis.). Register of Deeds Title: Pepin County (Wis.). Register of Deeds: Deeds, 1856-1888
Quantity: 7 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Pepin Series 12
Abstract: Microfilmed documents showing conveyance of real estate. Entries show names of persons involved in the land transfer, legal description of the land, and amount paid. Volumes F-L and N-O contain a mixture of warranty, bounty, school, and university deeds, as well as homestead.
Pepin County (Wis.). Treasurer Title: Pepin County (Wis.). Treasurer: Tax Rolls, circa 1864-1975
Quantity: 54 reels of microfilm (35mm) and 8.5 c.f. (volumes)
Call Number: Pepin Series 5
Abstract: Volumes indicating land ownership and a description of taxable real estate, valuation of each parcel, taxes due, and a record of the payment of taxes. Also recorded in many of the volumes are valuations, taxes due, and taxes paid for personal property. Beginning in 1950 only every fifth year is present.
Hardiman, Percy S. Title: Percy S. Hardiman Papers, 1958-1969
Quantity: 1.5 c.f. (1 record center carton, 1 archives box, and 1 oversize folder)
Call Number: M76-385
Abstract: Papers, 1958-1969, relating to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation during the years Percy S. Hardiman was president. The papers document the activities, projects, and lobbying of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau, a cooperative, insurance, and advocacy group for Wisconsin farmers, as well as the economic struggles, education, and community building of Wisconsin farmers during the time period. Included are correspondence and subject files, reports, agendas, minutes, organizational charts, and project files.
Perry Hauge Evangelical Lutheran Church (Dane County, Wis.) Title: Perry Hauge Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, 1852-1973
Quantity: 2 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Micro 503; Micro 588
Abstract: Records of the Perry Hauge Evangelical Lutheran Church, a Norwegian Lutheran congregation in the Town of Perry, Dane County, Wisconsin, which disbanded about 1954, and of the Perry Hauge Log Church Preservation Association. The congregation's records consist of a constitution; records of deaths, confirmations, baptisms, marriages, and membership (1852-1955); minutes; and financial notes. The preservation association records include minutes, financial records, and other items.
Adato, Perry Miller Title: Perry Miller Adato Papers, 1940-1974
Quantity: 23.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes), 228 cans of film, and 3 tape recordings
Call Number: U.S. Mss 181AN; Tape 741A
Abstract: Papers of Perry Miller Adato, a female producer-director of television documentaries for NET and WNET. Included are outtakes, dailies, soundtracks, and shot lists from Dylan Thomas, the World I Breathe (1968), which won an Emmy Award; Eames at MoMA (1973), The 40's: The Great Radio Comedians (1972), and other titles by Adato or with which she was associated. For Radio Comedians there are progressive script drafts and transcripts of interviews with Jack Benny, Edgar Bergen, George Burns, Bing Crosby, Jim Jordan, and Arch Oboler.
Wolff, Perry Title: Perry Wolff Papers, 1945-1989
Quantity: 3.2 c.f. (8 archives boxes), 27 photographs, 7 films, and 109 videorecordings
Call Number: Mss 830; PH Mss 830
Abstract: Papers of Perry Wolff, a writer and producer of award-winning television documentaries best known for his work for CBS News. Included are scripts and videotapes for many television and film documentaries such as Air Power, CBS Reports, Conversations with Eric Sevareid, and Of Black America. For a few programs and films such as The Italians, Kamikaze, 1968, and A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, there is also correspondence, draft scripts, and other production material. Also part of the collection is general correspondence and memoranda exchanged with CBS executives, a printed copy of his history of the 334th Infantry during World War II, a book of his poetry, some WBBM radio scripts, other speeches and writings, and biographical miscellany.
Peru (Dunn County, Wis.: Town) Clerk Title: Peru (Dunn County, Wis.: Town). Clerk: Clerk's Records, ca. 1865-1978
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box)
Call Number: Dunn Series 15
Abstract: Materials comprising the Town Clerk's papers of the Town of Peru in Dunn County, Wisconsin including annual and other financial reports and records, road records, school reports and census materials, miscellaneous minutes and resolutions of town board meetings, election records, enrollment of militia (ca. 1893), reports of creameries, cheese factories, and milk in the township, records relating to burial and death, and miscellaneous materials.
Dohanos, Peter, 1931- Title: Peter Dohanos Set Designs, 1961-1967
Quantity: 3.0 c.f. (3 flat boxes)
Call Number: U.S. Mss 96AN
Abstract: Set designs, floorplans, construction elevations, and renderings done for the television series Bell Telephone Hour (NBC).
