Arthur J. Altmeyer Papers, 1904-1973

Appendix: Correspondence from Prominent People (in Part 2 only)

In the processing of Part 2 of this collection, correspondence from prominent people was noted. These letters are listed below, alphabetically by the person's last name, under the heading of the subseries in which they appear. These headings are in the same order as in the contents list for Part 2. All are typewritten signed letters unless otherwise indicated. Where a large amount of material is filed under a heading, a date is given to clarify the location. Multiple documents are indicated by the number in parentheses following the entry.

  • Correspondence
    • General Correspondence
      • Ball, Robert: April 9, 1965; April 28, 1965; March 11, 1968; August 21, 1968; July 25, 1972
      • Brown, J. Douglas: May 16, 1967, August 15, 1971, September 22, 1972
      • Calkins, Robert D.: February 27, 1967
      • Cohen, Wilbur J.: December 27, 1957; March ?, 1960 (handwritten card); February 20, 1961; May 6, 1963; August 21, 1963; September 4, 1963; May 26, 1964; June 11, 1965; May 5, 1966; June 3, 1967; July 19, 1968; August 23, 1968; January 26, 1969; November 21, 1970
      • Falk, Isidore S.: November 10, 1964
      • Fauri, Fedele F.: November 18, 1960; November 28, 1960; December 28, 1960; March 2, 1961
      • Howard, Donald: November 21, 1970; January 28, 1971
      • Cruikshank, Nelson H. : November 27, 1965
      • Mitchell, William L. : March 2, 1962
      • Perkins, Frances: March 20, 1953; November 15, 1960
      • Proxmire, William: May 12, 1970
      • Schlessinger, Arthur, Jr.: March 25, 1958
      • Sommers, Gerald G.: December 18, 1962
    • Specific Correspondence
      • 1934-1939, Letters of congratulations received
        • Farley, James (2)
        • Folsom, Marion
        • Gaus, John (2)
        • Johnson, Hugh
        • Lilienthal, David (2)
        • Story, Harold (handwritten signed letter)
        • Witte, Edwin
      • 1953-1954, Letters Altmeyer received upon his retirement
        • Bondy, Robert E.
        • Brown, J. Douglas
        • Carey, James
        • Cooper, Jere
        • Dingell, John
        • Dunn, Loula
        • Falk, Isidore S.
        • Faulkes, William F.
        • Fauri, Fedele F.
        • Folsom, Marion
        • Graham, George A.
        • Haber, William
        • Hennings, Thomas C.
        • Herzog, Paul M.
        • Hoehler, Frederick H.
        • Lewis, John L.
        • Magee, Elizabeth
        • McClafferty, Msgr. John J.
        • Meany, George
        • Mills, Wilbur
        • Paunack, August
        • Posen, Harry
        • Rice, William
        • White, R. Clyde
        • Williams, Aubrey
        • Witt, Edgar
        • Witte, Edwin
        • Witte, Ernest
        • Woodward, Thomas
        • Youngdahl, Ben (handwritten signed letter)
      • 1972, Letters of condolence following Altmeyer's death
        • Falk, Isidore S.
        • Hansen, W. Lee
        • Kastenmeier, Robert
  • Subject File
    • Democratic party, Altmeyer's campaign for the United States Senate, 1956
      • Doyle, James (many)
      • Reynolds, John W. (several)
      • Lewis, Robert G. (many)
    • Democratic Party, Correspondence, 1954-1972
      • Lewis, Robert G.
      • McGovern, George
      • Proxmire, William
    • Democratic Party, Democratic Advisory Council, 1960-1961
      • Kennedy, John F.
    • National Health Insurance, Committee for National Health Insurance, correspondence
      • Falk, Isidore S. (many)
    • Nonprofit Organizations, Scholarship funds
      • Ball, Robert (many)
      • Cohen, Wilbur J. (many)
      • Dunn, Loula
      • Lehman, Herbert
    • Pension Plans-United States, International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Reference Files
      • Dubinsky, David: April 1, 1969
    • Pension Plans-United States, United Mine Workers
      • Ball, Robert (2)
      • Lewis, John L. (autographed picture)
    • Social Security-United States, Reference Files, general
      • Barker, Alben: February 17, 1956
      • Cooper, Jere: August 2, 1954
    • Social Security-United States, Reference files, reform proposals, 1970-1972
      • Ball, Robert: May 11, 1971; October 6, 1971
    • Social Security-United States, Old Age, Survivors' and Disability Insurance, Reference Files, 1945-1972
      • Ball, Robert: June 8, 1960
      • Cohen, Wilbur J.: September 9, 1957; May 18, 1972
    • Washington Years, 1933-1940, Correspondence
      • Boughton, C.E.
      • Gaus, John (signed card)
      • Mathews, George
      • Perkins, Frances (2)
      • Roosevelt, Franklin D.
      • Wrabetz, Voyta
  • Personal Papers
    • Biographical, Appointments and resignations
      • Eisenhower, Dwight D.
      • Ewing, Oscar R. (2)
      • Roosevelt, Franklin D.
      • Truman, Harry S.
    • Biographical, Education, Arthur J. Altmeyer
      • Dykstra, C.A. (2)
    • Biographical, Education, Ethel May (Thomas) Altmeyer
      • Davenport, H.J.
      • Urdahl, T.K. (2)
    • Miscellaneous File, “personal file,”
      • Adkins, Homer: August 18, 1945
      • Cohen, Wilbur J.: February 19, 1954
      • Commons, John R.: July 24, 1944 (handwritten signed letter)
      • Dykstra, C.A.: March 16, 1939; March 27, 1939
      • Falk, Isidore S.: November 30, 1953 (handwritten signed letter)
      • Green, William: July 17, 1945
      • Javits, Jacob: May 12, 1954
      • King, Grayson: November 18, 1954
      • La Follette, Philip: November 23, 1937; January 7, 1938 (both initialed)
      • Social Security Board Staff: July 16, 1946
      • Stevenson, Adlai E.: November 15, 1948 (handwritten signed letter). Truman, Harry S.: June 3, 1947
      • Warner, Robert: July 21, 1945
      • Witte, Edwin: April 28, 1949, May 20, 1953
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