Winnifred Stone Gill Papers, 1924-1941

Contents List

Container Title
Knickerbocker Publishing Company Biographical Sketches
Box   1
Adams, Alva
Box   1
Arden, Edwin
Box   1
Ayer, Harriet
Box   1
Babcock, Robert Hall
Box   1
Barrett, John
Box   1
Bascom, Florence
Box   1
Bascom, John
Box   1
Berger, Victor L.
Box   1
Billings, Frank
Box   1
Blashfield, Albert Dodd
Box   1
Blashfield, Edwin Howland
Box   1
Booth, Ballington
Box   1
Bridger, James
Box   1
Brush, George de Forest
Box   1
Clews, Henry
Box   1
Closbom, James S.[?]
Box   1
Cobb, Cyrus
Box   1
Cobb, Darius
Box   1
Commons, John R.
Box   1
Cox, Palmer
Box   1
Crosman, Henrietta
Box   1
Dale, Alan
Box   1
De Wolfe, Elsie
Box   1
Di Cesnola, Luigi Palma
Box   1
Dodge, Joshua Eric
Box   1
Dorr, Julia Caroline (Ripley)
Box   1
Box   1
Edison, Thomas Alva
Box   1
Edwards, George Wharton
Box   1
Elliott, Howard
Box   1
Fowke, Gerard
Box   1
French, Daniel Chester
Box   1
Frohman, Daniel
Box   1
Gilbert, ?
Box   1
Gilder, Jeanette L.
Box   1
Gilman, Charlene Perkins
Box   1
Glaser, Lulu
Box   1
Gompers, Samuel
Box   1
Gordon, Laura (de Force)
Box   1
Grosscup, Peter Stenger
Box   2
Hammerstein, Oscar
Box   2
Hawley, Joseph Roswell
Box   2
Harriman, Edward Henry
Box   2
Hewett, Abram S.
Box   2
Hill, James Jerome
Box   2
Hobson, Richmond Pearson
Box   2
Holland, Edmund Milton
Box   2
Howe, Julia Ward
Box   2
Hughitt, M.
Box   2
Huntington, D.
Box   2
Jastrow, Morris
Box   2
Jewett, Henry
Box   2
Johnson, Eastman
Box   2
Johnson, Rossiter
Box   2
Johnston, J. Stoddard
Box   2
Jones, Hugh B.
Box   2
La Farge, John
Box   2
Lathrop, Francis
Box   2
Lawson, Publius Virgilius
Box   2
Lee, Jennette
Box   2
Lockwood, Belva Ann
Box   2
McAdoo, William Gibbs
Box   2
McClellan, George Brinton
Box   2
MacNeil, Harmon A.
Box   2
McNeill, Israel C.
Box   2
Marshall, Roujet de Lisle
Box   2
Martinot, Sadie
Box   2
Mathew, Shaitu[?]
Box   2
Millais, John Everett
Box   3
Parkhurst, Charles Henry
Box   3
Partridge, William O.
Box   3
Peck, Annie Smith
Box   3
Pettigrew, Richard Franklin
Box   3
Phelps, John Jay
Box   3
Reuterdahl, H.[?]
Box   3
Root, Elihu
Box   3
Ross, Edward Alsworth
Box   3
Rotch, Arthur
Box   3
Rotch, Benjamin Smith
Box   3
Ruckstuhl, Frederick Wellington
Box   3
Ryder, Albert Pynkham
Box   3
Saint Gaudens, Augustus
Box   3
Seawell, Molly Elliot
Box   3
Sheffield, Joseph Earl
Box   3
Shurtleff, R. M.
Box   3
Smillie, George H.
Box   3
Smith, Charles Forster
Box   3
Sprague, Homer Baxter
Box   3
Spreckels, John D.
Box   3
Starr, Frederick
Box   3
Story, George Henry
Box   3
Stuart, Ralph
Box   3
Sully, Daniel
Box   3
Sumner, Charles
Box   3
Thomas, George Henry
Box   3
Updegraff, Milton
Box   3
Volk, Douglas
Box   3
Wellman, Mrs. Francis L. (Juch, Emma A. J.)
Typewritten copies of manuscript material in the Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas on Texas and Mississippi Valley history, 1827-1844
Box   4
Two albums
Box   4
Letters to and from Captain Basil Hall, 1828-1831
Box   4
Delorme, “Revelations sur la Commune”
Box   4
Box   4
Letters relating to Texas history, 1834-1841, 1861, 1863
Physical Description: Photostatic and typewritten copies 
Box   5-6
Autographs of British playwrights, actors, actresses, suffragists, statesmen, peers, physicians, scientists, barristers, musicians, sculptors, painters, 17th to 19th centuries
Box   7
Autographs of American artists, actors, actresses, authors, suffragists, and capitalists, 19th and 20th centuries
Box   7
Autographs of French men of letters, painters, statesmen, soldiers, scholars, 19th and 20th centuries
Box   8
Letters from American actors, actresses, and musicians to Arthur Weld, of the Milwaukee Journal, 1887-1898
Box   8
Letters from Georgiana, Countess of Guilford, to Ann Stephens, New York City, 1900-1916
Box   11
Volume   1
The Colvins and Their Friends: letters, 1868-1925, to Sir Sidney and Lady Colvin
Note: Sir Colvin was director of Fitz-William Museum at Cambridge, 1876-1884, and for nearly 30 years thereafter keeper of prints and drawings at the British Museum. Occasional letters from the volume are printed in E. V. Lucas, The Colvins and Their Friends (New York, 1928).
Box   13
Volume   2
Letters, 1821-1878, to Arthur Fitzgerald-Kinnaird, 10th Baron Kinnaird
Box   12
Volume   3
Autograph collection [of the Reverend Jerom Murch, Mayor of Bath], including British peers, government officials, bishops, literary men, jurists, etc., of the 19th century
Box   10
Volume   4
Autographs of British peers, government officials, and miscellaneous, 17th-18th centuries
Box   9
Volume   5-6
Autographs of English men of letters and others, 18th-20th centuries
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