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Title: Progressive, Inc. Records, 1940-2001

Creator: Progressive, Inc.
Quantity: 96 reels of microfilm (35mm); plus additions of 18.7 c.f.
Call Number: Micro 644; MCHC79-003; MCHC80-016; MCHC80-062; M85-047; M90-178; M98-036; M2007-088
Abstract: Records of the non-stock corporation which publishes The Progressive magazine, documenting its publishing history and the magazine's support of progressive causes, including civil rights, civil liberties, environmental topics, and opposition to U.S. involvement in Vietnam and Latin America. Included are extensive files of correspondence, particularly during editor Morris H. Rubin's tenure (1940-1973), smaller files of reorganizational, circulation, promotional material, a small number of manuscript articles, and other materials.

Contents List
Part 1 (Micro 644): Original Collection, 1940-1973   subfonds
• ... Contents List Micro 644 ...