Bruce Barton Papers, 1881-1967

Container Title
Subseries: General correspondence
Box   1
Aa-Am, 1920s-1963
Box   1
Adams, George Matthew, 1923-1931
Box   1
Advertising, 1920s-1950s
Box   1
Advertising Federation of America, 1942-1955
Box   1
Alexander, Harvey and Esther (Beatty), 1940-1961
Box   1
Alpha Delta Sigma Fraternity
Box   1
American Association of Advertising Agencies, 1927, 1950-1958
Box   1
American Friends Service Committee, 1942-1949
Box   1
American Heart Association, 1950s-1961
Box   1
American Heritage Foundation, 1956-1958
Box   1
American Institute for Foreign Aid, 1954-1961
Box   1
American Museum of Natural History, 1949-1957
Box   1
Amherst College, 1925-1961
Box   1
Amherst College, alumni questionnaire, 1957
Note: See also Box 132, articles Reader's Digest.
Box   2
An-Az, 1923-1961
Box   2
Appleseed, Johnny (about), 1916
Box   2
Arends, Leslie C., 1942-1961
Box   2
Arizona, Colorado River Controversy, 1947-1951
Box   2
Associated Press, 1931-1957
Box   2
Aylesworth, Merlin H. (“Deac”), 1933-1959
Box   3
Baa-Bar, 1926-1961
Box   3
Ballantine, Arthur A., 1925-1951
Box   3
Bankers Trust Company, 1932-1961
Box   3
Bankers Trust Company - “I Am New York”, 1935-1941
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence about this piece, originally written by Barton for the Victory Loan in 1918, and published by the Bankers Trust.
Box   3
Barton, Betsey, (about) 1962 December
Scope and Content Note: Letters of sympathy following the death of Barton's daughter Betsey.
Barton, Bruce
Box   3
General correspondence by, to, and about, 1902-1959
Box   3
Academy of Achievement, 1961
Box   3
Franklin Award, 1957
Box   3
Printers' Ink Gold Medal, 1960-1961
Box   4
Biographical sketches and correspondence about, 1924-1962
Box   4
Birthday (75th), 1961
Box   4
Illness, 1957
Scope and Content Note: Letters of sympathy after stroke.
Box   5
Impersonators (about), 1920-1940
Box   5
Namesakes for Barton, 1927-1952
Box   5
Photographs (about), 1931-1951
Box   5
Presidency, 1952
Scope and Content Note: Letters from the public suggesting that Barton run for president.
Box   5
T.V. interview by Tex and Jinx McCrary, 1957
Box   5
Thirty Years' Anniversary with BBDO, 1949
Box   5
Miscellaneous, 1926-1959
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with home office and others while on trips.
Box   5
Mexico (1928), 1928-1933
Box   5
Phoenix, Arizona, 1936-1956
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with home office while at his winter home in Arizona.
Box   6
World tour, 1934
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence and clippings relating to Barton's trip around the world in 1934.
Box   6
Barton, Bruce, Jr. (“Pete”), 1930-1959
Scope and Content Note: This folder includes drafts and revisions of articles and editorials edited by Bruce Jr., for his father.
Box   6
Barton, Esther (Mrs. Bruce), circa 1949-1955
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence concerning her illness and death from cancer.
Box   6
Barton, Frederick B. (“Fritz” - brother of Bruce), 1951-1961
Box   6
Barton, Randall (“Bunny” - son), 1947-1960
Box   6
Barton, Robert D. (nephew), 1954-1961
Box   6
Barton, Robert S. (brother), 1949-1953
Box   6
Barton, family genealogy, 1942-1961
Box   6
Baruch, Bernard, 1928, 1931, 1955, 1957
Box   7
Bas-Ber, 1931-1961
Batten, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn
Box   7
Consolidation, 1928 September-October
Scope and Content Note: Announcement of merger between the George Batten Company, and Barton, Durstine, and Osborn; and letters of congratulations.
