Progressive, Inc. Records, 1940-2001

Summary Information
Title: Progressive, Inc. Records
Inclusive Dates: 1940-2001

  • Progressive, Inc.
Call Number: Micro 644; MCHC79-003; MCHC80-016; MCHC80-062; M85-047; M90-178; M98-036; M2007-088

Quantity: 96 reels of microfilm (35mm); plus additions of 18.7 c.f.

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Records of the non-stock corporation which publishes The Progressive magazine, documenting its publishing history and the magazine's support of progressive causes, including civil rights, civil liberties, environmental topics, and opposition to U.S. involvement in Vietnam and Latin America. Included are extensive files of correspondence, particularly during editor Morris H. Rubin's tenure (1940-1973), smaller files of reorganizational, circulation, promotional material, a small number of manuscript articles, and other materials.

Language: English

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The Progressive, Inc., is a non-stock corporation based in Madison, Wisconsin, which publishes The Progressive, an independent monthly magazine of fact and opinion. The Progressive traces its origins to La Follette's Weekly Magazine, which was first published on January 9, 1909, by Senator Robert M. La Follette, Sr. Taking its editorial inspiration from the national progressive movement and the muckraking journalistic tradition, the publication declared that it was a magazine of progress “social, intellectual, and institutional” and pledged itself to be guided by the necessity for enlarging economic democracy and making government more responsive to the will of the people. Through its long history, the magazine has remained faithful to that pledge.

Although Senator La Follette's name appeared on the masthead as editor, the actual work was done by Herbert Quick, associate editor; Frederick MacKenzie, managing editor; Caroline Louise Hunt; and the senator's wife Belle Case La Follette. Early issues carried articles on the progressives' political achievements and philosophy, and the magazine soon attracted a national circulation and a list of contributors that included many prominent individuals. In this respect The Progressive has also remained true to its early history. Over the years, its pages have carried articles by Jane Addams, Louis Brandeis, William Jennings Bryan, Ralph Bunche, Clarence Darrow, William O. Douglas, John Kenneth Galbraith, Helen Kellar, Jack London, Reinhold Niebuhr, Theodore Roosevelt, Carl Sandburg, Lincoln Steffens, Adlai Stevenson, and Norman Thomas.

Despite its advocacy of national progressivism, advancement of La Follette's political career was an underlying factor in the magazine's establishment. During the presidential campaign of 1912, when personal and partisan rivalries split the progressives, the magazine became more openly the senator's personal organ. Later La Follette's Magazine echoed the senator's isolationist position during World War I and as a result shrank both in size and influence. Some of its former reputation was regained in the post-war period, but after La Follette's death in 1925, it declined again. The magazine's content, which was by then edited by Mrs. La Follette, was largely dominated by Wisconsin politics.

In 1929 the La Follette family merged its declining editorial interests with those of William T. Evjue, editor of the Madison Capital Times, to form the Progressive Publishing Company. On December 7, 1929, a new publication - a weekly newspaper entitled The Progressive - first appeared on the newstands. During the first decade of its existence The Progressive, which was edited by Evjue, was virtually a weekly version of the Capital Times. The paper was generally favorable to the New Deal, but as differences over national foreign policy split Evjue and the La Follettes during the latter part of the 1930s, the editorial columns displayed a noticeable schizophrenia. This ended in 1940 when the isolationist La Follettes purchased full control of the paper. They hired Morris H. Rubin, a journalist active in Wisconsin progressive circles, as the new editor.

Under Rubin's direction The Progressive broadened its scope, added new departments, and attracted distinguished contributors. But Rubin's efforts could not stay the combined impact of post-war inflation, rising publication costs, and the dissolution of the Wisconsin Progressive Party in 1946. In October, 1947, the Progressive Publishing Company suspended publication.

Fortunately the subscribers responded to Rubin's plea for support with sufficient pledges to capitalize a new, independent, publishing corporation, The Progressive, Inc. The board of directors, which consisted of Gordon Sinykin (president), Morris Rubin (vice-president), and Mary Sheridan Rubin (secretary), held full editorial control and ownership; the membership of the corporation consisted of the subscribers, although they had no voting rights. In January, 1948, the corporation began publishing a new Progressive, a monthly magazine. The revitalized publication was a strong supporter of internationalism and generally left-of-center on domestic issues. Over the years it won a loyal national following among both its subscribers and contributors, and its influence in intellectual and political circles was far greater than its moderate circulation might indicate. During the 1950s The Progressive was one of a network of liberal publications which led the opposition to Senator Joseph McCarthy. In 1954 it devoted an entire issue, McCarthy: A Documented Record, to an examination of McCarthy and McCarthyism. The issue, which gained wide circulation, won the 1954 Sidney Hillman award for distinguished journalism and public service.

Later the magazine was a strong supporter of the civil rights movement, capping its advocacy with a special issue in 1962 in commemoration of the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation to which President John F. Kennedy contributed. Other politically oriented special issues included the environment (published as The Crisis of Survival in 1970), an examination of the influence of the Pentagon, the U.S.S.R., and Latin America. Written entirely by Rubin, this issue won the George Polk Memorial Award for outstanding foreign correspondence in 1961. The Progressive was also active in presidential politics, giving strong support to Norman Thomas in 1948 and Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and 1956. In 1968 The Progressive, whose opposition to the war in Vietnam was evident as early in 1962, was the first national publication to endorse the candidacy of Eugene McCarthy.

Morris Rubin retired as editor in September, 1973, and was succeeded by Erwin Knoll, who had formerly been The Progressive's Washington editor.


Morris H. Rubin, whose editorial abilities and concerns had a profound influence on The Progressive for over 33 years, was born in New York City on August 14, 1911. He began his career as a journalist while still a high school student in Portland, Maine. In 1934 he graduated from the University of Wisconsin and while earning his degree in political science expanded his journalistic experience with work for The Daily Cardinal, the United Press, the New York Times, and Time magazine. For six years after his graduation he was a political reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal and a correspondent for the Milwaukee Journal and the Portland Evening Express. At the same time Rubin was active in progressive politics, serving as aide to both Governor Philip La Follette and Senator Robert M. La Follette, Jr. In June, 1940, they selected him as editor of The Progressive.

In 1952 Rubin organized the independent Wisconsin Citizens Committee on McCarthy's record, and he edited The McCarthy Record, a lengthy campaign document prepared to oppose the senator's reelection. An expanded version of that report published in The Progressive in 1954 won the Sidney Hillman Award for journalistic excellence. As editor Rubin traveled extensively in Europe, Russia, and Latin America, and described his reactions in various special issues. The issue which dealt with Latin America won the George Polk Memorial Award in 1961.

