William M. Leiserson Papers, 1901-1959

Summary Information
Title: William M. Leiserson Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1901-1959

  • Leiserson, William M.
Call Number: U.S. Mss BB; PH 3024

Quantity: 28.5 c.f. (71 archives and 1 volume) and 49 photographs (1 folder)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Professional and personal correspondence, diaries, speeches, articles, book drafts, and other writings, biographical materials, clippings, and trade union files of William M. Leiserson, the labor economist, teacher, and arbitrator, who served on a number of state and national unemployment and labor relations boards. He also taught at Antioch College, 1926-1933, and did research in labor relations for the Twentieth Century Fund in the 1930s and 1940s. Particularly well documented is Leiserson's work as arbitrator for the clothing industry in the 1920s and his guidance in enactment of Ohio's unemployment law in the 1930s. While heading the National Mediation Board and serving as a member of the National Labor Relations Board, Leiserson provided expert opinion to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman and members of Congress. In the trade union files are materials gathered from numerous unions in the 1940s for Leiserson's study of trade union government.

Language: English

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-us0000bb
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Few students of John R. Commons contributed so much to public service as did William M. Leiserson, and none became better known in the field of labor relations. Born in Estonia in 1883, William Leiserson migrated to New York with his family at the age of seven; and there in an immigrant neighborhood, he attended school as he could, worked in a shirt factory, became a bookkeeper's assistant, and studied at night.

At the age of twenty-one he enrolled at the University of Wisconsin, where he received a degree in economics in 1908. While doing graduate work at Columbia University he served on the staff of the New York Commission on Employer's Liability and Unemployment. His Ph.D. thesis (1911) became the basis for the New York Employment Service System.

Returning to Wisconsin as deputy industrial commissioner, he established Wisconsin's public employment bureau and gained a reputation for his ability to adjust industrial disputes. A chronology of his major positions after he left Wisconsin serves as a guide to his half-century of contributions:

1914-1915 Assistant director of research, U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations
1915-1918 Professor of political science, Toledo University
1918-1919 Chief, Division of Labor Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
1919-1926 Impartial chairman and arbitrator, men's clothing industry in Rochester, New York, Baltimore, Chicago; faculty, Toledo University
1926-1933 Professor of economics, Antioch College; advisory council, Ohio State Employment Service; chairman, Ohio Unemployment Commission, 1931-1932
1933 Executive secretary, National Labor Board (NLB) under N.R.A.
1934 Chairman Petroleum Labor Policy Board; member Technical Board for Economic Security
1934-1939 Chairman, National Mediation Board (NMB); member National Railway Mediation Board and Railroad Retirement Board
1939-1943 Member, National Labor Relations Board; faculty, American University
1943-1944 Chairman, National Mediation Board; chairman, National Railway Labor Panel
1944-1947 Professor of economics, Johns Hopkins University, and director of study on the government of American labor organizations
1947-1957 Consultant and arbitrator; member President's Commission on Migratory Labor; president, Industrial Relations Research Association

Throughout his career he served on civic and government committees, gave speeches, and wrote numerous articles. His publications include Unemployment in the State of New York 1911; Adjusting Immigrant and Industry, 1924; Right and Wrong in Labor Relations, 1938; and American Trade Union Democracy, 1959, published posthumously by his son, Avery, with the help of another son, Mark, and Frank M. Kleiler.

In 1912, Dr. Leiserson was married to Emily Nash Bodman. Of their seven children (5 boys and 2 girls), one son was killed in a plane accident while in service, and the others became or married professional people. Each carries on the family tradition of continuing interest in economic and human relations. Mr. Leiserson died in Washington, D.C. in 1957. (Further biographical details may be found in Box 51.)

Scope and Content Note

The collection generally follows the same arrangement Dr. Leiserson used, and is organized according to these categories:

  • Correspondence: professional, then personal
  • Diaries, expense record, and appointments
  • Speeches and articles
  • Book reviews
  • Syllabi for courses taught at Antioch College
  • Bibliographies of Leiserson articles
  • Biographical material and memorabilia
  • Books (drafts and manuscripts for two books)
  • Clippings
  • Trade Union Files: correspondence with unions, memoranda re study of American trade unions, reports re study of American trade unions, Handbook of Trade Unions (annotated notebooks), decisions (including directly related correspondence), and miscellaneous statements and reports
  • Photographs

CORRESPONDENCE in the Leiserson Papers makes up two-thirds of the collection. Professional correspondence, 1910-1957, accounts for forty-five file boxes, and personal correspondence, 1909-1957, for less than two boxes. The professional correspondence is filed alphabetically by name or subject, with material in each folder following a chronological arrangement by months. The personal correspondence is organized chronologically by months.

An examination of folder titles in the contents list below shows the individuals and organizations with which Dr. Leiserson corresponded, and suggests topics and activities in which he was most involved. In the course of his teaching, his labor relations work, and his public service activities, he corresponded with many contemporary economists, with state (especially Ohio and New York) and federal officials, with owners and managers in industry, and with labor leaders.

As is to be expected, correspondence with a person may be filed under subject titles as well as under the individual's name. For instance, Sidney Hillman letters are also under Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, George M. Harrison letters under Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Senator Elbert Thomas under Labor Legislation, and Edwin E. Witte under Committee on Economic Security. On the other hand, several organizational files contain a noteworthy individual's letters where there is no folder title with his name, such as American Association for Social Security (Abraham Epstein), American Association for Labor Legislation (John B. Andrews), and American Federation of Labor (William Green). Cross reference sheets have been placed in many folders in an effort to guide the researcher.

In trying to explain economics, labor relations, or legislation, Leiserson's letters were often detailed. In the 1920s when he was an arbitrator for the clothing industry he gave advice to both employers and workers; in the early 1930s he helped to guide Ohio's employment service and enactment of its unemployment law; then as head of federal agencies he provided expert opinion to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman and to many members of Congress. His work with the National Mediation Board, and especially with the National Labor Relations Board, is not adequately covered simply by the folders under those titles. Regional directors and field examiners with whom he corresponded with any regularity at all have folders under their own names. Examples are Frank M. Kleiler, once his secretary and later regional director of the NLRB in Pittsburgh, and David A. Morse, New York regional director who received letters even after entering the armed services--letters in which Leiserson gave news of the board and problems with labor, management, and the administration.

