Wilbur J. Cohen Papers, 1930-1987

Summary Information
Title: Wilbur J. Cohen Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1930-1987

  • Cohen, Wilbur J. (Wilbur Joseph), 1913-1987
Call Number: Mss 789; Audio 1237A

Quantity: 109.8 cubic feet (279 archives boxes) and 4 tape recordings

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Papers, mainly 1935 to 1979, of Wilbur J. Cohen, an official in the Social Security Administration (1935-1956), assistant secretary, undersecretary, and secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1961-1969), professor of social work (1956-1960), professor of education and public welfare and dean of the School of Education at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (1969-1979), and founder and co-chairman of the Save Our Security coalition. Included are appointment books, personal and professional correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, draft legislation, testimony, task force material, draft presidential messages, press releases, printed material, clippings, memoirs, writings and speeches, interview transcripts, photographs, and sound recordings. The files document the expansion of the Social Security system; the establishment of the Medicare program; social welfare policy and legislation during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations; Cohen's career as a federal official, academic, and expert and consultant on Social Security; and his activities as a writer, speaker, and advocate of government health, education, and social programs.

Language: English

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-mss00789
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Wilbur Joseph Cohen, a founder of the Social Security system, was born on June 10, 1913 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, son of Aaron and Bessie (Rubenstein) Cohen. He grew up in Milwaukee's inner city, where the Cohens owned a series of small businesses. In 1930 Wilbur Cohen enrolled in the University of Wisconsin's Experimental College located on the Madison campus. Upon completing the college's two year program, Cohen transferred to the Economics Department, where he earned a Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph.B.) degree in 1934. Cohen's thesis, “A History of the International Association of Machinists,” won the John L. Mitchell Prize for most outstanding thesis in industrial relations. In addition, he wrote editorials and articles for the campus newspaper, the Daily Cardinal.

Immediately following his graduation in 1934, Cohen went to Washington, D.C. to serve as a research assistant to his major professor, Edwin E. Witte. Witte, an economist and former Wisconsin government official, was executive director of President Roosevelt's Committee on Economic Security, the cabinet-level body charged with drafting the original Social Security Act.

After Congress approved the Social Security Act in 1935, Cohen remained in Washington, D.C. as technical advisor to Arthur J. Altmeyer, Chairman of the Social Security Board (1935-1946), later Commissioner of Social Security (1946-1953). As a research specialist and technical advisor, Cohen was responsible for analyzing and developing legislative proposals and evaluating programs administered by the Board such as old-age insurance, public assistance, and unemployment compensation.

In 1938 Cohen married Eloise Bittel, a professional social worker from Texas. They raised three sons, Christopher, Bruce, and Stuart.

By 1949, Cohen was Altmeyer's chief legislative strategist and liaison in the Congress. He also cultivated important ties to organized labor, professional associations, and other outside interest groups. During the 1950s he played a key role in obtaining passage of amendments which increased social security benefit levels and broadened the program's coverage. He also helped to formulate disability and national health insurance provisions which were later passed into law. In 1953, Cohen was named Director of the Social Security Administration's Division of Research and Statistics.

During his tenure with the Social Security Administration, Cohen held positions in two other federal advisory groups. In 1946-1947, he served as Director of Research to the Advisory Committee on Universal Training, established by President Truman to explore the possibility of establishing a system of compulsory military training in the U.S. Cohen also chaired the Wage Stabilization Board's Tripartite Committee on Health, Welfare, and Pensions, which formulated economic stabilization policies for employee benefit plans from 1950 to 1951. In 1952 and 1953, he chaired a separate committee which administered these stabilization policies. In addition, Cohen represented the United States at six international conferences on social security and two international labor conferences (1946 and 1951).

By the time Cohen left the Division of Research and Statistics in 1956 to become a professor of public welfare administration at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, he was regarded as the nation's leading expert on Social Security and an authority on public assistance, federal health insurance, aging, and unemployment compensation. As such, Cohen continued to play an active role in shaping social welfare policy and legislation both at the state and national levels. He was an advisor to G. Mennen Williams, governor of Michigan, and chairman of the Governor's Public Health Advisory Committee. Due largely to Cohen's influence, Michigan became the first state to implement a program of medical assistance for the aged. Cohen travelled frequently to Washington, D.C. as a consultant to the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, the Department of Labor, and several divisions of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. On a less formal basis, he advised individual members of Congress, such as Wilbur Mills, Aime Forand, Walter George, John Fogarty, Robert Kerr, and John F. Kennedy.

In 1960, President-elect John F. Kennedy appointed Cohen chairman of his Task Force on Health and Social Security, a group charged with defining the new administration's legislative priorities. One year later, Kennedy named Cohen assistant secretary for legislation of HEW. For the next 4 1/2 years, Cohen formulated, evaluated, and approved legislative proposals, acted as departmental liaison to Congress and the White House, drafted presidential messages, and testified before congressional committees. He oversaw the enactment of nearly 65 major legislative proposals, including such significant new measures as the Public Assistance and Social Security Amendments of 1961 and 1962, the Higher Education Facilities, Mental Retardation Facilities, Vocational Education, and Clean Air Acts of 1963, and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Cohen was the chief architect and legislative strategist behind the 1965 amendments to the Social Security Act which established the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Shortly after the adoption of this landmark legislation, President Johnson promoted Cohen to Undersecretary of HEW, where he was responsible for coordinating major policy issues between the executive branch and Congress, and he served as chief public spokesman for HEW programs and initiatives. When HEW Secretary John Gardner resigned in 1968, Johnson named Cohen to the top cabinet post.

After the election of President Nixon in 1969, Cohen returned to academics and the University of Michigan, where he was appointed dean of the School of Education. Cohen also resumed teaching and research as professor of public welfare administration. In 1979 he retired from the dean's office at Michigan to become the Sid W. Richardson professor of public affairs at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs in Austin, Texas.

As a private citizen, Cohen was consistent in his efforts to influence federal social welfare policies through congressional testimony, appointments to federal advisory bodies, leadership in Democratic policy groups and professional associations, writing, consulting, and public speaking. In 1975 and 1976, Cohen was elected president of the American Public Welfare Association, and in this capacity advocated increased federal spending for the poor and elderly. In 1977, President Carter named Cohen chairman of the National Commission on Unemployment Compensation, established to study the adequacy of unemployment programs and develop alternatives. Also in 1977 Cohen joined President Carter's Task Force on Education and from 1978 to 1981 served on the National Commission on Social Security.

In 1979, Cohen formed Save Our Security (SOS), a coalition of organizations representing the elderly, poor, women, minorities, and labor to lobby against the Carter administration's proposals to reduce disability benefits and funding for welfare programs. Composed of over one hundred groups such as the National Organization of Women, the AFL-CIO, and the National Conference of Catholic Charities, the coalition succeeded in blocking many of the proposed reductions. During the 1980s, SOS continued its efforts to defend all aspects of the Social Security system, including Medicare and Medicaid, from budget cutbacks sought by the Reagan administration. Cohen co-chaired the organization with Arthur S. Flemming, former Secretary of HEW under Eisenhower.

Throughout his career as a government official, professor, consultant, and administrator, Cohen was an extremely prolific writer and a popular public speaker. He co-authored and edited several books, and published dozens of articles on Social Security, welfare, aging, education, and health care policies. Cohen received over thirty awards and honorary degrees in recognition of his contributions in these fields and for his long and distinguished record of public service.

In 1987, at the age of 73, Cohen died of a heart attack while attending a symposium in Seoul, South Korea.

Scope and Content Note

The Wilbur J. Cohen Papers at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin are a rich source for tracing the expansion of the Social Security system, especially the formulation and adoption of the amendments to the Social Security Act which established Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. They furnish considerable insight into the development of the social welfare policies of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. They also provide extensive evidence of Cohen's lifelong involvement in social welfare legislation and policy.

The papers thoroughly document Cohen's career from 1935 to 1979 as a government official; his role in state and federal advisory bodies; his activities as a consultant, writer, and speaker; and his participation in advocacy groups and professional associations. Two phases of Cohen's academic career, first as a professor from 1956 to 1960 and then as a dean at the University of Michigan from 1969 to 1979 are extremely well represented. However, the Bentley Library in Michigan holds additional Cohen papers which document certain aspects of his work as a dean, his involvement in school desegregation cases in Michigan, and his participation in the Governor's Task Force on Prevention of Abuse in State Institutions.

Some of Cohen's activities after 1979, most notably his role in Save Our Security and his work for presidential commissions, also are well documented by the collection. Far less exhaustive are the records of his teaching career after 1979. Cohen's office files from the University of Texas which pertained to his professorship at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs were donated to the Lyndon B. Johnson Library. However, the collection here at the Wisconsin Historical Society does contain some correspondence regarding this position. Documentation of Cohen's career prior to 1935 is also fragmentary. Some memoranda, reports, statements, and personal accounts filed among the WRITINGS AND SPEECHES reflect his work for the Committee on Economic Security. In addition, Cohen's memoirs include some recollections of his experiences with the committee. The Edwin Witte Papers held by the SHSW also contribute insight into Cohen's role as Witte's research assistant during this period.

In addition to the Witte Papers, there are a number of other research collections held by the Wisconsin Historical Society which are closely related to the Cohen Papers. The papers of Arthur J. Altmeyer, Merlyn S. Pitzele, Nelson Cruikshank, and Elizabeth Wickenden contain correspondence from Cohen and in the case of the Cruikshank papers, material regarding Save Our Security. There is also a transcript of an oral interview with Cohen located in the Unemployment Compensation Oral History Project, and an audiotape of a speech Cohen gave on medical economics can be found with the records of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy.

Records of the Experimental College, held by the Archives of the University of Wisconsin-Madison include several files on Cohen. These contain reports and papers he wrote as a student as well as detailed evaluations of his character, performance, and abilities written by faculty advisors. Most interesting is a highly introspective autobiographical paper in which Cohen described at length the environment of his youth in Milwaukee.

The collection is organized into three series, PERSONAL PAPERS, PROFESSIONAL PAPERS, and WRITINGS AND SPEECHES.


Appointment Books

The series PERSONAL PAPERS begins with appointment books which briefly list Cohen's daily engagements from 1940 to 1960 and from 1969 to 1979. A few also served as diaries and include newspaper clippings and longer narrative passages where Cohen expressed thoughts or described activities in more detail.

Biographical Information

Two folders of Biographical Information contain resumes, biographical sketches, clippings, award certificates, memorials and other materials which summarize Cohen's career and achievements. Also included here are a few scattered documents, such as grade reports, from Cohen's college years.


The bulk of Cohen's PERSONAL PAPERS consists of chronologically and alphabetically arranged correspondence. With the exception of a few letters dating from 1935, both files were created while he was assistant secretary of HEW and include incoming and copies of outgoing letters from friends and associates, cards, invitations, thank-you notes, and correspondence regarding articles, speaking engagements, and other non-official activities. While the two files of correspondence are similar in terms of subject matter, the chronological file contains relatively more incoming correspondence; the alphabetical file contains more outgoing mail. The outgoing correspondence, which was typed by a secretary, is relatively terse and formal; it provides little insight into Cohen's thoughts, activities, or personal relationships. Letters from friends and associates are more lengthy, and the letters from Arthur Altmeyer are especially detailed and informative. These have been filed separately and date from Altmeyer's departure from the Social Security Administration in 1953 until his death in 1972. They reflect Cohen's involvement with legislation, his role in the Social Security Administration, and his longstanding personal relationship with the former commissioner. A small quantity of correspondence regarding employment, family, and financial matters from 1962 to 1978 can be found under “Cohen, Wilbur J.,” the heading used by Cohen himself, but again, little is revealed here about Cohen's family or personal life. Also included among the personal correspondence are voluminous files of congratulatory letters and telegrams from family, friends, colleagues, congressmen, and government officials. Material relating to the Senate's confirmation of his secretarial appointment can be found here under the heading “Confirmation.”


The single richest source of information in the collection about Cohen's family history and personal life can be found among his memoirs. These consist of a series of hand and typewritten autobiographical fragments, anecdotes, and journal entries Cohen had arranged into chapters with a view towards eventual publication. Included are detailed recollections of his boyhood in Milwaukee, numerous accounts of professional and political experiences, and reflections on being a grandparent and growing older.

Oral History Transcripts

Additional biographical information can be found in the transcribed oral interviews conducted by presidential libraries. In these Cohen is asked to trace his career, to recount key political events, and to assess various individuals and administrations.

Sound Recordings

Two sound recordings are included in the PERSONAL PAPERS. One is a tape of a reception for Cohen held at HEW in January 1969 commemorating his service to the department, the other a ceremony at which his portrait was unveiled.


Additional documentation of Cohen's boyhood and youth can be obtained from his Lincoln High School yearbooks. These record his extracurricular activities, and the inscriptions from classmates reflect something of his personal relationships and standing at the school.


Cohen's office files from the Social Security Administration, HEW, the University of Michigan, and the Save Our Security (SOS) Coalition are grouped under the heading PROFESSIONAL PAPERS and are arranged chronologically by period.

Social Security Administration

The Social Security Administration files document Cohen's work as technical advisor to Arthur Altmeyer and as director of research and legislative liaison for that administration, as well as his work for the Wage Stabilization Board and the President's Commission on Universal Training. Although these papers date from 1935 to 1955, the period from 1940 to 1955 is best represented. With the exception of the correspondence files, Social Security Administration subseries have been arranged alphabetically by subject.


These files include incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence and memoranda arranged chronologically. The memoranda (blue copies) are primarily from Cohen (or prepared by Cohen for Altmeyer's signature) to others in the SSA. These files are the richest source of information in the collection about Cohen's activities and role in the SSA and are complemented by the Altmeyer correspondence listed with the PERSONAL PAPERS.

General Files

The Social Security Administration Correspondence files are followed by General files which contain memoranda to Cohen from others in the SSA, white copies of memoranda, some advisory committee minutes, reports, statistics, analyses of bills, legislative proposals, suggestions for testimony, and floor statements prepared for the Social Security Board/Administration or relating to the agency as a whole. The files are arranged alphabetically by record type or subject. Much of this material concerns the expansion of the social security system. Presidential messages and reports of the Social Security Board which Cohen helped to draft deal almost exclusively with this topic. Of particular interest in the files on legislation are proposals, specifications, and analyses of national health insurance bills from the 1940s. Records of the Advisory Council on Social Security to which Cohen was technical advisor are fragmentary and incomplete, consisting mainly of minutes from 1936 and 1937. (Cohen deposited most of his papers regarding the Advisory Council at Cornell.)

Office/Bureau Files

The Social Security Administration Office/Bureau files variously contain memos received by Cohen, reports, statistics, drafts of legislation, white copies of correspondence and memoranda, and advisory committee minutes pertaining to specific departments or programs within SSA. Topics include program evaluation, development, and coordination, coverage, costs, benefit levels, and legislation.

Social Security-Related Materials and Reports

Most of the files entitled “Social Security-related” consist of research reports Cohen generated or data he collected on various topics. Also included here is a record of the world trip he made to study social welfare. The file contains reports on social welfare in Japan, India, Pakistan, Thailand, and the Philippines based on Cohen's first-hand observations. Evidence here of Cohen's participation in the Inter-American Conferences on Social Security is fragmentary; the file is supplemented by accounts and reports found among the WRITINGS AND SPEECHES.

Other Agencies

Cohen's positions in two federal agencies outside the Social Security Administration--the Commission on Universal Training and the Wage Stabilization Board--are well-documented through correspondence, minutes, and reports. Records of the Pension, Health, and Welfare committees of the Wage Stabilization Board, which Cohen chaired, are especially complete.

University of Michigan, 1956-1961

Cohen's activities from 1956 to 1961 at the University of Michigan are documented through two interrelated sets of files. The first is alphabetically arranged correspondence containing incoming and yellow copies of outgoing correspondence. The second consists of “working files” arranged alphabetically by subject. Subjects treated include organizations, committees, and topics of legislation, and the files variously contain white copies of outgoing correspondence, some original incoming correspondence, reports, minutes, notes, legislative proposals, and course material. Since Cohen was not consistent in filing his incoming correspondence, it may be necessary to look at both sets of files. Together, the two sets of files reflect Cohen's teaching and research activities as a professor of public welfare at the University of Michigan, his role as a consultant and advisor to Congress and HEW, and his participation in various advisory committees and organizations including the Democratic Party. The correspondence here documents in particular Cohen's activities in developing and promoting social welfare legislation through his contacts with Congress. Prominent correspondents include Wilbur Mills, Lister Hill, Henry Jackson, Wayne Morse, Aime Forand, Henry Reuss, Leo Irwin, Burr Harrison, Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kean, Robert Kerr, Lester Johnson, and John F. Kennedy. Also of special interest are the files on the Task Force on Health and Social Security, which Cohen chaired. These records include drafts of Cohen's report to President Kennedy on national health insurance for the elderly and other social welfare reforms. Two separate files of letters from the public (“fan letters” and “Social Security letters”) offer examples of public opinion regarding Social Security. Many of the letters in the second file are detailed and often poignant appeals for Cohen's help in collecting benefits.

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare materials extensively document the three posts Cohen held in that agency from 1961 to January 1969. The records are arranged alphabetically by record type.


The HEW subseries begins with chronological correspondence which contains yellow copies of outgoing correspondence and memoranda from Cohen to others in the department. Also included here are separate files of “signer's copy” correspondence and memoranda prepared by others for Cohen's signature. Photocopies of incoming correspondence and attachments are sometimes found with the outgoing correspondence. An additional set of correspondence exists for the period Cohen served as secretary (March 1968 to January 1969). This file consists of copies of correspondence and memoranda filed by the office or division to which it pertained. Included here as “White House drafts” are Cohen's weekly reports to the President on significant developments in health, education, and welfare. The files designated as “White House general” consist of copies of memoranda and reports to the President or White House staff.

Departmental Files

HEW Departmental files are alphabeticallyarranged subject files which reflect Cohen's involvement with specific policy issues and the analysis, development, implementation, and coordination of HEW programs. They largely contain incoming correspondence, white copies of outgoing correspondence, memoranda (mostly to Cohen), reports, and statistical data, and are grouped according to the major types of programs administered by the department. In addition to the categories of health, education, and welfare, there are separate files on Social Security (including Medicare), civil rights, and poverty. Files regarding interdepartmental activities, subjects or policy issues concerning HEW as a whole, as well as budget and personnel matters are found under the heading Administration. The volume and completeness of the Departmental files varies greatly. Files regarding the implementation of civil rights legislation and the Medicare program are especially voluminous, while those on education are less numerous and more fragmentary. There is also some subject overlap between major groups of files. For instance, papers regarding the implementation of the Economic Opportunity Act are found under Poverty (because it established anti-poverty programs), as well as Administration (because the programs involved interdepartmental cooperation).


The most complete and substantial files in the HEW subseries are those regarding legislation. These have been organized into two groups--bills and planning--although there is some overlap between the two. Bill files concern the drafting, sponsorship, presentation, hearings, and movement through Congress of specific pieces of legislation, and they variously contain drafts, analysis, specifications, cost estimates, bill summaries, comparisons, sample testimony, memoranda, and incoming and white copies of outgoing correspondence. Files on individual bills or types of bills are arranged chronologically by year, and within each year, by subject.

Planning files document the annual development, coordination, and assessment of the department's overall legislative program. Included here are legislative proposals gathered from the various divisions, reports on policy issues, and white copies of reports on bills made to members of Congress and the Bureau of the Budget, all filed by year. Also included are Cohen's confidential reports to Secretary Celebreeze for 1964, weekly reports to the White House outlining the department's legislative activities, schedules of congressional hearings and schedules and agendas for meetings with White House staff. Congressional relations files document Cohen's meetings with members and committees.


These files mostly contain memos to Cohen from others in the department which apparently were never filed. The majority date from 1967 to January 1969 and concern policies, programs, issues, and legislation.

Non-HEW Activities

Files found here reflect some of Cohen's activities outside of the department. The majority concern the publication of articles and include correspondence, drafts, and final copies of the articles.

Phone Calls

A typewritten daily log of incoming phone calls and visitors to Cohen's office can be found in the Phone Calls file. The log lists the name of the caller and their message or the subject of their call, and often includes a brief note about the action taken or Cohen's response. As a result this serves as an unusually complete and detailed source of information about communications which typically go unrecorded.

Presidential Messages

Cohen was involved in drafting presidential messages to Congress and speeches for occasions such as bill signing ceremonies which commemorated the passage of significant legislation; the presidential message files detail this involvement. They contain handwritten and typed drafts, background material, and suggestions for language, and often include lists of people to be invited and suggestions on the timing and location of signing ceremonies. The files are arranged chronologically by year, then alphabetically by subject.

Task Forces

During his tenure at HEW, Cohen participated in task forces and committees that advised the department and the President on matters of policy and legislation. The task force files variously include incoming correspondence, memoranda, drafts of reports and recommendations, occasional minutes, and lists of potential members. The documentation is most exhaustive for those task forces Cohen chaired, such as education, health care, health insurance for the aged, income maintenance, older Americans, and public assistance. The files are arranged alphabetically according to subject. Copies of findings and final reports of these groups may also be found in the departmental and legislation files.

University of Michigan, 1969-1979

Cohen's position as Dean of the School of Education and his activities from 1969 to approximately 1981 are documented in these University of Michigan materials. The series is composed of two interrelated sets of files, both reflecting (to varying degrees) his work as administrator, professor, consultant, and writer; his public appearances; and participation in various organizations.

Alphabetical Files

The Alphabetical files contain incoming and white copies of outgoing correspondence, as well as memoranda, reports, papers, clippings, printed material, and drafts of articles. The file headings here include individual correspondents, organizations, and subjects, and there is considerable overlap and inconsistency in the way Cohen filed this material. For instance, although a file may exist for a particular individual, additional correspondence with that individual may also be found in the general alphabetical correspondence, or it may be filed with the organization they represent. Prominent correspondents here include congressmen such as Edward Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Wilbur Mills, Russell Long, George McGovern, Claude Pepper, Jacob Javits, Walter Mondale, Daniel Rostenkowski, John Dingell, and Carl Perkins; federal officials such as Sargent Shriver, Joseph Califano, Alice Rivlin, Arthur Flemming, and Robert Ball; and friends such as J. Douglas Brown, Nelson Cruikshank, and Elizabeth Wickenden. A sound recording of Cohen discussing President Nixon's welfare proposals is listed under the heading “Welfare Bill.”

Chronological Correspondence

The chronological correspondence files contain yellow copies of outgoing correspondence and memoranda, although from 1969 to 1970 some incoming correspondence was also included. These files reflect relatively more about Cohen's role as an academic administrator than the alphabetical files, while the alphabetical files more thoroughly document his other activities. That portion of Cohen's alphabetical files which relate to his work as a dean (which presumably document more thoroughly such activities as budgeting and faculty appointments) was donated to the Bentley Historical Library in Michigan. Papers concerning Cohen's involvement in school desegregation cases in Michigan during this period and his participation in the Governor's Task Force on Prevention of Abuse in State Institutions are also housed at the Bentley.

Save Our Security Coalition

SOS records provide substantial insight into Cohen's role as co-chairman of this organization from 1979 to 1984, and thoroughly document its functions and activities from 1981 to 1984. Correspondence files include incoming and drafts and copies of outgoing correspondence and memoranda, largely with coalition members, congressmen, and government officials. Weekly financial reports contain detailed breakdowns and analysis of contributions and fund raising campaigns as well as annual statements of receipts and disbursements. Minutes are mainly those of the Executive Committee but also include occasional minutes of the SOS Education Fund and other committees. Reports and congressional testimony, position papers, informational brochures, and publicity materials such as press releases and newspaper advertisements can be found in the files of printed material.


Copies of virtually all of Cohen's speeches and written works from 1934 to 1979, both published and unpublished, can be found in the WRITINGS AND SPEECHES series. Cohen himself compiled this material, arranged it chronologically in two sets of volumes, numbered the items, and created a table of contents citing the title, number, date, and place submitted, published, or delivered. A copy of this table of contents has been appended to this finding aid and serves as an index to the two sets of volumes. The first set of volumes, Articles and Addresses, contains approximately 1232 items and includes articles, speeches, congressional testimony, statements, reviews, press releases, conference papers, transcripts of interviews, pamphlets, and reports from 1934 to 1979. The second set, Memoranda and Reports, contains 88 items and includes memoranda, reports, minutes, testimony, statements, and proposals from 1947 to 1969. Although there is some overlap in genre between the two sets, specific titles are not duplicated. Many of the items, however, can also be found elsewhere among Cohen's professional papers. Not duplicated are the annual reports of the School of Education from 1969 to 1979, the minutes of American Public Welfare Association meetings, congressional statements and testimony Cohen gave as a member of APWA's Welfare Policy Committee during the 1950s, and reports he wrote as a delegate to the Inter-American Conferences on Social Security. Also filed among WRITINGS AND SPEECHES are several folders of drafts and miscellaneous reports, testimony, and articles dating primarily from 1975 to 1987, which do not appear in the compiled volumes. Copies of Cohen's Daily Cardinal articles from 1931 to 1933 and his college thesis have also been included here.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Presented by Wilbur J. and Eloise Cohen, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Austin, Texas, 1953-1991. Accession Number: M60-193, M61-001, M61-012, M61-020, M64-234, M65-002, M65-050, M65-176, M65-349, M66-061, M66-174, M66-385, M67-014, M67-116, M67-166.4, M68-073, M68-083, M68-104, M68-126, M68-392, M69-037, M70-270, M71-140, M76-161, M76-475, M77-244, M77-279, M78-410, M80-660, M81-149, M81-216, M81-263, M81-271, M81-472, M82-287, M82-321, M84-148, M84-152, M84-316, M84-393, M85-410, M87-519, M88-036, M89-378, M91-097

Processing Information

Processed by Margret Hafstad, 1962, and by Cindy Knight, 1991.

