Philip Fox La Follette Papers, 1876-1973

Contents List

Container Title
Series: Correspondence
Box   1
A-General, 1896-1939
Box   1
Aasgaard, Rev. J. A., 1906-1912
Box   1
Adams, Charles Kendall, 1892-1896
Box   1
Ager, Waldemar, 1904-1937
Box   1
Alexis, Prof. Joseph, 1917-1937
Box   1
American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1920-1936
Box   1
Anderson, Abel, 1895-1913
Box   1
Anderson, Andrew R., 1906-1923
Box   1
Anderson, John, Publishing Co., 1905-1916
Box   1
Anderson, Rasmus B., 1874-1903
Box   1
Anstensen, Ansten, 1929-1930
Box   1
Askeland, Hallvard, 1906-1936
Box   1
B-General, 1890-1941
Box   2
Babcock, William H., 1910-1912
Box   2
Bach, Hugo, 1907-1911
Box   2
Berg, C. F., 1928-1934
Box   2
Bergesen, B. E., 1907-1940
Box   2
Beruts, Olaf, 1927-1931
Box   2
Birge, E. A., 1902-1930
Box   2
Bjornson, Erling, 1902-1906
Box   2
Biegen, Theodore C., 1916-1934
Box   2
Blessum, Ben, 1904-1924
Box   2
Bothne, Gisle, 1905-1925
Box   2
Brainard, Harriet C., 1905
Box   2
Brandtzaeg, Johannes, 1924
Box   2
Brathovde, Edna M., 1921-1922
Box   2
Brittingham, Thomas E., 1908-1916
Box   2
C-General, 1891-1937
Box   2
Caswell, C. A., 1892-1893
Box   2
Clausen, Otto, 1925-1933
Box   2
Coerne, L. A., 1911-1912
Box   2
Collin, C. M., 1896-1903
Box   3
D-General, 1892-1932
Box   3
Dahl, Andrew H., 1912-1923
Box   3
Dahl, Gerhard M., 1896-1940
Box   3
Dahle, Isak J., 1928-1937
Box   3
Dahle, Otto B., 1909-1913
Box   3
Davies, Joseph E., 1914
Box   3
Dieserud, Juul, 1905-1930
Box   3
Dobson, J. 0., 1904
Box   3
Dow, John G., 1891-1892
Box   3
E-General, 1891-1941
Box   3
Ekern, Herman L., 1912-1937
Box   3
Elmquist, Prof. A. Louis, 1912-1915
Box   3
Erdahl, H. C., 1927
Box   3
Erdall, John L., 1902-1915
Box   3
Erickson, Alfred O., 1923-1932
Box   3
F-General, 1891-1938
Box   3
Feeney, M. J., 1892
Box   3
Fjelde, H. O., 1908-1914
Box   3
Fjelde, Paul, 1919-1920
Box   4
Flom, George T., 1893-1937
Box   4
Fossum, Andrew, 1909-1922
Box   4
Frank, Glenn, 1926-1936
Box   4
Free Church Book Concern, 1911
Box   4
G-General, 1891-1934
Box   4
Gade, F. Herman, 1906-1908
Box   4
Gale, Zona, 1929
Box   5
Gilbert, Joseph, 1910
Box   5
0jerset, Knut, 1908-1935
Box   5
Gould, J. H., 1892-1936
Box   5
Granrud, J. E., 1904-1913
Box   5
Grevstad, N. A., 1901-1935
Box   5
Grondahl, Jens K., 1917-1924
Box   5
Gulbrandson, Esther, 1927-1928
Box   5
Gunderson, Adolf and Gunnar, 1928-1934
Box   5
H-General, 1891-1938
Box   5
Haight, George I., 1930-1934
Box   5
Hamann, Th. F., 1931-1932
Box   5
Hambro, C. I., 1913
Box   5
Hansen, Carl G. O., 1911-1937
Box   5
Hansen, H. Sundby, 1921
Box   5
Hanson, J. C. M., 1898-1931
Box   5
Haugan, H. A., 1899-1906
Box   5
Haugen, Einar, 1930-1933
Box   6
Herbard, Grace Raymond, 1914-1926
Box   6
Hoard, W. D., 1909-1911
Box   6
Hobe, B. K., 1906-1940
Box   6
Hodges, Ella M., 1891-1895
Box   6
Hoen, C. A., 1925-1932
Box   6
Holand, Rued, 1904-1931
Box   6
Hollander, L. M., 1907-1911
Box   6
Hummeland, Andrew, 1904-1924
Box   6
Huseby, Olaf, 1904-1912
Box   6
I-General, 1891-1912
Box   6
Ingvason, P. A., 1915-1920
Box   6
Iverslee, P. P., 1900-1912
Box   6
J-General, 1881-1932