Edson, Peter, 1896-1977 Title: Peter Edson Papers, 1913-1974
Quantity: 2.4 c.f. (5 archives boxes and 1 flat box) and 4 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Mss 730; Micro 559
Abstract: Papers of Peter Edson, an editor for the Newspaper Enterprise Association (NEA) (1927-1941) and an award-winning Washington, D.C. political columnist (1941-1964). Included are correspondence and memoranda from NEA staff; copies of articles and columns covering pre-World War II conditions in the Pacific, Communism in the United States, the political careers of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard M. Nixon, and other national political events; material advertising his columns and series; and reference files. The extensively-weeded reference files primarily date from the 1930s and refer to his work for NEA Service, features offered by NEA such as their extensive coverage of the Dionne Quintuplets, and photographic and other technological advances made by Acme Telephoto Service in the distribution of the features. Additional files include biographical material, reporters' notebooks, a small quantity of personal correspondence, and information on his journalism awards.
Zeimet, Peter F., 1873-1964 Title: Peter F. Zeimet Papers, 1903-1952
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box)
Call Number: Mss 437
Abstract: Papers of Peter Ziemet, Madison, Wis., an active member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (BRT); including correspondence, minutes, legal papers, photographs, and other papers from his tenure as a BRT lobbyist in Wisconsin, records from the union's Wisconsin Legislative Board, circulars from its General Committee of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway, and personal papers on Zeimet's wages as a railroad employee. The papers are fragmentary and best document Zeimet's lobbying in 1925 as BRT Legislative Representative.
- - - Title: Peter Gunn Films, 1958-1960
Quantity: 39 film reels (16 mm)
Call Number: DE 905-DE 943
Abstract: Thirty-nine episodes of a half-hour film noir styled dramatic television program which ran on NBC (1958-1960) and ABC (1960-1961) for three seasons. The series starred Craig Stevens as Peter Gunn, a private detective who works alongside police detective Lieutenant Jacoby (played by Herschel Bernardi). The series is best remembered for its driving jazz theme composed by Henry Mancini.
Smith, Peter J., 1867-1947 Title: Peter J. Smith Papers, 1920-1928
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box)
Call Number: Eau Claire Mss U
Abstract: Papers of Smith, an Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Republican Party leader, consisting almost entirely of correspondence with Wisconsin progressives and with members of the Scandinavian-American Fraternity. Correspondents include Robert M. La Follette, John J. Blaine, James A. Frear, and C.N. Saugen.
Kihss, Peter Title: Peter Kihss Papers, 1938-1984
Quantity: 25.6 c.f. (25 record center cartons and 2 archives boxes) and 14 photographs
Call Number: M87-305
Abstract: Papers of Peter Kihss, an award-winning reporter who wrote for the New York Times for thirty out of the nearly fifty years of his career. His career began in 1933 as a reporter for the Associated Press after his graduation from Columbia University. He was a Pulitzer scholar and part-time correspondent for the Times in Uruguay and Argentina for a year, and then worked for several news organizations before joining the Times in 1952 as a general reporter. In 1984, the Fund for the City of New York established the Peter Kihss Award for outstanding reporting on New York City government and named Kihss the first recipient. The papers cover virtually all of Kihss's career in the form of his articles and news dispatches. Correspondence apparently was not saved until the 1960s.
Brye, Peter Knudson, 1841-1865 Title: Peter Knudson Brye Letters, 1863-1864, 1916
Quantity: 0.1 c.f. (1 folder)
Call Number: SC 611
Abstract: Civil War letters in Norwegian with English translations, primarily relating to Peter Brye; including two 1864 letters by Brye, Co. K, 25th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, a 1916 letter giving biographical information about him, and an 1863 letter by soldier O. Tolefson of an unknown regiment.
Scanlan, Peter L., 1862-1956 Title: Peter L. Scanlan Papers, 1884-1954
Quantity: 4.4 c.f. (11 archives boxes)
Call Number: Platteville Mss D
Abstract: Papers of Scanlan, a medical doctor and local historian of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Included are some personal papers and extensive research correspondence, copies of documents, and notes on the history of Prairie du Chien and of Crawford County. Information is present on the biography of Nicolas Boilvin; the history of Bridgeport, Cassville, Milwaukee, and Irish Ridge (Grant County); Fort Crawford; World War II in Crawford County; area churches; the genealogies of area families including the Boilvin, Brisbois, Campbell, Cardinal, and Giard families; and the genealogies of Robert Dickson, Solomon Juneau, and (Jean) Joseph Rolette. Personal papers include World War I correspondence received from his family while Scanlan served in the medical corps in World War I; school class notes; his brother Charles' diary; and brief papers of his daughter Marian who taught high school English at several Wisconsin schools, wrote magazine articles and other materials, and assisted her father in his research.
