Bruce Barton Papers, 1881-1967

Appendix: Correspondent Index


The following list is offered as a supplement to the shelf list. It is only a partial listing of correspondents thought to be of possible interest to researchers. IT INCLUDES ONLY PERSONS WHOSE LETTERS OR OTHER RELEVANT MATERIALS APPEAR IN ONE OR MORE FOLDERS NOT LISTED UNDER THEIR OWN NAMES IN THE SHELF LIST. THIS LIST IS NOT COMPLETE. Additional correspondence for any of these persons may well occur in more folders than are noted here. For persons not listed either here or in the contents list, the researcher must consult the collection itself.

Name Folder title; Box #
Acheson, Barclay Reader's Digest; Box 100
Alsop, Stewart J. Aa-Am; Box 1
Anderson, Clinton P. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Austin, Warren R. Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Baer, Arthur (“Bugs”) American Magazine - 1931; Box 82
Baldwin, Faith American Magazine - 1931; Box 82
Barton, Clara William E. Barton - Correspondence; Box 143 (copy of letter of May 19, 1881)
Barton, William E. William E. Barton Papers; Box 143
Good Housekeeping; Box 88
Woman's Home Companion - articles; Box 104
Bobbs-Merrill Company; Box 105
“Story of Business” Box 111
Good Housekeeping - articles; Box 127
Woman's Home Companion - articles; Box 133
Book Nobody Knows - notes and drafts; Box 134
He Upset The World - notes and drafts; Box 134
“Story of Business”; Box 134
Beard, Charles and Mary Beard; Box 7
Marshall Plan; Box 42
Beatty, Mr. & Mrs. Webster Beatty; Box 7
Alexander; Box 1
Brown, Robert D.; Box 9
Beck, Thomas Collier's; Box 86
Crowell-Collier Publishing Company; Box 87
Benton, William Benton; Box 7
Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Advertising Federation of America; Box 118
Radio; Box 123
Blossom, Sumner American Magazine - editorial and misc.; Box 82
Miscellaneous publications - (with Popular Science Monthly correspondence); Box 92
Blough, Roger M. Bl-Bz; Box 9
United States Steel Corporation; Box 80-81
Bowles, Chester Bl-Bz; Box 9
Boyden, Frank Deerfield Academy; Box 15-16
Bricker, John W. Bl-Bz; Box 9
Bridges, Styles Bl-Bz; Box 9
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
North Atlantic Pact; Box 50
Sp-Sth (correspondence with Foster Stearns about Bridges); Box 65
Brooks, C. Wayland Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Brophy, Thomas D'Arcy Bl-Bz; Box 9
Brownell, Herbert Brownell; Box 9
Dewey; Box 17
Bruno, Harry Bl-Bz; Box 9
Byrd, Richard E. Bl-Bz; Box 9
Cain, Harry Ca-Cd; Box 10
Caldwell, Taylor (pseud. for Mrs. M. Reback) Ca-Cd; Box 10
Canfield, Cass Ca-Cd; Box 10
Population Problem; Box 53
Cantor, Eddie Ca-Cd; Box 10
Capehart, Homer Ca-Cd; Box 10
Carlson, Frank Ca-Cd; Box 10
Castle, Eugene W. Ca-Cd; Box 10
Catherwood, M. P. Ca-Cd; Box 10
Catledge, Turner Ca-Cd; Box 10
Chase, Stuart Ce-Clt; Box 11
Childs, Marquis Ce-Clt; Box 11
Clark, Edward T. Coolidge; Box 13
Clay, Lucius D. Ce-Clt; Box 11
Continental Can Company; Box 75
Cole, W. Sterling Clu-Com; Box 12
Condon, Frank Con-Co; Box 13
Conway, Carle C. Conway; Box 13
Continential Can Company; Box 75
Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge; Box 13
Associated Press; Box 85-86
Articles - Collier's, 1937; Box 125
Articles - Review of Reviews; Box 133
Stearns (some correspondence about Coolidge); Box 65
Barton, William - correspondence; Box 143
Cooper, Charles Procter Cooper; Box 13
Presbyterian Hospital; Box 54
Cooper, Kent Cooper; Box 13
Coolidge; Box 13
Cornell, Paul Cornell; Box 13
Si-So (filed with Sidebotham correspondence); Box 64
Client Correspondence N - general; Box 122
Costain, Thomas B. Con-Cq; Box 13