Among the most informative letters in the professional correspondence are those exchanged with long-time friends: John R. Commons, Edwin E. Witte, Selig Perlman, and David Saposs, economists; Max Otto, philosopher; Louis Stark of the New York Times; John A. Fitch of The Survey and later the New York School of Social Work; and Carl Sandburg, the poet.

Dr. Leiserson's personal correspondence is unique in two respects: (1) it is composed almost entirely of letters from Leiserson, himself, to his wife, and to his children after they were grown, and (2) whenever he was absent from home, as he frequently was, he faithfully wrote long letters in which he kept his family informed of the progress of a meeting or the problems of reaching a decision in a labor case. The latter is particularly true in the period in which he was an arbitrator for the men's clothing industry, 1918-1926.

In addition to the professional and personal correspondence in boxes 1 through 47, correspondence may be found in two other places: (1) In the trade union files are letters exchanged with unions. Prior to 1945 these were chiefly letters relating to Leiserson's requests for union materials and union requests for copies of Leiserson's decisions or opinions. Then on Dec. 20, 1944, in behalf of his study on the government of American labor organizations, he sent a letter to unions asking them to provide him with their constitution, by-laws, convention proceedings, and histories. Trade union correspondence following that date generally relates to this project. (2) Also in the trade union files are many important decisions in which Leiserson participated. Correspondence directly associated with a decision is filed with it, just as he had it.

DIARIES, EXPENSE RECORD, AND APPOINTMENTS: Although the diaries and expense book are not consecutive in time and, in fact, cover very few total years, they are of particular value in helping to elucidate the periods in which they were written. In 1906 Mr. Leiserson recorded his attempts to find a summer job in industry in Chicago, and the following year he kept a detailed record of his student expenses at Wisconsin. His two-year diary in 1919-1920 describes his arbitration conferences and conversations, and is supplemented with clippings relating to decisions in the clothing industry. From 1935 to 1937, and again from 1942 to 1944, he evidently kept fairly detailed notes of mediation conferences, conversations, even his thoughts and reactions, and these were at some time typed and put into a looseleaf notebook. For 1946-1947 there is a notebook containing appointments, telephone calls, lists of railroad and airline organizations, speaking engagements, and miscellaneous information.

SPEECHES AND ARTICLES: Leiserson's articles, speeches, and book reviews in the collection begin with his first published item in a settlement monthly in New York at the age of eighteen, and include a great number of his later articles and public addresses, as well as bibliographies of his articles. In addition, there are drafts and manuscripts for an unpublished book, “Labor Relations,” and for the book, American Trade Union Democracy.

The next several series are both small and relatively self-explanatory.

The TRADE UNION FILES not only contain the correspondence previously described, but also extensive material gathered by Dr. Leiserson and his assistants for the study of trade union governments, 1944-1948. Research for the study produced numerous informative memoranda and reports concerning the unions and their organization, written chiefly by three men who were associated with the project at various times-Joseph Schister, Herbert Lahne, and Joseph Kovner. It may be that the annotated, four-part, “Handbook of Labor Unions” (Boxes 63 and 64) was developed and used for this study; no date is given on the handbook.

Boxes 65-70 and Volume 6 contain much information relating to arbitration decisions in which Dr. Leiserson participated. These extend from 1918 to the 1950s. The contents list below shows the industries involved.

The PHOTOGRAPHS include images of Leiserson, his family, and colleagues. Also present are images of meetings and commissions with which Leiserson was involved.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Presented by Mrs. William M. Leiserson, Washington, D.C., 1960-1965.

Processing Information

Processed by Margaret Hafstad, March 7, 1966.