Lyon, Peter, 1915- Title: Peter Lyon Papers, 1884-1998
Quantity: 7.2 c.f. (18 archives boxes); plus additions of 4.8 c.f., 44 photographs, and 33 tape recordings
Call Number: U.S. Mss 73AF; M2002-158; Audio 1557A
Abstract: Papers of Peter Lyon, a freelance writer of books, articles, and radio scripts. Drafts, correspondence, research files, reviews, and advertising for four books written or ghosted by Lyon comprise the bulk of the collection. Of these, material on To Hell in a Day Coach: An Exasperated Look at American Railroads (1968) and Success Story: The Life and Times of S. S. McClure (1963) are the most complete. In addition, there are published works on alcoholism and Coney Island and unpublished manuscripts about Isaac Singer and confidence men of the past, some biographical information, materials on Lyon's other two books, Eisenhower: Portrait of a Hero and The Wild, Wild, West, and sound recordings of interviews for book projects.
Nemenyi, Peter Title: Peter Nemenyi Papers, 1952-1979
Quantity: 1.0 c.f. (3 archives boxes) and 9 photographs (1 folder)
Call Number: Mss 509; PH Mss 509
Abstract: Papers of a social activist. A large portion deals with Nemenyi's work for the Council of Federated Organizations in Laurel, Mississippi; his interest in securing educational and employment opportunities for young blacks; and his subsequent political disagreements with college administrators at the University of North Carolina and at Virginia State College. Later files cover a wide range of liberal and radical topics. Personal correspondence and papers document his views on many of the above topics as well as his blood relationship to Bobby Fischer. Photographs include images in and around Laurel, Mississippi, 1968.
Arndt, Peter S. Title: Peter S. Arndt Civil War Carte de Visite Collection,
Quantity: 0.2 linear ft. (1 carte de visite box and 1 folder).
Call Number: WVM Mss 954
Abstract: Civil War carte de visite collection Collection consisting of 192 Civil War era photographs, roughly the size of a business card, of prominent Union and Confederate officers, politicians, and fourteen United States presidents. Prominent generals such as Ulysses S. Grant, William Sherman, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson can be seen along with their lesser-known comrades-in-arms. Confederate president Jefferson Davis and Union politicians Salmon Chase and William Seward are found among the Civil War era politicians, along with presidents of the United States, from John Adams through Abraham Lincolinear The collection also includes a carte de visite and charcoal sketch of Arndt, who served as a surgeon with both the 2nd and 31st Wisconsin Infantry Regiments during the Civil War. The photograph is signed “Dr. Arndt, Surgeon” and shows him in Union uniform with sword. The sketch depicts a young, mustached Arndt in a dark suit that could be an Army uniform.
Peterson Grocery Store (Eau Claire, Wis.) Title: Peterson Grocery Store Records, 1881-1920
Quantity: 15.2 c.f. (38 archives boxes)
Call Number: Eau Claire Mss W
Abstract: Records of a Wisconsin grocery store and its predecessor firms, consisting mainly of financial records including invoices of wholesale purchases and daily customer orders. Also included is a small amount of business and personal correspondence, 1888-1920, in Danish and English; wholesaler's price lists and advertisements, 1879-1920; and “poor orders” listing the grocery orders filled for the city's poor, 1897-1909.
Pettibone Park Commission (La Crosse, Wis.) Title: Pettibone Park Commission Records, 1900-1977
Quantity: 0.6 c.f. (1 archives box and 1 flat box)
Call Number: La Crosse Mss BQ
Abstract: Records of a commission established in 1901 to administer a Mississippi River park designed by landscape architect Frank H. Nutter and given to the city of La Crosse by Albert W. Pettibone. Included are correspondence, deeds, a map, minutes of meetings, leases, annual reports, clippings, articles of incorporation, and financial records.
Pewaukee (Wis.). Clerk Title: Pewaukee (Wis.). Clerk: Records, 1887-1968
Quantity: 1.0 c.f. (3 archives boxes)
Call Number: Waukesha Series 43
Abstract: Pewaukee, Wisconsin, village clerk's records including registers of marriage, 1907-1943; cemetery (primarily Forest Hill Cemetery) and burial records, 1900-1968; and village financial records.

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