Rubin was a member of the national committee of the ACLU and founder and first chairman of its Wisconsin chapter. He was also a member of the board of directors of the Americans for Democratic Action and the Governor's Commission on Human Rights and a frequent lecturer for the American Friends Service Committee. Rubin retired as editor of The Progressive in 1973, though his name remained on the masthead as publisher and president of The Progressive, Inc. His retirement is occupied with work on several books.

Arrangement of the Materials

This collection was received in multiple parts from the donor(s) and is organized into 8 major parts. These materials have not been physically interfiled and researchers might need to consult more than one part to locate similar materials.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Original Collection presented by Morris H. Rubin, Madison, Wisconsin, May 5, 1964; February 3, 1965; March 25, 1971; April 22, 1974; and December 8, 1976. With the exception of two boxes of autographs, the originals were returned to Rubin after filming; Additions presented by The Progressive, Madison, Wisconsin. Accession Number: MCHC64-038, MCHC65-009, MCHC71-029, MCHC74-030, MCHC76-110, MCHC79-003, MCHC80-016, MCHC80-062, M85-047, M90-178, M98-036, M2007-088

Processing Information

Original Collection processed by Carolyn J. Mattern, September, 1977.

Contents List
Micro 644
Part 1 (Micro 644): Original Collection, 1940-1973
Physical Description: 96 reels of microfilm (35mm) 
Scope and Content Note

Although the Progressive name appeared on the masthead of both the publication owned by the Progressive Publishing Company (1929-1947) and by The Progressive, Inc. (1947- ), this microfilm edition documents only the publishing history of the latter during the editorship of Morris H. Rubin. Even this coverage is somewhat flawed by the fact that the majority of the files dating from 1947 to 1950 were so water-damaged that they had to be destroyed at the time of their donation to the Historical Society.

The Original Collection is comprised of extensive correspondence files together with a limited quantity of reorganizational, circulation, and promotional material; unfortunately only a small number of manuscript articles are included. Despite these limitations, the collection offers good documentation of The Progressive's editorial history during a period when it functioned as an important force within liberal thought.

A complete run of the magazine is available in the Historical Society's library. In addition, issues from December, 1929 through 1947 are available on microfilm from the Society, and issues dating from 1964 are available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The REORGANIZATIONAL MATERIALS, 1947, consist of a small number of press releases, a preliminary statement of editorial purpose, and the magazine's articles of incorporation. Other than this and a few scattered references within the correspondence files, the collection sheds little light on the transfer of ownership and editorial control in 1947 from the La Follette family to the non-stock corporation owned by the magazine's subscribers.

CORRESPONDENCE, 1947-1973, comprises the largest and most useful portion of the papers. In addition to incoming and outgoing letters, the researcher will find a variety of material including occasional drafts of articles, inter-office memoranda, press releases, and supplementary printed material.

The various types of material within the correspondence files relate to all departments of the magazine. From the editorial department there is extensive correspondence with authors which not only concerns editorial matters but which frequently provides further information on the subject of the particular article. While most of the manuscript articles themselves were apparently destroyed prior to donation, the collection includes appraisals of many articles which were submitted to Rubin by the editorial staff. Also of interest is the reader mail which bears occasional evidence of revision for possible publication in the “People's Forum.” Generally written in reply to published articles, this correspondence provides a valuable insight into the concerns of the liberal public during the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s.

The best guide to the content of the correspondence is the magazine itself. Like The Progressive, the range of topics to be found within the correspondence includes world and national affairs, national politics, economic and social trends, the media, and the arts. In the 1950s Senator McCarthy was an especially prominent topic in the correspondence. During the next decade the civil rights movement and opposition to the Vietnam conflict occupied an increasingly prominent position within Rubin's editorial focus. Although The Progressive was not indexed by any of the standard bibliographic tools during the period documented by this microfilm collection, the magazine published its own author/subject index after 1961.

The majority of the correspondence focuses on concerns relating to publication of The Progressive, but one can find personal correspondence interfiled throughout the section. The majority of the personal references appear within editorial correspondence in which Rubin had developed close relationships with the writers. But there are, in addition, several discrete files such as those of the Wisconsin Citizens Committee on McCarthy's Record (1951, 1952), the American Civil Liberties Union ( passim ), and the American Friends Service Committee ( passim ) which represent Rubin's outside interests.

In general, the arrangement of the correspondence remains what it was in the office of The Progressive. The files are subdivided by year, and within each year are filed alphabetically and then chronologically for each correspondent. Upon occasion the office staff also utilized organizational affiliations for filing some individuals. Frequent insertion on the microfilm of cross-referencing targets directs the researcher in these cases. At other times the strict yearly division was not adhered to if one or two letters which were part of a substantial exchange overlapped into a second year in which there were no other letters.

For a number of individuals and organizations where the material was of sufficient bulk or interest to the editor, The Progressive staff established “special files.” These files, which are specially targeted and interfiled with the regular correspondence, originally contained material from several years, and it was from the post-1950 special files that the only remaining pre-1950 correspondence was reconstructed. In most cases, the special files are arranged according to the last name of the correspondent but there are a few subject files. These special subject files, which are interfiled alphabetically, are:

1949Rubin European Travel
1950Fairchild-for Senate Committee
1950“People's Forum”
1951Wisconsin Citizens' Committee on McCarthy's Record
1952“People's Forum”
1952Wisconsin Citizens' Committee on McCarthy's Record
1953McCarthy Special Issue
1954McCarthy Special Issue
1956Sid Lens Symposium Article
1956Rubin Russian Travel
1956Rubin Speaking Engagement File
1957Middle Eastern Special Issue
1959Militarism in America Special Issue
1959The Progressive 50th Anniversary Special
1959Rubin Speaking Engagement File
1961Academic Symposium
1961Rubin Latin American Travel
1961Rubin Speaking Engagement File
1962Emancipation Proclamation Special Issue
1962Rubin Travel File
1966Mexican-American Article
1968Eugene McCarthy for President Campaign
1968The Progressive
1968Rubin Personal File
1969Pentagon Special Issue
1970Environmental Special
1970Issue Health Special Issue
1972Committee for Diversity of the Press
1972The Progressive
1973Committee for Diversity of the Press
1973Oil Special Issue
1973The Progressive

During processing, the papers were extensively weeded to remove the large amounts of routine correspondence which the magazine received. The majority of these discards derived from the advertising, circulation, and promotion departments. Within the editorial department, the weeded correspondence dealt with book reviewing, reprinting, and evaluation of unsolicited manuscripts. The researcher may be assisted in knowing that the discards equaled the filmed material in bulk.

