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Title: Joseph Helfert Papers, 1917, 1940-1946

Creator: Helfert, Joseph, 1894-1973
Quantity: 1.2 c.f. (3 archives boxes); plus additions of 0.6 c.f. and 13 photographs
Call Number: Mss 559; M81-393; PH Mss 559
Abstract: Papers of Joseph Helfert, the editor of the Beaver Dam (Wisconsin) Daily Citizen and active participant in the civic and religious life of his community. The collection includes letters, postcards, clippings, and V-Mail sent to Helfert and his wife by Beaver Dam servicemen during World War II for sharing with the community. The correspondents document how the soldiers felt about army life and include information on officers and enlisted men, basic training and overseas duty in Europe and the Pacific, and the soldiers’ religious activities, promotions, jobs, units, and bases where stationed. The collection also includes material from the American Newspaper Publishers Association and the offices of censorship and war information dealing with propaganda and the code of wartime practices for the press.