Sarah Filzen Papers, 1996-1997


Cuca Records, once located in Sauk City, Wisconsin, was founded by James Kirchstein in 1959 and actively produced LP recordings until the early 1970s. Cuca recorded and released primarily polka and ethnic music, though the label also issued pop, rhythm and blues, folk, and traditional jazz music.

Paramount Records, once located in Port Washington, Wisconsin, was established in 1917. While Paramount's earliest releases were mainly white ethnic recordings, in the early 1920s Paramount entered the "race records" market, recording music, such as blues and gospel, directed towards a black audience. Paramount issued its final record in 1932. In the late 1940s Milwaukeean John Steiner bought what was left of Paramount's inventory.

The Park People is a citizen advocacy group for all Milwaukee County Parks, promoting stewardship activities, educational programs, and restoration of green spaces and park facilities

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