Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin Records,

Summary Information
Title: Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin Records
Inclusive Dates: 1861-1986

  • Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin
Call Number: WVM Mss 1

Quantity: 29.6 linear ft. (54 archival boxes, 5 flat boxes, and 1 oversized folder)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Veterans Museum (Map)

Administrative, organizational, financial, and program materials pertaining to the Wisconsin state and local units of the Grand Army of the Republic, a voluntary fraternal association of Civil War Union veterans. Includes national and state encampment registers and records; materials concerning patriotic instruction in the schools, Memorial Day, and patriotism; administrative and financial materials of the state department and its relations with local posts; Easel-Shaped Monument certificates; and a few materials on the G.A.R. Memorial Hall which housed the offices of the state department. Many records pertain to individual Wisconsin local posts; including reports, membership records, charters, minute books, financial records, resolutions, and scattered correspondence. War reminiscences can be found in several “Personal War Sketches” volumes. Most complete are records for Post No. 11 (Madison), Post No. 20 (Janesville), and Post No. 68 (Chippewa Falls). Scattered records pertain to the National G.A.R.; mostly concerning patriotic instruction. The correspondence, records, and reports of Hosea Rood, 1920 National Patriotic Instructor, are included in this series.

Language: English

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The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) was a voluntary, fraternal association of men who served in the Union Army, Navy, or Marine Corps between the years 1861 and 1865, and were honorably discharged from service. Major Benjamin F. Stephenson founded the G.A.R. on April 6, 1866 in Decatur, Illinois when he took the title of department commander and issued the first charter. Wisconsin was the second state to organize a G.A.R. department.

The G.A.R. objectives as outlined by founders, Major Stephenson and Reverend W. J. Rutledge, were: 1) “to preserve and strengthen those kind and fraternal feelings which bind together the soldiers, sailors, and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion, and to perpetuate the memory and history of the dead.” 2) “To assist such former comrades in arms as need help and protection, and to extend needful aid to the widows and orphans of those who have fallen.” 3) “To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a paramount respect for and fidelity to the National Constitution and laws, and to discountenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, incites to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions; and to encourage the spread of universal liberty, equal rights, and justice to all men.”

The G.A.R. was organized at both the state and national level. Each participating state was considered a department, which was divided into local posts. The local posts were numbered and named. No two posts within a state could share a name. Each department held an annual encampment, which often included camping out, formal dinners, entertainment, and memorial events. The G.A.R. annually held a national encampment in a different city each year; several were held in Wisconsin. Although the G.A.R. continued until the last member died in 1956, the final encampment was held in 1949.

From 1866 to 1873, the G.A.R. was primarily a political organization. Although the founders abolished all political discussion, G.A.R. members clearly became a political force. The G.A.R. aligned itself with a Republican political ideology. Members favored the Republican's harsher reconstruction policies and appreciated the pensions the Republican's believed should be used to repay the “debt of gratitude” the country owed its veterans. In fact, membership in the G.A.R. was almost a prerequisite to running for many public offices. For a time, it was impossible to be nominated on the Republican ticket without a G.A.R. endorsement. Five G.A.R. members were elected President of the United States and it was often said the Grand Army of the Republic controlled every office in the northern states from “dog catcher to President.”

In Wisconsin, Republican leaders became active in promoting the G.A.R. and in attracting veterans to the radical Republican ideals. Lucius Fairchild, who lost his left arm at Gettysburg, organized the first G.A.R. post in Wisconsin. Fairchild went on to become Wisconsin's first three-term governor and the first of seven Civil War veterans to govern the state, from 1865 to 1901. Robert M. La Follette ended forty-six years of veteran governors when he took office in 1901.

Civil War veterans were encouraged to form political voting blocks by soldier politicians and Republicans. The G.A.R. was a voting block and veterans were urged to join so they could prevent another Southern rebellion, and save the nation from ruin at the hands of ex-confederates, the KKK, and their allies in the Democratic Party. Campaigns emphasizing these ideas were known as “waving the bloody shirt” and they served to rekindle Civil War animosities in order to solidify political support. The “bloody shirt” campaigns were most prevalent immediately after the war. The oratory declined in the 1870s, though revived during the presidential election of 1888.

Wisconsin soldier politicians Lucius Fairchild and Jeremiah M. Rusk, both three term governors, espoused bloody shirt politics when it suited their purposes. Fairchild encouraged voters to cast their ballots in favor of the “loyal blue” rather then the “traitor gray.” Encouraging G.A.R. members to “vote the way you shot” furthered partisan ideology.

A major initiative of the G.A.R. was the establishment of a holiday to remember Civil War dead. In 1868, Commander-in Chief John A. Logan issued General Order No. 11, designating May 30th as Decoration Day. The name of the holiday was changed to Memorial Day in 1882. All posts observed Memorial Day. Activities for the day included decorating graves, speeches, and songs. Some claimed that a day set aside to remember the war dead served no purpose, would increase sectionalism, or was initiated for partisan purposes. Memorial Day raised public recognition of the G.A.R. and became an important yearly activity sponsored by the posts.

From the early 1870s to the gradual decline in the early twentieth century, the attention of the G.A.R. shifted from politics toward social policies and activities for veterans. Despite the shift, G.A.R. influence in political matters did not diminish. The shift coincided with severe financial depression in 1873 and decrease in political fervor generated by Reconstruction. Veterans and other citizens concentrated their attention on making a living and G.A.R. membership dwindled. In 1868, membership was 240,000. However due to depression and internal strife, membership declined to 27,100 in 1873. During the decline, departments disbanded and many posts returned their charters. Only a few posts remained active. With the change to a social policies and activities, membership climbed until it reached 409,489 in 1890.

As debate over reconstruction diminished, the G.A.R. promoted social and charitable activities. The G.A.R. sponsored “camp fires” and dances, encouraged regimental reunions, and created auxiliary organizations for the wives and children of veterans. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Woman's Relief Corps (WRC), Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Daughters of Unions Veterans of the Civil War were all officially endorsed as “Allied Orders.” These activities and allied orders brought new membership to the G.A.R.

Events, auxiliary organizations, and designation of Memorial Day all added to the public awareness and appeal of the G.A.R. bringing it and Civil War veterans again to the forefront. These changes led to more members, thus increasing their voting block. During the late 1870s the G.A.R. began hosting state and national veteran reunions. This type of reunion grew in scale and popularity attracting thousands of spectators. For example, the 1880 Grand Reunion in Milwaukee attracted 150,000 visitors.

Renewed attention to veterans and veteran concerns was reflected by the 1879 passage of the Arrears Pension Act. The act provided pension money for soldiers from their discharge date, allowing soldiers and widows to collect a lump sum payment for the years before their pension claim was approved. The demand for pension increased with the Arrears Act and between 1884 and 1887 numerous pension bills were proposed. This culminated in the Dependent Pension Act of 1890. The act granted pension to every honorably discharged soldier with ninety days of service who suffered from any incapacitating disability without reG.A.R.d to financial situation or how incurred. The pension bills and political controversy they caused demonstrated G.A.R. political influence and the power veteran groups could wield over legislation.

Similarly, this interest in veterans manifested itself in the development of homes for impoverished veterans. The Wisconsin Veterans Home at King was a local example of this trend. Organized in 1887, the King facility became known as the Grand Army Home. There, ex-soldiers and their wives dwelled in cottages situated along the bank of a lake.

In the late 1880s and early 1890s, the G.A.R. raised funds for an Easel-Shaped Monument. The monument was designed by J. W. Carnahan and used sculpture and carved pictures to depict the Civil War. Money was raised by selling prints of the monument with personalized information about the purchaser inserted. The location of the monument was to be in the city or state where the most prints were purchased. However, the monument was not built.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the G.A.R. began work on a new “educational mission.” This mission began, in a large part, in Wisconsin. In 1886, a Wisconsin post created a committee to examine a textbook used by state schools. The committee found the book “unreliable.” Lucius Fairchild presented these findings at the 1888 national encampment and a copy of the findings was sent to G.A.R. posts across the country. Other departments followed Wisconsin's lead in examining textbooks. By 1890, the G.A.R. began pressuring publishers to print a “correct history of the late war.”

Examining textbooks was only the beginning of the G.A.R.'s educational mission. It also preserved battlefields, erected monuments, institutionalized Memorial Day as a holiday, promoted use of the Pledge of Allegiance, and placed flags in schools. Much of this was overseen by the post patriotic instructors who filed annual reports with their department, and with the national patriotic instructor. Patriotic instructors reported on the number of schools with flags, types of Memorial Day services, and information on other patriotic holidays area schools observed. Department of Wisconsin Patriotic Instructor Hosea Rood, who also served as the National Patriotic Instructor in 1920, published a series of Little Flag Books providing students with information on flag display and care. The educational mission and public actions of local posts commemorated the Civil War and its veterans.

In Wisconsin and several other states, the educational mission took an additional form in the establishment of museums. In 1901, the Wisconsin Department pushed the state legislature to establish a museum to preserve Civil War History and items from “all subsequent wars.” This museum, located in the state capitol, became known as the G.A.R. Memorial Hall. Destroyed in the 1904 capital fire, the museum was rebuilt and dedicated in 1918. After many years at its location in the state capitol, the museum moved across the street and reopened in 1993 as the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.

Another example of the educational mission was the preservation of Camp Randall. The G.A.R. included many of its own artifacts in the cornerstone of the Camp Randall arch and participated in the dedication ceremony.

The G.A.R. was the first widespread organization for veterans. It offered veterans a political voice as well as fulfilled an important social and charitable role. Subsequent veteran groups looked upon the G.A.R. as a model.

The G.A.R. motto, “Fraternity, Charity, Loyalty,” characterized the organization well. Its fraternal aspects were evidenced in the group's rituals. G.A.R. member loyalty to each other and the cause for which they fought found expression in political involvement and developing educational mission. This education mission, together with the G.A.R.'s work on behalf of disabled veterans, war orphans, and widows; lends firm support for the G.A.R.'s charitable contributions.

Scope and Content Note

Administrative, organizational, financial, and program materials pertaining to the Wisconsin state and local units of the Grand Army of the Republic, a voluntary fraternal association of Civil War Union veterans.

The records of the G.A.R. have been arranged into three series: Department of Wisconsin, Local Posts, and National. Materials in this collection date from 1861 to 1986, with the bulk of the materials dating from 1885 to 1940.

The Department of Wisconsin records include correspondence, encampment information, financial records, orders, resources concerning patriotic instruction and patriotism, department information on Wisconsin local posts, and miscellaneous materials.

Many of the department records concern encampments, with attendance registers of both local and national encampments forming the bulk of this subseries. Organized chronologically by year and thereunder by Wisconsin regiment; the registers include the name, rank, company, and current residence of attendees. Less information is found on the encampments themselves aside from scattered newspaper clippings, delegate lists (1910-1916), a few resolutions, and an 1879 banquet napkin.

A good deal of material pertains to patriotism and patriotic instruction. Reports (1907-1921) from the local posts to the department provide information on patriotic instruction and Memorial Day activities within kinderG.A.R.ten to twelfth grade schools. Although most of these reports are in bound volumes, some are also found in the Wisconsin Local Posts series under the post number. Of interest, are letters (1909) written to Hosea Rood, Department Patriotic Instructor, by teachers throughout the state detailing patriotic activities, student responses, and teacher reactions. Essays, (1910, 1923) pertaining to such patriotic subjects as Memorial Day, the flag, and the lives of our presidents are bound in volumes and also include some teacher letters. There are also patriotic materials collected by the Wisconsin department including a play, poetry and songs, and Memorial Day documents.

There are few departmental administrative records. No meeting minutes and little correspondence are included in this collection. Financial records are incomplete, and give modest information on G.A.R. financial circumstances as they mostly provide a record of membership numbers. Yearly consolidated reports (1910-1926) supply counts of members lost and gained and the reason for such. Also included is a count of posts lost and in good standing as well as the amount of money spent on charity and the number of people aided.

Departmental General Orders (1866; 1891-1940) are not complete although there are several for most years giving insight into the department's agenda and actions for the year. The orders also include some information on officers, encampments, and deaths.