Box   7
Branch offices, 1947-1960
Box   7
Mimeographed materials, 1955-1956
Box   7
Beard, Charles and Mary, 1943-1955
Box   7
Beatty, Webster Barton, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. 1925-1960
Box   7
Beatty, W. Barton, Jr., 1936-1960
Box   7
Benton, William, 1944-1957
Berea College
Box   7
General correspondence, 1928-1960
Box   7
Form letters and appeals, 1925-1929, 1945
Box   7
Foundations, 1926-1961
Box   8
Individuals, 1925-1944, 1950
Box   8
Personal, 1925-1958
Box   8
Hutchins, Francis S., Dr., 1941-1961
Box   8
Hutchins, William J., Dr., 1926-1937
Box   8
The Josher (May-June 1904) / edited by Barton, 1904
Box   8
The Still / edited by Barton in 1904, 1904
Box   8
Trustees, 1930-1961
Box   8
“Wilderness Road”, 1955-1957
Box   8
Bermingham, Edward J., 1947-1958
Box   8
Bes-Bk, 1923-1957
Box   8
Better Hearing, 1956
Box   8
Billikopf, Jacob, 1940-1950
Box   9
Bl-Bz, 1925-1962
Box   9
Bressler, Dean M., Lieutenant 1945-1962
Box   9
Brower, Charles, 1950-1961
Box   9
Brown, Robert D. and Florence (Beatty), 1930-1962
Box   9
Brown, William, 1927-1943
Box   9
Brownell, Herbert, 1942-1959
Box   9
Brunker, Albert R., 1953-1958
Box   9
Buckly, George, 1925, 1930-1936
Box   9
Buckner, Emory R., 1929-1941
Box   9
Bushfield, George, 1939-1958
Box   9
Butler, Ralph Starr, 1931-1957
Box   10
Ca-Cd, 1938-1961
Box   10
Cabot, Paul C. (of State Street Research and Management Corporation - manager of Barton's investments), 1927-1946, 1958, 1960
Box   10
Calkins, Ernest Elmo (Calkins & Holden), 1922-1929, 1950-1961
Box   10
Campbell, Hayworth, 1926-1953
Box   10
Cancer Research Foundation, 1956-1957
Box   10
Capper, Arthur, 1923-1932
Box   10
Carey, William F., 1938-1957
Box   10
Caxton Printers Ltd. (James Gibson), 1953-1956
Box   11
Ce-Clt, 1926-1961
Box   11
Central Presbyterian Church (Reverend Theodore Speers), circa 1941-1959
Box   11
Citizens' Committee to Keep New York City Clean, 1955-1961
Box   11
Civil Defense (New York), 1955-1960
Box   11
Clapper, Raymond, 1939-1943
Box   12
Clu-Com, 1920s-1961
Box   12
Advertising Club of New York, 1924, 1941-1962
Box   12
Blind Brook Club, 1954-1958
Box   12
Circus Saints and Sinners, 1938
Box   12
Dutch Treat Club, 1950-1961
Box   12
Garden City Golf Club, 1949-1961
Box   12
Pinnacle Club, 1955-1961
Box   12
University Club, circa 1950-1960
Box   12
Colburn, Harriet, 1930-1945
Box   12
Cole, Rex J., 1923-1947
Box   12
Commerce and Industry Association of New York City, 1946, 1958, 1961
Box   13
Con-Cq, 1920s-1962
Box   13
Conway, Carle C., 1928-1960
Box   13
Coolidge, Calvin, 1919-1961
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with and about.
Box   13
Barton's interviews with Coolidge, 1923, 1926
Box   13
Cooper, Charles P., 1942-1956
Box   13
Cooper, Kent, 1925-1959
Box   13
Cooper Union, 1956
Box   13
Cornell, Paul, 1936-1958
Box   13
Coudert, Frederic R., 1942-1957
Box   13
Cowles, Gardner, 1947-1961
Box   13
Cowles, John, 1935-1960
Box   14
Cra-Cz, 1920s-1961
Box   14
“Crank” letters, 1920s-1961
Box   14
Crocker, Stuart, 1930-1943
Box   14
Crowninshield, Frank, 1931-1952
Box   14
Crowther, Samuel, 1929-1943
Box   14
Crusaders, 1932-1939
Box   14
Cumings, Thayer (“Tax”), 1940-1955
Box   14
Curran, Thomas J., 1942-1945
Box   15
Da-Dee, 1920s-1961
Box   15
Dahl, Gerald M., 1928-1936
Box   15
Danforth, John D., 1944-1956
Box   15
Danforth, William, 1936-1956
Box   15
Dangler, David, 1933-1935
Box   15
Dartmouth College, 1927-1931, 1960
Box   15
Davis, Robert H., 1924-1942
Box   15
Day, Reverend George L., 1953-1958
Deerfield Academy
Box   15
Box   16
Box   16
Form letters soliciting contributions, 1929-1959
Box   16
Miscellaneous, 1924-1961
Box   17
Def-Dn, 1930s-1961
Box   17
Dennis, Edward, Dr., 1927, 1945-1960
Box   17
Dennis, Emily, 1952-1956
Box   17
Dennis, Lawrence (author and publisher of The Appeal to Reason, a mimeographed, conservative weekly news analysis), 1942-1961
Box   17
Dewey, Thomas E., 1939-1961
Box   17
Dewey, Thomas E., campaigns, 1940-1944
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Paul Lockwood and Herbert Brownell about Dewey; clippings and mimeographed publicity materials.
Box   17
Dickenson, Howard W., 1930-1941
Box   17
Diehl, Ambrose Nevin, 1949-1959
Box   17
Disabled American Veterans, 1925-1950
Box   17
Disque, Brice P., 1927-1957
Box   18
Do-Dz, 1912-1961
Box   18
Donaldson, Orrin M., 1933
Box   18
Donovan, William J., 1925-1953
Box   18
Doorly, Henry, 1948-1952
Box   18
Doubleday and Company, 1923-1956
Box   18
Douglas, Lewis O., 1930s, 1954
Box   18
Dreier, Thomas, 1928-1960
Box   18
Dreyfuss, Henry, 1931-1957
Box   18
Duell, Charles Halliwell (Duell & Sloan), 1947-1959
Box   18
Duffy, Bernard C., 1929-1960
Box   18
Dulles, John Foster, 1941-1949
Box   18
Durstine, Roy S., 1923, 1939, 1956
Box   18
Dunn, Roger C. (The Dunn Survey), 1945-1952
Box   19
Ea-Ez, 1920s-1964
Box   19
East River Savings Bank, 1943, 1948-1961
Box   19
Eaton, Hubert (founder, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, California), 1940-1961
Box   19
Edison, Thomas A. (correspondence about), 1921-1931
Box   19
Edison Foundation, 1936-1937
Box   19
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1948-1950, 1953, 1955-1956, 1959
Box   19
Eisenhower, Presidential campaign, 1952-1953
Scope and Content Note: Including Barton's suggestions for publicity, speeches, etc.
