Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Records, 1912-2003

Appendix 1: Oral History Interview Questions for Tape Recordings 628A/33-77

Interviewees generally provided biographical information and responses to the following major questions:

  1. Which one or two individuals have had the most influence on the direction of journalism education?
  2. How did the educational philosophies of these individuals differ and what particularly was the unique contribution of each one?
  3. How responsive have journalism schools been to publisher demands for professional training in the curricula? Has this been a healthy pressure on schools of journalism?
  4. What do you believe is the proper balance between practical and theoretical subjects in the journalism curriculum? How have your attitudes on this changed over the years?
  5. What major changes do you foresee in journalism education?

Tapes are listed under U.S. Mss 154AF; transcripts are listed under M2003-034.

There are no tapes numbered 628A/58 or 628A/65.

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