A lengthy index incorporating prominent correspondents in the areas of politics, government, literature, journalism, education, and labor follows the contents list below. This index does not distinguish between incoming and outgoing mail nor does it make any judgment about the extent or importance of the correspondence; it merely notes the existence of such correspondence.

In the areas of politics and government, Rubin's most frequent correspondents were William Benton, Chester Bowles, O. Edmund Clubb, William O. Douglas, William Fulbright, John Kenneth Galbraith, Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kastenmeier, Estes Kefauver, Leon Kayerling, Herbert Lehman, Robert G. Lewis, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Wayne Morse, Gaylord Nelson, Richard Neuberger, Adlai Stevenson, Joseph Rauh, and Norman Thomas.

In journalism and literature, the most frequent correspondents were Carleton Beals, Henry Beston, Herbert Block, Hal Borland, Kay Boyle, Stuart Chase, Irving Dilliard, Julius Duscha, Murray Kempton, Erwin Knoll, Ann Landers, Robert Lasch, Milton Mayer, Karl E. Meyer, Edward P. Morgan, Wilbur Munnecke, Henry Regnery, Richard Schickel, Howard K. Smith, Laurence Stern, James Warburg, and James Wechsler. Among educators, the frequent correspondents were Arthur Bestor, Richard Current, Robert Hutchins, William Neumann, Russell Nye, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Fred Rodell, and Charles A. Wright. Sidney Lens was Rubin's most frequent correspondent on labor matters.

The PROMOTION AND CIRCULATION MATERIALS, 1940-1973, include analyses of circulation based on geographic area, cost estimates for promotional campaigns, form letters, published reports to the membership, statements of ownership and circulation filed with the U.S. Post Office, and some miscellaneous memoranda and correspondence.