Box   19
Ellsworth, Fred W., 1937-1952
Box   19
Equitable Trust Company (merged with Chase National Bank in 1930), 1929-1930
Box   19
Ewald, Henry T., 1925-1952
Box   20
Fa-Fn, 1920s-1961
Box   20
Farley, James A., 1935-1960
Box   20
Feather, William, 1941-1961
Box   20
Federal Grand Jury Association, 1947-1957
Box   20
Federal Housing Administration, 1934-1936
Box   20
Feland, F[aris] R[obinson] (“Robley”), 1935-1960
Box   20
Fifield, James W., Jr., 1944-1957
Box   20
First National Bank of Boston, 1923-1932, 1961
Box   21
Fo-Frd, 1920s-1961
Box   21
Forbes, B.C., 1927-1952
Box   21
Ford, John Anson, 1925-1934
Box   21
Fortune, 1945-1960
Box   21
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1923-1925, 1950, 1956
Box   21
Foundation for Economic Education, 1947-1955
Box   21
Foundations and Funds, 1950-1961
Box   21
Foxboro, Massachusetts, 1920s-1961
Scope and Content Note: Mainly correspondence with friends in Foxboro, where the Barton family had a summer home.
Box   21
Foxboro, Massachusetts - Bethany Congregational Church, 1937, 1946-1961
Box   21
Francis, Clarence, 1932-1959
Box   21
Francisco, Don, 1937-1959
Box   21
Frankenthaler, George, 1943-1959
Box   22
Freedom's Foundation, 1952-1958
Box   22
Freschel, Curtis B., 1940-1958
Box   22
Frost, Wesley, 1931-1948
Box   22
Fuess, Claude M., Dr. (“Jack”), 1943-1960
Box   22
Fuller, Henry J., 1940-1950
Box   22
Gannett, Frank, 1939-1957
Box   22
Garrett, Paul, 1939-1961
Box   22
Geissinger, W.B., 1941-1951
Box   23
Gi-Gz, 1920s-1961
Box   23
Gillilan, Strickland, 1935-1952
Box   23
Ginsberg, A.J., 1939, 1942
Box   23
Goldberg, Rube, 1940-1961
Box   23
Golden Rule Foundation, 1929-1943
Box   23
Goldwater, Barry, 1954-1961
Box   23
Gorman, J.E., 1929-1952
Box   23
Graham - Billy Graham New York Crusade Inc., 1956-1957
Box   23
Greavas, Gertrude (Mrs. Victor), 1953-1956
Box   23
Green, Marshall, 1938-1957
Box   23
Gwinn, Ralph W., 1941-1956
Box   24
Haa-Haq, 1920s-1961
Box   24
Halleck, Charles A., 1941-1952
Box   24
Hamilton, John, 1941-1951
Box   24
Hammond, James, 1926-1933
Box   24
Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, 1939-1949
Box   24
Hanes, John W., 1941-1959
Box   24
Hansen, Leon, circa 1955-1961
Box   25
Hara-Harz, 1920s-1961
Box   25
Hard, William, 1924-1961
Box   25
Harper & Brothers, 1924-1961
Box   25
Hart, William A., 1955-1961
Box   25
Hart, William Melville, 1930, 1957-1961
Box   25
Hartford Times, Hartford, Connecticut, 1951-1952
Box   25
Harvard Advertising Award (Bok Awards), 1923-1931
Box   25
Harvard School of Religious Learning (proposed), 1949
Box   25
Harvard University - Graduate School of Business Administration, 1927-1932, 1956
Box   26
Has-Hem, 1920s-1961
Box   26
Hastings, George Aubry, 1941
Box   26
Hatch, Francis W., 1928-1960
Box   26
Hay, Richard, 1926-1930
Box   26
Hayden, Carl, 1943-1948
Box   26
Hayden, Charles - Foundation, 1951-1952
Box   26
Hayes, Ralph, 1932, 1955-1959
Box   26
Hays, Will H., 1922-1954
Box   26
Hearst Newspapers, 1923, 1929, 1931-1938
Box   26
Heller, Robert (Robert Heller Associates), 1936-1955
Box   26
Helms, Paul H., 1925-1932, 1941
Box   27
Hen-Hok, 1920s-1961
Box   27
Henning, Charles S., 1926-1940
Box   27
Henry Street Visiting Nurses (New York City), 1934-1943
Box   27
Herendeen, Anne, 1928-1961
Box   27
Herold, Don, 1934-1938, 1954-1955
Box   27
Hodges, Wetmore, 1925-1958
Box   27
Hoffman, Paul G., 1931-1950
Box   28
Hol-Hoo, 1920s-1961
Box   28
Hollister, Paul M., 1926-1959
Box   28
Holman, Frank E., 1951-1955
Box   28
Holtzman, Fanny E., 1950-1953
Hoover, Herbert
Box   28
Box   29
Box   29
Barton article answering H.L. Mencken article critical of Hoover, 1928
Box   29
Correspondence and other materials relating to Hoover's book, Challenge to Liberty, 1934
Scope and Content Note: Including correspondence with Edgar Rickard and Scribner's.