The Circular Letters (1897-1934), give much of the same information, as well as administrative reminders. The Special Order addresses the role the G.A.R. would play in the Spanish American War.

The lack of Department administrative records does not extend to its administration of the local posts. The department's administration of local posts is evidenced by reports from post quartermasters and adjutants, as well as the annual and semiannual reports submitted to Madison. Post quartermaster's reports (1904-1928) provide a biannual summary of the department's financial position. Post adjutant's reports (1903-1929) contain a biannual snapshot of membership and dues information for each post. Annual reports (1929-1930) combine both financial and membership summaries.

Although not complete, additional records kept by the department include information on disbanded posts, seniority of posts, and post charters. Charters, which include a list of post founding members, were to be returned to the department upon dissolution, but not all posts did so.

The Department of Wisconsin series contains some miscellaneous materials, including information on G.A.R. Memorial Hall, obituaries, the Wisconsin semi-centennial, and certificates. Several of the certificates relate to the Easel-Shaped Monument and are personalized either for individual Wisconsin veterans or entire posts.

Wisconsin Local Posts series comprises the bulk of this collection. Upon dissolution, local posts were to send their records to the department. Many did so, forming an extensive collection of membership records, meeting minute books, and financial records for many Wisconsin posts. However, information on any one post is haphazard and scattered. This series is organized numerically by post number and the researcher is advised to check the container list to ascertain what records exist for any particular post.

Descriptive books are one form of membership records. These books provide membership lists and contain information about the member's army service, discharge date, G.A.R. entry date, and often death dates. Members were assigned a number in the descriptive book that was subsequently referred to in other records. When available, the membership applications are a useful source of veteran information. Several posts have biographical information on their members, either compiled loosely or bound into “Personal War Sketches” books. These books include reminiscences on war experiences recounted by post members. Member's account books contain dues payment records and are useful in determining the years a veteran was active in the post.

Although, for many posts, the meeting minute books are not as detailed as they might be most, especially early books, include a good account of the meetings. Many minute books also served as a journal for the posts. These books contain member obituaries, notes about funerals, memorial resolutions, selected correspondence, and newspaper clippings. Other administrative records include resolutions and officer's record books in which names of post officers and occasionally information about the status of post members are recorded.

In later years, financial records show post activities. They are useful in determining Memorial Day activities. For posts without descriptive books, the financial records can give insight into membership.

The records for Post No. 11 (Lucius Fairchild Post, Madison) are the most extensive records of this series. The meeting minute books span 1887 to 1934 although there is a gap from 1893 to 1905. The descriptive book encompasses much of the post's existence and the file of membership applications is extensive. Included is a member obligation sheet demonstrating the fraternal qualities of the G.A.R. Of interest are materials concerning veteran burials in Forest Hill Cemetery of Madison, Wisconsin. Post No. 11 records also include materials concerning Flag Day, Memorial Day, and some patriotic songs and poems.

Posts Nos. 20 (W. H. Sargent Post, Janesville) and 68 (James Comerford, Chippewa Falls) also contain fairly complete records including membership information and a span of meeting minute books.

The National series contain encampment miscellany, orders, patriotic instruction records, materials from other states, and miscellaneous materials.

Encampment materials include some newspaper clippings, souvenir programs, and memorabilia. Fairly complete are National General Orders (1895-1940) and Circular Letters (1891-1938). However, General Order No. 11 establishing Memorial Day is missing. A few circular letters and general orders exist for other states as well as occasional correspondence and event programs. Issued by the national headquarters and providing information on the fraternal aspects of the organization; ritual cards outline procedures for many G.A.R. ceremonies, explain the duties of each officer, and contain a layout of the post room.

The bulk of this series involves patriotic instruction. Wisconsin resident and G.A.R. Memorial Hall caretaker Hosea Rood served as national patriotic instructor in 1920 and there is a good deal of correspondence from other states to Rood. Also included are the 1920 Patriotic Instruction reports from the states to Rood. One volume, the List of Patriotic Instructors, contains locations of other state headquarters, expenses of a patriotic instructor, and early chapter titles for Rood's A Little Flag Book.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Presented by Grand Army of the Republic Wisconsin Dept., undated. This collection was previously known as Accession Number: Series 1 and Record Group 1.

Processing Information

Originally processed by Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall staff, undated; Mark Van Ells, 1992; and reprocessed with additions by Abigail Miller, 2001.

