William George Haan Papers, 1898-1925

Scope and Content Note

The papers of John Horatio Osborn, Winnebago County pioneer, pertain to the Granger movement, cooperatives, and railroad regulation, and are particularly valuable because of the scarcity of original sources. There is a letter book for 1876-1877, when Osborn was state master of the Wisconsin Grange and the most active member of the Wisconsin Railroad Commission during the years following enactment of the Potter law. Many of the letters concern membership, printing, conduct of meetings, and subscriptions to the Bulletin, although there is an occasional letter on railway regulation.

In the unbound material are letters on railway rate determination; a letter to and memorandum for Governor Taylor, outlining the legislative program desired by the Grange in 1874; a letter concerning railroad company wishes in the matter of appointments in 1876; and one concerning Jeremiah M. Rusk as a candidate whom Grangers should not support. There are several letters from R.H. Ferguson, secretary of the Cheap Transportation Association, John Samuel, and Frederick Turner, general secretary-treasurer of the Knights of Labor.

There is a volume of minutes of the Winnebago County Industrial and Provident Society, 1877-1879, and in the unbound material a number of applications for shares of stock. Scattered, but of more importance, are business papers pertaining to the Workmen's Cooperative Society of which Osborn was secretary. This organization successfully operated a cooperative store at Oshkosh for several years, 1886-1890. There are minutes of business meetings, a volume of inventory on taking over the store in 1887, quarterly operating reports, the original copy of articles of organization, by-laws, insurance policies, a volume recording purchases, treasurer's bonds, expense account records, and a pass deposit book.

Scattered business papers pertain to the organization of the Workmen's Co-operative Society, of which Osborn was secretary, and to the cooperative store which the society operated at Oshkosh, 1886-1890. There are applications for stock and a volume of minutes, 1877-1879, for the Winnebago County Industrial and Provident Society.

Available only on microfilm are additional letters written by R.H. Ferguson of the Cheap Transportation Association; letters from George H. Paul, member of the State Board of Railroad Commissioners and chairman of the People's Reform Committee; and correspondence with the Sovereigns of Industry proposing cooperation of labor and farm groups.

The photographs were made circa 1951 and show exterior views of the family home on Osborn Ave. in Oshkosh, originally built in 1844.

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