Box   29
Hoover, John Edgar, 1935-1936
Box   29
Hoover Library, 1948-1957
Box   30
Horlick, William, 1924-1939
Box   30
Hotchkiss, George B., 1924-1960
Box   30
Houston, Herbert S., 1932-1951
Box   30
Howard, Graeme K., 1942, 1947
Box   30
Howard, Roy W., 1924-1960
Box   30
Howe, Ed, 1923-1927
Box   30
Howe, Hubert S., Dr., 1931, 1937
Box   30
Howell, B.F., 1928-1935
Box   30
Hoye, John Sherman, 1927-1933
Box   30
Hoyt, Winthrop, 1928-1929
Box   31
Hua-Institute for..., 1920-1960
Box   31
Hubbard, Elbert, 1928-1938
Box   31
Human Events,1944-1955
Box   31
Hurst, Mercedes, 1943-1950
Box   31
Hutchins, R. Grosvenor, 1925-1931
Box   31
Hutchins, Robert M., Dr., 1941-1945
Institute for the Crippled and Disabled
Box   31
Annual Boat Ride, 1953-1960
Box   31
Annual Graduation, 1942-1943; 1951-1959
Box   31
Clippings and ephemera, circa 1946-1960
Box   32
Form letters, circa 1943-1958
Box   32
Foundations and estates, 1950s
Box   32
Individuals, circa 1948-1958
Box   32
Statistics and lists, circa 1944-1953
Box   32
General correspondence and ephemera, circa 1942-1961
Box   32
Geer, Samuel M., 1942-1947
Box   32
Gorthy, W.C., 1950-1960
Box   33
Milbank, Jeremiah, 1945-1962
Box   33
President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1953-1957
Note: Committee was succeeded by the President’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities and then by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, an agency in the Department of Labor.
Box   33
Smith, John, Colonel, 1943-1953
Box   33
Workmen's Compensation, 1952-1956
Box   33
Institute of...-Jd, 1927-1962
Box   33
Institute of Public Relations, 1940-1949
Box   33
Insurance, Metropolitan Life, 1944-1953
Box   33
Jackson, Herman Harwood, 1923-1928
Box   33
Jackson, Robert H., 1937
Box   34
Je-Jz, 1920s-1961
Box   34
Jenner, William E., 1949-1958
Box   34
Johns, William A., 1942-1944
Box   34
Johnson, Robert L., 1937-1959
Box   34
Jones, Jesse H., 1951-1952
Box   34
Jones, John G., 1928-1951
Box   34
Jones, W. Alton (“Pete”), 1926-1961
Box   34
Junior Achievement Inc., 1927-1960
Box   35
Ka-Kh, 1920s-1961
Box   35
Kelland, Clarence Budington, 1926-1961
Box   35
Kelly, Fred C., 1921, 1925, 1952-1959
Box   35
Kendall, Henry P., 1925-1959
Box   35
Kentucky Colonels, 1931-1940s
Box   35
Kettering, Charles F., 1927-1960
Box   36
Ki-Kn, 1920s-1960
Box   36
Kies, William S., 1928-1952
Box   36
Kirksville College of Osteopathy & Surgery, 1948-1956
Box   36
Kiser, Sam, 1925-1940
Box   36
Kittle, Charles M., 1926-1928
Box   36
Kleberg, Richard M., 1941-1955
Box   36
Klein, Horace C., 1927-1958
Box   36
Knapp, Joseph P., 1924-1952
Box   36
Knox, Frank, 1928-1939
Box   36
Knox, John (caretaker of Barton's estate), 1925-1933
Box   37
Ko-Las, 1920s-1962
Box   37
Kohlberg, Alfred, 1945-1958
Box   37
Kornitzer, Bela, 1952-1961
Box   37
Krock, Arthur, 1925, 1938, 1941-1960
Box   37
Kroeger, Arthur F. and Hal A. (McKay - Kroeger), 1945-1960
Box   37
La Guardia, Fiorello N., 1933-1942
Box   37
Landers, C.W., 1933
Box   37
Landon, Alfred M., 1935-1943
Box   37
Lang, Anton, 1923-1924
Box   37
Lasker, Albert D., 1935-1960
Box   38
Lat-Lh, 1920s-1961
Box   38
Lecture bureaus and lecture requests, 1920s-1941
Box   38
Lee, Lyndon E., 1923-1951
Box   38
Leffingwell, Elmore, 1930-1942
Box   38
Lengel, William C., 1932-1940
Box   38
Lewis, Orme, 1948-1957
Box   39
Li-Los, 1920s-1961
Box   39
Lichtenberg, Bernard, 1930-1950
Box   39
Lincoln, Abraham (about), 1920s-1950s
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Lincoln groups, Lincolniana, etc.
