Edwin E. Witte Papers, 1903-1970

Container Title
Subseries: Social Security
Advisory Council
Box   198
Miscellaneous reports and recommendations, 1947-1952
Box   199
Recommendations, 1937-1939
Box   199
Studies and reports, 1937-1939
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Children's Security
Box   200
Aid to dependent children regarding mother pensions
Box   200
Crippled children's services
Box   200
Family allowances
Box   200-201
Historical and general
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   201
Committee on Economic Security: General
Disability Insurance
Box   201
Cash sickness compensation
Box   201
Cash sickness insurance
Box   202
Administration, federal and state
Box   202
Articles and discussions
Box   202
Development of social security
Box   202
Economic security, general approaches
Box   202
Farmers and farm workers, social security for
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   203
Financial data
Box   203
Group and auto
Box   203
Life and industrial
Box   203
Box   203
Need for social security
Box   204
Objectives of social security
Box   204
Payroll taxes, incidence and effect
Box   204
Philosophy of social security
Box   204
Public welfare organizations, state and local
Box   204
Social assistance
Box   204
Social insurance
Box   205
Social Security Act, defense of the law
Box   205
Social security development, appraisal and prospects
Box   205
Social security legislation, effects
Box   205
Social work and social security
Box   205
Statistical data
Box   205
“Welfare State” and social security
Health Insurance
Box   206
Box   206
Disability insurance
Box   206
Health security data
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   206
Medical care for public assistance recipients
Box   206
Medical service plans in industry
Box   207
National health programs
Box   207
Pros and cons
Box   207
Public health services
Box   207-208
Sickness risk, statistical
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   208
Voluntary health insurance, general
Box   208-209
Voluntary pre-payment
Physical Description: 4 folders 
History of Health Security
Box   209
Campaigns of , 1948-1952
Compulsory health insurance
Box   209
Box   209
Movement, 1936
Box   209
Developments, 1952-1953
Box   209
Disability and health insurance
Box   210
Health aspects of Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, 1943-1945
Box   210
Health insurance in Wisconsin
Health security proposals
Box   210
Box   210
Box   210
Box   211
Box   211
Box   211
Hospitalization benefits, Ewing proposals, 1951
Box   211
Legislative developments, general
Box   211
National health program, 1938-1942
Box   212
President's Commission on Health Needs of the Nation
Box   212
Proposals favorable to health insurance, 1950
Box   212
Proposals on the federal level, 1935-1945
Box   212
Public Health Service
Box   212
Voluntary health insurance
History of Social Security
Box   212
Committee on Economic Security, 1934-1935, and Social Security Act, , 1935
Box   213
Freezing “payroll taxes” in the 1940s
Box   213
General developments after , 1935
Box   213
History through proposed changes in Social Security Act, 1940-1953
Box   214
Labor and social security legislation
Box   214
Old age security legislation
Box   214
Social Security Act
Box   214
Social Security Board, work and progress under the act of 1935
Box   214
Social security legislation
Legislation and Development
Box   215
Arden House Conference on Social Security, 1953
Box   215
Bills in Congress other than administrative--Townsend and Lundeen Bills, 1934-1935
Box   215
Changes in OASI, 1949
Box   215
Changes in social assistance legislation, 1949
Box   215
Compilation of social security laws, 1954, 1956, 1958
Box   215
Congress' universal pension proposals, et cetera, 1949
Box   215
Employer programs, 1941-1945
Box   215
Miscellaneous proposals for changes in the Social Security Act
Box   215
National Resources Planning Board, 1942-1943
Box   216
Social security legislation, historical material
Social Security Act, 1935
Box   216
History and ideas
Box   216
Amendments proposed, 1930s
Box   216
Amendments proposed and passed, 1930s
Box   216
Amendments proposed by unofficial groups, 1930s
Box   217
Amendments proposed by Congress, 1939-1940
Box   217
Amendments proposed, 1945
Box   217
Amendments, 1946
Box   217
Amendments discussed by 81st Congress, 1949
Box   217
Amendments, 1950
Box   217
Amendments proposed in H.R. 600, 1950-1951
Box   217
Amendments, 1952
Box   217
Amendments proposed, 1952-1954
Box   218
Amendments proposed, 1954
Box   218
Amendments of , 1954
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   218
Amendments proposed, 1955-1956
Box   219
Amendments of , 1956
Box   219
Amendments regarding OASI, 1956
Box   219
Amendments proposed and passed, 1958
Box   219
Changes proposed, 1939, unofficial
Box   219
Changes in the 1940s, historical material
Box   219
Changes proposed, 1941-1942
Box   220
Changes proposed, 1941-1942, unofficial
Box   220
Changes proposed after , 1942
Box   220
Changes proposed by administration, 1943-1945
Box   220
Changes proposed, 1943-1945, and the campaign for passage of amendments
Box   220
Changes proposed by administration, 1953-1954
Box   220
Changes proposed by Democratic party and Labor, 1953-1954
Box   220
Changes proposed by U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1953-1954
Box   221
Changes proposed in health security, 1954-1958
Box   221
Comments in, 1939
Box   221
Congressional hearings after passage of the original act, 1935-1939
Box   221
Curtis subcommittee of House Ways and Means Committee, on H.R. 6863, 1953-1954
Old Age Security
Box   222
Civil Service retirement system
Box   222
Developments in old age assistance after , 1935
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   222
Federal OASI after , 1954
Box   223
Federal OASI after 1954, views of “experts” and critics
Box   223
Financing, tax rates, et cetera
Box   223
Legislation on the old age problem, other than social security
Box   223
Old age assistance in California
Box   223
Old age insurance, 1935 law and policy questions
Box   224
Box   224
Eligibility and benefit problems; retirement age; survivors and dependents benefits
Box   224
Financial aspects
Box   224-225
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   225