Box   6
Jaeger, Luth, 1891-1892
Box   6
Jameson, J. Franklin, 1905-1906
Box   6
Jerde, K. O., 1891-1896
Box   6
Johnson, Dr. J. L., 1904-1918
Box   6
Johnson, L. H., 1894-1912
Box   6
Johnson, Vilas, 1921-1937
Box   6
Jones, Richard Lloyd, 1909
Box   6
Josephson, Aksel G. S., 1914-1918
Box   7
K-General, 1891-1935
Box   7
Kasberg, K. A., 1891-1915
Box   7
Keedick, Lee, 1912-1927
Box   7
Kildal, Arne, 1907-1932
Box   7
Kinley, David, 1894-1930
Box   7
Knapp, Kemper K., 1929-1933
Box   7
Koefod, I. H., 1899-1906
Box   7
Kohler, Walter K., 1921-1930
Box   7
L-General, 1891-1934
Box   7
Larsen, Hauna A., 1912-1935
Box   7
Larsen, Lawrence M., 1902-1936
Box   7
Leach, Henry G., 1904-1927
Box   7
Leeds, Alice Marshall, 1930-1932
Box   7
Lochner, Louis P., 1907-1934
Box   7
Lomen, G. J., 1896
Box   8
M-General, 1891-1941
Box   8
MacDonald, Katharine I., 1906
Box   8
McGovern, Francis E., 1913-1914
Box   8
Mauritzen, Jules, 1911-1927
Box   8
Meadows, C. W., 1900
Box   8
Michelet, Karen, 1915-1926
Box   8
Miller, Jno. B., 1903-1906
Box   8
Moe, John, 1928-1931
Box   8
Moldstad, J. A., 1903
Box   8
Moore, Anbertine W., 1895-1902
Box   8
Munson, J. P., 1891-1909
Box   8
N-General, 1891-1940
Box   8
Nelson, George B., 1909-1923
Nelson, James J.
Box   8
Box   9
Box   9
Nelson, Knute, 1898-1907
Box   9
Nestos, R. A., 1908-1935
Box   9
Nielson, Samuel A., 1912-1921
Box   9
Nordberg, C. E., 1921-1922
Box   9
Norenna, Eide, 1927
Box   9
Norli, Olaf, 1906-1910
Box   9
Norlie, O. M., 1900-1935
Box   9
Norwegian Singers' Association of America, 1931
Box   9
O-General, 1890-1939
Box   9
Ochsner, A. J., 1909
Box   9
Olson, Oscar L., 1910-1928
Box   9
Osland, Birger, 1909-1932
Box   9
P-General, 1893-1932
Box   9
Paine, Dr. and Mrs. Howard S., 1909-1911
Box   9
Peterson, Isaac, 1892-1907
Box   10
Peterson, James A., 1891-1926
Box   10
Pettersen, Wilhelm, 1907-1911
Box   10
Pettijohn, J. J., 1910-1911
Box   10
Pietro, C. S., 1916-1917
Box   10
Prestgard, Kristian, 1899-1935
Box   10
Preus, J. A. O., 1911-1936
Box   10
Q-General, 1903-1925
Box   10
Quamme, E. G., 1912-1924
Box   10
R-General, 1890-1931
Box   11
Rasmussen, C., Publishing Co., 1891-1900
Box   11
Regents of the University of Wisconsin, 1906-1920
Box   11
Reite, P. Th., 1912-1913
Box   11
Rikstad, H. S., 1891-1892
Box   11
Risjord, G. N., 1909-1931
Box   11
Ristad, D. G., 1894-1934
Box   11
Rolvaag, O. E., 1910-1933
Box   11
Ronning, N. N., 1912-1922
Box   11
Rove, Olaf I., 1892-1934
Box   11
S-General, 1891-1937
Box   11
Sarte, R. S. N., 1894-1917
Box   11
Schaub, Edward L., 1914-1917
Box   12
Scott, Foresman and Company, 1897-1911
Box   12
Scribner's, Charles, Sons, 1905-1906
Box   12
Sellery, George C., 1920-1933
Box   12
Skaar, Olaf R., 1911-1922
Box   12
Skolas, Andrew, 1910-1911
Box   12
Skovgaard, Axel, 1907-1908
Box   12
Smithsonian Institute, 1911-1913
Box   12
Soderstrom, Elmer E., 1891-1894
Box   12
Sons of Norway, 1906-1934
Box   12
Sonsteby, John J., 1909
Box   12
Sovde, 0. 0., 1909-1911
Box   12
Stavrum, E. A., 1899-1941
Box   12
Stearns, Gustav, 1906
Box   12
Steensland, E. B., 1891-1917
Box   12
Strangeland, Charles E., 1908-1917
Box   12