Box   39
Lingham, Fred J., 1934-1941
Box   39
Link, Henry C., Dr., 1935-1952
Box   39
Lloyd, Zilpha, 1928-1952
Box   39
Look Magazine, 1937-1960
Box   40
Lot-Lz, 1920s-1961
Box   40
Luccock, Tracy, 1930-1935
Box   40
Luce, Henry R. and Clare Booth, 1936-1959
Box   40
Luckman, Charles, 1949-1953
Box   41
Maa-MacJ, 1920s-1964
Box   41
Macalester College, 1957-1963
Box   41
McClary, Eula, Mrs. 1925-1941
Box   41
McCormick, Cyrus, Jr., 1935-1937
Box   41
McCrary, Tex, Mr. and Mrs., 1949
Box   41
McCrea, Stephen P., 1935-1941
Box   41
McDade, Edward, Jr., 1925-1937
Box   41
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1929-1960
Box   41
McFeely, Otto (Oak Park, Illinois), 1933, 1937, 1951-1961
Box   41
McIntire, Allyn Brewster, 1926-1956
Box   41
McIntyre, O.E., 1946-1958
Box   42
Mack-Marz, 1920s-1961
Box   42
Mack, Walter S., 1932-1940
Box   42
Macy & Company, 1927-1935
Box   42
Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1928-1935
Box   42
Mannin, Ethel, 1926-1928
Box   42
Manuscripts, 1950
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence relating to manuscript sent to Barton for his opinion.
Box   42
Marine Trust Company, 1927-1940
Box   42
Marshall Plan (about), 1947-1949
Box   43
Mas-Mil, 1920s-1961
Box   43
May, Earl Chapin, 1931-1954
Box   43
Milbank, Jeremiah, 1942-1961
Box   43
Miller, Curtis, 1929
Box   43
Milloy, James S., 1935-1960
Box   44
Mim-Mos, 1920s-1961
Box   44
Mitchell, MacNeil, 1946-1961
Box   44
Moley, Raymond, 1934-1949
Box   44
Moley, Raymond, dinners, 1934
Scope and Content Note: Concerning a series of dinners given with the aim of achieving a closer rapport between businessmen and Roosevelt administration economic planners.
Box   44
Montgomery, Harry, 1956-1957
Box   44
Montgomery, John F., Mr. and Mrs., 1934-1936
Box   44
Mooney, James D., 1927-1955
Box   44
Morgan, George W., 1924-1952
Box   44
Morgan, Gerald D., 1934-1961
Box   44
Morgan, J.P. & Company, 1923, 1930-1934, 1958
Box   44
Morris, Newbold, 1945-1956
Box   44
Morrow, Dwight, 1923-1935
Box   44
Moses, Robert, 1943-1960
Box   45
Mot-National A-B, 1920s-1961
Box   45
Motion Pictures' Greatest Year contest, 1938-1939
Box   45
Mount Holyoke College, S. Hadley, Massachusetts, 1925-1961
Box   45
Mundt, Karl, 1941-1951
Box   45
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 1930-1959
Box   46
National C-N, 1930-1961
Box   46
National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1931-1961
Box   46
National Economy League, 1930-1940
Box   46
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 1938-1957
Box   46
National Grange luncheon, 1941 May-June
Box   46
National Industrial Conference Board, 1950-1952
Box   46
National Interfraternity Conference, 1942-1945
Box   47
National O-Z-Naz, 1920s-1961
Box   47
National Outdoor Advertising Bureau, 1936-1959
Box   47
National Paraplegia Foundation Inc., 1950-1959
Box   47
National Safety Council, 1933-1953
Box   47
National Thrift Committee, 1950-1957
Box   47
National Tuberculosis Association, 1931-1944
Box   47
National Urban League, 1946-1958
Box   47
National War Fund, 1943-1946
Box   47
Nation's Business, 1943-1944
Box   47
Navy League of the United States, 1933-1948
Box   47
Navy Relief Society, 1942
Box   48
Nea-New York, O, 1920s-1961
Box   48
Near East Foundation, 1931-1938
Box   48
Neutrality (about), 1939
Box   48
New York City, Greater New York Fund, 1938-1957
Box   48
New York City, Greater New York Safety Council, 1941-1960
Box   48
New York City Cancer Committee, 1948-1962
Box   48
New York Daily News, 1935-1943, 1959
Box   48
New York Heart Association, 1951-1960
Box   48
New York Herald Tribune, 1946-1957, 1963
Box   48
New York Infirmary, 1933-1954
Box   48
New York Mirror, 1931-1961
Box   48
New York Orthopaedic Hospital, 1935-1939, 1948
Box   49
New York P-Nez, 1920s-1960
Box   49
New York Post, 1926-1936
Box   49
New York Press Association, 1948-1950
Box   49
New York Public Library, 1945-1963
Box   49
New York State Economic Council Inc., 1933-1941
Box   49
New York Sun, 1931-1942
Box   49
New York Times, 1929-1960
Box   49
New York University, 1939-1960
Box   49
New York World-Telegram, 1929-1956
Box   49
New York World's Fair, 1936-1939
Box   49
New Yorker, 1950-1960
Box   49
Newcomen Society, 1949-1959
Box   49
Newsweek, 1934-1962
Box   49
Newton, Carroll P., 1944-1956
Box   49
Neylan, John Francis, 1944-1956
Box   50
Ni-Oz, 1920s-1961
Box   50
Nixon, Richard M., 1954-1961
Box   50
Nizer, Louis, 1940, 1946
Box   50
North Atlantic Pact, 1949 July-August
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with United States Senators about.