Contents List
Series: Personal Papers
Mss 789
Subseries: Appointment Books
Box   1
Box   2
1954-1956, 1960, 1969, 1970
Box   3
Box   4
Box   5
Folder   1-2
Subseries: Biographical Information, 1931-1934, 1956-1987
Box   5
Folder   3-17
Subseries: Clippings, 1965-1979
Subseries: Correspondence
Box   6
Folder   1-7
Altmeyer, Arthur J., 1947-1969, 1972, undated
Alphabetical, 1962-1968
Box   7
Folder   1-7
Box   8
Folder   1-9
Box   9
Folder   1-3
Box   10
Folder   1-10
1935, 1961-1966
Box   11
Folder   1-9
Box   12
Folder   1-7
1969 January-April
Box   13
Folder   1-9
1969 April-1971 June
Box   14
Folder   1-7
1971 July-1974 April
Box   15
Folder   1-7
1974 May-1981
Box   16
Folder   1
1982-1987, undated
Box   16
Folder   2-4
“Cohen, Wilbur J.,” 1935, 1962-1978, 1984, 1986
Scope and Content Note: Re: employment and financial matters.
Alphabetical, 1968
Box   17
Folder   1-8
Box   18
Folder   1-6
Box   19
Folder   1-8
Box   20
Folder   1-3
By occasion, 1953-1968
Box   21
Folder   1
Medicare passage, 1965
Box   21
Folder   2
Miscellaneous, 1957-1969
Box   21
Folder   3
National Association of Social Workers award, 1965
Box   21
Folder   4-5
Rockefeller public service award, 1953-1967
Secretary, 1968
Box   21
Folder   6
Box   21
Folder   7-8
Box   22
Folder   1
“Not answered”
Box   22
Folder   2
“Special letters”
Box   22
Folder   3
Box   22
Folder   4-9
Undersecretary, 1965
Subseries: Memoirs
Box   278
Folder   1
Cohen family genealogy, 1972, undated
Box   278
Folder   2
Early memories and influences, 1978, 1981, undated
Box   278
Folder   3
Growing older, 1978-1986
Box   278
Folder   4
Miscellaneous, 1985, 1987, undated
Professional and political experiences
Box   278
Folder   5-11
Box   279
Folder   1-2
1987, undated
Box   279
Folder   3
Religion, marriage, and family, 1976, 1981
Box   279
Folder   4-6
Social Security, 1959, 1968-1969, 1981, undated
Box   23
Folder   1-3
Subseries: Oral History Transcripts, 1968-1972, 1976
Audio 1237A
Subseries: Sound Recordings
Audio   1237A/1-2
Portrait unveiling ceremony, September 1970
Audio   1237A/3
Reception in honor of Secretary Cohen, January 1969
Mss 789
Box   24
Subseries: Yearbooks, 1927-1930
Series: Professional Papers
Subseries: Social Security Board/Administration
Correspondence, 1934-1955
Box   25
Folder   1-7
1934 August-1940 August
Box   26
Folder   1-9
1940 September-1944
Box   27
Folder   1-9
Box   28
Folder   1-9
1948-1949 March
Box   29
Folder   1-9
1949 March-1950 May
Box   30
Folder   1-10
1950 June-1952 February
Box   31
Folder   1-8
1952 February-1953 November
Box   32
Folder   1-3
1953 December-1956 January
Actuarial data, 1941-1955
Box   33
Folder   1-2
Estimates, 1941-1946
Box   33
Folder   3-4
Memoranda, 1948-1955
Box   33
Folder   5
Advisory Council on Social Security, 1936-1937, 1947, 1954
Box   33
Folder   6
Appropriations, 1948-1949
Box   33
Folder   7
Benefit formulas, 1942-1943
Box   33
Folder   8-9
Curtis Subcommittee investigation of Social Security, 1953
Box   34
Folder   1
Federal-state coordinated social insurance plans, 1943-1948, 1950, 1953
Box   34
Folder   2-8
Box   35
Folder   1-6
Box   36
Folder   1-7
Box   37
Folder   1-10
Box   38
Folder   1
Box   38
Folder   2-3
Legislative program, 1953-1954
Box   38
Folder   4-7
Presidential messages, 1940-1948, 1953-1954
Reports of the Social Security Board
Box   38
Folder   8-9
Box   39
Folder   1-6
Box   39
Folder   7-8
Statistics, 1944-1955
Box   40
Folder   1-2
Tax and fiscal estimates, 1941-1942
Bureau/Office Files
Box   40
Folder   3-4
Children's Bureau, 1942, 1949-1955
Box   40
Folder   5
Employees' Compensation, 1942-1954
Employment Security, 1941-1942
Box   40
Folder   6
ABC plan
Box   40
Folder   7
Day plan and dependent's benefits
Box   41
Folder   1
Federal-State Relations, Office of, 1939-1948
Old Age and Survivor's Insurance (OASI), 1937-1955
Box   41
Folder   2-3
Actuarial studies, 1941-1948
Consultative Committee on Social Security, 1953
Box   41
Folder   4
Minutes, 1953 March-June
Box   41
Folder   5-7
1953 April-May
Box   42
Folder   1-2
1953 May-June
Cost data
Box   42
Folder   3
Administrative costs, 1938-1953
Box   42
Folder   4
Cost estimates, 1939-1943
Box   42
Folder   5
Estimates for HR 2893 and HR 6000, 1949-1950
Box   42
Folder   6-8
Coverage, 1940, 1947-1949, 1950-1952
Box   43
Folder   1
Cash benefits, 1949
Box   43
Folder   2
Foreign experience, 1939-1941
Box   43
Folder   3
Freeze, 1953
Box   43
Folder   4-8
General, 1939-1956
Box   44
Folder   1-2
Fiscal estimates, 1940-1950
Box   44
Folder   3-4
HR 6000, 1950
Box   44
Folder   5
Jackson bills, 1945-1953
Box   44
Folder   6
Kean bills, 1949-1954
Box   44
Folder   7
Reed bill, 1953
Box   44
Folder   8
1954 Amendments
Box   44
Folder   9
Box   45
Folder   1-4
Box   45
Folder   5
Old-Age benefits, 1937
Box   45
Folder   6
Double decker plan, 1945-1950
Box   45
Folder   7
Flat plans, 1940-1941
Box   46
Folder   1
General, 1948-1954
Box   46
Folder   2-4
Private plans, 1946-1955
Box   46
Folder   5
Townsend plan, 1939
Box   46
Folder   6
Relationship between OASI and Public Assistance, 1938-1939
Box   46
Folder   7
Stamp books prototypes, undated
Box   46
Folder   8
Veteran's benefits, 1947-1950
Public Assistance
Box   46
Folder   9
Confidentiality of records, 1952
Box   47
Folder   1
Costs, 1949
Box   47
Folder   2
Cost analysis of formulas for reducing federal funds for public assistance, 1953
Box   47
Folder   3-5
Formulas, 1953-1954
Box   47
Folder   6
Aid to the blind and Indians, 1948, 1950
Amendments to the Social Security Act
Box   47
Folder   7
Box   48
Folder   1-3
1943, 1950
Box   48
Folder   4
Connally bill, 1940-1941
Box   48
Folder   5-6
Drafts, 1941-1942, 1946, 1949
Box   48
Folder   7-9
HR 6000, 1949
Box   49
Folder   1
Vocational rehabilitation, 1949
Box   49
Folder   2-6
Legislative program, 1947-1954
Box   49
Folder   7-8
Medical care for the needy, 1954-1955
Box   49
Folder   9
Old age assistance, 1953
Box   49
Folder   10
Plans and data, 1940-1951
Box   50
Folder   1
Policy and statistics, 1941-1952
Box   50
Folder   2
Political analysis, 1953
Box   50
Folder   3
Research, 1954
Box   50
Folder   4
Unmet need, dependent children and disabled, 1941-1942
Variable Grants
Box   50
Folder   5-9
General, 1938-1940, 1946-1954
Box   51
Folder   1-2
Old Age Assistance, 1938-1944
Box   51
Folder   3
Welfare data by states, 1951-1952
Box   51
Folder   4
Unemployment Compensation, Bureau of, 1937
Social Security-Related Materials and Reports
Box   51
Folder   5-6
Chamber of Commerce plans for Social Security, 1952-1953
Box   52
Folder   1
Hoover Commission report on the organization of the executive branch, 1948
Box   52
Folder   2
Inter-American Conferences on Social Security, 1948, 1952, 1953, 1955
Box   52
Folder   3
Life insurance, 1943-1944, 1949, 1952
Box   52
Folder   4
Medical and hospitalization insurance, 1941-1942, 1952-1953
Box   52
Folder   5
National health insurance program outlines for discussion, 1946
Opposition and support for social security from outside groups
Box   52
Folder   6-8
Box   53
Folder   1-2
1948-1955, undated
Box   53
Folder   3
Social insurance and manpower mobilization, 1942
Box   53
Folder   4
Social Security Charter Committee, 1944
Social security in foreign countries
Box   53
Folder   5-6
Forms, undated
Plans and data
Box   53
Folder   7-8
Box   54
Folder   1
Box   54
Folder   2
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, 1946, 1949-1950
Box   54
Folder   3
United Mine Workers welfare and retirement fund study, 1946
Box   54
Folder   4-5
United Nations Social Commission, 1945-1948
Box   54
Folder   6
World Trip, Cohen-Ewing, 1952-1953
Subseries: Other Agencies
Commission on Universal Training, 1947
Box   55
Folder   1-5
Box   56
Folder   1-3
Wage Stabilization Board, 1950-1953
Box   56
Folder   4-7
Box   57
Folder   1-3
Box   57
Folder   4-6
Minutes, 1952-1953
Box   58
Folder   1-6
Reports, 1951
Subseries: University of Michigan, 1956-1961
Box   59
Folder   1-7
Box   60
Folder   1-5
Box   61
Folder   1-5
Box   62
Folder   1-6
Box   63
Folder   1-5
Box   64
Folder   1-6
Box   65
Folder   1-6
Box   66
Folder   1-5
Box   67
Folder   1-6
Box   68
Folder   1-6
Working Files
Box   69
Folder   1-2
Advisory Council on Public Assistance, 1959
Box   69
Folder   3
American Public Health Association, 1961
Box   69
Folder   4
Articles, 1946-1961
Box   69
Folder   5
Catholic University, 1961-1962
Box   69
Folder   6
Child Welfare Services (Title V), 1960
Box   69
Folder   7-8
Committee for Economic Development study of low incomes, 1956-1958
Box   69
Folder   9
Council on Social Work Education, 1958-1959
Course material
Box   69
Folder   10
Assignments, 1956-1960
Box   69
Folder   11
Exam questions, 1956-1960
Box   69
Folder   12
Box   70
Folder   1
Box   70
Folder   2
Current Trends in Social Welfare Institute, 1957
Democratic Party
Box   70
Folder   3
Congressional campaigns, 1952, 1954, 1958
Box   70
Folder   4
Kennedy-Johnson campaign, 1960
Box   70
Folder   5
National Convention, 1956
Box   70
Folder   6
Disability Insurance Bill, 1956
Box   70
Folder   7
Experimental College Alumni Group, 1950-1965
Box   70
Folder   8
Faculty Seminar on Income Maintenance, 1956-1957
Box   71
Folder   1
Fan letters, 1956-1960
Box   71
Folder   2
Gerontology Committee, 1956-1958
Health insurance for the aged
Box   274
Folder   9
American Hospital Association bill, 1957
Box   274
Folder   10-11
Forand bills and amendments, 1958-1960
Box   274
Folder   12
Legislative proposals, 1956-1960
Box   71
Folder   3
International Youth Service (Peace Corps Proposal), 1960
Box   71
Folder   4
Louisiana ADC Case, 1960
Box   71
Folder   5
McNamara Subcommittee on Aging, 1959
Michigan Public Health Study Commission, 1956-1957
Box   71
Folder   6
Box   71
Folder   7
Box   71
Folder   8-9
Box   71
Folder   10
National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers, 1956-1958
Box   72
Folder   1
Permission letters, Haber-Cohen book, 1960
Public assistance
Box   274
Folder   1
Child welfare, 1959
Box   274
Folder   2
Exemption of earned income, 1958-1959
Box   274
Folder   3
General, 1956-1959
Medical care
Box   274
Folder   4
APWA research project, 1954
Box   274
Folder   5
Article, 1957
Box   274
Folder   6-7
Legislation, 1957, 1960
Box   274
Folder   8
Personnel training, 1956-1957
Box   72
Folder   2
Rehabilitation Act (HR 3465), 1959
Box   72
Folder   3
Retirement Advisors, Inc., 1958-1961
Box   72
Folder   4
Santa Cruz project, 1957
Social Security
Box   72
Folder   5
Blanketing-in, 1959-1960
Box   72
Folder   6
Financing and wage base, undated
Box   72
Folder   7
Hart bills, 1959
Box   72
Folder   8
Legislative proposals, 1956-1961
Box   72
Folder   9
Letters, 1958
Task Force on Health and Social Security, 1960-1961
Box   72
Folder   10
Box   72
Folder   11
Cost material
Box   72
Folder   12
Box   73
Folder   1
Unemployment studies and proposals, 1957-1963
Box   73
Folder   2
University of Michigan social welfare research, 1957-1962
Box   73
Folder   3-5
Washtenaw County (MI) Public Welfare Project, 1959-1962
Subseries: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1961-1969
Box   74
Folder   1-12
1961 January-July
Box   75
Folder   1-12
1961 August-1962 January
Box   76
Folder   1-11
1962 February-July
Box   77
Folder   1-5
1962 July-September
Box   78
Folder   1-13
1962 October-1963 April
Box   79
Folder   1-10
1063 April-October
Box   80
Folder   1-12
1963 October-1964 April
Box   81
Folder   1-11
1964 April-September
Box   82
Folder   1-10
1964 October-1965 February
Box   83
Folder   1-8
1965 February-June
Box   84
Folder   1-7
1965 June-August
Box   85
Folder   1-7
1965 September-November
Box   86
Folder   1-7
1965 November-1966 January
Box   87
Folder   1-7
1966 February-April
Box   88
Folder   1-8
1966 April-June
Box   89
Folder   1-7
1966 July-September
Box   90
Folder   1-9
1966 September-December
Box   91
Folder   1-7
1966 December-1967 March
Box   92
Folder   1-8
1967 March-June
Box   93
Folder   1-7
1967 June-September
Box   94
Folder   1-6
1967 September-December
Box   95
Folder   1-6
1967 December-1968 February
Box   96
Folder   1-6
1968 March-May
Box   97
Folder   1-9
1968 June-October
Box   98
Folder   1-8
1968 October-1969 January
By Office, 1968-1969
Box   99
Folder   1-4
Education, Office of, March 1968-January 1969
Box   99
Folder   5
Food and Drug Administration, March 1968-January 1969
Public Health Service
Box   99
Folder   6-9
1968 March-October
Box   100
Folder   1-2
1968 November-1969 January
Secretary's Office
Box   100
Folder   3-12
1968 March-July
Box   101
Folder   1-9
1968 August-December
Box   102
Folder   1-4
1968 December-1969 January
Social and Rehabilitative Services
Box   102
Folder   5-9
1968 March-December
Box   103
Folder   1
1969 January
Box   103
Folder   2-7
Social Security Administration, March 1968-January 1969
White House
Box   104
Folder   1-3
Drafts, March-August 1968
Box   104
Folder   4-8
General, March 1968-January 1969
Departmental Files
Box   105
Folder   1-5
Fiscal Years , 1966-1970
Box   105
Folder   6
Memoranda, 1961-1967
Box   105
Folder   7
National Teachers' Corps-supplemental appropriations, 1965-1968
Box   106
Folder   1
American Public Welfare Association, 1964-1968
Box   106
Folder   2-3
Articles, 1967-1968
Box   106
Folder   4
Assistant Secretaries' meetings, 1966-1968
Cabinet meetings
Box   106
Folder   5
Box   273
Folder   5
Box   106
Folder   6
Census (1970), 1967-1968
Box   106
Folder   7
Center for Community Planning, 1967
Box   106
Folder   8
Confidential reports on trips, 1963
Box   106
Folder   9
Consumer protection, 1961-1968
Box   106
Folder   10
Copyright and patent policy, 1965-1968
Box   106
Folder   11
Drugs, 1967-1968
Box   107
Folder   1
Economic impact of federal activities on local governments, 1963-1964
Economic Opportunity Act
Box   107
Folder   2
Administration, 1964-1967
Box   107
Folder   3
Coordination of HEW responsibilities under EOA, 1964-1967
Box   107
Folder   4
Equalizing opportunity for the disadvantaged, 1963-1964
Box   107
Folder   5
Office of Economic Opportunity-HEW organizational changes, 1966-1968
Box   107
Folder   6
Field coordination, 1965-1966
Box   107
Folder   7-9
Goals, 1964-1966
Box   107
Folder   10
Grants-in-aid, 1962-1967
Box   107
Folder   11
Guaranteed annual income, 1966-1967
Box   107
Folder   12
Hagadorn, Jack L., M.D., misquote of Secretary, 1968
Box   108
Folder   1
History of HEW, 1965, 1967, undated
Box   108
Folder   2
Immediate steps to improve life in urban ghettos, 1967
Box   108
Folder   3
Improving public communications, 1965-1966
Box   108
Folder   4
Interfaith group, 1961-1965
Intergovernmental relations
Box   108
Folder   5
Advisory commission, 1961-1968
Box   108
Folder   6
General, 1966-1967
Box   108
Folder   7
Governor's conference, 1967
Box   108
Folder   8
Inter-American Committee on Social Security, 1967-1968
Box   108
Folder   9
Tax sharing, 1965-1967
Box   108
Folder   10
International, 1961-1964, 1967
Box   108
Folder   11-12
International Conference of Social Welfare Ministers, 1968
Box   108
Folder   13
Kennedy Library, 1963-1965
Kerner Commission report on civil disorders, 1968
Box   108
Folder   14
Box   108
Folder   15
Box   109
Folder   1
Labor Department, 1962, 1963, 1967
Box   109
Folder   2
Los Angeles (Watts) - possible projects, 1965
Box   109
Folder   3
Management committee, 1967
Box   109
Folder   4
Medical care costs, 1966-1968
Box   109
Folder   5
Meet the Press-Cohen appearance, 1968
Box   109
Folder   6
Memoranda to President Johnson, 1968
Box   109
Folder   7
Miscellaneous papers received, 1962-1969
Box   109
Folder   8
Model Cities program, 1968
Box   109
Folder   9
National Association for Retarded Children, 1964-1965
Box   109
Folder   10
National Association of Social Workers, 1961-1963, 1968
Box   109
Folder   11
National Conference on Social Welfare, 1962-1965
Box   109
Folder   12
National Governors' Conference, 1968
Box   109
Folder   13
National voluntary organizations, 1962-1963, 1967
Box   109
Folder   14
Negro, 1967-1968
Box   109
Folder   15
New program ideas for Democratic platform, 1964
Planning, programming, and budget system
Box   110
Folder   1
General, 1966-1968
Box   110
Folder   2
1973 objectives, 1967
Box   110
Folder   3-6
Poor People's March, 1968, Correspondence and memoranda
Box   110
Folder   7
Presidential award for civilian service, 1963-1968
Box   111
Folder   1
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1963-1965
Box   111
Folder   2
Press conference transcripts, 1968-1969
Box   111
Folder   3
Priorities in projects, 1967
Box   111
Folder   4
Private initiative and the ghetto, 1967
Box   111
Folder   5
Program analysis, 1961-1964, 1967
Box   111
Folder   6
Program planning, 1962, 1964
Box   111
Folder   7
Progress report on HEW, 1968
Box   111
Folder   8
Public information, 1964-1968
Box   111
Folder   9
Publications, 1961-1965, 1967
Box   111
Folder   10
Regional offices, 1963-1964, 1967-1968
Reorganization of HEW
Box   111
Folder   11-12
Box   112
Folder   1
1967-1968, undated
Box   112
Folder   2
Head Start program, 1968
Box   112
Folder   3-5
Welfare Administration, 1967
Box   112
Folder   6
Rockefeller programs, 1966
Box   112
Folder   7
Secretary--briefings and memos to, 1962-1968
Box   112
Folder   8
Soviet health, education, and welfare, 1963
Box   112
Folder   9
Special institutions, 1962, 1963, 1967
Box   112
Folder   10
Student and youth affairs, 1968
Box   112
Folder   11
Summer programs for disadvantaged youth, 1967-1968
Box   112
Folder   12
Surplus property program, 1964-1967
Box   112
Folder   13
Tigar law suit, 1968
Box   112
Folder   14
Transition of the Presidency, 1968-1969
Box   112
Folder   15
Treasury Department, 1961-1962
Box   112
Folder   16
Under Secretaries' Group, 1966-1968
Box   113
Folder   1
Urban Coalition, 1968
Box   113
Folder   2
Urban employment opportunity, 1966
Box   113
Folder   3
Urban relations, 1966
Box   113
Folder   4
Weekly reports to the President, December 1967-August 1968
White House
Box   113
Folder   5
Children and youth, 1966-1968
Box   113
Folder   6
Health, 1965-1966
Box   113
Folder   7
Mental retardation, 1963
Box   113
Folder   8
“To Fulfill These Rights,” 1965-1966
Box   113
Folder   9
Fellows, 1965, 1968
Box   113
Folder   10
General, 1963-1968
Box   113
Folder   11-12
Requests, 1961-1968
Box   113
Folder   13
“White papers” including James Dixon paper, 1965
Box   113
Folder   14
Women, 1963-1967
Box   113
Folder   15
Aging, 1965
Box   113
Folder   16
Assistant Secretaries, 1961-1966
Box   113
Folder   17
Children's Bureau, 1968
Box   113
Folder   18
Education, 1961-1962, 1965, 1968
Box   113
Folder   19
Box   113
Folder   20
General, 1962-1968
Box   114
Folder   1
Office of Assistant Secretary for Legislation, 1961-1965
Box   114
Folder   2
Office of the Secretary, 1967-1968
Box   114
Folder   3
Public Health Service, 1964-1966, 1968
Box   114
Folder   4
Regional directors, 1965-1966
Box   114
Folder   5
Social Security Administration, 1965-1967
Box   114
Folder   6
Special assistants on civil rights, 1962-1965
Box   114
Folder   7
Water Pollution Control Administration, 1965
Box   114
Folder   8
Welfare Administration, 1961-1963, 1966, 1968
Civil Rights
Box   114
Folder   9
Discrimination in federally-assisted programs, 1962-1964
Box   114
Folder   10
Box   115
Folder   1
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, 1964-1968
Box   115
Folder   2-3
Alabama welfare case, 1965-1968
Box   115
Folder   4-6
Chicago school desegregation case, 1965-1967
Box   115
Folder   7
General, 1965-1968
Box   115
Folder   8
Georgia, 1967-1968
Box   116
Folder   1
Mississippi, 1966-1968
Box   116
Folder   2
North and South Carolina, 1968
Box   116
Folder   3-5
General, 1964-1968
Guidelines, 1966-1968
Box   116
Folder   6
Extended care facilities, 1966
Box   116
Folder   7
Hospitals, 1966-1967
Box   116
Folder   8
Schools, 1966-1968
Box   117
Folder   1
Organization and staffing, 1965-1968
Box   117
Folder   2
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1966-1967
Box   117
Folder   3
American Indians, 1967
Box   117
Folder   4-5
Church-state, 1963-1967
Box   117
Folder   6
Desegregation of schools, 1965-1966
Box   117
Folder   7
Educational TV, 1963-1967
Box   117
Folder   8
Elementary and Secondary Education Act--implementation, 1965-1968
Box   117
Folder   9
Equal opportunity education, 1968
Box   117
Folder   10-11
General, 1961-1968
Box   118
Folder   1
Handicapped, 1965-1968
Box   118
Folder   2
Higher education, 1962-1968
Box   118
Folder   3
Higher education strategy study, 1968
Box   118
Folder   4
Loans, scholarships, and tax credits, 1961-1967
Box   118
Folder   5
Manpower and training, 1962-1967
Box   118
Folder   6
Manpower report, President's, 1967
Box   118
Folder   7
Miscellaneous memoranda, 1961-1968
Box   118
Folder   8-9
Nurse accreditation, 1964-1967
Box   118
Folder   10
Operation Follow Through, 1967
Box   119
Folder   1
Organizations--educational, 1962, 1964
Box   119
Folder   1
Public Laws 815 and 874, 1961-1968
Box   119
Folder   2
General, 1961-1968
Box   119
Folder   3
Meeting with state and local representatives, 1962
Box   119
Folder   4
Reorganization of the Office of Education, 1961-1965
Box   119
Folder   5
Southern Christian Leadership Conference Chicago project, 1967
Box   119
Folder   6
Soviet education, 1963-1964
Box   119
Folder   7
Statistics, 1963-1964
Box   119
Folder   8
Teachers' Corps, 1967
Box   119
Folder   9
Teachers' salaries, 1961
Box   119
Folder   10
Training programs (including medical rejectees), 1964, 1966
Box   119
Folder   11
Vocational education, 1965-1967
Air pollution control, 1963-1968
Box   119
Folder   12-13
General, 1963-1968
Box   119
Folder   14
District of Columbia incinerator, 1966
Box   119
Folder   15
Industry consultation, 1967
Box   120
Folder   1
Alcoholism, 1961-1967
Box   120
Folder   2
American Dental Association, 1963-1966
Box   120
Folder   3
American Hospital Association, 1961-1968
Box   120
Folder   4
American Medical Association, 1965-1968
Box   120
Folder   5-8
Child health, 1965-1968
Box   120
Folder   9
Child health improvement plan, 1966-1968
Box   120
Folder   10
Chiropractors, 1963-1964
Box   120
Folder   11
Doctor's fees, 1967-1968
Box   120
Folder   12
Environmental health center, 1961-1965
Box   121
Folder   1
Epilepsy, 1964-1966
Box   121
Folder   2
Extended care facilities (nursing homes), 1961-1966
Box   121
Folder   3-5
Family planning, 1965-1968
Box   121
Folder   6
Federal Radiation Council, 1968
Box   121
Folder   7-8
Food and Drug Administration, 1961-1968
Box   121
Folder   9
Fort Worth hospital closing, 1968
Box   121
Folder   10
General, 1961-1968
Box   122
Folder   1
Group practice, 1967
Box   122
Folder   2
Health facilities, 1965-1968
Box   122
Folder   3
Health message implementation, 1968
Box   122
Folder   4
Health professions, 1966-1968
Box   122
Folder   5
Hill-Burton, 1962-1968
Box   122
Folder   6
Infant mortality, 1966-1967
Box   122
Folder   7
Investigation of HEW (House interstate subcommittee), 1965-1967
Box   122
Folder   8
Mental health, 1961-1968
Box   122
Folder   9
Mental illness and health, 1962
Mental retardation, 1961-1968
Box   122
Folder   10
Administrative responsibilities, 1963-1965
Box   122
Folder   11
Advertising Council campaign, 1964-1965
Box   122
Folder   12
General, 1964-1968
Box   122
Folder   13
Implementation of mental retardation law, 1963-1964
Box   122
Folder   14
Occupational day center, 1963
Box   122
Folder   15
Program proposals, 1960-1961
Box   123
Folder   1
Program proposals, 1962
Box   123
Folder   2
State planning grants, 1963-1964
Box   123
Folder   3
University-affiliated centers, 1964-1965
Box   123
Folder   4
Miscellaneous memoranda, 1961-1968
Box   123
Folder   5
National Center for Health Services Research, 1967
Box   123
Folder   6
National Institute of Child Health, 1961, 1966
Box   123
Folder   7
National Institute of Health, 1961-1968
Box   123
Folder   8
National Medical Association, 1965-1967
Box   123
Folder   9
Newark Medical School, 1968
Box   123
Folder   10
Nutrition, 1967-1968
Public Health Service
Box   123
Folder   11
General, 1965
Box   123
Folder   12
Georgetown University power plant, 1967
Box   123
Folder   13
Hospitals, 1965
Box   123
Folder   14
Regional medical programs, 1964-1966, 1968
Reorganization of health affairs
Box   123
Folder   15
Box   124
Folder   1-3
Box   124
Folder   4
Research, 1961-1967
Box   124
Folder   5
St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1964-1967
Box   124
Folder   6
Selective Service rejectee program, 1967-1968
Box   124
Folder   7
Smoking, 1967-1969
Box   124
Folder   8
Veteran's Administration health report, 1968
Box   124
Folder   9
Water Pollution control, 1962-1965
Background material and studies
Box   124
Folder   10
Memoranda, 1963-1964
Box   124
Folder   11
Box   125
Folder   1
Box   125
Folder   2
Economic Opportunity Act-reactions from regions, 1964
Box   125
Folder   3
Goals (Wickenden material), 1963-1964
Box   125
Folder   4
Low income cities and counties, 1964
Memoranda, 1963-1964
Box   125
Folder   5
HEW staff
Box   125
Folder   6
White House
Box   125
Folder   7
Relationship to Social Security, 1968
Box   125
Folder   8
Statistics, 1966
Social Security
Box   126
Folder   1
AFL-CIO rallies in support of Social Security, 1967
Box   126
Folder   2
Anniversaries of Social Security Act, 1961, 1965, 1968
Box   126
Folder   3
Credit unions, 1961-1968
Box   126
Folder   4
General, 1961-1968
Health insurance, 1961-1969
Box   126
Folder   5
Actuarial memoranda (Bob Meyer's memos), 1966-1967
Box   126
Folder   6
American Hospital Association, 1965-1967
Box   126
Folder   7
American Medical Association, 1961-1962
Box   126
Folder   8
Drugs, 1963, 1967
Box   126
Folder   9
Extended care facilities, 1966-1967
Box   126
Folder   10-12
General, 1961, 1965-1968
Box   126
Folder   13
Hospital insurance, 1962
Box   127
Folder   1
Hospital utilization, 1967-1968
Medicare implementation, 1965-1968
Box   127
Folder   2
AMA, 1965-1967
Box   127
Folder   3
Anniversary of Medicare, 1966-1968
Box   127
Folder   4
Extended care facilities, 1966-1967
Box   127
Folder   5
Drugs, 1966
Box   127
Folder   6-7
General, 1965-1967
Box   127
Folder   8
Hospitals, 1965-1967
Box   127
Folder   9
Reasonable charges, 1966
Box   127
Folder   10
Reimbursement, 1966
Supplementary Medical Insurance, 1967-1969
Box   127
Folder   11
General, 1967-1969
Box   127
Folder   12
Premium-rates, 1967-1968
Box   128
Folder   1
Public opinion letters, 1969
Box   128
Folder   2
Physicians' fees, 1967-1968
Box   128
Folder   3
Reimbursement, 1966-1968
Box   128
Folder   4
Support by doctors, 1961-1962
Box   128
Folder   5
Wells' Television, 1967
History, 1961-1969
Box   128
Folder   6
Frase-McKinley book, 1963-1969
Box   128
Folder   7
Social Security Administration, 1961-1968
Box   128
Folder   8
International, 1961-1968
Box   128
Folder   9
National Bureau of Economic Research study on Social Security, 1967
OASDI, 1961-1969
Box   128
Folder   10
Amish, 1963-1964
Box   128
Folder   11
Benefits, 1966
Box   128
Folder   12
Coverage, 1961-1964
Box   128
Folder   13
Disability insurance, 1961-1965
Box   129
Folder   1
General, 1961-1968
Box   129
Folder   2
Peterson, Ray, criticism of OASDI, 1961
Box   129
Folder   3
Rehabilitation costs chargeable to disability trust fund, 1961-1964
Box   129
Folder   4
Retirement test, 1962, 1968
Box   129
Folder   5
Trust fund, Board of Trustees' meetings, 1967-1969
Box   129
Folder   6
Private pension plans, 1963-1965
Box   129
Folder   7
Proposals, 1968-1969
Box   129
Folder   8
Reader's Digest article and rebuttal, 1967-1968
Box   129
Folder   9
Recession, 1961
Box   129
Folder   10
Reorganization, 1961-1962, 1965
Social insurance, 1961-1965
Box   129
Folder   11
General, 1961-1965
Box   129
Folder   12
Proper terminology, 1961-1963
Box   130
Folder   1
Advisory Council on Public Welfare, 1964-1966
AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)
Box   130
Folder   2-4
General, 1961-1968
Box   130
Folder   5-6
Michigan case, 1963
Box   130
Folder   7
Reader's Digest article, 1961-1962
Box   130
Folder   8
Review of program nationwide, 1962-1963
Suitable home-substitute parent provisions
Box   130
Folder   9-10
Box   131
Folder   1
Box   131
Folder   2
NAACP complaint
Box   131
Folder   3
Unemployed parent provision, 1961-1964
Box   131
Folder   4-5
General, 1961-1968
Box   131
Folder   6
Panel of Consultants on Aging, 1961-1964
Box   131
Folder   7
President's Council on Aging, 1962-1968
Box   131
Folder   8
Programs for senior citizens, 1965-1968
Box   131
Folder   9
Research, 1966
Box   131
Folder   10
State relationships, 1963-1966
Box   131
Folder   11
Basic income guarantee, 1968
Children's Bureau
Box   131
Folder   12
General, 1961-1968
Box   132
Folder   1
Programs, 1961-1962
Box   132
Folder   2
Reorganization, 1961
Box   132
Folder   3
Crippled children's programs--reorganization, 1967
Box   132
Folder   4
Cuban Refugee program, 1962-1965
Box   132
Folder   5
Day care, 1961-1968
Box   132
Folder   6-7
District of Columbia Welfare Department, 1961-1967
Box   132
Folder   8
Early childhood, 1967-1968
Box   132
Folder   9
Family Services
Box   133
Folder   1
Field Foundation, 1961-1962
Box   133
Folder   2
Housing, 1963-1967
Box   133
Folder   3
Juvenile delinquency, 1961-1962, 1966
Kerr-Mills programs (Medical Assistance for the Aged and Old-Age Assistance)
Box   133
Folder   4-5
General, 1961-1965
Box   133
Folder   6
Implementation, 1961-1964
Medicaid (Title XIX), 1965-1968
Box   133
Folder   7
American Nursing Home Association, 1967
Box   133
Folder   8
California and Oklahoma, 1966-1968
Box   133
Folder   9
General, 1966-1968
Box   134
Folder   1
Implementation, 1965-1968
Box   134
Folder   2
Louisiana, 1966-1967
Box   134
Folder   3
Medical Assistance Advisory Council
Box   134
Folder   4-5
New York, 1966-1968
Box   134
Folder   6
Puerto Rico, 1967
Box   134
Folder   7
Reasonable costs, 1967
Box   134
Folder   8
Ways and Means executive sessions, 1966
Box   134
Folder   9
National welfare organizations, 1961-1969
Box   135
Folder   1
One-stop centers, 1965
Public Assistance, 1961-1969
Box   135
Folder   2
Declaration of income, 1968
Box   135
Folder   3
Determining eligibility, 1968-1969
Box   135
Folder   4
Expenditures, 1966-1967
Box   135
Folder   5
Fair hearings, 1967-1968
Box   135
Folder   6-7
General, 1961-1964
Box   135
Folder   8
Handbook transmittal #77 (Byrd letter), 1966
Box   135
Folder   9
Household searches, 1965
Box   135
Folder   10
Public Welfare Amendments of 1962, 1961-1962
Box   136
Folder   1
Publications, 1963-1967
Box   136
Folder   2
Reevaluation of welfare programs, 1961-1962
Box   136
Folder   3
Research, 1963-1967
Box   136
Folder   4
School health, 1963-1964
Box   136
Folder   5
Social welfare attache, 1963-1967
Social work education and training, 1961-1966
Box   136
Folder   6-7
General, 1961-1966
Box   136
Folder   8
Massachusetts, 1965-1966
Box   136
Folder   9-10
State departments of public welfare, 1961-1968
Box   136
Folder   11
Tax provisions for the aged, 1963-1964, 1966
Box   137
Folder   1
Vocational Rehabilitation
Welfare Administration/Social and Rehabilitative Services, 1961-1968
Box   137
Folder   2
Establishment, 1961-1963
Box   137
Folder   3-4
General, 1962-1968
Box   137
Folder   5
Reorganization, 1967
Box   137
Folder   6-7
Ten administrative changes, 1961-1962
Box   137
Folder   8
Wickenden, Elizabeth, 1961, 1963-1968
Box   137
Folder   9
Winston, Ellen, 1967-1968
Box   137
Folder   10
Work Experience program, 1963-1966
Box   137
Folder   11
Work relief, 1961
Legislation, 1961-1968
Box   138
Folder   1
Educational TV
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Box   138
Folder   2
Box   138
Folder   3
Floor action
Box   138
Folder   4
Exceptional children
Box   138
Folder   5-6
Box   138
Folder   7-8
Higher education
National Defense Education Act
Box   138
Folder   9
Box   138
Folder   10
Congressional action
Box   138
Folder   11
Box   138
Folder   12
Box   139
Folder   1
Vocational education and training
Box   139
Folder   2
Youth conservation corps
Box   139
Folder   3
Accident prevention
Box   139
Folder   4
Aid to medical education and research
Box   139
Folder   5
Air pollution control
Box   139
Folder   6
Community health services and facilities
Box   139
Folder   7
Box   139
Folder   8
Other Bills
Box   139
Folder   9
Radiological Health
Box   139
Folder   10
Transfer of Freedman's Hospital
Box   139
Folder   11
Water Pollution Control
Box   139
Folder   12
Water Resources Council
Box   139
Folder   13
Aging--recommendations for legislation and programs
Box   139
Folder   14
Federal advisory council on the arts
Box   139
Folder   15
[Intellectually disabled] children
Box   139
Folder   16
Migratory workers
Box   139
Folder   17
Vocational rehabilitation
Social Security
Box   139
Folder   18
Aid to children of unemployed fathers
Box   139
Folder   19
Child health research
Box   139
Folder   20
Cuban refugees
Health insurance for the aged
Box   139
Folder   21
Draft bills
Box   139
Folder   22
Dr. Teed correspondence
Box   139
Folder   23
Box   140
Folder   1
Box   140
Folder   2
Information procedure
Box   140
Folder   3
Private plans
Box   140
Folder   4
Prudential Insurance Company
Box   140
Folder   5
Rockefeller Optional Plan
Box   140
Folder   6
Thank-you letters
Box   140
Folder   7
Inter-country adoption
Box   140
Folder   8
Juvenile delinquency
Box   140
Folder   9
Box   140
Folder   10
Social Security amendments--Congressional action
Box   140
Folder   11
Unemployment compensation proposal
Box   141
Folder   1
Adult literacy
Box   141
Folder   2
Bailey and Delany bills
Box   141
Folder   3
District of Columbia impacted areas
Box   141
Folder   4
Educational television
Box   141
Folder   5
Exceptional children
Box   141
Folder   6-7
General, 1961-1962
Higher education
Box   141
Folder   8
H.R. 8900
Box   141
Folder   9
Box   141
Folder   10
Library services
Box   141
Folder   11
National Defense Educational Assistance Act
Box   141
Folder   12
Nurse education and training
Box   141
Folder   13
Quality of education
Box   141
Folder   14-15
Special education and rehabilitation
Box   141
Folder   16
Technical education
Box   141
Folder   17
Food and drugs
Box   141
Folder   18
Box   141
Folder   19
Group practice facility loans
Box   142
Folder   1
Health services for migrants
Box   142
Folder   2
Health professions education
Box   142
Folder   3
Hill-Burton reassessment
Box   142
Folder   4
Institute of child health and human development
Box   142
Folder   5
Kefauver drug bill
Box   142
Folder   6
Other bills
Box   142
Folder   7
PHS reorganization plan
Box   142
Folder   8
Saint Elizabeth's Hospital
Box   142
Folder   9
Advisory Council on the Arts
Social Security
Box   142
Folder   10-11
Aging, 1961-1962
Box   142
Folder   12
Anderson amendments
Box   142
Folder   13
Anesthetics and radiology
Box   142
Folder   14
Blue Cross plans
Box   142
Folder   15
Box   142
Folder   16
Box   142
Folder   17
Curtis debate
Box   142
Folder   18-19
Box   143
Folder   1
Harrison compromise
Box   143
Folder   2
Javits bill
Box   143
Folder   3
Lindsay bill
Box   143
Folder   4
Material for the White House and Congress
Box   143
Folder   5
Reader's Digest article on King-Anderson
Box   143
Folder   6
Revised health insurance plan
Box   143
Folder   7
Box   143
Folder   8
Box   143
Folder   9
Voluntary pensions by self-employed individuals (H.R. 10)
Box   143
Folder   10
Vocational rehabilitation
Box   143
Folder   11
Baldwin amendment
Box   143
Folder   12
Comments on welfare bill
Box   143
Folder   13
Conference committee action
Box   143
Folder   14-15
Box   143
Folder   16
Box   144
Folder   1
House committee action
Box   144
Folder   2
Legislative proposals
Box   144
Folder   3
Senate committee action
Box   144
Folder   4
Senate floor action, 1962
Box   144
Folder   5
Testimony and bill reports
Box   144
Folder   6
Comments on education bill
Box   144
Folder   7
Congressional action
Box   144
Folder   8
Box   144
Folder   9
Desegregation of schools
Box   144
Folder   10-12
General, 1962-1963
Box   144
Folder   13
Higher education
Box   144
Folder   14
Manpower development
Box   144
Folder   15
Migrant worker education
Box   145
Folder   1
NDEA amendments
Box   145
Folder   2
Omnibus bill
Box   145
Folder   3
P.L. 815 & 874
Box   145
Folder   4
Ribicoff Six-point Education Program
Box   145
Folder   5
Science club
Box   145
Folder   6
Student loan and tax credit proposals
Box   145
Folder   7
Vocational education proposals
Box   145
Folder   8
Youth opportunities bill
Box   145
Folder   9-10
Air pollution, 1962-1963
Box   145
Folder   11
Consumer protection
Box   145
Folder   12
Food and drug bills
Box   145
Folder   13
Health professions
Box   145
Folder   14
Hill-Burton, 1962-1963
Box   145
Folder   15
International health research, 1962-1963
Box   145
Folder   16
General, 1962-1963
Box   145
Folder   17
Mental health, 1962-1963
Box   146
Folder   1-3
[Intellectual disability]
Box   146
Folder   4
Other bills
Box   146
Folder   5
Water pollution amendments
Box   146
Folder   6
Arts bills, 1962-1963
Box   146
Folder   7
Narcotics abuse
Box   146
Folder   8
Vocational Education
Social Security
Box   146
Folder   9
Health/Hospital insurance
Box   146
Folder   10
Bills, 1962-1963
Box   146
Folder   11
Costs, 1962-1963
Box   146
Folder   12
Curtis debate, 1962-1963
Box   146
Folder   13
Health insurance for the aged--general
Box   146
Folder   14
Box   146
Folder   15
Hospital insurance for the aged--general, 1962-1963
Box   147
Folder   1-2
Javits task force, 1961-1963
Box   147
Folder   3
Meeting, October 29, 1962
Box   147
Folder   4
Nursing homes
Box   147
Folder   5
Other plans
Box   147
Folder   6
Questions and answers
Box   147
Folder   7
Box   147
Folder   8
Box   147
Folder   9
Box   147
Folder   10
OASDI, changes in, 1962-1963
Box   147
Folder   11
Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) amendments (Ribicoff bill)
Box   147
Folder   12
Aging bill (Fogarty-McNamara)
Box   147
Folder   13
Aid to the blind (Virginia)
Box   147
Folder   14
Food stamp plan
Box   147
Folder   15
Maternal and child health (intellectual disability)
Box   147
Folder   16
Other bills
Box   147
Folder   17
Senior Citizens Act, 1962-1963
Box   147
Folder   18
Work relief
Box   147
Folder   19
Box   147
Folder   20
Handicapped children, 1963-1964
Box   148
Folder   1
Hartke bill
Box   148
Folder   2
Box   148
Folder   3
Libraries, 1963-1964
Box   148
Folder   4
National Defense Education Act
Box   148
Folder   5
Other bills
Box   148
Folder   6
District of Columbia health facilities
Box   148
Folder   7-8
Box   148
Folder   9
National Institute of Health (NIH) proposals
Box   148
Folder   10
Nursing education, 1962-1964
Box   148
Folder   11
Other bills
Box   148
Folder   12
Reorganization of the Public Health Service
Box   148
Folder   13
Water pollution, 1963-1964
Box   148
Folder   14
Box   148
Folder   15
Community action bill
Box   149
Folder   1
Congressional action
Box   149
Folder   2
Development, 1963-1964
Box   149
Folder   3
Draft bills, 1964
Box   149
Folder   4
Eastern Kentucky project, 1963-1964
Box   149
Folder   5-7
General, 1963-1964
Box   149
Folder   8
Special projects grants, 1964
Social Security
Box   149
Folder   9
Conference committee action
Box   149
Folder   10
Box   150
Folder   1
Box   150
Folder   2
House action
Box   150
Folder   3-4
Senate action
Hospital insurance
Box   150
Folder   5
AMA (American Medical Association)
Box   150
Folder   6
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 1961-1964
Box   150
Folder   7
Box   150
Folder   8-9
Box   150
Folder   10
House action
Box   150
Folder   11
Javits bill (S 2431)
Box   150
Folder   12
Box   151
Folder   1
Policy issues
Box   151
Folder   2
Press clips
Box   151
Folder   3
Private health insurance, 1963-1964
Box   151
Folder   4
Proposals and plans
Box   151
Folder   5
Senate action
Box   151
Folder   6
Smathers bill
Box   151
Folder   7
Vocational Rehabilitation, 1963-1964
Box   151
Folder   8
Appalachian regional development
Box   151
Folder   9
Day care
Box   151
Folder   10
Box   151
Folder   11
Juvenile delinquency
Box   151
Folder   12-15
Kerr-Mills revision
Box   152
Folder   1
Arts and humanities, 1964-1965
Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965
Box   152
Folder   2
Congressional action
Box   152
Folder   3
Box   152
Folder   4
Higher education
Box   152
Folder   5
Legislative program, 1964-1965
Box   152
Folder   6
National Institute for the Deaf
Box   152
Folder   7
Other bills, 1964-1965
Box   152
Folder   8
Air pollution
Box   152
Folder   9
Cigarette labelling
Box   152
Folder   10
Community health services
Box   152
Folder   11
Drug legislation, 1964-1965
Box   152
Folder   12
Health professions educational assistance
Box   152
Folder   13
Health research facilities
Box   152
Folder   14
Heart disease, cancer, and stroke
Box   153
Folder   1
Box   153
Folder   2
Legislative program, 1964-1965
Box   153
Folder   3
Medical libraries
Box   153
Folder   4
[Intellectual disability], 1964-1965
Box   153
Folder   5
Public Health Service personnel
Box   153
Folder   6
Water pollution control
Box   153
Folder   7
Crime and law enforcement, 1964-1965
Social Security (Health/Hospital Insurance)
Box   153
Folder   8
American Medical Association
Box   153
Folder   9
Clearance with leaders, 1964
Box   153
Folder   10
Doctors and hospital insurance, 1964-1965
Box   153
Folder   11
Conference committee HR 6675
Box   153
Folder   12
Costs, 1964-1965
Box   154
Folder   1
1964 November-1965 January
Box   154
Folder   2
1965 February
Box   154
Folder   3
1965 March
Box   154
Folder   4
1965 April
Box   154
Folder   5
1965 May-September
Box   154
Folder   6
Herlong-Curtis Bill “Eldercare”
Box   154
Folder   7
Hospital utilization, 1964-1965
Box   154
Folder   8
House committee action
Box   154
Folder   9
HR 1, 1964-1965
Box   155
Folder   1
HR 6675
Box   155
Folder   2
Mailing, 1964-1965
Box   155
Folder   3
Lindsay-Tupper and Byrnes Bills, 1964-1965
Box   155
Folder   4
Long amendment
Box   155
Folder   5
Kerr-Mills, 1964-1965
Box   155
Folder   6
Kaiser proposal
Box   155
Folder   7
Radiologists and other medical specialists
Box   155
Folder   8
Senate committee action, May 1965
Box   155
Folder   9
Senate floor action, April-May, 1965
Box   155
Folder   10
Supporters and consultants, 1964-1965
Vocational Rehabilitation Act amendments
Box   155
Folder   11
1965 January-March
Box   156
Folder   1
1965 April-November
Box   156
Folder   2
1965 November-December
Box   156
Folder   3
General, 1965
Box   156
Folder   4
Child health act
Box   156
Folder   5
Juvenile delinquency, 1964-1965
Box   156
Folder   6
Older Americans Act
Box   156
Folder   7
General, 1964-1965
Box   156
Folder   8
Ribicoff bills
Box   156
Folder   9
Allied health professions training
Box   156
Folder   10
Blindness, 1965-1966
Box   156
Folder   11
Birth defects and handicapped
Box   157
Folder   1
Child safety act
Box   157
Folder   2
Community work and training programs
Box   157
Folder   3
Community Services Bill
Box   157
Folder   4
Comprehensive health planning & public health services amendments
Box   157
Folder   5
Economic Opportunity Act amendments
Box   157
Folder   6
Education bills, 1965-1966
Box   157
Folder   7
Education proposals, 1965-1966
Box   157
Folder   8
Elementary & secondary education, 1965-1966
Box   157
Folder   9
Fair Packaging & Labelling Act
Box   157
Folder   10
Food, drug, and cosmetic draft bills
Box   157
Folder   11
Group practice medical facilities (HR 15890 and S 3711), 1965-1966
Box   157
Folder   12
Health care facilities (S 3801/Anderson bill)
Box   158
Folder   1
Health proposals, 1965-1966
Box   158
Folder   2
Higher education
Box   158
Folder   3
Hospital modernization
Box   158
Folder   4
Humane treatment of animals, 1964-1966
Box   158
Folder   5
International education
Box   158
Folder   6
International health
Box   158
Folder   7
Intergovernmental personnel act (S 3408)
Box   158
Folder   8
Manpower resources, development, & training bills
Box   158
Folder   9
Medical Assistance Title XIX amendments
Box   158
Folder   10
Medicare extension
Box   158
Folder   11
[Intellectual disability], 1964-1966
Box   158
Folder   12
Narcotic addict rehabilitation act (HR 9167 and S 2152)
Box   158
Folder   13
Pollution control
Box   158
Folder   14
Population control (S 1679 and 2993)
Box   158
Folder   15
Prouty amendment
Box   158
Folder   16
Public Health Service personnel
Box   158
Folder   17
Social Security legislation, general
Box   159
Folder   1
Social Security proposals
Box   159
Folder   2
Social work manpower training, 1964-1966
Box   159
Folder   3
Support for social work bill
Box   159
Folder   4
Unemployment compensation
Box   159
Folder   5
Welfare legislation
Box   159
Folder   6
Welfare proposals, 1965-1966
Box   159
Folder   7
Box   159
Folder   8
Administrative procedures act (S 518)
Box   159
Folder   9
Air Quality Act
Box   159
Folder   10
Centers for deaf-blind children
Box   159
Folder   11
Child welfare bills (HR 1977 & 16760), 1966-1967
Box   159
Folder   12
Economic Opportunity Act amendments
Box   159
Folder   13
Economic report
Box   159
Folder   14
Education for the public service
Box   159
Folder   15
Education proposals
Box   160
Folder   1
Educational television
Box   160
Folder   2
Elementary and secondary education
Box   160
Folder   3
General legislative memos
Box   160
Folder   4
Guaranteed student loan program
Box   160
Folder   5
