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Title: Chet Huntley Papers, 1957-1974

Creator: Huntley, Chet, 1911-1974
Quantity: 6.4 cubic feet (16 archives boxes), 17 tape recordings, and 1 drawing; plus additions of 0.4 cubic feet (1 archives box)
Call Number: U.S. Mss 150AF; Audio 752A; PH 5-6954; M2013-139
Abstract: Correspondence, radio scripts, and recordings of the broadcaster who co-anchored NBC's evening news from 1956 to 1970. The correspondence includes fan mail written primarily in response to issues discussed on Outlook and Huntley-Brinkley Report, together with some letters concerning more general professional matters. The letters reflect a broad spectrum of public opinion on issues such as race relations, foreign policy and the Vietnam conflict, the 1967 AFTRA strike, and aspects of broadcasting. Individualized replies from Huntley are scattered through the collection. Prominent correspondents include Orson Bean, Homer E. Capehart, Bennett Cerf, C. Douglas Dillon, Will Durant, Abba Eban, Orville E. Freeman, Dave Garroway, David Sarnoff, and Walter D. Scott. Of the scripts, coverage of Perspective on the News and Emphasis is best. On tape are broadcast editorials recorded for Horizons Communications Corporation after his retirement.

Contents List
Part 1 (U.S. Mss 150AF): Original Collection, 1957-1974   subfonds
• ... Contents List U.S. Mss 150AF ...