Edwin E. Witte Papers, 1903-1970

Container Title
Cooney File
Box   19
Report to listeners - , 1953 August-1954 August
Box   19
Pacifica Foundation outline of budgets and fundraising, 1958 November
Box   19
Some personality attributes of the serious music audience, 1955 June
Box   19
Report to the Asia project on the operation and goals of KPFA, Berkeley, 1949 July 31
Radio Prospectus
Box   19
3rd edition, 1947 January
Box   19
1947 April
Box   19
1946 November
Box   19
Listener-supported Pacifica radio stations - programs programming, structure, financing
Box   19
Prospectus; listener-sponsored radio for Southern California, 1957 July
Box   19
Summary of Pacifica Foundation purpose and organization, 1950 December
Box   19
Survey of KPFA's past and future, 1951 January
Box   19
Radio prospectus, 1946 July
Box   19
KPFA Pacifica station prospectus, 1948 May
Box   19
Report on the experience of radio station KPFA in its first five months, 1949
Note: Delivered to the executive and advisory members of Pacifica Foundation.
Box   19
Box   19
KPFA promotion, 1952
Scope and Content Note: Strong memos, Hill memos to Fund for Adult Education.
Box   20
Fund for adult education - final report, 1955
Box   20
Pacifica Foundation reports and proposals to the Fund for Adult Education, 1951-1955
Box   20
Fund for Adult Education application, 1951 September 28
Note: Also includes general correspondence to 1952 May 20.
Box   20
Fund for the republic, Robert Hutchins, 1955
Box   20
Subscriber statistics, 1950s
Box   20
From Mrs. Agnero, widow
Box   20
Broadcasting Foundation of America correspondence
Box   20
Broadcasting Foundation of America
Box   20
Mrs. Hugh Bullock
Box   20
KPFA Crisis, 1953, 1954
Box   20
“Let There Be A World,” by Felix Greene
Box   20
First Amendment, free speech, collected 1981 August by VHS
Box   20
General correspondence, out, subscription plan
Box   20
Research project on listener-sponsorship outline, budget, et cetera, 1953 February
Box   20
General correspondence, Worldover Press
Box   20
Fundraising correspondence, general, Pacifica Foundation, 1955
Box   20
Poetry Center, Poetry programs
Box   20
Listener mail regarding folio ads, 1957
Box   20
Advertising, 1957
Box   20
Box   20
Robert Schutz, 1957
Box   20
Rosenman correspondence, article, after 1959
Box   20
HiFi shop prospectus for support
Box   20
Production, 1957
Box   20
Program meetings, 1957
Box   20
Program development, 1957
Box   20
Vortex, 1958
Box   20
Mailing service
Box   20
Engineers' and announcers' schedules
Box   20
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   20
McKinney, 1958
Box   20
FCC reports (list of deadlines, 1950)
Box   20
Pacifica: FCC
Box   20
Box   20
Box   20
Pacifica: special gifts
Box   20
Box   20
Pacifica: trip reports
Box   20
Box   20
Bank accounts
Box   20
Pacifica: debts
Box   20
Levy (fact and concept)
Box   20
Pacifica: accountants audit tax data
Box   20
Interstation accounts
Box   20
Pacifica: loan information
Box   20
Answers to queries and surveys
Box   20
History projects
Box   20
Box   20
Historical data
Box   20
Speech ideas
Box   20
Data on new-station cities
Box   20
To be done: Houston-Washington
Box   21
Houston station
Box   21
KPFK: promotion pieces
Box   21
Fund drive scripts, 1949
Box   21
Community relations
Box   21
Washington station
Box   21
Public affairs
Box   21
To be done
Box   21
KPFK administration
Box   21
Post mortem
Box   21
Program analysis
Box   21
Organizational plan
Box   21
AV reader
Box   21
Printing completed (samples)
Box   21
SDs 0-3380
Box   21
Fundraising for WPFW, Washington, D.C.
Box   21
Box   21
Pacifica: organization and procedures
Box   21
Administrative practices
Box   21
Pacifica: nominating procedure
Box   21
Thank you letters
Box   21
Box   21
Pacifica: policy file
Box   21
Box   21
Policy file (rewrite)
Box   21
Box   21
Fundraising counsel
Box   21
Claremore fund
Box   21
Box   21
Possible sources of funding
Box   21
Salary data
Box   21
Pacifica pending 2
Box   21
From Cooney file to be distributed
Box   21
Box   21
Bill 1160 establishment, 1967
Box   21
Board organization (subscriber elected)
Box   21
Personnel forms, 1966
Box   21
Presidential candidates, 1969, 1971
Box   22
References from K manager desk
Box   22
Manager search: KPFK, 1967
Box   22
Manager possibilities
Box   22
Documents: press and managers, Pacifica public relations
Box   22
Presidential candidates, 1966-1967
Box   22
President, Pacifica Foundation, application, description of job, 1964
Box   22
President candidates
Box   22
Interviews for President, 1962
Box   22
Box   22
Pacifica: Renaissance Faire
Box   22
Miami station
Box   22
Equipment configurations
Box   22
New station manual
Box   22
Box   22
Accounts review by Ken Carpenter
Box   22
Subscription control system design
Box   22
Reporting requirements
Box   22
Interstation communication and networking
Box   22
Pacifica plan
Box   22
Box   22
Wyle plan and comments
Box   22
Box   22
Ford proposal materials
Box   22
Proposal design
Box   22
Grant request, 1968 0E0
Box   22
Pacifica: proposals
Box   22
Ford paper, 1967 November 20
Box   22
Mode cities
Box   22
Ford proposal II
Box   22
National Foundation on Arts and Humanities
Box   22
Renaissance Faire/IRS
Box   22
Pacifica: audience analyses
Box   22
New multi-station survey
Box   22
Measuring the FM audience - NARTB member service supplement, circa 1954
Box   22
Survey design
Box   22
Educational gifts of equipment and materials
Box   22
Program analyses
Box   22
Box   22
Box   22
KPFK: charter flights
Box   22
Dallas termination report
Box   22
Sound - 1068 (KPFK)
Box   22
Box   22
Expense records, 1967
Box   22
Science programming
Box   22
Expanded news
Box   22
Los Angeles county schools project
Box   22
Criticisms and answers
Box   22
Manager candidates, 1967 (preliminary choices)
Box   22
Union contract
Box   22
Renaissance Faire, 1968 (contract information)
Box   22
Financial reports
Box   22
Union negotiations, 1965
Box   22
Box   22
Pacifica: responses to listener criticisms
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