Contents List
Series: Department of Wisconsin
Box   1
Folder   1
Calling Cards, undated
Box   55
Folder   1
Certificates (Misc.), [1885-1914]
Ov   1
Folder   1
Easel-Shaped Monument Certificates
Ov   1
Folder   1
Hans C. Hegg Post, No. 114, 1898
Ov   1
Folder   1
Thila C. Buckman Post, No. 153, 1898
Ov   1
Folder   1
Davis, Rostin, 1897
Ov   1
Folder   1
Harding, Theodore, 1896
Ov   1
Folder   1
Schnelter, Hurbert, 1897
Ov   1
Folder   1
Waterman, Lieut. Sidney C., 1897
Ov   1
Folder   1
White, Sargent Nathaniel, 1898
Box   1
Folder   2
Correspondence, 1905-1934
Box   1
Folder   3
Bird, F. A. - Ass't Adjutant General, 1900; 1905-1920
Box   1
Folder   4
Melzner, Marie - Annual Encampments, 1936-1937
Box   1
Folder   5
Moulton, Charles F. - Commander, 1936-1937
Subseries: Encampments
Box   1
Folder   6
Resolutions pertaining to National & State Encampments, [1873-1937]
National Encampments
Box   55
Folder   2
Banquet Napkin, 1879
Box   1
Folder   7
Credentials of Members [Delegate Lists] , 1910-1916
Box   1
Folder   8
Newspaper Clippings, [1924-1947]
Registers of Attendees
Box   56
Folder   Vol. 1
Box   1
Folder   9
Box   1
Folder   10
Box   1
Folder   11-13
Wisconsin Regiments 1-40
Box   2
Folder   1
Wisconsin Regiments 41-53
Box   2
Folder   2
Wisconsin Soldiers Living in Other States
Box   2
Folder   3
Wisconsin Cavalry & Artillery Regiments
Box   2
Folder   4-6
Wisconsin Infantry Regiments 1-30
Box   3
Folder   1-2
Wisconsin Infantry Regiments 31-52
Box   3
Folder   3
Wisconsin Soldiers Living in Other States
Box   3
Folder   4
Wisconsin Regiments 13-24
Box   3
Folder   5
Wisconsin Cavalry Regiments
Box   3
Folder   6
Wisconsin Infantry. Regiments 1-20
Box   3
Folder   7
Wisconsin Artillery & Battery Sharpshooters companies
Box   4
Folder   1
Wisconsin Cavalry Regiments 1-4
Box   4
Folder   2-6
Wisconsin Infantry 1-53
Box   4
Folder   7
Wisconsin Soldiers Living in Other States
Box   4
Folder   8
Wisconsin Regiments 1-53
State Encampments
Box   4
Folder   9
Annual Encampment Programs, [1904 1919]
Box   4
Folder   10
Miscellaneous, 1931-1933
Registers of Attendees
Box   4
Folder   11
Chippewa Falls, 1903
Box   5
Folder   1
Madison, 1904
La Crosse, 1905
Box   5
Folder   2
Cavalry Regiments 1-4
Box   5
Folder   3-4
Infantry Regiments 1-40
Box   5
Folder   5
Soldiers from other states living in Wisconsin
Box   56
Folder   Vol. 2
Oshkosh, 1907
Box   5
Folder   6
Eau Claire, 1909
Box   5
Folder   7
Madison, 1914
Box   5
Folder   8
Subseries: Financial
Box   5
Folder   9
Financial record book of the Assistant Quartermaster General, 1904-1921
Box   56
Folder   Vol. 3
Per Capital Tax Record Book, 1898-1906
Subseries: G.A.R. Memorial Hall
Box   6
Folder   1
Visitors to G.A.R. Memorial Hall during 71st National Encampment, 1937
Box   6
Folder   2
Dedication program, 1918
Box   6
Folder   3
Miscellaneous, [1876-1933]
Box   6
Folder   4
Obituaries of members, 1930-1938
Subseries: Orders
Box   6
Folder   5
Circular letters, [1897-1934]
Box   6
Folder   6-9
General orders, 1866; 1891-1940
Box   6
Folder   10
Special orders, 1898
Box   6
Folder   11
Patriotic instruction, 1906-1927
Box   6
Folder   12
Letters from teachers, 1909
Box   6
Folder   13
Department to National, 1935
Posts to Department
Box   6
Folder   14
Box   7
Folder   1-5
1908-1911; 1920
Box   8
Folder   1
Subseries: School Essays
Box   8
Folder   2
Adams County schools
Box   8
Folder   3
Madison schools
Box   9
Folder   1
Doty school
Box   9
Folder   2
Marinette, Menasha, Glenbuelah High Schools
Box   9
Folder   3
Various Wisconsin schools
Box   10
Folder   1
Various Wisconsin schools
Box   10
Folder   2
Wabeno, Hancock, Token Creek schools
Box   10
Folder   3
Various Wisconsin schools
Box   11
Folder   1
Waupaca schools
Subseries: Patriotism
Box   11
Folder   2
Memorial Day, [1903-1936]
Box   11
Folder   3
Patriotic play “Campfire Night,” undated
Box   11
Folder   4-5
Patriotic poetry, undated
Box   11
Folder   6
Patriotic songs, 1898-1908; undated
Box   11
Folder   7
Patriotism and the Flag, [1902-1920]; undated
Subseries: Wisconsin Local Posts
Annual and Semiannual Reports
Box   12
Folder   1-4
Post Adjutants, 1903-1929
Box   13
Folder   1-4
Post Quartermasters, 1904-1929
Box   14
Folder   1-2
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1930
Box   57
Folder   Vol. 4
Charter Book, 1880-1903
Scope and Content Note: See Appendix I for index.
Box   55
Folder   3-4
Charters, 1866; 1881-1888
Scope and Content Note: Includes Post Nos. 22, 40, 54, 75, 102, 113, 122, 126, 129, 131, 133, 151, and Illinois Post No. 1
Box   14
Folder   3
Disbanded posts, undated
Box   14
Folder   4
Seniority of posts, 1881-1892
Box   14
Folder   5
Wisconsin state semi-centennial, 1898
Box   14
Folder   6
Yearly Consolidated Report of Assistant Adjutant General, 1910-1926
Series: Wisconsin Local Posts
Subseries: Post No. 1, E.B. Wolcott Post, Milwaukee
Box   14
Folder   7
Miscellaneous papers, 1905-1937
Box   14
Folder   8
Roster and Attendance Records, 1898-1912
Subseries: Post No. 2, Robert Chivas Post, Milwaukee
Box   14
Folder   9
Correspondence, 1904
Subseries: Post No. 3, Abraham Lincoln Post, Darien
Box   14
Folder   10
Descriptive book, 1861-1914
Box   14
Folder   11
Minute book, 1879-1896
Box   14
Folder   12
Minutes, 1903; 1913
Box   14
Folder   13
Miscellaneous, [1885-1912]
Box   14
Folder   14
Officers roll call and roll of members, 1879-1885
Subseries: Post No. 4, John H. Williams Post, Berlin
Box   14
Folder   15
Members account book, 1898-1903
Box   14
Folder   16
Post history, 1966
Box   14
Folder   17
Transfer cards, 1898-1899
Subseries: Post No. 8, National Home Post, Milwaukee
Box   15
Folder   1
Correspondence, 1916
Subseries: Post No. 10, P.H. Sheridan Post, Oshkosh
Box   15
Folder   2
Transfer card, 1915
Subseries: Post No. 11, Lucius Fairchild Post, Madison
Box   15
Folder   3
Adjutant's Quarterly Record & Roll of Officers, 1886-1887
Box   15
Folder   4
Adjutant's Quarterly Record Book, 1908-1915
Box   15
Folder   5
By-laws and list of members, circa 1892
Box   15
Folder   6
Constitution, by-laws and complete roll of members, 1866-1926
Box   15
Folder   7
Legislation, 1900-1932
Meeting minute books
Box   15
Folder   8-11
1887-1893; 1905-1907
Box   16
Folder   1-4
Box   17
Folder   1-5
Box   17
Folder   6
Post credentials and officers, 1926
Box   17
Folder   7
Quartermaster's bond, 1918-1933
Box   18
Folder   1
Resolutions, [1904-1933]
Box   18
Folder   2-4
Correspondence, 1894-1935; undated
Deaths and memorials
Box   18
Folder   5
Burials at Forrest Hill Cemetery, arranged alphabetically, undated
Box   18
Folder   6
Burials at Forrest Hill Cemetery, arranged by section, 1863-1927
Box   18
Folder   7
Miscellaneous, 1903-1934
Box   18
Folder   8-9
Record book, 1895-1915
Box   18
Folder   10
Records, 1890-1928
Box   19
Folder   1
Miscellaneous records, undated
Box   19
Folder   2
Quartermaster's orders, 1898-1923
Box   19
Folder   3-4
Receipts and disbursement books, 1915-1926
Box   19
Folder   5
Flag Day, 1907
Box   19
Folder   6
Biographical sketches, undated
Box   19
Folder   7
Descriptive book, 1862-1933
Box   19
Folder   8
Hospital roll book, 1906
Box   19
Folder   9
Obligation (member's pledge), undated
Account books
Box   19
Folder   10
Scope and Content Note: Includes obituary notices and news clippings
Box   20
Folder   1-3
Membership Applications
Box   20
Folder   4-8
Box   20
Folder   9
Transfer cards, 1884; 1923
Box   20
Folder   10
Memorial Day, poems and songs, undated
Box   20
Folder   11
Miscellaneous, [1887-1930]
Box   21
Folder   1
Newspaper clippings, 1932-1940
Box   21
Folder   2
Programs, 1895-1933
Box   21
Folder   3
Miscellaneous, 1899; 1904; undated
Box   21
Folder   4
Report of Post Adjutant General, 1920-1935
Box   21
Folder   5-15
Quartermaster's Report, 1905-1911; 1923-1931
Subseries: Post No. 20, W. H. Sargent Post, Janesville
Box   21
Folder   16
Correspondence, 1925-1932
Box   21
Folder   17
Cushing Memorial Park, 1925-1927
Box   21
Folder   18
Checkbook, 1933
Box   21
Folder   19
Miscellaneous, 1930-1933
Box   21
Folder   20
Post financial record book, 1912-1936
Box   21
Folder   21
Receipt book, 1929-1930
Box   21
Folder   22
Requisition book, 1924-1929
Box   22
Folder   1
Deaths and memorials, 1907-1936
Box   22
Folder   2
Descriptive book, 1865-1929
Box   22
Folder   3-4
Account book, 1907-1925
Box   58
Folder   Vol. 5
Personal war sketch book, 1861-1930
Box   22
Folder   5
Minute book, 1919-1937
Scope and Content Note: Includes newspaper clippings
Box   22
Folder   6
Miscellaneous, undated
Box   22
Folder   7
Newspaper clippings, 1930-1934
Box   22
Folder   8
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1929-1931
Box   22
Folder   9
Resolutions, 1930
Subseries: Post No. 21, James A. Garfield Post, Waupaca
Box   22
Folder   10
Descriptive book, 1881-1920
Box   22
Folder   11
Newspaper clippings, [1896-1924]
Box   22
Folder   12
Post financial record book, 1914-1924
Subseries: Post No. 22, Wood County Post, Grand Rapids
Box   23
Folder   1
Correspondence, 1912
Box   23
Folder   2
Mortuary report, 1906-1917
Subseries: Post No. 26, John E. Holms Post, Jefferson
Box   23
Folder   3
Pamphlet, 1926-1927
Subseries: Post No. 32, J. B. Wyman Post, Clintonville
Box   23
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1861-1906
Subseries: Post No. 34, Charles E. Curtis Post, Whitewater
Box   23
Folder   5
Descriptive book, 1861-1925
Box   23
Folder   6
Minute book, 1916-1928
Scope and Content Note: Includes news clippings
Subseries: Post No. 35, N.S. Frost Post, Prairie du Sac
Box   23
Folder   7
Descriptive book, 1891-1905
Box   23
Folder   8
Members account book, 1882-1902
Box   23
Folder   9
Roster, undated
Subseries: Post No. 36, Alex Lowrie Post, Viroqua
Box   23
Folder   10
Correspondence, 1937
Subseries: Post No. 37, P.W. Plumber Post, Prairie du Chien
Box   23
Folder   11
Annual ball, [1885-1928]
Box   23
Folder   12
Miscellaneous, [1901-1944]
Subseries: Post No. 39, T.J. Hungerford Post, Spring Green
Box   23
Folder   13
Post history, 1986
Scope and Content Note: Newspaper clipping
Box   23
Folder   14
Representatives and alternates, 1910
Box   23
Folder   15
Transfer card, 1894
Subseries: Post No. 44, J.P. Shepard Post, Menasha
Box   23
Folder   16
Resolution, 1897
Subseries: Post No. 49, W.S. Rosecrans, Grantsburg
Box   23
Folder   17
Adjutant's quarterly record, 1903-1905
Box   23
Folder   18
Adjutant's roll and quarterly record, 1906
Box   24
Folder   1
Descriptive book, 1861-1905
Box   24
Folder   2
Financial record book, 1902-1908
Box   24
Folder   3
Financial records, 1906-1908
Box   24
Folder   4
Meeting minute book, 1902-1910
Box   24
Folder   5
Miscellaneous, undated
Box   24
Folder   6
Roll of members, 1909
Subseries: Post No. 52, Eagle, Eau Claire
Box   24
Folder   7
Descriptive book, circa 1885
Subseries: Post No. 56, A.R. McDonald Post, Mazomaine
Box   24
Folder   8
Adjutant and quartermaster's records, 1900-1927
Box   24
Folder   9
Adjutant's quarterly record book, 1885-1887
Box   24
Folder   10-11
Meeting minute book, 1893-1917
Box   24
Folder   12
Miscellaneous, 1902-1927
Box   24
Folder   13
Mortuary report, undated
Box   25
Folder   1
Receipt book, 1902-1908
Box   25
Folder   2
Reports, 1895-1910; 1927
Subseries: Post No. 59, A.S. Northrop Post, Mauston
Box   25
Folder   3
Transfer card, 1902
Subseries: Post No. 60, A.D. Hamilton Post, Milton
Box   25
Folder   4-9
Meeting minute books, 1911-1927
Box   25
Folder   10
Member's account book, 1911-1927
Box   25
Folder   11
Miscellaneous, 1892; 1925
Box   25
Folder   12
Post financial record book, 1883-1888
Subseries: Post No. 66, William T. Sherman Post, Platteville
Box   25
Folder   13
Correspondence, 1916-1937
Subseries: Post No. 67, Samuel F. Curtis Post, West Lima
Box   25
Folder   14
Biographies of charter members and officers, undated
Box   25
Folder   15
Correspondence, 1936
Subseries: Post No. 68, James Comerford, Chippewa Falls
Box   26
Folder   1
Correspondence, 1884-1930
Box   26
Folder   2-3
Cash book, 1883-1911
Box   26
Folder   4
Check book stubs, 1925-1930
Box   26
Folder   5
Miscellaneous, [1884-1934]
Box   26
Folder   6
Quartermaster's account book, 1885-1930
Box   26
Folder   7
Receipts, 1904-1941
Box   26
Folder   8
Record book, 1912-1914
Box   27
Folder   1-4
Meeting minute books, 1883-1908
Box   28
Folder   1
Box   28
Folder   2-6
A-V, 1883-1900
Box   29
Folder   1
W-V, 1883-1900
Box   29
Folder   2
Honorable discharge cards, 1888-1889
Box   29
Folder   3
Transfer cards, 1863-1908
Box   29
Folder   4
Memorial Day, 1925-1941
Box   29
Folder   5
Miscellaneous, 1885-1891
Box   29
Folder   6
Adjutant's Report, 1888-1895
Box   29
Folder   7
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1896-1939
Box   29
Folder   8
Quartermaster's Report, 1883-1890
Box   29
Folder   9
Resolutions, 1889; 1898
Subseries: Post No. 69, Erastus Hoyt Post, Albany
Box   29
Folder   10
Adjutant's Quarterly Report and Roll of Officers, 1883-1886
Box   29
Folder   11
Check book, 1885-1890
Box   29
Folder   12
Descriptive book, 1863-1891
Box   29
Folder   13
Meeting mnute book, 1883-1891
Box   29
Folder   14
Member's account book, 1883-1887
Box   29
Folder   15
Miscellaneous, 1886; 1893-1897
Box   29
Folder   16
Receipt book, 1892
Subseries: Post No. 75, Sylvester Wheeler Post, Verona
Box   29
Folder   17
Bylaws, undated
Box   29
Folder   18
Descriptive book, 1861-1910
Box   30
Folder   1
Meeting minute book, 1888-1914
Box   30
Folder   2
Members account book, 1888-1910
Box   30
Folder   3
Miscellaneous, 1861; 1892-1918
Subseries: Post No. 77, John Flynn Post, North La Crosse
Box   30
Folder   4
Correspondence, 1916
Subseries: Post No. 79, George Emery Post, Wolf Creek
Box   30
Folder   5
Cash book, 1898-1907
Box   30
Folder   6
Descriptive book, 1861-1905
Box   30
Folder   7
Meeting minute book, 1898-1909
Subseries: Post No. 85, Jerry Turner Post, Viola
Box   30
Folder   8-9
Adjutant's Quarterly Record and Roll of Officers, 1884-1898
Box   30
Folder   10-11
Adjutant's Quarterly Record, 1898-1916
Box   31
Folder   1
Descriptive book, 1861-1916
Box   31
Folder   2-4
Meeting minute books, 1883-1901; 1909-1921
Box   31
Folder   5-6
Member's Account Books, 1883-1919
Box   31
Folder   7
Miscellaneous, 1891-1915
Subseries: Post No. 88, William A. Barstow Post, Kendall
Box   32
Folder   1-2
Adjutant's Quarterly Record and Roll of Officers, 1886-1904
Box   32
Folder   3
Bylaws and Roll of Members, [1883-1933]
Scope and Content Note: Includes WRC 1915 membership information
Box   32
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1861-1896
Box   32
Folder   5-6
Meeting minute books, 1883-1904
Box   32
Folder   7-8
Member's Account Books, 1883-1904
Box   32
Folder   9
Miscellaneous, 1891-1904
Subseries: Post No. 90, W.W. Patton Post, Brodhead
Box   32
Folder   10
Transfer card, 1898
Subseries: Post No. 91, Harrison Post, De Pere
Box   32
Folder   11
Correspondence, 1916
Subseries: Post No. 95, John W. Christian Post, Mondovi
Box   33
Folder   1
Adjutant and Quartermaster Reports, 1905-1906
Box   33
Folder   2
Descriptive book, 1861-1913
Box   33
Folder   3-5
Meeting minute books, 1883-1919
Box   33
Folder   6
Member's account book, 1894-1896
Subseries: Post No. 98, J.B. Perkins Post, Augusta
Box   33
Folder   7
Financial record book, 1890-1915
Box   34
Folder   1
Meeting minute book, 1899-1927
Box   34
Folder   2-3
Member's Account Books, 1884-1894
Subseries: Post No. 99, Iola Post, Iola
Box   34
Folder   4
Correspondence, 1899
Box   34
Folder   5
Descriptive book, 1865-1920
Box   34
Folder   6
Financial records, 1895; undated
Box   34
Folder   7-8
Meeting minute books, 1888-1906
Box   35
Folder   1
Member's account book, 1888-1906
Box   35
Folder   2
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1905
Box   35
Folder   3
Transfer card, 1900
Subseries: Post No. 104, Winfield Scott Post, Whitehall
Box   35
Folder   4
Meeting minutes, 1902
Scope and Content Note: Includes Quartermaster's Report
Box   35
Folder   5
Account book, 1883-1911
Box   35
Folder   6
Application, 1897
Box   35
Folder   7
Descriptive book, 1861-1912
Box   35
Folder   8
List of death dates, 1862-1906
Box   35
Folder   9
Mortuary report book, 1906-1919
Box   35
Folder   10
Transfer cards, 1906; 1903
Box   35
Folder   11
Post disbandment, 1920
Subseries: Post No. 107, Altoona Post, Altoona
Box   35
Folder   12
Transfer card, 1913
Subseries: Post No. 109, Williamson Post, Dodgeville
Box   59
Folder   Vol. 6
Personal war sketch book, 1890
Subseries: Post No. 110, James G. Blaine Post, Marshfield
Box   35
Folder   13
Annual Report of Post Patriotic Instructor, 1930
Scope and Content Note: Includes letter on status of the post
Box   35
Folder   14
Correspondence, 1915-1922
Box   35
Folder   15
Meeting minute book, 1901-1927
Box   35
Folder   16
Account book, 1891-1914
Box   35
Folder   17
Applications, 1884
Box   35
Folder   18
Descriptive book, 1883-1925
Box   36
Folder   1
Members in good standing
Box   36
Folder   2
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1921-1930
Box   36
Folder   3
Roll of members, 1892-1921
Box   36
Folder   4
Transfer cards, 1913-1916
Subseries: Post No. 114, Hans C. Hegg Post, Waupun
Box   36
Folder   5
Decoration Day, undated
Box   36
Folder   6
Descriptive book, 1861-1921
Box   36
Folder   7
Meeting minute book, 1890-1909
Subseries: Post No. 115, Delmont Post, Blaine
Box   36
Folder   8
Descriptive book, 1861-1893
Subseries: Post No. 116, J.W. Appleton Post, Black Creek
Box   36
Folder   9
Meeting minute book, 1897-1910
Box   36
Folder   10
Miscellaneous, undated
Box   36
Folder   11
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1908-1910
Subseries: Post No. 119, O.F. Mattice Post, Waterloo
Box   36
Folder   12
Transfer card, 1900
Subseries: Post No. 121, Joe Mower Post, Belleville
Box   36
Folder   13
Descriptive book, 1861-1916
Box   36
Folder   14
Meeting minute book [includes roll of members] , 1883-1915
Box   37
Folder   1
Member's account book, 1898-1921
Box   37
Folder   2
Miscellaneous, 1921
Subseries: Post No. 122, Badgero Post, Friendship
Box   37
Folder   3
Descriptive book, 1861-1914
Box   37
Folder   4
Meeting minute book, 1893-1911
Box   37
Folder   5
Member's account book, 1893-1926
Box   37
Folder   6
Miscellaneous reports, 1909-1910; 1923
Box   37
Folder   7
Transfer card, 1898
Subseries: Post No. 127, Benjamin Allen Post, Arkansas
Box   37
Folder   8
Bylaws and roster of members, 1909
Box   38
Folder   1
Correspondence, 1929-1932
Box   38
Folder   2
Descriptive book, 1861-1925
Box   38
Folder   3-5
Meeting minute books, 1933-1935
Box   38
Folder   6
Member's account book, 1922-1930
Box   38
Folder   7
Miscellaneous, 1894-1895; 1919-1931
Box   38
Folder   8
Receipts, 1921-1929
Box   38
Folder   9
Adjutant's Quarterly Record, 1921-1929
Box   38
Folder   10
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1936-1929
Box   38
Folder   11
Report of Assistant Inspector
Box   38
Folder   12
Roll of members
Subseries: Post No. 129, H.J. Lewis Post, Neenah
Box   38
Folder   13
Adjutant's Quarterly Record and Roll of Officers
Box   38
Folder   14
Descriptive book, 1861-1918
Meeting minute books
Box   39
Folder   1-5
Box   40
Folder   1
1914-1930 [includes burial information]
Box   40
Folder   2
Member's account book, 1884-1890
Box   40
Folder   3
Post history [newspaper clipping] , 1977
Subseries: Post No. 130, E.A. Brown Post, Fond du Lac
Box   40
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1861-1935
Subseries: Post No. 132, Tom Cox Post, Lancaster
Box   40
Folder   5
Member sketches from record book, undated
Subseries: Post No. 133, George D. Eggleston Post, Appleton
Box   55
Folder   5
List of members, 1911
Subseries: Post No. 136, Ben Sheldon Post, Brandon
Box   40
Folder   6
Member's account book, 1884-1933
Box   40
Folder   7
Miscellaneous, 1908-1913
Subseries: Post No. 137, H.S. Swift Post, Edgerton
Box   40
Folder   8
Descriptive book, 1961-1921
Box   41
Folder   1
Meeting minute book, 1898-1935
Box   41
Folder   2
Miscellaneous, 1913; undated
Subseries: Post No. 139, Charles H. Graves Post, Ashland
Box   41
Folder   3
Cash book, 1898-1907
Box   41
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1861-1902
Box   41
Folder   5
List of officers, 1904
Box   41
Folder   6-7
Meeting minute books, 1898-1907
Box   41
Folder   8
Miscellaneous, 1902-1905; undated
Subseries: Post No. 144, William Pitts Post, Dallas
Box   41
Folder   9
Adjutant's Quarterly Record and Roll of Officers, 1885-1894
Box   41
Folder   10
Descriptive book, 1861-1905
Box   42
Folder   1
Meeting minute book, 1884-1907
Box   42
Folder   2
Member's account book, 1884-1906
Box   42
Folder   3
Miscellaneous, 1906; undated
Box   42
Folder   4
Quartermaster's Bond, 1905-1906
Subseries: Post No. 152, Phillip Davenport Post, Soldier's Grove
Box   42
Folder   5
Descriptive book, 1861-1904
Box   42
Folder   6-7
Meeting minute books, 1884-1918
Box   42
Folder   8
Member's account book, 1884-1919
Subseries: Post No. 153, Philo C. Buckman, Stoughton
Box   42
Folder   9
Descriptive book, 1861-1921
Box   43
Folder   1-2
Meeting minute books, 1884-1889; 1892-1912
Box   43
Folder   3
Member's account book, 1891-1910
Box   43
Folder   4
Miscellaneous, undated
Box   43
Folder   5
Receipts and disbursements book, 1912-1932
Box   43
Folder   6
Reports, 1887; 1930-1931
Subseries: Post No. 154, Allen McVeigh Post, La Farge
Box   43
Folder   7
Member's account book, 1899-1911
Box   43
Folder   8
Miscellaneous, 1905-1910
Box   43
Folder   9
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1906-1907
Subseries: Post No. 160, Hiram Russell Post, Fremont
Box   44
Folder   1
Descriptive book, 1861-1898
Box   44
Folder   2
Meeting minute book, 1884-1900
Box   44
Folder   3-4
Member's account book, 1884-1904
Box   44
Folder   5
Miscellaneous, 1930
Subseries: Post No. 162, Belknap Fuge Post, Potosi
Box   44
Folder   6
Meeting minute book, 1900-1919
Box   44
Folder   7
Member's account book, 1888-1921
Subseries: Post No. 165, George M. West Post, Hartford
Box   44
Folder   8
Adjutant's Quarterly Record, 1913-1925
Box   44
Folder   9
Meeting minute book, 1904-1939
Subseries: Post No. 173, Sam Monteith Post, Fennimore
Box   44
Folder   10
Vicksburg reunion card, 1917
Subseries: Post No. 174, A.B. Thornburg Post, Lime Ridge
Box   45
Folder   1
Descriptive book, 1861-1896
Box   45
Folder   2-3
Meeting minute books, 1888-1908
Box   45
Folder   4
Member's account book, 1888-1907
Subseries: Post No. 180, Andrew Chambers Post, Weyauwega
Box   45
Folder   5
Descriptive book, 1861-1917
Scope and Content Note: Includes some news clippings
Box   45
Folder   6
Meeting minute book, 1904-1913
Box   45
Folder   7
Member's account book, 1905-1917
Subseries: Post No. 184, Luther T. Park Post, Black Earth
Box   46
Folder   1
Transfer card, 1901
Subseries: Post No. 193, A.J. Fullerton Post, West Bend
Box   47
Folder   2
Post history [newspaper article], 1985
Subseries: Post No. 194, Henry Bertram Post, Oconomowoc
Box   47
Folder   3
Financial record book, 1889-1918
Box   47
Folder   4
Meeting minute book, 1896-1918
Box   47
Folder   5
Member's account book, 1891-1917
Subseries: Post No. 201, Luther Crane Post, Burlington
Box   47
Folder   6
Adjutant's Quarterly Record, 1903-1914
Box   47
Folder   7
Cash book, 1891-1919
Box   47
Folder   8
Descriptive book, 1861-1914
Box   47
Folder   1
Meeting minute book, 1909-1918
Box   47
Folder   2
Member's account book, 1908-1918
Box   47
Folder   3
Miscellaneous, [1912-1918]
Subseries: Post No. 203, Charles A. Blair Post, Lowell
Box   47
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1961-1900
Box   47
Folder   5
Miscellaneous, 1897-1898
Subseries: Post No. 206, Pier Post, Argyle
Box   47
Folder   6
Descriptive book, 1861-1913
Box   47
Folder   7
Meeting minute book, 1885-1907
Box   47
Folder   8
Member's account book, 1895-1909
Subseries: Post No. 207, Samuel H. Sizer Post, Marinette
Box   47
Folder   9
Descriptive book, 1861-1917
Box   47
Folder   10
Meeting minute book, 1892-1898
Box   48
Folder   1-2
Meeting minute books, 1898-1931
Box   48
Folder   3
Member's account book, 1885-1930
Box   48
Folder   4
Miscellaneous, 1908; 1923-1931
Subseries: Post No. 208, W.H. Hamilton Post, Sun Prairie
Box   48
Folder   5
Descriptive book, 1861-1904
Subseries: Post No. 211, Old Guard Post, National Home, Milwaukee
Box   48
Folder   6
Bylaws, 1898
Box   49
Folder   1
Cash book, 1898-1906
Box   49
Folder   2
Descriptive book, 1861-1906
Box   49
Folder   3
Member's account book, 1898-1902
Box   49
Folder   4
Roster, 1905
Subseries: Post No. 212, H.P. Davidson Post, Plymouth
Box   49
Folder   5
Correspondence, 1911
Subseries: Post No. 215, George B. Lincoln Post, Union Grove
Box   49
Folder   6
Descriptive book, 1861-1909
Box   49
Folder   7-8
Meeting minute book, 1886-1918
Box   50
Folder   1
Member's account book, 1886-1918
Box   50
Folder   2
Mortuary report book, 1905-1907
Subseries: Post No. 221, C.M. McCarthy Post, Rockbridge
Box   50
Folder   3
Descriptive book, 1861-1907
Box   50
Folder   4
Meeting minute book, 1886-1905
Subseries: Post No. 223, George C. Drake Post, Milwaukee
Box   50
Folder   5
Adjutant's Roll and Quarterly Record, 1909-1915
Box   50
Folder   6
Black List Book, 1895
Box   50
Folder   7
Cash book, 1904-1917
Box   50
Folder   8
Correspondence, 1910; 1913
Court Martial of Charles P. Merrian
Box   50
Folder   9
Evidence, 1884; 1907-1914
Box   50
Folder   10
Testimony, 1908
Box   50
Folder   11
Proceedings, 1908
Meeting minute books
Box   50
Folder   12
Box   51
Folder   1-5
Account books
Box   51
Folder   6
Box   52
Folder   1-2
Box   52
Folder   3
Descriptive book, 1861-1928
Box   59
Folder   Vol. 7
Personal war sketch book, 1890
Subseries: Post No. 229, Frank H. Potter Post, Cambridge
Box   52
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1861-1926
Box   52
Folder   5
Inspector's report, 1910
Box   52
Folder   6
Meeting minute book, 1886-1924
Box   52
Folder   7
Member's account book, 1887-1923
Box   52
Folder   8
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1917-1922
Subseries: Post No. 230, Fred S. Lovell Post, Kenosha
Box   52
Folder   9
Descriptive book, 1861-1936
Box   52
Folder   10
Meeting minute book, 1917-1940
Subseries: Post No. 233, Capt. O.F. Brown Post, Glenwood
Box   53
Folder   1
Descriptive book, 1861-1917
Box   53
Folder   2
Leaves from the Book of the Quartermaster, 1906-1913
Box   53
Folder   3
Meeting minute book, 1907-1917
Subseries: Post No. 243, National Green Post, Shell Lake
Box   53
Folder   4
Descriptive book, 1861-1892
Subseries: Post No. 245, W.F. Daws Post, Necedah
Box   53
Folder   5
Correspondence, undated
Subseries: Post No. 253, George H. Bryant Post, Lake Mills
Box   53
Folder   6
Descriptive book, 1861-1912
Subseries: Post No. 255, Myron Gardner Post, Arcadia
Box   53
Folder   7
Reports of Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1928
Subseries: Post No. 280, J.E. Tourtellotte, Ladysmith
Box   53
Folder   8
Correspondence, 1916
Box   53
Folder   9
Meeting minute book, 1906-1909
Box   53
Folder   10
Member's account book, 1906-1909
Series: National G.A.R.
Box   53
Folder   11
Encampment, [1898-1933]
Box   53
Folder   12
Newspaper clippings, 1919
Box   53
Folder   13
Souvenir programs, 1885-1886; 1949
Box   53
Folder   14
Miscellaneous, [1893-1933]
Subseries: Orders
Box   53
Folder   15
Circular letters, [1891-1938]
General orders,
Box   53
Folder   16-18
Box   54
Folder   1-2
Subseries: Other states
Box   54
Folder   3
Circular letters, 1911-1926
Box   54
Folder   4-5
General orders, 1905-1931
Box   54
Folder   6
Miscellaneous, 1885; [1903-1915]
Subseries: Patriotic Instruction
Box   54
Folder   7
Correspondence of Department Patriotic Instructors, 1904-1907; undated
Rood, Hosea
Box   54
Folder   8-11
Correspondence, 1907-1920; undated
Box   54
Folder   12
List of patriotic instructors, Department and National, 1920
Scope and Content Note: Includes some notes on Rood's "Little Flag Book"
Box   54
Folder   13
Records, 1915-1920; undated
Box   54
Folder   14
Reports, 1920
Box   54
Folder   15
Writings on Patriotism, 1919; undated
Box   54
Folder   16
Ritual cards, undated
Appendix I: Index to Post Charter Book, 1880-1903 (Box 57)
Page Post Number
1 270
2 215
3 180
4 115
5 234
6 208
7 224
8 71
9 99
10 207
11 203
12 135
13-15 Misc. Certificates
16 35
17 43
18 160
19 174
20 32
21 136
22 33
23 139
24 90
25 137
26 233
27 60
28 211
29 158
30 144
31 221
32 196
33 72
34 51
35 73
36 49
37 15
38 88
39 Facsimile of Post No. 1, Illinois Charter
40 69
41 116
42 232
43 163
44 65
45 95
46 242
47 175
48 272
49 59
50 152
51 159
52 14
53a 145
53b 34
54 123
55 20
56 7
57 230
58 130
59 191
60 86
61 76
62a Post No. 117 Charter Member List
62b 206
63a 140
63b 153
64a 276
64b 1
65 45
66 52
67 98

