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Title: UW-Milwaukee Graduate Faculty Council Records, 1947-2015

Creator: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Graduate Faculty Council
Quantity: 10 cubic ft. (12 boxes); 2,382 digital files (716 MB)
Call Number: UWM Archival Collection 83
Abstract: The collection contains numbered documents, correspondence, and minutes of the Graduate Faculty Council largely documenting program reviews, reports, recommendations, changes, and proposals for new graduate programs. Pre-1956 Graduate Council materials concern graduate work at the Milwaukee State Teachers College and at the Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee (UWM predecessor institutions). Also included in the collection are minutes of Graduate Faculty Council subcommittees, including the Program Committee, the Committee on Reviews, and the Ad Hoc Committee for Distinguished Title Prefix.

Contents List
Records, 1947-2015   otherlevel
1. Committee Minutes, 1947-2015   series
• ...files (716 MB) 1. ...