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Title: Rick Phelps Papers, 1946-2000

Creator: Phelps, Rick
Quantity: 17.4 c.f., 71 photographs, 21 tape recordings, and 76 videorecordings
Call Number: M2004-009; M2008-106; Audio 1682A
Abstract: Papers of Richard J. (Rick) Phelps, a Wisconsin native, documenting his positions in public service and advocacy for social and legal justice for youth. These positions include Executive Secretary of the Governor’s Advocacy Committee for Children and Youth, a citizen’s committee to address public policy affecting families (1974-1975); head of the Office of the Wisconsin State Public Defender, a cabinet level agency (1983-1988); Dane County (Wisconsin) Executive (1988-1997); and founder and Executive Director of the Youth and Policy Law Center Inc., focusing on social and legal justice for children and at-risk families (1976-1983). Files also document his unsuccessful campaign in the 1989 primary for the 2nd Congressional District seat, and his instrumental role in the formation and passage of a major revision in the Wisconsin Children’s Code, Assembly Bill 874.