Appendix II: Appendix II Wisconsin G.A.R. Posts by Post Number
No. Name Location Charter Date
1 E. B Wolcott Milwaukee Feb. 14, 1880
2 Robert Chivas Milwaukee June 9, 1875
3 Abraham Lincoln Darien Aug. 16, 1897
4 J. H. Williams Berlin Sept. 8, 1866
5 J. H. Knight Butternut Nov. 22, 1889
6 G. H. Thomas Delavan Nov. 28, 1874
7 J. F. Sawyer Omro Feb. 11, 1880
8 Veteran National Home Milwaukee Apr. 26, 1870
9 Joseph Hooker Baraboo Mar. 4, 1880
10 P. H. Sheridan Oshkosh Aug. 1, 1866
11 Lucius Fairchild Madison June 10, 1866
12 J. Richardson Sheboygan Falls July 10, 1883
13 H. A. Taylor Reedsburg Apr. 10, 1880
14 Rosseau Portage Apr. 13, 1880
15 William McKinley La Crosse Nov. 29, 1901
16 Captain I. Eckles Amherst Apr. 18, 1880
17 Governor Harvey Racine Jan. 24, 1881
18 H. M. Walker Manitowoc Apr. 28, 1881
19 W. B. Cushing Waukesha May 24, 1881
20 W. H. Sargent Janesville Oct. 21, 1881
21 J. A. Garfield Waupaca Oct. 26, 1881
22 Wood County Grand Rapids Dec. 9, 1881
23 W. K. Forshey Wyalusing Mar. 27, 1888
24 Henry Dillion Lone Rock Feb. 23, 1882
25 George H. Irwin Lodi Mar. 19, 1892
26 John E. Holmes Jefferson Apr. 15, 1883
27 J. B. McPherson Lake Geneva Apr. 18, 1882
28 George F. Brayton Kingston Mar. 17, 1888
29 D. D Barker Abrams Apr. 22, 1896
30 John W. Lynn Sparta Apr. 24, 1882
31 John H. Ely Juneau June 1, 1882
32 J. B. Wyman Clintonville May 9, 1882
33 W. H. Bennett Richland Center May 1, 1882
34 C. E. Curtis Whitewater June 29, 1882
35 N. S. Frost Prairie du Sac July 1, 1882
36 Alex Lowrie Viroqua July 17, 1882
37 P. W. Plumber Prairie du Chien July 5, 1881
38 Wilson Colwell La Crosse July 15, 1882
39 T. J. Hungerford Spring Green July 15, 1882
40 B. J. Sweet Stockbridge Oct. 6, 1882
41 T. J. Sutphen Evansville Sept. 24, 1882
42 Henry W. Cressy Tomah Aug. 14, 1882
43 Raymond Mayville Sept. 2, 1882
44 J. P. Shepard Menasha Sept. 8, 1882
45 Harvey Darlington Oct. 10, 1882
46 Henry Turner New London Sept. 10, 1882
47 Frank Prevay Elroy Oct. 6, 1882
48 Charles G. Bacon Neillsville Nov. 14, 1882
49 W. S. Rosecrans Granstburg 1903
50 John Gillespie Kilbourn Oct. 26, 1882
51 Starkweather Bear Creek Nov. 26, 1897
52 Eagle Eau Claire Nov. 8, 1882
53 George W. Bell Wonewoc Nov. 18, 1882
54 L. H. D. Crane Beloit Nov. 21, 1882
55 Lysander Cutler Wausau Dec, 5, 1882
56 A. R. McDonald Mazomaine Dec. 1, 1882
57 Charles Edgerton Warrens Dec. 30, 1882
58 William Evans Menomonie Jan. 6, 1883
59 A. S. Northrop Mauston Jan. 10, 1883
60 A. D. Hamilton Milton Jan. 10, 1883
61 W. P. Mitchell New Lisbon Jan. 17, 1883
62 E. A. Colburn Bruce Jan. 4, 1902
63 E. B. Cornwall Eagle Corners Jan. 26, 1883
63 T.B. Crawford Westfield Oct. 9, 1906
64 W. D. Walker Montello Feb. 27, 1883
65 F. Jackel Spooner 1903
66 William T. Sherman Platteville Feb. 6, 1883
67 S. F. Curtis West Lima Mar. 15, 1883
68 James Comerford Chippewa Falls Mar. 15, 1883
69 Erastus Hoyt Albany Mar. 26, 1883
70 Alexis Tallman Clinton Apr. 18, 1883
71 O. B. Rice Eleva Apr. 25, 1896
72 Custer Rock Elm Mar. 26, 1883
73 James S. Alban Pittsville May 10, 1883
74 E. A. Ramsay Oconto Oct. 10, 1883
75 Sylvester Wheeler Verona Feb. 21, 1888
76 Rutherford B. Hayes Elkhorn May 10, 1883
77 John Flynn North La Crosse May 5, 1883
78 J. A. Kellogg Antigo May 15, 1898
79 George Emery Wolf Creek Jan. 15, 1898
80 O. D. Chapman Gays Mills Apr. 25, 1883
81 W. H. Hawley Shawano May 4, 1883
82 Charles Coleman Durand May 17, 1883
83 John Faller North Freedom May 2, 1883
84 A. S. Bennett Downing May 12, 1883
85 Jerry Turner Viola May 24, 1883
86 Col. Ellsworth Merrillan May 15, 1883
87 P. C. Judkins Alma Center June 18, 1883
88 W. A. Barstow Kendall May 21, 1883
89 Nathan Hoyt Woodstock May 25, 1883
90 W. W. Patton Brodhead June 4, 1883
91 Harrison De Pere June 18, 1883
92 William Moore Black River Falls June 11, 1883
93 W. G. Wheeler Osseo Apr. 28, 1888
94 O. D. Pease Watertown July 7, 1883
95 J. W. Christian Mondovi July 14, 1883
96 Thomas H. Oates Shullsburg July 16, 1883
97 Will. A. Nelson Forrestville Aug. 11, 1883
98 J. B. Perkins Augusta Aug. 3, 1883
99 Iola Iola Apr. 21, 1883
100 George H. Stevens Fox Lake Aug. 29 1883
101 J. McDermott Boscobel Aug. 15, 1883
102 O. F. Pinney Monroe Aug. 29, 1883
103 B. I. Humphrey New Richmond Sept. 18, 1883
104 Winfield Scott Whitehall Aug. 29, 1883
105 M. G. Townsend Pewaukee May 3, 1883
106 James Mason De Soto Oct. 16, 1883
107 Allatoona Arena Sept. 7, 1883
108 James Little Pepin July 7, 1894
109 Williamson Dodgeville Sept. 18, 1883
110 James G. Blaine Marshfield Oct. 23, 1883
111 McKensie St. Croix Falls Sept. 24, 1883
112 I. N. Earl Colby Dec. 18, 1883
113 John Ross Monticello Oct. 6, 1883
114 Hans C. Hegg Waupun Oct. 16, 1886
115 Belmont Blaine June 15, 1888
116 J. W. Appleton Black Creek Oct. 25, 1883
117 George Hall Beaver Dam Oct. 29, 1883
118 Ellsworth Ellsworth Nov. 23, 1883
119 O. F. Mattice Waterloo Nov. 7, 1883
120 J. B. Steadman Manawa Nov. 6, 1883
121 Joe Mower Belleville Nov. 8, 1883
122 Badgero Friendship Dec. 13, 1883
123 O. E. Rice Oregon Nov. 26, 1883
124 T. O. Howe Green Bay Dec. 29, 1883
125 George H. Legate Mineral Point Dec. 20, 1883
126 F. A. Marden Wis Vets Home June 14, 1883
127 Benjamin Allen Arkansas Dec. 29, 1883
128 A. Wetherby Chetek Jan. 15, 1884
129 H. J. Lewis Neenah Jan. 18, 1884
130 E. A. Brown Fond du Lac Jan. 19, 1884
131 Lincoln Merrill June 24, 1884
132 Tom Cox Lancaster May 17, 1884
133 G. D. Eggleston Appleton Jan. 31, 1884
134 Will Hickock Bloomington Feb. 6, 1884
135 Edward Saxe Wautoma Feb. 23, 1884
136 Ben Sheldon Brandon Mar. 7, 1884
137 H. S. Swift Edgerton Feb. 11, 1884
138 Joseph Bailey Palmyra Feb. 16, 1884
139 Charles H. Graves Berlin Feb. 11, 1884
140 George A. Custer Ashland Feb. 19, 1884
141 Henry Didiot Hillsboro Mar. 12, 1884
142 Emerson Opdyke Clear Lake Mar. 7, 1884
143 J. C. Miller Oxford Mar. 15, 1884
144 William Pitts Dallas Mar. 13, 1884
145 Gen. Jason Shields Medford Mar. 25, 1884
146 Harvey M. Brown Columbus Apr. 10, 1884
147 N. P. Lyon Bloomer Mar. 31, 1884
148 Joseph Shannon Knapp Apr. 9, 1884
149 Plover Plover Mar. 21, 1884
150 Thos. Eubanks Hancock Mar. 24, 1884
151 Edwin A. Clapp Hudson Mar. 24, 1884
152 Phillip Davenport Soldier's Grove May 3, 1884
153 Philo C. Buckman Stoughton Mar. 29, 1884
154 Allen McVeigh Lafarge Apr. 23, 1884
155 John M. Read Kewaunee May 6, 1884
156 Stevens Point Stevens Point Apr. 9, 1884
157 W.W. Olds Turtle Lake Apr. 23, 1884
158 Jason Williams Ontario Apr. 19, 1884
159 Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson Apr. 24, 1884
160 Hiram Russel Fremont Apr. 30, 1884
161 Elijah Amidon Melrose May 11, 1894
162 Belknap Fuque Potosi July 21, 1884
163 Asbra Welcome Thorp May 12, 1884
164 C. P. Garlick Osceola Mills May 22, 1884
165 George M. West Hartford May 31, 1884
166 M. W. Heller Rice Lake Aug. 1, 1884
167 John Green Eau Galle Feb. 21, 1884
168 H. F. Pruyn Dorchester July 9, 1884
169 John Echternach Theresa July 10, 1884
170 Alonzo Palmer Superior Aug. 9, 1884
171 Henry Conklin East Troy Aug. 16, 1884
172 Martin Watson Barron Aug. 6, 1884
173 Sam Monteith Fennimore Aug. 12, 1884
174 A. B. Thornburg Lime Ridge Aug. 11, 1884
175 Rufus King S. Milwaukee Nov. 15, 1884
176 John Bragg Gratiot Aug. 8, 1884
177 J. N. Nichols River Falls Aug. 23, 1884
178 Henry C. Isbell Birnamwood Dec. 18, 1884
179 H. T. Sanders Norwalk Sept. 5, 1884
180 Andrew Chambers Weyauwega Sept. 6, 1884
181 Phillips Phillips Sept. 7, 1884
182 S. A. Bean Hammond Sept. 17, 1884
183 George C. Ginty Cadott Dec. 28, 1891
184 Luther T. Park Black Earth Oct. 18, 1884
185 M. E. Sexton Sextonville Oct. 7, 1884
186 William Payne Pardeeville Oct. 6, 1884
187 Gus. Wintermeyer Sheboygan Nov. 28, 1884
188 W. J. Kershaw Briggsville Oct. 27, 1884
189 R. P. Converse Prescott Dec. 16, 1884
190 Gen. Lyle Kiel Dec. 27, 1884
191 Ren Dixon Mount Horeb Mar. 25, 1885
192 O. O. Heald Cascade Feb. 26, 1885
193 A. J. Fullerton West Bend Mar. 21, 1885
194 Henry Bertram Oconomowoc Mar. 26, 1885
195 George Parsons Merrimac Apr. 25, 1885
196 Fimian Alma May 25, 1885
197 W. Waterman Plainfield Aug. 22, 1885
198 John Granzo Seymour June 24, 1885
199 H. S. Eggleston Ripon June 23, 1885
200 Alex Rickey Hersey Jan. 8, 1886
201 Luther Crane Burlington Aug. 6, 1885
202 Harry Randall Dartford Sept. 4, 1885
203 Charles Blair Lowell May 26, 1889
204 Ulysses S. Grant Maiden Rock Aug. 1, 1885
205 J. B. Reynolds Chilton Aug. 2, 1886
206 Pier Argyle Dec.2, 1885
207 Samuel H. Sizer Marinette Sept. 14, 1885
208 W. H. Hamilton Sun Prairie Sept. 18, 1885
209 Ennis Reed White Creek Mar. 23, 1889
210 Francis Steffen Hortonville Sept. 25, 1885
211 Old Guard National Home May 17, 1898
212 H. P. Davidson Plymouth Nov. 8, 1885
213 John.A. Eaton Greenwood Oct. 20, 1885
214 John Hazen Cashton Feb. 11, 1886
215 G. B. Lincoln Union Grove Jan. 11, 1886
216 C. Green Lynxville Mar. 27, 1886
217 Unity Unity May 20, 1886
218 Joe Mower Cassville June 18, 1886
219 Joe Rankin Two Rivers June 13, 1886
220 John Hauff Horicon June 15, 1886
221 C. McCarthy Rockbridge Aug. 24. 1886
222 H.M. Gibbs Brillion Sept. 18, 1887
223 George C. Drake Milwaukee Aug. 18, 1886
224 John E. Gurley Blanchardville Dec. 24, 1886
225 Cumberland Cumberland Sept. 20, 1886
226 S. S. Schuyler Sturgeon Bay Oct. 16, 1886
227 Arzo Young Winneconne Jan. 5, 1889
228 Wallace Dantz Princeton Oct. 8, 1886
229 Frank H. Potter Cambridge Jan. 5, 1887
230 Fred S. Lovell Kenosha Apr. 11, 1887
231 J. S. Ewing Poysippi Apr. 11, 1887
232 J. A. Logan Rhinelander May 5, 1887
233 Nelson Quiggle Mindoro June 3, 1887
234 Cyprian Downer Bangor May 28, 1887
235 G. A. Fisk Cataract June 4, 1887
236 Col. C.R. Gill Loyal Aug. 5, 1887
237 Aug. Roemheld Prairie Farm July 16, 1887
238 John A. Otis Trimbelle Aug. 11, 1887
239 C. A. Arthur Ogdensburg Nov. 3, 1887
240 Rank and File Milwaukee June 7, 1888
241 John W. Scott Oshkosh Dec. 22, 1887
242 J. Andregg Algoma Jun. 11, 1887
243 Nat. Green Shell Lake Jan. 28, 1888
244 W. S. Hancock Cedarburg Jan. 21, 1888
245 W. F. Dawes Necedah Feb. 9, 1889
246 Isaae Hendricks Campbellsport Feb. 7, 1889
247 P. H. Beaulieu Kaukauna Feb. 15, 1889
248 William Taylor Peshtigo Feb. 16, 1889
249 A. E. Burnside Bayfield Mar. 25, 1889
250 Robert Mueller Milwaukee Apr. 8, 1889
251 H. E. Hess Eureka Apr. 19, 1889
252 Gen. Warren Nelson Apr. 23, 1889
253 Maj. G.H. Bryant Lake Mills May 28, 1889
254 Frank Ellenbecker Pt. Washington June 25, 1889
255 Myron Gardner Arcadia June 28, 1889
256 E. W. Long Wittenberg June 29, 1889
257 Peter Weber Fountain City July 15, 1889
258 Charles H. Ford Galesville July 24, 1889
259 Alban Hurly July 30, 1889
260 Sol. Meredith Hayward Aug. 20, 1889
261 Jos. Ledergerber Keshena Aug. 16, 1889
262 Nicholas Friedel Rome Aug.24, 1889
263 Daniel Chapman Amery Oct. 25, 1889
264 Ben Davis Oakley Feb. 22, 1889
265 Brad. Phillips Royalton Feb. 16, 1891
266 W. O. Topping Hazel Green Apr. 22, 1891
267 William Atkinson Thurman May 23, 1891
268 Dupont Florence June 30, 1891
269 General Hincus New Cassell Aug. 24, 1891
270 Duane Patton Sharon July 27, 1891
271 G.H. Brayton Fall River Sept. 28 1891
272 Jerry Rusk Spring Valley Jan. 21, 1895
273 J. D. Robie Superior Jan. 25, 1893
274 William Steinmeyer Milwaukee July 6, 1892
275 Oliver A. Hegg Independence Jan. 26, 1893
276 H. O. Watrous Spencer Jan. 19, 1895
277 Wausaukee Wausaukee Aug.12, 1899
278 Oneida Oneida Res. Sept. 21, 1899
279 H. W. Lawton Muscoda Mar. 1, 1900
280 J. E. Tourtelotte Ladysmith March 31, 1910