Box   50
Northend, Mary Harrod, 1923-1928, 1940
Box   50
Norton, Elliott S., 1925-1930
Box   50
Oak Park, Illinois, 1930-1957
Scope and Content Note: Mainly correspondence with friends and acquaintances Barton had known in his youth; his father was pastor of the Congregational Church of Oak Park for many years.
Box   50
Oak Park, Illinois - First Congregational Church, 1928-1958
Box   50
Osborn, Alex, 1932-1961
Box   50
Osborn, Kenneth G., 1937-1947
Box   50
Osborne, Lotta M., 1926-1938
Box   50
Osborne Company, 1926-1936
Box   51
Pa-Pe, 1920s-1961
Box   51
Page, Arthur W., 1926-1957
Box   51
Page, L.C. & Company, 1933-1936; 1950-1952
Box   51
Palmer, Walter E., 1950-1958
Box   51
Pathfinder (Emil Hurja, Publisher), 1940-1942
Box   51
Patrick, Luther, 1942-1943
Box   51
Patterson, Ada, 1926-1932
Box   51
Patterson, Richard C., 1932-1961
Box   51
Payne, Frederick H., 1926-1943, 1956
Box   51
Perkins, James (National City Bank of New York), 1934-1940
Box   52
Pf-Pk, 1920s-1959
Box   52
Pheiffer, William T., 1941-1944
Box   52
Phi Beta Kappa, 1925-1959
Box   52
Phoenix, Arizona, circa 1943-1958
Scope and Content Note: Mainly correspondence with friends and others in Phoenix, where Barton had a winter home.
Box   52
Phoenix Republic and Gazette, 1943-1948
Box   52
Pierson, Lewis E., 1937-1941
Box   52
Pilatsky, Charles, 1933-1938
Box   52
Pitkin, Walter B., Professor, 1931-1939
Box   53
Pl-Por, 1920s-1960
Box   53
Planned Parenthood Federation Inc., 1953-1961
Box   53
Pleuthner, Willard A., 1946-1959
Box   53
Police Athletic League, New York, 1945-1957
Box   53
Poling, Daniel A., 1928-1938
Box   53
Pollock, Channing, 1928-1938
Box   53
Population problem, 1954-1962
Scope and Content Note: Including correspondence with Hugh Moore and others.
Box   53
Port Improvement Committee (New York City), 1930-1931
Box   53
Porter, Marian H. (Mrs. Harold E.), 1935-1947
Box   54
Pos-Prh, 1920s-1960
Box   54
Powell, Harford, 1924-1950
Box   54
Powell, John B., 1942-1946
Box   54
Powell, Stanley, 1923-1934
Box   54
Prentice-Hall Inc., 1940-1960
Presbyterian Hospital, New York
Box   54
Contributions by Barton, 1944-1958
Box   54
Cooper, Charles Procter, 1943-1957
Box   54
Dinner in honor of C. P. Cooper, 1951-1952
Box   54
Fulweiler, John H., 1945-1947
Box   54
General correspondence, 1940s-1962
Box   54
Presbyterian War Time Service Commission, 1942-1946
Box   55
Pri-Q, 1929-1960
Box   55
Progressive, 1944-1949
Box   55
Prohibition (correspondence about), 1928-1933
Box   55
Prosser, Seward, 1923-1936
Box   55
Pulliam, Eugene C., 1946-1961
Box   55
Putnam, George Palmer, 1926-1936
Box   55
Pyle, Howard, 1952-1955
Box   55
Quotations, 1920s-1950s
Scope and Content Note: Mainly correspondence and ephemera concerning favorite quotations of Barton.
Box   56
Ra-Rep, 1920s-1960
Box   56
Rathbun, Spide, 1931, 1949-1960
Box   56
Reader's Digest Foundation, 1961
Box   56
Reed, Daniel A., 1942-1959
Box   56
Reisner, Christian F., 1924-1940
Box   56
Rentschler, Gordon S., 1931-1951
Box   57-58
Republican party, 1927-1944
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Republican party officials and organizations. Much, but not all, of this correspondence is of a fairly routine nature, concerning contributions, campaign arrangements, and the like. Some folders also contain Barton's suggestions for campaign techniques, and/or speeches, especially the folder for 1948, for the Dewey-Warren campaign. Arranged chronologically, except for the last folder, which contains printed campaign materials evidently prepared by Barton, 1936, 1938, 1944.
