Gregor Ziemer Papers, 1929-1945

Container Title
Series: Series 4, Reviews of Plays (By Author)
Box   1
Folder   1
Abbott, George; Abel, Lionel; Achard, Marcel; Ackland, Rodney; Adams, Maude; Adams, Samuel; Ade, George; Aeschylus; Akins, Zoe
Box   1
Folder   2
Albee, Edward
Box   1
Folder   3
Aldridge, Ira; Alexander, Ronald; Alfred, William; Allen, Jay; Allen, Ted; Allen, Woody
Box   1
Folder   4
Anderson, Maxwell
Box   1
Folder   5
Anderson, Robert; Andreyev, Leonid; Anouilh, Jean
Box   1
Folder   6
Ansky; Anspacher, Louis; Appel, Don; Appleman, Mark; Apstein, John; Archibald, William; Arden, John; Ardrey, Robert; Aristophanes; Arlen, Harold
Box   1
Folder   7
Arliss, George; Armstrong, Anthony; Armstrong, Charlotte; Arrighi, Mel; Artaud, Antonin; Arzoomian, Ralph; Atkinson, Brooks; Atlas, Leopold; Axelrod, George; Ayme, Marcel
Box   2
Folder   1
Babel, Isaac; Bacon, Frank; Bagnold, Enid; Balderston, John; Baldwin, James
Box   2
Folder   2
Banks, Nathaniel; Barasch, Norman; Barbour, Thomas; Barillet, Pierre; Barrows Robert G.; Bart, Lionel
Box   2
Folder   3
Barrie, James
Box   2
Folder   4
Beach, Lewis; Beaumont, Francis; Beckett, Samuel
Box   2
Folder   5
Behan, Brendan; Behrman, S. N.; Beich, Albert; Bein, Albert; Belasco, David; Bellow, Saul
Box   2
Folder   6
Benchley, Nathaniel; Benet, Stephen Vincent; Bennet, Arnold; Benson, Sally; Bercovici, Leonardo; Berkely, Reginald; Bernstein, Leonard and Harry; Besier, Rudolf; Betti, Ugo; Bevan, Donald; Beye, Holly
Box   2
Folder   7
Billam, George; Billetdoux, Francois; Bissell, Richard; Black, Jean F.; Blankfort, Michael; Blitzstein, Marc; Block, Anita; Bock, Jerry; Bolitho, William; Bolt, Robert
Box   2
Folder   8
Bolton, Guy; Bond, Edward; Booth, Claire (See also “Luce”); Boruff, John; Boucicault, Dion; Bowen, John; Bowles, Jane
Box   2
Folder   9
Brecht, Bertolt
Box   2
Folder   10
Brett, Harvey; Brewer, George, Jr.; Bridie, James; Brighouse, Harold; Bright, John; Bromfield, Louis; Brook, Peter; Brooks, Norman; Brown, Kenneth
Box   2
Folder   11
Buchner, Georg; Buck, Pearl; Buckner, Robert; Bullins, Ed; Burrows, Abe; Byrne, John
Box   3
Folder   1
Chayefsky, Paddy; Chekhov, Anton, Christie, Agatha
Box   3
Folder   2
Cocteau, Jean; Coffee, Lenore; Cohan, George M.
Box   3
Folder   3
Coleman, Lonnie; Coleman, Val; Collette; Colton, John; Comden, Betty; Comorthoon, James; Congreve, William; Conkle, E. P.