Appendix III: Wisconsin G.A.R. Posts Alphabetical by Post Name
Name Location Post No.
Alban Hurley 259
Alban, James S. Pittsville 73
Allen, Benjamin Arkansaw 127
Altoona Arena 107
Amadon, Elijah Melrose 161
Andregg, J. Algoma 242
Appleton, J. W. Black Creek 116
Arthur, C. A. Ogdensburg 239
Atkinson, William Thurman 267
Bacon, Charles Neillsville 48
Badgero Friendship 122
Bailey, Joseph Palmyra 138
Barker, D. D. Abrams 29
Barstow, William Kendall 88
Beans, S. A. Hammond 182
Beaulieu, Wm. A. Kaukauna 247
Bell, George W. Wonewoc 53
Belmont Eau Claire 115
Bennett, A. S. Downing 84
Bertram, Henry Oconomowoc 194
Blaine, James G. Marshfield 110
Blair, Charles A. Lowell 203
Bragg, John Gratiot 176
Brayton, George F. Kingston 28
Brown, E. A. Fond du Lac 130
Brown, H. M. Columbus 146
Bryant, George H. Lake Mills 253
Buckman, Philo C. Stoughton 153
Burbank, Estrick Mather 248
Burnside, A. E. Bayfield 249
Chambers, Andrew Weyauwega 180
Chapman, O. D. Gays Mills 80
Chivas, Robert Milwaukee 2
Christian, John W. Mondovi 95
Clapp, Edward A. Hudson 151
Colburn, E. A. Bruce 62
Coldwell, Wilson La Crosse 38
Coleman, Charles Durand 82
Comerford, James Chippewa Falls 68
Concklin, Henry East Troy 171
Converse, H. P. Prescott 189
Cornwall, E. B. Eagle Corners 63
Cox, Tom Lancaster 132
Crane, L. H. D. Beloit 54
Crane, Luther Burlington 201
Crawford, T. B. Westfield 63
Cressy, Henry W. Tomah 42
Cumberland Cumberland 225
Curtis, Charles E. Whitewater 34
Curtis, S. F. West Lima 67
Cushing, W. B. Waukesha 19
Custer Rock Elm 72
Custer, George A. Ashland 140
Cutler, Lysander Wausau 55
Dantz, Wallace Princeton 228
Davenport, Phillip Soldiers Grove 152
Davidson, H. P. Plymouth 212
Davis, Ben Oakley 264
Daws, W. F. Necedah 245
Didiot, Henry Hillsboro 141
Dillon, Henry Lone Rock 24
Dixon, Ren Mt. Horeb 191
Donner, Cyprian Bangor 234
Drake, George C. Milwaukee 223
Dupont Florence 268
Eagle Eau Claire 52
Earl, T. N. Colby 112
Eaton, John A. Greenwood 213
Echternach, John Theresa 169
Eckels, Capt. F. Amherst 16
Edgerton, Charles Warrens 57
Eggleston, Geo. D. Appleton 133
Eggleston, H. S. Ripon 199
Ellenbecker, Frank Port Washington 254
Ellsworth Ellsworth 118
Ellsworth, Col. Merrillan 86
Ely, John H. Juneau 31
Emery, George Wolf Creek 79
Eubanks, Thomas Hancock 150
Evans, William Menomonie 58
Ewing, James S. Poysippi 231
Fairchild, Lucius Madison 11
Faller North Freedom 83
Fimian Alma 196
Fisk, G. A. Cataract 235
Flynn, John North La Crosse 77
Ford, Charles Galesville 258
Forshay, W. K. Wayalusing 23
Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson 159
Friedel, Nicholas Rome 262
Frost, N. S. Prairie du Sac 35
Fullerton, A. J. West Bend 193
Fuque, Belknap Potosi 162
Gardner, Myron Arcadia 255
Garfield, James A. Waupaca 21
Garlick, C. P. Osceola Mills 164
Gibbs, H. M. Brillion 222
Gill, C. R. Loyal 263
Gillespie, John Kilbourn 50
Ginty, George Cadott 183
Grant, U. S. Maiden Rock 204
Granzo, John Seymour 198
Graves, Charles H. Berlin 139
Green, C. Lynxville 216
Green, John Eau Galle 167
Green, Nat. Shell Lake 243
Gurley, John E. Blanchardsville 224
Hall, George Beaver Dam 117
Hamilton, A. D. Milton 60
Hamilton, W. H. Sun Prairie 208
Hancock, W. S. Cedarburg 244
Harrison De Pere 91
Harvey Darlington 45
Harvey, Gov. Racine 17
Hauff, John Horicon 220
Hawley, W. H. Shawano 81
Hays, Rutherford Elkhorn 76
Hazen, John Cashton 214
Heald, A. O. Cascade 192
Hegg, Hans C. Waupun 114
Hegg, Oliver A. Independence 275
Heller, M. W. Rice Lake 166
Hendricks, Isaac Campbellsport 246
Hess, H. E. Eureka 251
Hickok, Will Bloomington 134
Holmes, John E. Jefferson 26
Hooker, Joseph Baraboo 9
Howe, T. O. Green Bay 124
Hoyt, Erastus Albany 69
Hoyt, Nathan Woodstock 89
Humphrey, A. K. Knapp 148
Humphrey, B. I. New Richmond 103
Hungerford, T. J. Spring Green 39
Iola Iola 99
Irwin, George Lodi 25
Isabell, H. C. Birnamwood 178
Jackel, F. Spooner 65
Judkins, P. C. Alma Center 87
Kellogg, John A. Antigo 78
Kershaw, W. C. Briggsville 188
Kilpatrick, J. Camp Douglas 29
King, Rufus Milwaukee (So.) 175
Knight, J. H. Butternut 5
Lawton, H. W. Muscoda 279
Ledergerber, Jos. Keshena 261
Legate, George Mineral Point 125
Lewis, H. J. Neenah 129
Lincoln Merrill 131
Lincoln, A. Darien 3
Lincoln, G. B. Union Grove 215
Little, James Pepin 108
Logan, J. A. Rhinelander 232
Long, E. W. Wittenburg 256
Lovell, Fred A. Kenosha 230
Lowrie, Alex Viroqua 36
Lynn, John W. Sparta 30
Lyon, N. P. Bloomer 147
Lyttle, Gen. Kiel 190
Marden, F. A. King 126
Mason, James De Sota 106
Mattice, O. F. Waterloo 119
McCarthy, C. M. Rockbridge 221
McDermott, J. Boscobel 101
McDonald, A. R. Mazomanie 56
McKenzie St. Croix Falls 111
McKinley, William La Crosse 15
McPherson, J. B. Lake Geneva 27
McVey, Allen La Farge 154
Meredith, Soloman Hayward 260
Miller, J. C. Oxford 143
Mitchell, W. P. New Lisbon 61
Monteith, Sam Fennimore 173
Moore, William Black River Falls 92
Mower, Joe Belleville 121
Mueller, Joseph Cassville 218
Mueller, Robert Milwaukee 250
Nelson, Will A. Forrestville 97
Nichols, L. N. River Falls 177
Northrup, A. S. Mauston 59
Oates, Thomas H. Shullsburg 96
Old Guard Milwaukee 211
Olds, W. W. Turtle Lake 157
Oneida Oneida Res. 278
Opdyke, Emerson Clear Lake 142
Otis, John A. Trimbelle 238
Palmer, Alonzo Superior 170
Park, Luther T. Black Earth 184
Parsons, George Merrimac 195
Patton, Wesley W. Brodhead 90
Payne, William Pardeeville 186
Pease, O. D. Watertown 94
Perkins, John E. Augusta 98
Phillips Phillips 181
Phillips, Brad. Royalton 265
Pier Argyle 206
Pinney, P. W. Monroe 102
Pitts, William Dallas 144
Plover Plover 149
Plummer, P. W. Prairie du Chien 37
Potter, Frank Cambridge 229
Prevay, Frank Elroy 47
Pruyn, H. F. Dorchester 168
Quiggle, Nelson Mindoro 233
Ramsay, E. A. Oconto 74
Randall, Harry Green Lake 202
Rank and File Milwaukee 240
Raukin, Joe Two Rivers 219
Raymond Mayville 43
Reed, Ennis White Creek 209
Reed, John M. Kewaunee 155
Reynolds, J. B. Chilton 205
Rice, O. B. Eleva 71
Rice, O. E. Oregon 123
Richardson, J. Sheboygan Falls 12
Rickey, Alex Hersey 200
Robie J. D. Superior 273
Roemhild, Augustus Prairie Farm 237
Rosencrans, W. S. Grantsburg 49
Ross, John Monticello 113
Rosseau Portage 14
Rusk, Jerry Spring Valley 272
Russell, Hiram Fremont 160
Sanders, H. T. Norwalk 179
Sargent, W. H. Janesville 20
Sawyer, J. F. Omro 7
Saxe, Edward Wautoma 135
Schuyler, H. S. Sturgeon Bay 226
Scott, John W. Oshkosh 241
Scott, Winfield Whitehall 104
Sexton, M. E. Sextonville 185
Sheldon, Ben Brandon 136
Shepard, J. B. Menasha 44
Sheridan, P. H. Oshkosh 10
Sherman, Wm. T. Platteville 66
Shields, James Medford 145
Sizer, Samuel H. Marinette 207
Starkweather Bear Creek 51
Steadman, J. B. Manawa 120
Steffen, Francis Hortonville 210
Steinmeyer, Wm. Milwaukee 274
Stevens Point Stevens Point 156
Stevens, George H. Fox Lake 100
Suthpen, T. J. Evansville 41
Sweet, B. J. Stockbridge 40
Swift, C. S. Edgerton 137
Tallman, Alexis Clinton 70
Tator, H. A. Reedsburg 13
Tatten, Duane Sharon 270
Thomas, George H. Delavan 6
Thornberg, A. D. Lime Ridge 174
Topping, W. O. Hazel Green 266
Tourtelotte, J. E. Ladysmith 280
Townsend, M. G. Pewaukee 105
Turner, Henry New London 46
Turner, Jerry Viola 85
Unity Unity 217
Vet. National Home Milwaukee 8
Walker, H. M. Manitowoc 18
Walker, W. D. Montello 64
Warren Nelson 252
Waterman, Walter Plainfield 197
Watrous, H. O. Spencer 276
Watson, Martin Barron 172
Wausaukee Wausaukee 277
Weatherby, A. Chetek 128
Weber, Peter Fountain City 257
Welcome Asbra Thorp 163
West, George W. Hartford 165
Wheeler, Arch Coloma Station 269
Wheeler, Sylvester Verona 75
Wheeler, Wm. G. Osseo 93
Williams, J. H. Berlin 4
Williams, James Ontario 158
Williamson Dodgeville 109
Wintermeyer, Gus Sheboygan 187
Wolcott, E. B. Milwaukee 1
Wood County Wisconsin Rapids 22
Wyman, J. B. Clintonville 32
Young, Arzo Winneconne 227

