National Educational Television Records, 1951-1969

Container Title
Subseries: Photographs
Scope and Content Note

The core of this file consisted of the large photograph file maintained by Public Information. Added to it during processing were all photographs found in the other NET Series. The bulk of the photos are production stills, but there are a few photos that were used for research. Arranged alphabetically by subject - either the program title or the name of the subject.

Usually, folder titles for those with multiple programs list merely inclusive titles, that is, beginning and ending. For a title that falls between the two, the researcher's only recourse is to check the folder itself.

Box   17
Folder   3
Adenauer, Dr.
Box   17
Folder   4
Adventuring in the Hand Arts - African Writers of Today - An Age of Kings
Box   17
Folder   5
An Age of Overkill - Agriculture in an Uneasy World
Box   17
Folder   6
Alexander Schreidner
Box   17
Folder   7
America in the Making - The American Mind - America: The Dollar Poor
Box   17
Folder   8
America's Crises: Child of the Future
Box   17
Folder   9
America's Crises: The Individual
Box   17
Folder   10
America's Crises: The Community - America's Crises: The Hard Way
Box   17
Folder   11
Anna Karenina - Antigone - Antiques
Box   17
Folder   12
Art and Artists: Great Britain - Art and Man
Box   17
Folder   13
As Fairs Go
Box   18
Folder   1
Astronomy For You - At Issue: “The Quiet Conflict” and “Science Goes to Washington” and “The Press and Mrs. Nhu”
Box   18
Folder   2
Atomic Energy Commission Films
Box   18
Folder   3
Basic Issues of Man
Box   18
Folder   4
Belafonte, Harry - Black Marries White
Box   18
Folder   5
Briefing Sessions
Box   18
Folder   6
Brinton, Crane
Box   18
Folder   7
Brogan, D. W.
Box   18
Folder   9
Box   18
Folder   10
Burns, James MacGregor
Box   18
Folder   11
Canham, Erwin D.
Box   18
Folder   12
Canterbury Choir Boy - Castle Garden
Box   18
Folder   13
Box   18
Folder   14
Challenge I
Box   18
Folder   15
Challenge II
Box   18
Folder   16
Challenge of Change - Championship Debate - The Changing Congress
Box   18
Folder   17
Changing World - Cherrington, Ben M., PhD. - Chief of State
Box   18
Folder   18
Children Growing - A Child's Christmas in Wales
Box   18
Folder   19
Chou - En - Lai: Interview and Comment
Box   18
Folder   20
The Christmas Painting - Civil Rights
Box   18
Folder   21
Cleveland, Harlan
Box   18
Folder   22
College News Conference
Box   18
Folder   23
Collingwood, Charles - Colombe
Box   18
Folder   24
Command in Battle - Compass Rose - The Computer and the Mind of Man - Concert for Strings and Winds
Box   18
Folder   25
Conference On World Tensions - Confronted - Congress of Strings - Conquest of Cold - Contemporary American Composers: Aaron Copland
Box   18
Folder   26
Convention of the Catholic Broadcasters' Association, 1959
Box   18
Folder   27
The Count Down Under
Box   18
Folder   28
The Creative Person
Box   18
Folder   29
Creative Person: Hallie Flanagan
Box   18
Folder   30