Reel   1
Frame   1
Series: Organizational Material, 1947
Series: Correspondence, 1947-1973
Reel   1
Frame   25
1947, A-Z
Reel   1
Frame   545
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Frame   1
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Frame   312
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Frame   744
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Frame   1
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Frame   468
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Frame   1
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Frame   222
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Reel   20
Frame   1
Reel   20
Frame   571
A-American Cultural Center
Reel   21
American Friends Service Committee-C
Reel   22
Reel   23
Reel   24
Reel   25
Frame   1
Reel   25
Frame   484
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Frame   1
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Frame   277
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Frame   632
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Frame   1
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Frame   271
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Frame   1
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Frame   394
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Frame   1
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Frame   327
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Frame   1
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Frame   400
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Frame   1
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Frame   778
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Frame   798
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Frame   1
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Frame   481
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Frame   1
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Frame   869
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Frame   1
Reel   92
Frame   291
Reel   93
Reel   94
Reel   95
Reel   96
Frame   1
Reel   96
Frame   633
Series: Circulation and Promotional Materials, 1940-1973
Reel   96
Frame   638
Analyses of Distribution, 1952-1970
Reel   96
Frame   648
Cost Analyses, 1958-1973
Reel   96
Frame   732
Form Letters, 1949-1973
Reel   96
Frame   1068
Reports to Membership, 1954-1973
Reel   96
Frame   1084
Statements of Ownership, 1940-1971
Reel   96
Frame   1125
Miscellany, 1950-1973
Part 2 (MCHC79-003): Additions, 1974
Physical Description: 2.6 c.f. (2 record center cartons and 2 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note: Miscellaneous files.
Part 3 (MCHC80-016): Additions, 1975
Physical Description: 2.0 c.f. (2 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence.
Part 4 (MCHC80-062): Additions, undated
Physical Description: 0.1 c.f. (1 folder) 
Scope and Content Note: Materials which were originally separated from the Progressive collection as part of the ACLU and WCLU materials.
Part 5 (M85-047): Additions, 1977-1984
Physical Description: 6.0 c.f. (6 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence, subject files, manuscripts and drawings, and applications for employment.
Part 6 (M90-178): Additions, 1985
Physical Description: 3.0 c.f. (3 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1985, of The Progressive magazine’s alphabetical editorial files.
Part 7 (M98-036): Additions, 1986-1994
Physical Description: 2.0 c.f. (2 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1986-1994, including editorial correspondence (1987, 1989, 1991, and 1993-1994), and a file about Progressive educational activities (1986).
Series: Editorial Correspondence
Box   1
Folder   1
, 1987 Sid Lens Appeal
Box   1
Folder   2-7
Box   1
Folder   8
Box   1
Folder   9-10
Box   1
Folder   11-12
Polsgrove, Carol (1981-1991)
Box   1
Folder   13-16
Box   1
Folder   17
Prisoner Correspondence
Box   1
Folder   18-21
Box   2
Folder   1-4
Box   2
Folder   5
McReynolds, David (1990-1993)
Box   2
Folder   6-9
Box   2
Folder   10
Prisoner Letters
Box   2
Folder   11-12
Box   2
Folder   13
Davidson, Ann Morrisett (1981-1994)
Box   2
Folder   14
Box   2
Folder   15
Dreifus, Claudia (1986-1994)
Box   2
Folder   16-21
Box   2
Folder   22
Prisoner Letters
Box   2
Folder   23
Series: Progressive Educational Activities, 1986
Part 8 (M2007-088): Additions, 1989-2001
Physical Description: 3.0 c.f. (3 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1989-2001, including editorial correspondence (1998, 2001), plus correspondence with prisoners (1998, 2001) and records documenting television appearances and speeches by editor Matt Rothschild.
Editorial correspondence
Box   1
Folder   1-20
Box   2
Folder   1-16
2001, A-R
Box   3
Folder   1-6
2001, S-Z
Box   3
Folder   7-8
Buell, John, correspondence
Box   3
Folder   9
Calendar stuff
Box   3
Folder   10
Fact checking
Box   3
Folder   11
Flynn, Patrick J.B.
Box   3
Folder   12
Box   3
Folder   13
Loose correspondence
Box   3
Folder   14-15
Nut file
Prison correspondence
Box   3
Folder   16
Box   3
Folder   17
Rothschild, Matthew
Box   3
Folder   18
Speaking dates
Box   3
Folder   19
Television appearances
Box   3
Folder   20
Travel, 1998
Box   3
Folder   21
Urfer, Bonnie
Box   3
Folder   22
Williamson, Brady
Additional Descriptive Information
Appendix: Index of Prominent Correspondents in the Original Collection
Aaron, Daniel 1958; 1966
Abernathy, Ralph 1960; 1968