Health proposals
Box   160
Folder   6
Health service personnel act
Box   160
Folder   7
Higher education
Box   160
Folder   8
Juvenile delinquency, 1966-1967
Box   160
Folder   9
Mental health (PL 90-31)
Box   160
Folder   10
[Intellectual disability]
Box   160
Folder   11
National Commission on Rural Poverty testimony
Box   160
Folder   12
Older Americans Act amendments (PL 90-42)
Box   160
Folder   13
Other bills
Box   160
Folder   14
Partnership in Health
Box   160
Folder   15
Public assistance
Box   161
Folder   1-2
Public assistance proposals
Box   161
Folder   3
Public Assistance statistics and cost data
Box   161
Folder   4
Public broadcasting
Box   161
Folder   5
Selective Service Act
Social Security amendments
Box   161
Folder   6
Chief actuaries' memorandum
Box   161
Folder   7
Conference committee
Box   161
Folder   8
Conference report issues
Box   161
Folder   9
Correspondence, 1966-1967
Box   161
Folder   10
Drug bill
Box   161
Folder   11
Box   162
Folder   1
HR 12080
Box   162
Folder   2
Miscellaneous proposals
Box   162
Folder   3
Nursing home care
Box   162
Folder   4
Puerto Rico
Box   162
Folder   5-6
Senate amendments
Box   162
Folder   7
Senate Finance Committee
Box   162
Folder   8-9
Speech drafts for passing HR 12080
Box   162
Folder   10
Tax rates OASDI
Box   163
Folder   1
20% & 25% benefit increases
Box   163
Folder   2
Ways and Means Committee
Box   163
Folder   3
Ways and Means executive sessions
Box   163
Folder   4
Social work education, 1966-1967
Box   163
Folder   5-6
Title XIX amendments, 1966-1967
Box   163
Folder   7
Vocational education
Box   163
Folder   8
Vocational rehabilitation (PL 90-99), 1968
Box   163
Folder   9
AFDC freeze
Box   163
Folder   10
Child health
Box   163
Folder   11
Drugs under social security
Box   163
Folder   12
Education legislation
Box   163
Folder   13
Food and drug legislation
Box   164
Folder   1
Hazardous radiation act
Box   164
Folder   2
Health legislation-general
Box   164
Folder   3
Health manpower act
Box   164
Folder   4
Health personnel system
Box   164
Folder   5
Higher education
Box   164
Folder   6
Older Americans Act amendments
Box   164
Folder   7
Public Health Service legislation
Box   164
Folder   8
Unemployment insurance proposals
Box   164
Folder   9
Vocational education and rehabilitation
Box   164
Folder   10
Box   164
Folder   11
Wholesome fish
Box   164
Folder   12
Whitten amendments
Box   165
Folder   1-2
Achievements, 1961-1968
Congressional relations
Box   165
Folder   3-4
Contacts, 1961-1967
Box   165
Folder   5
Notification of grants, 1963-1967
Box   165
Folder   6
Requests, 1965-1967
Box   165
Folder   7
Thank-you letters, 1968
Box   165
Folder   8-10
Hearings schedules, 1961-1968
Meetings at the White House (legislative planning for 1965), 1964
Box   165
Folder   11
Confidential reports to the Secretary
Box   165
Folder   12
Education and health
Box   165
Folder   13
Income maintenance
Box   165
Folder   14
Intergovernmental relations
Box   166
Folder   1
Metropolitan & human problems
Box   166
Folder   2
Box   166
Folder   3-10
Box   167
Folder   1-7
Box   168
Folder   1-2
Box   168
Folder   3
Procedures, 1961-1964
Congress and Bureau of the Budget
Box   168
Folder   4-8
1966 November-1968 March
Box   169
Folder   1-3
1968 March-1969 January
White House
Box   169
Folder   4-6
1967 October-1968 May
Box   170
Folder   1
1968 July-October
Box   170
Folder   2-4
Status of major legislation, 1962-1968
Box   171
Folder   1-8
1961 July-1967
Box   172
Folder   1-6
1968 January-November
Box   173
Folder   1-5
1968 December-1969 February
Non-HEW Activities
Box   173
Folder   6
Box   174
Folder   1-5
Box   174
Folder   6
Committee on Social Insurance Terminology, 1961-1964'
Box   174
Folder   7
Graduate Centers of Government and Public Policy, 1963
Box   174
Folder   8
Industrial Relations Research Association, 1961-1967
Box   174
Folder   9
JFK Center for the Performing Arts, 1968
Box   174
Folder   10
Wisconsin, 1961-1964
Phone Calls
Box   175
Folder   1-9
1961 July-1964 September
Box   176
Folder   1-13
1964 October-1967
Box   177
Folder   1-4
1968-1969 January
Presidential Messages, 1961-1968
Box   178
Folder   1
Box   178
Folder   2
Box   178
Folder   3
Water pollution
Box   178
Folder   4
Consumer protection
Box   178
Folder   5
Box   178
Folder   6
Box   178
Folder   7
State of the Union
Box   178
Folder   8
Box   178
Folder   9
1962 December-1963 January
Box   179
Folder   1-2
1963 February
Box   179
Folder   3
Civil rights
Box   179
Folder   4
Box   179
Folder   5
Box   179
Folder   6
Mental health and [intellectual disability]
Box   179
Folder   7
Vocational education
Box   179
Folder   8
Box   180
Folder   1
Box   180
Folder   2
Economic report
Box   180
Folder   3-4
Box   180
Folder   5
Box   180
Folder   6
Box   180
Folder   7
Box   181
Folder   1
Box   181
Folder   2
Hospital insurance, signing ceremony
Box   181
Folder   3
International education
Box   181
Folder   4
Signing statements
Box   181
Folder   5
State of the Union and other
Box   181
Folder   6
Consumer drug and cosmetic
Box   181
Folder   7
Economic report
Box   181
Folder   8-9
Health and education
Box   181
Folder   10
International health and education
Box   181
Folder   11
State of the Union and other messages
Box   182
Folder   1-2
Children and youth
Box   182
Folder   3
Clean air
Box   182
Folder   4
Crime program
Box   182
Folder   5
Education signing statement
Box   182
Folder   6-7
Health and education
Box   182
Folder   8
Box   182
Folder   9
Older Americans program
Box   182
Folder   10
Quality of the environment
Box   183
Folder   1
Social Security signing statement
Box   183
Folder   2
State of the Union
Box   183
Folder   3
Urban and rural poverty
Box   183
Folder   4
Box   183
Folder   5
Consumer protection
Box   183
Folder   6
Box   183
Folder   7-8
Box   183
Folder   9
Box   183
Folder   10-11
Box   183
Folder   12
Box   183
Folder   13
Box   183
Folder   14
Box   183
Folder   15
State of the Union
Task Forces
Box   184
Folder   1
Adult work programs, 1965-1966
Box   184
Folder   2-8
Advisory commissions, general, 1961-1969
Box   184
Folder   9-10
Alcoholism, 1963-1966
Box   184
Folder   11
American Indians, 1967
Box   184
Folder   12
Cancer, heart disease, and strokes, 1964
Box   185
Folder   1
Child development, 1967
Box   185
Folder   2
Children and youth, 1967
Box   185
Folder   3
Cities, 1966-1967
Box   185
Folder   4
Civil rights, 1965
Box   185
Folder   5
Consumer protection, 1962
Box   185
Folder   6
Crime and delinquency, 1964-1965
Box   185
Folder   7
Cuban refugees, 1965
Box   185
Folder   8
HEW relationships with state health agencies, 1966-1967
Box   185
Folder   9
Early child development, 1966
Box   185
Folder   10
Economic growth, 1962
Box   185
Folder   11
Economic incentives for pollution abatement, 1965
Box   185
Folder   12
Box   186
Folder   1-2
Box   186
Folder   3
Education for the urban disadvantaged, 1967
Box   186
Folder   4
Education of gifted children, 1967-1968
Box   186
Folder   5
Exclusion of mental illness in MAA and health insurance programs, 1963
Box   186
Folder   6-7
General, 1961-1968
Box   186
Folder   8
Handicapped children, 1966-1967
Box   186
Folder   9-10
1964-1966 September
Box   187
Folder   1-3
1966 October-1967
Box   187
Folder   4-5
Health care, 1965
Box   187
Folder   6-7
Health, education, and welfare services and public housing, 1962-66
Box   188
Folder   1
Health insurance for the aged, 1961-1962
Box   188
Folder   2-3
Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council, 1965-1968
Box   188
Folder   4
Higher education, 1968
Box   188
Folder   5
Housing, 1967-1968
Income maintenance
Box   188
Folder   6-9
1964 July-September
Box   189
Folder   1-6
1964 September-November
Box   190
Folder   1-9
1965 July-1966
Box   191
Folder   1-3
Box   191
Folder   4
Income guarantees, 1967
Box   191
Folder   5
Job Corps and Head Start, 1968
Box   191
Folder   6
Labor and related legislation, 1965
Box   191
Folder   7-9
Manpower, 1965-1967
Box   191
Folder   10
Manpower conservation, 1963-1964
Box   191
Folder   11
Manpower requirements and training programs, 1961-1967
Box   192
Folder   1
Medical advisory committee nominees, 1967-1968
[Intellectual disability]
Box   192
Folder   2-4
President's Committee, 1961, 1966-1968
Box   192
Folder   5
President's Panel, 1961-1963
Box   192
Folder   6
Secretary's Committee, 1961-1963
Box   192
Folder   7
National Service Corps, 1962
Box   192
Folder   8
Nurses, names for advisory commissions, 1965
Box   192
Folder   9
Nursing home care, 1966
Box   193
Folder   1-3
Nursing homes, 1966
Box   193
Folder   4
Nutrition and diets, 1966-1967
Box   193
Folder   5-7
Older Americans, 1966-1968
Box   193
Folder   8
Organization of social services, 1968
Box   193
Folder   9
Poverty, 1964
Box   193
Folder   10
Prescription drugs, 1967-1968
Box   194
Folder   1-3
Public assistance, 1965
Box   194
Folder   4
Retirement, 1964
Box   194
Folder   5
Smoking and health, 1967-1968
Box   194
Folder   6
Social Security, 1963-1965
Box   194
Folder   7
Social work education and manpower, 1962-1965
Status of women
Box   194
Folder   8
Box   195
Folder   1
Vocational education
Box   195
Folder   2
Advisory council, 1968-1969
Box   195
Folder   3
Panel of Consultants on, 1961-1962
Box   195
Folder   4
Water pollution, 1961
Box   195
Folder   5
Welfare, 1961-1962
Box   195
Folder   6
Women, interdepartmental committee on, 1963-1968
Box   195
Folder   7
Women, names for advisory committees, 1964-1965
Subseries: University of Michigan, 1969-1981
Alphabetical Files, 1969-1979
Box   196
Folder   1
A-Al, 1969-1979
Box   196
Folder   2
Am, 1969-1979
Box   196
Folder   3
An-Az, 1969-1979
Box   196
Folder   4
Aaron, Henry, 1976-1979
Box   196
Folder   5
Abel-Smith, Brian, 1969-1979
Box   196
Folder   6
Achenbaum, W. Andrew, 1974-1981
AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
Box   196
Folder   7-9
Correspondence, 1969-1980
Box   197
Folder   1
Miscellany, 1969-1979
Box   197
Folder   2
Aging and Work article, 1979
Box   197
Folder   3
Altmeyer, Arthur J., 1973-1978
Box   197
Folder   4-7
American Arbitration Association (AAA), 1974-1978
Box   197
Folder   8
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1972, 1978
Box   197
Folder   9
American Association of Ophthalmology, 1973-1974, 1977
Box   197
Folder   10
American Bar Association, 1972-1973, 1979
Box   197
Folder   11
American Enterprise Institute, 1971-1977
Box   197
Folder   12
American Health Foundation, 1974-1978
Box   198
Folder   1-2
American Hospital Association, 1971-1973
Box   198
Folder   3
American Medical Association, 1972-1979
American Public Welfare Association
Box   198
Folder   4-6
Correspondence, 1970-1979
Box   199
Folder   1-2
Minutes and memoranda, 1974-1977
Box   199
Folder   3
American Society of Internal Medicine, 1972-1973
Box   199
Folder   4
Ancell, Nathan, 1972-1974
Box   199
Folder   5
40th Anniversary of Social Security, 1975
Box   199
Folder   6
35th Anniversary of Social Security, 1970
Box   199
Folder   7-8
Arbitration Advisory Committee, 1975-1977
Box   199
Folder   9
Arno Press, 1971-1972
Box   199
Folder   10
Association of American Universities, 1972-1974
Box   199
Folder   11
Axelrod, Dr. Solomon, 1969-1976
Box   200
Folder   1-7
Ba-Br, 1969-1979
Box   201
Folder   1
Bu-Bz, 1969-1979
Box   201
Folder   2
Baer, John (Center to Promote Health Care Studies), 1977-1978
Box   201
Folder   3
Bailis, Lawrence, 1973-1975
Box   201
Folder   4
Ball, Robert, 1969-1979
Box   201
Folder   5
Bane, Frank, 1974-1978
Box   201
Folder   6
Bazelon, David, 1969-1978
Box   201
Folder   7
Bechill, William, 1971-1974
Box   201
Folder   8
Beezer, Robert, 1972-1973
Box   201
Folder   9
Ben-Gurion University (Moshe Prywes, President), 1973-1976
Box   201
Folder   10
Bergman, Abraham, 1971-1973
Box   201
Folder   11
Bernstein, Bernice, 1971-1979
Box   273
Folder   6
Blaustein, Saul J., 1981-1983
Box   201
Folder   12
Bixby, Lenore, 1971-1973
Box   201
Folder   13
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 1969-1979
Box   201
Folder   14
Blumenthal, Michael, 1976-1979
Box   201
Folder   15
Bookbinder, Hyman (American Jewish Committee), 1969-1973
Box   201
Folder   16
Booth, Phil, 1973-1980
Box   201
Folder   17
Bortz, Abe, 1971-1978
Box   202
Folder   1
Brademas, John, 1969-1979
Box   202
Folder   2
Brandon, Henry (interview), 1972-1973
Box   202
Folder   3
Bray, Howard, 1972
Box   202
Folder   4
Brieland, Donald, 1976-1977
Box   202
Folder   5
Brodhead, William, 1978-1979
Box   202
Folder   6
Brookings Institute, 1971-1979
Box   202
Folder   7
Brown, J. Douglas, 1969-1978
Box   202
Folder   8
Brown, Halla, 1976-1978
Box   202
Folder   9
Browne, Vincent - Civil Rights Documentation Project, 1973
Box   202
Folder   1O
Bugbee, George, 1969-1979
Box   202
Folder   11
Bullard, Perry, 1973-1977
Box   202
Folder   12
Burke, James (Representative), 1974-1976
Box   202
Folder   13
Burns, Eveline, 1970-1979
Box   202
Folder   14
Burton, Philip (Representative), 1971-1973, 1976
Box   202
Folder   15
Butler, Robert, 1976-1977
Box   203
Folder   1-8
Ca-Cz, 1969-1979
Box   204
Folder   1-2
Califano, Joseph, 1976-1978
Box   204
Folder   3
Cardwell, James, 1971-1977
Box   204
Folder   4
Carlucci, Frank, 1974
Box   204
Folder   5
Carp, Bert (White House), 1978-1979
Box   204
Folder   6
Carroll, John, 1972-1979
Box   204
Folder   7
Carter, Jimmy, meeting (on Dec. 20, 1978), 1978-1979
Box   204
Folder   8
Carter, Jimmy, 1974-1979
Box   204
Folder   9
Catalyst (Mrs. Felice Schwartz), 1971, 1979
Box   204
Folder   10
Cater, Douglas, 1971-1976
Box   204
Folder   11
Catholic Hospital Association, 1978
Box   204
Folder   12
CED (Committee for Economic Development), 1970-1973
Box   204
Folder   13
Center for Information on America (Townsend Scudder), 1976
Box   204
Folder   14
Champion, Hale (HEW undersecretary), 1977-1978
Box   205
Folder   1
Change Magazine, 1976
Box   205
Folder   2
Chapman, Carlton, 1970-1972, 1977
Box   205
Folder   3
Chaskes, Deborah, 1977. 1979
Box   205
Folder   4
Children's Lobby, 1972
Box   205
Folder   5
China trip, February 1976
Box   205
Folder   6
Church, Frank, 1971-1977
Box   205
Folder   7-8
Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee, 1969-1980
Box   205
Folder   9
Clampitt, Robert (Children's Express), 1977-1979
Box   205
Folder   10
Coalition for Human Needs and Budget Priorities, 1973-1974
Box   205
Folder   11
Coladarci, Arthur (Dean), 1971-1974
Box   205
Folder   12
Cole, Edward, 1971
Box   205
Folder   13
Colman, Joseph, 1975
Box   205
Folder   14
Coltin, Wendel, 1976-1979
Box   205
Folder   15
Columbia University Press, 1974
Box   205
Folder   16
Commencement Speech (Indian Hills High School), 1981
Common Cause
Box   205
Folder   17
Box   206
Folder   1-5
1972-1975, 1978
Box   206
Folder   6
Community Development Foundation
Box   206
Folder   7
Conable, Barber (Representative), 1973-1977
Box   206
Folder   8
Conference on health care technology in the 1980's
Box   206
Folder   9
Constantine, Jay, 1973-1974
Box   206
Folder   10
Cooke, Robert, 1969-1972
Box   206
Folder   11
Conyers, John (Representative), 1970-1979
Box   206
Folder   12
Colman, James (Representative), 1969-1979
Box   206
Folder   13
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1972
Box   206
Folder   14
Corson, John, 1969-1977
Box   206
Folder   15
Cosin, Lionel, 1970-1979
Box   206
Folder   16
Cotton, Dana, 1971-1972
Box   206
Folder   17
Council on Social Work Education - Dean's Advisory Committee, 1962
Box   207
Folder   1
Council of International Programs, 1976
Box   207
Folder   2
Course material, 1973, 1978-1985
Box   207
Folder   3
Cramton, Roger, 1971
Box   207
Folder   4
Cruikshank, Nelson. 1970-1980
Box   207
Folder   5
Current History, 1971-1974
Box   207
Folder   6-9
Da-Dw, 1969-1979
Box   207
Folder   10
David, Alvin M., 1969-1979
Box   207
Folder   11
Davidson, Alfred E., 1959, 1969-1978
Box   208
Folder   1
Davis, Kenneth, 1977-1978
Box   208
Folder   2
Davis Institute, 1977
Box   208
Folder   3
Davis, Mrs. Michael M., 1971-1972
Box   208
Folder   4
Davis, Richard H., 1971-1972
Box   208
Folder   5-6
Democratic Advisory Council of Elected Officials, 1973-1976
Box   208
Folder   7
Derthick, Martha (Brookings Institute), 1975-1979
Box   208
Folder   8
Detroit News, 1974, 1979
Box   208
Folder   9
Detroit, 1972, 1976-1977, 1979
Box   208
Folder   10
Dillon, C. Douglas, 1971-1972
Box   208
Folder   11
Dingell, John, 1969-1975, 1979
Box   208
Folder   12-13
Disability Bill HR 3236, 1979
Box   208
Folder   14
Dissertation Committees, 1971-1979
Box   208
Folder   15
Ditchley Foundation, 1973-1979
Box   208
Folder   16
Douglas, Paul, 1972
Box   209
Folder   1
Duff, Ivan M., 1974-1976
Box   209
Folder   2
Dunifon, William, 1976-1979
Box   209
Folder   3-5
Ea-Ez, 1969-1979
Box   209
Folder   6
Eagleton, Thomas F., 1970-1972
Box   209
Folder   7
Eaton, Joseph (University of Haifa), 1974-1975
Box   209
Folder   8-9
Early childhood centers, 1969-1972
Box   209
Folder   10
Eckstein, Alexander, 1969-1976
Box   209
Folder   11
Economic Advisory Council, 1977-1979
Box   209
Folder   12
Edelstein, Julius, 1969-1981
Box   209
Folder   13
Education Bill, 1969
Box   209
Folder   14
Educational leadership, 1975, 1978
Box   209
Folder   15
Eisenhower Library (oral history project), 1976-1977
Box   209
Folder   16
Eizenstat, Stuart, 1977-1980
Box   209
Folder   17
Eklund, Coy (Equitable Life Insurance Co.), 1977-1979
Box   210
Folder   1
Encyclopedia Americana (social welfare article), 1972-1975
Box   210
Folder   2
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1971
Box   210
Folder   3
Encyclopedia International, 1978
Box   210
Folder   4
Encyclopedia of Social Work, 1975-1976
Box   210
Folder   5
Endicott, Kenneth (HEW/PHS), 1974-1976
Box   210
Folder   6
Epstein, Abraham and Henriette, 1971-1981
Box   210
Folder   7
Esch, Marvin, 1969-1976
Box   210
Folder   8
Esquire, Inc., 1969-1981
Box   210
Folder   9
Etchison, Marilyn, 1977-1979
Box   210
Folder   10-13
Experimental College Alumni Group, 1974-1980
Box   210
Folder   14
Fa-Fe, 1969-1979
Box   211
Folder   1-3
Fi-Fz, 1969-1979
Box   211
Folder   4
Family Health Magazine, 1969-1974, 1977
Box   211
Folder   5
Fauri, Fedele, 1969-1979
Box   211
Folder   6
Fein, Rashi, 1974-1976
Box   211
Folder   7
Feingold, Eugene, 1969-1970, 1976-1977
Box   211
Folder   8
Feldman, Ronald (Boys Town, Nebraska), 1974
Box   211
Folder   9
Finch, Jim (Citizen's Committee for Government Reorganization), 1969-1971
Box   211
Folder   10
Fisher, Joseph L., 1974-1975, 1979
Box   211
Folder   11
Fishman, Linda, 1971-1977
Box   211
Folder   12
Flemming, Arthur, 1971-1979
Box   211
Folder   13
Folsom, Marion, 1969-1970, 1973, 1976
Box   211
Folder   14
Ford, Gerald, 1973-1977
Box   211
Folder   15
Ford, William D., 1975-1978
Box   211
Folder   16
Friis, Henning, 1969-1979
Box   211
Folder   17
Fry, John, 1971
Box   211
Folder   18
Fuchs, Lawrence, 1975-1976
Box   211
Folder   19
Full Employment Action Council, 1974-1979
Box   212
Folder   1
Fulton, Richard H., 1977-1979
Box   212
Folder   2-6
Ga-Gz, 1969-1979
Box   212
Folder   7
Gafni, Elhanan (Israel), 1971-1977
Box   212
Folder   8
Gagnier, Dorothy (College Work Study Program), 1972-1984
Box   212
Folder   9
Gardner, John, 1969-1978
Box   212
Folder   10
Garfinkle, Irwin, 1975-1979
Box   212
Folder   11
Gartenberg, Phil, 1969-1979
Box   212
Folder   12
Geffen, Maxwell, 1971-1979
Box   212
Folder   13
Georgetown Law Journal, 1972-1973
Box   213
Folder   1
Gerontologist, 1976
Box   213
Folder   2
Gilford, Dorothy, 1971, 1974, 1977
Box   213
Folder   3
Goldberg, Joseph (U.S. Department of Labor), 1975-1976
Box   213
Folder   4
Golden, Louis, 1975-1977
Box   213
Folder   5
Goldstein, Ernest, 1970-1976
Box   213
Folder   6
Goodwin, Robert C. (U.S. Department of Labor), 1969-1973
Box   213
Folder   7
Gordon, Lou (WKBD TV), 1971-1975
Box   213
Folder   8
Graubart, Judah L. (oral history), 1977
Box   213
Folder   9
Griffin, Robert (Senator), 1970-1975
Box   213
Folder   10
Griffiths, Martha, 1970-1976
Box   213
Folder   11
Group Health Association, 1972, 1976, 1977
Box   213
Folder   12
Growth and Change, 1969-1979
Box   213
Folder   13
Grupenhoff, John, 1970-1979
Box   213
Folder   14
Gwirtzman, Milton, 1978-1979
Box   213
Folder   15-17
Ha-Hic, 1969-1979
Box   214
Folder   1-3
Hie-Hyd, 1969-1979
Box   214
Folder   4-5
Haber, William, 1969-1981
Haifa, University of
Box   214
Folder   6-8
Box   215
Folder   1-2
Box   215
Folder   3-6
American Friends of, 1972-1980
Box   215
Folder   7-8
Board of Governors meetings, 1977
Box   215
Folder   9
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1977
Box   215
Folder   10
Harris, Patricia R. (Sec. of H.E.W.), 1979
Box   215
Folder   11
Hart, Phillip A. (Senator), 1969-1971
Box   215
Folder   12
Hartke, Vance (Senator), 1970-1974
Box   216
Folder   1
Hausman, Louis, 1971-1972
Box   216
Folder   2
Hawkins, Hon. Augustus F., 1973-1978
Box   216
Folder   3-5
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 1969-1979
Box   216
Folder   6
Health Insurance Institute (Kenneth White), 1978-1974
Box   216
Folder   7
Health Staff Seminar (Judith Miller), 1974-1978
Box   216
Folder   8
Health Volunteers for Carter-Mondale, 1976
Box   216
Folder   9
Heinz, John, III, 1972, 1976
Box   216
Folder   10
Hess, Arthur E., 1973-1976
Box   216
Folder   11
Holtzman, Prof. Abraham, 1977
Box   216
Folder   12
Hummel, Patricia (University of Wisconsin School of Nursing), 1973
Box   216
Folder   13
Humphrey, Hubert, 1969-1978
Box   216
Folder   14
Hunt, Joseph, 1972-1975
Box   217
Folder   1
I, 1969-1979
Box   217
Folder   2
Industrial Relations Research Association, 1971-1978
Box   217
Folder   3
Information Please Almanac, 1969-1977
Box   217
Folder   4
International Association of Gerontology, 1972
Box   217
Folder   5
International Council for Educational Development, 1970-1972
Box   217
Folder   6-7
Ja-Jz, 1969-1979
Box   217
Folder   8
Jackson, Henry M. (Senator), 1970-1979
Box   217
Folder   9
Javits, Jacob K. (Senator), 1969-1979
Box   217
Folder   10
Johnson, Betty S., 1978
Box   217
Folder   11
Johnson, Harold (Institute of Gerontology), 1976-1978
Box   217
Folder   12
Johnson, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird, 1969-1979
Johnson, A. Sydney
Box   217
Folder   13
Box   218
Folder   1
Box   218
Folder   2
Johnson and Johnson (Company), 1971
Box   218
Folder   3-4
Johnson (Lyndon B.) Library, 1969-1979
Box   218
Folder   5
Johnson (Lyndon B.) School of Public Affairs, 1975-1981
Box   218
Folder   6
Jordan, Barbara (Congresswoman), 1973-1974
Box   218
Folder   7
Journal of Economic Literature, 1971-1976
Box   218
Folder   8-11
Ka-Kz, 1969-1979
Box   219
Folder   1
Kahn, Mercia, 1972-1981
Box   219
Folder   2
Kanev, I., 1970-1973
Box   219
Folder   3
Katona, George, 1969-1978
Box   219
Folder   4
Katz, Israel, 1971-1977
Box   219
Folder   5
Kauvar, Dr. A. J., 1976-1977
Box   219
Folder   6
Kehoe, Robert, 1971-1978
Box   219
Folder   7
Kennedy, Edward M., 1969-1979
Box   219
Folder   8
Kennedy, Joseph P., Foundation, 1969-1971, 1977-1978
Box   219
Folder   9
Kennedy Library, 1972-1979
Box   219
Folder   10
Keyserling, Leon H., 1972, 1975
Box   219
Folder   11
Klein, Larry (University of Arizona), 1975-1979
Box   219
Folder   12
Knowles, John (Rockefeller Foundation), 1971-1977
Box   219
Folder   13
Knox, Holly (Project on Equal Education Rights), 1979
Box   219
Folder   14
Kreader, J. Lee, 1978
Box   219
Folder   15
Kreps, Juanita M. (Secretary of Commerce), 1977
Box   219
Folder   16
Kretchmer, Norman (HEW), 1974-1977
Box   219
Folder   17-18
Lab-Let, 1969-1979
Box   220
Folder   1-3
Lev-Lz, 1969-1979
Box   220
Folder   4
Laird, Melvin, 1969-1974
Box   220
Folder   5
Landauer, Mrs. Anni, 1971
Box   220
Folder   6-7
Landon, Alf, 1970-1971
Box   220
Folder   8
Lansburgh, Therese, 1972-1975
Box   220
Folder   9
Laroque, Pierre, 1971-1979
Box   220
Folder   10
Lavine, Abe (Commissioner - N.Y. State Department of Social Services), 1974
Box   220
Folder   11
Lear, Mrs. Phillip E., 1972-1973, 1978
Box   220
Folder   12
Lee, Dr. Philip R., 1969-1979
Box   220
Folder   13
Lee, Dr. Russel V., 1972, 1979
Box   220
Folder   14
Libassi, Peter (HEW), 1969-1970, 1977-1978
Box   220
Folder   15
Lichtenstein, Zalman (Golden Ring Council of Senior Citizens Clubs), 1972-1978
Box   220
Folder   16
Lieberman, Myron (Director, Teacher Leadership Program), 1973-1975
Box   220
Folder   17
Lilly Endowment, Inc. Forum, 1976-1977
Box   220
Folder   18
Lincoln High School reunion, 1980
Box   221
Folder   1
Lipsitz, Dr. Joan Scheff (Center for Early Adolescence), 1978-1979
Box   221
Folder   2
Long, Russell (Senator), 1970-1979
Box   221
Folder   3-6
Ma-Mz, 1971-1979
Box   222
Folder   1
Mc, 1969-1978
Box   222
Folder   2
McFadyen, Richard E. (oral interview), 1973-1974
Box   222
Folder   3
McGovern Contacts, 1969-1972
Box   222
Folder   4
MacMillan Education Corp. (General Encyclopedia Dept.-Judith Bloch), 1976
Box   222
Folder   5
Magnuson, Warren G., 1971-1978
Box   222
Folder   6
Management Institute (University of Alabama), 1978
Box   222
Folder   7
Marland, S. P., Jr., 1969-1973
Box   222
Folder   8
Marlin, David H., 1969-1975
Box   222
Folder   9
Marshal, F. Ray (Sec. of Labor), 1977-1978
Box   222
Folder   10
Marshall, Rev. Robert (Birmingham Unitarian Church), 1974-1977
Box   222
Folder   11
Marston, Robert O., 1973-1976
Box   222
Folder   12
Martin, Edwin W., 1972-1977
Box   222
Folder   13
Martin, John M., 1969-1979
Box   222
Folder   14
Mathews, F. David, 1975-1979
Box   222
Folder   15
Mayd, William. 1971-1975
Box   222
Folder   16
Medical Economics Letters, 1969
Box   222
Folder   17
Medical World News, 1972, 1978
Box   222
Folder   18
Medicine in a Changing Society, “Policy Issues in National Health Insurance,” 1971-1976
Box   222
Folder   19
Meharry Medical College, 1977-1979
Box   222
Folder   20
Meiklejohn, Mrs. Helen, 1969-1977
Box   222
Folder   21
Merriam, Dr. Ida C. (Mrs.), 1971-1975
Box   222
Folder   22
Merwin, Jack (Dean), 1974-1975
Box   222
Folder   23
Milliken, Hon. William G., 1970-1979
Box   223
Folder   1
Mills, Wilbur D., 1969-1977
Box   223
Folder   2
Milwaukee Jewish Home for the Aged, 1974-1978
Box   223
Folder   3
Minow, Newton N., 1974-1975
Box   223
Folder   4
Mondale, Walter F. (Senator), 1969-1979
Box   223
Folder   5
Monro, John, 1971
Box   223
Folder   6
Morgan, James (ISR), 1974-1980
Box   223
Folder   7
Moynihan, Daniel P., 1971-1980
Box   223
Folder   8
Muirhead, Peter P., 1971-1976
Box   223
Folder   9
Muskie, Edmund S., 1970-1974
Box   223
Folder   10
Muskie Health Committee, 1970-1971
Box   223
Folder   11
Muskie-Mondale Bill, 1971
Box   223
Folder   12
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation, Inc., 1971-1979
Box   223
Folder   13
Myers, Robert J., 1969-1979
Box   223
Folder   14
Nai-National Bureau, 1969-1979
Box   223
Folder   15
National Center-National Conference, 1969-1979
Box   224
Folder   1
National Council-Nay, 1969-1979
Box   224
Folder   2
Ne-Nz, 1969-1979
Box   224
Folder   3
National Academy of Public Administration, 1969-1979
National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine
Box   224
Folder   4-7
Box   225
Folder   1
Box   225
Folder   2
National Assembly for Social Policy and Development, 1973-1974
Box   225
Folder   3
National Association of Social Workers, 1970-1979
Box   225
Folder   4
National Catholic Education Association, 1968-1969
Box   225
Folder   5
National Commission on Arthritis and Related Diseases, 1975
National Commission on Social Security
Box   225
Folder   6-7
Correspondence, 1979-1980
Box   225
Folder   8-10
Minutes, 1979-1980
National Commission on Unemployment Compensation
Correspondence and memoranda
Box   225
Folder   11
Undated, 1977
Box   226
Folder   1-5
Box   227
Folder   1-2
Minutes and reports, 1978-1979
Box   227
Folder   3-4
National Committee for Full Employment, 1974-1975
Box   227
Folder   5
National Committee on United States-China Relations, 1972-1978
Box   227
Folder   6-8
National Conference on Social Welfare, 1969-1979
Box   227
Folder   9
National Council of Jewish Women, 1977
Box   227
Folder   10
National Council of Senior Citizens, 1970-1979
Box   228
Folder   1
National Foundation for the Study of Health Science Liability, 1973-1974
Box   228
Folder   2
National Health Insurance, 1971, 1978
Box   228
Folder   3
National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, 1977
Box   228
Folder   4
National Institute of Public Management, 1977
Box   228
Folder   5
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1969-1974
Box   228
Folder   6
National Science Foundation, 1977-1979
Box   228
Folder   7
Nelson, Gaylord, 1970-1979
Box   228
Folder   8
New Leader, 1975-1976
Box   228
Folder   9
New York Times, 1969-1979
Box   228
Folder   10
Nixon, Richard, 1970-1974
Box   228
Folder   11-12
Oa-Oz, 1969-1979
Box   228
Folder   13
O'Neill, Thomas (Tip), 1978-1981
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Box   228
Folder   14
Box   229
Folder   1
Box   229
Folder   2
Oriol, William E., 1976-1978
Box   229
Folder   3-6
Pa-Pz, 1971-1979
Box   229
Folder   7
Parham, Jim (HEW), 1976-1979
Box   229
Folder   8
Paul, Robert, 1969-1975
Box   229
Folder   9
Pearman, Joseph, 1972-1973
Box   229
Folder   10
Pell, Claiborne, 1969-1978
Box   230
Folder   1
Pell Education Bill, 1975-1976
Box   230
Folder   2
Pepper, Claude, 1969, 1978-1980
Box   230
Folder   3
Perkins, Carl (Congressman), 1973-1978
Box   230
Folder   4
PHP International (Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity International), 1976-1978
Box   230
Folder   5
Pickle, J. J. (Congressman), 1977-1979
Box   230
Folder   6
Polner, Walter (CUNA Inc.), 1972
Box   230
Folder   7
Powers, Ed, 1970-1973
Box   230
Folder   8
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1974-1975
Box   230
Folder   9
Price, Hickman, Jr., 1969-1975
Box   230
Folder   10
Prism Magazine, 1973-1975
Box   230
Folder   11
Professional Studies on Aging Program, 1983-1984
Box   230
Folder   12
Project on Equal Education Rights, 1974, 1979
Box   230
Folder   13
O, 1971-1978
Box   230
Folder   14-16
Ra-Rz, 1969-1979
Box   231
Folder   1
Rader, Lloyd, 1969-1979
Box   231
Folder   2
Rapaport, Dr. Chanan, 1971-1976
Box   231
Folder   3
Retirement from University of Michigan, 1977, 1978
Box   231
Folder   4
Reuss, Henry S., 1971, 1974
Box   231
Folder   5
Review (Maurice Moore interview), 1975
Box   231
Folder   6-7
Ribicoff, Abe, 1969-1979
Box   231
Folder   8
Rice, Dorothy P., 1969-1979
Box   231
Folder   9
Richardson, Elliot, 1969-1979
Box   231
Folder   10
Riessman, Frank, 1974-1975
Box   231
Folder   11
Rinott, Moshe, 1973-1975, 1977
Box   231
Folder   12
Rivlin, Alice, 1969-1978
Box   231
Folder   13
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1975-1978
Box   231
Folder   14
Rockefeller, Nelson, 1969-1978
Box   231
Folder   15
Rogers, Paul, 1970-1976
Box   231
Folder   16
Roosevelt Library (J. C. James), 1972-1979
Box   231
Folder   17
Rosenfeld, Leonard S., 1969-1979
Box   231
Folder   18
Ross, Stanford G., 1978-1979
Box   231
Folder   19
Rostenkowski, Dan (Congressman), 1975-1979
Box   232
Folder   1
Royal Society of Medicine - London, 1970-1973
Box   232
Folder   2
Rubinow, Raymond and Isaac, 1971-1978
Box   232
Folder   3
Rush, Dr. William, 1977-1980
Box   232
Folder   4-9
Sa-Sta, 1969-1979
Box   233
Folder   1-2
Ste-Sz, 1969-1979
Box   233
Folder   3
Samuel, Howard D., 1975
Box   233
Folder   4
Sargent, James E. (oral history), 1973-1977
Box   233
Folder   5
Saturday Review Press (Thomas J. Davis III), 1972, 1975
Box   233
Folder   6
Scheller, James H. (Congressman), 1970-1973
Box   233
Folder   7
Schnapper, Morris (Editor Public Affairs Press), 1970-1972
Box   233
Folder   8
Schorr, Alvin L. (Dean), 1970-1979
Box   233
Folder   9
Schottland, Dr. Charles Irwin, 1969-1979
Box   233
Folder   10
Segal, Martin E., 1972-1978
Box   233
Folder   11
Seidman, Bert (Dir. Soc. Security AFL-CIO), 1971-1978
Box   233
Folder   12
Shamai, Nira (National Insurance Institute), 1972-1979
Box   233
Folder   13
Sharlin, Shlomo, 1976-1977
Shriver, Sargent and Eunice
Box   233
Folder   14
Box   234
Folder   1
Box   234
Folder   2
Silberman Fund, The Lois and Samuel, 1970-1980
Box   234
Folder   3
Silver, Dr. George A., 1971-1979
Box   234
Folder   4
Smith Alma (TV center), 1969-1978
Box   234
Folder   5
Smithsonian Institution, 1969-1970
Box   234
Folder   6
Social Action Magazine, 1971
Social Security
Box   234
Folder   7
Legislation, 1969, 1971
Box   234
Folder   8
Retirement Test Amendments, 1978
Box   234
Folder   9
Study Group (Progressive Alliance), 1980
Box   234
Folder   10
Solochek, Bernard (Milwaukee Board of Trustees Seminar), 1972
Box   234
Folder   11
Solomon, Peter J. (Policy Forum, Inc.), 1977-1978
Box   234
Folder   12
Somers, Herman M. (Red), 1969-1979
Box   234
Folder   13
Spingarn, Natalie Davis, 1969-1979
Box   234
Folder   14
Spitzer, Carlton C., 1971-1977
Box   234
Folder   15
Staats, Elmer B., 1971-1979
Box   234
Folder   16
Staebler, Neil, 1971-1978
Box   234
Folder   17
State of Michigan-White House Conference on Aging, 1971
Box   234
Folder   18
Stone, Dr. Robert (NIH, Department of HEW), 1973
Box   235
Folder   1
Sugarman, Jule M., 1969-1976
Box   235
Folder   2
Suransky, Leonard and Val, 1971-1978
Box   235
Folder   3
Ta-Te, 1971-1979
Box   235
Folder   4
Th-Tz, 1971-1981
Box   235
Folder   5
Teacher's Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA-CREF), 1973-1978
Box   235
Folder   6
Titmuss, Richard M. (article for Today's Education), 1971-1975
Box   235
Folder   7
Trachtenberg, Stephen Joel, 1972-1978
Box   235
Folder   8
Tropman, Prof. John E., 1971-1979
Box   235
Folder   9-10
Ua-Uz, 1971-1979
Box   236
Folder   1
Ullman, Al (Congressman), 1972-1979
Box   236
Folder   2
University of Michigan Press, 1969-1978
Box   236
Folder   3
University of Michigan News, 1969-1977
Box   236
Folder   4
V, 1974-1977
Box   236
Folder   5
Van Lare, Barry L. (Nelson Rockefeller), 1969-1973
Box   236
Folder   6
Vanik, Charles, 1970-1975
Box   236
Folder   7-11
Wa-Wz, 1972-1978
Box   237
Folder   1
Wall Street Journal, 1971-1976
Box   237
Folder   2
Ward, Franklin, 1971-1976
Box   237
Folder   3
Warner, Robert (Bentley Historical Library), 1969-1979
Box   237
Folder   4
Washington Post, 1972-1979
Box   237
Folder   5
Webbink, Gladys, 1973-1977
Box   237
Folder   6
Wegman, Myron, 1971-1978
Box   237
Folder   7
Weinberger, Casper, 1973-1975
Box   237
Folder   8
Weingarten, Victor, 1970-1973
Welfare Bill (1970)
Box   237
Folder   9
Correspondence, 1969-1971
Audio   1237A/4
NBC News Broadcast Discussion, 1969
Mss 789
Box   237
Folder   10
Wellis, Jay, 1972-1976
Box   237
Folder   11
West, Dr. Louis, 1974
Box   237
Folder   12
White House, miscellaneous, 1973-1979
Box   237
Folder   13
White House Conference on Aging, 1970-1972
White House Conference on Families, 1978
Box   237
Folder   14
Box   238
Folder   1
Memoranda and clippings
Box   238
Folder   2-3
Wickenden, Elizabeth, 1969-1980
Box   238
Folder   4
Will, Ross, 1970-1974
Box   238
Folder   5
William E. Weiner Historical Library, 1969-1977
Box   238
Folder   6
Williams, Harrison, 1970-1979
Box   238
Folder   7
Wisconsin State Historical Society (Barbara Kaiser), 1969-1981
Box   238
Folder   8
Woodcock, Leonard, 1970-1977
Box   238
Folder   9
Y, 1969-1979
Box   238
Folder   10
Z, 1969-1979
Box   238
Folder   11
Zeedani, Said, 1974-1979
Chronological Correspondence, 1969-1979
Box   239
Folder   1-7
1969 March-October
Box   240
Folder   1-8
1969 November-1970 June
Box   241
Folder   1-10
1970 July-1971 June
Box   242
Folder   1-6
1971 July-1972 September
Box   243
Folder   1-8
1972 October-1974 March
Box   244
Folder   1-6
1974 April-1975 September
Box   245
Folder   1-8
1975 October-1977 January
Box   246
Folder   1-6
1977 January-1978 March
Box   247
Folder   1-7
1978 April-1979 December
Subseries: Save Our Security Coalition, 1979-1984
Box   275
Folder   1
By-laws, 1981
Box   275
Folder   2
Correspondence and memoranda
Box   275
Folder   3-7
1979 August-1982 March
Box   276
Folder   1-6
1982 April-1984 December
Financial Reports
Box   276
Folder   7-8
Box   277
Folder   1-3
Box   277
Folder   4-5
Minutes, 1981-1984
Political campaigns, 1984
Box   277
Folder   6
Lloyd Doggett
Box   277
Folder   7
Walter Mondale
Box   277
Folder   8-11
Printed material, press releases, publications
Series: Writings and Speeches
Articles and Addresses
Box   248
Folder   1-6
1934-1949, numbers 1-66
Box   249
Folder   1-7
1950-1954 November, numbers 67-141
Box   250
Folder   1-6
1954 December-1958 July, numbers 142-208
Box   251
Folder   1-7
1958 August-1959, numbers 209-249
Box   252
Folder   1-5
1960 January-1961 May, numbers 250-277
Box   252
Folder   6-7
1961 January-March, numbers 1-14 (new numbering sequence begins)
Box   253
Folder   1-7
1961 May-December, numbers 15-57
Box   254
Folder   1-7
1962 January-1963 April, numbers 58-122
Box   255
Folder   1-7
1963 April-1964, numbers 123-185
Box   256
Folder   1-8
1965 January-October, numbers 186-243
Box   257
Folder   1-6
1965 October-1966 May, numbers 244-309
Box   258
Folder   1-6
1966 May-December, numbers 310-359
Box   259
Folder   1-7
1967 January-August, numbers 360-409
Box   260
Folder   1-6
1967 August-1968 March, numbers 410-466
Box   261
Folder   1-6
1968 April-September, numbers 467-523
Box   262
Folder   1-7
1968 September-1969 January, numbers 524-610A
Box   263
Folder   1-6
1969 January-1970 July, numbers 601B-663
Box   264
Folder   1-7
1970 September-1973 January, numbers 664-741
Box   265
Folder   1-6
1973 February-1975 March, numbers 742-821
Box   266
Folder   1-7
1975 March-1977 January, numbers 822-880
Box   267
Folder   1-7
1977 February-1979 April, numbers 881-937
Box   268
Folder   1-4
1979 May-1980 January, numbers 938-959
Drafts and loose material
Box   268
Folder   5
1930-1934, 1949, 1956
Box   268
Folder   6
1962, 1965, 1969-1970
Box   268
Folder   7-9
Box   269
Folder   1-3
Box   273
Folder   1
Box   273
Folder   2
Index to writings and speeches
Memos and Reports
Box   269
Folder   4-5
1936, 1947-1956 January, numbers A-8
Box   270
Folder   1-6
1956 April-1960 June, numbers 9-43
Box   271
Folder   1-6
1960 July-1968 December, numbers 44-71
Box   272
Folder   1-6
1968 December-1969 January 13, numbers 72-84
Box   273
Folder   3-4
1969 January 14-17, numbers 85-88
Wilbur Cohen's Table of Contents for Numbered Articles and Addresses (Boxes 248-268) and Memos and Reports (Boxes 269-273)
Wilbur J. Cohen Articles and Addresses, 1934-1961 (#1-277)
Number Date Subject
1 4/27/34 Article - “Provision of the Townsend Plan” by Wilbur J. Cohen, Committee on Economic Security
2 3/30/35 Memorandum - “The Purpose and Content of the Reservation of Power (Saving Clause) in the Federal Social Security Bill and State Security Bills” addressed to Mr. Witte
3 4/17/35 Hearings - Before the Committee on the Civil Service, House of Representatives - 74th Congress, 1st Session on H.R. 3980 - “For Improvement of the Government Service”
4 5/10/35 Hearings - Before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives - 74th Congress, 1st Session on H.R. 3809 “Rent Commissioner” (See Mr. Cohen's statement on page 27.)
5 6/7/35 Report - House No. 1125 to Accompany H.R. 3809 on “District of Columbia Rent Commission”
6 8/35 Article - “The Canadian Employment and Social Insurance Act with special reference to the Social Security Act,” by Wilbur J. Cohen, Committee on Public Administration- Social Science Research Council
7 3/36 Article - “Federal-State Program of Unemployment Compensation” which appeared in the National Municipal Review
8 1936 Article - “Social Security for Agriculture with Special Reference to the Extension of Unemployment Insurance to Agricultural Labor in Great Britain.” Appendix X of “The Administration of Unemployment Insurance and the Public Employment Service in Great Britain” by Atkinson
9 7/1/36 Article - “Analysis of State Unemployment Compensation Laws” prepared under the direction of Merrill G. Murray, by Wilbur J. Cohen
10 9/19/36 Speech - Report of Lecture (background of the Social Security Act) presented in the Department of Commerce
11 12/19/36 Speech - “Legislative History of the Social Security Act” - Outline of Lecture given at the Basic Training Course of the Board
12 12/29/37 Speech - “The Financing of Social Security Costs, Particularly by the States,” delivered to the Joint Session of the American Association of Labor Legislation and the American Statistical Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey
13 3/38 Article - “Financing the Social Services.” A summary of the Atlantic City paper, published in the March 1938 issue of the American Labor Legislation Review
14 3/38 Article - Review of book “Trade Disputes Disqualification Clause Under the British Unemployment Insurance Acts” by Peter T. Swanish which appeared in the National Lawyers Guild Quarterly
15 5/9/38 Article - Excerpt from “The Growth of American Social Services” by Wilbur J. Cohen and John J. Corson. Used in the Social Security Board, Bureau of Business, Management Training Division In-Service Training Course (V)
16 2/40 Pamphlet - “Unemployment Insurance and Agricultural Labor in Great Britain.” Series No. 2 of the Committee on Social Security of the Social Science Research Council
17 6/40 Article - “Next Steps in Unemployment Compensation” which appeared in the American Labor Legislation Review
18 11/40 Article - “OASI Coverage for Agricultural Labor, Domestic and the Self-Employed”
19 11/25/40 Excerpt - Taken from minutes of an “Informal Conference on Extension of OASI under the Federal Social Security Act to State and Local Employees.” Sponsored by the Municipal Finance Officers Association
20 1/41 Article - “The Need for Federal Standards in Unemployment Insurance” which appeared in Social Security, Vol. XV, No. 1
21 2/41 Report - Material on “Conference of Employment Security Agencies Region II and III” held in Hershey, Pennsylvania on February 13 through the 15th
22 1941 Article - “Next Steps in Unemployment Insurance”
23 6 and 7/41 Article - “Simplifying Social Security Collections” which appeared in Social Security
24 7/2/41 Speech - “Social Security for Teachers.” A paper presented before the 79th Annual Convention of the National Education Association of the United States, Boston, Massachusetts
25 7/41 Article - “The Economy of Cooperatives” which appeared in the CO-OP Consumer, Vol. 4, No. 7
26 8/23/41 Speech - “Social Security for Teachers.” A paper presented before the Annual Convention of the American Federation of Teachers, Detroit, Michigan
27 11/41 Article - “The Development of Social Security in the United States,” which appeared in Social Education, Vol. V, No. 7
28 12/41 “Use of Research in Social Planning.” Summary of statements made at luncheon meeting of the American Public Welfare Association, which appeared in Public Welfare
29 12/41 Article - “Need for a Uniform National System of Unemployment Compensation” which appeared in the American Labor Legislation Review. Summary of remarks made before a joint session of the American Association of Labor Legislation and the American Economic Association, December 28, 1941
30 5/11/42 Speech - “The Social Services in National Defense” presented at the National Conference of Social Work, New Orleans, Louisiana
31 9/42 Pamphlet - “A New Structure of Social Security” - Pamphlet published by the International Labour Office in reference to a talk given by Mr. Cohen
32 10/42 Article - “Social Security for all the Americas” which appeared in the October issue of the Social Security Bulletin. Also printed in the Journal of Electrical Workers and Operators under title “Social Security for All the Americas,” November 1942
33 11/42 Article - “Yardstick for America” which appeared in the Employment Security Review
34 11/42 Article - “Next Steps and Future Goals which appeared in the War and Post-War Social Security, published by the American Council on Public Affairs
35 12/42 Article - “Social Security and Democracy in Chile” which appeared in The Journal of Electrical Workers and Operators
36 5/11/43 Speech - “The Expansion and Extension of the Social Security Program” presented to the New Jersey League of Women Voters, Newark
37 6/44 Article - “The 1944 International Labor Conference” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
38 7/44 Article - “The G.I. Bill of Rights: An Analysis of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
39 10/44 Article - “War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944: An Analysis of the “George Bill” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Jessica Barr, which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
40 2/45 Article - “Foreign Experience in Social Insurance Contributions for Agricultural and Domestic Workers” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
41 3/45 Article - “The Federal Government's Program for Ex-servicemen” which appeared in The Annals of the American Academy of Political Science and Social Science
42 2/45 “Social Security for Farm People” by I.S. Falk and Wilbur J. Cohen. Paper presented before the annual meeting of American Farm Economic Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reprinted from the Journal of Farm Economics
43 7/46 Article - “The First Two Years of Social Insurance in Mexico” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