Critics and the Theater - Crossroads of the World
Box   18
Folder   31
Cuba, Si! - Cultures and Continents
Box   18
Folder   32
Dandy Dick - Dateline: United Nations
Box   18
Folder   33
Davis, Saville
Box   19
Folder   1
The Death Penalty
Box   19
Folder   2
Defense of the Realm
Box   19
Folder   3
DeGaulle, Charles
Box   19
Folder   4
deGrazen, Sebastian
Box   19
Folder   5
Dessions, Roger - Destruction of the Indian
Box   19
Folder   6
Dialogue with Red China - Doctors of Hope - Dodds, John - Dollar Diplomacy
Box   19
Folder   7
A Doll's House
Box   19
Folder   8
Don Pasquale - Don't Label Me - Dr. Posin's Giants - Dynamics of Desegregation
Box   19
Folder   9
Earth and Mankind - An Essay on Death
Box   19
Folder   10
Essays on Africa - The Essential Nehru - Everybody's Mountain - The Evil Queen - Exploring the Universe
Box   19
Folder   11
The Face of Sweden
Box   19
Folder   12
Faces of Asia
Box   19
Folder   13
Face to Face
Box   19
Folder   14
The Fall of the Mandarin
Box   19
Folder   15
Far Eastern Art
Box   19
Folder   16
Fermi, Enrico
Box   19
Folder   17
Festival of the Arts
Box   19
Folder   18
Firkusny, Rudolf
Box   19
Folder   19
The First Gentleman
Box   19
Folder   20
The First Priority
Box   19
Folder   21
Flaherty and Film - Focus on Behavior - Focus on United Nations
Box   20
Folder   1
Foolish Wives
Box   20
Folder   2
For Freedom Now
Box   20
Folder   3
Formosa and Chiang's Dream - Forty-Five Years with Fitzpatrick
Box   20
Folder   4
Four Score
Box   20
Folder   5
Fourteen Hundred Thousand - Freedom in September - Freedom to Learn
Box   20
Folder   6
Gilbert and Sullivan - Glenchcannon - Glenn Gould
Box   20
Folder   7
The Glory Trail
Box   20
Folder   8
Goett, Harry J., Dr.
Box   20
Folder   9
Goldwater, Barry
Box   20
Folder   10
Great Decisions - Great Ideas
Box   20
Folder   11
The Great Rivals - The Great Society: John Sweeney - Great Teachers
Box   20
Folder   12
Hamlet - Hats in the Ring
Box   20
Folder   12
Box   20
Folder   14
Heifetz Master Class - Here Is the Past
Box   20
Folder   15
Box   20
Folder   16
Heritage - An Hour With Joan Sutherland
Box   20
Folder   17
The House We Live In
Box   20
Folder   18
The Humanities
Box   20
Folder   19
Box   20
Folder   20
The Indian Experiment
Box   20
Folder   21
The Innocents
Box   20
Folder   22
The Inquiring Mind
Box   20
Folder   23
The Insect Play
Box   20
Folder   24
Box   21
Folder   1
Intertel (continued)
Box   21
Folder   2
Invitation to Art
Box   21
Folder   3
Japanese Brush Painting - Jazz At Newport, 1966 - Jazz Casual - The Journey of the Fifth Horse - Julius Caesar - Justice and the Poor
Box   21
Folder   4
The Killing of the King
Box   21
Folder   5
Krips, Joseph
Box   21
Folder   6
Krueger, Karl
Box   21
Folder   7
The Lady From Philadelphia (Marian Anderson)
Box   21
Folder   8
Land of Their Own
Box   21
Folder   9
Latin American Photos
Box   21
Folder   10
Laughton, Charles
Box   21
Folder   11
Layman's Guide to Modern Art
Box   21
Folder   12
League of Women Voters - Legacy - Liebling, P. J.