Appendix IV: Wisconsin G.A.R. Posts - Alphabetical by City
City Post No.
Abrams 29
Albany 69
Algoma 242
Alma 196
Alma Center 87
Amherst 16
Antigo 78
Appleton 133
Arcadia 255
Arena 107
Argyle 206
Arkansaw 127
Ashland 140
Augusta 98
Bangor 234
Baraboo 9
Barron 172
Bayfield 249
Bear Creek 51
Beaver Dam 117
Belleville 121
Beloit 54
Berlin 139
Berlin 4
Birnamwood 178
Black Creek 116
Black Earth 184
Black River Falls 92
Blanchardsville 224
Bloomer 147
Bloomington 134
Boscobel 101
Brandon 136
Briggsville 188
Brillion 222
Brodhead 90
Bruce 62
Burlington 201
Cadott 183
Cambridge 239
Camp Douglas 29
Campbellsport 246
Cascade 192
Cashton 214
Cassville 218
Cataract 235
Cedarburg 244
Chetek 128
Chilton 205
Chippewa Falls 68
Clear Lake 142
Clinton 70
Clintonville 32
Colby 112
Coloma Station 269
Columbus 146
Cumberland 225
Dallas 144
Darien 3
Darlington 45
De Pere 91
De Sota 106
Delevan 6
Dodgeville 109
Dorchester 168
Downing 84
Durand 82
East Troy 171
Eagle Corners 63
Eau Claire 115
Eau Claire 52
Eau Galle 167
Edgerton 137
Eleva 71
Elkhorn 76
Ellsworth 118
Elroy 47
Eureka 251
Evansville 41
Fall River 271
Fennimore 173
Florence 268
Fond du Lac 130
Forrestville 97
Fort Atkinson 159
Fountain City 257
Fox Lake 100
Fremont 160
Friendship 122
Galesville 258
Gays Mills 80
Grantsburg 49
Gratiot 176
Green Bay 124
Green Lake 202
Greenwood 213
Hammond 182
Hancock 150
Hartford 165
Hayward 260
Hazel Green 266
Hersey 200
Hillsboro 142
Horicon 220
Hortonville 210
Hudson 151
Hurley 259
Independence 275
Iola 99
Janesville 20
Jefferson 26
Juneau 31
Kaukauna 247
Kendall 88
Kenosha 230
Keshena 261
Kewaunee 155
Kiel 190
Kilbourn 50
King 126
Kingston 28
Knapp 148
La Crosse 38
La Crosse 15
La Crosse (North) 77
Ladysmith 280
La Farge 154
Lake Geneva 27
Lake Mills 253
Lancaster 132
Lime Ridge 174
Lodi 25
Lone Rock 24
Lowell 203
Loyal 263
Lynxville 216
Madison 11
Maiden Rock 204
Manawa 120
Manitowoc 18
Marinette 207
Marshfield 110
Mather 248
Mauston 59
Mayville 43
Mazomanie 56
Medford 145
Melrose 161
Menasha 44
Menomonie 58
Merrillan 86
Merrill 131
Merrimac 195
Milton 60
Milwaukee 1
Milwaukee 2
Milwaukee 8
Milwaukee 211
Milwaukee 223
Milwaukee 240
Milwaukee 250
Milwaukee 274
Milwaukee (South) 175
Mindoro 233
Mineral Point 125
Mondovi 95
Monroe 102
Montello 64
Monticello 113
Mt. Horeb 191
Muscoda 279
Necedah 245
Neenah 129
Neillsville 48
Nelson 252
New Lisbon 61
New London 46
New Richmond 103
North Freedom 83
Norwalk 179
Oakley 264
Oconomowoc 194
Oconto 74
Ogdensburg 239
Omro 7
Oneida 278
Ontario 158
Oregon 123
Osceola Mills 164
Oshkosh 241
Oshkosh 10
Osseo 93
Oxford 143
Palmyraa 138
Pardeeville 186
Pepin 108
Pewaukee 105
Phillips 181
Pittsville 73
Plainfield 197
Platteville 66
Plover 149
Plymouth 212
Port Washington 254
Portage 14
Potosi 162
Poysippi 231
Prairie du Chien 37
Prairie du Sac 35
Prairie Farm 237
Prescott 189
Princeton 228
Racine 17
Reedsburg 13
Rhinelander 232
Rice Lake 166
Ripon 199
River Falls 177
Rock Elm 72
Rockbridge 221
Rome 262
Royalton 265
Sextonville 185
Seymour 198
Sharon 270
Shawano 81
Sheboygan 187
Sheboygan Falls 12
Shell Lake 243
Shullsburg 96
Soldiers Grove 152
Sparta 30
Spencer 276
Spooner 65
Spring Green 39
Spring Valley 272
St. Croix Falls 111
Stevens Point 156
Stockbridge 40
Stoughton 153
Sturgeon Bay 226
Sun Prairie 208
Superior 170
Superior 273
Theresa 169
Thorp 163
Thurman 267
Tomah 42
Trimbelle 238
Turtle Lake 157
Two Rivers 219
Union Grove 215
Unity 217
Verona 75
Viola 85
Viroqua 36
Warrens 57
Waterloo 119
Watertown 94
Waukesha 19
Waupaca 21
Waupun 114
Wausau 55
Wausaukee 277
Wautoma 135
West Bend 193
West Lima 67
Weyanwege 180
White Creek 209
Whitehall 104
Whitewater 34
Winneconne 227
Wisconsin Rapids 22
Wittenburg 256
Wolf Creek 79
Wonewoc 53
Woodstock 89
Wyalusing 23