Hoover--Challenge to Liberty--Miscellaneous Correspondence; Box 29
Coudert, Frederic R. Coudert; Box 13
Republican Party - 1958; Box 58
Cousins, Norman Con-Cq; Box 13
Saturday Review; Box 62
Cox, James M. Con-Cq; Box 13
Crosby, John Cr-Cz; Box 14
New York Herald-Tribune; Box 48
Crowell, James Cr-Cz; Box 14
Crowell, Merle American Magazine - edit.; Box 82
Reader's Digest; Box 100
Crowninshield, Frank Crowninshield; Box 14
Vanity Fair; Box 104
Curti, Merle Woman's Home Companion - Readers; Box 104
DeMille, Cecil B. Motion Pictures - General; Box 112
Dennis, Lawrence Dennis; Box 17
Look; Box 97
Reader's Digest; Box 100
Articles - Look; Box 129
Articles - Reader's Digest; Box 132
Miscellaneous notes and drafts about foreign policy; Box 339-40
Derrieux, James American Magazine; Box 82
Dewey, Thomas E. Dewey; Box 17
Droeger, Arthur; Box 37
Dirksen, Everett M. Deg-Dn; Box 17
Dolgorouky, Princess Stephanie Do-Dz; Box 18
Doubleday, Russell Hoover--Challenge to Liberty-Miscellaneous; Box 29
Dreiser, Theodore Do-Dz; Box 18
Dulles, Allen W. Con-Cq (with correspondence from Council on Foreign Relations); Box 13
Dulles, John Foster Dulles; Box 18
Republican Party - 1943; Box 57
Durant, William Crapo Do-Dz; Box 18
Durant, William James Do-Dz; Box 18
Eastman, Joseph R. Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Eaton, Charles A. Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower; Box 19
Coudert (copies); Box 13
Ce-Clt (Correspondence with Marquis Childs about Eisenhower); Box 11
Aa-Am (Correspondence with Stewart Alsop about Eisenhower); Box 1
Pulliam, Eugene (Correspondence about Eisenhower campaign); Box 55
Ely, Richard T. Ea-Ez; Box 19
Farley, James A. Farley; Box 20
Mas-Mil (filed under Medina); Box 43
Ferguson, Homer Republican Party - 1951; Box 58
Fishbein, Morris, Dr. Fa-Fn; Box 20
Flanders, Ralph Fa-Fn; Box 20
North Atlantic Pact; Box 50
Fowler, Gene Fo-Frd; Box 21
Frear, James A. Fre-Gh; Box 22
Gallup, George B. Fre-Gh; Box 22
Goldwater, Barry Goldwater; Box 23
Republican Party - 1959, 1961; Box 58
Greene, Ward King Features Syndicate; Box 90
Gunther, John Gi-Gz; Box 23
Deerfield Academy, 1947; Box 15
Hackett, Frances Haa-Haq; Box 24
Halleck, Charles A. Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Hammond, Godfrey Christian Herald; Box 86
Harriman, William Averell Ru-Rz (with correspondence about Russian War Relief); Box 61
Hazlitt, Henry Marshall Plan; Box 42
Hennings, Thomas C., Jr. Hen-Hok; Box 27
Herter, Christian Hen-Hok; Box 27
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Marshall Plan; Box 42
High, Stanley Christian Herald; Box 86
Hill, John W. Hen-Hok; Box 27
Hornbeck, Stanley Hop-Ht; Box 30
Howard, Jack Scripps - Howard; Box 63
Howard, Roy W. Howard; Box 30
Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Scripps - Howard; Box 63
Hull, Cordell Pa-Pe (filed with Lewis Plaen Correspondence); Box 51
Hurja, Emil Pathfinder; Box 51
Ives, Irving M. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Republican Party - 1942, 1946; Box 57-58
Javits, Jacob K. Institute of... -Jd; Box 33
Jenner, William E. Jenner; Box 34
North Atlantic Pact; Box 50
Johnson, Luther A. Johnson; Box 34
Johnston, Eric A. Je-Jz; Box 34
Julien, William A. Je-Jz; Box 34
Kaltenborn, H. V. Advertising Federation of America; Box 118
Keating, Kenneth Ka-Kh; Box 35
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Kefauver, Estes Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Kelland, Clarence Budington Kelland; Box 35
Republican Party - 1943, 1948, 1950; Box 57-58
Kennedy, John F. Ka-Kh (xerox copies; dates: 1/28/56; 5/20/57); Box 35
Kennedy, Robert F. Ka-Kh; Box 35
Keogh, Eugene Ka-Kh; Box 35
Kerensky, Mrs. Alexander Ka-Kh; Box 35
