Sam A. Jaffe Papers, 1947-1972

Scope and Content Note

Although a small, fragmentary collection, the papers represent the variety of Jaffe's professional career. Included are correspondence and writings, which are of greatest research value, and biographical material.

CORRESPONDENCE includes both general, 1951-1972, and fan mail, 1963-1967. Most complete is the section of the correspondence dealing with Jaffe's attempt as a reporter for The Nation to visit the People's Republic of China during the 1950's. Of interest primarily for their autograph value are letters from Evgeny Evtuchenko, H. R. Haldeman, J. Edgar Hoover, Hubert H. Humphrey, Carey McWilliams, Pierre Salinger, William Sheehan, Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia, and U Thant.

WRITINGS include articles, dispatches, and scripts. Of these, the dispatches which were written as a Marine correspondent covering Korea are the most complete. Also of note are a number of scripts written for various ABC year-end news summaries, a transcript of the interview with Prince Sihanouk broadcast on ABC Scope, and a 1963 interview with Nina Petrovona Khrushcheva.

With the exception of a draft dispatch of his 1955 interview with Chou En-lai, the articles are present only in the form of clippings. Included are printed copies of stories filed with The Nation and a number of articles written as a special UPI correspondent in China in 1972.

The BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL consists of clippings, press releases, and other promotional items concerning Jaffe's career.

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