Box   3
Folder   4
Connelly, Marc; Cooper, Giles; Cooper, Norton
Box   3
Folder   5
Coppel, Alec; Corwin, Norman; Costigan, James; Coward, Noel
Box   3
Folder   6
Craven, Frank; Crean, Robert; Crichton, Kyle; Cromwell, John; Crothers, Rachel; Crowley, Mart; Cushing, Catherine
Box   3
Folder   7
DaCosta, Morton; Dahl, Raold; Dane, Clemence; Davies, Robertson; Davis, Julia; Davis, Ossie; Davis, Owen; Dawkins, Cecil; Day, Clarence; Dazey, Charles
Box   3
Folder   8
Dean, Hamilton; de Ghelderode, Michel; DeHartog, Jan; Dekker, Thomas; de Laclos, Choderlos; Delaney, Shelagh; Delmar, Vina; del Vecchio, T.; Demisset, Alfred; de Montherlant, Henry; Denham, R.; Denison, Merrill; Denker, Henry; Dennis, Nigel; de Sylva, B.; Devel, Jacques
Box   3
Folder   9
Dhery, Robert; Dickens, Charles; Dietz, Howard; Dix, Beulah M.; Doherty, Brian; Donleavy, J. P.; Donovan, John; Dostoevsky, F.; Dougherty, Richard; Drake, Alfred; Drayton, Mary
Box   3
Folder   10
Drinkwater, John; Drury, Allen; Duane, Frank; Ducovny, Amram; du Maurier, Daphne
Box   3
Folder   11
Durrenmatt, Friedrich
Box   3
Folder   12
Dumas, Alexander, fils; Duncan, Robert; Duncan, Ronald; Dundy, Elaine; Dunlap, William; Dunsany, Lord; Duras, Marguerite; Durrell, Lawrence; d'Usseau, Arnaud; Dyer, Charles; Dyne, Michael
Box   4
Folder   1
Eagan, J. B.; Elder, Lonne, III; Eliot, T. S.; Engvick, William
Box   4
Folder   2
Ephron, Henry; Ephron, Phoebe; Epstein, Junius; Epstein, Phillip; Erdman, Jean; Erskine, Milton; Ervine, St. John; Euripides; Evreinov, Nikolai; Evslin, Bernard
Box   4
Folder   3
Farquhar, George; Faulkner, William; Feibleman, Peter; Feiffer, Jules; Feist, Gene; Ferber, Edna; Ferrer, Jose; Ferris, Walter
Box   4
Folder   4
Feuer and Martin; Feydeau, Jacques; Fields, Herb and Dorothy; Fields, Joseph; Firkins; Fisher, Bob; Fitch, Clyde; Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Box   4
Folder   5
Flanders, Michael; Flavin, Martin; Flecker, J. E.; Foote, Horton; Forsyte, James; Francis, William; Francke, Caroline; Franken, Rose
Box   4
Folder   6
Friedman, Charles; Friedman, Bruce Jay; Friel, Brian; Frings, Ketti; Frisby, Terence; Frisch, Max; Frost, Robert
Box   4
Folder   7
Fry, Christopher; Fugard, Atholl; Fuller, Albert C.; Funt, Julian
Box   4
Folder   8
Gagliano, Frank; Gale, Zona; Galsworthy, John
Box   4
Folder   9
Gardner, Herb; Garson, Barbara; Gates, Eleanor; Gay, John; Gazzo, M.V.
Box   4
Folder   10
Geiger, Milton; Gelber, Jack; Genet, Jean; Gersche, Leonard
Box   4
Folder   11
Gerstenberg, Alice; Gethers, Stephen; Gheon, Henry; Gibbs, Wolcott; Gibson, William
Box   4
Folder   12
Gilbert & Sullivan; Gillette, William; Gilroy, Frank; Ginsburry, Norman; Giradoux, Jean; Glaspell, Susan; Gluckman, Leon
Box   5
Folder   1
Goetz, Augustus; Goff, Robert; Gogol, Nikolai; Golding, William; Goldman, James; Goldman, William; Goldsmith, Clifford; Goldsmith, Oliver
Box   5
Folder   2