Contents List
U.S. Mss BB
Series: Correspondence
Subseries: Professional Correspondence
Box   1
A-General, 1940-1939
Box   1
Adamic, Louis, 1939-1940
Box   1
Adams, A. Eugene, 1934-1942
Box   1
Adams, Florence, 1929-1931
Box   1
Affiliated Summer School for Women Workers in Industry, 1929-1932
Box   1
Agriculture, Department of, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1938-1939
Box   1
Airline Pilots, 1934-1937
Box   1
Airlines Negotiating Committee, 1946-1947
Box   1
Alschuler, Alfred S. & Leon (architects), 1930-1939
Box   1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 1924-1952
Box   1
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1928-1945
Box   1
American Arbitration Association, 1937-1952
Box   1
American Association for Applied Psychology, 1939
Box   1
American Association for Labor Legislation, 1911-1949
Box   2
American Association for Social Security-Abraham Epstein, 1929-1941
Box   2
American Association of Schools of Social Work, 1938-1940
Box   2
American Civil Liberties Union, 1933-1947
Box   2
American Economic Association, 1914-1947
Box   2
American Economic Review, 1911-1954
Box   2
American Federation of Labor, 1922-1949
Box   2
American Friends Service Committee, 1933-1948
Box   2
American Labor Education Services, Inc., 1932-1950
Box   2
American Management Association, 1926-1950
Box   2
American Short Line Railroad Association, 1936-1944
Box   3
American Society for Public Administration, 1941-1943
Box   3
American Transit Association, 1945-1946
Box   3
American University, 1935-1946
Box   3
Ameringer, Oscar and Freda, 1905-1941
Box   3
Anderson, Nels, 1940
Box   3
Andrews, Elmer L., 1935-1938
Box   3
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1933-1942
Box   3
Anrod, Dr. Charles W., 1941-1948
Antioch College
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
Box   4
Box   4
Apprenticeship, 1934-1937
Box   4
Army Industrial College, 1937-1947
Box   4
Art Color Printing Co., 1932-1933
Box   4
Ashley, H. W., 1920-1927
Box   4
Atkins, Willard S., 1928-1933
Box   4
Atkiss, Harold, 1927-1938
Box   4
Ault, Leroy H., 1930-1937
Box   4
Automobile Labor Board, 1935
Box   4
B-General, 1914-1956
Box   5
Babson's Business Conference, 1934-1935
Box   5
Bader, Louis, 1934-1939
Box   5
Bakke, S. Wight, 1939-1954
Box   5
Ball, Joseph H., 1942-1947
Box   5
Bankson, Virgil L., 1934-1954
Box   5
Barbash, Jack, 1944-1949
Box   5
Barnes, Charles B. & Frances, 1933-1941
Box   5
Batzell, Paul S., 1934-1940
Box   5
Beck, Carl, 1939-1952
Box   5
Bell, Spurgeon, 1927-1933
Box   5
Beman, L. W., 1935-1937
Box   5
Beyer, O. S., 1928-1943
Box   5
Bickers, T. E., 1938-1947
Box   5
Biddle, Francis, 1938-1941
Box   5
Billikopf, Jacob, 1924-1948
Box   5
Bishop, Lincoln, 1932-1946
Box   5
Bloch, Louis, 1938-1945
Box   5
Board of Christian Education, 1942-1943
Box   6
Bodman, John M., 1936-1953
Box   6
Bodman, John W., 1942-1952
Box   6
Booher, Edward, 1935-1945
Box   6
Bookwalter, Edwina, 1935-1936
Box   6
Bowen, Frank, 1939-1946
Box   6
Bowers, Glenn, 1927-1942
Box   6
Boylan, Stanley, 1931
Box   6
Bradley, Phillips, 1933-1951
Box   6
Bransome, E. D., 1941
Box   6
Brickner, Barnett R., 1933
Box   6
Brissenden, P. F., 1918-1950
Box   6
Broda, Mrs, Erna Jullig, 1934-1941
Box   6
Brodinsky, Joseph E., 1935-1946
Box   6
Brookings Institute, 1924-1949
Box   6
Brooks, Robert R., 1938-1939
Box   6
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, 1937-1947
Box   6
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, 1939-1956
Box   6
Brotherhood of Railway Agents, Telegraphers, and Signal Operators, 1939-1940
Box   6
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1944-1957
Box   6
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, 1919-1949
Box   6
Brown, Smily C., 1948-1950
Box   6
Brown, J. Douglas, 1926-1952
Box   6
Bruere, Robert W., 1923-1941
Box   6
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1937-1947
Box   6
Bureau of National Affairs, 1938-1949
Box   7
Bureau of Personnel Administration, 1929-1939
Box   7
Burns, Allen T., 1915-1940
Box   7
Bush, S. P., 1931-1937
Box   7
Bushnell, (Judge) George E., 1947-1950
Box   7
Business Week, 1939-1948
Box   7
C-General, 1930-1955
Box   7
California, University of, 1936-1952
Box   8
Calkins, Robert D., 19441947
Box   8
Canadian Congress of Labour, 1947
Box   8
Carmalt, James W., 1936-1937
Box   8
Carmody, John M., 1928-1958
Box   8
Chai, K. K., 1927-1938
Box   8
Chalmers, W. Ellison, 1933-1949
Box   8
Chamberlain, Joseph P., 1932-1939
Box   8
Chapman, John, 1942-1943
Box   8
Chicago, University of, 1911-1951
Box   8
Christensen, Frank, 1937-1939
Box   8
Civil Service Commission, 1939-1944
Box   8
Clark, Sheldon, 1935-1939
Box   8
Clarke, H. R., 1940
Box   8
Cleveland City Club, 1946
Box   8
Cluster, H. Raymond, 1952-1955
Box   8
Coal Industry Labor Act, 1943-1944
Box   8
Cole, David L., 1949-1956
Box   8
Cole, Robert F., 1937-1946
Box   8
Collective Bargaining, 1940-1948, 1952
Box   8
College of the City of New York-Phi Beta Kappa, 1941-1942
Box   8
Collins, John, 1911-1939
Box   8
Columbia Conserve Co., 1927-1934
Box   8
Columbia University, 1940-1952
Box   8
Committee for Economic Stability, 1940
Box   8
Committee on Economic Security, 1934-1935
Box   8
Common Council for American Unity, 1940-1942
Box   9
Commons, John R., 1910-1944
Box   9
