Kellman Family Papers and Photographs,


Vilas Alfred Kellman was born on December 7, 1893 in Galesville, Wisconsin. He worked in his grandfather's hardware store prior to his enlistment in the Army on June 15, 1918. Vilas trained at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky before being sent to Newport News, Virginia in preparation for overseas deployment. He departed for France on November 11, 1918 and arrived in Europe to serve as part of the occupation force. Vilas was attached to the Headquarters Department of the 62nd Field Artillery Brigade and was stationed in Europe for six months. After his discharge on April 16, 1919, Vilas returned to Galesville where he worked in the insurance business with his two brothers, Forrest and Norris. He eventually became the postmaster in Galesville, but later moved to Madison, Wisconsin to work for the State Office Building Commission. Vilas died in Madison in 1966.

Forrest Thompson Kellman was born on March 9, 1897 in Galesville, Wisconsin. He enlisted in the Army on August 14, 1918 and was stationed in Indianapolis with the Students' Army Training Corps. While in Indianapolis, he was stationed at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and trained as a mechanic. After his discharge on December 8, 1918, Forrest returned to Galesville and became an insurance salesman. He eventually moved to Madison where he worked for the Office of Assembly Chief Clerks. Forrest married Gertrude Bartlett in 1924 and had a son named William Kellman. Forrest died in Madison in 1968.

Norris John Kellman was born on October 23, 1898 in Galesville, Wisconsin. He enlisted in the Army on August 16, 1918 and was trained as an officer at College Station, Texas. He was commissioned as the youngest lieutenant later that same year, but was never attached to a specific unit. After he was discharged on December 23, 1918, he returned to Galesville and enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Norris became an insurance salesman after graduation and became an active member in the Republican Party. He also served as the Sergeant at Arms for the State Assembly for 26 years. During World War II, he sought a commission as a lieutenant in the Army, but was ultimately denied due to his age. Norris married Lucille White in 1941 and died in Madison in 1993.

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