Av Westin Papers, 1945-circa 1982

Appendix: History of Public Broadcast Laboratory (PBL)

Memoranda of the Public Broadcast Laboratory and the Ford Foundation found in this collection unfold much of the intriguing story of PBL. Extracts which are presented below from a selection of these memoranda are intended to be used as a guide to facilitate usage of these documents and other portions of this collection which deal with the Public Broadcast Laboratory. Since the memoranda have in some instances been paraphased, the material itself should be consulted for the wording of exact quotations and for complete detail.

March 13, 1967 --Av Westin

Has been confusion over what is to be the ultimate role of the highly skilled professionals of the Broadcast Laboratory. Rivalry with NET could easily develop. Simple fact, NET has no capable news and public affairs staff. No one who has come to work for the Broadcast Laboratory would have done so if it were a part of NET as presently organized and answerable to the current NET executives. Recommend an Editorial Board be formed.

April 4, 1967 --Av Westin

Essential difference in operating philosophy of PBL and NET; “PBL charged with producing live interconnected broadcasts with stations whereas NET... is producing air-mailed taped broadcasts for stations.”

My understanding, both PBL and NET may approach Ford Foundation at any time with proposals for broadcasts.

May 5, 1967 -- Av Westin

Table of Organization for PBL. Essential philosophy, provide a meaningful alternative to commercial television. Have set up desks, each desk to help develop long-range projects in television terms. Greg Shuker, documentary producer; John Wicklein, national desk; Joe Russin, social sciences desk.

May 23, 1967 -- Memorandum of understanding between Ford Foundation and NET.

Grant for purpose of setting up and financing operation of a separate and distinct division to be known as the Public Broadcast Laboratory of National Educational Television as an experimental laboratory responsible for the production of topical and relevant broadcasts distributed by live interconnection on Sunday nights. Interconnected broadcasts concerning 1968 elections. General manager of PBL to be known as Executive Director. Editorial Policy Board to be appointed by NET Board of Directors to which Executive Director of PBL responsible for content of programs. NET Board of Directors will appoint not more than four of its members on a PBL Administrative Committee to whom the Executive Director of PBL shall be responsible for all phases of operations other than content of broadcasts. Intended that PBL shall have the greatest possible autonomy in planning its budget, employment of personnel, and methods of production. Shall be at all times full cooperation between financial, legal, and programming personnel of the PBL Division and NET.

(no date) -- “PBL, A Preliminary Fact Sheet”

Beginning Sunday November 1967 weekly, 8:30 - 10:30 eastern time. Broadening public and cultural affairs coverage for television to include all areas of human affairs. Criterion of whether or not to include -- relevance. Amount of time to suit subject matter. Mandate for experimentation and innovation. PBL proposes to publish in television terms the work of professors, diplomats, scholars, artists, and anyone else with credentials.

August 18, 1967 -- Ford Foundation to NET

$7,920,000 grant for PBL for 1 1/2 year period from March 1, 1967 to September 1, 1968.

October 10, 1967 -- “Goals of PBL”

Draft statement by Editorial Board.

November 2, 1967 -- Av Westin

Letter to members of Editorial Board on first PBL program.

November 16, 1967 -- Dean Edward Barrett to Westin

Editorial Policy Board's statements to clarify working relationships. (Statement annotated and underlined by Westin)

November 17, 1967 -- Westin to Barrett

Reservations on Board's statement.

Draft of written comment to Board. Seeks clear deliniation of responsibility. Final authority, with respect to an individual or programs must lie in one man. A specific program cannot be organized by a committee.

I realized full well that Board would be concerned and frustrated about the incident concerning first broadcast. I too was concerned and frustrated and realized its full implications. I am sure no such confrontation will take place within the context of any issue in the future.

November 22, 1967 -- Barrett to Westin.

Explanation of Board statement.

November 29, 1967 -- Draft “PBL Operating Principles”

December 15, 1967 -- “Goals and Operating Principles of PBL”

May 9, 1968 -- Westin to Fred Friendly

Regrouping of NET organizational structure. From outset, persistent confusion as to role of Editorial Board in terms of its responsibilities. We as broadcasters, found it difficult, if not impossible to produce successful programs by committee.

What we at PBL feel the organization of such a board should be. Reduced in size to five members. Prime function, to review program content and performances in light of PBL's established objectives.

We see PBL in its next season establishing itself as the leading edge of an expanded news and public affairs division of a merged PBL/NET for 1969-1970 season.

Would be harmful to allow PBL to drift into second year without some of this basic restructuring.

May 10, 1968 -- “Report and Recommendations on PBL”

Editorial Policy Board recommends termination of PBL experiment in its present form at end of current series.

Recommends inauguration next season of an entirely new series.

Should have a new chief executive officer with sounder and more sophisticated editorial judgment and greater ability to challenge form and content than is now the case.

New chief executive should be clearly employed by NET.

We believe the experience of this year has confirmed need for a Board of this kind. Employment and retention of the chief executive should be subject to the concurrence of the Editorial Policy Board.

May 10, 1968 -- Barrett to Case

Board hopes to see this whole matter handled with fairness and dignity.

April 25, 1968 -- Editorial Policy Board to Everett Case

Our influence almost entirely negative. PBL's failure to meet or approach objectives of experimentation and innovation. Staff has in general aimed low. In form, PBL indistinguishable from pattern developed by commercial television. In substance, has rarely departed from either the topics or intellectual levels of conventional television. Staff has seldom turned to members of board for light and leading on substantive matters.


  1. Replacement of present executive directors.
  2. Clarification of Editorial Policy Board's relations with staff, NET, and Ford Foundation.
  3. Shift of board's attention to board question of experimental policy.
  4. Removal of PBL from participation in 1968 election coverage of presidential campaign.

May 21, 1968 -- Av Westin

Meeting in Saratoga to discuss PBL programming issues. Redefined PBL's purpose.

June 7, 1968 -- Av Westin to Friendly

You have asked me to advance a new plan that would represent a solution to the current impasse surrounding PBL's operational status. It clearly diminishes and narrows the overall programming authority and control originally granted to me at the creation of PBL.

Program Advisory Committee for PBL of five members, Fred Bohen, chairman. I would relinquish to Fred Bohen ultimate responsibility and final authority over overall shape and composition of the series and general content and editorial thrust.

Final responsibility and authority for decision should repose in one individual, Fred Bohen.

PBL Administrative Committee, vacancy caused by resignation of Dean Edward Barrett.

October 15, 1968 -- Ford Foundation to NET

Grant of $4,580,000 to support operations, program production and interconnection costs of PBL for a nine month period beginning October 1, 1968.

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