Box   59
Rer-Rn, 1929-1961
Box   59
Retired Ministers' Pension Fund, 1930
Box   59
Revell, Nellie, 1926-1931
Box   59
Rice, Grantland, 1925-1959
Box   59
Rice, Raymond M., 1951-1952
Box   59
Rich, Robert F., 1941-1961
Box   59
Rickenbacker, Edward V., 1931-1960
Box   59
Rickey, Branch, 1947-1957
Box   59
Riis, Jacob A., Mrs., 1931-1953
Box   59
Riis, Roger William, 1926-1936
Box   60
Ro-Rt, 1920s-1961
Box   60
Robbins, Tennessee - Barton Chapel, 1923-1941; 1960-1961
Note: Barton was born in Robbins, Tennessee; Chapel was named in honor of his father, who had his first pastorate in Robbins.
Box   60
Robertson, Andrew W., 1952-1956
Box   60
Robinson, William E., 1956-1959
Box   60
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1956-1958
Box   60
Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, 1927-1949
Box   60
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1934-circa 1947
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence and other materials about.
Box   60
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1932-1944
Scope and Content Note: Mainly correspondence about, but including one letter from F.D.R. dated May 19, 1941.
Box   60
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1902
Scope and Content Note: One item only: typed excerpts from an address in Boston, August 25, 1902; signed and annotated at a later date.
Box   60
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., Mrs., 1946-1948
Box   60
Roosevelt, [Theodore] Memorial, 1950-1956
Box   60
Roper, Elmo, 1938-1959
Box   60
The Rotarian / edited by Leland D. Case, 1936-1961
Box   60
Royall, Kenneth G., 1955-1961
Box   61
Ru-Rz, 1920s-1960
Box   61
Rubicam, Raymond, 1932-1959
Box   61
Rukeyser, Merryle Stanley, 1934-1952
Box   61
Rusk, Howard A., 1943, 1951-1961
Box   61
Rutherford, Jay, 1941-1961
Box   62
Sa-Scg, 1920s-1961
Box   62
Salvation Army Association, 1923-1957
Box   62
Sampson, Flem D., 1931
Box   62
Scandrett, Richard B., 1924-1961
Box   63
Sch-Sh, 1920s-1961
Box   63
Schiff, Isidor, 1942-1960
Box   63
Schindler, Raymond C., 1934-1948
Box   63
Schools, 1930s-1940s
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with various schools, arranged alphabetically.
Box   63
Scripps-Howard Newspapers, 1942-1955
Box   63
Seaver, Frances, Mrs., 1928-1929
Box   63
Shafroth, William, 1925-1935
Box   63
Shaw, Arch W., 1924-1951
Box   63
Sheldon, Charles M., 1929-1934
Box   63
Shipp, Thomas R., 1932-1938
Box   63
Shoemaker, Elizabeth (Mrs. Linscott), 1937-1958
Box   64
Si-So, 1920s-1960
Box   64
Siddall, John M., Mrs., 1921-1940
Box   64
Sieck, H. Charles, 1925-1941
Box   64
Simon & Schuster, 1933-1936
Box   64
Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 1941-1960
Box   64
Sloan, Alfred P., Foundation, 1937-1938
Box   64
Sloan, George A., 1937-1951
Box   64
Smith, Fred, 1938
Box   64
Smith, J. Austin, 1936-1943
Box   64
Smith, Robert P., 1947-1961
Box   64
Smith, Willard K., 1932-1939
Box   64
Society of Amateur Chefs, 1941-1942
Box   64
Sockman, Ralph W. - National Radio Pulpit, Executive Committee, 1948-1954
Box   64
Sokolsky, George E., 1930, 1936, 1942, 1947
Box   65
Sp-Sth, 1920s-1961
Box   65
Spaulding, Eliot, 1947-1958
Box   65
Spencer, Percy Craig, 1952-1961
Box   65
Spier, Carlton L., 1936-1961
Box   65
Splitstone, Fred John, 1928-1944
Box   65
Stamp, Sir Josiah, 1932, 1937
Box   65
Stassen, Harold E., 1943-1950
Box   65
Stearns, Frank W., 1920-1938
Box   65
Stelzle, Charles, 1935-1941
Box   65
Stephenson, Willard L., 1946-1957
Box   65
Stettinius, Edward R., 1932-1949
Box   66
Sti-Sz, 1920s-1961
Box   66
Stillman [Marshall] Movement, 1928-1931
Box   66
Strauss, Manny, 1932-1947
Box   66
Stridger, William, 1927-1935
Box   66
Sullivan, Lawrence, 1939-1961
Box   66
Sumner, William Graham (about), 1940
Box   66
Supreme Court (about), 1937
Box   66
Swisher, Charles, 1942-1956
Box   66
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 1931-1957
Box   66
Syndicates, 1927-1933
Box   67
Ta-Tq, 1920s-1961
Box   67
Taber, John, 1945-1947, 1960
Box   67
Taft, Robert A., 1941-1953
Box   67
Taylor, Henry J., 1943-1960
Box   67
Taylor, Myron C., 1939-1942, 1956
Box   67
Thomas, Lowell, 1939-1961 (scattered)
Box   67
Thomas, Norman, 1942-1961 (scattered)
Box   67
Thompson, Dorothy, 1944-1946
Box   67
Thompson, Joseph O., 1933, 1941-1946
Box   67
Thorpe, Merle, 1944-1955
Box   67
Tickner, William D., 1930-1942
Box   67
Tilden, Freeman, 1923-1952
Box   67
Time, 1933-1960
Box   67
Tipper, Harry, 1932-1933
Box   67
Tomlinson, Edward, 1934-1937
Box   67
Town Hall Inc., 1940-1948
Box   67
Townsend, William H., 1931-1935
Box   68
Tr-U, 1920s-1960
Box   68
Tracy, Shelley, 1932
Box   68
Travelers' Aid Society of New York, 1942-1960
Box   68
Tuskegee Institute, 1931-1935
Box   68
Ueland, Brenda, 1924-1961
United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
Box   68
1944-1959 April
Box   69
1959 May-1964
Box   69
United States Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1934-1944
United States Treasury Department
Box   69
War Savings, 1941-1943, 1946
Box   69
3rd War Loan, 1943
Note: Barton was chairman of the Publishing, Advertising, and Graphic and Visual Arts Section for New York City.
