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Title: La Crosse Dubna Friendship Association, Inc. Records

: 1982-2007

Creator: La Crosse Dubna Friendship Association, Inc.
Quantity: 2.8 cubic feetPhysical Description: 6 archives boxes, 1 flat box
Unique Identifier: MSS 064
Abstract: Records of the La Crosse Dubna Friendship Association, Inc., Sister City program which document humanitarian, educational, cultural, economic, and other ties between La Crosse, Wisconsin, and its sister city Dubna, Russia, located near Moscow. Records include history materials made up of an essay entitled “Reflections on a Sister-City Odyssey: La Crosse and Dubna” by Charles E. Hanson (2001), newspaper articles and clippings (1992-2004), materials on David Bell (1990-2003), and a book about Dubna written in Russian. Administrative materials include board of director minutes (2005), board and membership lists (1993- ), board meeting minutes and annual reports (1992-1996), correspondence (2004), financial reports (1994-1995), press releases and protocols (1991-1994), and newsletters (1990-1997). Programs include information on founding a Business College (1991-1992), Hands Across the Heartlands (1993-1995), Health partnerships (1992-2002), Municipal exchanges, Teacher exchanges, Veterans exchanges, and Russia Week (1996). Youth programs/exchanges include materials on Pioneer Camp (1991), Student exchange programs (1992-1994), and a thematic exchange called “Ecology of Big Waters” (1993-1994). Memorabilia includes a commemorative plate from Dubna, a decorative painted spoon, and a USAID Volunteer Award.

Contents List
Youth Programs and Exchanges   series
• ...5: Youth Programs ...