44 2/12/47 Statement “Proposed Legislation for Cash Sickness Benefits” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Barkev S. Sanders presented before the New Jersey Commission on Post War Economic Welfare, Newark, New Jersey
45 2/23/47 Article - “Meeting of the Medical and Statistical Commission of the Inter-American Committee on Social Security” which appeared in the Department of State Bulletin
46 2/26/47 Proceedings - Taken place at the National Employment Conference sponsored by the National Employment Committee, The American Legion
47 5/47 Article - “Social Security - We Need More of It” which appeared in Staff
48 5/47 Article - “Social Security in Chile” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
49 9/17/47 Speech - “Problems in the Development of Comparable Statistics in the Social Security Programs of Different Countries” presented at the International Statistical Conference, Washington, D.C. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the International Statistical Conferences, 1947, Vol. III
50 9/24/47 Speech - “A Comprehensive Social Security Program for the United States” presented at the American Bar Association, Cleveland, Ohio
51 3/48 Article - “The Second Inter-American Conference on Social Security” which appeared in the Department of State Bulletin and the Pan American Union Bulletin
52 1948 Article - “Developments in Social Security” presented at the First Annual Meeting Industrial Relations Research Association
53 7/48 Article - “Social Security Legislation January-June 1948: Legislative History and Background” by Wilbur J. Cohen and James L. Calhoon, which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
54 1/49 Speech - “Security with Freedom” presented at the Ethical Cultural Society, Washington, D.C.
55 2/49 Hearings - “January 1949 Economic Report of the President” presented before the Joint Committee on the Economic Report - 81st Congress, 1st Session
56 4/27/49 Report - “Relationship Between Private Welfare and Pension Plans to Social Security” presented at the Second Annual Conference on Labor, New York University
57 1949 Article - “Recommendations to Improve the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Provisions of the Social Security Act”
58 5/49 “Foundations of Economic Security” - A report on the 2nd Round Table organized by the School of Social Work and the Department of Extension in the University of Toronto, held in Toronto May 26-30
59 5/49 Speech - “How an Expanded Social Security Program Can Contribute to Freedom and Initiative” presented at the National Industrial Conference Board, New York, New York
60 8/18/49 Speech - “Action of the Ways and Means Committee on Pending Social Security Bills” presented at a Special Staff Meeting, FSA
61 8/49 Article - “Coverage of the Self-Employed under Old-Age and Survivors Insurance: Foreign Experience” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
62 10/3/49 Statement - Address given by Wilbur J. Cohen over Station WCFM on “Changes in the New Social Security Bill”
63 11/49 John B. Andres Memorial Symposium on Labor Legislation and Social Security, University of Wisconsin, November 4-5
64 11/49 Summary of Discussion of Union-Management Welfare Plans and their Relationship to Social Security. Presented to members of the Social Security Administration Staff and Regional Office IV Commissioners of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, November 10
65 12/49 “New Developments in Employee Disability Programs” - Summary of remarks to the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance, New York, New York. Reprinted in the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance
66 12/49 “Annual Round Table Conference of the American Public Welfare Association” - Session on Social Security Legislation which appeared in the Monthly Labor Review
67 1950 Article - “Governmental Provisions for Social Security” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Elizabeth G. Sanders which appeared in Labor and Nation
68 3 and 4/50 Article - “Social Security Program and Federal Aid to Education” which appeared The Democratic Digest
69 6/50 Article - “Public Assistance Provisions for Navajo and Hopi Indians: Public Law 474” which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
70 6/21/50 “Current Issues in Social Security: A Legislative History of H.R. 6000”
71 7/1/50 Discussion - “Pension for Workers” carried on by W. Y. Caples, Harry Becker, Wilbur J. Cohen, Edward L. Cushman, Otto Kahn-Freund. Delivered at the Summer Institute on International and Cooperative Law, University of Michigan, June 26-July 1
72 9/11/50 Speech - “Factors that Affect New Legislation” presented to the Public Welfare Administrators, Washington, D.C.
73 9/50 Digest of Conference Discussions - “Teaching of Social Security” presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Labor Economics, Cornell University Ithaca, New York, September 7-9
74 10/13/50 Article - “The Social Security Act Amendments of 1950” A paper presented at the APWA West Coast Regional Meeting, Boise, Idaho. Reprinted in Public Welfare, December 1950
75 10/50 Article - “Forty Questions and Answers on Old-Age and Survivors Insurance” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Elizabeth Sanders which appeared in Public Welfare
76 10/50 Article - “Social Security Act Amendments of 1950: A Summary and Legislative History” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Robert J. Myers which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin and in Seguro Social, Brazil
77 10/3/50 Article - “Sixty-Six Questions and Answers on OASI” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Elizabeth Sanders
78 10/50 “Summary of Principal Provisions of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 (H.R. 6000) as signed by the President, Public Law 734”
79 10/5O “American Social Insurance” - A review of Professor Gagliardo's book - Industrial and Labor Relations Review
80 10/50 Article - “Social Security and its Contribution to Family Stability” reprinted in the IASS Bulletin. Japanese, French and Spanish versions. Also “Social Security and Family Stability” reprinted from The Annals of the American Academy of Political Science and Social Science
81 2/50 Article - “New Social Security for Nurses” which appeared in Public Health Nursing
82 1950 Article - “Advisory Board, Social Security and Labor” prepared for the Encyclopedia of Labor
83 12/50 Article - “Private Pension Plans and the Need for Further Improvements in the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program” which appeared in the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of Industrial Relations Research Association
84 1/51 Article - “Aspects of Legislative History of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950” which appeared in Industrial and Labor Relations Review
85 1/51 Discussion of the impact of P.L. 734 on welfare policy led by Wilbur J. Cohen at the Round Table Conference, APWA
86 1/5/51 “Pensions, Welfare, and Economic Security Programs in a Period of Wage Stabilization” - Draft prepared for discussion purposes only
87 2/51 “The Place of Industrial Pensions in a Total Social Security Program and in the National Economy” - Summary of a discussion at a conference on “War- Time and Long Range Issues in Collective Bargaining for Pensions” - University of Illinois, February 16-18
88 1951 Article - “Public Welfare: Developments in 1951”prepared for the Municipal Year Book, APWA
89 4/51 Article - “Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950: Summary and Legislative History” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Evelyn F. Boyer which appeared in the Social Security Bulletin
90 5/16/51 Speech - “Pensions and Welfare Funds Under Wage Stabilization” presented before the Fourth Annual Conference on Labor, New York University
91 6/51 Article - “The Social Security Act Amendments of 1950: Legislative History of the Coverage Provisions of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program”
92 7/51 Article - “Systems of Social Security: New Zealand - Geneva” reprinted from the Industrial and Labor Relations Review
93 8/51 Article - “Should Old-Age Assistance again Outspace Old-Age Insurance?” prepared for Mr. Baroody, U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Reprinted from the July August 1951 issue of the American Economic Security
94 8/31/51 Speech - “Basic Aims and Objectives of Social Security in the United States” presented before the 1951 Workshop on Public Welfare Administration, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
95 9/11/51 “Income Maintenance and Rehabilitation for the Disabled” - Paper presented before the Second International Gerontological Congress, St. Louis, Missouri
96 9/18/51 Problems of Aging - Economic, Employment, and Welfare Transactions of the Fourteenth Conference on Problems of Aging, St. Louis, Missouri - September 7 & 8
97 10/22/51 Report - “Health, Welfare and Pension Programs under Wage Stabilization” - Report to the Wage Stabilization Board by the Tripartite Panel on Health, Welfare and Pension Plans
98 11/51 Speech - “Developments in the New Program for Public Assistance to the Permanently and Totally Disabled” - Remarks by Mr. Cohen to the American Public Welfare Association
99 1/31/52 Article - “Strengthening Weak Spots in Public and Private Pension Plans” prepared for the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aged. Reprint from Age is No Barrier published by the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging. Summary in America, 3/22/52
100 1/52 Report - “Twenty Years of Progress in Social Security” prepared for Senator Anderson for his report on Social Security and Health and Education, January 23, 1952
101 1/52 Article - “Income Maintenance for the Aged” reprint from The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
102 2/19/52 Statement - “Unemployment Insurance - 1952” testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance on S. 2504 - did not testify
103 2/52 Article - “Railroad Retirement Act Amendments of 1951” by Robert J. Myers and Wilbur J. Cohen -- appeared in the Social Security Bulletin - February and March 1952
104 4/52 Article - “Economic Aspects of Benefit Programs” - Reprint from the Industrial and Labor Relations Review
105 4/9/52 Statement - “Objectives of Unemployment Insurance” presented before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Ways and Means
106 5/6/52 “The Place of Public Assistance in the Social Security Program”
107 5/15/52 Article - “Social Security Coverage of Institutions of Higher Education” - A progress report which appeared in Higher Education
108 5/52 Article - “Safeguarding the Disclosure of Public Assistance Records- The Legislative History of the 'Jenner Amendment' - Section 618, Revenue Act of 1951” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Jules H. Berman. Revised and published in The Social Service Review, June 1952 pp. 229-234
109 5/52 Speech - “Current Issues in Social Security” - Presented to the California Conference of Social Work, Long Beach, California. Also published in The Bulletin published by California Conference of Social Work, August 1952
110 6/52 Article - “Social Security Act Amendments of 1952” reprint from the Social Security Bulletin. Also in Khikrel Avodah, Social Insurance Legislation Quarterly, August 1953
111 10/4/52 Article - “A Flexible Retirement System” which appeared in the Washington Insurance Newsletter
112 1/53 Review - “Current Issues in Social Security” - reprint from Industrial and Labor Relations Review Vol. 6, No. 2, Jan. 1953
113 1/53 Review - “Skill and Age: An Experimental Approach” reprint from Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 6, No. 2, January 1953
114 2/17/53 “Israel”
115 2/19/53 Speech - “Some Aspects of the Five-Year Plan of India with Special Reference to Social Security and Social Services” remarks at Social Security Adm. Staff Meeting February 12, 1953 Also printed in Hebrew Quarterly Khikrei Avoda April-June 1954
116 3/5/53 Speech - “Looking Ahead: Persistent Problems for Retirement Planning” - presented to the American Retail Federation, Washington, D.C.
117 4/23/53 Conference on Individualized Services, New York, Rough Notes for Discussion by Mr. Cohen, also minutes of the Conference
118 5/53 Article - “Social Security in India” - reprint from Social Security Bulletin reprint in Indian Labour Gazette, August 1953
119 5/28/53 Speech - “The Problems of retirement” - revised - presented to the American Association of Chartered Life Underwriters, New York Chapter
120 6/53 “Social Insurance” - prepared for 1954 edition of Social Work Year Book - 6/29/53
121 8/53 Article - “Criteria for Retirement: A Report of the National Conference on Retirement of Older Workers”. Geneva Mathiasen (ed.) C.P. Putnam's Sons, New York 1952, 233 pp. Reprint from. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 7/54
122 10/53 Article - “Social Security and Social Services in Five-Year Plan of India” Public Welfare, the Journal of the American Public Welfare Association, October 1953
123 12/53 Article - “Federal Social Security and Related Legislation 1953” - Social Security Bulletin, December 1953
124 1953 Article - “Unemployment Insurance Issues in 1953” prepared for background use - not published
125 1/54 Speech - “Government Policy on the Relationship Between Private and Public Retirement Plans” presented at Fourth Annual Southern Conference on Gerontology held at the University of Florida, January 27-28, 1954. Also printed in “Economic Problems of Retirement” - a report on the above conference
126 1/54 Article - “Health, Welfare and Pension Plans Under Wage Stabilization” - Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, January, 1954
127 3/54 Book Review - “United States Senate, Retirement Policies and the Railroad Retirement System: Report of the Joint Committee on Railroad Retirement Legislation” - The Annals of the American Academy, March 1954
128 5/54 Article - “Workshop on Working with Older People - What is the Problem?” by Clark Tibbitts and Wilbur J. Cohen, Adult Leadership, May 1954
129 5/13/54 Speech - “Factors Influencing the Content of Federal Public Welfare Legislation” presented to the National Conference of Social Work, Atlantic City, 5/13/54 - Social Welfare Forum 1954 -- Reprinted - Columbia University Press, Jan. 1955
130 5/54 Speech - “Changing Patterns in Social Security Programs” presented at the Southern Regional Conference of the Council of State Governments, Fort Monroe, Virginia - May 4, 1954
131 6/54 Speech - Revised “Changing Pattern of Social Security” presented June 8, 1954 to Virginia Welfare Administrators at Natural Bridge, Virginia
132 6/54 Speech - “Basic Purposes and Principles of Public Assistance” - Notes prepared for panel discussion to the Central States Regional Conference of the APWA, Grand Rapids, June 16, 1954
133 6/54 Article - “How Do Local Groups (e.g. unions, cooperatives, family unions) Provide Health and Welfare Services for Themselves?” Prepared for International Conference of Social Work, Toronto, Canada - June 27-July 3, 1954 (not used) - Also published in U.S. Committee Report on the Theme of the 7th International Conference on Social Work
134 6/54 Article - “The Legislative History of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1952”
135 7/54 Article - “Social Security in Israel” by W. J. Cohen and Carl Farman - Reprint from Social Security Bulletin, July 1954
136 7/54 Article - “The Social Security Amendments of 1954” by Wilbur Cohen, Robert Myers and Robert Ball. Also printed in Social Security Bulletin, Sept. 1954
137 8/14/54 Article - “The Challenge of Aging: Trends and New Developments” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Clark Tibbitts
138 9/54 Speech - “The Impact of Federal Social Security Legislation Upon Public Welfare Programs” -- National Conference of State Welfare Finance Officers, Philadelphia, Pa., September 15, 16, 17, 1954. In Public Welfare, October 1954
139 9/54 Speech - “Basic Purposes and Principles of Public Assistance” Address given at APWA West Coast Regional Conference, Seattle, Washington, 9/29/54
140 10/54 Article - “Federal Social Security Legislation, 1954”
141 11/54 Speech - “Economic Aspects of Aging” - An Address before Statewide Conference on Aging, University of Delaware, November 11, 1954
142 12/54 Article - “Social Security Coverage of Higher Education - Effect of the Amendments of 1954” by Charles I. Schottland and Wilbur J. Cohen. - Higher Education December 1954
143 12/54 Letter - To the Editor of Commentary - re Stokes article on Social Security, 1954
144 12/54 Book Review - Industrial Pensions, Charles L. Dearing; Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution
145 1954 Book Review - My Mission in Life, E. Peron, March 1954, Sept. 1954 (revised), October 1954 (revised), November 1954 (revised)
146 March 1955 Proceedings - The American Legion National Rehabilitation - Conference, Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C.
147 March 1955 Speech - “Factores Demograficos Y Actuariales Relachionados Con El Siztema De Seguros Federales Fe Vajez Y Sobrevivientes De Los Estados Unidos” - Presented at the Fifth Inter-American Conference on Social Security, Caracas, Venezuela
148 March 1955 Speech - at Fifth Inter-American Conference on Social Security, Venezuela
149 March 1955 Paper - Summary of Pensionable Ages in the Old-Age Programs of Various Countries Throughout the World, 1955 -- Caracas
150 March 1955 Definition - “Relief” - prepared for Encyclopaedia Britannica
151 April 1955 Speech - “The Changing Roles of Public Assistance and the Social Insurances” presented before the Social Work Progress Institute, University of Michigan, April 6, 1955 - Printed in Proceedings of the 1955 Social Work Progress Institute
152 April 1955 “Trends in Public Welfare Legislation” presented to APWA Mountain States Regional Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 29, 1955
153 May 1955 Radio Script - WWJ - Detroit, Michigan, May 21, 1955 “Congress in Action” program with Congresswoman Martha Griffiths
154 May 1955 Speech - “The Challenge of Aging: Trends and New Developments” An address before the Governor's Conference on Aging, Olympia, Washington, May 25, 1955
155 June 1955 Speech - “Trends in Public Welfare” - An address before the APWA Regional Conference, Milwaukee, June 29, 1955. Reprinted in Social Service Review - September 1955. Published in Public Aid in Illinois - July 1956
156 June 1955 Article - “Income and Health Security in Old Age” - prepared for Mature Years - published July-Sept. 1955
157 July 1955 Testimony - on Welfare and Pension Plans Investigation before Douglas Subcommittee on Welfare and Pension Funds, United States Senate, July 20, 1955
158 August 1955 Article - “Twenty Years of Progress in Social Security” Cohen and Fedele Fauri - in Public Welfare, October 1955
159 Sept.-October 1955 Article - “Social Security Programs Throughout the World, January 1955” - printed in Bulletin of the International Social Security Association, Sept.- October 1955 (Year VIII, No. 9-10)
160 October 1955 Speech - “The Challenge of Aging: Trends and New Developments” - presented before North Dakota Conference of Social Work, Fargo, North Dakota, October 18, 1955
161 October 1955 Speech - “The Role of Welfare Agencies in Providing Services to the Aged: The Role of the Public Agency” - presented to the Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society, Sheraton Belvedere Hotel, Baltimore, Md., October 29, 1955 Reprinted in Journal of Gerontology Vol. 11, No. 3, July 1956
162 November 1955 Speech - “Challenges in Public Welfare Today” - An address before the Thirty-Sixth Annual Public Welfare Institute, North Carolina State Board of Public Welfare, Sir Walter Raleigh Hotel, Raleigh, N.C., November, 1955 --printed in Public Welfare News, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1955
163 December 1955 Speech - “Financing Public Welfare Programs” - delivered to the American Public Welfare Association Biennial Round Table Conference, Hotel Statler, Washington, D.C. December I, 1955 - Reprinted in Social Security Bulletin February 1956
164 November 1955 Bell Telephone Decision - 1955 - WJC quoted - Commerce Clearing House, November 1955
165 November 1955 Speech - “Twenty Years of Social Security: Trends and Future Prospects” - presented before the 41st Annual Michigan Welfare League Conference, Pantlind Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 29, 1955
166 December 1955 Speech - “Long Term Principles of Adequacy - A Prognosis” presented before the American Statistical Association, New York, N.Y., December 27, 1955
167 December 1955 Encyclopedia Brittanica entry on “Pauper”
168 February 1956 Book Review - “Know Your Social Security” by Arthur Larson New York, Harper and Brothers, 1955 xvi + 220 pp. for Social Casework. March, 1956 Vol. 37, No. 3
169 March 1956 Book Review - “Economic Needs of Older People” by John J. Corson and John W. McConnell, New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1956, xvii + 533 pp. for Social Service Review. June 1956, Vol. 30 No. 2 - pp. 212-213
170 March 1956 Book Review - “Pensions and Profit Sharing.” Second Edition By Herman C. Riegel and others. Washington: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. 1956. x, 296 pp. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1957, pp. LL79-480
171 March 1956 Speech- “Trends in American Society as They Relate to Public Welfare.” An address delivered at the Conference of Research and Statistics Personnel of State Public Assistance Agencies, Chicago, March 16, 1956. Reprinted in Contact. Vol. 1, No. 2
172 May 1956 Paper - “Current Issues in Federal Social Security Legislation” delivered at the Industrial Relations Research Association, Milwaukee, May 4, 1956
173 May 1956 Pending Social Welfare Legislation. Statement at Annual Meeting of Members NCSW, May 23, 1956, St. Louis, Missouri
174 May 1956 Book Review - “Earning Opportunities for Older Workers” Edited by Wilma Donahue. Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, May 1956
175 September 1956 Speech - “Gearing Public Welfare to Our Maturing Economy” presented to the APWA Northeast Regional Conference, Pittsburgh, September 21, 1956
176 October 1956 Article - “The Social Security Amendments of 1956.” Wilbur J. Cohen and Fedele F. Fauri. Reprinted from the October 1956 issue of Public Welfare. Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 183- 199
177 January 1957 Article,- “Social Security Amendments” published in Social Work, January 1957, pp. 95-96
178 March 1957 Article - “What Will Congress Do Next for Seniors?” published in Journal of Lifetime Living, March 1957, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 21-25
179 March 1957 Address - “The Future of Social Security” an address given in honor of Professor Edwin E. Witte at Madison, Wisconsin, March 28, 1957
180 March 1957 Article - “Social Security in the United States of America--The Amendments of 1956” published in Bulletin of the International Social Security Association, March- April 1957, Vol. X, Nos. 3-4, pp. 111-124, and in Spanish, Seguridad Social, Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 1958, pp. 7-25
181 April 1957 Article - “New Opportunities in Social Security Research” published in Social Work, April 1957, pp. 14-21
182 April 1957 Address - “A Review of Pertinent Federal Legislation” remarks at the National Committee on Aging, Detroit, April 17, 1957, published in A Report of the 1957 Spring Meeting of the National Committee on the Aging of the National Social Welfare Assembly, “Older People and the Industrial Community” pp. 10-13
183 May 1957 Paper - “The Santa Cruz, California Research and Demonstration Project: Health Services for Old Age Assistance Recipients” by Wilbur J. Cohen, May 15, 1957
184 May 1957 Address - “The Federal Social Security Legislation of 1956 and the Current Scene” an address given at the Wisconsin Public Welfare Association, Fond du Lac:, May 16, 1957
185 May 1957 Address - “The New Federal Social Security Legislation and the American Economy” an address given at the National Conference on Social Welfare, Philadelphia, May 20, 1957
186 July 1957 Address - “Income Adequacy and Pension Planning in the United States” by Wilbur J. Cohen, presented at the Fourth International Gerontological Congress, Merano, Italy, July 1957, and published in the Bulletin of the International Social Security Association, December 1957, Vol. X, No. 12, pp. 483-509; Informaciones Sociales, Enero-Febrero-Marzo 1958, pp. 47-57; Zeitschrift Fur Sozialreform, June 1958, pp. 423-434; Longevita, Sept-Dec. 1958, pp. 144-157
187 August 1957 Article - “Senior Citizens Can Help in the Fight Against Juvenile Delinquency,” published in the Journal of Lifetime Living, with the title, “Our Children Need Help From Seniors,” July 1959, pp. 49-51
188 August 1957 Book Review - Social Security and Public Policy by Eveline M. Burns, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., published in the Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1957
189 October 1957 Article - “Social Aspects of Aging” published in the International Social Service Review, No. 3, October 1957, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, pp. 34-51
190 November 1957 Book Review - The Economic Status of the Aged, by Peter 0. Steiner and Robert Dorfman, published in The Annals of the American Academic of Political and Social Science, Vol. 314, November 1957, pp. 210-211
191 November 1957 Address - “Proposed Changes in Social Security Programs,” remarks to the 43rd Annual Michigan Welfare Conference, Grand Rapids, November 20, 1957
192 November 1957 Testimony - Summary of Testimony presented to the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy of the Joint Economic Committee, November 26, 1957, Washington, D.C. Printed in “Federal Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability,” Hearings of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy, under the title “Health, Education and Welfare Policies and Expenditures for Economic Growth and the General Welfare.”
193 December 1957 Address - “Public Welfare Looks to the Future,” presented to the Biennial Round Table Conference of the American Public Welfare Association, Chicago, December 7, 1957; published in Public Welfare, pp. 25-31; and a summary published in Alabama Social Welfare, January 1958, pp. 5-6
194 January 1958 Book Review - Decisions About People in Need: A Study of Administrative Responsiveness in Public Assistance, by Alan Keith-Lucas, published in the Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, January 1958
195 January 1958 Pamphlet - “The Objectives of Public Welfare Administration and the Leadership Role of the Public Welfare Administrator.” Summary of material presented by all participants in an institute sponsored by the American Public Welfare Association under a grant made by the Rockefeller Brothers' Fund, January 10-18, 1958, Chicago, Illinois. Institute leaders: Wilbur J. Cohen and Fedele F. Fauri
196 February 1958 Address - “Economic Status of the Aged.” Summary of an address to the Mid-year Conference of Presidents and Secretaries of State and Regional Hospital Associations, Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, February 8, 1958; published in Hospitals, Journal of the American Hospital Association, May 16, 1958, Vol. 32, pp. 37-40, 126; Senior Citizen, June 1958, pp. 51-54; and reprinted in the Congressional Record, June 20, 1958, pp. A5684-A5686
197 February 1958 Address - “Low Incomes, Health, Education and Welfare Expenditures and the General Welfare,” presented at Action-Research Workshop held at Arden House, Harriman, New York, February 13-15, 1958; reprinted in Neighborhood Goals in a Rapidly Changing World, National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers, pp. 72-88
198 February 1958 Statement - “Federal-State Programs and Policies in Health, Education and Welfare,” presented to the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations, February 25, 1958; printed in the Hearings before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations, 85th Congress, February 24-25, 1958, pp. 156-163; printed in the Congressional Record, April 21, 1958, pp. 6032-6037
199 April 1958 Article - “Medical Care for Public Assistance Recipients,” published in Nursing Outlook, April 1958, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 200-204
200 April 1958 Address - “Economic Costs of Disability,” a summary of remarks to the 25th Annual Meeting of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, April 23, 1958
201 April 1958 Book Review - Designing Improved Retirement Plans put out by the National Health and Welfare Retirement Association, Inc., New York
202 May 1958 Article - “Challenges in the Federal Welfare Budget,” published in the National Tuberculosis Association Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 71-72, May 1958
203 May 1958 Address - “Trends in Social Welfare Expenditures and Programs,” presented to the National Conference on Social Welfare, Chicago, Illinois, May 12, 1958; printed in The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 31, 1958, pp. 1-8
204 May 1958 TV Script - Television tape of the Social Security Program, May 17, 1958
205 May 1958 Book Review - Earning Opportunities for Older Workers, edited by Wilma Donahue, Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, May 26, 1958, pp. 274-275. 1956. (See 1956 review, No. 174 above)
206 May 1958 Article - “Hospital Insurance for the Aged: The Forand Bill,” published in The American Journal of Nursing, May 1958, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 696-702, and reprinted in the Congressional Record, June 19, 1958, pp. A5619-A5622
207 June 1958 Article - “Extent of Medical Care Coverage,” printed in Papers and Proceedings of the National Conference on Labor Health Services, June 16-17, 1958, pp. 28-34
208 July 1958 Book Review - Financing Unemployment Compensation: Ohio's Experience, by Edison L. Bowers, Paul G. Craig and William Papier, published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 646-647
209 August 1958 News Release - Findings of a nationwide study on unemployment with comment and statistical tables reported by Profs. William Haber and Wilbur J. Cohen, August 10, 1958
210 September 1958 Address - “Economic Functioning of Older People: Social Welfare Policy Issues in Providing Income Maintenance,” delivered at Seminar on Aging, Aspen, Colorado, September 10, 1958; published in Toward Better Understanding of the Aging, by the Council on Social Work Education, pp. 71-96
211 September 1958 Report - “Materials for the Study of Factors Influencing the Social Security Amendments of 1958,” for Social Work 353, Social Welfare Policy, September 10, 1958
212 October 1958 Editorial - published in Social Work, October 1958, Vol. 3, No. 4, p. 2
213 October 1958 Address - “Goals for Settlements in a Changing America,” presented to the Annual Fall Workshop, Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers of Metropolitan Detroit, October 3, 1958, Greenfield Village
214 October 1958 Report - “Trends and New Developments in Aging,” a report published in Summary of Governor's Conference on Aging, October 16, 1958, House of Representatives, Augusta, Maine, pp. 1-9
215 October 1958 Pamphlet-Report - “The Social Security Amendments of 1958. Another Important Step Forward,” (Second Edition), October 17, 1958
216 October 1958 Address - “Social Welfare Services in a Changing Economy,” presented to the Michigan Welfare Conference, Detroit, October 22, 1958
217 October 1958 Lecture - “Needed Changes in Social Security and Public Welfare,” presented at Marguerite Galloway Memorial Lecture, 57th Annual Conference, New Jersey Welfare Council, Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, New Jersey, October 29, 1958
218 November 1958 Paper - “Some Issues in OASDI,” presented to the Social Security Conference held under the auspices of the Labor and Industrial Relations Center of Michigan State University and the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations of the Universities of Michigan and Wayne State, November 18-19, 1958; published in Proceedings of the Social Security Conference, pp. 4-13
219 November 1958 Article - “Current Issues in Social Welfare,” printed in Public Aid in Illinois, Vol. XXV, No. 11, November 1958, pp. 1-4, 13
220 January 1959 Chapter - “Income Maintenance and Medical Insurance,” Chapter 3
221 January 1959 Article - “The Social Security Amendments of 1958: Another Significant Step Forward,” by Fedele F. Fauri and Wilbur J. Cohen, published in Public Welfare, January 1959, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 2-8
222 February 1959 Book Review - The New Frontiers of Aging, edited by Wilma Donahue and Clark Tibbitts (University of Michigan Press, 1957), published in Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, Vol. LXV, No. 14, pp. 183-184, February 28, 1959
223 February 1959 Report - “Significant Findings on the Impact of the 1957-1958 Recession in Relation to Unemployment Insurance,” by William Haber, Fedele F. Fauri and Wilbur J. Cohen, printed in Unemployment Compensation, Hearings before the House Committee on Ways and Means, 86th Congress, First Session, April 1959, pp. 1117-1124; published in Public Aid in Illinois, September 1959, Vol. XXVI, No. 9, pp. 5-9; printed in Unemployment Problems, Hearings before the Senate Special Committee on Unemployment Problems, 86th Congress, First Session, pursuant to S. Res. 196, November 13, 1959, PP. 1204-1215
224 March 1959 Article - “Needed Changes in Social Welfare Programs and Objectives,” published in The Social Service Review, Vol. III, No. 1, March 1959, pp. 30-42
225 April 1959 Script - “The Very Poor” in the United States; script of Question and Answer Show #91, Voice of America broadcast, April 28, 1959
226 May 1959 Address - “Some Persistent Problems in Providing Security for the Aged,” summary of remarks to the Western Gerontological Society, San Francisco, May 23, 1959; published in Newsletter of the Gerontological Society, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 1959, pp. 33-31
227 May 1959 Address - “Needed Research in Medical Care,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Social Work, San Francisco, May 27, 1959
228 June 1959 Report - “Some Possible Research and Demonstration Projects in the Field of Juvenile Delinquency,” a report of the Subcommittee on Income Maintenance and Social Security of the Coordinating Committee on Social Welfare Research June 1, 1959
229 June 1959 Remarks - “Basic Information on the Aged,” a summary of remarks before the Senate Subcommittee on Problems of the Aged and Aging, June 16, 1959; printed in the Congressional Record, June 18, 1959, and printed in The Aged and the Aging in the United States, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Problems of the Aged and Aging of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Part 1, 86th Congress, First Session, pp. 2-32, 147-149; condensed for article “Personal Income After Age 65,” printed in Senior Citizen, October 1959, Vol. V, No. 10, pp. 17-18
230 June 1959 Remarks - Legislative Procedures and process, impromptu comments made at the Second NASW Legislative Workshop, June 18-19, 1959, published in the Workshop Report, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-4
231 June 1959 Address - “Urgent Needs in Retirement Financing,” remarks at the 12th Annual Conference on Aging, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 23, 1959
232 June 1959 Paper - “Grants for Social Security Training and Studies.”
233 June 1959 Report - “Hospital Insurance Benefits for Social Security Beneficiaries,” an examination of some of the main features and issues of a proposed plan; materials for the study of Social Welfare Policy
234 July 1959 Statement - “Social Security Amendments of 1959. Hospital Insurance and Related Benefits for OASDI Beneficiaries,” a statement by Wilbur J. Cohen representing the American Public Welfare Association, before the House Committee on Ways and Means, July 15, 1959; published in the Congressional Record, July 23, 1959
235 July 1959 Article - “Improving Our Federal-State Unemployment Insurance System,” published in Social Work, Points and Viewpoints, July 1959, p. 109
236 July 1959 Book Review - Compulsory Temporary Disability Insurance in the United States, by Grant M. Osborn, published in Monthly Labor Review, July 1959, p. 801
237 July 1959 Article - “Some Issues and Goals in Social Security,” published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 1959, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 609-617
238 July 1959 Paper - “Economic and Social Policies for a Dynamic Expanding America,” given to the Institute for Practical Partisan Politics, the University of Michigan, July 24, 1959
239 August 1959 Article - “Enough to Live On,” published in Public Health News, printed by the New Jersey State Department of Health, August 1959, pp. 272-278
240 September 1959 Address - “Some Persistent Problems in Unemployment Insurance,” a summary of remarks to Conference, Benefits and Insurance Research Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, September 17, 1959
241 October 1959 Address - “Current Controversies and Issues in Providing Hospital Insurance,” a summary of background information presented to the Sixth Annual Conference and Workshop on Hospital Financial Management, October 23, 1959; published in Hospital Accounting, June 1960, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 5-7
242 October 1959 Article - “Trends and Issues in Social Welfare Expenditures and Programs,” published in the Journal of Public Health, October 1959, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 1299-1306
243 November 1959 Statement - “Needed Improvements in Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance Programs,” presented to the Special Senate Committee on Unemployment Problems, Detroit, Michigan, November 13, 1959; printed in Hearings before the Special Committee on Unemployment Problems, U.S. Senate, 86th Congress, First Session, Part 3, pursuant to S. Res. 196, November 10, 12, and 13, 1959, pp. 1198-1203
244 November 1959 Address - “Health and Welfare Problems on the National Scene,” presented to the General Session of the 49th Annual Conference, Texas Social Welfare Association, Houston, Texas, November 16, 1959
245 November 1959 Address - “The Need for a Nationwide General Public Assistance Program,” presented by Wilbur J. Cohen for Fedele Fauri at the Social Security Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 1959
246 November 1959 Panel - “Income and Tax Status of the Aged: Present Situation and Possible Modifications of Existing Policies,” prepared for House Committee on Ways and Means, Panel Discussion on General Revenue Revisions, 1959, Taxation of the Aged, November 23, 1959
247 November 1959 Book Review - Family Allowances by James C. Vadakin, published in Social Casework, November 1959, Vol. XL, No. 9, pp. 512-513
248 November 1959 Paper - “Goals for Social Security in the Coming Decade,” for Ray Henry, November 23, 1959
249 December 1959 Address - “A Salute to Twenty-five Years of Social Security,” presented to the American Public Welfare Association, National Biennial Round Table Conference, Washington, D.C., December 3, 1959; published in Public Welfare, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 1960, pp. 17-19, 88-89; published in the Congressional Record, Appendix, January 27, 1960, pp. A740-A742; published in condensed form under the title, “25 Years of Social Security: Four Tributes,” in The Hospital Digest, July 1960, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 11-12; published in Senior Citizen, August 1960, Vol. VI, No. 8, pp. 5-11
250 January 1960 Paper - “Some Major Policy Issues in Unemployment Insurance and General Assistance”
251 January 1960 Article - “What Congress May Do for Retirees,” published in the Journal of Lifetime Living, Vol. 26, January 1960, pp. 20-22
252 January 1960 Book Review - Shared Government in Employment Security: A Study of Advisory Councils by Joseph M. Becker, published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 1960, pp. 308-309
253 January 1960 Paper - “Social Security Legislative Possibilities in 1960”
254 March 1960 Pamphlet - “Attitudes Toward Governmental Participation in Medical Care,” by Wilbur J. Cohen, Charles N. Poskanzer and Harry Sharp, a project of the Subcommittee on Income Maintenance and Social Security of the Coordinating Committee on Social Welfare Research, the University of Michigan
255 March 1960 Address - “The Effects of Family Unemployment and Inadequate Family Income on Children and Youth,” presented to the Golden Anniversary, White House Conference on Children and Youth, Washington, D.C. March 28, 1960; published in Vital Speeches of the Day, June 15, 1960, Vol. XXVI, No. 17, pp. 535-538; and published in Public Aid in Illinois, January 1961, pp. 6-9
256 April 1960 Article - “The Forand Bill: Pros and Cons of Health Insurance for the Aged,” published under the title, “Health Insurance under Social Security,” in The American Journal of Nursing, April 1960, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 502-505
257 April 1960 Address - “Public Welfare in the Scaring Sixties,” presented to the General Session of the Central States Regional Conference of the American Public Welfare Association, St. Paul, Minnesota, April 13, 1960
258 April 1960 Definition - “Health Insurance,” prepared for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, published in 1962
259 April 1960 Article - “The First Twenty-five Years of the Social Security Act, 1935-1960,” published in Social Work Year Book, 1960; published in Seguridad Social, No. 4, July-August, 1960, pp. 47-67
260 June 1960 Letter to the Editor - “The Origin of Retirement Age,” The New York Times, June 1960, written in response to a “Topics” article on retirement age in The New York Times, June 10, 1960
261 June 1960 Pamphlet - “The Impact of Unemployment in the 1958 Recession,” a report of nationwide surveys of unemployment, unemployment insurance, and attitudes of the unemployed, prepared by the Survey Research Center, the University of Michigan by Wilbur J. Cohen, William Haber and Eva Mueller; printed by the Special Committee on Unemployment Problems of the U.S. Senate pursuant to S. Res. 252
262 July 1960 Article - “Social Security Twenty-five Years Hence,” published in Public Welfare, July 1960, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 155-156, 158, 160
263 September 1960 Report - “Medical Services for the Aged,” proposals for implementation by Michigan of the Amendments to Title I of the Social Security Act contained in the Social Security Amendments of 1960, for Governor G. Mennon Williams, September 6, 1960
264 September 1960 Proposal - “A Proposal for an International Youth Service,” by Samuel Hayes, September 30, 1960
265 October 1960 Article - “Edwin E. Witte, 1887-1960; Father of Social Security,” published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October 1960, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 7-9
266 November 1960 Article - “Existing Programs Concerned with Rehabilitation,” published in Chronic Disease Control, Continued Education Series No. 88, University of Michigan, School of Public Health, pp. 188-192
267 November 1960 Definition - “Public Welfare,” prepared for Encyclopaedia Britannica, November 1960
268 November 1960 Speech - Prepared for Governor Swainson, November 17, 1960, for the Third Annual Michigan Social Security Conference
269 November 1960 Address AND Discussion - “Issues and Problems in Health and Medical Care for the Aged,” presented at the Third Annual Social Security Conference, East Lansing, Michigan, November 17, 1960; printed in the Proceedings, of Social Security Conference, pp. 17-23
270 November 1960 Presentation - to Mrs. Ruth M. Dana of the Jane Addams Centennial Memorial Award by the Huron Valley Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, November 21, 1960, Ann Arbor, Michigan
271 November 1960 Paper - “The Contribution of W. S. Woytinsky in Estimating Unemployment Insurance Costs in the United States,” prepared for the book, So Much Alive
272 December 1960 Article- “The Challenge of Aging to Insurance,” published in The Journal of Insurance, December 1960, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, pp. 15-18
273 January 1961 Report - “Health and Social Security for the American People,” a Report to President-elect John F. Kennedy by the Task Force on Health and Social Security, Wilbur J. Cohen, Chairman, January 10, 1961
274 January 1961 Report - “Interim Report on Special Services Project,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Sydney Bernard, January 17, 1961
275 January 1961 Article - “Social Action for the Sixties,” published as an editorial discussion in Social Work, January 1961, p. 111
276 April 1961 Article - “Welfare Policies Relating to Income and Tax Status of the Aged,” published in Geriatrics, April 1961, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 193-202
277 May 1961 Book Review - Health Plans and Collective Bargaining, by Joseph W. Garbarino, published in The Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1961, Vol. XLIII, No. 2, pg. 215