Under the Social Security Act
Box   225
Pension plans and annuities (churches, trade, veterans)
Box   225
Population trends and problems
Public employees
Box   225
Inclusion in social security
Box   226
Retirement plans (other than teachers)
Box   226
Railroad retirement plans
Box   226
Retirement of older workers
Box   227
Teachers, retirement plans
Box   227
Wisconsin, data peculiar to
Box   227
Personnel, general
Physically Handicapped
Box   227
Disability insurance under OASI
Box   227
Disabled permanently and totally
Box   227
Security for the blind
Box   227-228
Vocational rehabilitation
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   228
Health and welfare funds
Box   228
Industrial pension, health, welfare plans
Box   228
Industrial pensions
Box   229
Investigations of health, welfare and pension funds
Box   229
Pension and welfare funds under wage stabilization
Box   229
Public regulation of health, welfare and pension plans
Box   229
Sick leave, group insurance, pension plans--War Labor Board
Box   229
Social security by contract--collective bargaining
Box   230
Union-company joint health, welfare, and pension plans
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   230
UAW health, welfare, and pension plans
Public Assistance
Box   230
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Box   230
Direct relief (state and local) after Federal Emergency Relief Act (F.E.R.A.) and prior to World War II
Box   231
Emergency employment and wages
Box   231
Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
Box   231
Federal Emergency Relief Act, work programs and CWA
Box   231
Food stamp plan
Box   231
Box   232
History of relief previous to depression of 1930s
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   232
National Youth Administration (NYA)
Box   232
Proposals for permanent relief program
Box   232
Public works plans for foreign countries
Box   233
Relief during the depression of the 1930s
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   233
Relief in relation to social insurance
Box   233
Rural rehabilitation (FSA, Resettlement Administration, et cetera)
Box   234
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Radical Plans
Box   234
General Welfare Act, H.R. 5620; H.R. 4199; H.R. 1410
Box   234
Box   234
Social credit movement
Box   235
Townsend Plan I, before 1938
Box   235
Townsend Plan after 1938, and “baby” Townsend Plan
Box   235
Social Security and Politics: Campaigns, 1936, 1938, 1940
Social Security Board
Box   236
Box   236
Social Security Act, changes recommended by the Board, 1939
Social Security in Foreign Countries
Box   236
All foreign plans
Box   236
Australia and New Zealand
Box   236-237
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   237
Law of , 1948 and its operation
Box   237
National Health Service to , 1948
Box   238
Prior to Beveridge Report
Box   238
Beveridge Report and postwar social security
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   238
Unemployment insurance
Box   239
Box   239
Box   239
Health insurance, general
Box   239
International action
Box   239
International comparisons
Box   239
Box   239
Latin America
Box   239
Old age security in foreign countries, general
Box   239
Public assistance in foreign countries, general
Box   240
Box   240
Box   240
Social insurance in foreign countries, general
Box   240
Socialized medicine, developments abroad
Box   241
Unemployment insurance other than England and Canada
Box   241
World War II
Social Security in the States
Box   241
Public welfare in Wisconsin, also social security
Box   241-242
Relief in Wisconsin, problems and program
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   242
Wisconsin and social security
Social Security in Wartime
Box   242
Korean War, 1950
World War II
Box   242
Aid to soldiers
Box   242
Developments in social security
Unemployment Insurance
Box   242
Benefits, adequacy of dependents allowances
Box   243
Benefits and taxes
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   243
Changes at state level, 1949
Box   243
Changes by 83rd Congress, 1951-1952
Box   243
Changes proposed prior to , 1945
Box   244
Compensation: federal-state relations, other than issue of Federalization
Box   244
Compensation in the U.S. after enactment of state laws (excluding New York and Wisconsin)
Box   244
Coverage problems
Box   244
Experience rating
Box   244
Box   245
Box   245
After , 1947
Box   245
Federal unemployment insurance law changes, 1937-1945
Box   245
Box   245
Finances and tax rates
Box   246
Fraud and malingering
Box   246
Historical data since , 1935
Box   246
Interstate migration and claims
Legislative developments
Box   246
Box   246
Box   246
Box   246
Lundeen-Frazier Bill
Box   247
Box   247
Operation and effects
Box   247
Private plans
Proposals for Social Security Act
Box   247
Wagner-Lewis Bill, 1932-1935
Box   248
Box   248
Railroad employees, dismissal wages
Box   248
Box   248
Relief as related to unemployment
Box   248
Seasonal and partial employment
Box   248
State developments during World War II, 1942-1945
Box   248
State laws
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   249
Strikes and strike jobs
Box   249
Supplemental unemployment benefits
Box   249
Temporary insurance: recession of , 1957-1959
Box   249
Unemployment compensation in the Social Security Act
Box   249
Unemployment compensation law changes, 1931-1941
Box   249
War displacement benefits
Box   250
Wisconsin unemployment law of 1934
Box   250
Wisconsin unemployment law, early years
Box   250
Wisconsin unemployment insurance after , 1938
Veterans' Security
Box   250
Disabled veterans
Box   250
Unemployment insurance for veterans
Box   251
Veterans' benefits
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   251
Veterans' problems
Workmen's Compensation
Box   251
Compensation and accident insurance in foreign countries
Box   251-252
History of workmen's compensation
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   252
Box   252-253
Non-insurance under workmen's compensation
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   253
Occupational diseases
Box   253
Railroad employees
Box   253
States (other than Wisconsin)
Box   254
Status and problems, 1950s
Box   254
Theory and purpose
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