Henry Root Colman Papers, 1817-1901


Henry Root Colman entered the Methodist ministry in 1837 and in 1840 brought his family to the Oneida mission, near Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Daughter Julia Colman's early literary efforts show an early facility with her pen. She spent the greater part of her life in New York City where she became a noted lecturer and writer for the W.C.T.U.

Sons Henry and Elihu both attended Lawrence University. Henry followed his father into the ministry and Elihu became a lawyer.

Son Charles L. Colman was born in New York State in 1826. Charles taught school in Stockbridge and in 1850 he married Laura A. Place. In 1854 he started from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin for La Crosse with a horse power shingle mill which he operated through the summer, returning home in November. The following February he again journeyed to La Crosse, this time taking his wife and children, and making La Crosse his permanent home. He died in La Crosse in 1901.

Little is known of son J. Spier Colman.

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