Box   21
Folder   13
The Life and Times of Marshall Tito - A Little Madness - Living With A Giant
Box   21
Folder   14-15
Local Issue
Box   21
Folder   16
Logan, Josh
Box   21
Folder   17
Long, Paul
Box   21
Folder   18
Lorentz On Film - Lotus Island-Between Buddha and Marx
Box   21
Folder   19
Box   21
Folder   20
MacBeth - MacVane, John
Box   21
Folder   21
Maharajas Must Pay Taxes
Box   21
Folder   22
The Making of a Doctor
Box   21
Folder   23
Box   21
Folder   24
The Man Shakespeare
Box   21
Folder   25
Marketing on the Move
Box   21
Folder   26
McGee, Frank - Men of Our Time - Men of the Senate
Box   18
Folder   8
Meredith, Burgess
Box   21
Folder   27
The Messenger from Violet Drive - Messiah
Box   21
Folder   28
Metropolis: Creator or Destroyer - Metropolitan Museum
Box   21
Folder   29
Michaelis, Arnold
Box   22
Folder   1
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Mighty and Mystical
Box   22
Folder   2
Miller, Dr. Sanford
Box   22
Folder   3
Mirror of Man - Missa Brevis - Misterogers' Neighborhood
Box   22
Folder   4
A Month in the Country
Box   22
Folder   5
The Mountain
Box   22
Folder   6
The Mozart Concerto
Box   22
Folder   7
Mr. Secretary
Box   22
Folder   8
Munich, Charles
Box   22
Folder   9
Music As A Language - Music on the River
Box   22
Folder   10
Nash, Ogden
Box   22
Folder   11
Box   22
Folder   12
National Goals - The Negro and the American Promise - NET Drama Festival - NET Playhouse
Box   22
Folder   13
NET Presents
Box   22
Folder   14
Newburn, H. K.
Box   22
Folder   15
New Guinea: Stone Age to Atom Age
Box   22
Folder   16
The New Italian
Box   22
Folder   17
New Orleans
Box   22
Folder   18
New Orleans Jazz - Night Journey
Box   22
Folder   19
The 91st Day
Box   22
Folder   20
Norton and Tallulah Bankhead - Nur-Ein-Tag (Only One Day)
Box   22
Folder   21
Odilon Redon: The Graphic Works
Box   22
Folder   22
Of People and Politics
Box   22
Folder   23
The Old Glory - Benito Cereno
Box   22
Folder   24
On Call To A Nation - Once Upon A Japanese Time - One Man's Hunger - Ordeal By Fire - Our Nation's Roots - Our Neighbor the Moon
Box   22
Folder   25
Pacem In Terris - The Painting - A Paradise On Earth
Box   22
Folder   26
Box   22
Folder   27
Parlons Francais - Passacaglia - Past Imperfect
Box   23
Folder   1
Box   23
Folder   2
Patterns For Life - Peace Corps
Box   23
Folder   3
Pauling, Linus
Box   23
Folder   4
People, Places, and Politics - People Like Maria - Perspectives - Philosophies of Education - Photography: The Incisive Art
Box   23
Folder   5
Pickering, William
Box   23
Folder   6
Planet Earth - Platform - The Play of Daniel - Playwright at Work - Poets at Work
Box   23
Folder   7
Point of View - Portugal Today - Postscript to An Empire - Great Britain in Transition
Box   23
Folder   8
The Power and Responsibility of the Press
Box   23
Folder   9
The President's Men
Box   23
Folder   10
Profile of A Southern Moderate - Project Mohole
Box   23
Folder   11
Prospects of Mankind
Box   23
Folder   12
Psychology One
Box   23
Folder   13
Puerto Rico - Workshop for the Americas
Box   23
Folder   14
Quebec, Canada
Box   23
Folder   15
Radenzel, Edward
Box   23
Folder   16
Radiation: Fact and Controversy - The Ragtime Era
Box   23
Folder   17
Reading Out Loud - The Red Army - Redman's America - The Red Myth - Regional Report
Box   23
Folder   18
Repertoire Workshop - Report from Moscow - Report from Stowe - Requiem for a Slave - The Rivals - Romeo and Juliet - Russia 1963
Box   23
Folder   19
Saki: The Improper Stories of H. H. Munro - Salant, Richard - Salzburg Marionettes - The Scarecrow
Box   23
Folder   20
Schriever, General
Box   23
Folder   21
Schwalt, Mikas
Box   24
Folder   1
Science and Engineering TV Journal - Science and Ethics - Science and Government - Science in Action - Science in Sight - Science Reporter - Scientific Methods - Search for America - Searchlights on Delinquency
Box   24
Folder   2
Box   24
Folder   3
The Second Mrs. Tanqueray
Box   24
Folder   4
Seldes, Gilbert
Box   24
Folder   5
Self Encounter - Sense of Poetry - Seven-Up - Seven Who Dared
Box   24
Folder   6
Sen, B. R.
