“Year of Challenge” Film, 1958

Contents List

Container Title
The Year Begins
Scope and Content Note

News: Footage of the launching of Jupiter C (America's first satellite) and the Navy's Vanguard satellite; the merger of Eqypt and Syria in the United Arab Republic; leader Nicolai Bulganin is replaced by Nikita Khrushchev as USSR premier; the USSR pact with China.

Personalities: John Diefenbaker, Canada's Conservative Party prime minister, calls for a general election and wins; former Harvard Student Aga Kahn assumes leadership of Pakistan; Muslims throughout the world; Elvis Presley joins the Army; Jayne Mansfield marries former Mr. Universe, Mickey Hargitay.

Sports: World skiing championships in Austria--Tony Sandler retains world title; the horse Silky Sullivan comes from 20 lengths to win the Santa Anita Handicap.

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News: Burial of the Unknown Soldiers from Korea and World War II at Arlington Cemetery--President Eisenhower speaks and gives two honorary medals; Charles de Gaulle comes out of retirement to become the new Premier of France; Alaska is officially declared the 49th state; tornado footage with improved warning system; Wright Brothers Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, marks the 55th anniversary of flight; first U.S. jetliner received and promises to revolutionize air travel; World's Fair in Brussels, Belgium.

Personalities: Princess Margaret of England opens First Parliament of West Indies Association in Trinidad; Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery retires at age seventy; Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monoco have a son they name Albert; Princess Saroya, Queen of Iran, visits the U.S.; 23-year-old Van Cliburn wins top honors at Moscow's Tchaikovsky contest and is the first musician to receive a ticker tape parade in New York.

Sports: Montreal Canadiens vs. Boston Bruins in finals of Stanley Cup; Tim Tam wins by a nose over Lincoln Rose at the Kentucky Derby.

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News: The submarine Nautilus makes a new sea trial from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic under the ice at the North Pole; last U.S. soldiers leave Lebanon; Britain helps out Jordan's King Hussein, Communist China's bombing of Nationalist Island of Quemoy; John Foster Dulles meets with Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek.

Personalities: Eisenhower's Assistant Chairman Sherman Adams resigns after his friendship with Bernard Goldfine is investigated; Dodger catcher Roy Campanella is paralyzed in auto accident; Mary Anne Mobley wins Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City.

Sports: Althea Gibson wins Wimbledon and the U.S. Open; Tommy Bolt wins U.S. Open in golf; the U.S. boat “Columbia” wins the America's Cup over England's “Sceptre”; Australian Herb Elliott finishes the mile race in Dublin, Ireland in 3:54:5, a new record.

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News: Pope Pius XII dies and the College of Cardinals picks Cardinal Roncalli from Venice to succeed him as Pope John XXIII; Election day: Stevenson vs. Eisenhower, Edmund Brown, Sr. vs. William Knowland, and Rockefeller vs. Harriman; Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower christens new Pan American jet.

Personalities: Governor of Arkansas fights for third term and against school integration; Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip meet German President Theodor Heuss; Charles de Gaulle invites Winston Churchill to France to receive the Order of Liberation.

Sports: New York Yankees beat Milwaukee Braves in World Series.

Sign of the Times
Scope and Content Note: The sack dress; hula hoops; scientists probe deeper into earth; Pioneer moon probe.
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