Kerr, Robert S. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Knowland, William F. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Knutson, Harold Ki-Kn; Box 36
Kohler, Walter, Jr. King Features Syndicate - Miscellaneous Correspondence - 1954-56; Box 90
La Follette, Philip F. Ko-Las; Box 37
La Follette, Robert M., Jr. Ko-Las; Box 37
Lamb, Charles R. Ko-Las; Box 37
Lambertson, William P. Ko-Las; Box 37
Landon, Alfred M. Landon; Box 37
V-Wal (commenting on 1948 candidacy of Henry A. Wallace); Box 70
Lane, Gertrude Woman's Home Companion - edit.; Box 104
Lantz, Walter P. Ko-Las; Box 37
Lasky, Jesse L. Motion Pictures - general; Box 112
Lawrence, David Lat-Lh; Box 38
LeFever, Jay Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Lehman, Herbert H. Lat-Lh; Box 38
Lindbergh, Charles A. Li-Los; Box 39
Lindsay, John V. Li-Los; Box 39
Republican Party - 1958; Box 58
Lippmann, Walter Li-Los; Box 39
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Long, Ray Cosmopolitan; Box 87
International Magazine Company; Box 90
Luce, Henry R. and Clare B. Luce; Box 40
Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Republican Party - 1944; Box 57
Time; Box 67
McCabe, Charles B. New York Mirror; Box 48
Macfadden, Bernarr Maa-MacJ; Box 42
McFarland, Ernest W. Maa-MacJ; Box 41
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
McFarlane, Catherine, Dr. Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania; Box 73
Population Problem; Box 53
McLearn, Frank King Features Syndicate; Box 90
Malone, George W. Mack-Marz; Box 42
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Marshall Plan; Box 42
Mansfield, Mike Mack-Marz; Box 42
Marquand, John Mack-Marz; Box 42
Martin, Joseph W. Mas-Mil; Box 43
Republican Party - 1944; Box 57
Maxon, Lou Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Mencken, Henry Louis Mas-Mil; Box 43
Hoover; Box 29
Milbank, Jeremiah Milbank; Box 43
Institute for the Crippled & Disabled; Box 32
Miley, Thomas J. Commerce and Industry Association of New York; Box 12
Millikin, Eugene D. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Moley, Raymond Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Moley; Box 44
Monahan, James Reader's Digest; Box 100
Moore, Hugh Population Problem; Box 53
Morley, Christopher Mim-Mos; Box 44
Morris, Newbold Morris; Box 44
Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Morrow, Dwight Morrow; Box 44
Coolidge; Box 13
Articles - Collier's, 1937; Box 125
Articles - Review of Reviews; Box 133
William Barton Papers - Correspondence; Box 143
Morse, Wayne Mim-Mos; Box 44
Mortimer, Charles G. Mim-Mos; Box 44
Morton, Thruston B. Republican Party - 1959; Box 58
Moses, Robert Moses; Box 44
“Post War Book”; Box 110
Mundt, Karl Mundt; Box 45
Williams, J. Harvie; Box 72
Nast, Condé Condé Nast Publications; Box 87
Vanity Fair; Box 104
Neville, Robert Nea-New York, O; Box 48
Nevins, Allan Nea-New York, O; Box 48
William E. Barton Papers - Correspondence; Box 143
Nicht, Frank J. King Features Syndicate; Box 90
Nixon, Richard M. Nixon; Box 50
Eisenhower - Presidential Campaign; Box 19 b(correspondence about)
Cowles, Gardner (correspondence about); Box 13
Aa-Am - (correspondence with Josephy Alsop about Nixon); Box 1
North, Sterling Ni-Oz; Box 50
O'Dwyer, William Nea-New York, O (with N.Y.C. - Department of Welfare correspondence); Box 48
O'Mahoney, Joseph C. Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Page, Arthur W. Page; Box 51
King Features Syndicate, correspondence, 1954-1956; Box 91
Palmer, Paul Reader's Digest; Box 100
Parker, G. B. (“Deac”) Scripps - Howard; Box 63
Patterson, Joseph M. New York Daily News; Box 48