Goodhart, William; Goodman, Arthur; Goodman, David Z.; Goodman, Jules E.; Goodman, Paul; Goodrich, Arthur; Gordon, Leon; Gordon, Ruth
Box   5
Folder   3
Gottsfeld, Chune; Gottlieb, Alex; Gow, Ronald; Granick, Harry; Grass, Gunter; Gray, Wallace; Green, Carolyn; Green, Kenneth; Green, Paul; Green, Will
Box   5
Folder   4
Greene, Bertram; Greene, Graham; Greene, Patterson; Greenfield, Josh; Greenwood, Walter; Gresseiker, Herman; Gribble, Harry; Griffith, Hubert; Gurney, A. R., Jr.; Gussow, mel
Box   5
Folder   5
Hackett, Albert; Hackett, Walter; Hagan, James; Haines, William; Hall, Willis; Halliwell, David; Hamilton, Patrick; Hamilton, Wallace; Hammerstein, Oscar
Box   5
Folder   6
Hampton, Christopher; Hanley, James; Hanley, William; Hansberry, Lorraine; Hansen, Waldemar; Hardy, Thomas; Harris, Elmer; Hart, Howard; Hart, Moss
Box   5
Folder   7
Hartford, Huntington; Harwood, H. M.; Hastings, Hugh; Hauptmann, Gerhardt; Hausman, Laurence; Hayes, Joseph; Hazelton, George
Box   5
Folder   8
Hecht, Ben; Heller, Joseph; Hellman, Lillian; Hemingway, Ernest
Box   5
Folder   9
Hepburn, Richard; Herbert, F. Hugh; Herbert, John; Herlihy, James L.; Heywood, Dorothy and DuBose; Higley, Philo; Hill, Lucienne; Hirson, Roger
Box   5
Folder   10
Hochhuth, Rolf; Hochwalder, Fritz; Hock, Robert; Hoffman, Bill; Holm, Abbott; Home, William D.; Hopwood, Avery
Box   5
Folder   11
Horne, Kenneth; Horovitz, Israel; Howard, Eleanor; Howard, Phillip; Howard, Sid; Hsiung, S. I.; Hughes, Langston; Hunter, N. C.; Husson, Albert; Huxley, Aldous
Box   6
Folder   1
Ibsen, Henrik
Box   6
Folder   2
Inge, William; Ionesco, Eugene; Irwin, Will; Isherwood, Christopher
Box   6
Folder   3
Jackson, Frederick; Jackson, Helen H.; James, Henry; Jansen, Neil; Jarry, Alfred; Jeffers, Robinson; Jellicoe, Ann; Jerome, Helen
Box   6
Folder   4
Job, Thomas; John, Errol; Johnson, Greer; Johnson, Hall; Johnston, Dennis; Jones, Henry Arthur; Jones, LeRoi; Jones, Tom
Box   6
Folder   5
Jonson, Ben; Joseph, Robert; Joudry, Patricia; Joyce, James; Kafka, Franz; Kalfin, Robert; Kalidasa; Kanin, Fay; Kanin, Garson; Kantor, Leonard
Box   6
Folder   6
Kaufman, George S.
Box   6
Folder   7
Kaufman, Stan; Kazan, Molly; Kazantzakis, Nikos; Kelly, Gene; Kelly, George; Kennedy, Adrienne; Kennedy, Charles; Kennedy, Margaret
Box   6
Folder   8
Kerman, Sheppard; Kerr, Jean; Kesselring, Robert; Kessler, Lyle; Kilty, Jerome; King, Rufus; Kingsley, Sidney; Kinoy, Ernest, Kipphardt, Heinar; Kirkland, Jack
Box   6
Folder   9
Kirkwood, James; Klein, Charles; Kleinman, Sy; Knoblock, Edward; Knott, Frederick; Kober, Art; Koestzer, Arthur; Kopit, Arthur; Kornfield, Robert; Koutoukas, H. M.
Box   6
Folder   10
Kramm, Joseph; Krasna, Norman; Kromer, Helen; Kronenberger, Louis; Kummer, Clare; Kurnitz, Harry
Box   7
Folder   1
Labiche, Eugene; Lamkin, Speed; Lampell, Millard; Lanchester, Elsa; Langner, Lawrence; Langton, Basil; Laszlo, Miklos; Latouche, John; Laurents, Arthur; Lavery, Emmet G.
