Nathaniel P. Tallmadge Papers, 1812-1862


Three reels (call number Micro 499) of the microfilm in this collection constitute a microfilm edition of the Nathaniel P. Tallmadge papers. Most of the material on these reels is also present in paper form. One reel of microfilm (call number Micro 7) was produced from materials loaned for copying by the family but gifted to the Historical Society prior to production of the microfilm edition. The materials on Micro 7 therefore should also be present both on Micro 499 and in paper form; Micro 7 has been saved however in case anything was missing when gifted. Some letters written by Tallmadge which are included in the microfilm edition were borrowed from other collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. These include letters in the William Tallmadge Papers which were donated by Mrs. Dorothy Stolp of Willmette, Illinois, and letters from the James Duane Doty Papers. The published material filmed with the speeches and writings is from the Historical Society Library.

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