Appendix V: Wisconsin G.A.R. Posts by County
  • Post Nos.
  • 122
  • 209
  • 5
  • 140
  • 49
  • 128
  • 144
  • 157
  • 166
  • 172
  • 225
  • 237
  • 249
  • 254
  • 91
  • 124
  • 95
  • 196
  • 252
  • 257
  • 40
  • 205
  • 222
  • 68
  • 147
  • 183
  • 48
  • 112
  • 163
  • 168
  • 213
  • 236
  • 14
  • 25
  • 50
  • 146
  • 186
  • 267
  • 271
  • 37
  • 80
  • 152
  • 216
  • 11
  • 56
  • 75
  • 121
  • 123
  • 153
  • 184
  • 191
  • 208
  • 229
  • 31
  • 43
  • 100
  • 117
  • 169
  • 203
  • 220
  • 97
  • 226
  • 170
  • 273
  • 58
  • 84
  • 148
Eau Claire
  • 52
  • 98
  • 115
  • 268
Fond du Lac
  • 114
  • 130
  • 136
  • 199
  • 246
  • 269
  • 23
  • 66
  • 101
  • 132
  • 134
  • 162
  • 173
  • 218
  • 266
  • 279
  • 69
  • 90
  • 102
  • 113
  • 264
Green Lake
  • 4
  • 28
  • 139
  • 202
  • 228
  • 107
  • 109
  • 125
  • 259
  • 86
  • 87
  • 92
  • 161
  • 26
  • 94
  • 119
  • 138
  • 159
  • 253
  • 262
  • 47
  • 53
  • 59
  • 61
  • 245
  • 230
  • 155
  • 242
La Crosse
  • 15
  • 38
  • 77
  • 233
  • 234
La Fayette
  • 45
  • 96
  • 176
  • 206
  • 224
  • 78
  • 131
  • 18
  • 190
  • 219
  • 55
  • 217
  • 276
  • 207
  • 248
  • 277
  • 63
  • 64
  • 143
  • 188
  • 1
  • 2
  • 8
  • 211
  • 223
  • 240
  • 250
  • 274
  • 30
  • 42
  • 57
  • 88
  • 179
  • 214
  • 235
  • 29
  • 74
  • 232
  • 278
  • 46
  • 51
  • 116
  • 133
  • 198
  • 210
  • 247
  • 244
  • 82
  • 108
  • 127
  • 167
  • 72
  • 272
  • 118
  • 177
  • 189
  • 204
  • 238
  • 79
  • 164
  • 111
  • 142
  • 263
  • 16
  • 115
  • 149
  • 156
  • 181
  • 17
  • 201
  • 215
  • 24
  • 33
  • 63
  • 67
  • 85
  • 89
  • 185
  • 221
  • 20
  • 41
  • 54
  • 60
  • 70
  • 137
  • 62
  • 280
  • 9
  • 13
  • 35
  • 39
  • 83
  • 174
  • 195
  • 260
  • 81
  • 178
  • 261
  • 12
  • 187
  • 192
  • 212
St. Croix
  • 103
  • 151
  • 182
  • 200
  • 145
  • 71
  • 93
  • 104
  • 255
  • 258
  • 275
  • 36
  • 106
  • 141
  • 154
  • 158
  • 3
  • 6
  • 27
  • 34
  • 76
  • 171
  • 270
  • 65
  • 243
  • 165
  • 193
  • 19
  • 105
  • 194
  • 21
  • 32
  • 99
  • 120
  • 126
  • 160
  • 180
  • 239
  • 265
  • 135
  • 150
  • 197
  • 231
  • 7
  • 10
  • 44
  • 129
  • 227
  • 241
  • 251
  • 22
  • 73
  • 110
Appendix VI: National Encampments - Locations and Dates
Encampment No. Dates Held Location
1st Nov 20, 1866 Indianapolis, IN
2nd Jan 15, 1868 Philadelphia, PA
3rd May 12-13, 1869 Cincinnati, OH
4th May 11-12, 1870 Washington D.C.
5th May 10-11, 1871 Boston, MA
6th May 8-9, 1972 Cleveland, OH
7th May 14-15, 1873 New Haven, CT
8th May 13, 1874 Harrisburg, PA
9th May 12-13, 1875 Chicago, IL
10th June 30, 1876 Philadelphia, PA
11th June 26-27, 1877 Providence, RI
12th June 4, 1878 Springfield, IL
13th June 17-18, 1879 Albany, NY
14th June 8-9, 1880 Dayton, OH
15th June 15-16, 1881 Indianapolis, IN
16th June 21-23, 1882 Baltimore, MD
17th June 25-26, 1883 Denver, CO
18th June 23-25, 1884 Minneapolis, MN
19th June 24-25, 1885 Portland, ME
20th August 4-6, 1886 San Francisco, CA
21st Sept 28-30, 1887 St. Louis, MO
22nd Sept 12-14, 1888 Columbus, OH
23rd Aug 28-30, 1889 Milwaukee, WI
24th Aug 13-14, 1890 Boston, MA
25th Aug 5-7, 1891 Detroit, MI
26th Sept 21-22, 1892 Washington D.C.
27th Sept 6-7, 1893 Indianapolis, IN
28th Sept 12-13, 1894 Pittsburgh, PA
29th Sept 11-13, 1895 Louisville, KY
30th Sept 3-4, 1896 St. Paul, MN
31st Aug 25-27, 1897 Buffalo, NY
32nd Sept 5-6, 1898 Cincinnati, OH
33rd Sept 6-7, 1899 Philadelphia, PA
34th Aug 29-30, 1900 Chicago, IL
35th Sept 12-13, 1901 Cleveland, OH
36th Oct 9-10, 1902 Washington D.C.
37th August 20-21, 1903 San Francisco, CA
38th Aug 17-18, 1904 Boston, MA
39th Sept 7-8, 1905 Denver, CO
40th Aug 16-17, 1906 Minneapolis, MN
41st Sept 12-13, 1907 Saratoga Springs, NY
42nd Sept 3-4, 1908 Toledo, OH
43rd Aug 12-13, 1909 Salt Lake City, UT
44th Sept 22-23, 1910 Atlantic City, NJ
45th Aug 24-25, 1911 Rochester, NY
46th Sept 9-14, 1912 Los Angeles, CA
47th Sept 18-19, 1913 Chattanooga, TN
48th Sept 3-4, 1914 Detroit, MI
49th Sept 30- Oct 1,1915 Washington D.C.
50th Aug 28- Sept 2, 1916 Kansas City, MO
51st Aug 20-25, 1917 Boston, MA
52nd Aug 18-24, 1918 Portland, OR
53rd Sept 7-13, 1919 Columbus, OH
54th Sept 19-25, 1920 Indianapolis, IN
55th Sept 25-29, 1921 Indianapolis, IN
56th Sept 24-29, 1922 Des Moines, IA
57th Sept 2-8, 1923 Milwaukee, WI
58th Aug 10-15, 1924 Boston, MA
59th Aug 30- Sept 5, 1925 Grand Rapids, MI
60th Sept 9-25, 1926 Des Moines, IA
61st Sept 11-16, 1927 Grand Rapids, MI
62nd Sept 16-21, 1928 Denver, CO
63rd Sept 8-13, 1929 Portland, ME
64th Aug 24-28, 1930 Cincinnati, OH
65th Sept 13-18, 1931 Des Moines, IA
66th Sept 18-24, 1932 Springfield, IL
67th Sept 17-22, 1933 St. Paul, MN
68th Aug 12-18, 1934 Rochester, NY
69th Sept 8-14, 1935 Grand Rapids, MI
70th Sept 20-26, 1936 Washington D.C.
71st Sept 5-10, 1937 Madison, WI
72nd Sept 4-9, 1938 Des Moines, IA
73rd Aug 27- Sept 1, 1939 Pittsburgh, PA
74th Sept 8-13, 1940 Springfield, IL
75th Sept 14-19, 1941 Columbus, OH
76th Sept 13-18, 1942 Indianapolis, IN
77th Sept 19-24, 1943 Milwaukee, WI
78th Sept 10-15, 1944 Des Moines, IA
79th Sept 30- Oct 4, 1945 Columbus, OH
80th Aug 23-30, 1946 Indianapolis, IN
81st Aug 10-14, 1947 Cleveland, OH
82nd Sept 28-30, 1948 Grand Rapids, MI