Commonwealth Club of California, 1936-1942
Box   9
Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, 1944-1946
Box   9
Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1938-1951
Box   9
Connors, E. J., 1937-1942
Box   9
Conover, Marjorie, 1934-1938
Box   9
Consumers' League of Cincinnati, 1928-1933
Consumers' League of Ohio
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Minutes, etc., 1928-1932
Box   9
Consumers' Research, Inc.-Washington, New Jersey, 1929-1935
Box   9
Cook, George A., 1940-1944
Box   9
Cooke, Morris L., 1928-1947
Box   10
Cooley, R. L., 1915-1939
Box   10
Cornell University, 1945-1952
Box   10
Corwin, R. G., 1930-1940
Box   10
Cosmos Club, 1936-1956
Box   10
Couzens, James, 1929-1935
Box   10
Cowdrick, Edward S., 1931-1938
Box   10
Cox, Lauren, 1935-1939
Box   10
Creel, George, 1914-1941
Box   10
Cross, Ira B., 1910-1955
Box   10
Crosser, C. A., 1922-1946
Box   10
Crowell, Thomas Y., Co., 1948-1949
Box   10
Croxton, Fred C., 1917-1931
Box   10
Crozier, Michel J., 1947-1953
Box   10
Cullen, Harold D., 1938-1940
Box   10
Cushman, Bernard, 1943-1947
Box   10
D-General, 1925-1953
Box   11
Daugherty, Carroll, 1934-1941
Box   11
David, Paul T., 1928-1940
Box   11
Davis, Eleanor, 1936
Box   11
Davis, James J., 1939-1943
Box   11
Davis, Jerome, 1924-1950
Box   11
Davis, Opal, 1929-1933
Box   11
Davis, Robert L., 1953-1954
Box   11
Davis, William H., 1935-1949
Box   11
Davitt, Dan, 1931-1938
Box   11
Dayton Chamber of Commerce, 1926-1932
Box   11
Dayton Committee on Stabilization of Employment, 1930-1931
Box   11
Dayton Jobbers and Manufacturers Association, 1932-1933
Box   11
Democratic National Committee, 1935-1940
Box   11
Dennison, Henry S., 1923-1951
Box   11
de Schweinitz, Dorothea, 1940-1945
Box   11
Devine, Thomas C., 1924-1940
Box   11
Dinwiddie, Courtenay, 1915-1933
Box   11
Donoghue, Patrick A., 1933-1937
Box   11
Donovan, Arthur R., 1940-1949
Box   11
Douglas, Paul H., 1922-1955
Box   11
Duffus, W. M., 1922-1934
Box   11
Box   12
Box   12
Earley, James, 1932-1951
Box   12
Eastman, Joseph B., 1933-1943
Box   12
Economic and Business Foundation, 1944-1946
Box   12
Economic Club of Detroit, 1939-1940
Box   12
Edgerton, Henry W., 1911-1948
Box   12
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1952-1954
Box   12
Electrical Engineers, American Institute of, 1944-1945
Box   12
Elliott, Edwin A., 1939-1953
Box   12
Ellis, William, 1930-1931
Box   12
Ely, Richard T., 1910-1916
Box   12
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1929-1930
Box   12
Enochs, H. A., 1937-1944
Box   12
Ervin, Charles W., 1945-1946
Box   12
Euclid Aveenue Temple, 1930
Box   12
Evans, Charles F., 1913-1953
Box   12
Executive's Labor Letter, 1935-1947
Box   13
F-General, 1918-1953
Fan Mail-Congratulatory or Critical
Box   13
Box   13
1939, January-April
Box   13
1939, May-December
Box   13
Box   14
Farm Labor, California, 1935
Box   14
“Feather-Bea” Rules, 1943-1945
Box   14
Federal Advisory Council, 1937
Box   14
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1934-1947
Box   14
Feldman, Henry, 1928-1936
Box   14
Fess, Senator Simeon D., 1926-1931
Box   14
Fields, Arthur M., 1937-1938
Box   14
Filene, Edward A., 1931-1932
Box   14
Filter, Karl W., 1942-1946
Box   14
Fischer, Sophia, 1920-1933
Box   14
Fisher, Boyd, 1922-1932
Box   14
Fisher, Waldo C., 1938-1947
Box   14
Fitch, John A., 1909-1951
Box   14
Fite, Elizabeth, 1929-1941
Box   14
Flanders, Ralph C., 1939
Box   14
Flint, Charles W., 1931-1936
Box   14
Foisie, F. P. 1941-1950
Box   14
Fortune Magazine, 1937-1948
Box   14
Foxhowe Association, 1942
Box   14
Frankfurter, Felix (Supreme Court Justice), 1947-1951
Box   14
French, Will J., 1937-1945
Box   14
Frey, John P., 1918-1942
Box   15
Fulcher, Gordon S., 1931-1941
Box   15
G-General, 1914-1954
Box   15
Gallagher, Rachel, 1926-1929
Box   15
Gannett, Alice P., 1928-1932
Box   15
Garrison, Lloyd R., 1934-1943
Box   15
Gilson, Mary B., 1924-1941
Box   15
Gilson, Thomas Q., 1938-1939
Box   15
Givens, Meredith B., 1928-1933
Box   15
Goldberg, Louis, 1939-1940
Box   15
Golden, Clinton C., 1934-1954
Box   15
Golden, Robert K., 1934-1945
Box   15
Goodrick, Carter, 1925-1933
Box   15
Goodwillie, D. H., 1943-1945
Box   15
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 1923-1946
Box   15
Gordon, Leland J., 1938-1942
Box   15
Governors' Interstate Committee on Unemployment Insurance, 1931-1932
Box   15
Gould, J. S., 1926-1947
Box   15
Grand Rapids League of Women Voters, 1930-1931
Box   15
Gray, Herman A., 1933-1939
Box   15
Gray, Zoe, 1931-1934
Box   15
Greene, Helen F., 1926-1939
Box   15
Greenwald, Henry, 1930
Box   15
Gross, David, 1940-1941
Box   15
Group Health Association, 1938-1949
Box   15
Gruenberg, Benjamin, 1929-1931
Box   15
Gubitz, Albert C., 1926-1939
Box   16
H-General, 1913-1955
Box   16
Haber, William, 1933-1956
Box   16
Hall, Helen, 1932-1933
Box   16
Hanchett, David S., 1923-1940
Box   16
Handler, Milton, 1935-1945
Box   16
Hard, William, 1910-1945
Box   16
Hardman, J. B. S., 1942-1953
Box   16
Harman, S. Park, 1930-1931
Box   16
Harper and Brothers, 1922-1950
Box   17
Harris, Norman Wait, Memorial Foundation, 1931
Box   17
Harrison, George M., 1933-1955
Box   17
Harrison, Marvin C., 1932-1946
Box   17
Harrison, Milton W., 1937-1940
Box   17
Hart, Harnell, 1914-1927
Box   17
Hart, Schaffner, and Marx, 1923-1927