Box   7
Folder   2
Lawler, Ray; Lawrence, D. H.; Lawrence, Jerome; Lawrence, Reginald; Lawson, J. H.; Leach, Margaret; Lee, James; Lehman, Leo
Box   7
Folder   3
Leonard, Hugh; Leonard, William E.; Lerman, Oscar; Lerner F Loewe; Lessing, Doris; Levi, Stephan; Levin, Ira; Levin, Meyer; Levitt, Saul; Levy, Ben; Levy, Melvin; Lewin, John; Lewis, Sinclair
Box   7
Folder   4
Libott, Robert T.; Lieberman, Leo; Liljenquist, Don C.; Lindsay, Howard; Linney, Romulus; Lippa, Louis; Littlewood, Joan; Livings, Henry
Box   7
Folder   5
Loesser, Frank; Logan, Joshua; Long, Arthur Sumner; Lonsdale, Fred
Box   7
Folder   6
Loos, Anita; Lorca, Garcia; Lowe, Florence; Lowell, Robert; Lowenthal, Jean; Luke, Peter; Lunts, The; Lutzkendorf, Felix; Lyndon, Barre
Box   7
Folder   7
MacArthur, Charles; Macaulay, Pauline; Maccoll, Ewan; MacDougall, Roger; Machiavelli, Niccolo; Mackaye, James; Mackaye, Percy; Mackie, Philip; Macleish, Archibald; MacLiammoir, Michael
Box   7
Folder   8
Mailer, Norman; Maltz, Maxwell; Mandel, Loring; Manhoff, Bill; Mann, Stanley; Manners, Hartley
Box   7
Folder   9
Marceau, Felicien; March ant, William; Marcus, Frank; Marks, Duke; Marlowe, Christopher; Marquand, J. P.; Martin, Alan
Box   7
Folder   10
Masefield, John; Mason, Richard; Massingham, Dorothy; Masteroff, Joe; Baugham, Somerset; Maurette, Marcelle
Box   7
Folder   11a
May, Elaine; Mayakovsky, Vladimir; Mayer, Edwin J.; Mayer, Paul Avila; Melville, Alan; Melville, Herman; Menander; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Mercer, David
Box   7
Folder   11b
McCleery, William; McCowan, Alec; McCullers, Carson; McEnroe, Robert; McGrath, Russell; McKenney, Ruth; McLiam, John; McNally, Terrence; McNally, William; McNeely, Jerry
Box   8
Folder   1
Michaels, Sidney; Middleton, George; Millay, Edna St. Vincent; Millen, James K.; Miller, Alice D.
Box   8
Folder   2
Miller, Arthur
Box   8
Folder   3
Miller, Gilbert; Miller, Ronald; Miller, Warren; Milligan, Spike; Mills, Hugh; Milne, A. A.; Milner, Roger; Milner, Ronald; Mitchell, Langdon; Mitchell, Loften; Mitchell, Ronald E.
Box   8
Folder   4
Moliere; Molloy, Michael; Molnar, Ferenc; Monks, John Jr.; Morgan, Charles; Morgan, Diana; Morley, Robert
Box   8
Folder   5
Morris, Aldyth; Morris, Edmund; Mortimer, John; Morton, John M.; Mosel, Tad; Mowatt, Anna C.; Mrozek, Slawomir; Muller, Romeo; Murray, John P.; Myerberg, Michael
Box   8
Folder   6
Nabokov, Vladimir; Nagle, Urban; Nash, Richard; Nathan, George Jean; Naughton, William; Nemiroff, Robert; Newley, Anthony; Nichols, Anne
Box   8
Folder   7
Nichols, Peter; Nichols, Robert; Nicholson, Kenyon; Noah, Robert; Nolte, Charles; Novello, Ivor; Nugent, Elliott; Nugent, J. C.