Peale, Norman Vincent Pa-Pe; Box 51
Christian Herald; Box 86
Penny, James Cash Pa-Pe; Box 51
Poling, Daniel Poling; Box 53
Christian Herald; Box 86
Porter, Sylvia Pl-Por; Box 53
Powell, Harford Powell; Box 54
Youth's Companion; Box 108
Pulliam, Eugene Pulliam; Box 54
King Features Syndicate; Box 90
Putnam, George P. Putnam; Box 55
Motion Pictures - general; Box 112
Rayburn, Sam Ra-Rep; Box 56
Reece, Carroll Republican Party - 1946, 1948; Box 58
Reed, Daniel A. Reed; Box 56
Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Reid, Whitelaw New York Herald-Tribune; Box 48
Rich, Robert F. Rich; Box 59
Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Rickard, Edgar Hoover, Herbert; Box 29
Rockfeller, John D., Jr. Roa-Rt; Box 60
United Negro College Fund, 1945-1949; Box 68
Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt; Box 60
Republican Party - 1944 (copy of letter of July 5, 1935 - attached to letter of Ed Cooper, 1944); Box 57
Ross, Harold W. New Yorker; Box 99
Rubin, Morris Progressive; Box 55
Rusk, Dean King Features Syndicate - Mis. - 1949-1953; Box 90
Sarnoff, David Ra-Rep (with R.C.A. correspondence); Box 56
Scandrett, Richard B. Scandrett; Box 62
Morrow; Box 44
Sedgewick, Ellery Hoover--Challenge To Liberty-miscellaneous; Box 29
Sevaried, Eric Sch-Sh; Box 63
Shaw, Arch W. Shaw; Box 63
Hoover--Challenge To Liberty-miscellaneous; Box 29
Sherwood, Robert E. Sch-Sh; Box 63
Siddall, John M. Fosdick; Box 21
American Magazine - edit. & miscellaneous; Box 82
Barton - miscellaneous; Box 3
Sinclair, Upton Si-So; Box 64
Smith, H. Alexander Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
North Atlantic Pact; Box 50
Sokolsky, George E. Sokolsky; Box 64
Neutrality (draft of statement for Barton, c. 1939); Box 48
Sparkman, John Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Speers, Reverend Theodore Central Presbyterian Church; Box 11
Spellman, Francis Cardinal Si-So (with Smith Memorial Hospital correspondence); Box 64
Stearns, Frank W. Stearns; Box 65
Coolidge; Box 13
Articles - Collier's, 1937; Box 125
Articles - Review of Reviews; Box 133
Strauss, Lewis L. Sti-Sz; Box 66
Street, Julian Sti-Sz; Box 66
Sullivan, Mark Hoover--Challenge To Liberty-Miscellaneous; Box 29
Sunday, Billy Congregationalist and Christian World; Box 87 (correspondence about)
Articles - Congregationalist and Christian World; Box 126
Taft, Robert A. Taft; Box 67
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2 (but not on this subject; rather about Republican propaganda campaign)
Taylor, Maxwell D. Ta-Tq; Box 67
Thomas, Lowell Thomas; Box 67
Advertising Federation of America; Box 1
Usher, Abbott Payne “The Story of Business”; Box 111
Vandenburg, Arthur H. Vandenburg; Box 70
Marshall Plan; Box 42
Arizona - Colorado River Controversy; Box 2
Sti-Sz (with Simeon Strunsky correspondence); Box 66
Vorys, John M. Neutrality; Box 48
Republican Party - 1942; Box 57
Wadsworth, James W. V-Wal; Box 70
Wallace, DeWitt Wallace; Box 70
Reader's Digest; Box 100
Reader's Digest; Box 79
Wallace, Henry V-Wal (letter by Alf Landon, 1/7/48, commenting on Wallace candidacy); Box 70
Wanger, Walter Wanger; Box 71
Motion Pictures - general; Box 112
Wheeler, John N. Wheeler; Box 72
Bell Syndicate; Box 86
Liberty; Box 97
White, Wallace H. Wh-Wil; Box 72
White, William Allen Wh-Wil (brief); Box 72
White, William S. Wh-Wil; Box 72
Willkie, Wendell Willkie; Box 72
Collier's; Box 86
Articles - Collier's; Box 126
Wilson, Charles Edward Wh-Wil; Box 72
Institute for the Crippled and Disabled, General Correspondence; Box 32
Wilson, Woodrow Wh-Wil; Box 72
Young, Milton R. North Atlantic Pact; Box 50

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