Abourezk, James 1971-1973
Abzug, Bella 1972-1973
Agronsky, Martin 1957; 1960
Agnew, Spiro 1970
Aiken, George 1954; 1960; 1964
Albee, George W. 1962
Aldrin, Edwin E., Jr. 1972
Alexander, Clifford 1968
Alexander, Raymond Pace 1968-1971; 1973
Alfango, Dean 1960
Alinski, Saul 1951-1954; 1963; 1970-1971
Allen, Frederick Lewis 1951-1953
Allen, Steve 1964-1965; 1967
Allen, Robert S. 1953
Allen, William R. 1956-1959
Alperovitz, Gar 1958; 1961; 1964; 1967; 1972-1973
Altmeyer, Arthur J. 1949; 1954; 1956-1957
Amlie, Thomas R. 1951-1952; 1954
Anderson, Clinton P. 1949
Anderson, Clifton 1957
Anderson, Don 1955
Aptheker, Herbert 1955; 1963; 1971-1972
Arends, L. C. 1957
Arnold, Thurman 1957; 1961
Asbell, Bernard 1959
Ascoli, Max 1953; 1955
Asimov, Isaac 1964
Ashbrook, John M. 1970
Ashmore, Harry S. 1958
Aspin, Les 1971; 1973
Aspinall, Wayne N. 1963
Arkinson, Brooks 1963
Attlee, Clement 1953
Attwood, William 1967
Atwater, Elton 1954; 1961-1962
Bailyn, Bernard 1957
Baker, Russell W. 1962
Baldwin, James 1962
Baldwin, Roger 1949; 1951; 1954-1955; 1957; 1961
Barbash, Jack 1961-1964
Barkley, Alben W. 1949
Barr, Stringfellow 1952; 1955-1956; 1958-1959; 1966
Barth, Alan 1952; 1954; 1957; 1962
Bayh, Birch 1968; 1970
Beale, Howard 1957
Beals, Carleton 1947-1948; 1951; 1955-1961
Beard, Mary 1952
Bell, Daniel 1955; 1957
Bellow, Saul 1958
Bendiner, Robert 1954-1955; 1966; 1969
Benton, William 1949; 1953-1958; 1967-1969
Berle, A. A. 1958
Berrigan, Philip 1967
Bessie, Simon Michael 1956
Beston, Henry 1948; 1952-1956
Bestor, Arthur 1952-1956; 1958-1961
Bethe, Hans 1959
Bettleheim, Bruno 1964
Biddle, Francis 1953; 1958
Biemiller, Andrew J. 1954; 1960; 1970; 1972
Black, Charles, Jr. 1957-1958
Black, Charles L. 1963
Black, Hugo L. 1949; 1960-1961
Blatnik, John A. 1949; 1956-1959; 1961; 1963
Block, John D. 1958
Block, Herbert 1952-1956; 1962-1964; 1969-1970; 1972
Bogdanovich, Peter 1960
Bohlen, Charles E. 1956
Bohrod, Aaron 1962
Bolinger, Dwight L. 1956-1957; 1959
Bolling, Richard 1961
Bond, Julian 1963-1964
Boorstin, Daniel 1960
Borland, Hal 1957-1958; 1960; 1962-1972
Boulding, Kenneth E. 1958; 1960-1961; 1970-1971
Bowie, Robert R. 1956
Bowles, Chester 1949; 1952-1960; 1962-1964; 1967-1971
Boyle, Kay 1957-1958; 1965-1969; 1971
Bradlee, Benjamin J. 1966; 1973
Bradley, Omar N. 1957-1958
Brandt, Raymond P. 1956-1957
Brinkley, David 1954; 1970
Brockway, George 1957; 1959; 1961; 1962; 1965; 1969; 1973
Broderick, Francis 1957
Brooke, Edward W. 1969
Browder, Robert P. 1955-1956; 1958
Brown, H. Rap 1967
Brzezinski, Zbignew 1962
Buck, Pearl 1959
Buckley, William F. 1956; 1963
Bullis, Harry C. 1954
Bunche, Ralph J. 1949-1950; 1953
Bundy, McGeorge 1952; 1964; 1967
Burdett, Winston 1961
Burdick, Usher L. 1949
Burns, Arthur F. 1953
Burns, James MacGregor 1960-1964; 1971
Buttenweiser, Benjamin J. 1950
Byrd, Harry F. 1953
Cain, Harry P. 1955-1956
Cameron, Norman 1956
Cant, Gilbert 1956
Carlson, John Roy 1954
Carmichael, Stokely 1967
Carstensen, Vernon 1956; 1963
Carter, Hodding 1954
Case, Clifford P. 1956; 1963; 1966; 1970; 1973
Cater, Douglas 1960
Catledge, Turner 1952
Catton, Bruce 1960-1961
Caughey, John W. 1956-1958
Cavett, Dick 1970
Celler, Emanuel 1949; 1959
Cerf, Bennett 1953; 1955; 1960; 1968
Chase, Stuart 1947-1959; 1962; 1968; 1969
Cherney, Leo 1954
Childs, Marquis 1949; 1951-1952; 1960; 1963; 1967
Chisholm, Shirley 1971
Chomsky, Naom 1970
Christman, Henry 1955-1959; 1962
Church, Frank 1958; 1964; 1966-1970; 1973
Church, Marquerite S. 1957
Clapp, Gordon 1949-1951; 1955; 1958
Clapp, Norman 1952-1954; 1956; 1961-1962; 1964
Clark, Joseph S. 1957-1963; 1966-1968
Clark, Kenneth B. 1966-1967; 1973
Cleveland, Harlan 1954; 1957; 1959
Clubb, O. Edmund 1955-1959; 1961-1969; 1971-1972
Clurman, Richard M. 1953-1954
Coffin, Raymond R. 1966-1968
Coffin, Frank M. 1959
Coffin, Tris 1959; 1962
Cohen, Jerome A. 1966
Cohen, Wilbur J. 1961; 1966
Coles, Robert M. 1967-1968
Collingwood, Charles 1953-1954
Collins, LeRoy 1957
Commager, Henry S. 1959; 1962; 1964; 1966; 1972
Commoner, Barry 1969-1970; 1972
Cook, Fred J. 1963
Cooke, Alistair 1954; 1964
Cooke, Morris L. 1958-1959
Cooper, John Sherman 1957-1958; 1970
Cordier, Andrew 1966
Cort, David 1957
Cothran, Tillman 1961
Cousins, Norman 1959
Crabb, Cecil V., Jr. 1963; 1966; 1968
Cranston, Alan 1970-1971; 1973
Crankshaw, Edward 1956
Cronkite, Walter 1961; 1967; 1970-1971
Crosley, John 1954
Curti, Merle 1953; 1957; 1959; 1963; 1970
Curtis, Thomas B. 1960; 1966
Cutlip, Scott 1955; 1959
Dabney, Virginius 1954
Daniel, Clifton 1956
Daniels, Jonathan 1954
Davidon, William C. 1961-1962
Davis, Elmer 1953
Davis, Jerome 1953-1954; 1956-1961; 1963-1967; 1969-1972
Davis, Richard J. 1947-1948
Deakin, James 1964
Dean, John 1964
Dean, Vera Micheles 1962-1964
Dedmon, Emmett 1970
Degler, Carl 1954
Deland, Paul S. 1953
Derleth, August 1957; 1970
Dilliard, Irving 1952-1957; 1963
Dillon, C. Douglas 1961
Dilworth, Richardson 1958
Dingell, John D. 1949; 1957
Dirksen, Everett 1957
Doar, John 1973
Dodd, Thomas J. 1960
Douglas, Helen Gahagan 1949
Douglas, Paul 1950-1954; 1956-1965; 1967-1971; 1973
Douglas, William O. 1952-1964; 1966; 1968-1973
Doyle, James E. 1952-1953; 1955; 1959-1960; 1962-1963; 1967
Drinan, Robert F. 1971; 1973
Duberman, Martin 1966-1967; 1969
Dudman, Richard B. 1963; 1965; 1969
Duffus, R. L. 1958
Dulles, Allen 1956; 1958
Dulles, John Foster 1953
Dungan, Ralph A. 1966
Duscha, Julius 1963-1965; 1969-1972
Eaton, Cyrus S. 1947-1949; 1957-1963; 1970-1973
Eby, Kermit 1953-1961