Wilbur J. Cohen Articles and Addresses, 1961-1980 (#1-959)
Number Date Subject
1 1961 Jan. 10 Report to the President on Health and Social Security for the American People by the Task Force on Health and Social Security, Wilbur J. Cohen, Chairman
2 1961 Jan. 11 and 13 Hearings before Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate - on nomination of Secretary Ribicoff
3 Speech on “Issues and Problems in Health Care for the Aged” before Michigan State University (both long and short version)
4 1961 Mar. 3 Speech - “Priorities in Health, Education, and Welfare” - 75th Anniversary of Settlement Movement of America, Loeb Student Center, New York City
5 1961 Mar. 9 Speech - “New Frontiers in Health, Education, and Social Security” before National Women's Democratic Club, Washington, D.C.
6 Confidential report on Economic Status of the Faculty, University of Michigan for Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, 1960-1961
7 1961 Mar. 22 Speech - “Trends and Issues in Social Welfare” (presented by Philip H. Des Marais) before general session of Southwest Regional Conference, A.P.W.A., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 1961 Mar. 22 and 23 Hearings before Committee on Finance, .U.S. Senate - on nomination of Wilbur J. Cohen - Excerpts
9 1961 April 8 Speech (presented by Philip H. Des Marais) before 1961 National Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
10 1961 April 10 Speech before Delegates Assembly of Health and Welfare Council of National Capital Area, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
11 1961 April 17 Speech - “Health Insurance for the Aged” - before the Jacobi Medical Society, Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C.
12 1961 April 22 Speech - (same) - before University of Michigan Medical Group, Ann Arbor, Michigan
13 1961 April 27 Reply to Ray Peterson's Comments on “The Challenge of Aging to Insurance” - Journal of Insurance
14 1961 April 29 Speech - “Serving Our Nation's Children” - before League School for Seriously Disturbed Children, New York City
15 1961 May 2 Book Review - Welfare in America by Vaughn David Hornet
16 Speech - “Settlement Tasks and National Goals” at 75th Anniversary of the Settlement House Movement, Washington, D.C.
17 1961 May 10 Speech - “Health and Welfare in the Sixties” - Annual Meeting of Alexandria Family Service, Inc., Christ Church, Alexandria, Va.
18 1961 May 14 Speech - “Individual Responsibility and the General Welfare” - Notes for a discussion, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Unitarian Church)
19 1961 May 16 Speech -”Medical Care Legislation: Problems and Progress” - before a session of the Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare, Minneapolis, Minnesota
20 1961 May 16 Speech - “Social Welfare Legislation in the 87th Congress” - before the National Conference on Social Welfare, Minneapolis, Minnesota
21 1961 May Summary of 1961 Public Assistance Amendments to the Social Security Act
22 1961 June “Trends and Issues in Social Welfare in the United States” - published in June issue of Bulletin of the International Social Security Association
23 1961 June 5 Speech - “New Frontiers in Social Legislation” - before 14th Annual Luncheon in honor of 196i Graduating Class of Howard University School of Social Work, Washington, D.C.
24 1961 June 8 “Public Welfare Legislative Progress: 1961” - later published in July issue of Public Welfare, Journal of the A.P.W.A.
25 1961 June 13 Speech - “Education for American Citizenship” - address at Commencement Exercises, C. Melvin Sharpe Health School, Washington, D.C.
26 1961 June 13 Speech - “Health Security for the American People” - delivered at Industrial Union Department Women's Conference, Washington, D.C.
27 1961 June 15 Speech - “International Cooperation in Social Welfare” - presented at Eighth National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, Washington, D.C.
28 1961 June 21 “The Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program Is Insurance”
29 1961 June 29 “The Din of the Equitable” - A Critical Analysis of “The Coming Din of Inequity” by Ray M. Peterson, Vice President and Associate Actuary of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S.
30 1961 July 5 Summary of the Social Security Amendments of 1961
31 1961 July 10 Speech, “The Role of the Service Agency in Promoting Desirable Ciitizenship” - before the Thirty-fifth Convention of the American Association of Workers for the Blind, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri
32 1961 July 12 Testimony before the Subcommittee on Retirement Income of Senate Special Committee on Aging - “Retirement Income of the Aged”
33 1961 July 17 Speech - “The Meaning of Disability to the Community” - before the National Rehabilitation Association Region III Conference, Washington, D.C.
34 1961 July 21 Welfare Project of the Washtenaw County Department of Social Welfare in cooperation with University of Michigan School of Social Work - reprints of Norman Gibson articles in Ann Arbor News
35 1961 August 10 Speech - “Public Welfare - A Challenge and a Responsibility” before the Conference of State Welfare Finance Officers, Washington, D.C.
36 1961 August 23 Testimony before the Subcommittee on Federal and State Activities of the Senate Special Committee on Aging
36a 1961 July 14 WJC Letter to the Editor, Evening Star, Washington, D.C. in re letter of July 7 of M. P. Dickenson, Senior Vice President of Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York City
37 1961 September “Social Security Amendments of 1961: Summary and Legislative History” by Wilbur J. Cohen and William L. Mitchell, published in Social Security Bulletin, September 1961
38 1961 September The Prevention and Reduction of Dependency - by Wilbur J. Cohen and Sydney E. Barnard. Summary entitled “Rehabilitation in a Public Assistance Agency”; Reprint of Articles on this study by Norman Gibson in Ann Arbor News
39 1961 September 19 Testimony before Committee on Appropriations re 1962 Supplemental Estimate for “Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses”
40 1961 September 12 Speech - “Welfare--A Challenge and a Responsibility” - delivered at Opening Session of the 1961 American Public Welfare Association Northeast Regional Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
41 1961 September 14 Letter to the Editor - Encyclopaedia Britannica commenting on Dr. Edward L. Bortz' article, “Health Added Years,” published in the 1961 Britannica Book of the Year
42 1961 September 18 Revision of article on “Health Insurance” forwarded to the Encyclopaedia Britannica by letter to Harry C. Thomson, Assistant Editor
43 1961 September 21 Review - National Policies for Education, Health and Social Services, edited by James E. Russell; and National Policy for Economic Welfare at Home and Abroad, edited by Robert Lekachman - forwarded to Book Review Editor, American Sociological Review
44 1961 October “Educational Achievement--Its Causes and Effects” by Martin David, Harvey Brazer, James Morgan, and Wilbur Cohen. Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan
45 1961 October 4 Speech - “Welfare--A Challenge and a Responsibility” - delivered by Philip Des Marais at opening session of the 22nd Annual Rhode Island Conference of Social Work, Providence, Rhode Island
46 1961 October 19 Letter to the Editor - Saturday Review, commenting on Frank W. Abrams' article in October 14 issue, dealing with three of major problems that come with retirement
47 1961 November “The Economic Position of Disabled Workers, and their Future Prospects” by Martin David, James Morgan, Wilbur Cohen, and Harvey Brazer. Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48 1961 November “The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program Is Financially Sound”
49 1961 November Report of Legislative Achievements and Activities, January-September 1961 - Wilbur J. Cohen letter to the Secretary
50 1961 November 8 Speech - “The Current Status of Federal Medical Care Programs and Legislation” - before 21st Annual Conference of Maryland-DC-Delaware Hospital Association, Washington, D.C.
51 1961 November “The Role of the Service Agency” - printed in The New Outlook
52 1961 November 10 Speech - “Opportunities for Youth” - delivered at White House Regional Conference, Detroit, November 15, 1961
53 1961 November 16 Speech - “A New Look at Welfare” - delivered at meeting of Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Boston, Massachusetts
54 1961 November 30 Speech - “1962 Legislative Priorities in Social Security” - delivered at the American Public Welfare Association National Biennial Round Table Conference, Chicago, Illinois
55 1961 November 28 Letter to the Editor - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, commenting on letter concerning soundness of the American social security system
56 1961 December 14 Speech - “Rehabilitation, Health, and Welfare” - delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Jewish Vocational Service, Jewish Community Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
57 1961 December 29 Speech - “Health Insurance and the Government” - delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Risk and Insurance Association, New York City
58 1962 Jan. W. S. Terry, Jr., Memorial Merit Award - conferred on Wilbur J. Cohen by American Public Welfare Association at its National Biennial Round Table Conference, December 1, 1961 (Public Welfare, January 1962)
59 1962 Jan. Speech - “1962 Legislative Priorities in Social Security” - before the National Biennial Round Table Conference of APWA, November 30, 1961, Chicago, Illinois (Public Welfare, January 1962)
60 1962 Jan. Report of Meetings of National Councils and Special Groups connected with APWA National Biennial Round Table Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 29-December 1, 1961 (Public Welfare, January 1962)
61 1962 Jan. “The Basic Needs of Older People” - article appearing in Senior Citizen, January 1962
62 1962 Jan. 2 & February 2 Letters to Editor - Milwaukee Journal, commenting on health insurance for the aged
63 1962 Jan. 7 Speech - “Health Programs and Issues in 1962” - before the Levindale Hebrew Home and Infirmary, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
64 1962 Jan. 15 “Financing the Health Costs of the Aged” - proposed article for The Progressive (Madison, Wisconsin) - returned; see May 22 for revised article
65 1962 Jan. 20 Speech - “Implications of Poverty in the Sixties for Social Work Education” before the Council of Social Work Education, St. Louis, Missouri (Delivered by Andrew R.N. Truelson, Assistant Director, Bureau of Family Services, SSA)
65a 1962 Jan. 31 Speech - Statement of Hon. Abraham Ribicoff, Secretary, as presented by Wilbur J. Cohen, Assistant Secretary for Legislation, in Economic Report of the President
66 1962 February “Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1961” - Public Health Reports, Vol. 77, No. 2 (by Wilbur J. Cohen and Jerome N. Sonosky)
66a 1962 February 2 Letter to the Editor - The Evening Sun
67 1962 February 7 Speech - “Administration Plans for Welfare Improvements” - Workshop meeting, The Tax Foundation, Washington, D.C. (delivered by Philip Des Marais)
68 1962 February 14 Statement before the Select Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, urging support of H.R. 10143, Adult Literacy Act of 1962
69 1962 March “Health Insurance and the Government” - The Journal of Insurance, Vol. XXIX, No. 1 (by Wilbur J. Cohen)
70 1962 March 8 Speech - “Legislation and Statistics” - The Washington Statistical Society, Presidential Arms Hotel, Washington, D.C. (delivered by Philip H. Des Marais)
71 1962 March 21 Speech - “Federal Aid to Education” before the University of Michigan Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
72 1962 March 29 Statement before Special Subcommittee on Education of House Education and Labor Committee on Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation Bills
73 1962 March 31 Speech - “Federal Aid to Education” before the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Issues Seminar - Education at State and National Levels, Madison, Wisconsin (same text as March 21)
73a 1962 April 9-12 Proceedings - “Current Proposals for Federal Legislation on Aging,” an article by Wilbur J. Cohen published in Proceedings of the Conference of State Executives on Aging, April 9-12, 1962, Washington, D.C., pp. 63-66
74 1962 April 10 Speech - “Current Proposals for Federal Legislation on Aging” before the Conference of State Executives on Aging, Washington, D.C. (delivered by Dean Coston)
75 1962 April 15 Speech - “Education for the Good Life” before the Philip Schiff Memorial Lecture at Temple Sinai, Washington, D.C.
76 1962 May 8 Speech - “Social Work and the General Welfare” at the School of Social Work Luncheon, Adelphi College, Garden City, New York
77 1962 May 15 Statement before the General Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives
78 1962 May 17 Speech - “New Designs and Directions for Social Welfare” before the Spring Convocation, University of Connecticut, School of Social Work, Hartford, Connecticut
79 1962 May 20 Address given by Wilbur J. Cohen at the Health Insurance Rally - San Diego, California
80 1962 May 22 Speech - “Health Insurance for the Aged Under Social Security” before the Association for Advanced Life Underwriters, Washington, D.C.
81 1962 May 22 “Health Insurance for the Aged” - article appearing in The Progressive Magazine
82 1962 May 24 Statement before the Subcommittee on Health of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
83 1962 May 29 Speech - “Current Federal Legislation as It Affects Child welfare” before the Child Welfare League of America at the National Conference on Social Welfare, New York, New York
84 1962 May 31 Speech - “Current Developments in Welfare” at the Salvation Army Dinner, New York, New York
85 1962 June “Social Security an Unfinished Foundation” - article appearing in Eagle, June 1962
85a 1962 June 7 Letter to the Editor - The Daily Ledger, Fairfield, Iowa
86 1962 June 18 Letter from Mr. Cohen to the Editor of the Milwaukee Journal concerning a letter from Mr. Leo Perry who asked for the facts about “the true financial status of the social security fund”
87 1962 June 26 Statement before the General Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor - U.S. House of Representatives
88 1962 June 27 Letter to the Editor - The Houston Post concerning a letter from Mr. Joseph W. Hahn who stated that Mr. Cohen had advocated a social security tax of 20 percent on salaries up to $9,000 a year
89 1962 July 11 Letter to the Editor - Reply to a letter written by Mr. Jim Reed, published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, June 4, 1962, concerning the taxable wage base of social security
90 1962 August 23 Speech - “Federal Aid to Education--A Step Forward or Backward,” presented before the Detroit Forum, Detroit, Michigan
91 1962 August 27 Report - “Private and Social Insurance--Complementary or Competitive?” published in Al Goldsmith's Washington Insurance Newsletter, August 27, 1962
92 1962 September 9 Speech - “Statistics for Health, Education, and Welfare Legislation,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Luther W. Stringham, presented at the 1962 Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota
93 1962 September 23 Radio Program - “America's Forgotten Workers,” participants included Wilbur J. Cohen, Cong. Thomas M. Pelly, Cong. Frank Thompson, Jr., on AFL-CIO Public Service Program, Washington Reports to the People, Program No. 37
94 1962 September 24 Speech - “The New Public Welfare Legislation,” presented before the Conference with State Administrators of Public Welfare, DHEW, Washington, D.C
95 1962 October Article - “The Public Welfare Amendments of 1962,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Robert M. Ball, published in Public Welfare, Vol. 20, No. 4, October, 1962, pp. 191-198, 227-233
96 1962 October Article - “Public Welfare Amendments of 1962 and Proposals for Health Insurance for the Aged,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Robert M. Ball, published in Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 10, October 1962, pp. 3-22
97 1962 October 7 Radio Program - “Health Insurance--African Trade Unionism”; participants included Wilbur J. Cohen, Wogu Annaba, Nigeria, and George E. Palmer, Sierra Leone, on AFL-CIO Public Service Program, Washington Reports to the People, American Broadcasting Company
98 1962 October 8 Speech - “The Role of Government in Medical Care,” presented at a panel discussion on “The Role of Government, Voluntary Health Insurance, Hospitals and Labor in Medical Care,” Wayne County Medical Society, Detroit, Michigan
99 1962 October 17 Article - “The Need for Health Insurance for the Aged under Social Security,” prepared for Daily Collegian, Pennsylvania State College
100 1962 October 19 Speech - “The President's Program of Health Insurance for the Aged,” a discussion paper presented at the Department of Preventive Medicine, Harvard University, Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
101 1962 October 23 Speech - Delivered by Wilbur J. Cohen on behalf of Secretary Celebrezze, at the 12th Annual Meeting of the National Council on the Aging, New York, New York
102 1962 October 24 Speech - “New Concepts and New Challenge for Rehabilitation,” presented before the Annual Conference of the National Rehabilitation Association, Detroit, Michigan
103 1962 October-November Article - “College Aspirations and the Future Demand for Higher Education,” published in Higher Education, Vol. XIX, No. 1, October-November 1962, pp. 4-10
104 1962 November 11 Speech - “Important Changes and Trends on the National Scene,” presented by Philip H. Des Marais for Wilbur J. Cohen at the Annual Meeting of the Texas Social Welfare Association, Dallas, Texas
105 1962 November 29 Speech - “Federal Advances in Public Welfare,” presented before the Michigan Welfare League, Detroit, Michigan
106 1962-63 Winter Article - “Administration Favors Aid Under Social Security Bill: Health Secretary Outlines Needs of Aged; Explains Kennedy Medicare Program,” published in Yale Daily News, Winter 1962-63, pp. 8, 12
107 1962 December Article - “Library Services,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and John G. Lorenz, published in December 1962 Indicators
108 1962 December Article - “Eventful Years in Programs for the Elderly,” published in Gerontologist, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 1962, pp. 102-195
108a 1962 Introduction - The Development of the Social Security Act by Edwin E. Witte, the University of Wisconsin Press - Madison, 1962 - Introduction by Wilbur J. Cohen
109 1963 January Article - “New Horizons for the Aged,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Donald P. Kent, published in January 1963 Indicators
110 1963 January 14 Article - “The Dynamic Nature of Workers' Goals,” written for Monthly Labor Review
111 1963 February 1 Speech - “President Kennedy's Education Program for 1963,” presented before the Democratic State Convention, Grand Rapids, Michigan
112 1963 February 20 Article - “Current Provisions for Social Security in the United States,” written for Aspect, London, England - also published in l'Effort (French) and Wilskracht (Dutch)
112a 1963 February 28 Article - “Goals for Community Services,” staff report to Secretary Anthony J. Celebrezze; published in DHEW Publication
113 1963 Mar. 8 Speech - “The Role of the Federal Government in Mental Health Activities,” presented before the Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
114 1963 Mar. 11 Speech - “New Directions in Health, Education, and Welfare,” presented before the Regional Conference, American Public Welfare Association, Little Rock, Arkansas
115 1963 Mar. 19 Article - Statement re selection of University of Michigan for water pollution control field laboratory, to be published in The Michigan Yearbook, 1963
116 1963 Mar. 21 Testimony - Statement in support of S. 387, the Truth in Packaging bill, presented before the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary
117 1963 Mar. 21 Speech - “Educating a Nation--The Role of the Federal Government,” presented at the American Textbook Publishers Institute Conference, Haddonfield, New Jersey, by Philip H. Des Marais for Wilbur J. Cohen
118 1963 Mar. 22 Speech - “Today's Health and Education Needs,” presented at a luncheon meeting of the City Club of Portland, at Portland, Oregon by Dean Coston for Wilbur J. Cohen
119 1963 Mar. 25 Speech - “The Elimination of Poverty in the United States,” presented before the Oregon State Conference on Social Welfare, Portland, Oregon
119a 1963 Mar. Article - “Programs of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,” from Handbook on Programs, 1963, Tenth Anniversary Edition
120 1963 Mar.-April Article - “The Government and Rehabilitation--New Concepts and Challenges” published in Journal of Rehabilitation, March-April, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, pp. 36-38
121 1963 April Article - “The Tenth Anniversary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Joseph W. Kappel, published in April 1963 Indicators
121a 1963 April 1 Article - “United States--Federal Organization for Social Welfare,” prepared for Encyclopaedia of Social Work
122 1963 April 4 Article - a revision for the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1964 issue) of “Health Insurance”
123 1963 April 9 Testimony - on H.R. 133, a bill to establish a National Accident Prevention Center in the Public Health Service, presented before the Subcommittee on Public Health and Safety of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
124 1963 April Article - “The First Decade of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,” published in Public Welfare, Vol. XXI, No. 2, April 1963, pp. 5-8, 39
125 1963 May 1 Speech - “Government Responsibilities in Health, Education, and Welfare,” presented before the Washington Club, Washington, D.C.
126 1963 May 3 Speech - “New Strides toward the General Welfare,” presented before the American Public Welfare Association Regional Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
127 1963 May 10 Speech - “Major Trends in Public Welfare,” presented before the Social Welfare Planning Council, New Orleans, Louisiana
128 1963 May Article - “Two Communications,” letter written by Wilbur J. Cohen to C. H. Hardin Branch, M.D., President, American Psychiatric Association, dated February 21, 1963, regarding S. 880 and H.R. 3920 and the reply written by Dr. Branch to Mr. Cohen dated March 5, 1963. Published in Mental Hospitals
129 1963 May 15 Article - “Economic Problems in the Distribution of Medical Care,” prepared for publication in American Medicine - 37th Discussion and Debate Manual
130 1963 May 18 Speech - “New Frontiers for the [intellectually disabled],” presented before the 11th Annual Convention of the Illinois Council for [intellectually disabled] Children, Chicago, Illinois
131 1963 May 24 Speech - “Social Insurance and the Public Welfare: Perspectives and Opportunities,” presented before the Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare
131a 1963 May 27-28 Speech - Excerpt from Public Welfare Information Programs - Meeting of State-Federal Information Personnel Report, Washington, D.C.
132 1963 May 28 Speech - “New Frontiers for the [intellectually disabled],” presented before the 11th Annual Convention of the Illinois Council for [intellectually disabled] Children, Chicago, Illinois (May 18 speech revised to bring up to date as of May 28)
132a 1963 May 28 Article - “Hospital Insurance for the Aged Should Be Provided Under Social Security,” for Current History, August issue
133 1963 June Article - “Public and Private Expenditures for Health, Education, and Welfare, 1953-1963,” published in the Indicators
134 1963 June 13 Speech - “The Hospital Insurance Bill of 1963,” presented before the 15th Annual Institute of the American Association of Hospital Accountants, Chicago, Illinois (delivered by Philip Des Marais)
135 1963 June 17 Speech - “Legislative Progress and Proposals in the Field of Aging,” presented before the 16th Annual Conference on Aging, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
136 1963 June 17 Speech - “Progress in Employment and Income of the Aged Since 1960,” presented before the Workshop on Income and Employment, 16th Annual Conference on Aging, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
137 1963 June 27 Speech - “Legislation and Law--The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,” presented before the Conference of the Federal Bar Association and the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., on the New Drug Law Amendments, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
138 1963 June 27 Article - “Social Security Is Social Insurance,” published in the Journal of American Insurance
138a 1963 July Article - “Letter of Transmittal” of Services for Families Living in Public Housing to the Honorable Anthony J. Celebrezze and the Honorable Robert C. Weaver
139 1963 July 5 Article - “Health Insurance through Social Security,” in Medical News
140 1963 August Article -”Introduction” to The Townsend Movement--A Political Study by Abraham Holtzman
141 1963 August 13 Speech - “Recent Developments in American Income Security Programs for Older People,” prepared for Sixth International Congress on Gerontology, Copenhagen, Denmark (Read by Dr. Donald Kent)
142 1963 August 20 Article - “Current Issues in Public Welfare,” prepared for a symposium of statements on the major issues and opportunities facing organized Jewish communities for General Assembly of Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Inc., Miami
143 1963 September 6 Article - “Review of the Social Welfare Forum,” 1962 for Social Casework
144 1963 September 19 Speech - “The National Program to Combat Mental Retardation,” presented at the White House Conference on Mental Retardation, Airlie House, Warrenton, Va.
145 1963 September 25 -”New Directions in Health, Education, and Welfare,” presented before the Annual Conference of the New Hampshire Social Welfare Council, North Conway, New York
146 1963 September 26 Speech - “Health, Education, and Welfare Services in Housing Projects,” presented at the opening ceremony of the Concerted Services Demonstration Project in Pittsburg, California
147 1963 October 6 Speech-- “Two Faces of America--Dependency in an Affluent Society,” presented before the American Public Welfare Association West Coast Regional Conference, Seattle, Washington
148 1963 Article - “Policies and Issues in Old-Age Income Security in the United States,” appears as Ch. 57 in Processes of Aging, Vol. II, edited by Richard H. Williams, Clark Tibbitts, and Wilma Donahue (Atherton Press, 1963)
149 1963 Article - “Programs of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Joseph W. Kappel in the 1963 annual Handbook on Programs of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Tenth Anniversary Issue
150 1963 Article - “Major Trends during 1962 Affecting Health, Education, and Welfare,” appears in 1963 edition of Trends
151 1963 October 28 Speech - “The National Program to Combat Mental Retardation,” presented at the Oklahoma Conference on Mental Retardation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
152 1963 November 7 Speech - “Federal Aid to Education - A Step Forward or Backward,” presented before Annual Convention of Wisconsin Federation of Teachers, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
153 1963 November 7 Speech - “New Directions in Vocational Education,” delivered at luncheon of Wisconsin Association for Vocational and Adult Education, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
153a 1963 November 12 Speech - “Role of Voluntary Welfare Organizations in Meeting National Need” presented before the Sixth Inter-Faith Group Consultation, Washington, D.C.
154 1963 November 16 Speech - “A National Approach to Community Treatment of Mental Illness,” presented before the Congress on Mental Health, Seattle, Washington
155 1963 November Article - “New Approaches to Mental Retardation and Mental Illness,” appears in November Indicators
156 1963 December 5 Testimony - Presented before House Subcommittee on Appropriations on Supplemental Estimates for Activities to Combat Mental Retardation (See also printed Hearings, pg. 1)
157 1963 December 5 Article - Prepared notes, “Social Security and Public Welfare: Today and Tomorrow,” prepared for use as moderator before General Session of American Public Welfare Association National Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C. Also - Article published in January 1964 Oasis and Round Table Issue of Public Welfare - Vol. XXII, No. 1
157a 1964 January Article - Year of Major Legislative Achievements in Education - January Indicators
158 1963 December 18 Testimony - Presented before Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations on Supplemental Estimate for Activities to Combat Mental Retardation (See also printed Hearings, pg. 2)
158 1964 January 15 Testimony - Before Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Operations, U.S. Senate, re S. 2114 for periodic review of Federal grants-in-aid to States and local units of government
159 1964 January 23 Speech - “The Elimination of Poverty: A Primary Goal of Public Policy,” presented at the Conference on Poverty-in-Plenty, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
160 1964 January 31 Article - “The War Against Poverty,” prepared for quarterly issue of American Child - produced by National Committee on Employment of Youth
161 1964 February Article - “Poverty in the United States,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Eugenia Sullivan, in February Indicators. Printed also in Major American Social Problems, Robert A. Dentler (Rand McNally)
162 1964 February 9 Speech - “Poverty in Plenty” - on ABC, AFL-CIO Public Service Program, As We See It (Condensed from speech January 23 at Georgetown Conference) on WMAL-TV, Washington, D.C. - March 22, 1964
163 1964 February 17 Speech - “Attacking Poverty through Health, Education, and Welfare Programs” presented before the Social Welfare Session of the Washington Institute of the National Council of Jewish Women, Gramercy Inn, Washington, D.C.
164 1964 March 6 Speech - “Human Welfare: Whose Responsibility: Man or Government?” delivered at Adas Israel Synagogue, Washington, D.C.
165 1964 March 18 Speech - “Financing of Medical Care for the Aged” before Junior Branch of the Actuaries Club of New York
166 1964 April 10 Speech - “What the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare is Doing and Plans to Do about Alcolholism,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Alcoholism, New York, N. Y., by Mr. Des Marais
167 1964 April Article - “Social Welfare in Transition,” for American Association of Workers for the Blind, Inc.
168 1964 Apr- 23 Speech - Remarks presented at Opening Ceremony of Miami Housing and Concerted Services Demonstration Project, Miami, Florida (read by Mr. Des Marais)
169 1964 April 29 Speech - Taped announcement - read over phone to Democratic National Committee re appointment of Carl L. Marburger as special consultant to Commissioner of Education
170 1964 April 30 Speech - “Public Welfare and Jobs,” before the 1964 Biennial Convention of National Travelers Aid Association, Knickerbocker Hotel, Chicago, Illinois - read by Mr. Des Marais
170a 1964 May Article - “Renewed National Commitment to Education,” Wilbur J. Cohen and Francis Keppel, in New Legislative Landmarks in Education, OE-10029
171 1964 May 19 Speech - Statement before National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor - Ways in which the Department helps to combat conditions associated with poverty, especially services available to the rural poor
172 1964 May 27 Speech - “Prosperity and Poverty,” at the Graduation Convocation University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore, Md.
173 1964 May 28-29 Article - “The Service Side of City Planning,” prepared for A. Harold Murray, President, Jewish Community Relations Workers, for seminar on problems of the urban community, Santa Barbara, California
173a 1964 June Article - “Attack on Alcoholism,” June Indicators
173b 1964 July Article - “Teaching the Hard of Hearing and the Speech Impaired,” July Indicators
174 1964 July 10 Article - “Social Security: The Conservative Approach” for The Bulletin, Jefferson County Medical Society, Birmingham, Alabama
175 1964 July 31 Article - “Rehabilitation and the American Future” for the September-October 1964 issue of Journal of Rehabilitation
176 1964 August 17 Speech - “The Place of Social Security in the Modern World,” presented at the Social Security Administration Pre-ISSA Seminar, Washington, D.C.
177 1964 September Article - “Economic Opportunity Act of 1964,” September Indicators
178 1964 October 3 Speech - “Social Security--A World Concept,” presented at the International Social Security Association, Washington, D.C.
179 1964 October 4 Speech - “Prosperity and Poverty”, presented at Jewish Community Center, Rochester, N.Y. (on behalf of Senator Ribicoff)
180 1964 October 7 Speech - “Social Welfare Progress--Past and Future,” presented before Rhode Island Conference of Social Welfare, Providence, R.I.
181 1964 October 9 Speech - Dedication of Lurie Terrace, Ann Arbor, Michigan - presented by Mr. Tibbitts
182 1964 October 21 Speech - “Social Security: The Conservative Approach,” presented before Charles River District Medical Society, Newton, Mass. Reprinted in December 1964 issue of The Industrial Banker
183 1964 October 27 Speech - Sidney Teller Lecture - Graduate School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh
184 1964 November Article - National Defense Education Act Amendments of 1964 (P.L. 88-665) - Wilbur J. Cohen and Francis Keppel (Reprint from HEW Indicators, November 1964)
185 1964 December 4 Speech - “Education for Social Statesmanship,” presented at dedication of Graduate School of Social Work Building at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
186 1965 January Article - “The Committee on Economic Security: Reflections Thirty Years Later” - Oasis of January 1965
187 1965 January 5 Article - (adapted from speech of “Hospital Insurance for the Aged-The Conservative Approach” (attaches Summary of Hospital Insurance proposal and Summary of H.R. 1)
188 1965 January 15 Speech - presented at Memorial for Alexander Meiklejohn in Washington, D.C.; published in Congressional Record of February 2, 1965
189 1965 January19 Speech - “The Role of the Federal Government in Expansion of Social Work Training,” prepared for Annual Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Denver, Colorado; presented by...
190 1965 January 27 Summary of the Provisions of the Child Health and Medical Assistance Act for 1965
191 1965 February 2 Speech - “Higher Education and America's Future” - presented before the Cooperative Education Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Hills on behalf of Mr. Cohen
192 1965 February17 Article - “Nursing Homes and the Administration's Hospital Insurance Proposal for the Aged”, prepared for Nursing Home Administrator and The Modern Hospital
193 1965 February 20 Speech - “New Directions in Mental Health Legislation”, presented at Conference for Leaders in State Mental Health Planning, American Psychiatric Association, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. Published by National Institutes on Rehabilitation and Health Services
194 1965 February 27 Speech - “The Quest for Justice in a Great Society” - presented at the Ann Arbor Conference of Christians and Jews, Ann Arbor, Michigan
195 1965 March Article - The Role of the Federal Government in Expanding Social Work Manpower - Indicators, March, 1965
196 1965 March 15 Speech - “Education and Medicare--Goals for a Great Society,” presented at the National Workshop for Religious Liberals, Skyline inn, Washington, D.C.
197 1965 March 23 Article - “Public Welfare” - to be published in Encyclopaedia Britannica
198 1965 March 29 Testimony - “The Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1965” - before Health Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
198a Article - “Public and Private Expenditures, 1935-1964”, HEW, Reprint from Trends, 1964 Edition
199 1965 March 31 Testimony - “Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1965, S. 561” before Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, Senate Committee on Government Operations
200 1965 March 31 Speech - “The Administration's Objectives in the Field of Health” presented at Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Detroit, Michigan; presented by Dean Coston
201 1965 March 31 Radio Text - Material on the Social Security-Health Bill, taped for spot radio use by Democratic National Committee
202 1965 April 1 Article - Summary of Social Security-Health Bill, H.R. 6675
203 1965 April 7 Testimony - “Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act” before Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
203a 1965 April 23 Speech - Opening Statement presented at Conference on “The Court and the Chronic Inebriate” - DREW
204 1965 April 28 Testimony - “Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act” before the Subcommittee on General Education, House Committee on Labor and Education
205 1965 May 17 Testimony - “Establishment of a National Technical Institute for the Deaf, S. 1650” before Subcommittee on Health, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
206 1965 May 19 Remarks - At the meeting of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to the Special Assistant to the President for Mental Retardation
207 1965 June Article - “The 20-Millionth Social Security Beneficiary” - Indicators, June
208 1965 June 6 Speech - “Education in the Great Society” presented at the 124th Annual Commencement Exercises, State University Cortland, College, New York
209 1965 June 10 Speech - At his Swearing-In Ceremony, DREW Auditorium. (Also tape recording of Ceremony)??
210 1965 June 17 Speech - “Introducing Congressman Leo W. O'Brien” at the John Shaw Billings Centennial, National Library of Medicine
211 1965 June 17 Speech - “Medicine and the Great Society” presented at a dinner before Friends of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
212 1965 June 24 Testimony - “1966 Supplemental Estimates” before House Subcommittee on Appropriations
213 1965 June 27 Speech - “Toward Better Health for All” presented at Dedication of the Nashville Memorial Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee
214 1965 July 15 Speech - “Removing Barriers to Health Care” - presented at Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation Convention, New York, N.Y.
215 1965 July 25 Speech - Remarks presented at dinner in honor of Mrs. Shata Ling, 18th Annual University of Michigan Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan
215a 1965 July 29 Speech - Excerpts from Remarks at the Second National Conference of Governorst Commissions on the Status of Women, published in Progress and Prospects
216 1965 August 6 Article - “Medicare Becomes a Fact of U.S. Life,” Interview by Michael O'Neill for August 6 issue of Medical World News
217 1965 August 6 Article - “A New Day for Older Americans” - for special issue of Trainman News, published by Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
218 1965 August 9 Article - Interview for Washington Viewpoint on the new Medicare program by Ann M. Corrick, Assistant Chief, Westinghouse Broadcasting Company and Peter Clapper, WBC Correspondent
219 1965 August 15 Speech - Remarks presented at the Social Security 30th Anniversary Observance--Medicare Celebration, Hyde Park, New York
220 1965 August Article - “Reflections on Thirty Years” - in Social Security Bulletin Volume 28, Number 8
221 1965 August 25 Testimony - Statement on Administration on Aging before Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations
222 1965 August 31 Testimony - Statement on Supplemental Appropriations Related to Social Security Amendments of 1965, before the Subcommittee on Appropriations, House Committee
223 1965 August Article - “The Social Security Amendments of 1965,” Wilbur J. Cohen and Pearl Peerboom, for August issue of Indicators (Reprint on same subject)
224 1965 September Article - “Social Security Amendments of 1965: Summary and Legislative History” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Robert M. Ball for Social Security Bulletin, Volume 28, Number 9
225 1965 September Article - Foreword to article on “Health, Education, and Welfare for All the People” for September-October issue of The Transmitter, published by Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company
226 1965 September Article - Guest Editorial, “A New Purpose in Life,” for Journal of Rehabilitation, September-October issue
227 1965 September Article - on the Social Security Amendments of 1965 for Mental Hospitals
228 1965 September 1 Testimony - Statement on H.R. 8282, Unemployed Compensation bill, prepared for House Ways and Means Committee; delivered by mail
229 1965 September 8 Testimony - Statement on S. 595, Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1965, before Subcommittee on Health of Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
230 1965 September 12 Speech - “New Problems of a New Age” presented before the 60th Annual Convention of Virginia Municipal League, Virginia Beach, Va.
231 1965 September 14 Testimony - Statement on H.R. 3142, Medical Library Assistance Act, before House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
232 1965 September 17 Speech - Opening Statement presented at Secretary's Conference on Alcohol and Accidental Injury, Washington, D.C.
233 1965 September 20 Speech - “Security in an Incentive Society” for the Voice of America Forum program to 80 foreign countries
234 1965 September 29 Speech - “A Day for Brighter Beginnings” before the 16th Annual Convention of the National Association for Retarded Children, New York, N.Y.
235 1965 October Article - Preface to Special Issue on Legislation of Exceptional Children
236 1965 October Article - “Social Security: Where Do We Stand? What's Next?” for October issue of The American Federationist
237 1965 October Article - “Social Security” - for Encyclopaedia Britannica
238 1965 October Article - “Medicare: The Patients' Wants; the Government's Aims and the Physicians' Responsibilities” - for Jefferson County Medical Society Bulletin
239 1965 October 8 Article - Minutes on the Greater Cleveland Conference on Medical Assistance to the Aged, Sheraton-Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio
240 1965 October 11 Speech - “Health Insurance for the Aged--Its Challenge and Its Promise,” presented at the NARD Convention, Washington, D.C.
241 1965 October 12 Article - Interview taped by American newsmen on HEW Legislation for Press Conference, U.S.A., a Voice of America Program
242 1965 October 13 Article - Summary of the Conference of the Welfare Administration, DREW, with the State Administrators of Public Welfare, Washington, D.C.
243 1965 October 17 Speech - “A Victory for America,” presented at the Medicare Victory Celebration, Washington, D.C.
244 1965 October 21 Speech - Remarks saluting Federal Credit Unions at the Seminar, “Cooperatives, Partners in American Life,” Washington, D.C.
245 1965 October 22 Speech - Remarks on the occasion of golden anniversary of the Carola Woerishoffer Graduate Department of Social Work and Social Research, Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, Pa.
246 1965 October Article -“The Challenge of Recreation for the Great Society,” for Trends in Parks and Recreation, a publication of the Park Practice Program
247 1965 October 28 Speech - “Harvest Time in Social Welfare,” delivered at the 64th Annual State Welfare Conference, Berkeley-Cateret Hotel, Asbury Park, New Jersey
248 1965 October Article - “Health Insurance” for Encyclopaedia Britannica
249 1965 October 30 Speech - “A Victory for America,” presented at the First State Convention of the Allied Senior Citizens of Wisconsin, Sheraton-Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukee
250 1965 October Article - “Foreword” and “Introduction,” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Richard C. Simonson, Handbook on Programs of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1964-65 Edition: Part I
251 1965 November 1 Speech - “Educational Broadcasting and the National Purpose,” presented at Meeting of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
252 1965 November 4 Speech - Presented at the White House Conference on Health at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
253 1965 November 6 Speech - Remarks at presentation of Awards at Children's Book Guild Awards Luncheon at the Willard Hotel
254 1965 November 8 Speech - “Medicare and the Hospital,” presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware Hospital Association, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
255 1965 November 13 Speech - “Removing Barriers to Adequate Health Care,” presented at the Mercy Hospital Medical Day, Mercy Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa
256 1965 November 16 Speech - “Medical Leadership and Consumer Participation are Keys to New Era of Health Care” - Highlights of comments before Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, Washington, D.C.
257 1965 November 30 Speech - “Medicare--A Four-Month Progress Report,” presented at the Johnson and Johnson Symposium on Medicare, Americana Hotel, New York
258 1965 December Article - “Implications of 1965 Federal Legislation for Mental Retardation,” published in Mental Retardation, Wilbur J. Cohen and Wallace K. Babington
259 1965 December Article - “A New Day for the Aged” for special publication by Democratic National Committee, Toward an Age of Greatness
260 1965 December Article - “Introduction,” To Improve Medical Care... A Directory to Federal Grants and Other Financial Programs to Aid the Development of Medical Care, Services, Personnel, Facilities
261 1965 December Article - “Foreword,” Indicators, Legislative Enactments in Health, Education, and Welfare, 89th Congress, 1st Session, 1965 issue and 1965 - Year of Legislative Achievements
262 1965 December 3 Speech - Remarks at American Public Welfare Association on receiving award
263 1965 December 4 Speech - “What Is Ahead for Public Welfare?” presented at the American Public Welfare Association National Biennial Round Table Conference, Sheraton-Chicago Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
264 1965 December 6 Article - “Report of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare,” in Special Report to the President - Report of the Advisory Council of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
265 1965 December 9 Speech,- “Next Steps in Health, Education, and Welfare,” at the Tenth Anniversary Award Dinner of the National Association of Social Workers, Washington, D.C.
266 1965 December 10 Speech - “The Urban Disadvantaged,” presented before the Action Council for Better Cities, Blue Room, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
267 1965 December 11 Speech - “Medicare--A Four-Month Progress Report,” presented at the Beth Israel Hospital Advances in Medicine Lecture Series, Boston, Mass.
268 1965 December 14 Speech - “The Federal View,” presented at the National Conference on Community Mental Health Programs, Chicago - by Melville H. Hosch
269 1965 December 28 Speech - Draft of “Social Policy for the Nineteen Seventies”
270 1966 January Article - “Ten Top U.S. Community Problems that Volunteers Can Do Something Significant About in 1966,” featured in American National Red Cross Journal
271 1966 January Article - “Foreword,” Grants-In-Aid, The Impact of 1965 Legislation, an addendum to 1964-1965 Edition
272 1966 January Article - “Letter of Transmittal,” Mental Retardation Activities of Health, Education, and Welfare
273 1966 January Article - “Preface,” Financial Assistance Programs in Mental Retardation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
274 1966 January 6 Speech - presented at 1966 Surgeon General's Conference with State and Territorial Mental Health Authorities, H.E.W. Auditorium
275 1966 January 6 Speech - presented at Joint News Conference announcing new Office of Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Development grant to United Planning Organization
276 1966 January 24 Speech - “The Federal Government's Role in Education: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” presented to the American Alumni Council and the American College Public Relations Association, St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California
277 1966 February 6 Speech - presented at the National Dental Health Assembly, Marriott Twin Bridges Motor Hotel, Arlington, Virginia
278 1966 February 6 Speech - “Social Policy for the Nineteen Seventies,” presented at the Inter-City Regional Conference of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Inc., Sheraton-Belvedere Hotel, Baltimore, Md.
279 1966 February 11 Speech - Remarks before representatives of 58 national organizations convened at Social Security Administration headquarters re Medicare
280 1966 February 14 Speech - presented at the Fifth Biennial Accounting Institute, Sisters of Holy Cross, Silver Spring, Maryland
281 1966 February 14 Speech - Greetings from the Secretary of HEW, John Gardner, and remarks by Under Secretary Wilbur J. Cohen at Opening Dinner of Joint Labor/HEW Conference on “Job Development and Training of Workers in Health Services,” Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.
282 1966 February 17 Speech - “Health Manpower: The Challenge of the Next Decade” (Suggested title), presented before closing session of “Conference on Job Development and Training for Workers in Health Services,” Washington, D.C.
282a 1966 February 17 Article - “Greetings from the Department of HEW,” proceedings of the DOL-DREW Conference on Job Development and Training for Workers in Health Services
283 1966 February 19 Speech - “Medicare--A Six Months Progress Report,” presented at the Jacobi Medical Society, Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
284 1966 February 24 Speech - Remarks made at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Council of State Public Welfare Administrators and the Executive Committee of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers in Washington, D.C.
285 1966 February 27 Speech - “Social Policy for the Nineteen Seventies,” presented to the Washington Institute of the National Council of Jewish Women, International Inn, Washington, D.C.
286 1966 March 1 Testimony - Before the Housing Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives
286a 1966 March 2 Testimony - to discuss the DHEW's programs and plans for the coming year - 1967 Budget - Senate
287 1966 March 4 Speech - “Medicare--A Seven Months Progress Report,” presented to the District of Columbia Publish Health Association Annual Conference, Washington-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
288 1966 March 8 Testimony - Statement before a Joint Hearing of the Senate Subcom- mittee on Employment and Manpower House Select Subcommittee on Labor on the Employment Service Act of 1966
289 1966 March 13 Speech - “Medicare--A Progress Report,” presented to the Greater Cincinnati Medicare Conference, Sheraton-Gibson Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio
290 1966 March 14 Testimony - Statement by the Acting Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on Salaries and Expenses, Office of the Secretary, before House Subcommittee on Appropriations
291 1966 March Article - “Foreword,” National Technical Institute for the Deaf, policies, guidelines, and application procedures