Stromme, Peer O., 1891-1917
Box   12
Stub, I. A. O., 1905-1913
Box   12
Sturtevant, A. M., 1912-1936
Box   12
Swansen, Sam T., 1918-1935
Box   12
Swenson, Magnus, 1913-1936
Box   12
Svanoe, Bjarne, 1913-1914
Box   12
T-General, 1896-1933
Box   12
Teisberg, Alfred, 1910
Box   12
Thompson, Alfred S., 1927-1932
Box   12
Thompson, J. Jorgen, 1925-1933
Box   12
Thorgrinson, H. B., 1897-1900
Box   12
Thorkelson, H. J., 1927-1929
Box   13
Thorp, O. A., 1889-1900
Box   13
Thorp, W. C., 1899-1900
Box   13
Thwaites, Reuben G., 1891-1912
Box   13
Thorson, I. A., 1911-1928
Box   13
Thorson, P. O., 1920-1921
Box   13
Tone, K. H., 1893-1895
Box   13
Torkelson, M. W., 1921-1936
Box   13
Turner, Frederick J., 1931
Box   13
U-V General, 1894-1933
Box   13
Underwood and Underwood (Publishers), 1906-1908
Box   13
Urdahl, Thomas K., 1896-1906
Box   13
Van Hise, Charles R., 1905-1918
Box   13
Veblen, Andrew A., 1899-1931
Box   13
Vilas, William F., 1908
Box   13
Vinje, A. J., 1911-1929
Box   13
W-X-Y-Z General, 1890-1935
Box   13
Wergeland, A. M., 1907-1914
Box   13
West, C. J., 1899-1915
Box   13
Wiesse, M. H., 1904-1910
Box   13
Wigdahl, Christian, 1917
Box   13
Wilkinson, J. M., 1923-1928
Box   13
Wist, John B., 1888-1915
Box   13
Woll, Carsten Th., 1913-1925
Box   13
Woll, F. W., 1891-1919
Series: Articles, Speeches, and Notes
Box   14-15
Patriotic Addresses, May 17
Biographical Sketches
Box   15
Box   16
Box   17
Literary Articles and Addresses by Olson
Box   18
History: Norwegians, Norway, Iceland, etc.
Box   19-21
Series: Kensington Rune Stone
Box   22
Correspondence, 1899-1933
Box   22
Clippings and Notes
Series: Notebooks and Scrapbooks
Box   23
Volume   1
American Struggle for National Unity on the Basis of Civil and Religious Liberty, Parts I and II
Box   23
Volume   2
Authenticity of the Vinland Sagas
Box   23
Volume   3
Christie, Wilhelm F. K.
Box   23
Volume   4
Ibsen, Henrik
Box   23
Volume   5
Iceland and Historical Writing
Box   23
Volume   6
Naturalistic Critics and Writers
Box   24
Volume   7
Norse Culture and Civilization in Norway in the 19th Century
Box   24
Volume   8
Norse Literature, Parts I and II
Box   24
Volume   9
Norse Mythology, Parts I and II
Norwegian Pioneer Association of Madison
Box   24
Volume   10
Secretary's Book, November, 1896
Box   24
Volume   10a
Box   24
Volume   11
Oehlenschlager, Adam
Box   25
Volume   12
Old Norse Literature
Box   25
Volume   13
Old Norse Literature, A Glimpse of
Box   25
Volume   14
Den Oldnorske Literature
Box   25
Volume   15
Scandinavians: Who Are They?
Box   25
Volume   16
Scandinavian Archaeology
Box   25
Volume   17
Scandinavian Classics
Box   25
Volume   18
Scots Literature Before Burns
Box   25
Volume   19
Viking Age, The
Box   26
Volume   20
Volsunga Saga, The
Clippings, scrapbooks
Box   26
Volume   21
October 22, 1874-1875
Box   26
Volume   22
Box   26
Volume   23
Box   26
Volume   24
Box   27
Volume   25
Box   27
Volume   26
Box   27
Volume   27
Box   27
Volume   28
Box   27
Volume   29
Box   27
Volume   30
World's Fair, 1883
Box   28
Volume   31
Reviews of Grammar, July 1886-February 1898
Box   28
Volume   32
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