Wisconsin Native American Languages Project Records, 1973-1976

Administrative/Restriction Information

Access Restrictions

Researchers must use the digital access copies of the Menominee, Ojibwe, Oneida, Potawatomi, and Ho-Chunk recordings. Access copies are available as .mp3 files. Citizens of the Oneida, Ojibwa, Ho-Chunk, Menominee and Potawatomi nations and their descendants may have access to the files. Others may request to use the files per an agreement with the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council.

Use Restrictions

The Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council owns the copyright to the collection. No documents or tapes may be copied without the written permission of the GLITC or its designated representative . At the time of this writing (December 2004), the UWM Libraries' Archives Department head serves as curator of the copyright held by the GLITC in this collection. The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the laws of libel, privacy, and copyright which may be involved in the use of any part of this collection (Wisconsin Statutes 19.21-19.39).

Custodial History

In 1976, complete sets of all WNALP materials were delivered by William Cook to the GLITC office at Lac du Flambeau and the Department of Public Instruction. An additional complete set was retained by UW-Milwaukee. Additionally, Cook delivered a complete set of each language series to the relevant tribual offices. By 1979, all parties had apparently lost all or parts of their sets, leaving the collection at UW-Milwaukee the extant copy. In March 1981, this collection was transferred from the UW-Milwaukee Native American Studies Program office to the Golda Meir Library. In partnership with The Electa Quinney Institute for American Indian Education each nation continues to work with these materials and retains a copy in their local tribal archives.

Acquisition Information

John Boatman, coordinator of the UW-Milwaukee Native American Studies Program, transferred the first accession in March 1981, and a second accession in March 1992.

Processing Information

Tim Spindler and Mark A. Vargas processed the collection at the Archives in January-March 1992.

Preservation Information

The audio recordings were digitized by Safe Sound Archive in Philadelphia in 2008. Preservation master files were created as 44.1 kHz/24-bit resolution .wav files. Access copies were created as CD-R and 44 kHz/96 kbps bit resolution .mp3 files.

Deaccession Information

Cassette 62, a duplicate of cassette 61, was removed from the collection on August 15, 2008. Audio reels 89 and 90, which duplicated reels 74 and 81, were also removed from the collection in August 2008.

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