UW-Milwaukee University Committee Records, 1956-1996


The University Committee:

  1. serves as the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, and in that capacity performs those functions which may be delegated to it by the Senate. Takes action representing faculty interests and prerogatives within the jurisdiction of the Senate when the Senate is not in session;
  2. examines any actions taken respecting the UWM campus by the Board of Regents, the various faculties or faculty committees, or by other bodies or individuals related to the university faculty, and makes recommendations as appropriate;
  3. studies educational policy matters which are within the jurisdiction of the university faculty and makes recommendations to the faculty;
  4. advises the Administration on the implementation of faculty action;
  5. consults with appropriate administrative officers at campus level or above on budget matters and reports thereon to the faculty;
  6. in consultation with the Rules Committee prepares the agenda for committee of the whole discussions concerning matters of general interest to the university faculty;
  7. makes an annual report at the Faculty Senate's first regular meeting of the academic year, and regularly submits to the Secretary of the University its minutes on all matters except those matters considered in closed session as permitted by Wis. Stats. 19.85;
  8. advises the Chancellor on the membership on any campus search and screen committee which involves the faculty in making nominations for appointments to major university administrative positions, and represents the faculty on any systemwide search and screen procedures;
  9. advises the faculty and the administration on those questions concerning the operation of faculty governance which are within the jurisdiction of the university faculty;
  10. receives grievances and complaints by or against members of the faculty and refers those grievances or complaints to the appropriate faculty standing committee.

For further details see the UWM Policies and Procedures.

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