A. C. Nielsen Company Reports, 1943-1957

Scope and Content Note

The collection consists entirely of reports, 1943-1957, produced by the A. C. Nielsen Co., on radio and television audiences. The reports are divided into three sections: Nielsen Radio Indexes, Nielsen Television Indexes, and other reports. The radio audiences are better covered, 1943-1957, than are those of television, 1951-1953. Most of the reports contained here have extensive introductory information on the nature of the data presented and comments on the manner in which it was gathered. For more detail on these points the researcher is urged to consult the reports.

The RADIO INDEXES are summaries and further analyses of Nielsen biweekly reports. Issued at varying intervals and sometimes with different titles, these reports cover the period from 1943 to 1957. For 1943 and 1944 the reports are annual; from 1945 to 1948 they cover six month periods; and from 1950 to 1957 they are one and then two month cumulations. There are some gaps in coverage. Although there is variation in format and amount and type of information supplied, these reports consistently detail a great number of radio audience measurements. Most notable are program ratings. Other data include program cost analyses; audience flow from one program to another; minute by minute program audiences; breakdowns of listeners by region, city size, and income group; and indication of sales effectiveness of advertised products. Some reports measure network and station competition in selected major cities. There are several reports with other special features, e.g. a 1944 analysis of sustaining programs, data on the audience attracted by the 1956 national political conventions, and figures on television ownership and viewing by radio listeners for 1950 to 1957.

Each of the TELEVISION INDEXES covers two month periods, 1951-1953, and summarizes and further analyzes data gathered in biweekly Nielsen reports. Much of the same type of information contained in the radio indexes is found here for television viewing. The reports also contain comparisons of television and radio audiences for each two month period. The reports for 1952 have special sections on that year's political campaign and election audiences. The OTHER REPORTS are miscellaneous and cover a variety of subjects: CBS sustaining programs, 1943; D-Day listening, 1944; ownership of radio and television sets, 1952; television Popularity Ratings, 1952-1953; and television multi-network ratings, 1953. Also included here are special reports to the Television Advertising Bureau, 1957, linking television viewing habits to the purchase of such items as automobiles, facial tissues, toilet soap, coffee, and prepared puddings.

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