292 1966 March 16 Testimony - Statement before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, U.S. Senate
293 1966 March 18 Speech - “Recent Accomplishments in Health, Education, and Welfare,” before the Fifth Annual Government Relations Workshop of the National Newspaper Association, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
294 1966 March 19 Speech - Press Release of March 19, concerning conditions of participation for extended care facilities and for home health agencies under the medicare program
295 1966 March 21 Speech - “Social Policy and Social Action for the Nineteen Seventies,” presented to the National Housing Conference Annual Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
296 1966 March 26 Speech - “Progress Toward the Great Society,” presented at the Democratic Pre-Primary Platform Convention, Medford, Oregon
297 1966 March 28 Speech - “The Role of the Federal Government in Advancing Higher Education for Negroes,” presented at the United Negro College Fund Symposium, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.
298 1966 March 30 Testimony - Statement by the Acting Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on Salaries and Expenses, Office of the Secretary
298 1966 March-April Article - “The Government Has No Intention of Eliminating Proprietary Nursing Homes,” for publication in the Nursing Home Administrator
299 1966 April 1 Speech - “Social Policy and Social Research,” presented before the Dedication Conference of the Institute for Social Research,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
300 1966 April 6 Speech - “Government Responsibility in Biomedical Communication,” presented before the Conference on Biomedical Communications of the New York Academy of Sciences and the Public Health Service, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, N.Y.
301 1966 April 13 Speech - “Progress and Challenge,” presented at the Mid-Decade Conference on Children and Youth, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
302 1966 April 14 Article - “The Impact of Medicare,” for publication in the Geriatrics Magazine
303 1966 April 20 Testimony - Before the Housing Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate
304 1966 April 20 Article - “A Better Life for the Aged,” prepared for Booth Newspapers, Lansing, Michigan
305 1966 April 24 Speech - “Improving the Nation's Health,” presented at the dedication of the New Greater Miriam Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island
306 1966 April 25 Speech - “Healthier Children in a Healthier America,” presented to the American Board of Pediatrics, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
307 1966 April 29 Speech - Introduction of Awardee, Mary E. Switzer, at the 12th Annual Career Service Awards Program of the National Civil Service League, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
308 1966 May Article - “Social Policy for the Nineteen Seventies,” Preprint - Health, Education, and Welfare Indicators
309 1966 May 2 Speech - Remarks at presentation of Award to Joint Commission on Mental Health of Children, Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C.
310 1966 May 5 Speech - “Freedom to Choose,” presented at the National Conference on Planned Parenthood-World Population, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
311 1966 May 7 Speech - “A Progress Report on the Nation's New Health Programs,” address presented to the American Academy of General Practice, Kansas City, Missouri
312 1966 May 12 Article - Preface to book Group Practice and Prepayment of Medical Care, sent to Dr. W. Palmer Dearing, Executive Director, Group Health Association of American, Inc.
313 1966 May Article - “Introduction,” for special issue, “Doctor's Guide to Medicare,” a Medical World News publication
314 1966 May 14 Speech - “Implementing the New Health Programs,” presented to the Annual Meeting of the Oregon Society of Internal Medicine, Lincoln City, Oregon
315 1966 May 26 Testimony - Before the Committee of Ways and Means, House of Representatives, on Title XIX of the Social Security Act
316 1966 May 30 Speech - “The Legislative Process and Social Welfare,” presented at the National Conference on Social Welfare, Chicago, Illinois
317 1966 May Article - “Social Policy and Social Action for the Nineteen Seventies,” published in the Michigan Business Review by the Graduate School of Business Administration, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
318 1966 May Article - “Brighter Horizons in Medical Care,” for Agenda Magazine
319 1966 June 5 Speech - “An Age of Challenge and Opportunity,” presented to the Honors Convocation, University of Wisconsin, Madison
320 1966 June 6 Speech - Interview “From the People” Broadcast by Moderator, Herb Brubaker, the United Press International Audio Network, the National Press Building, Washington, D.C.
321 1966 June 10 Article - “Medicare: Its Impact on Industry,” for Health Industries Association
321a 1966 June 16 Speech - Summary of Remarks presented at the National Legislative Leaders Conference, Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
322 1966 June 20 Speech - Remarks at dedication of Region III Headquarters Building, DHEW, Charlottesville, Virginia
323 1966 June 21 Speech - Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means on State planning to put into effect the new medical assistance program authorized by Title XIX of the Social Security Act
324 1966 June 21 Speech - “From a Promise to a Reality,” presented to Steelworkers Legislative Conference, Delegates of Eastern Section of Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C.
325 1966 July 13 Testimony - presented before the Senate Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization of the Senate Committee on Government Operations on Programs for the Handicapped in the DREW
326 1966 July 19 Speech - “Extended Care Benefits Under Medicare,” presented at the Medicare Conference Program of the American Nursing Home Association, Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
327 1966 July 21 Testimony - before the Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Development, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Astronautics on Environmental pollution
328 1966 July 25 Speech - “Next Steps for the Blind,” presented at the National Convention of the American Association of Workers for the Blind, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
329 1966 July 25 Testimony - before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, on Fair Packaging and Labeling
329a 1966 August 1 Article - Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Council of State Public Welfare Administrators, Washington, D.C.
330 1966 August 9 Speech - “Brighter Horizons for Medical Care,” presented at the Inaugural Ceremony of the National Medical Association, Chicago, Ill.
331 1966 August 17 Testimony - before the Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Operations of the U.S. Senate on S. 3408, “Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1966”
332 1966 August 21 Speech - “Poverty and the Aged,” presented to the Planning Conference on Poverty and the Aging, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind. and “Improving the Status of the Aged,” for publication in December issue of the Social Security Bulletin (Reprinted in report on the 16th Annual Southern Conference on Gerontology - University of Florida, February 12-14, 1967)
333 1966 August 29 Speech - “The Evolving Partnership in Health,” presented to the Annual Convention of the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Ill.
334 1966 September 6 Speech - “Social Planning and Urban Development,” presented to the International Conference on Social Work, Washington, D.C.
335 1966 September 20 Speech - “The Role of State Public Welfare Agencies in Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by Nursing Homes,” presented before the State Welfare Administrators, DREW Auditorium
336 1966 September 21 Speech - “The First 80 Days of Medicare,” presented to the Medical Group Management Association, Fortieth Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
337 1966 September 28 Speech - “A Rededication to the Future,” presented to the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Columbia Hospital for Women, Statler-Hilton, Washington, D.C.
338 1966 September 30 Speech - “New Directions in Mental Health,” presented at the Dedication Dinner for the Connecticut Mental Health Center, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Published in the Congressional Record - Senate, October 3, 1966; published in “The University and Community Mental Health” (1968)
339 1966 September Article - “Social Security Payments to Noninsured Persons,” by Wilbur J. Cohen, Robert M. Ball and Robert J. Myers, published in Volume 29, Number 9, Social Security Bulletin (Reprinted in the Social Security Bulletin, September 1966)
340 1966 October 5 Speech - “Social Change and Social Welfare,” presented to the United Community Services Orientation Workshop, Detroit, Michigan (Presented by Dean Coston)
341 1966 October 13 Speech - “Overview '67: Social Needs,” presented to the Building Products Executives Conference, Statler-Hilton, Washington, D.C. “A Greater Freedom of Choice,” published in the Social Service Outlook by the NYS Department of Social Welfare
342 1966 October 14 Speech - “The Challenge to Vocational Education,” presented at the Dedication of the Continuing Education Center of the Milwaukee Vocational and Technical and Adult Schools, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
343 1966 October 19 Speech - “New Opportunities for Improving Health Care,” presented to the Interstate Post-Graduate Medical Association, Washington, D.C. (Presented by Dean Coston)
344 1966 October 19 Speech - “The First 100 Days of Medicare,” presented to the American Society for Public Administration--Washington Chapter, Washington, D.C. - Published in December issue of Public Health Reports
345 1966 October 19 Article - “Medical Care, Government,” sent to Encyclopaedia Britannica
346 1966 October 20 Speech - “Community Planning for Urban Youth,” presented at the Conference on Washington's Children and Youth, Washington, D.C.
347 1966 October 23 Speech - Remarks made at Memorial Service for Henry Lichtenberg, Md.
348 1966 October 24 Speech - “Progress: '66,” presented to the Welfare Administration Conference with the State Administrators of Public Welfare, Washington, D.C.
349 1966 October 27 Speech - “Government and Health Care,” presented to the Annual Convention of the Arizona Hospital Association, Phoenix, Ariz.
350 1966 November 1 Article - “Security in an Incentive Society,” for publication in Series for the Voice of America
351 1966 November 10 Speech - “Education and the Federal Government: A New Era,” presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Higher Education of the Michigan Association of Colleges and Universities, Jack Tar Hotel, Lansing, Michigan
352 1966 November 28 Article - “The Impact of Medicare and Medicaid,” as given to Norman L. Wolfson for possible use in Newsletter of Association of New York State Physicians and Dentists
353 1966 December Article - “Quality Medical Care,” for publication in the Senior Citizens News, published by the National Council of Senior Citizens, Inc.
354 1966 December 5 Speech - “New Step in Corrections,” presented to the Meeting of the Membership of the Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, Arlington, Virginia
355 1966 December 5 Article - “The First 150 Days of Medicare,” prepared for publication in the American Professional Pharmacist
356 1966 December 15 Speech - “Medicare: Achievements and Potential,” presented to the Medical Intersociety Council, Washington, D.C.
357 1966 December 16 Article - “The Initial Impact of Medicare,” prepared for publication in The Princeton Young Democrat
360 1967 January 9 Article - “Medicare and the Insurance Company,” prepared for publication in the A.I.D.A. Newsletter
361 1967 January 10 Article - Statement issued to AP and UPI on sudden death of Congressman John E. Fogarty
362 1967 January 10 Speech - Statement presented before the Montgomery County Medical Society, Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland
363 1967 January 11 Speech - Statement presented to Rally of the National Council of Senior Citizens, Departmental Auditorium, Washington, D.C.
364 1967 January 11 Article - Rough draft of interview for Medical Economics - published in the March 6, 1967 issue of Medical Economics
365 1967 January 15 Speech - “A New Era in Medical Care,” presented to the Conference on Regional Medical Programs, Washington, D.C.
366 1967 January 17 Article - Statement on Government Departments, Health, Education, and Welfare for publication in Encyclopaedia Britannica
367 1967 January 19 Article - “Learning and Education,” review draft prepared for the forthcoming volume of the Annals on “Social Goals and Indicators for a Great Society”
368 1967 January 25 Speech - “Social Planning for the Coming Decade,” presented at the National Conference on Statewide Planning for Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Washington, D.C.
369 1967 February 8 Testimony - before the Joint Economic Committee on the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Programs and Expenditures
370 1967 February 14 Speech - “A Tribute to Marie C. McGuire,” presented at the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials' Dinner for Mrs. Marie C. McGuire, Washington, D.C.
371 1967 February 17 Testimony - before the National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty
372 1967 February 17 Article - “Education in the 1970's,” prepared for publication in the June issue of American Education
373 1967 February 27 Speech -”A Brighter Promise,” presented at the Tenth Anniversary luncheon of the Homemaker Service of the National Capital Area, Inc., Washington, D.C.
374 1967 March 12 Speech - Remarks presented to the Social Security Rally, Cincinnati, Ohio
375 1967 March 16 Testimony - Statement before the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of the Committee on the Judiciary - U.S. Senate
376 1967 March 22 Speech - “New Opportunities for Improving Health Care,” presented at the Member's Council Commerce and Industry Association of New York, Inc., New York, N.Y.
377 1967 March 27 Article - “A Brighter Promise for America's Children,” prepared for publication in Welfare in Review
378 1967 March 29 Article - “Tribute to William G. Carr,” published in NEA Journal
379 1967 March 30 Article - “New Directions in Social Welfare,” prepared for and handed out at the “Interfaith” meeting held in the Snow Room at the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
380 1967 March 31 Speech - “New Directions in Social Welfare,” presented to the Huron Valley Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Ann Arbor, Michigan
381 1967 April 3 Speech - “Challenge and Opportunity: Meeting the Health Needs of the American People,” presented in the Sesquicentennial Program of the University of Michigan, at the School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan
382 1967 April 4 Testimony - before the Subcommittee on Public Health and Welfare of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - House of Representatives on H.R. 6431, the Mental Health Amendments of 1967
383 1967 April 6 Testimony - “Salaries and Expenses, Office of the Secretary,” by Wilbur J. Cohen accompanied by James B. Cardwell, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Budget (Not for public use)
384 1967 April 13 Speech - “Womanpower in the 1970's,” presented to the Brookings Institution Manpower Seminar, Washington, D.C. Also, transcript for publication by Department of Labor
385 1967 April 18 Testimony - ”Salaries and Expenses, Office of the Secretary,” before House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare
386 1967 April 20 Speech - “Strengthening Creative Federalism,” presented to the National Industrial Conference Board Public Affairs Conference, New York City. Presented by Regional Director Bernice Bernstein on behalf of Mr. Cohen
386a 1967 April 21 Speech - “The Department of the People,” presented to the ILGWU Department Citizenship Committee Meeting, Washington, D.C.
387 1967 April 29 Article - Interview for July issue of Hospital Progress by Barbara Callahan
388 1967 May 1 Speech - “What's Ahead for Social Welfare?” presented to the Arkansas Conference of Social Workers, Little Rock, Arkansas; also published in The Counselor, newsletter of the Arkansas Rehabilitation Service
389 1967 May 2 Testimony - Statement before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, in support of the Partnership for Health Amendments of 1967, H.R. 6418; printed in “Blood Coagulation, Thrombosis, and Female Hormones” July 1968 (the James F. Mitchell Foundation)
390 1967 May 5 Speech - “New Directions in Health Care,” presented to the James F. Mitchell Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Washington, D.C.
391 1967 May 10 Speech - Transcript of “Capitol Cloakroom,” on CBS Radio Network with Representative Albert H. Quie and Wilbur J. Cohen
392 1967 May 12 Article - Notes on a Very Brief Visit to Leningrad, USSR
393 1967 June 1 Speech - “Federalism and Social Insurance,” presented to the Conference on American System of Social Insurance, Princeton, N.J. Published by McGraw-Hill Book Company in book entitled “The American System of Social Insurance”
394 1967 June 7 Speech - “Freedom of Choice,” presented to the Conference on Behavioral Sciences and Family Planning, Bethesda, Maryland. Published in the Congressional Record, June 26
1967 June 13 Article - “Medicare and Medicaid: Developments in Fiscal Year 1967, a progress report on Medicare and Medicaid,” sent to Judith Randall for publication in The Washington Star and to Steve Siler for Newsweek
1967 June 14 Article - “Medicare and Medicaid: A Progress Report,” updated report sent to Eve Edstrom, Cong. Cecil King, and William Hutton of the National Council of Senior Citizens
1967 June 15 Article - “Medicare and Medicaid: A Progress Report,” updated report sent to Jack Anderson
395 1967 June 16 Copies of above article sent to William Philips (DNC), and Marianne Means
396 1967 June 19 Speech - Remarks presented at the Annual Conference of State Executives on Aging, Washington, D.C.
397 1967 June 22 Article - Response to WBT/AM-FM--WBTV--Editorial, “How to be Fixed for Life.” The invitation was extended in 6/9/67 letter by J. Robert Covington, Vice President of Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Co. of Charlotte, N.C.
398 1967 June 30 Article - Report to the President on Progress Made Under Medicare and Medicaid
400 1967 July 2 Article - Press releases of Interview on Medicare, Medicaid and Education Programs with Representative Barber B. Conable, Jr. on a radio-television program carried by stations in western New York
401 1967 July 13 Article - “Progress Report on Medicare and Medicaid,” prepared for the Welfare in Review
402 1967 July 15 Article - “Freedom of Choice,” condensation of June 7 speech on family planning for publication in Studies in Family Planning; sent to Bernard Berlson, The Population Council
403 1967 July 20 Speech - “Emergency Welfare Services,” presented to the National Seminar on Emergency Welfare Services in Civil Defense, Washington, D.C.
404 1967 July 28 Speech - Statement presented at the Industry-Government Seminar on Air Pollution Research and Development, Arlington Room, Madison Hotel, Washington, D.C.
405 1967 August Article - “The Under Secretary,” published in Oasis, Social Security Administration publication
406 1967 August 15 Speech - Statement upon the establishment of the Social and Rehabilitation Service, combining Aging, Rehabilitation, Children's Bureau and Welfare
407 1967 August 16 Speech - Statement made to state health, rehabilitation and welfare officials regarding enactment of the Administration's social security proposal; press release attached
408 1967 August 25 Article - “Economic Security for the Aged, Sick and Disabled: Some Issues and Implications,” prepared for the 1968 IRRA Research Volume: Towards Freedom From Economic Want
409 1967 August 19 Speech - “Health Care for all Americans,” presented to the American Association of Hospital Planning, Chicago, Illinois
410 1967 August 22 Speech - Testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate on public welfare and maternal and child health sections of the Social Security bill
411 1967 August 26 Speech - “More Than an Exit from Poverty,” presented to the School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Sesquicentennial Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan
412 1967 August 23 Article - Rebuttal to The Washington Post editorial of August 20 on Inequities Compounded,” published in the September 1 issue
413 1967 September 11-12 Speech - “Social Security in the Americas,” presented to the 25th Annual Inter-American Conference on Social Security, Lima, Peru
414 1967 September 19 Speech - “A Tribute to Mary E. Switzer,” presented at the District of Columbia Rehabilitation Association Dinner in honor of Miss Mary E. Switzer, Washington, D.C.
415 1967 September 25 Speech - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, U.S. Senate
416 1967 September 25 Article - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen prepared for Modern Hospitals, published in December 1967 issue, “Government Intends to help Hospitals Increase Efficiency”
417 1967 September 26 Article - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, in rebuttal to Mr. Charles Stevenson's article on “How Secure Is Your Social Security?” in the October issue of the Reader's Digest published in the September 27 Congressional Record-H12625; the November 1967 issue of The Retail Clerks Advocate; the November 1967 Senior Citizens News; the AFL-CIO News Service, October 9, 1967
418 1967 September 29 Speech - “Challenges to the Health Insurers,” presented to the Conference on Private Health Insurance, Washington, D.C. [published in Federation of American Hospitals, Inc., September-October 1967] Reprint, “Next Steps for Voluntary Health Insurance”
418a 1967 September Article - “Education and Learning” prepared for The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; printed in Congressional Record of November 15, 1967, pages S16472 to 16480
420 1967 October Article - “The Role of Public Information in a Democratic Society,” prepared for Public Relations journal (handled by Carlton Spitzer); proposed introduction of chapter for a book, The Voice of Government, to be published by John Wiley & Sons
421 1967 October 10 Speech - “Social Progress and Social Welfare,” presented to the American Public Welfare Association Regional Conference, Los Angeles, California, by Joseph H. Meyers, Deputy Administrator, SRS; also, October 10 Press Release
422 1967 October 10 Speech - “Volunteers: A Creative Force in America,” presented to the Junior League, Los Angeles, California, by Joseph H. Meyers
423 1967 October 13 Speech - Remarks by Wilbur J. Cohen presented at the Awards Ceremony for HEW employees who have received awards from foreign nations
424 1967 October 18 Speech - “Building for the Future,” presented to the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, New York, N.Y.
425 1967 October 19 Speech - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen before the Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization, Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate
426 1967 October 21 Speech - “Social Policy for the Nineteen Seventies and Beyond,” presented to National Collegiate Honors Council, Washington, D.C.
427 1967 October21 Article - “Health Care for the Nation's Children,” presented to the American Academy of Pediatrics Conference, Washington, D.C. - not delivered - Published in the Bulletin of Pediatric Practice, by the American Academy of Pediatrics
428 1967 October 23 Speech - “Revitalizing the Schools,” presented to the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, New York City - not delivered - spoken extemporaneously; published in the October 24th Congressional Record-H13921
429 1967 October 25 Speech - “Medicaid: Progress and Problems,” presented to the American Public Health Association, Miami Beach, Florida, by Thomas M. Tierney, Director, Bureau of Health Insurance, SSA
430 1967 October 25 Speech - “The Development and Future of Group Practice Prepayment Plans,” presented at the Annual Luncheon of Group Health Association of America, Miami Beach, Florida, by George A. Silver, M.D.
431 1967 October 25 Speech - “Implementing Title XVIII - The Administrative Dimension,” presented to the Association of Management in Public Health and the Medical Care Section of the American Public Health Association, Miami Beach, Florida, by Thomas M. Tierney
432 1967 October 26 Speech - Remarks on Acceptance of Bronfman Award, Miami Beach, Florida
433 1967 October 29 Speech - “Public Attitudes Toward Specialties and General Practice,” presented to the American College of Dentists, Washington, D.C.
434 1967 November 9 Speech - “Discovering and Delivering Medical Miracles,” presented to the Lasker Award Luncheon, New York, N.Y. (Edited as delivered)
435 1967 November 9 Speech - “Presentation of Humanitarian Award to John E. Fogarty,” upon Presentation of the American Nursing Home Association Humanitarian Award to Mrs. John E. Fogarty given posthumously to her husband, New York, N.Y.
436 1967 November 20 Speech - “Social Change and the Family,” presented to the Family Service Association Biennial Conference, Miami Beach, Fla., by Mrs. Katherine B. Oettinger, Chief, Children's Bureau, SBS
437 1967 November 27 Speech - Statement used at Press Conference when the Social Security Bill was passed by the Senate
438 1967 November 27 Article - “New Sign-Up Time for Medicare,” sent to Special Asst. to Chairman, Democratic National Committee, for use in newspapers published in other than English language. Released December 7, 1967, in Democratic National Committee All Americans Council News Release
439 1967 December 3 Speech - “Social Policy in the Future,” presented to the 100th Anniversary Dinner of the Jewish Family and Children's Service, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
440 1967 December 3 Speech - Interview for Release on this date for Theodore Granik's Youth Wants to Know TV Program
441 1967 December 6 Speech - Acceptance of the Rockefeller Public Service Award at the Awards Luncheon, Washington, D.C.
442 1967 December 9 Speech - “Social Welfare Policy,” presented to the American Public Welfare Association Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C.
443 1967 December 28 Speech - “Who Should Pay for Higher Education?” presented at American Economic Association, Round Table on the Economics of Higher Education, Washington, D.C.
444 1968 January 27 Speech - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, regarding the new HEW budget
445 1968 January 29 Article - “The Challenges of Aging: Problems and Prospects,” prepared article on aging for the Golden Heritage, volume celebrating 50 years of service by the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York
446 1968 January 29 Speech - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to Youth Opportunity Conference
447 1968 January 31 Article - Revised article on Social Security, contribution to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Reprint Social Security (in part) by Wilbur J. Cohen
448 1968 January Article - “Economic Security for the Aged, Sick and Disabled: Some Issues and Implications” by Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Published in January 1968 Volume of Industrial Relations Research Association
449 1968 February 1 Article - “The 1967 Social Security Amendments,” prepared for “Senior Set” column of The Boston Globe
450 1968 February 5 Statement - By Wilbur J. Cohen, Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, concerning President Johnson's special message on education
451 1968 February 13 Speech - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen in Birmingham, Alabama, at a dinner honoring Senator Lister Hill; appeared in February 27 Congressional Record - Senate (S.1751)
452 1968 February 15 Article - “The 1967 Social Security Amendments” for publication in The Young Democrat; published in the Social Security Bulletin, “Social Security Amendments of 1967: Summary and Legislative History” by Wilbur J. Cohen and Robert M. Ball; reprinted from the Social Security Bulletin, February 1968
453 1968 February 19 Speech - “A New Challenge and a New Opportunity,” presented to the Social and Rehabilitation Service Meeting of State Welfare, Health, Aging and Vocational Rehabilitation officials, Shoreham Hotel, Washington
454 1968 February 21 Speech - “The Work Incentive Program,” opening remarks to the Joint Health, Education, and Welfare-Labor State Welfare Administrators Conference, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
455 1968 March 1 Report - “Progress Report to the President on Cost Reduction”
456 1968 March 4 Speech - Testimony statement by the Acting Secretary, Wilbur J. Cohen, re appropriations for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for fiscal year 1969
457 1968 March 11 Speech - “A Tribute to Senator Lister Hill,” statement of Wilbur J. Cohen, Acting Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare at the Banquet in honor of Senator Lister Hill, Washington-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
458 1968 March 11 Message - to National Jewish Welfare Board Convention
459 1968 March 12 Speech - Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, Acting Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare before the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service for a review of the needs for and utilization of supergrades in the Department
460 1968 March 15 Article - Statement to the Task Force on Organization of Social Services
461 1968 March 16 Speech - “Accomplishments in Health, Education, and Welfare,” prepared for delivery at the Democratic Regional Conference, Providence, Rhode Island
462 1968 March 21 Speech - Remarks by Wilbur J. Cohen, Acting Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare at Preview of Visitors' Information Center, Room 5051, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
463 1968 March 24 Speech - Remarks by Wilbur J. Cohen, Acting Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, prepared for delivery at the Ccremony turning over the site of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Chicago, to the City of Chicago
464 1968 March 27 Press Conference - Transcript of press conference of Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare held in the Holyoke Center, Cambridge, Mass.
465 1968 March 29 Speech - “The World of 1976,” presented at the Honors Convocation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; published in Michigan Business Review, July 1968
466 1968 March 31 Speech - Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary-Designate of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, discusses medical care, urban problems and welfare with Representative Barber B. Conable, Jr. (37th Dist., N.Y.) on a radio-television report carried by stations in Western New York
467 1968 April Article - “HEW's New Secretary,” published in the April issue of Oasis
468 1968 April 2 Speech - “Individual and Corporate Responsibility in Today's World,” presented to the American University's Eighth Annual Washington Conference on Business-Government Relations, Washington, D.C.
469 1968 April 7 Speech - “Health Care for the Nation's Children,” Presented to the Yeshiva University College of Medicine Special Continuing Education Symposium, New York, N.Y.
470 1968 April 8 Speech - Statement by the Acting Secretary, Wilbur J. Cohen, to members of the Senate Finance Committee as they considered appropriations for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for fiscal year 1969
471 1968 April 11 Speech - Remarks by Wilbur J. Cohen presented at the Honors Award Ceremony, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C.
472 1968 April 15 Speech - In memoriam to Jacob Perlman
473 1968 April 24 Speech - “An Agenda for Action,” presented to the National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
474 1968 April 25 Speech - Acceptance of the AFL-CIO Murray-Green Award,” presented in Washington, D.C.
475 1968 April 26 Speech - “Next Steps in Consumer Protection,” presented at HEW Conference with State Consumer Councils, Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
476 1968 April 26 Speech - Testimony statement of Wilbur J. Cohen, Acting Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare before the Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization of the Committee on Government Operations
477 1968 April 27 Speech - “Social Problems and Social Workers,” presented to the Social Welfare Conference, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, Massachusetts
477a 1968 May Excerpts from Speeches and Writings: Reports Digest
478 1968 May 8 Speech - “Next Steps for Labor,” presented to the General Convention of the Building Service Employees' International Union, Washington, D.C.
479 1968 May 9 Speech - “The Health and Social Problems Ahead,” presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Michigan Public Health Association, Lansing, Michigan
480 1968 May 14 Speech - “Citizen Participation: A National Priority,” presented to the Grand Field Council of the Volunteers of America, Toledo, Ohio
481 1968 May 16 Speech - “The Challenge Ahead of Us,” presented at a Ceremony and Reception Honoring Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, HEW Auditorium and Cafeteria
482 1968 May 17 Speech - “A Proof and a Promise,” presented at the dedication of the John F. Kennedy Institute for the Habilitation of the Mentally and Physically Handicapped Child, Baltimore, Maryland
483 1968 May 18 Speech - “The Emerging World of 1976,” the Sidney Hillman Lecture, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
484 1968 May 19 Speech - “Brighter Horizons for the Aging,” presented at the Dedication of the Multipurpose Senior Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
485 1968 May 23 Statement - Testimony Statement of Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, before Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Relations, United States Senate
486 1968 May 28 Speech - “Next Steps for Children,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Child Welfare League of America at the National Conference on Social Welfare, San Francisco; prepared for October issue of Journal of Child Welfare League of America (Vol XLVII, No. 8)
487 1968 May 31 Speech - “A Ten-Point Program for Senior Citizens,” presented at the National Council of Senior Citizens Luncheon, Washington, D.C.; printed in Aging July 1968; reprint in Oregon Silver Threads, November 1968
487a 1968 June 6 News Conference - at White House
488 1968 June 11 Speech - Testimony Statement of Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare before the Subcommittee on Executive and Legislative Reorganization of the Committee on Government Operations
489 1968 June 11 Speech - “The Promise of Higher Education in the South,” presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, Georgia; printed in SREB: The Second 20 Years, Papers delivered at a Regular Convocation on Higher Education in the South
490 1968 June 13 Speech - “Where Do We Go from Here,” presented to the HEW Forum, Washington, D.C.
491 1968 June 13 Article - “Social Security and Social Change,” prepared for the Social Security Bulletin
492 1968 June 15 Speech - “The Challenge of Aging,” presented at the dedication of the Gerontology Research Center Building, at the Baltimore City Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
493 1968 June 16 Speech - “The Quality of American Life,” presented at the Ninth Annual Public Relations Conference, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; prepared for publication in Proceedings of Ninth Annual Public Relations Conference
494 1968 June 17 Editorial - “The Aged: A 'Total' Approach,” printed in August 1968 Hospital Practice
495 1968 June 20 Speech - “Challenge and Response,” presented to the National Conference on the Status of Women, Washington, D.C.
496 1968 June 20 Speech - Remarks at NLM Ceremonies Honoring Lister Hill
497 1968 June 21 Statement - Testimony by Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, before the Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower and Poverty of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, U.S. Senate
498 1968 June 23 Speech - “The Health Care in our Future,” presented at Long Island Jewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, New York, New York
499 1968 June 25 Speech - “The 30th Anniversary of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,” presented at the Anniversary Ceremony of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Washington, D.C.
500 1968 July 1 Article - “Random Memories and Opinions of an Old Timer,” prepared for the August issue of the Unemployment Insurance Review
501 1968 July 2 Speech - “Philadelphia and its Firsts,” presented at the 150th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Public Schools, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; printed in Social Service Outlook, December 1968
502 1968 July 2 Speech - Remarks to the Employees of the Philadelphia Payment Center
503 1968 July 12 Speech - “Medical Education in a Dynamic Society,” presented at the dedication of the University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio, Texas; printed in the Congressional Record of July 19, 1968
504 1968 July 16 Statement - By Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare before the President's Committee on Population and Family Planning
505 1968 July 17 Statement - Statement and Summary Statement prepared for a Joint House-Senate Colloquium to Discuss National Policy for the Environment
506 1968 July 18 Statement - News Conference of National Commission on Architectural Barriers to Rehabilitation of the Handicapped, HEW, Washington, D.C.
507 1968 July 18 Statement - Press conference statement regarding appointment of Dr. Robert Q. Marston as Director of the National Institutes of Health
508 1968 July 22 Article - “Communication in a Democratic Society,” prepared for the Voice of Government; printed in The Voice of Government, edited by Ray Eldon Hiebert & Carlton E. Spitzer; published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
509 1968 July 31 Speech - “Early Education: A World-wide Task,” presented at the 12th World Assembly of the Organization Mondiale pour l'Education Prescolaire, Washington, D.C.
510 1968 July 31 Article - Preface for publication of papers from the Symposium honoring I. S. Falk, prepared for the American Journal of Public Health
511 1968 July Article - “Insurance Careers With the Federal Government,” published in The Spectator
512 1968 August 13 Speech - “Brighter Horizons for Older Americans,” presented at the National Retired Teachers Association, Biennial Convention, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. Printed in NRTA Journal for November-December 1968
513 1968 August 14 Speech - “Social Security Looks Ahead,” presented at 33rd Anniversary of Signing of the Social Security Act, Washington, D.C.
514 1968 August 14 Article - “Social Security and Social Change,” printed in Social Security in the United States: One-Third of a Century
515 1968 August 20 Speech - “Social Indicators: Statistics for Public Policy,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Pittsburgh, Pa. Printed in The American Statistician of October 1968
516 1968 August 21 Statement - to the Democratic Platform Committee, Washington, D.C.
517 1968 August 22 Speech - “Education: A Key to the Future,” presented at the Annual Convention of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, New York, New York
518 1968 August 26 Speech - “Closing the Gap Between Knowledge and Social Policy,” presented to the American Sociological Association, Boston, Massachusetts
519 1968 August 26 Article - “Accomplishments in Health, Education, and Welfare,” prepared for the Program of the Democratic National Convention
520 1968 August 31 Speech - “Ending Poverty: Our Will and Our Way,” prepared for the International Symposium on American Policy Toward Poverty at Home and Abroad, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
521 1968 September Article - “NDEA: An Idea That Grew,” prepared for September issue of American Education
522 1968 September 3 Article - “The Goals of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in Education and Training for the Poor” prepared for program for Adult Education Week, Graduate School, USDA, Washington, D.C.
523 1968 September 3 Speech - “Social Challenges,” presented to the International Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare, United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York; printed in Children, Volume 15, No. 6; “A Report on the 1st UN Conference of Ministers of Social Welfare” by WJC and Dorothy Lally
524 1968 September 6 Comments - “Comments on Commission I Report,” prepared for Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare, UN, New York, New York
525 1968 September 10 Speech - “The First Ten Years of the National Defense Education Act,” presented at the 10th Anniversary Ceremony of the National Defense Education Act, HEW Auditorium, Washington, D.C.
526 1968 September 10 Article - “The Revolution in Mental Health--Implications for Management,” prepared for Personnel Administration, the Journal of the Society for Personnel Administration
527 1968 September 12 Press Briefing - HEW Report on Social Security, at the White House
528 1968 September 13 Statement - “Statement of the Honorable Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the President's Commission on Income Maintenance Programs.” Printed in Social Security Bulletin, December 1968
529 1968 September 16 Statement - “Opening Statement,” presented at the Air Quality Advisory Board, Washington, D.C.
530 1968 September 17 Speech - “1968: A Year of Decision,” presented to the Senior Citizens Golden Ring Council Luncheon, New York, New York
531 1968 September 18 Remarks - Presented at announcement of formal approval of Medicaid plan of the District of Columbia
532 1968 September 18 On the Record Briefing - Report to the Cabinet on Drugs, the White House
533 1968 September 19 Speech - “Health Services for All the American People,” presented to the National Convention of the American Hospital Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey
534 1968 September 24 Press Briefing - President's Committee on Mental Retardation, the White House
535 1968 September 24 Speech - “The Forces of Change,” presented at the First Annual Mercy Day Dinner, Chicago, Illinois
535a 1968 September 25 Remarks - presented at Urban Service Corps Volunteer Service Program, Washington, D.C.
536 1968 September 27 Remarks - presented to the National Advisory Committee on Dyslexia and Related Reading Disorders, Washington, D.C.
537 1968 September 30 Remarks - Presented at CPEHS Ceremony, Washington, D.C.
538 1968 September Article - “Swords into Plowshares: The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and Surplus Property,” prepared for publication in Defense Management Journal, printed in Fall 1968 Issue
539 1968 October 3 Speech - Remarks made by Secretary Cohen at Presentation of “Portal of America, the Lower East Side, 1870-1925”, by Allon Schoener
540 1968 October 7 Review - Review of book, The Struggle for Social Security, 1900-1935, by Roy Lubove
541 1968 October 8 Statement - of Secretary Wilbur J. Cohen on arrival in Berlin
542 1968 October 8 Remarks - Presented at the Golden Book Ceremony, Berlin, Germany
543 1968 October 9 Speech - Prepared for delivery at Dedication of Berlin Medical Center
544 1968 October 11 Article - “Contributions to Welfare and Various Phases of Education”, a Tribute to Senator Lister Hill, prepared for December issue of Clinical Research; as printed in Clinical Research
545 1968 October 15 Statement - Prepared for the Michigan Democratic Committee Dinner, Detroit, Michigan
546 1968 October 15 Statement - for Representative Mink on Social Security and Medicare
547 1968 October 16 Remarks - Press Conference after signing of Education Bills, Snow Room, Washington, D.C. Reported in Washington Education, November 1968
548 1968 October 17 Article - Editorial for American Education issue of December-January
549 1968 October 17 Speech - “The Quality of Life in America,” presented at the Milwaukee Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalistic Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
550 1968 October 17 Article - “A Developmental Approach to Social Challenges” prepared for use of USIA
551 1968 October 18 Speech - “Today's Health Challenges,” presented at the Wisconsin Hospital Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
552 1968 October 22 Statement - Regarding Mr. Nixon and Education
553 1968 October 23 Remarks - at Dedication of Visitors Information Center, Room 1528, HEW
554 1968 October 24 Speech - “Action Line for Aging,” presented at the National Conference of State Executives on Aging, Washington, D.C.; printed in Doctor's Nurse Bulletin Vol. 9, No. 14, Winter 1968
555 1968 October 24 Speech - “Social Security Looks Ahead,” presented at the Annual Social Security Administration Awards Day Program, Baltimore, Maryland
556 1968 October 24 Script - Prepared for National Vocational Guidance Week - October 20-26. l/p record, Side 2
557 1968 October 28 Statement - Regarding Mr. Nixon's Position on Health and Mental Health and Social Security
558 1968 October 29 Speech -”New Directions in Urban Planning,” presented at Social and Rehabilitation Service Conference on Model Cities, Room 3065 South, HEW, Washington, D.C.
559 1968 October 29 Speech - “Public Attitudes Toward Specialities and General Practice,” presented at the American College of Dentists, Washington, D.C.
560 1968 October 31 Remarks - Presented at the SEC Awards Ceremony, Washington, D.C.
561 1968 October Statement - for Co-Op Month Observance, October 1968 background material
562 1968 November 1 Speech - “Medical Education and Physician Manpower from the National Level,” presented before the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Medical Colleges, Houston, Texas; printed in “The New Physician,” December 1968
563 1968 November 2 Speech - “Health Perspectives,” presented at the Regional Health Care Costs Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
564 1968 November 5 Article - “A Bill of Rights for the Aged,” prepared for International
565 1968 November 7 Speech - “Creative Leadership in Consumer Protection,” presented at HEW Employees Forum, Washington, D.C.
566 1968 November 8 Remarks - at News Conference Announcing New Community Health Role for St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C.
567 1968 November 8 Statement - Re hopes and dreams for this Department (made prior to announcement on St. Elizabeth's.)
568 1968 November 11 Speech - “The Task Ahead,” presented before the Social Security Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan
569 1968 November 14 Remarks - At Twentieth Anniversary Celebration of National Heart Institute, White House, Washington, D.C.
570 1968 November 14 Preface - to Professor Theron F. Schlabach's biography of Edwin Witte
571 1968 November 20 Speech - “Through Today's Crisis to Tomorrow's Health,” presented at 1968 Annual Meeting and Mental Health Assembly, National Association for Mental Health, Boston, Massachusetts
572 1968 November 21 Speech - “Freedom from Ignorance,” presented at the National Association of Educational Broadcasters, Washington, D.C.
572A 1968 November The Secretary's Letter - “Looking Ahead: Achievements and Challenges,” November 1968, Vol. 2, Number 3
573 1968 November 25 Statement - on National Consumer Protection Before the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C.
574 1968 November Article - “A Healthy Childhood for Every Youngster,” printed in November 1968 issue of Parents Magazine
575 1968 November 29 Speech - “The Learning and Earning Force,” presented to the Annual Conference, National Council for Social Studies, Washington, D.C.
576 1968 December 1 Speech - “Dedication to Learning,” presented at the Dedication Ceremony of the Physical Education Building at King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
577 1968 December 3 Speech - “The American Promise,” presented to the United Negro College Fund Dinner, Washington, D.C.
578 1968 December 5 Statement - At Press Conference on Social Welfare Expenditures, Washington, D.C.
579 1968 December 7 Article - Guest Editorial for Hearst Newspapers
580 1968 December 7 Article - “Must Poverty Exist in a Nation of Plenty?” prepared for NASW series for Social Workers Month
581 1968 December 10 Remarks - Presented at Ceremony Honoring David Bollschweiler and the 200,000 disabled people rehabilitated in 1968; Washington, D.C.
582 1968 December 12 Statement - The Presentation Ceremony of the Report of the National Advisory Commission on Health Facilities; White House, Washington, D.C.
583 1968 December 12 Speech - “High Quality Health Care for all Americans,” presented at the HEW Forum, Washington Lee High School, Arlington, Virginia
584 1968 December 12 Statement - Spotmaster Statement regarding Public Hearings on Medicaid Program
585 1968 December 14 Speech - “A New Day in Health Care,” Presented before the National Medical Association Foundation, Inc., Washington, D.C.
586 1968 December 15 Meet the Press - With Lawrence E. Spivak, Washington, D.C.
587 1968 December 18 Article - “Social Security and Health Insurance,” Prepared for American Public Health Association
588 1968 December 19 Statement - For press conference concerning rat control
589 1968 December 23 Remarks - For HUD Press Conference
590 1968 December 28 Article - “Government Departments” revised for Encyclopaedia Britannica
591 1968 December 31 Statement - For Press Conference on Medicare's Supplementary Medical Insurance, Washington, D.C.
591A 1968 December Article - ”The 30-Year Gap in Education,” published by the New York State Department of Social Services, Social Service Outlook, Vol. 3, No. 10
591B 1968 December Message - Grants Administration Report, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
592 1969 January 5 Speech - “A Dedication to the Pursuit of Knowledge,” Presented at the Dedication of the Queen Anne's County Free Library, Centreville, Maryland
593 1969 January 8 Speech - “The Impact of Organization of Health Programs in DHEW on Mental Health,” prepared for the Annual Conference of State and Territorial Mental Health Authorities, Washington, D.C.
594 1969 January 9 Speech - “Social Goals for 1976,” presented at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts
595 1969 January 10 Speech - “Health Insurance for All,” presented at the Regional Health Care Costs Conference, New York
596 1969 January 10 Testimony - Statement before the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Related Human Needs, Washington, D.C.
597 1969 January 12 Speech - “Man and His Environment,” presented at the Dedication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Washington, D.C.
598 1969 January 14 Statement - concerning Report Recommending Amendment to SSA to authorize coverage of certain out-of-hospital drug expenses under Medicare
599 1969 January 15 Statement - Before Committee on Education and Labor on ESEA
600 1969 January 15 Speech - “Accomplishments, Problems and Challenges in Health, Education, and Welfare”, presented to HEW Forum, NIH Clinical Center Auditorium, Bethesda, Md.