Box   8
Folder   8
Obey, Andre; Oboler, Arch; O'Brien, Kate; O'Brien, Liam; O'Casey, Sean
Box   8
Folder   9
O'Connor, Frank; Odets, Clifford; Oglesby, Carl; Olivier, Laurence
Box   9
Folder   1-2
O'Neill, Eugene
Box   9
Folder   3
O'Neill, Frank; Oppenheimer, George; Orton, Joe; Osborn, Paul; Osborne, John; Owens, Rachelle
Box   9
Folder   4
Padula, Edward; Panama, Norman; Panetta, George; Paris, Ron; Parker, Dorothy; Parker, Lottie B.; Parker, Louis N.; Paton, Alan
Box   9
Folder   5
Patrick, John; Patterson, Tom; Peabody, Josephine; Pemberton, Murdock; Perelman, S. J.; Peters, Pau; Peterson, Don; Peterson, Louis
Box   9
Folder   6
Phipps, Thomas; Piazza, Ben; Pinero, Arthur; Pinter, Harold; Pirandello, Luigi
Box   9
Folder   7
Plant, Michael; Plautus; Pogodin, Nikolai; Pollock, Charming; Porter, Cole; Portman, Julie
Box   9
Folder   8
Pratt, William; Pressman, Kenneth; Presson, Jay; Priestley, J. B.; The Quinteros
Box   10
Folder   1
Racine, Jean; Radano, Jean; Rado, James; Ragni, Gerome; Raphael, John N.; Raphaelson, Samson; Rapp, William J.; Rathbone, Basil; Rattigan, Terence; Rau, Santharam; Rayfiel, David
Box   10
Folder   2
Redgrave, Michael; Reed, Mark; Reeves, Theodore; Reich, John; Resnick, Muriel; Ribman, Ronald; Rice, Elmer; Richardson, Howard; Richardson, Jack; Richardson, Tony; Ridenour, Louis; Rideout, Ransom
Box   10
Folder   3
Riggs, Lynn; Riley, Lawrence; Rinehardt, Mary Roberts; Robbins, Jerome; Roberts, Meade; Robinson, Lennox; Rodale, J. I.; Rodgers, Richard; Roffey, Jack; Rolfe, Frederick W.; Romains, Jules; Roman, Lawrence
Box   10
Folder   4
Root, Lynn; Rosa, Dennis; Rose, Reginald; Ross, George; Rostand, Edmund; Rosten, Norman; Roussin, Andre; Rubis, Emery; Rudd, Enid; Rudkin, David; Runyon, Damon; Rush, James; Ryerson, Florence; Ryskind, Morrie
Box   10
Folder   5
Sackler, Howard; Salacrou, Armand; Sandburg, Carl; Saroyan, William; Sartre, Jean-Paul; Saunders, James; Sauvajon, Maro-Gilbert; Savory, Gilbert
Box   10
Folder   6
Schary, Dore; Schauffler, Elsie T.; Scheckner, Richard; Schenker, Joel; Schiller, Friederich; Schilling, Max; Schisgal, Murray; Schlitt, Robert; Schnitzler, Arthur; Schulberg, Budd
Box   10
Folder   7
Sebree, Charles; Segall, Harry; Selznick, Irene M.; Semple, Lorenzo, Jr.; Sergel, Christopher; Shaffer, Peter; Sharp, Mordaunt
Shakespeare, William
Box   10
Folder   8
All's Well that Ends Well; Antony and Cleopatra; As You like It; Comedy of Errors; Coriolanus; Cymbeline
Box   11
Folder   1
Box   11
Folder   2
Hamlet; The Henrys
Box   12
Folder   1
Julius Caesar; King John; King Lear; Love's Labour's Lost
Box   12
Folder   2
Macbeth; Measure for Measure; Merchant of Venice; Merry Wives of Windsor; Midsummer Night's Dream; Much Ado About Nothing
Box   12
Folder   3
Othello; Richard II and Richard III
Box   12
Folder   4
Romeo and Juliet; Taming of the Shrew; Tempest; Timon of Athens
Box   12
Folder   5
Titus Andronicus; Troilus and Cressida; Twelfth Night; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Winter's Tale
Box   12
Folder   5
Sharp, Margery
Box   12
Folder   6
Shaw, George Bernard
Box   13
Folder   1
Shaw, Irwin; Shaw, Robert; Sheldon, Ed.; Sheldon, Sidney; Shelley, Percy; Sher, Jack; Sheridan, Richard; Sherrif, R. C.
Box   13
Folder   2
Sherwood, Robert; Shevelove, Burt; Shiels, George; Shriffin, A. B.