Box   24
Folder   7
Shelter For Man - The Shepherds and The Magi - The Short Stories of de Maupassant - Sons Out of the South
Box   24
Folder   8
Sirvent, Fernando
Box   24
Folder   9
Sounds of America - South African Essay
Box   24
Folder   10
South America: Votes or Violence - Space Science-63
Box   24
Folder   11
State Department Briefing
Box   24
Folder   12
Stevenson, Adlai
Box   24
Folder   13
Stokowski, Leopold
Box   24
Folder   14
Strategy of Truth - Subsaharan Africa - Suburban Living: Six Solutions - Sukarno: Prophet or Demagogue
Box   24
Folder   15
Stravinsky, Igor
Box   24
Folder   16
Box   24
Folder   17
Box   24
Folder   18
Box   24
Folder   19
Box   24
Folder   20
Tahiti...Pacific Cocktail - T. E. Lawrence - Ten Million Strong - That Free Men May Live
Box   24
Folder   21
Terry, Luther L.
Box   24
Folder   22
Thailand (North East)
Box   24
Folder   23
This is Art
Box   24
Folder   24
This is Opera
Box   25
Folder   1
This New House
Box   25
Folder   2
This Question of Color
Box   25
Folder   3
Three Faces of Cuba - Three Sisters
Box   25
Folder   4
Time for Living
Box   25
Folder   5
Turn of the Century (Negatives)
Box   25
Folder   6
Trio - Tun Hwang
Box   25
Folder   7
Turn of the Century
Box   25
Folder   8
Twelfth Night
Box   25
Folder   9
The Two Faces of Japan
Box   25
Folder   10
The Typewriter
Box   25
Folder   11
Uncle Wonder's Workshop
Box   25
Folder   12
Under the Banner of Prophets
Box   25
Folder   13
Unions-Who Needs Them?
Box   25
Folder   14
United Nations
Box   25
Folder   15
United Nations
Box   26
Folder   1
UN Review
Box   26
Folder   2
U.S.A.: Dance - U.S.A. Writers...Science Fiction
Box   26
Folder   3
Venezuela: The Making of a Government
Box   26
Folder   4
Vietnam/Coups and Crises
Box   26
Folder   5
Visit With A Sculptor
Box   26
Folder   6
Voyage to the Moon
Box   26
Folder   7
Box   26
Folder   8
Box   26
Folder   9
Washington Deadlock
Box   26
Folder   10
Box   26
Folder   11
Waves Across The Pacific
Box   26
Folder   12
What in the World - A Woman of No Importance
Box   26
Folder   13
The White South: Two Views
Box   26
Folder   14
The Wild Duck
Box   26
Folder   15
The World of Kurt Weill
Box   26
Folder   16
The World of Music
Box   43
The World of Music: The Instrument Maker
Box   26
Folder   17
The World of Music
Box   26
Folder   18
The World of Photography
Box   26
Folder   19
The World We Want
Box   26
Folder   20
The Written Word
Box   27
Folder   1
What's New
Box   27
Folder   2
White, John F.
Box   27
Folder   3
Wiener, Norbert
Box   27
Folder   5
World of Art
Box   27
Folder   6
Wriston, Henry
Box   27
Folder   7
Writers of Today
Box   27
Folder   8
Years Without Harvest
Box   27
Folder   9
Yes is For A Very Young Man
Box   27
Folder   10
You and Your Doctor - Your Dollars Worth
Box   27
Folder   11
Youth Physical Fitness: A Report to the Nation - Yvette
Box   27
Folder   12
Box   26
Folder   21
Miscellaneous Negatives
Box   26
Folder   22
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