Eccles, Marriner S. 1949
Edwards, Don 1965; 1968-1969; 1972
Ehrlich, Paul 1970; 1973
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1955
Ekern, Herman 1949
Elliott, William Y. 1951
Engle, Claire 1959-1960; 1963
Epstein, Leon D. 1958; 1961
Ernst, Morris L. 1954
Estabrook, Robert H. 1958
Ethridge, Mark 1954-1955
Evers, Charles 1969
Evins, Joe 1958
Evjue, William T. 1955; 1958
Ezekiel, Mordecai 1954
Fairbank, John 1957
Fairchild, Thomas E., Jr. 1950; 1957; 1963-1964; 1966
Falk, Richard A. 1971
Farmer, James 1954; 1961; 1964; 1967; 1972
Fanning, L. S. 1956; 1958; 1964; 1968-1969
Farrell, James T. 1949
Feinsinger, Nathan 1952; 1954
Fellman, David 1955; 1957-1962; 1964-1969
Ferry, W. H. 1961-1963; 1965-1967; 1971
Fey, Harold C. 1953
Field, Marshall, Jr. 1958
Fischer, John 1954; 1957-1958; 1961
Fischer, George D. 1956-1962; 1964
Fischer, Louis & Markoosha 1947; 1949-1952; 1956-1958; 1967
Fisher, Harold H. 1955
Fisher, Paul L. 1954
Fitch, Robert E. 1957-1959
Fitzpatrick, D. R. 1955
Flanders, Ralph E. 1954
Fleeson, Doris 1954
Foley, Eugene P. 1966
Forand, Aime 1959
Foreman, Clark 1953-1955
Fortas, Abe 1952
Frank, Jerome D. 1966
Frank, John Paul 1952-1953
Franklin, John Hope 1962
Fraser, Don M. 1972-1973
Fred, E. B. 1949; 1954
Frederick, Pauline 1962
Freidel, Frank 1965-1966
Friendly, Fred W. 1954; 1971; 1973
Fritchey, Clayton 1966; 1971-1973
Fromm, Erich 1953; 1955; 1959; 1961-1962; 1973
Fuchs, Lawrence H. 1956
Fulbright, William J. 1949; 1954-1955; 1957; 1959; 1961; 1963; 1966-1971; 1973
Funke, Lewis 1954-1958; 1960-1961; 1964
Furness, Betty 1967
Galbraith, John Kenneth 1953; 1955-1956; 1958-1960; 1963-1973
Galbraith, Virginia Lee 1961
Gardner, John 1968; 1973
Garrison, Lloyd K. 1958
Garroway, David 1954
Gedye, George E. R. 1951-1954; 1961
George, Walter F. 1955
Gerth, Hans 1962
Gertz, Elmer 1957
Gervasi, Frank 1957
Getlein, Frank 1961
Geyer, Georgie Anne 1967-1971
Gibson, Henry 1970-1973
Ginzberg, Ralph 1958-1959; 1962; 1964; 1970
Glazier, Nathan 1952-1954
Goldberg, Arthur J. 1958; 1966-1967
Golden, Harry 1957; 1959; 1962-1964
Goldman, Eric 1955; 1957; 1959; 1961
Goldwater, Barry 1961
Goodell, Charles 1970
Goodsell, James Nelson 1970-1973
Gore, Albert 1961-1963; 1965-1967; 1970; 1972
Gore, Leroy 1955; 1958
Goshko, John 1965
Gould, Jack 1963
Graebner, Walter 1949
Gravel, Michael 1970
Green, Edith 1956; 1964
Green, William 1952
Griswold, Erwin 1957; 1960
Groves, Harold 1953-1954; 1968
Gruening, Ernest 1961; 1963-1973
Guerard, A. 1956
Gunther, John 1959
Halberstam, David 1965; 1973
Hall, Fred 1955
Halleck, Charles 1954
Hamilton, Charles V. 1968
Handlin, Oscar 1954-1958
Hansen, Clifford P. 1973
Harrington, Fred Harvey 1965; 1970
Harrington, Michael 1961-1962
Harris, Fred R. 1968; 1971-1973
Harris, Lewis 1955
Harris, Seymour E. 1953; 1956-1957; 1961; 1964
Harris, Sydney J. 1955; 1959; 1961; 1964
Harrison, Gilbert A. 1953; 1956; 1958; 1961
Harrison, John F. C. 1961
Harsch, Joseph C. 1952-1955
Hart, Moss 1959
Hart, Philip A. 1960; 1962-1965; 1967; 1969-1970; 1973
Hartke, Vance 1966; 1970
Harwood, Richard L. 1952-1955; 1969
Hatcher, Richard G. 1968
Hatfield, Mark 1967-1970
Hayakawa, S. I. 1954; 1956; 1963
Hayden, Thomas 1961-1963; 1971
Heard, Alexander 1954
Hechler, Ken 1959
Heilbroner, Robert 1963; 1967
Heller, Walter W. 1968; 1973
Helstein, Ralph 1955
Hennings, Thomas C., Jr. 1953; 1956; 1960
Henry, E. William 1963
Hentoff, Nat 1963-1965
Hersh, Seymour 1970-1971
Hesseltine, William B. 1949; 1952-1954; 1956; 1958; 1960-1962
Hester, Hugh B. 1957-1959; 1962; 1964-1966; 1969-1973
Hill, Lister 1949; 1954; 1958
Hinshaw, Cecil E. 1952-1953
Hoffman, Hallock 1957-1958
Hoffman, Paul G. 1953
Hofstadter, Richard 1949; 1951-1958; 1960-1961; 1964-1965; 1967
Hoge, James F., Jr. 1970
Holdridge, Herbert C. 1954
Holmes, John Haynes 1947-1955; 1959; 1962
Hook, Sidney 1949
Hoover, J. Edgar 1961-1962
Hoover, John P. 1963
Hoppe, Art 1965; 1970
Hoyt, Palmer 1954; 1956-1957
Hughes, Harold E. 1973
Hull, Merlin 1949; 1952-1953
Humphrey, Hubert H. 1949-1950; 1952-1954; 1956-1967; 1969-1971
Huntington, Samuel P. 1959
Huntley, Chet 1952; 1954; 1967
Hutchins, Robert M. 1949=1955; 1957; 1961
Hutchinson, Paul 1954
Ickes, Harold L. 1950
Ives, Charles P. 1949
Ives, Irving M. 1949
Jackson, Henry M. 1954
Jacobs, Paul 1956-1957; 1966
Janeway, Eliot 1966
Janowitz, Morris 1965
Javits, Jacob K. 1949; 1957; 1961; 1967
Jensen, Merrill 1956; 1958; 1960-1961
Jessup, John K. 1952; 1954
Johnson, Byron L. 1959-1960
Johnson, Edwin C. 1949
Johnson, Haynes 1964-1966; 1968-1971; 1973
Johnson, Lester 1954-1956; 1958-1960; 1962
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1964
Johnson, Mordecai 1952-1953
Johnson, Nicholas 1969; 1971; 1973
Jordan, Barbara 1973
Kalb, Marvin 1957; 1959
Kampelman, Max 1949-1956; 1964-1965; 1967
Kastenmeier, Robert W. 1959-1967; 1969; 1971; 1973
Keating, Kenneth B. 1962
Kefauver, Estes 1949-1950; 1953; 1955-1963
Kegel, Charles H. 1955
Kelly, Walt 1958-1959; 1964-1965; 1969
Kempton, Murray 1954-1962; 1964; 1967-1969
Kennan, George F. 1953-1957; 1967; 1972
Kennedy, Edward M. 1969-1970; 1973
Kennedy, John F. 1953-1954; 1957-1959; 1962
Kennedy, Robert F. 1966-1967
Kent, Carlton 1949; 1958
Kerr, Clark 1958
Keyserling, Leon H. 1949; 1952; 1955; 1957-1964
Kilpatrick, James J. 1973
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 1960; 1962-1964; 1967
Kirchwey, Freda 1952
Kirkpatrick, Clayton 1973
Knoll, Erwin 1960; 1965-1973
Knopf, Alfred A. 1954; 1963; 1966
Kogan, Herman 1954; 1960
Kohler, Walter J. 1955
