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Title: Philip H. Falk Papers, 1930-1982

Creator: Falk, Philip H., 1897-1986
Quantity: 5.4 c.f. and 1 folder of photographs
Call Number: M80-324; M87-357
Abstract: Papers of Philip H. Falk, a Lake Mills, Wisconsin native who attended the University of Wisconsin (Ph.D., 1935) and was superintendent of schools in Lake Mills (1929-1936), Waukesha (1938), and Madison (1939-1963). Included are materials concerning his professional activities and his activities after retirement, mainly as director of the Wisconsin-Nicaragua Partners of the Americas (1965-1983), and as chairman and member of the Madison Redevelopment Authority (1963-1973), which carried out the Triangle and other neighborhood renewal projects.

Contents List
Part 2 (M87-357): Additions, 1930-1982   subfonds
• ... M87-357 ...