Box   17
Harvard University, 1925-1948
Box   17
Harvey, P. D., 1938-1944
Box   17
Hayes, H. Gordon, 1930-1933
Box   17
Heigho, Katherine, 1928-1931
Box   17
Herrick, Elinore Norehouse, 1927-1947
Box   17
Herzog, Paul, 1937-1953
Box   17
Hill, Lee H., 1945-1947
Box   17
Hillman, Sidney, 1935-1946
Box   17
Hoagland, H. E., 1914-1928
Box   17
Hoan, Daniel W., 1910-1915
Box   17
Hochstein, Irma, 1929-1945
Box   17
Hoehler, Fred K., 1930-1932
Box   17
Hoffman, H. A., 1928-1931
Box   17
Hook, Charles R. (Jr. & Sr.), 1942-1949
Box   17
Hook, James W., 1931-1932
Box   17
Hookstadt, Carl, 1910-1918
Box   17
Hotchkiss, W. C., 1923-1946
Box   17
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926-1931
Box   17
Household Finance Corporation, 1929-1932
Box   17
Howard, Maurice, 1939
Box   17
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1949-1952
Box   17
Hunt, Edward Eyre, 1921-1930
Box   17
Hutchinson, Ruth C. (Mrs. E. M. Sevcik), 1930-1945
Box   18
I-General, 1911-1956
Box   18
Ickes, Harold L., 1934
Box   18
Illinois, University of, 1945-1955
Box   18
Industrial Relations Association of Philadelphia, 1938-1944
Industrial Relations Research Association
Box   18
General, 1950-1952
Box   18
Chicago Chapter, 1930-1954
Box   18
Washington Chapter, 1948-1954
Box   18
Ingersoll, Raymond V., 1924-1929
Box   18
Inglis, James, 1931-1940
Box   18
Institute of International Education, 1930-1931
Box   18
Institute of Public Affairs, 1939
Box   18
Intergroup Relations, Research Committee on (New York State), 1946-1947
Box   18
International Association of Public Employment Services, 1928-1952
Box   18
Irwin, Will, 1914
Box   18
Ives, Senator Irving M., 1953
Box   19
J-General, 1914-1954
Box   19
Jackson, John Price, 1938-1940
Box   19
Jackson, Mollie, 1928-1939
Box   19
Jacobs, Andrew, 1949-1953
Box   19
Jacobson, R. C., 1923-1947
Box   19
Jacobstein, Meyer, 1920-1946
Box   19
Janover, Cyrus J., 1938
Box   19
John Hopkins University, 1944-1949
Box   19
Johnson, Charles S., 1925-1932
Box   19
Johnson, F. Ernest, 1944-1946
Box   19
Johnson, Otto, 1928-1947
Box   19
Johnton, Wendell F., 1919-1952
Box   19
Joint Committee on Unemployment, 1931-1933
Box   19
Jones, Herschel F., 1936-1950
Box   19
Journal of Economic History, 1944-1946
Box   19
Box   20
Box   20
Kahn, Mark L., 1950-1952
Box   20
Kahoe, Walter, 1938-1948
Box   20
Kaiser, Clara A., 1929-1930
Box   20
Kansas City University Extension Center, 1923-1930
Box   20
Kaufmann, Fritz, 1930-1950
Box   20
Keezer, Dexter M., 1941-1951
Box   20
Keifer, Horace S., Ohio House of Representatives, 1931-1939
Box   20
Keightley, Fred, 1934-1943
Box   20
Keller, L. S., 1939-1941
Box   20
Kellogg, Arthur, 1931-1933
Box   20
Kellogg, Paul U., 1929-1947
Box   20
Kennedy, Thomas H., 1939-1941
Box   20
Kermode, Larry, 1933-1941
Box   20
Keiperling, Leon H., 1941-1950
Box   20
Keystone Adjustment Corporation, 1932
Box   20
Kibler, Thomas L., 19251948
Box   20
King, L. A. and Edith Shatto, 1918-1944
Box   20
King, Willford I., 1933-1939
Box   20
Kingsley, J. Donald, 1933-1942
Box   20
Klamon, Joseph M., 1933-1940
Box   20
Klapper, Paul, 1911-1950
Box   20
Kleiler, Frank M., 1936-1955
Box   21
Knopf, Alfred A., 1924-1951
Box   21
Kovner, Joseph, 1944-1952
Box   21
Krafft, Fred A., 1938-1943
Box   21
L-General, 1925-1955
Box   21
Labor, Department of, 1918-1954
Box   21
Labor-International, 1934-1948
Box   21
Labor (Newspaper)-Rubin Levin, 1945-1953
Box   21
Labor Bureau, Inc., The (New York City), 1923-1930
Box   21
Labor Law, 1949
Labor Legislation
Box   21
General, 1935-1947
Box   22
Foreign, 1941
Box   22
Mediation, 1941
Box   22
Labor Politics, 1944-1946
Box   22
Labor Relations Bills, 1940-1946
Box   22
La Follette, Robert M., Senator, 1937
Box   22
La Guardia, Fiorello H., 1937-1939
Box   22
Lahne, Herbert J., 1945-1948
Box   22
Lang, H. Jack, 1934-1939
Box   22
Lang, R. W., 1940-1941
Box   22
Lapp, John A., 1926-1951
Box   22
Laserson, Maurice and Max M., 194341946
Box   22
Lasker, Bruno, 1923-1928
Box   22
Lathrop, Julia, 1929-1930
Box   22
League for Industrial Democracy, 1925-1949
Box   22
League of Nations Association, 1930-1938
Box   22
League of Women Voters, 1930-1947
Box   22
Le Baron, Howard F., 1940-1955
Box   22
Lee, Edwin A., 1937-1938
Box   22
Leeds, Morris E., 1930-1934
Box   22
Lehman, Hans, 1936-1950
Box   22
Leibig, Ruth, 1930-1933
Box   22
Lewis, David J., 1931-1939
Box   22
Lewisohn, Sam A., 1927-1937
Box   22
Library of Congress, 1935-1939
Box   22
Lincoln, James F., 1932
Box   22
Lind, Ralph A., 1937-1950
Box   23
Lippart, Harry, 1928-1943
Box   23
Liss, Samuel, 1937-1953
Box   23
Littler, Robert, 1941-1944
Box   23
Locke, Walter, 1930-1951
Box   23
Lockett, Annie, 1930-1945
Logan, Charles H.
Box   23
Box   24
Box   24
Lowenthal, Max, 1929-1941
Box   24
Lowie, S. Gale, 1927-1946
Box   24
Lubin, Isador, 1930-1943
Box   24
Mc-General, 1930-1953
Box   24
McCormick, Charles P., 1938-1939
Box   24
McCoy, Whitley P., 1940-1953
Box   24
McErlean, Charles F., 1945-1952
Box   24
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1928-1951
Box   24
Mac-General, 1930-1953
Box   24
MacFarland, Majorie, 1931-1933
Box   24
MacMillan, J. A., 1939-1942
Box   24
MacMillan Company, 1927-1955
Box   24
Box   25
Magee, Elizabeth
Box   25
1929-1932, May
Box   25
1932, June-1951
Box   25
Maher, Amy G., 1924-1939
Box   25