601 1969 January 16 Release - Copy of Letter of 1/14 to Ralph Nader
601A 1969 January Statement - in The Secretary's Letter, “Turning Over the Reins,” January 1969, Vol. 3, No. 1
601B 1969 January Report - “Toward a Long-Range Plan for Federal Financial Support for Higher Education,” by Sec. of H.E.W., Wilbur J. Cohen
602 1969 January 16 Release - on Secretary's Advisory Committee on Health Protection and Disease Prevention
603 1969 January 16 Article - “International Education: Toward Tomorrow,” for Vidya Magazine, Spring, 1969
604 1969 January 16 Speech - “A Commitment to the Future,” presented to the Women's National Democratic Committee, Washington, D.C.
605 1969 January Foreword - for Basic Reading in Social Security
606 1969 January 17 Abstract - “Next Steps for Children,” for the Spring issue of Abstracts for Social Workers
607 1969 January 17 Article - “Tributes to the President and Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson,” 91st Congress, 1st Session
608 1969 January 18 Letter - to Barrons magazine answering their charges against the social security program
609 1969 January 19 Article - “Major Domestic Challenges,” for The Humanist
610 1969 February Article - “Must Poverty Exist in a Nation of Plenty?” Family Service Highlights
610A 1969 March 1 Release - “Must Poverty Exist in a Nation of Plenty?” From: National Association of Social Workers
611 1969 March 3 Testimony - to House Committee on Ways and Means
612 1969 March 9 Speech - “The Liberal View,” 1969 Annual Meeting Association for Advanced Life Underwriting
613 1969 Spring Article - “Toward Greater Economic Security,” University of Florida Law Review, Vol. XXI
614 1969 Spring Article - “The Learning and Earning Force,” Educational Record, Washington, D.C.
614A 1969 May/June Article - “National Priorities,” in The Humanist May/June 1969, Vol. XXIX, No. 3
615 1969 April 18 Speech - “Health Perspectives,” presented at 100th Anniversary of Children's Hospital, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
616 1969 May 2 Statement - to the Board of Regents, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, concerning the closing of the University School
617 1969 May 3 Speech - “The World of 1976,” presented at commencement exercises, University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan
618 1969 May 16 Speech - “Drugs, Pharmacists, and the Future,” 1969, Kremers Memorial Lecture, the University of Wisconsin, Madison
619 1969 May 18 Article - “We Can Eliminate Poverty,” in the Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan
620 1969 May 23 Speech - “New Directions in Health Care,” presented at ILGWU Health Plan Conference, Philadelphia, Pa.
621 1969 May 23 Statement - to House Subcommittee on HEW Appropriations, “Comments on the 1970 Budget Request,” Washington, D.C., in the Congressional Record
622 1969 May 29 Speech - Acceptance Speech as President of the National Conference, National Conference on Social Welfare, 96th Annual Forum, New York City
623 1969 June 1 Speech - “The Emerging World of 1976,” presented at commencement exercises, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
624 1969 June 7 Speech - “The Emerging World of 1976,” presented at commencement exercises, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
625 1969 June 9 Speech - “A Program to Protect the Senior Citizen as a Consumer,” presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Aging, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
626 1969 July 7 Statement - before the Special Subcommittee on Evaluation and Planning of Social Programs, “The Full Opportunity Act,” Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
627 1969 July 13 Speech - “Persistent Problems in Medical Care,” Annual Meeting of Conference of Presidents and Other Officers of State Medical Association, New York City
628 1969 July 16 Statement - To the Governor's Commission on Educational Reform, “Elementary and Secondary Education Needs and Goals,” Lansing, Michigan
629 1969 July 24 Article - “Current Problems in Health Care,” in the New England Journal of Medicine
630 1969 July 27-30 Conference - Midwestern Conference of the Council of State Governments, Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan, Second Plenary Session Panel
631 1969 July 31 Statement - To the Senate Special Committee on Aging, “Property Taxes, Housing and Senior Citizens”
632 1969 Summer Editorial - Message from President Cohen, conference bulletin, National Conference on Social Welfare
633 1969 August 12 Statement - on Welfare Program
634 1969 October Statement - for Teachers Voice, Michigan Education Association, “Making Schools Relevant,”
635 1969 Article - “Education and Learning,” The Cultural Context
636 1969 September 8 Statement - “The Tax Reform Act of 1969,” to the Senate Committee on Finance, Washington, D.C.
637 1969 September 9 Message - State of the School Message, 1969, Dean, School of Education, University of Michigan
638 1969 September 11 Message - to Student Body, 1969, Dean, School of Education
639 1969 September 18 Statement - “Consumer Protection for the 1970s” to the House Committee on Government Operations
640 1969 October Address - “Health Perspectives,” addressed AORN members at Congress in February, 1969
641 1969 October 31 Address - “A Consumer Protection Program for the 1970's,” to the 70th Anniversary of the National Consumers League, Washington, D.C.
642 1969 November 19 Address - given to the Community School Workshop in Flint, Michigan
643 1969 December Article - “Educational Goals for the 1970's,” in The Michigan Alumnus, December 1969
644 1969 December Article - “The Challenge of the Seventies,” in Esquire magazine
645 1969 December Article - “Welfare Reform: Where Do We Go From Here?” (reprinted in the S.W. History Group Newsletter, Fall 1970, pp. 12-18)
646 1969 December 30 Address - “Some Observations on the History of Welfare During the 1960's,” presented to a Joint Session of the American Historical Association and the Social Welfare History Group, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C., 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, December 30, 1969
647 1970 January-February Article - “Toward Greater Economic Security,” in Law Review Digest, Vol. 20, No. 2, January-February 1970
648 1970 February Article - “Welfare Program Cannot Solve All the Problems of Poverty,” in Senior Citizens News
649 1970 February Article - “Viewpoint,” in Geriatrics
650 1970 March 16 Address - “Message from the President,” 97th Annual Forum
651 1970 March 24 Speech - “Health Care for the Decade of the 1970's”
652 1970 March 31 Article - “Health Care Costs: Interview,” in Patient Care, March 31, 1970
653 1970 April Article - The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. XLI, No. 4, Review of Charles Frankel, High on Foggy Bottom
654 1970 April 10 Speech- “Needed Changes in Education,” presented at Univ. of Maryland, the Henry H. Brechbill Lectures
655 1970 April 15 Speech - “National Health Insurance--Problems and Prospects,” delivered at Billings Hospital, the Univ. of Chicago, the 1970 Michael M. Davis Lecture
656 1970 April 17 Speech - “Social Insurance and Private Pensions,” originally submitted to Social Work Encyclopedia (Not used)
657 1970 Spring Article - “A Ten-Point Program to Abolish Poverty,” from Information Please Almanac, 1970
658 1970 May 31 Speech - “A Program of Priorities for the Seventies,” Presidential Address to the 97th Annual Forum of National Conference on Social Welfare, Chicago, Ill.
659 1970 June Speech - “Needed Changes in Education,” at Henry H. Brechbill Lectures presented at U. of Maryland
660 1970 June 22-26 Address - “The Challenge of Meeting Individual Differences in the Education Setting,” report of an Institute
661 1970 July Report - “Report of the Planning Committee on Extension and Adult Education,” Univ. of Michigan
662 1970 July 13 Address to Faculty and Students at University of Michigan Medical School Committee on Academic Affairs
663 1970 Summer Article - Social Security
664 1970 September 8 Speech - State of the School Message, 1970, Dean, School of Education
665 1970 September 10 Remarks - “Who Was the Seventh Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare?” at Health, Education, and Welfare Auditorium, Washington, D.C.
666 1970 Fall Letter - in The Forum Report about I. M. Rubinow
667 1970 October 15 Speech - at the Michigan State Senate Special Committee to Study the Impact and Trends of Population Growth in the State of Michigan, “State and Nation Implications”
668 1970 October Report - “Report to the President of the University for the Year 1969-1970”
669 1970 November 17 Article - “Welfare Reform and Educational Reform”
670 1970 Fall Article - Preface, “Government Policy and the Poor: Past, Present, and Future,” in Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1970
671 1970 December Article - “Goals for an Acceptable Program,” in The New Physician, Vol. 19, No. 12
672 1970 December 16 Article - for White House Conference on Children and Youth, “Welfare Reform and Educational Reform
673 1970 December Book Review - in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 8, No. 4, by Clair Wilcox
674 1970 December Book Review - in Monthly Labor Review, Government Against Poverty by Joseph A. Kershaw with assistance of Paul N. Courant
674A 1971 February Article - in Congressional Record, from Information Please Almanac
675 1971 February 10 Article - “In My Opinion,” in The Milwaukee Journal, Wednesday, February 10, 1971
676 1971 February 9 Article - “First Priority - Welfare Reform”
677 1971 March 9 Article - Environmental Protection Agency (Revised Draft)
678 1971 March 16 Eulogy - Whitney Young Memorial Service, University Reformed Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan
679 1971 March 22 Letter to Senator Frank Church expressing views in connection with hearings to the Administration on Aging
680 1971 March 30 Article - Contributed to lecture series “Systems of Higher Education,” for International Council of Educational Development
681 1971 April 1 Diary - “A Brief Visit to England and Scotland,” 1971
682 1971 April 21 Letter to Senator Philip A. Hart expressing views on S. 1485 introduced by Senator Ribicoff, etc. to establish separate Cabinet Department of Education
683 1971 May 4 Article - “Reorganization Helps Achieve Educational Goals,” - Guest Contributor
684 1971 May 13 Speech - “The Quality of Life and Social Indicators,” Atlanta, Georgia, May 13
685 1971 May 18 Statement - on H.R. 1 as Reported by the House Committee on Ways and Means
686 1971 May 19 Statement - “A Twelve-Point Program for Improving Health and Medical Care in the United States”
687 1971 May 26 Statement - “Criteria for Evaluating Federal Revenue Sharing Proposals”
688 1971 May 26 Letter - on H.R. 1 sent by Cohen, Fauri, Haber, and Vasey
689 1971 June 14 Article - “A Program to Abolish Poverty”
690 1971 June 8 Address - “New Developments in Old Age Security,” to 24th Annual Conference on Aging, Ann Arbor, Michigan, by Institute of Gerontology
691 1971 June 18 Article - “Federal Aid to States and Cities”
692 1971 June 27 Article - in The Sunday Detroit News
693 1971 June 30 Article - “Essentials of a Health Insurance Program,” in Medical Tribune, Wednesday, June 30, 1971, Vol. 12, No. 25
694 1971-72 Foreword - The University of Michigan School of Education 1971-72, Teaching
695 1971 Article - “New Challenges in Higher Education, The Rule of Law in the Academy--Help or Hindrance?” - with Philip S. Gartenberg
696 1971 April Speech - “Essential Provisions of an American National Health Insurance Program,” Presented at Anglo-American Conference on Medical Care, Royal Society of Medicine Foundation, Inc.
697 1971 July Foreword - Paths to Educational Reform, Wm. Clark Trow
698 1971 July Preface - Israel's War on Poverty, Itzhak Kanev, Tel Aviv, July 1971
699 1971 July 23 Speech - at National Tax Association Seminar, Washington, D.C., “Federal Takeover of Welfare and Income Maintenance Programs: Their Financing and Administration”
700 1971 July 28 Book Review - Facing Old Age, Abe Epstein, Introduction to the 1971 Reprint
701 1971 September 2-5 Comments - by WJC included in “Proceedings of the Williamsburg Conference on Independence & Accountability in the 'New' Political Economy,” Williamsburg, Va.
702 1971 October 3 Statement - at the Michael Davis Memorial, River Road Unitarian Church, Washington, D.C.
703 1971 Article - ”The Status of Medical Care in America,” reprinted from International Medical Care, Dr. John Fry (ed.,) Medical and Technical Publishing Co., Ltd., England, 1971
704 1971 October Foreword - Catalyst - “Part-Time Social Workers in Public Welfare”
705 1971 Book Review - The Changing Position of Philanthropy in the American Economy, by Frank G. Dickenson, Columbia Univ. Press, 1970
706 1971 October Report - To the President of the University for the Year 1970-1971
707 1971 Article - “Social Insurance” reprinted with permission of the National Association of Social Workers, from the Encyclopedia of Social Work (New York, 1971)
708 1971 October 29 Testimony - before Subcommittee on Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, House Committee on Education and Labor, “Reexamining Manpower, Training and Employment Programs”
709 1971 November Article - “The Challenge of Aging” in Social Action, November 1971
710 1971 November Article - “Reorganization Helps Achieve Educational Goals,” reprinted from The Journal of Educational Research, Madison, Wisconsin
711 1971 November Article - “Welfare Reform: A Persistent Quest,” Current History, November 1971
712 1971 November 17 Speech - “Toward a Social Report,” at Banquet Honoring Philip M. Hauser, University of Chicago
713 1971 November 19 Letter - Senator Walter F. Mondale regarding debate in Congressional Record of Saturday, November 13
714 1971 December Conference - White House Conference on Aging, by the National Retired Teachers Association and the American Association of Retired Persons
715 1971 Foreword - “Social Security in International Perspective: Essays in Honour of Eveline M. Burns,” International Social Work, Vol XIV, No. 4, 1971
716 1972 January Foreword - Federal Laws: Health/Environment Manpower, edited by John T. Grupenhoff & Dr. Stephen Strickland, The Science & Health Communications Group
717 1972 February 1 Comments - on S. 2656, Social Security Financing Bill (Introduced by Senator Muskie & Mondale, October 5, 1971)
718 1972 February 3 Statement - Some Suggestions for Amendments to H.R. 1 presented to Senate Committee on Finance, February 3
719 1972 February Article - Michigan Alumnus, February 1972, “Education”
720 1972 Winter 1972 Article - “A Look Ahead--Social Welfare in the Decade of the Seventies,” Public Welfare, Vol. III, No. 1, Journal of American Public Welfare Association
721 1972 Winter Article - “Changes Needed in American Education,” Quest, Vol. Two, No. One, Detroit Public Schools Staff Journal
722 1972 March Article - “Educational Legislation 1963-1968: Various Vantage Points,” Educational Researcher, Vol. 1, No. 3 (also presentation on January 24 at LBJ Library, Austin, Texas), March 1972
723 1972 May 20 Article - “Welfare: The Failure of Other Systems”
724 1972 Spring Interview - “The Economics & Strategy of Helping,” for Impact, Vol. 1, No. 3
725 1972 Spring Address - at Racine, Wisconsin, Sponsored by National Committee on U.S. China Relations & Johnson Foundation, “China in the Schools of the U.S.A.”
726 1972 June 9 Speech - “Legislation for Day Care” at luncheon for course in Child Care Center Ad. at Mich. League, A.A.
727 1972 June Message - Democratic Convention - “Social Welfare Priorities for 1973 and Beyond”
728 1972 June Article - “Higher Education and the Federal Government,” International Council for Ed. Development, Higher Education: from Autonomy to Systems, James A. Perkins, Editor, Barbara B. Israel, Association Editor
729 1972 Introduction - “Public Information Programs on Alcohol and Highway Safety,” Proceedings of a National Conference of Governmental, Commercial and Voluntary Organizations, Ann Arbor, 1972
730 1972 Article - Medical World News, Geriatrics, 1972: “The Economics of Being Elderly”
731 1972 June Report - Wingspread Report, “China in the Schools: Directions and Priorities,” Racine, Wisconsin, June 1972
732 1972 August Article - “Editor's Letter,” in Family Health, August, 1972
733 1972 August Article - “Changing Influences in American Education,” in Current History, August 1972
734 1972 August Speech - presented to Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, May 20, 1972, Oklahoma City, “Goals for an Effective National Health Program”
735 1972 September 13 Address - to the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Aging, “Towards a National Policy on the Aging: The Next Twenty-Five Years,” Institute of Gerontology, Ann Arbor, Michigan
736 1972 October Article - American Journal of Nursing, October 1972, Vol. 72, No. 10, “What Makes an Effective National Health Program?”
737 1972 October Article - McGovern-Shriver News Service, “Shriver's Savoir Faire Floors French Students”
738 1972 November 3 Speech - presented to the Convocation of the College of Osteopathic Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 3, 1972, “Essential Provisions of a National Health Insurance Program for the United States”
739 1972 December 7 Report - to the President of the University for the Year 1971-1972, Innovator, Vol. 4, No. 5
739 1972 December Draft of Article - “Some Reflections of a Cabinet Officer in Brief Authority,” sent to Dan Fenn, National Archives & Records Service, JFK Library, 12/18/72
740 1973 January Reprint - “Higher Education and the Federal Government,” reprinted from Higher Education from Autonomy to Systems, pp. 87-95, International Council for Ed. Dev., 522 Fifth Ave., New York City
741 1973 January 25 Article - in New York Times, “Politics, Politics Everywhere”
742 1973 February 5 Remarks - to House of Representatives, on Monday, February 5 on Health Care in Congressional Record - Extensions of Remarks, E 622-24
743 1973 February 9 Comments - Institute for Community College Board Members and Presidents, February 9, 1973
744 1973 February 14 Address - Proceedings of the Education Symposium sponsored by Lyndon B. Johnson Library, January 1972, “Education Legislation 1963-1968 from Various Vantage Points”
745 1973 February Article - “Changing Influences in American Education,” in The Michigan Alumnus, February 1973, Vol. 79, No. 6
746 1973 March 5 Statement - “Senate Confirmation of the Director of the Budget,” before the House Subcommittee on Legislation and Military Operations, Committee on Government Operations, Washington, D.C.
747 1973 March 8 Address - “The Quest for Equal Opportunity,” at the Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Lecture, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
748 1973 March Article - “Defining Equal Educational Opportunity,” The Georgetown Law Journal, reprinted from Vol. 61, No. 4, March 1973, Georgetown Law Journal Association
749 1973 April 12 Address - “Intellectuals and the New Deal,” delivered at the Organization of American Historians, Chicago, April 12, 1973
750 1973 April 18 Statement - “Major Program Reductions and Terminations Proposed by the Nixon 1974 Budget in the Department of H.E.W.,” before the Joint Committee on the Economic Report Subcommittee on Consumer Economics, April 18, 1973
750 1973 April Report - By the Committee on Tax Reform of the Association of American Universities, ”Tax Reform and the Crisis of Financing Higher Education”
751 1973 May 4 Speech - at Symposium on Federal Responsibility for Education, Training, and Employment, at Rackham Building, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
752 1973 May Statement - in The Foreign Language Courier, published by the Department of Foreign Languages, Univ. of Michigan, No. 47 on “School of Education”
753 1973 June Article - “Toward the Elimination of Poverty,” in Current History, June, 1973, pp. 268-272
754 1973 June 6 Address - “A Thanksgiving for Richard Titmuss,” in London, England, June 6, 1973
755 1973 June 18 Article - “Arthur J. Altmeyer: Mr. Social Security,” Department of H.E.W., Div. of Training & Career Development Training Program Booklet
756 1973 Article - “Social Welfare” in Encyclopedia Americana, 1973
757 1973 Foreword - An Evaluative Approach to the Training of Teachers of Disturbed Preschool Children by Wm. Morse, Jane Schwertfeger & Deborah Goldin, 1973
758 1973 July Article - Prism Interview, “Our Untapped Resource in the Schoolrooms,” July 1973
759 1973 July Article - National Insurance Institute, July, 1973, 4-5, Social Security, Journal of Welfare & Social Security Studies, “Social Security: Universal or Selective”
760 1973 July 12 Testimony - before Senate Committee on Labor & Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Ed., July 12, 1973, Washington, D.C., “The Community School Center Dev. Act.”
761 1973 July 25 Testimony - before Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate, Ninety-Third Congress, July 25, 1973, “Future Directions in Social Security”
762 1973 August 7 Speech - to American Bar Association, Washington, D.C. August, 1973, “Revenue Sharing: A Hoax?”
763 1973 August 7 Statement - National Priorities Alert, Coalition for Human Needs & Budget Priorities, August 7, 1973, “Cohen Calls for Veto Override”
764 1973 August Article - Panhandle Magazine, August 1973, “Education's Constant Challenges,” Houston, Texas
765 1973 September 6 Testimony - before House Committee on Education & Labor, Gen. Subcommittee on Ed., September 6, 1973, “The Community School Center Development Act”
766 1973 September 11 Speech - at 26th Conference on Gerontology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 11, 1973, “Future Developments in Social Welfare Policy”
767 1973 September 16 Speech - “Next Step in Medical Care Policies,” presented at Joint Ceremonial Session of American Academy of Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology & the American Association of Ophthalmology, September 16, 1973, Dallas, Texas
768 1973 September 25 Letter - to Hon. Abe Ribicoff, Comments on National Health Insurance Proposal He Introduced with Sen. Long
769 1973 Article - “Questions & Answers with Wilbur J. Cohen,” Perspective Magazine, Blue Cross of Southwest Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, Third Quarter, 1973
770 1973 October Article - in Early Years, “Viewpoint,” Vol. 4, No. 2, Page 6, Darien, Connecticut
771 1973 October 12 Speech - “New Directions for the 1970's,” given at Marquette, Michigan, October 12, 1973
772 1973 October 24 Speech - presented to Nat. Conf. on Ed. Dev. for Voluntary Action, October 24, Ann Arbor, Michigan, “Role of Volunteer in Modern Society”
773 1973 November 1 Speech - presented at Florida Community College Association, Daytona Beach, Florida, November 1, 1973
774 1973 November Article - School Review, “Policy and Politics in Education,” Vol. 82, No. 1, November 1973, pp. 127-29, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., November, 1973
775 1973 Foreword - in Social Science and Social Work, by Jean R. Pearman, 1973
776 1973 Remarks - Introduction of Abel-Smith at Proceedings of Seventh Soc. Sec. Conf. of Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan-Wayne State Univ., 1973, “Social Security: Policy for the Seventies”
776a 1973 September Report - of the Committee to Evaluate the National Center for Health Statistics, September 1973, DHEW Publication
777 1973 December 5 Report - to “President of the University for the Year 1972-1973,” in Innovator, Vol. 5, No. 5
778 1973 December Article - in NY-Penn News, “Looking at the Nation's Health,” excerpts from Perspective article
779 1973 November-December Article - in Senior Advocate, “Future Developments in Social Welfare Policy,” Vol. 1, No. 3
780 1973 December Article - in Occupational Therapy Newsletter of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Vol. 27, No. 3
781 1973 Reprint - in The Beginnings of Social Security, “Edwin E. Witte(1887-1960): Father of Social Security - Social Security Administration, Office of Administration - 1973
782 1974 January 27 Article - in The Detroit News, “Viewpoint: Future Changes in Social Security”
783 1974 January Foreword - in Human Service Organizations - A Book of Readings - Yeheskel Hasenfeld and Richard A. English, Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor
784 1974 January Statement - on chapter by Nancy H. Teeters, “Memorandum of Comment, Reservation, or Dissent,” in Broad-Based Taxes, New Options and Sources, a Supplementary Paper of the Committee for Economic Development, the Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore & London
785 1974 January-February Reprint - “Next Step in Medical Care Policies,” from the Transactions, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
786 1974 February 17 Article - in Los Angeles Times, Sunday, February 17, 1974, “National Health Insurance Is on Its Way”
787 1974 February 22 Speech - “Changing Influences in American Education,” at 26th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Friday, February 22, 1974, Chicago, Illinois
788 1974 May Quote - in Reader's Digest, May 1974, article by Lester Velie, “Needed: Quality Health Care for All Our Children”
789 1974 May 14 Article - “Education for Peace,” written when in Israel, May, 1974
790 1974 May 19 Address - at Milwaukee Home for the Jewish Aged, “A Just Society,” May 19, 1974
791 1974 May 21 Address - 101st Annual Forum of National Conference on Social Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 21, 1974, “Outlook for Achieving a Just Society”
792 1974 June 21 Article - in The Milwaukee Journal, Friday, June 21, 1974, “Wilbur Cohen Raps Critics of Benefits”
793 1974 June 28 Statement - before the House Committee on Ways and Means, June 28, 1974, “National Health Insurance Proposals”
794 1974 Report - on the Introductory Seminar of the Specialist Degree Program in the Coordination of Educational Services with Health and Welfare, Co-Chairmen, Wilbur J. Cohen and Claude A. Eggertsen
795 1974 July 22 Article - in The Sunday Sun - “Social Security: Its Past and Future”
796 1974 Summer Article - in Public Welfare Journal, Summer 1974, Vol. 32, No. 3, “National Health Insurance Proposals” (Statement, June 28, 1974, before the House Committee on Ways and Means, Washington, D.C.)
797 1974 July Book Review - in Contents, Vol. 19, No. 4, July 1974 - From Poor Law to Welfare State: A History of Social Welfare in America, by Walter I. Trattner
798 1974 July 18 Testimony - “Social Security Is Sound and Working,” in Congressional Record, Vol. 120, Washington, D.C., Thursday, July 18, 1974, No. 107
799 1974 August 1 Testimony - in Congressional Record - Senate, August 1, 1974, S 14055 - Wilbur J. Cohen on HEW Appropriations
800 1974 August 11 Article - Reprint, Meet the Press, Sunday, August 11, 1974, Vol. 18, No. 32, Moderator: Lawrence E. Spivak
801 1974 August 21 Preliminary Draft - of “A Comprehensive Program for Children, Youth and the Family”
802 1974 August Article - in Current History, “Reflections on Political Reform”
803 1974 Fall Letter - in Public Welfare, American Public Welfare Association, Fall, 1974 - “A Message from the President”
804 1974 September 9 Letter - to Senators Edmund Muskie and Peter Dominick
805 1974 September 27-28 Statement - to Conference on Inflation, Washington, D.C.
806 1974 October Statement - in Reporter, Adult Continuing Education, October 1974 - “Leadership for Lifetime Learning”
807 1974 November Article - in Council Woman, “The Role of the Volunteer in Modern Society”
808 1974 November 7 Newspaper Article - Farmington Observer Eccentric, Thursday, November 7, 1974, Vol. 86, No. 6, Farmington, Michigan, “Former HEW Secretary Backs Social Security”
809 1974 December 12 Annual Report to the President - For the Year 1973-74, in Innovator, December 12, 1974, Vol. 6, No. 6
810 1975 January Article - for Information Please Almanac, 1975, “Health and Welfare: Next Steps and Future Developments”
811 1975 January Book Review - The Patient as Consumer: Health Care Financing in the United States, D.V., Heath and Co., Lexington, Mass., 1974, 229 pp. by John Krizay and Andrew Wilson
812 1975 January Book Review - Introduction to Social Welfare, Walter A. Friedlander and Robert Z. Apte; Fourth Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1974
813 1975 Article - published in The Social Welfare Forum, 1974, 1975 for the National Conference on Social Welfare by Columbia University Press, New York, “Achieving a Just Society”
814 1975 January 1 Comments - in Patient Care, “How Medical Opinion Leaders See National Health Insurance,”
815 1975 February 19 Remarks - at the Merrill-Palmer Institute, Detroit, Michigan, February 19, 1975: “Investing in Children and Families”
816 1975 February 20 Testimony - Congressional Record, Washington, Thursday, February 20, 1975, Vol. 121, No. 25, “Social Security: A Sound and Durable Institution of Great Value”
817 1975 February/March Article - in Review, Official Publication of the Federation of American Hospitals, February/March 1975, Vol. 8, No. 1 - “Mr. Medicare”
818 1975 March Report - Prepared for the Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate, Washington, March 1975: “Future Directions in Social Security Unresolved Issues: An Interim Staff Report”
819 1975 March 10 Article - in Medical World News, March 10, 1975, “Ten Years of Medicare and Medicaid”
819A 1975 Study - Harvard Case Study by Wilbur J. Cohen, and the President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1975 - Kennedy School of Government - “Disability Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid”
820 1975 March 13 Comments - before the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, “The President's Economic Program and Budget Priorities”
821 1975 Spring Editorial - Public Welfare, Spring 1975, Vol. 33, No. 2, the Journal of the American Public Welfare Association, Editorial by Wilbur J. Cohen, President
822 1975 Book Chapter - “Education for the Aging, Living with a Purpose as Older Adults through Education: An Overview of Current Developments,” Chapter 3, Political Implications of Education and Aging
823 1975 March Press Release - by five former Health, Education, and Welfare Secretaries and three former Social Security Commissioners
824 1975 May 8-17 Notes - on “A Brief Trip to Israel and London,”
825 1975 Book Review - in Journal of Economic Literature, Comparative Social Policy and Social Security: A Ten-Country Study, by P. R. Kaim-Caudle
826 1975 April 25 Report - on the LS&A Deanship Search, Selection, and Negotiations, April 4, 1974-January 31, 1975
827 1975 Article - for American Public Welfare Association, No. 11 - “No Longer Young - Social Security: Next Steps”
828 1975 May Book Review - reviewed by Wilbur J. Cohen, Blueprint for Health: A Multinational Portrait of the Costs and Administration of Medical Care in the Public Interest, by D. Stark Murray. New York for Social Casework, May 1975, Vol. 56, No. 5
829 1975 May 13 Statement - Proceedings of the Inauguration of the Chair of Zionism, Univ. of Haifa, May 13, 1975, Israel
830 1975 June 19 Testimony - before Social Security Subcommittee of the House Committee on Ways and Means, “Improving the Financing of the Social Security System”
831 1975 June Article - for American Public Welfare Association, “The Abolition of Poverty”
831A 1975 June 23 Article - for Encyclopedia Americana on “Social Welfare”
832 1975 July 7 Report - Michigan Economic Action Council, Committee on “Federal Funds for Income Maintenance”, Meeting, July 7, 1975
833 1975 July 24 Statement - to Subcommittee on Unemployment Insurance of the House Committee on Ways and Means, Washington, D.C., July 24, 1975, “Improving the Federal-State Unemployment Insurance System”
834 1975 Statement - in the University of Michigan, School of Education, 1975-77 - Teaching
835 1975 August 18 Article - in New York Times, August 18, 1975, “Social Security Reaches Age 40”
836 1975 August 19 Report - of the National Alcohol-Health Promotion Conference, Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C., August 19, 1975 - “Government by the People”
837 1975 September 16 Article - in Congressional Record, Washington, D.C., September 4, 1975, Vol. 121, No. 135 - “Social Security: 1935-1975”
838 1975 Fall Article - for American Public Welfare Association Journal, “The Social Security Act: 1935-75; Forty Years of Progress and Promise”
839 1975 Discussion Paper - published in Soziale Daten und Politische Planung, 1975, - “Political Implications and Future Importance of Social Indicator Research”
840 1975 October 7 Statement - to Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Washington, D.C., October 7, 1975, “A Comprehensive Program for Children, Youth, and the Family”
841 1975 October 20 Speech - on October 30, 1975, for Medline Industries, Inc. - “Proposed Legislation for a National Health Plan - Its Impact for Hospital Administration”
842 1975 October Article - in Perspective, Fourth Quarter 1975, on State Health Insurance - “18 Choice Paragraphs on U.S. Health System (A Possible Step-By-Step Development of Major Provisions of National Health Insurance Legislation with Due Regard to Administrative Feasibility)”
843 1975 November Editorial - in Educational Leadership, “Lifelong Learning--A Definition and a Challenge,” November 1975
844 1975 November Article - in Prism Magazine, “The Generation Gap,” November 1975
845 1975 November 1 Address - at Proceedings of the 1975 ETS Invitational Conference, November 1, 1975, New York City, “Educational Indicators and Social Policy”
846 1975 November 15 Manpower Conference I - Saturday, November 15, 1975, Rackham Amphitheater, the University of Michigan
847 1975 December Article - for Federationist, “Social Security 40 Years Later”
848 1975 Article - Medicaid, Lessons for National Health Insurance, “Goals for an Effective National Health Program”, by Wilbur J. Cohen, reprinted from Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, August 1972, 350-353
849 1976 Foreword - Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy, Pergamon Press, New York, 1976
850 1976 February 29 Report - to the President of the University for the Year 1974-75, Innovator, February 29, 1976, Vol. 7, No. 6
851 1976 February 29 Discussion - Priority Research Agenda on Educational Indicators, from Proceedings of the 1975 ETS Invitational Conference -“Educational Indicators: Monitoring the State of Education;” 1975, 1976 by Educational Testing Service
852 1976 Papers - from The Economics of Aging: Toward 2001, Institute of Gerontology, the University of Michigan, “Social Security: 1935-1975”
853 1976 February Editorial - The Education Digest, February 1976, “Lifelong Learning-A Definition and a Challenge,” from Educational Leadership
854 1976 March Article - in Digest, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 1976, “Social Security 40 Years Later”
854a 1976 February 20 Draft of Article - for New Leader: “Social Security Past, Present, and Future” to Myron Kolatch
855 1976 April Testimony - Hearings before Subcommittee of Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-Fourth Congress, Second Session, “Priorities in Health, Education, and Welfare,” Friday, April 2, 1976
856 1976 May 20 Article - “Welfare Reform: Why?,” Round Table held on May 20, 1976, under joint sponsorship of American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., and the Hoover Institution, Stanford, California
857 1976 May 16,20 Speech - at Proceedings, Eighteenth National AFL-CIO Conference on Community Services, May 16-20, 1976, Washington, D.C.
858 1976 May 20,21 Speech - at Conference on Income Redistribution, jointly sponsored by the American Enterprise Institution, “Where Do We Go From Here: Options for the Future”
859 1976 Spring Speech - at National Round Table Conference in Public Welfare Journal, Spring 1976, Vol. 34, No. 2, “The Importance of People, Policies, and Programs”
860 1976 Biography - of Arthur Altmeyer for Encyclopedia of Social Work
861 1976 July 6 Address - at University of Haifa, Inauguration of the Chair of Holocaust Studies
862 1976 August Article - in Encyclopedia of Social Work, 1976, “Social Insurance”
863 1976 August 17 Address - to American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO 60th National Convention, Americana Hotel, Bal Harbor, Florida, August 17, 1976, “Education and Policies”
864 1976 August 24 Speech - National Conference of the American Federation of Labor and Industrial Organizations, “Next Steps in Social Welfare Policy”
865 1976 August 2-7 Speech - Council of International Programs, 20th Anniversary Conference, August 2-7, 1976, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, “Stability and Change”
866 1976 September Article - in Michigan Alumnus, September 1976, “School of Education”
867 1976 September Article - for Collier's Encyclopedia, on U.S. Social Security Program, “Social Security”
868 1976 September 14 Speech - at Symposium at LBJ Library, Austin, Texas, September 14, 1976, “From Medicare to National Health Institute”
869 1976 October Book Chapter - Health in America: 1776-1976 - Chapter 11, “Policy Planning for National Health Insurance,” October 1976
870 1976 November Article - in Vital Issues, Center for Information on America, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, Wash., Conn., “The Social Security System, Its Evolution; What Will Its Future Be?”
871 1976 November Report - of the Affirmative Action Committee, the Univ. of Michigan, November 1, 1976
872 1976 November 7 Article - “Viewing America's Welfare Priorities,” American Public Welfare Association, in Seattle, Wash., November 7, 1976
873 1976 December 1 Letter - to President-Elect Carter, in Change Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 11, December 1, 1976, p. 41
874 1976 Winter Article - in Perspective Magazine, Winter 1976, Vol. 11, No. 4, “Will National Health Insurance Come Through the Back Door?”
875 1976 Article - Federal Policies and Worker Status Since the Thirties, Chapter 3, pp. 43-69, “The Evolution and Growth of Social Security”
876 1976 December 15 Remarks - made to National Council of State Public Welfare Administrators at its meeting, December 15, 1976, APWA President Report
877 1977 Winter Article - “Perspectives on China,” Public Welfare, Winter, 1977, APWA, pp. 32-37
878 1977 Paper - “Some Aspects of Evolving Social Policy in Relation to Private Philanthropy,” prepared for Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs, September 4, 1975 - Research Papers, Department of Treasury, 1977
879 1977 January Paper - “Needed Federal Policy in Education for Century III,” The Center for Vocational Education, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, January 1977
880 1977 February Lecture - Charles C. Moskowitz Memorial Lectures, College of Business and Public Administration, New York Univ., The Free Press, New York, “Demographic Dynamics in America”
881 1977 January 28 Article - in Innovator, Vol. 8, No. 5, Memo to President Carter on “Education Options and Strategy for 1977-1981”
882 1977 February 3 Remarks - delivered at the Memorial Service for Aaron Cohen on Thursday, February 3, 1977 at Whitefish Bay Goodman-Bensman Funeral Home, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Fathers and Sons”
883 1977 Spring Article - Public Welfare, Spring 1977, “An Opinion, Reorganizing HEW: An Armchair Sport with Deep Social Implications”
884 1977 Article - “A Decade of Federal Antipoverty Programs, Achievements, Failures, and Lessons,” in Academic Press, New York, 1977, “Discussions”
885 1977 April 1 Letter - Conference Papers on “Evaluation of Personal Qualifications of Trainees in Professional Programs,” by Ralph W. Heine, Univ. of Michigan, School of Education
886 1977 April Introduction - for Social Work and the Law, by Donald Brieland and John Lemmon, April 1977
887 1977 April Book Review - in The Gerontologist, Vol. 17, No. 2, April 1977, The Economics of Aging, By James H. Schulz
888 1977 April 27 Paper - “A Visit to the California Woods,” April 27, 1977
889 1977 May 17 Address - to the National Conference on Social Welfare, Chicago, May 17, 1977, “Policy and Program Issues in Health and Welfare”
890 1977 June 16 Testimony - to Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee on Finance, Washington, D.C., “Social Security Financing Proposals,” Thursday, June 16, 1977, U.S. Senate
891 1977 June Book Review - Journal of Economic Literature, Social Service and Social Policy: British and American Experience, by H. Glennerster, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1977, pp. 272
892 1977 July 4 Interview - with Wilbur J. Cohen, in U.S. News and World Report, Inc., 1977, How to Pay for Social Security?, “Carter's Plan to use general tax funds is an 'ingenious proposal',” (with Al Ullman)
893 1977 July 22 Comments - at meeting of the AMA Commission on the Cost of Medical Care, July 22, 1977, “Observations Regarding National Health Insurance”
894 1977 July 29 Book Chapter - in Beyond the School: What Else Educates?, report of the Chief State School Officers 1977 Summer Institute, sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education, Bellaire, Michigan, July 28-August 5, 1977, Chapter II, “American Families As Educators”
895 1977 July Book Review - “Power and Illness: The Political Sociology of Health and Medical Care,” by Elliot A. Krause, Elsevier, New York, 1977
896 1977 August 4 Statement - presented to House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Domestic and International Scientific Planning, Analysis, and Cooperation, “Nutrition, Health, and Medical Care,” August 4, 1977
897 1977 August 5 Testimony - given to House of Representatives, U.S. Congress, Committee on Science and Technology, Washington, D.C., August 5, 1977
898 1977 July 18 Hearings- “Restoring the Financial Soundness of the Social Security System,” before Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee on Ways and Means, Monday, July 18, 1977 - House of Representatives
899 1977 August 16 Article - Hospitals, Journal of the American Hospital Association, “Medicaid: Uncertain Harvest” (quote of Wilbur J. Cohen) by Emily Friedman
900 1977 September 5 Interview - with Wilbur Cohen, in Medical Economics, September 5, 1977, “The Father of Medicare Looks at National Health Insurance”
901 1977 September 28 Comments - made at inauguration of HEW's Arthur S. Flemming/Wilbur J. Cohen Distinguished Speaker Series at DHEW; Washington, D.C., September 23, 1977
902 1977 October 5 Draft - Council Minutes, by R. Anne Ballard, Chief, Office of Research Reporting, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Md., October 5, 1977
903 1977 November 25 Report - to the President of the University for the Year 1976-1977, in Innovator, Vol. 9, No. 6, November 25, 1977
904 1977 Book Chapter - Chapter 11, in Medicine in a Changing Society, “Policy Issues in National Health Insurance”
905 1977 Statement - “In Dedication and Acknowledgement to Wilbur J. Cohen,” in volume of conference proceedings of Program for Educational Opportunity, School of Education, UM, 1977
906 1977 Introduction - at Proceedings of the Impact and Implications of State and Federal Legislation Affecting Handicapped Individuals, Program in Special Education, School of Education, the Univ. of Michigan
907 1978 January 10 & February 22 Outline - of a Possible Step-By-Step Development of Major Provisions of a Comprehensive National Health Insurance Legislation, With Due Regard to Administrative and Fiscal Feasibility
908 1978 January Article - “The Next Steps in Improving Health and Medical Care for Mothers and Children,” in American Journal of Diseases of Children, January 1978, Vol. 132, No. 1, published by the American Medical Association
909 1978 February Articles - from Kennedy School of Government, “Disability Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid (A) & (B), C94-75-059, C94-75-060,” Copyright 1975, by Wilbur Cohen and the President & Fellows of Harvard College
910 1978 Spring Book Review - in The Free Press, New York, 1978, pp. 174, The Graying of Working America: The Coming Crisis of Retirement-Age Policy, by Harold L. Sheppard, and Sara E. Rix
911 1978 March Article - “What I Have Learned--Experience Teaches That NHI Will Be Gradual,” in Hospital Progress, journal of the Catholic Hospital Association, March 1978
912 1978 March 31 Address - to the U-M Honors Convocation, “The World of 1998”
913 1978 April Article - “Social Security: Focusing on the Facts,” in the AFL-CIO American Federationist
914 1978 April 11 Address - on the 25th Anniversary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, in the Congressional Record House, April 11, 1978
915 1978 April 28 Article - in Innovator, “Social Security Is Sound and Here to Stay!” Also published in Cleveland Region Social Security Management Association
916 1978 May 2 Testimony - Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Assistance of the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, May 2, 1978 - Welfare Reform Proposals
917 1978 May 6 Transcripts - from the Welfare Reform Symposium, Ann Arbor, May 6 - Continuing Education Program in the Human Services, School of Social Work
918 1978 July 15 Article - Unemployment Compensation Plan No. 1 - National Commission on Unemployment Compensation
919 1978 July 24 Book Review - Poverty and Health, Economic Causes and Consequences of Health Problems by Harold S. Luft, Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1978
920 1978 August 28 Statement - “The Process of Political Statesmanship in the New Deal's Enactment of the Social Security Act of 1935,” prepared for Neil Staebler
921 1978 August 29-30 Statement - National Commission on Unemployment Compensation - policy topics discussed at the Chicago Meeting, August 29-30, 1978
922 1978 September Article - “Social Security” Encyclopedia International
923 1978 September 13 Statement - to the Joint Committee to Study Abuse in State Mental Health Facilities in Lansing
924 1978 September 18 Statement - in Medical World News, “Names in the News” feature
925 1978 September Speech - at Annual Meeting of the National Association of Children's Hospitals & Related Institutions, Inc. - in NACHRI Newsletter of September 1978
926 1978 November Report - First Interim Report of the National Commission on Unemployment Compensation
927 1978 November 5 Address - at Milwaukee Jewish Home for the Aged on Sunday, November 5 in Milwaukee
928 1978 November 7-8 Speech - at Colloquium, Institute of Gerontology, American Values, Social Policy, and an Aging Society, November 7-8, 1978 at the Univ. of Michigan
929 1978 November 30 Report - Annual Report to the President of the University, Robben W. Fleming, for the Year 1977-1978
930 1979 January Report - “The Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: What it Should and Should Not Do” by a Panel of the National Academy of Public Administration
931 1979 January Interview - “Social Security: American Workers' Best Insurance Buy” - reprinted from The Machinist
932 1979 January Book Chapter - Decade of Destiny - “A New Deal for America,” Contemporary Books, Inc.
933 1979 February 7 Testimony - before the House Select Committee on Aging, February 7, 1979 - “Save Our Social Security”
934 1979 February 8 Article - sent to Miami Herald - “Save Our Social Security,” February 8, 1979
935 1979 March 16 Statement - before the Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee on Ways & Means, House of Representatives, Friday, March 16, 1979, “Disability Insurance Legislation”
936 1979 March 18 Diary - Trip to England, March 18, 1979
937 1979 April 12 Address - “Reflections on a Century of Education” presented in Ann Arbor on the occasion of the Centennial Celebration of the establishment in 1879 of a Chair of Pedagogy at the Univ. of Michigan
938 1979 May 2 Testimony - before the Committee on Ways & Means of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Public Assistance & Unemployment Compensation
939 1979 May 11 Report - to the President and Congress of the United States from the National Commission on Social Security
940 1979 June 1 Article - “Social Security: Current Myths and Reality, The Need for Its Preservation & Reform”
941 1979 Foreword - in Democratic Processes for Modern Health Agencies by Irving Ladimer with Joel C. Solomon & Stanley G. House
942 1979 June 26 Testimony - before the Subcommittee on Public Assistance & Unemployment Compensation, Committee on Ways & Means
943 1979 July 23 Statement - to the Subcommittee on Social Security, House Committee on Ways & Means, July 23, 1979, “Reexamination of the Retirement Test Under the Social Security Program”
943A 1979 Spring Speech - at Symposium on Compulsory Health Ins., Univ. of Wisconsin Center for Health Sciences
944 1979 July Report - Second Report of the National Commission on Unemployment Compensation
945 1979 August 15 Article - for Community Services Catalyst, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, “Lifelong Learning and Public Policy”
946 1979 August 21 Statement - Summary of Statement before the Senate Committee on the Budget, Toledo, Ohio, August 21, “The Federal Income Security Budget in a Period of Inflation and Unemployment”
947 1979 September 5 Statement - before the Senate Committee on Finance by Wilbur J. Cohen, Chairman, Nat. Comm. on Unemployment Compensation, “Reexamining the Unemployment Compensation Program”
948 1979 September 13 Statement - before the Task Force on Social Security and Women, House Select Committee on Aging, September 13, “Reexamining Social Security and Other Income Maintenance Programs”
949 1979 September 21 Testimony - before the Subcommittee on Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation, U.S. House of Representatives concerning H.R. 4464
950 1979 September Statement - before Senate Finance Committee to request support for continuation and completion of the work of the National Commission on Unemployment Compensation embodied in H.R. 3920 as passed by the House of Representatives on July 25
951 1979 October 10 Statement - before Senate Committee on Finance by Wilbur J. Cohen, Chairman, Coalition to Save Our Security, “Needed Revisions in the Disability Insurance Proposal Passed by the House of Representatives”
952 1979 October Participant - at the Ditchley Conference - Principal, Vol. 59, Number 1, “When the Family Comes Apart” the Anglo-American Conf. held on 18-20 March 1979 at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, England
953 1979 September Class - Income Maintenance - Fall 1979, Social Work 603; also, Social Work 838, Formulation & Enactment of Social Welfare Policies, January 1979
954 1979 Book Discussion - The Presidency and the Congress, the Univ. of Texas, III. “Congress and the President in the Making of Policy”
955 1979 October 18 Speech - “A Future Agenda for Children and Youth” on October 18, 1979 at Gezon Aud., Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan
955a 1979 Class - Social Policy, Education & Aging, H613, January
956 1979 November Article - in American Teacher, November 1979, Vol. 64, No. 3, “Reaching Toward the 21st Century”
957 1979 November 14 Paper - presented at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield's 50th Anniversary Conf., Washington, D.C., December 11, 1979, “Planning for National Health Insurance”
958 1979 December 17 Book Review - W. Kip Viscusi, Welfare of the Elderly: An Economic Analysis and Policy Prescription, New York: John Wiley, Interscience, 1979, 251 pp.
959 1980 January 3-4 Speech - presented to the Conference on Postwar Changes in the American Economy, National Bureau of Economic Research, Key Biscayne, Florida, “Economic Well-Being and Income Distribution”