Box   13
Folder   3
Shuberts, The; Shulman, Arnold; Shulman, Max; Shurtfeff, Michael; Shyre, Paul; Sierras, Martinez; Sieveking, Lance; Simon, Neil; Simpson, N. F.; Sinclair, Upton; Singer, Isaac B.; Skinner, Cornelia Otis; Sklar, George
Box   13
Folder   4
Slade, Julian; Sloane, Sidney; Smith, Dodie; Smith, J. A.; Sam; Smith, Winchell; Snow, C. P.; Snyder, William; Sommer, Edith; Sophocles; Soule, Don; Spencer, Franz; Spewack, Spiegelglass, Leonard
Box   13
Folder   5
Starr, Ben; Stavis, Barrie; Steele, Wilbur; Steiger, Rod; Stein, Gertrude; Stein, Joe; Stein, Russell; Steinbeck, John; Stevens, Leslie; Stewart, Don; Stokes, Leslie and Sewell; Stone, John: Stone, Peter; Storey, David; Storm, Leslie
Box   13
Folder   6
Stoppard, Tom; Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Streatfield, Noel; Stribling, T. S.; Strindberg, August; Strode, W. C.; Strong, Austin; Sundgaard, Arnold; Swinarski, Artur; Sylvia, Kenneth; Synge, John; Szogyi, Alex
Box   13
Folder   7
Tagore, Rabindranath; Taradash, Daniel; Tarkington, Booth; Tavel, Ronald; Taylor, Christopher; Taylor, Douglas; Taylor, Samuel
Box   13
Folder   8
Teichman, Howard; Terry, Megan; Thom, Robert; Thomas, Augustus; Thomas, Brandon; Thomas, Dylan; Thompson, Denman; Thompson, Jay
Box   13
Folder   9
Thuna, Lee; Thurber, James; Toller, Ernst; Tolstoy, Leo; Tonkonogy, Gertrude; Torn, Jess; Totheroh, Dan; Treadwell, Sophie
Box   13
Folder   10
Trotti, Lamar; Trumbo, Dalton; Tucker, Don; Tumarin, Boris; Tunney, Kieran; Tuotti, Joseph Dolan; Turgenev, Ivan; Turner, David; Turney, Catherine; Turner, Mrs. Geri; Tyler, Royall; Tynan, Kenneth
Box   14
Folder   1
Ustinov, Peter; Valency, Maurice; Van, Boris; Vanbrugh, John; Van Doren, Mark; Van Druten, John, Vane, Sutton; Van Itallie, Jean-Claude
Box   14
Folder   2
Vari, John; Verneuil Louis; Vian, Boris; Vidal, Gore; Viertel, Joseph; Vollmer, Lula; Volodin, Alexander
Box   14
Folder   3
Wallach, Ira; Walpole, Hugh; Ward, Douglas Turner; Ward, Theodor; Warren, Robert Penn; Warwick, J.; Wasserman, Dale; Waterhouse, Keith; Watkyn, Arthur; Watson, Fred; Wead, Frank; Webster, John; Wedekind, Frank
Box   14
Folder   4
Weidman, Jerome; Weinstein, Arnold; Weinstock, Jack; Weiss, Peter; Welch, William; Welles, Orson; Werfel, Franz; Wertenbaker, L. T.; Wesker, Arnold; Westheimer, David; Wexley, John
Box   14
Folder   5
Wheeler, Hugh; White, Edmond; White, George; White, John; Whiting; John; Wilde, Oscar; Wilder, Thornton; Willard, John; Williams, Emlyn; Williams, Hugh and Margaret
Box   14
Folder   6
Williams, Tennessee
Box   14
Folder   7
Williams, William Carlos; Willingham, Caldor; Willson, Meredith; Wilson, John; Wilson, Sandy; Wincelberg, Shimon; Winter, Keith; Wittinger, Karl; Wishengrad, Morton
Box   14
Folder   8
Woffington, Peg; Wolfson, P. J.; Wolfe, Thomas; Wolfson, Victor; Wood, Charles; Wood, Mrs. Henry; Wood, Peggy; Woolcott, Alex; Woolley, Monty; Wouk, Herman
Box   14
Folder   9
Wright, Richard; Wulp, John; Wycherley, William; Yordan, Phillip; Young, Stanley; Young, William; Zangwill, Israel; Zavin, Bernard; Zeffirelli, Franco
Box   14
Folder   10
Collected Reviews, 1960-1961
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