Mallary, Benjamin E., 1925-1935
Box   26
Mandel, Arch, 1930-1939
Box   26
Marburg, Theodore, 1935-1942
Box   26
Marcus, Samuel, 1939-1945
Box   26
Maritime Labor Board, 1938-1945
Box   26
Martitime Mediation Board, 1938-1941
Box   26
Marshall, L. C., 1922-1931
Box   26
Maruchess, Louis, 1922-1938
Box   26
Mason, Perry, 1935-1939
Box   26
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1935-1942
Box   26
Mathewson, Stanley, 1925-1942
Box   26
Meacham, Stanley, 1942-1950
Box   26
Mead, James M., 1939
Box   26
Meany, George (A.F.L.), 1955
Box   26
Metzenbaum, James, 1937-1943
Meyer, Arthur S.
Box   26
Box   26
Box   26
Michigan University, 1937-1951
Box   26
Miller, Chester, 1933-1936
Box   26
Miller, Francis P., 1940
Box   26
Miller, Frieda S., 1938-1940
Box   26
Miller, Newton Barr, 1943-1950
Box   26
Miller, Joseph L., 1939-1954
Box   26
Millis, Harry A., 1938-1948
Box   27
Minnesota, University of, 1939-1940
Box   27
Minnesota State Bar Association, 1939-1940
Box   27
Moran, Edward C., Jr., 1945
Box   27
Morehouse, Edward W., 1927-1948
Box   27
Morgan, A. E., 1925-1948
Box   27
Morse, David A., 1935-1948
Box   27
Morse, Wayne (U.S. Senator), 1945-1949
Box   27
Mosher, W. E., 1929-1938
Box   27
Moskowitz, Morris B., 1936-1956
Box   27
Mulholland, Frank L. & Clarence M., 1936-1949
Box   27
Mullenback, James, Industrial Institute, 1935-1943
Box   27
Murdock, Abe (U.S. Senator), 1940-1941
Box   27
Murphy, Frank M., 1931-1939
Box   27
Meyers, A. Howard, 1945
Box   27
Myers, James, 1933-1940
Box   27
N-General, 1910-1955
Box   28
Nash, Philip C., 1933-1944
Box   28
Nation, 1935-1941
Box   28
National Academy of Arbitrators, 1947-1950
Box   28
National Association of Manufacturers, 1938-1941
Box   28
National Child Labor Committee, 1940-1943
Box   28
National Conference of Social Work, 1939-1941
Box   28
National Consumers League, 1928-1957
Box   28
National Economic and Social Planning Association, 1938-1940
Box   28
National Industrial Conference Board, 1933-1954
Box   28
National Institute of Public Affairs, 1934-1939
Box   28
National Labor Relations Act, 1934
National Labor Relations Board
Note: Including correspondence with staff, etc.
Box   28
Box   28
1942-1947, May
Box   29
1947, June-1952
National Mediation Board
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
National Occupational Conference, 1933-1939
National Planning Association
Box   30
Box   30
Box   30
National Policy Committee, 1940-1943
Box   30
National Railroad Adjustment Board, 1943-1954
Box   30
National Recovery Administration, 1933-1934
Box   30
National War Labor Board, 1942-1945
Box   30
Nelson, Frederic, 1942-1944
Box   30
Neumann, Franz, 1939-1940
Box   30
Neustadt, Richard H., 1933-1945
Box   30
New England Council, 1945-1946
Box   30
New Hampshire, University of, 1940-1941
New International Year Book
Box   30
General, 1939-1945
Box   31
Material for 1946 Edition
Box   31
Material for 1947 Edition
Box   31
New Republic, 1924-1946
Box   31
New School for Social Research, 1938-1945
Box   31
New York Central Railroad, 1944-1955
Box   31
New York State Division of Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1937-1939
Box   31
New York State Labor Relations Board, 1938-1945
Box   31
New York University, 1938-1951
Box   31
New York Women's Trade Union League, 1935-1941
Box   31
North Carolina, University of, 1940
Box   31
Norton, John Dewitt, 1933-1947
Box   31
Nourse, Dr. Edwin G., 1947-1950
Box   31
O-General, 1917-1953
Box   31
Oberlin College, 1937-1948
Box   31
O'Donoghue, Martin F., 1939
Box   31
Ogburn, Charlton, 1935-1950
Box   31
Ogburn, William F., 1918-1940
Box   31
Ohio Commission on Unemployment Insurance, 1931-1945
Box   32
Ohio Committee for the Stabilization of Employment, 1930-1932
Box   32
Ohio Department of Industrial Relations, 1922-1933
Box   32
Ohio League of Women Voters, 1931-1933
Box   32
Ohio Old Age Pension Conference, 1931-1932
Box   32
Ohio State Division of Minimum Wage (Stitt-Sheffler), 1933-1936
Box   32
Ohio State Employment Service, 1933-1940
Box   32
Ohio State Federation of Labor, 1928-1938
Box   32
Ohio State University, 1928-1951
Box   32
Omaha, University of, 1939-1941
Box   32
Otto, Max C., 1915-1955
Box   32
Box   33
Box   33
Palmer, Jane H., 1928-1935
Box   33
Pappendick, Francis W., 1946-1947
Box   33
Patterson, G. L., 1939-1947
Box   33
Pavey, Ernest W., 1933-1940
Box   33
Pearlman, Dorothy, 1931-1941
Box   33
Peck, Dr. Gustav, 1935-1948
Box   33
Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of, 1934-1938
Box   33
Pennsylvania, Unemployment Compensation Board of Review, 1939
Box   33
Pennsylvania, University of, 1935-1952
Box   33
Pennsylvania Conference on Social Work, 1935-1936
Box   33
Perkins, Frances, 1926-1949
Box   33
Perlman, Selig, 1924-1951
Box   33
Persons, Charles E., 1933-1941
Box   33
Peterson, Florence, 1942-1948
Box   33
Petroleum Labor Policy Board-N.R.A., 1934
Box   34
Phillips, Philip B., 1939-1942
Box   34
Pinchot, Gifford, 1922-1932
Box   34
Pitzele, Merlyn S., 1945-1954
Box   34
PM, Newspaper, 1940-1941
Box   34
Pratt, George O., 1935-1948
Box   34
Princeton University, 1935-1953
Box   34
Psychological Corporation, The, 1941-1942
Box   34
Public Affairs Institute, 1948-1949
Box   34
Q-General, 1933-1935
Box   34
R-General, 1932-1955
Box   34
Railway Employee's Department, 1921-1947
Box   34