Wilbur J. Cohen Memos and Reports, 1936, 1947-1969 (#A-88)
Number Date Subject
A July 23-25, 1936 Summarized Minutes of Interstate Conference on Unemployment Compensation Held at Concord and Crawford Notch, New Hampshire
1 May 19, 1947 Health Aspects of a Program for National Security
2 1949 The Hoover Report. Half a Loaf. The Public Affairs Institute. Page 16
2a 1950-1952 (?) The Role of Community Services in Underdeveloped Countries. Prepared for the Staff of the Technical Assistance Administration. WJC participated in the formulation and writing
3 July 1951 Unemployment Compensation for Federal Civilian Employees. Statement of Wilbur J. Cohen to the Subcommittee of the Committee on Ways and Means, July 18, 1951
4 April 1952 Health, Medical Care, and Housing. Final Report Second International Gerontological Congress, St. Louis, Mo., September 9-15, 1951
5 June 1953 Repeat of the Committee on Selection of an Executive Director for GHA. Wilbur J. Cohen, Chairman. June 17, 1953
6 March 1955 Official Report to the Delegation of the United States of America to the Fifth Session of the Inter-American Conference on Social Security and the Report of Attendance at the Sixth Meeting of the Permanent Inter-American Committee on Social Security held at Caracas, Venezuela, March 16-26, 1955
7 September 1955 Outline of a Study on the Labor, Community, and Welfare Aspects Connected with the Non-Military Development of Atomic Energy, September 14, 1955
8 January 1956 Significant Developments in Social Security and Related Programs--A Progress Report. Prepared by Wilbur J. Cohen and Thomas Karter, Division of Research and Statistics, January 12, 1956
9 January 1956 Some Suggested Research Projects in ADC: Proposals for Comment and Criticism
10 April 1956 Minutes of Meeting of Coordinating Committee on Social Welfare Research, April 10, 1956. Presentation of Research Needs and Possibilities in the Income Maintenance and Social Security Fields
11 April 1956 Memorandum to Supervising Committee on the Doctoral Program in Social Work and Social Science on “Some Suggestions for the Development of Doctoral Study in the Area of Social Security and Income Maintenance”
12 August 1956 Proposal for Research on Adoptable Children in Foster Care. Prepared for the Child Welfare League of America by the Coordinating Committee on Social Welfare Research
13 September 1956 Pension Costs...In Relation to the Hiring of Older Workers. U.S. Department of Labor
14 January 1957 State Grants-in-Aid to Local Health Units. A Summary Prepared for the Governor's Public Health Study Commission. Strawn W. Taylor
15 February 1957 Chronic Disease Activities of State Health Departments. A Summary Prepared for the Governor's Public Health Study Commission by Janet Anderson
16 April 1957 Letter to Dr. Sawyer. Re: Released Time and Research Grants for Research in Social Work and the Social Sciences
17 September 1957 A State Plan of Hospitalization Insurance for Employees. By Wilbur J. Cohen. September 3, 1957
18 October 157 Social Policies and Social Services in an Expanding Economy. Prepared for the Special Studies Project Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.
18a 1956-1957 Summary of the Meetings of the Faculty Seminar on Income Maintenance. (Includes a resume of interviews with Seminar members and an expansion of some future seminar topics)
19 November 1957 Building Michigan's Health. A Report of the Michigan Public Health Study Commission. November 21, 1957
19 November 1957 A Summary of the Report of the Michigan Public Health Study Commission
20 November 1957 Health, Education and Welfare Policies and Expenditures for Economic Growth and the General Welfare. Testimony presented to the Joint Economic Committee Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy, November 26, 1957, Washington, D.C.
20 November 1957 Summary of Testimony presented to the Joint Economic Committee Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy, November 26, 1957
21 February 1958 Outline of Social Security Proposals for 1958, February 9, 1958
22 February 1958 Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, American Public Welfare Association before the House Subcommittee on Appropriations on Department of Labor Appropriation Bill, 1959. February 26, 1958. Also printed in Hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives
23 February 1958 Federal-State Programs and Policies in Health, Education and Welfare. A Statement Presented to the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives. February 25, 1958. Also Congressional Record, April 21, 1958
24 February 1958 Federal State Regulations by Wilbur J. Cohen
25 February 1958 Low Incomes, Health, Education and Welfare Expenditures and the General Welfare. By Wilbur J. Cohen. Neighborhood Goals in a Rapidly Changing World. Action-Research Workshop, Arden House, Harriman, New York. February 13-15, 1958. Sponsored by National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers
26 May 1958 Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, American Public Welfare Association. Before the Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations. Departments of Labor-HEW Appropriation Bill, 1959. (H.R. 11645) May 14, 1958
27 May 1958 Statement by Wilbur J. Cohen, American Public Welfare Association. Before the Senate Committee on Finance on Extended Unemployment Insurance and Public Assistance Amendments. May 14, 1958
28 May 1958 American Public Welfare Association. Meeting of National Council of State Public Welfare Administrators. Chicago, Illinois, May 15, 1958
29 May 1958 Report of Activities, 1957-1958. Subcommittee on Income Maintenance and Social Security
30 May 1958 American Public Welfare Association. Minutes of Meeting of Local Public Welfare Administrators. May 15, 1958, Chicago, Illinois
31 May 1958 Aging. A Community Responsibility and Opportunity. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Committee on Aging
32 June 1958 American Public Welfare Association. Committee of Welfare Policy. Minutes of the Meeting, June 7, 1958, Washington, D.C.
33 August 1958 Information from Trustees Report Indicating Actuarial Imbalance on Intermediate Cost Basis is Not an Immediate Problem Nor the Most Likely Possibility
33a August 1958 Redraft of Human Resources for State Democratic Platform of Michigan, see pp. 22-24
34 August 1958 Seminar on Aging. Workshop E - Social Services. Aspen, Colorado
35 April 1959 Advisory Committee on International Activities. Summary Minutes of Meeting Held April 15, 1959. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration, International Service
36 April 1959 American Public Welfare Association. Committee of Welfare Policy. Minutes of the Meeting, April 18, 1959. Washington, D.C.
37 May 1959 Governor's Commission on Employment of the Older Worker. State of Michigan, May 28, 1959
38 May 1959 Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Report on the Economic Status of the Faculty of the University of Michigan Senate
39 December 1959 Preliminary Draft Report on Task Force on Public Health to Governor G. Mennon Williams, December 5, 1959
40 February 1960 Summary of Various Proposals Made During 1934-1959 to Modify the Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program
41 March 1960 Social Security Legislation, 1960: Issues and Proposals. An analysis of some of the major social security issues and proposals pending in the Congress, March 1960. March 12, 1960
42 April 1960 Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs Report on the Economic Status of the Faculty of the University of Michigan. April 18, 1960
43 June 1960 Some Possible Amendments Which Might Be Considered in the Senate to Any House-Passed Social Security Bill
44 July 1960 Background Paper on the Employment and Retirement of the Older Worker. Preparatory to White House Conference on Aging, January 9-12, 1961. See WJC's quotes. Pg. 37
45 September 1960 Report of the Michigan State Conference on Aging held in Lansing, Michigan, September 21-22, 1960
46 October 1960 A Proposal for an International Youth Service
47 October 1960 A Positive Response to the Challenge of Aging. A statement endorsing Senator Kennedy's approach to meeting the problems of the Nation's Senior Citizens
48 October 1960 Report from the Bipartisan Committee on Aging to Lieutenant Governor John B. Swainson. October 31, 1960
49 March 1961 Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Report on the Economic Status of the Faculty of the University of Michigan. March 24, 1961
50 February 1963 Retirement Advisors, Inc. Advisory Committee Meeting, February 22, 1963, New York City
51 November 1965 “Closing the Gap in Social Work Manpower,” report or the Departmental Task Force on Social Work Education and Manpower
52 September 28-29, 1967 Report on the National Conference on Private Health Insurance, Washington, D.C.
53 December 1967 “Design for All Americans,” a Report of the National Commission on Architectural Barriers to Rehabilitation of the Handicapped
54 January 31, 1968 First Annual Report National Advisory Committee on Handicapped Children
55 June 11, 1968 Memo to the Secretary from General Counsel and Commissioner of Education - subject: Comments on Wyman, Smith and Scherle Amendments to H.R. 16729
56 June 13, 1968 Letter from Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary, to Chairman Wilbur D. Mills enclosing report of Medicare program
57 June 14, 1968 Report of News Conference at the White House, Austin, regarding Reorganization of Health Activities
58 June 17, 1968 Statement by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare concerning U.S. Supreme Court decision on Alabama suitable home and substitute father policy
59 June 18, 1968 “Kit” concerning the Poor People's Campaign
60 June 24, 1968 “1st Annual Report on Medicare”
61 June 26, 1968 Report of the National Citizens Advisory Committee on Vocational Rehabilitation
62 June 28, 1968 “Progress in the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution,” first report of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to the United States Congress
63 July 1, 1968 “The Health Consequences of Smoking”
64 August 30, 1968 “Task Force on Prescription Drugs Second Interim Report and Recommendations
65 September 24, 1968 “MR 68 The Edge of Change” A report to the President on Mental Retardation Program Trends and Innovations, with Recommendations on Residential Care, Manpower, and Deprivation
66 October 21, 1968 “We Must Save Our Schools” by Hon. Jamie L. Whitten. In Congressional Record
67 December 12 1968 “Report of the National Advisory Commission on Health Facilities”
68 December 27, 1968 “Financing Care of Mentally Ill Under Medicare and Medicaid”
69 December 28, 1968 Personnel Qualifications for Medicare Personnel
70 December 28, 1968 “Feasibility Study on Preventive Services and Health Education for Medicare Recipients”
71 December 31, 1968 “Annual Report on the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (P.L. 89-755) for Fiscal Year 1968”
72 December 28, 1968 “Independent Practitioners Under Medicare”
73 January, 1969 “Benefits Under Significant Legislation Enacted During the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson”
74 January, 1969 “Toward a Long-Range Plan for Federal Financial Support for Higher Education”
75 January, 1969 “The Role of Public Welfare in Housing”
76 January 2, 1969 “Annual Report of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program”
77 January 2, 1969 “Recommendations of the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine”
78 January 3, 1969 “Health Insurance for the Disabled Under Social Security (Report of the Advisory Council on Health Insurance for the Disabled. 1969)”
79 January 9, 1969 “The Retirement Test Under the Social Security Program”
80 January 10, 1969 “Task Force on Prescription Drugs - Fifth Interim Report”
81 January 13, 1969 “The Demand for Personnel and Training in the Field of Aging (October 1, 1968)”
82 January 14, 1969 “The Drug Prescribers - Task Force on Prescription Drugs”
83 January 14, 1969 “Current American and Foreign Programs - Task Force on Prescription Drugs”
84 January 14, 1969 “The Drug Makers and the Drug Distributors - Task Force on Prescription Drugs”
85 January 14, 1969 “Task Force on Prescription Drugs - Third Interim Report”
86 January 16, 1969 “Toward a Social Report”
87 January 17, 1969 “Annual Report of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare” Fiscal Year 1968 Secretary's Introduction
88 January 17, 1969 Second Report of the Secretary of HEW, “Progress in the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution”

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