Kolatch, Myron 1963
Kolko, Gabriel 1955; 1957; 1962; 1964; 1969
Kostelanetz, Richard 1965; 1967; 1969; 1972
Kowalski, Frank 1961
Kristol, Irving 1952
Krock, Arthur 1954
Kuh, Frederick 1961-1962
Kupcinet, Irv 1954; 1956
Kurzman, Dan 1963
La Follette, Bronson 1959
La Follette, Douglas 1969-1971
La Follette, Robert M., Jr. 1947; 1949-1950
Laidler, Harry W. 1958
Laird, Melvin R. 1973
Lambert, Thomas F. 1968
Landers, Ann (see Lederer, Eppie) 1953-1960; 1962; 1967-1970
Lang, Dan 1965; 1969
Langer, William 1949; 1953; 1962
Larson, Arthur 1966; 1969
Lasch, Christopher 1961; 1963-1964; 1967
Lasch, Robert 1953-1958; 1960-1961; 1963-1964; 1966; 1968-1969; 1971-197
Lash, Joseph P. 1954; 1956-1957; 1959-1961; 1963; 1965-1966
Lasky, Victor 1958-1959
Lattimore, Owen 1954
Lawrence, David 1966
Lawrence, William H. 1954
Lehman, Herbert 1953-1954; 1956-1958; 1960; 1963
Leonard, Rodney E. 1961
Lens, Sidney 1951-1961; 1963-1968; 1970-1972
Lerner, Max 1958
Leuchtenburg, William E. 1955
Lewis, Alfred B. 1949; 1955-1959; 1965-1966
Lewis, Anthony 1963
Lewis, Fulton, Jr. 1954
Lewis, John L. 1952; 1958
Lewis, Richard W. B. 1959-1960
Lewis, Robert G. 1952-1960; 1963; 1968; 1969
Lilienthal, David E. 1949; 1953; 1958
Lincoln, Murray D. 1949
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow 1954
Lindsay, John V. 1962-1964; 1968
Lippman, Walter 1958; 1962; 1964
Lipset, Seymour Martin 1960-1961; 1964; 1967
Lisagor, Peter 1970
Lomax, Louis E. 1956; 1962
Long, Russell B. 1964
Lowenstein, Allard K. 1959; 1970
Lowry, W. McNeil 1950-2; 1954
Lubell, Samuel 1952-1955
Lucas, Robert 1954
Lucey, Charles 1954
Lucey, Patrick J. 1961; 1972-1973
Lyford, Joseph P. 1956-1957; 1961
Lynd, Staughton 1966; 1971
MacDonald, Dwight 1955; 1957
MacGregor, Clark 1963
MacLeish, Archibald 1954
MacVane, John 1959; 1957; 1969
Magnuson, Warren G. 1949
Maier, Henry 1959; 1970
Mankiewicz, Frank 1957; 1969
Mann, Arthur 1955-1956
Mannes, Marya 1953
Mansfield, Mike 1960; 1962-1963; 1973
Marin, Luis M. 1961-1962
Marine, Gene 1955-1951; 1961
Marshall, Lenore G. 1953; 1954; 1956
Marshall, Thurgood 1956-1957
Mathias, Charles, Jr. 1972-1973
Matthews, Herbert L. 1961; 1972
Mauldin, Bill 1970
Maverick, Maury 1953
Mayer, Milton 1947-1948; 1950-1960; 1962-1970
Mboya, Tom 1957
McCarthy, Eugene J. 1955; 1960-1961; 1966-1969; 1971; 1973
McCarthy, Joseph 1952
McClellan, John L. 1954
McCloskey, Paul, Jr. 1970-1971
McCormick, Ken 1957-1959
McDonald, John C. 1961
McGill, Ralph 1958
McGovern, George 1957; 1963-1973
McGrath, J. Howard 1949; 1951 -
McKissick, Floyd B. 1966-1967
McKnight, C. A. 1955
McMahon, Brien 1949-1950; 1952
McMillin, Miles 1953-1954; 1958-1960; 1962-1963; 1968; 1970; 1973
McNamara, Pat 1963
McNamara, Robert 1963
McWilliams, Carey 1952-1954; 1958; 1961-1963; 1970
Means, Gardiner 1959-1970
Meany, George 1957
Meier, August 1959; 1963
Meiklejohn, Alexander 1951-1952; 1961
Melman, Seymour 1959; 1963-1964; 1966; 1970
Mendes-France, Pierre 1956
Menninger, Karl 1955; 1958; 1961
Metcalf, Lee 1961-1962; 1964; 1969; 1973
Meyer, Ernest 1947-1948
Meyer, Karl E. 1951-1967; 1969-1971; 1973
Meyer, William H. 1959; 1960
Millikin, William G. 1973
Mills, C. Wright 1958-1959
Mills, Wilbur J. 1971
Minow, Newton N. 1956; 1961-1962
Mintz, Morton 1964-1973
Mitgang, Herbert 1968; 1970-1973
Mondale, Walter F. 1967-1968; 1970-1971; 1973
Monroney, Mike 1953-1954; 1966
Montagu, Ashley 1957; 1971
Montoya, Joseph M. 1970
Morgan, Edward P. 1952-1964; 1966-1967; 1969-1970; 1973
Morgan, Henry 1963
Morgan, John S. 1961
Morgenthau, Hans J. 1953-1955; 1961-1962; 1965
Morris, Walter 1957
Morris, Willia 1970
Morse, Wayne 1949-1954; 1957-1964; 1966; 1968; 1971
Moss, Frank 1960-1961; 1973
Moss, John E. 1960
Mosse, George L. 1959-1961; 1966; 1968; 1973
Moyers, Bill 1968-1969
Moynihan, Daniel P. 1961; 1963
Mundt, Karl E. 1949
Munnecke, Wilbur C. 1951; 1953-1965; 1967-1968; 1970-1971; 1973
Murray, David 1967
Murray, James E. 1949-1951; 1957; 1959
Murrow, Edward R. 1951; 1953-1954; 1956-1957; 1959; 1961
Muskie, Edmund 1969-1971
Myrdal, Gunnar 1962
Nader, Ralph 1960; 1966-1972
Nathan, Robert R. 1954
Neal, Fred Watner 1967; 1969; 1971
Nelson, Gaylord A. 1958; 1962-1964; 1967-1971
Neuberger, Richard L. & Maurine 1947-1963
Neumann, William 1949-1967
Nevins, Allen 1954; 1958; 1962
Newman, Edwin 1965-1967; 1969
Niebuhr, Reinhold 1955-1958
Nossiter, Bernard 1962; 1964-1965; 1970
Nunn, Henry L. 1959
Nye, Russel B. 1952-1970; 1972
Oakes, John B. 1954; 1964; 1969
O'Connor, Harvey 1955; 1957
Odum, Howard W. 1954
O'Hare, Barratt 1957
O'Hare, Madalyn Murray 1963-1964
O'Keefe, Georgia 1973
Olds, Leland 1949; 1954
O'Mahoney, Joseph C. 1950-1951
O'Neill, Thomas P. 1973
Oppenheimer, Robert 1958; 1961
Osgood, Charles E. 1962-1963
Otto, Max 1952-1954; 1957-1959; 1964
Packwood, Robert 1970
Paley, William 1954
Pastore, John O. 1965; 1972
Patman, Wright 1962; 1967
Patton, James G. 1950-1951; 1954; 1957; 1965
Pauling, Linus 1959; 1961; 1964
Pearson, Drew 1954
Pearson, Lester 1957-1958
Pechman, Joseph A. 1967
Pell, Claiborne 1961; 1963-1964; 1966
Peltason, J. W. 1966
Pepper, Claude 1949
Percy, Charles 1970
Perlman, Selig 1956-1957
Peterson, Esther 1966-1967
Phelan, John L. 1965
Philbrick, Herbert A. 1952
Phillips, Cabell 1954
Polk, William R. 1967
Pope, James P. 1958
Porter, Charles O. 1960
Potts, J. Manning 1956
Proxmire, William 1952; 1957-1961; 1964; 1967; 1969; 1972-1973
Quarles, Benjamin 1962
Randolph, A. Philip 1949; 1956; 1962; 1964
Rankin, Jeannette 1971
Raskin, A. H. 1962; 1964; 1966
