Earl O. Ganzow Papers and Photographs,

Scope and Content Note

The Old Abe papers are divided into three series: Biographical, Wisconsin Veterans Museum, and Still Images.

Biographical (1880-1990) contains background and historical information about Old Abe. There are both published and non-published accounts. Most of the published accounts are factual or reminiscences of the bird, however three of particular note are those of Brownell's, Bradish's, and Lindop's which are aimed at children.

Historical materials include a history of the eagle compiled from the meeting minutes of Grand Army of the Republic Post No. 52, the Eagle Post. Some of the information seems to have been taken from newspaper accounts. There are also reminiscences from descendants of the McCann family. Of interest is a letter certifying a feather as having come from Abe and a letter from the 101st Airborne Division (who used the eagle as their mascot) asking for information about the eagle.

An educational film strip featuring historical photographs and press information about its release is found as is a video of the dedication of a monument to Old Abe at Jim Falls, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Veterans Museum (1864-1988) materials primarily include information about the preparation of Dr. Richard Zeitlin's Old Abe the War Eagle: a True Story of the Civil War and Reconstruction. The work was a joint publication of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and was published in 1986.

Correspondence about the project spans the research and publication of the work. It deals with the development for a book idea, interaction between the two state agencies, preliminary research inquiries, and publication information. Of interest is publicity-related correspondence including a letter from Walt Disney Pictures and the Silver Eagle Penman.

Photo orders show the research in locating images and the process of choosing what photographs were included in the book. Research files describe specific aspects of the Old Abe story and that of the 8th Wisconsin. Of interest are Zeitlin's research note cards containing information from both published and manuscript sources. Researchers should note that these have been alphabetized by source to assist in finding specific information. An extensive bibliography of published sources is also included. There is also a 1st, 2nd, and final draft of the book documenting the process of book production.

Still images include images of Old Abe individually, perched on items such as a cannon, flag shield, and traditional wooden perch. Of particular interest is an image of Old Abe that has a bite mark "autograph." The CDV was held up to Old Abe's beak until he bit it, leaving an "autograph." Another interesting image is of Old Abe and his handler, John F. Hill, taken during the Philadelphia Exposition. There are also thee charcoal drawings of Old Abe and a 1905 poster done by J. H. Tiff. Also included is a magnificent color J. I. Case advertising poster featuring Abe.

The Borrell Print Collection consists of a variety of Old Abe portraits. There are also two images of an eagle (which does not seem to be Old Abe) with troops, stereoviews, relics like feathers, and prints of Old Abe books. The W.V.M. does not hold title to these images. Researchers must credit

The W.V.M. Book Project images are samples of the images that appeared in Zeitlin's book. Researchers should know that these images are arranged by book page number and they will need to refer to the page in the book for information about the image. The W.V.M. does not hold title to these images. Therefore, researchers must contact the institution holding the original image for reproduction permission and information.

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