Railway Labor Act, 1934-1943
Box   34
Railway Labor Executives' Association, 1942-1947
Box   34
Randolph, Mabel, 1927-1928
Box   35
Raushenbush, Carl, 1932-1933
Box   35
Ravage, Mark Eli, 1939-1940
Box   35
Refugees, 1938
Box   35
Resseguie, H. E., 1940-1946
Box   35
Reynolds, James A., 1931
Box   35
Rice, William Gorham, Jr., 1938-1943
Box   35
Richberg, Donald R., 1945-1953
Box   35
Richey, Carl L., 1928-1940
Box   35
Rising, Frank, 1940-1947
Box   35
Rochester, City Club of, 1939-1940
Box   35
Rockefeller Foundation, 1948-1950
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Box   35
Box   35
Memorial Foundation, 1947-1948
Box   35
Rosenfaro, Joseph, 1939-1948
Box   35
Ross, Arthur M., 1953-1954
Box   35
Rubinow, I. M., 1927-1938
Box   35
Rudow, Samuel, 1922-1925
Box   35
Russell Sage Foundation, 1915-1941
Box   35
Rutgers University, 1934-1940
Box   35
Box   36
Box   36
St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1945-1946
Box   36
Sandburg, Carl, 1911-1951
Box   36
Saposs, David J., 1913-1940
Box   36
Satterfield, Mary (Smith), 1937-1939
Box   36
Savings Bank Journal (Round Table Discussion), 1941
Box   36
Schwellenbach, Lewis B., 1945-1947
Box   36
Scientific Apparatus Makers of America, 1939-1941
Box   36
Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance, 1945-1947
Box   36
Seager, H. R., 1910-1924
Box   36
Seidman, Joel, 1942-1947
Box   36
Seasongood, Murray, 1928-1930
Box   36
Seligman, E. R. A., 1912-1915
Box   36
Senate Committee on Education and Labor, 1939-1946
Box   37
Sender, Tony, 1936-1938
Box   37
Shaw, David C., 1944-1950
Box   37
Shaw, R. Harland, 1932-1935
Box   37
Shenefield, H. T., 1931-1939
Box   37
Sheppard, Virgil, 1931-1936
Box   37
Shibata, Genkwan, 1927-1936
Box   37
Shister, Joseph, 1941-1955
Box   37
Shores, Louis S., 1925-1926
Box   37
Shover, John C., 1933-1945
Box   37
Shulman, Harry, 1938-1946
Box   37
Silcox, F. A., 1924-1930
Box   37
Simonson, Richard C., 1938-1941
Box   37
Slichter, Sumner H., 1915-1954
Box   37
Smith, Edwin S., 1931-1941
Box   37
Smith, H., Alexander, 1952
Box   37
Smith, Oscar, 1935-1950
Social Science Research Council
Box   37
Box   37
Box   38
Social Security (Committee on Economic Stability), 1934-1946
Box   38
Social Security Board, 1935-1951
Box   38
“Social Survey, The”-Labor Management Committee, 1946
Socialist Party, See Thompson, Carl D.
Box   38
Society for the Advancement of Management, 1938-1944
Box   38
Sonneborm & Co., H., 1922-1926
Note: See also Vol. 6, “Decisions in clothing industry, 1921-1925” in Trade Union Files series below.
Box   38
Soule, George, 1925-1934
Box   38
Speek, P. A., 1913-1928
Box   38
Spencer, W. H., 1937-1943
Box   38
Sperry, H. E., 1935-1941
Box   38
Spielmans, John V., 1942-1950
Box   38
Sprecklers, Walter P., 1939-1942
Box   38
Squires, Benjamin M., 1924-1935
Box   38
Stacy, Walter P., 1936-1944
Box   38
Stanford University, 1939-1950
Box   38
Stark, Arthur, 1953-1956
Box   38
Stark, Louis, 1930-1954
Box   39
State Department, 1939-1950
Box   39
Steele, A. R., 1939-1945
Box   39
Steelman, J. R., 1938-1949
Box   39
Stephens, John A., 1937
Box   39
Stern, Max and Beatrice, 1940-1947
Box   39
Stern, Robert (Office of the Solicitor General), 1938-1945
Box   39
Stewart, Bryce M., 1938-1946
Box   39
Stocking, George W., 1935-1949
Box   39
Stolberg, Benjamin, 1928-1947
Box   39
Stolz, Jiri, 1944-1952
Box   39
Stone, N. I., 1935-1941
Box   39
Strempel, E. Roy, 1934-1950
Box   39
Suffern, Arthur E., 1939-1940
Box   39
Sunday Breakfast Club, 1941
Survey Associates, Inc.
Box   39
Box   39
Box   39
Box   39
Swacker, Frank M., 1941-1954
Box   40
T-General, 1928-1953
Box   40
Taft-Hartley Bill (comments re by Leiserson)
Box   40
Tarbell, Ida M., 1914-1932
Box   40
Taylor, George W., 1933-1953
Box   40
Temple B'rith Kodesh, Rochester, N.Y., 1939
Box   40
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933-1940
Box   40
Thayer, V. T., 1922-1941
Box   40
Thomas, Elbert D. (Senator), 1941-1948
Box   40
Thompson, Carl D., 1911-1932
Box   40
Thompson, Eugene C., 1937-1956
Box   40
Thorne, Florence C., 1932-1933
Box   40
Thorp, Willard, 1933-1939
Box   40
Tierney, Leo F. (re Railway Labor Act), 1938-1941
Box   40
Time, 1938-1945
Box   40
The Times, Chicago, Illinois, 1937-1942
Box   40
Toledo, University of, 1940-1950
Box   40
Toledo Labor-Management Plan, 1946-1947
Box   40
Town Hall, Inc., 1938-1941
Box   40
Trezise, Philip H., 1941-1942
Box   40
Troxell, John P., 1945-1947
Box   40
Truman, Harry S., 1945-1950
Twentieth Century Fund
Box   40
Box   41
1935, Jan.-Feb.
Box   41
1935, March-Dec.
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Tyson, Francis D., 1931-1946
Box   42
U-General, 1935-1955
Box   42
Unemployment-General, 1912-1938
Box   42
Unemployment Insurance-Foreign, 1943-1946
Box   42
Union Pacific Railroad Company, 1935-1940
Box   42
Union Shop, 1946-1947
Box   42
United Jewish Appeal, 1938-1947
Box   42
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 1913-1915
Box   42
U.S. Conciliation Service, 1946-1947
Box   42
U.S. Department of Labor-Bureau of Immigration, 1918
Box   42
U.S. Employment Service, 1918-1947
Box   42
U.S. News, 1936-1947
Box   42
University Settlement, 1936-1939
Box   42
Upson, L. D., 1930-1937
Box   42
Urban, Nelson, 1929-1951
Box   42
V-General, 1932-1954
Box   42
Van Hecke, M. T., 1950-1952
Box   42