Appendix VII: State Encampments - Locations and Dates
Encampment No. Year Location
1st 1867 Berlin
2nd 1868 Berlin
3rd 1869 Berlin
4th 1870 Berlin
5th 1871 Milwaukee
6th 1872 Milwaukee
7th 1873 Berlin
8th 1874 National Home
9th 1875 National Home
10th 1876 Milwaukee
11th 1877 Oshkosh
12th 1878 Milwaukee
13th 1879 Oshkosh
14th 1880 Oshkosh
15th 1881 Oshkosh
16th 1882 Oshkosh
17th 1883 Portage
18th 1884 Janesville
19th 1885 Madison
20th 1886 Milwaukee
21st 1887 Milwaukee
22nd 1888 Milwaukee
23rd 1889 Milwaukee
24th 1890 Milwaukee
25th 1891 Oshkosh
26th 1892 Madison
27th 1893 La Crosse
28th 1894 Janesville
29th 1895 Green Bay
30th 1896 Racine
31st 1897 Eau Claire
32nd 1898 Appleton
33rd 1899 Milwaukee
34th 1900 Superior
35th 1901 Sheboygan
36th 1902 Stevens Point
37th 1903 Chippewa Falls
38th 1904 Madison
39th 1905 La Crosse
40th 1906 Marinette
41st 1907 Oshkosh
42nd 1908 Racine
43rd 1909 Eau Claire
44th 1910 Fond du Lac
45th 1911 Green Bay
46th 1912 Antigo
47th 1913 Menasha-Neenah
48th 1914 Madison
49th 1915 Wausau
50th 1916 Ripon
51st 1917 Kenosha
52nd 1918 Ashland
53rd 1919 Waukesha
54th 1920 Baraboo
55th 1921 Antigo
56th 1922 Eau Claire
57th 1923 Oshkosh
58th 1924 Janesville
59th 1925 Sheboygan
60th 1926 Racine
61st 1927 Fond du Lac
62nd 1928 Madison
63rd 1929 Beloit
64th 1930 Eau Claire
65th 1931 La Crosse
66th 1932 Waukesha
67th 1933 Sheboygan
68th 1934 Appleton
69th 1935 Oshkosh
70th 1936 Madison
71st 1937 Sheboygan
72nd 1938 Milwaukee
73rd 1939 Eau Claire
74th 1940 Baraboo
75th 1941 Fond du Lac
76th 1942 Waukesha
77th 1943 Superior
78th 1944 Sheboygan
79th 1945 Sheboygan
80th 1946 Kenosha
81st 1947 Kenosha
82nd 1948 Kenosha
83rd 1949 Kenosha
84th 1950 Sheboygan
85th 1951 Kenosha

Appendix VIII: National G.A.R. Departments (State Depts. & Number of Posts in Each State)
Department Number of Posts Date Chartered
Arizona 9 1888
Arkansas 89 1884
California/Nevada 116 1868
Connecticut 67 1867
Delaware 22 1181
Florida 18 1884
Georgia 10 1889
Idaho 20 1888
Illinois 582 1866
Indian Territory 17 1889
Indiana 530 1886
Iowa 449 1866
Kansas 468 1880
Kentucky 172 1883
Louisiana/Mississippi 17 1884
Maine 165 1868
Massachusetts 210 1867
Michigan 397 1879
Minnesota 185 1866
Missouri 436 1882
Montana 16 1885
Nebraska 276 1877
New Jersey 115 1867
New Hampshire 94 1867
New York 661 1867
Ohio 697 1867
Oklahoma/Indian Territory 27 1890
Oregon 50 1882
Pennsylvania 619 1867
Potomac 16 1869
Rhode Island 26 1888
South Dakota 94 1883
Tennessee 88 1884
Texas 55 1885
Utah 31 1883
Vermont 110 1868
Washington/Alaska 71 1883
Wisconsin 272 1886

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