Box   70
4th-8th War Loans, 1943-1946
Box   70
United War Work Campaign, 1918-1923
Box   70
University of Chicago, 1935, 1959
Box   70
University of Georgia (George F. Peabody Radio Awards), 1936-1945
Box   70
University of Missouri, 1950, 1958-1959
Box   70
Updegraff, Robert R., 1928-1959
Box   70
Uplands-Cumberland Mountain Sanatorium, Pleasant Hill, Tennessee, 1932, 1936, 1940
Box   70
Urban League of Greater New York, 1945, 1950-1958
Box   70
V-Wal, 1925-1958
Box   70
Vandenburg, Arthur H., 1941-1949
Box   70
Wadsworth, Mason, 1925, 1935
Box   70
Wallace, DeWitt (editor, Reader's Digest), 1930-1961
Box   71
Wam-Wg, 1921-1961
Box   71
Wanger, Walter, 1926-1960
Box   71
War Prisoners' Aid Committee, 1940-1942
Box   71
Ware, Storer P., 1930, 1937-1938
Box   71
Warne, Colston, 1942-1943
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence about Warne's attacks on advertising.
Box   71
Warren, Earl, 1944, 1948
Box   71
Warren, G. F., Professor, 1933
Box   71
Washington Tribune, 1941
Box   71
Watson, Thomas, 1936-1954
Box   71
Weaver, Robert A., 1936-1956
Box   71
Wedemeyer, Albert C., 1952-1958
Box   71
Welfare and Health Council of New York City, 1951-1955
Box   71
Weinberg, Sydney J., 1933, 1956-1961
Box   71
Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, 1947-1948, 1955-1961
Note: Alma mater of Esther M. Randall (Barton's wife).
Box   72
Wh-Wil, 1917-1961
Box   72
Wheeler, John N., 1947-1961
Box   72
White, Dudley A., 1942-1957
Box   72
White, Egbert, 1941-1955
Box   72
White, Thomas J., 1937-1948
Box   72
Whiting, Francis E.M., 1942-1950
Box   72
Whitehead, Harold, 1938-1942
Box   72
Wick, James L., 1952
Box   72
Wilhelm, Donald, 1926-1940
Box   72
Williams, J. Harvie, 1941-1942
Box   72
Williams, Nathan Boone, 1937-1945
Box   72
Williamson, Oliver H., 1941; 1955-1956
Box   72
Willkie, Wendell, 1940-1947; 1950; 1960
Scope and Content Note: Mostly correspondence about, several letters from, 1940.
Box   72
Willkie, Wendell, One World (annotated by Barton), 1943
Box   73
Wim-Wt, 1920s-1961
Box   73
Wingo, Otis Theodore, 1941-1945
Box   73
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1952-1961
Box   73
Wood, Robert E., 1943-1956
Box   73
Woods, Clinton, 1936-1950
Box   73
Wooley, Clarence, 1929-1953
Box   73
World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, 1949-1951
Box   73
World Peaceways, 1932-1933, 1963
Box   73
Worrilow, William Henry, 1946-1952
Box   73
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs., 1951-1961
Box   74
Wu-Z, 1920s-1961
Box   74
Young, Owen D., 1925-1959
Box   74
Young American: The National Weekly For Youth, 1936, 1946
Box   74
Young Men's Board of Trade, New York, 1933-1943
Box   74
Young Men's Christian Association, 1930-1962
Box   74
Young Women's Christian Association, 1935-1953
Box   74
Youth of America, 1941
Box   74
Zeckendorf, William, 1945-1952
Box   74
Ziff, William B., 1944-1946
Box   74
Zinsmaster, Henry W., 1933-1943
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