Vassar College, 1944-1945
Box   42
Vendig, Max, 1937-1939
Box   42
Virginia, University of, 1947-1948
Box   42
Voorhis, Jerry, 1939-1945
Box   43
W-General, 1911-1952
Box   43
Wage and Hour Division (Department of Labor), 1937-1940
Box   43
Wagenet, R. Gordon, 1923-1938
Box   43
Wagner, Robert F., 1941-1947
Box   43
Wallace, Henry A., 1938-1940
Box   43
Walsh, John W., 1939-1942
Box   43
Warren, Henry E., 1933-1939
Box   43
Washington Labor Survey, 1946
Box   43
Washington Post, 1936-1938
Box   43
Watkins, Ralph J., 1940-1943
Box   43
Watts, Robert B., 1943
Box   43
Watts, V. O., 1930, 1940
Box   43
WCFM-Co-op Broadcasting Station, 1948-1950
Box   43
Weigert, Dr. Oscar, 1934-1945
Box   43
Weisskopf, Walter A., 1938-1951
Box   44
Welfare Council of New York City, 1934-1939
Box   44
Wellesley Institute for Social Progress, 1933-1945
Box   44
Wesleyan University, 1945-1946
Box   44
Westchester League of Women Voters, 1940-1941
Box   44
Western Reserve University, 1940-1946
Box   44
Weston, E. J., 1934-1956
Box   44
Weston, Harold, 1946-1952
Box   44
Weybright, Victor, 1937-1944
Box   44
White, George (Governor of Ohio), 1931-1933
Box   44
Whitney, A. F., 1941-1945
Box   44
Whitney, Francis R., 1933-1945
Box   44
Wiener, Robert J., 1937-1943
Box   44
Wilcox, Sidney W., 1928-1934
Box   44
Wilie, J. & Sons, Inc., 1935-1947
Box   44
Williams, Howard, 1939-1940
Box   44
Williams, Sidney J., 1934-1941
Box   44
Williams, Whiting, 1918-1945
Box   44
Willits, Joseph H., 1915-1954
Box   44
Wilmotte, Raymond M., 1933-1935
Box   44
Wilson, J. C., 1938-1943
Box   44
Winans, W. H., 1933-1944
Box   44
Wing, Marie R., 1933
Box   44
Wisconsin, University of, 1935-1954
Box   44
Wisconsin Employment Relations Board, 1939-1942
Box   45
Wisconsin Industrial Commission, 1910-1932
Box   45
Wisconsin State Board of Vocational Education, 1931-1933
Box   45
Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, 1913
Box   45
Wissler, Willis, 1925-1947
Box   45
Witte, Edwin E., 1910-1957
Box   45
Wolf, Benedict, 1934-1939
Box   45
Wolf, Harry D., 1934-1945
Box   45
Wolfe, James H., 1939-1947
Box   45
Women's Trade Union League, 1934-1947
Box   45
Wood, Richard H., 1944-1945
Box   45
Workers Educational Bureau of America, 1926-1943
Box   45
Works Progress Administration, 1936-1941
Box   45
Worthington, George E., 1939-1942
Box   45
Wyzanski, Charles E., 1935-1937
Box   46
Y-General, 1933-1956
Box   46
Yale University, 1935-1948
Box   46
Yale-Harvard-Princeton Conference, 1938
Box   46
Yeddish Scientific Institute, 1941-1945
Box   46
Young, Arthur H., 1939-1941
Box   46
Young, C. R., 1937-1953
Box   46
Young, F. M., 1940-1943
Box   46
Young, Stephen, 1933-1936
Subseries: Personal Correspondence
Box   46
1909-1912, 1918-1933
Box   47
Series: Diaries, Expense Record, Appointments
Box   48
Diary, June 23, 1906-July 4, 1906 (Vol. 1)
Box   48
Expense record, 1907-1908 (Vol. 2)
Box   48
Diary, 1919-1920 (Vol. 3)
Box   48
Diary, Dec. 8, 1935-Aug. 20, 1937; Dec. 1, 1942-May 11, 1944 (Vol. 4)
Box   48
Appointments, telephone calls, railroad and airline organizations, miscellaneous, 1946-1947 (Vol. 5)
Series: Speeches and Articles
Box   48
Box   49
Box   50
Box   51
Box   51
Series: Book Reviews, 1904-1960
Box   51
Series: Syllabi for courses at Antioch College, 1927-1932
Box   51
Series: Bibliographies of Leiserson articles
Box   51
Series: Biographical material & Memorabilia, 1906-1951
Series: Books
Box   52
“Labor Relations” drafts, revisions, and manuscript (unpublished)
American Trade Union Democracy
Box   53
Drafts and manuscript
Box   54
Bibliography and research cards
Box   55
Series: Clippings, 1910-1951
Series: Trade Union Files
Box   56
Box   57
Memoranda re study of the government of American trade unions
Box   57
Box   58
Reports re study of the government of American trade unions
Box   58
1945, Jan.-June
Box   59
1945, July-1946, May
Box   60
1946, May-Oct.
Box   61
1946, Nov.-1947, June
Box   62
1947, June-1947[?]
Box   63
“Handbook of American Labor Unions” annotated notebooks
Box   63
Parts I-II
Box   64
Parts III-IV
Decisions relating to:
Box   65
Box   66
Clothing industry
Volume   6
Decisions in clothing industry, 1921-1925
Box   67
Box   67
Box   67
Box   68
Box   69
Pe-Special Adjustment Bd. No. 70, 1954
Box   70
Special Adjustment Bd. No. 70-W
Miscellaneous decisions
Box   70
Colonial Sugars Co. & United Packinghouse Workers of America
Box   70
Columbia Conserve Co.
Box   70
Crosley Motors, Inc. & International Machinists
Box   70
Hollywood Jurisdictional Dispute
Box   70
Kurty-Kasch Case, 1933
Box   70
New York Subway Case
Box   70
Pennsylvania Greyhound Lines
Box   70
Steel-Douglas Brief, 1933
Box   70
Telegraphs-Wage & Hour Hearing, 1938
Statements and reports dealing with labor relations
Box   71
1913, Dec. 30, U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations
Note: Statements by Leiserson.
Box   71
1923, Aug. 8, Labor Relations in the Anthracite Industry
Note: Field investigations by Leiserson.
Box   71
1929, Restriction of Output among Unorganized Workers
Note: Supervision of study, and chapter, by Leiserson.
Box   71
1941, Labor and National Defense by Lloyd G. Reynolds Confidential fact finding report for the Twentieth Century Fund
Note: Leiserson on labor committee.
PH 3024
Series: Photographs
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