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Title: Fox Valley Water Quality Planning Agency Records, 1976-1984

Creator: Fox Valley Water Quality Planning Agency
Quantity: 4.0 c.f. (3 record center cartons and 3 archives boxes)
Call Number: M90-083; M2012-101
Abstract: Records compiled by William Nelson and Jack Jaynes, employees of Green Bay Packaging Corporation (Wisconsin) and industrial members of the Fox Valley Water Quality Planning Agency’s Industry Rivers Study Committee (IRSC). The Agency, funded by the federal government and five counties along the Fox River, was established in response to the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act. Industrial members of the Agency included most of the major paper companies in Wisconsin. The IRSC collected a variety of data on the river and developed models concerning wasteload allocation and pollution control. Included are minutes of committee meetings, notes taken at meetings, correspondence, memos, newsletters, reports, technical data, presentations to the Natural Resources Board, clippings, and proposals.

Contents List
Part 2 (M2012-101): Additions, 1976-1984   subfonds
• ... M2012-101 ...