Woman's Christian Temperance Union (Milton, Wis.) Records, 1889-1960


The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Milton (sometimes called the Patricia Millar Chapter) was affiliated with the Wisconsin and national WCTU. Other chapters in Rock County included the Rock County WCTU and local chapters in Beloit, Clinton, Edgerton, Evansville, Harmony, Janesville, and Lima. An important stimulus to the Rock County WCTU chapters was the legacy of Frances Willard, one of the founders of the national WCTU and its president from 1879 until her death in 1898. In 1846, Miss Willard moved to a farm south of Janesville with her family. In 1853, her father, Josiah Willard, and neighbors built a schoolhouse for their children near Janesville. The Rock County WCTU purchased the schoolhouse in 1921 so that it might be preserved and “serve as an inspiration to all to live as exemplary Christian citizens.” After purchasing the property surrounding the schoolhouse and making necessary repairs, the building was dedicated on September 28, 1921. The schoolhouse was reconverted and used temporarily by the Rock Valley school district during the early 1950's.

The date of establishment of the Milton WCTU is unknown. The records cover the period when the organization's principal activities included group discussions of alcohol and narcotics-related issues and Bible study at monthly meetings, education and propaganda programs in schools and in cooperation with civic groups, campaigns against liquor advertisements, and combined programs with other Rock County WCTU chapters. The monthly meetings were held in members' homes.

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