Raskin, Marcus 1969; 1971
Rather, Dan 1970-1972
Rauh, Joseph L., Jr. 1952: 1954-1962; 1964-1968; 1971-1972
Raushenbush, Elizabeth 1954
Reed, Clyde M. 1949
Regnery, Henry 1947-1951;. 1953-1954; 1959; 1962; 1964
Reid, Helen Rogers 1954
Reid, Ogden R. 1969-1970
Reischauer, Edwin O. 1957-1967
Reston, James 1955-1959; 1963; 1965
Reuss, Henry S. 1956-1970
Reuther, Victor G. 1967
Reuther, Walter P. 1947; 1950; 1953-1954; 1958-1959; 1961; 1963; 1966
Reynolds, John W. 1964
Rich, William G. 1953; 1957; 1962; 1965; 1968; 1973
Rickover, Hiram G. 1963
Riesman, David 1952; 1955-1956; 1958-1959; 1961-1964
Riggs, Robert L. 1954-1960; 1962-1963
Risser, Fred E., Jr. 1957
Rivlin, Alice 1969-1970; 1973
Roberts, Chalmers 1957
Robinson, James 1959; 1960; 1962
Rodale, J. I. 1955; 1960
Rodell, Fred 1947-1957; 1959-1962; 1965
Rogers, William D. 1954
Roosevelt, Eleanor 1953; 1957
Roosevelt, James 1957
Roper, Elmo 1962
Rosenthal, Abe 1973
Rosenthal, Benjamin S. 1963; 1969
Ross, Irwin 1953-1955; 1962-1963; 1967; 1971
Rossiter, Clinton 1957; 1959
Rovere, Richard 1952-1960; 1962; 1966; 1968
Rowan, Carl T. 1955; 1969; 1972
Royko, Mike 1971
Rubicoff, Abraham 1969
Rubin, Jerry 1960; 1965
Ruckelshaus, William 1973
Rundquist, George F. 1951-1956
Russell, Bertrand 1963-1965
Rustin, Bayard 1952-1956; 1960-1962; 1965
Ryan, T. Kenneth 1957
Ryan, William Fitts 1962; 1969
Safer, Morley 1966
Salant, Richard S. 1970; 1973
Salinger, Pierre 1961-1962
Salisbury, Harrison 1956-1959; 1961-1962; 1965-1970
Salow, Martin 1954
Sandburg, Carl 1952; 1962
Savelle, Max 1955; 1963
Saxbe, William B. 1970
Scali, John 1967
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. 1952-1964; 1966-1969; 1971-1972
Scheuer, James H. 1967
Schickel, Richard 1957-1970; 1972
Schorr, Dan 1956-1958; 1970
Schrag, Peter 1963; 1966
Sevareid, Eric 1952-1954; 1959; 1966-1968; 1970
Shafer, Boyd C. 1952-1953
Shannon, David 1958-1959; 1969-1970
Shannon, William V. 1952-1964; 1967
Shapiro, Henry 1958
Sheil, Bernard J. 1954
Shelton, Willard S. 1952-1953
Shields, Currin V. 1954-1958; 1961.
Shirer, William L. 1967; 1971
Shriver, Sargent 1967
Simpson, R. Smith 1967
Sinclair, Upton 1952; 1962
Sirhan, Sirhan 1970
Skillin, Edward 1957; 1960; 1971-1972
Sklar, Robert 1964-1968
Smith, Howard K. 1951-1953; 1956; 1961-1962; 1964
Smith, Huston 1956
Smith, Lillian 1956-1957; 1959; 1962-1963; 1965
Smith, Louis 1956
Smith, Margaret Chase 1950-1951; 1954; 1969
Snow, Edgar 1958
Somers, Herman M. 1965
Sorenson, Theodore G. 1951; 1957-1959; 1964
Sparkman, John 1949; 1953-1954; 1958
Spingarn, Arthur B. 1956
Spivak, Lawrence E. 1949-1950
Spock, Benjamin 1972
Stanton, Frank 1970
Starr, Mark 1949; 1957-1959
Steinem, Gloria 1972
Stern, Laurence 1962-1971; 1973
Stern, Philip M. 1962; 1971-1972
Stern, T. Noel 1953; 1956; 1967
Stevenson, Adlai E., Jr. 1952-1956; 1958; 1960; 1962-1963
Stevenson, Adlai E., III 1973
Stokes, Carl B. 1968
Stokes, Dillard 1953
Stokes, Thomas L. 1954
Stone, I. F. 1958-1959; 1961-1966; 1970-1971
Stone, Shepard 1954
Straight, Michael 1953-1954
Stratton, Owen 1954-1958
Strout, Richard L. 1959; 1961; 1967
Sulzberger, Arthur H. 1954
Susskind, David 1959; 1963
Swiden, Joseph C. 1962; 1965
Symington, Stuart 1969
Szulk, Tad 1962-1963; 1966-1967
Taft, Robert A. 1949; 1951
Taylor, Harold 1953; 1955; 1958; 1961-1963
Taylor, Hugh 1956
Taylor, Paul S. 1962-1963
Taylor, Telford 1955
Thant, U 1962-1963; 1967; 1970-1973
Thomas, Elbert D. 1949
Thomas, Norman 1947-1962; 1964-1965; 1968
Thompson, Dorothy 1951
Thompson, Frank, Jr. 1958
Thomson, Vernon W. 1958; 1963
Townsend, Edward T. 1967
Truax, R. H. 1953
Truman, Harry 1949; 1954; 1957-1959
Tugwell, Rexford 1949
Tydings, Joseph 1965; 1967; 1970
Tydings, Millard 1953-1954
Udall, Morris 1969; 1972-1973
Udall, Stewart 1972
Ulmer, Melville J. 1967
Urey, Harold C. 1961
Utley, Freda 1949
Van Buren, Abigail (see Phillips, Mrs. Morton) 1958
Van Deerlin, Lionel 1963
Vandenberg, Arthur H. 1949-1950
Viereck, Peter 1953; 1956
Villard, Oswald G. 1947-1948
von Hoffman, Nicholas 1955; 1969; 1972-1973
Voorhis, Jerry 1949-1951; 1953-1955; 1957-1958; 1961; 1970-1973
Wade, Richard C. 1966
Wagner, Aubrey J. 1962-1963
Wald, George 1970-1971
Wallace, DeWitt 1947; 1957; 1959; 1961; 1963; 1966
Wallace, Henry A. 1948; 1955
Warburg, James P. 1951-1962; 1965-1966
Warren, Earl 1952; 1954-1955; 1963
Warren, Robert Penn 1958; 1962
Waskow, Arthur I. 1962-1965; 1967-1970
Watkins, Arthur V. 1954
Wechsler, James A. 1947; 1949-1970; 1972-1973
Weeks, Edward A. 1955
Weeks, Willet 1954-1955
Wehrwein, Austin 1953; 1964-1966; 1970-1971; 1973
Welch, Joseph N. 1957
Welch, Robert 1969
Werner, Alfred 1953-1959; 1961-1973
Wheery, Kenneth S. 1949
White, Theodore H. 1962
White, Walter 1954
Wickard, Claude R. 1949
Wicker, Tom 1967-1968; 1973
Wiebe, Robert 1961; 1967-1968
Wiggins, James R. 1954-1955
Wiley, Alexander 1954; 1957
Wilkins, Roy 1956-1960; 1967
Williams, G. Mennen 1953; 1961-1963
Williams, Harrison A. 1961; 1963; 1965
Williams, John J. 1954
Williams, T. Harry 1965
Williams, William A. 1954; 1956; 1961; 1964
Wilson, Charles E. 1954
Wirtz, W. Willard 1955; 1961; 1963
Woodhouse, Chase G. 1949; 1961
Woodward, C. Vann 1959; 1962; 1964
Wright, Charles A. 1952-1960; 1963-1964; 1966-1971
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1958
Yarborough, Ralph 1959; 1965; 1966; 1970
Yarmolinsky, Adam 1961
Young, Stephen M. 1960-1962; 1967; 1969-1972
Zablocki, Clement 1959
Zeidler, Frank P. 1955-1956; 1959
Zinn, Howard 1957

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