J. Fred Coots Papers, 1912-1980

Container Title
Wake Up America! Scripts, 1941-1947.
Quantity: 6 volumes in 4 folders (0.5 cubic feet) 
Scope and Content Note: Published transcripts of a weekly series of thirty-minute radio debates and panel discussions sponsored by the American Economic Foundation. The program was aired on the Blue Network through 1943.
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September 28, #92, “What Would Be the Economic Consequences of our Direct Participation in the War?”
October 5, #93, “Social Planning Versus Individual Initiative Under Free Enterprise”
October 12, #94, “Can Democracy Survive Under Present Economic Conditions?”
October 19, #95, “Would a Mediated Peace Be Desirable Under Present Circumstances?”
October 26, #96, “Should the Federal Government Regulate Labor Unions?”
November 2, #97, “What Would Inflation Mean to You?”
November 9, #98, “Can Government Control Prices Through Legislation?”
November 23, #99, “Can and Should Monetary Inflation Be Avoided?”
November 30, #100, “Should Labor Have the Right to Strike During the Defense Emergency?”
December 7, #101, “Can There Be a Substantial Reduction in Non-Defense Expenditures of the Federal Government?”
December 21, #102, “Is a Collective Economy Compatible with Economic Freedom?”
December 28, #103, “To What Extent Should We Suspend Our Free Institutions While We Are at War?”
January 24, #104, “Just What Is Democracy?”
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January 11, #105, “What Happens to Civil Liberties Druing Times of War?”
January 18, #106, “Women's Role in War”
January 25, #107, “Can Wars Be Ended Under Private Capitalism?”
February 1, #108, “How Much Economic Equality Is Attainable?”
February 8, #109, “After the War -- What?”
February 15, #110, “Is a Closed Shop a Democratic Institution?”
February 22, #111, “Social Justice and Economic Reconstruction”
March 1, #112, “Has the Profit System Handicapped America's War Production?”
March 8, #113, “Is Industry Making Too Much Money Out of This War?”
March 15, #114, “Who Will Pay the Cost of This War -- And How?”
March 22, #115, “What Would Socialism Mean to America?”
March 29, #116, “Has America Gone Soft?”
April 5, #117, “South America -- Frontier of the Future”
April 12, #118, “How Can the War Effort Be Improved?”
April 19, #119, “Why Is Japan Fighting?”
April 26, #120, “Is Revolution Likely in Occupied Europe?”
May 3, #121, “President Roosevelt's Seven-Point Anti-Inflation Program”
May 17, #122, “The Road We Are Traveling”
May 24, #123, “What Can Be Done Now to Improve War Morale?”
May 31, #124, “Maintenance of Membership”
June 7, #125, “Is Democratic Socialism Possible?”
June 14, #126, “Would a Sales Tax Benefit the War Effort?”
June 21, #127, “Is War Destroying Free Enterprise?”
June 28, #128, “Post-War Problems in the Western Hemisphere”
July 5, #129, “Should a Congressman Be Defeated for Re-Election Because of this Pre-Pearl Harbor Attitude Toward America's Participation in the War?”
July 12, #130, “The Problems of Lasting Peace”
August 30, #131, “Your Next Year's Taxes”
September 6, #132, “Are the Four Freedoms Enough?”
September 13, #133, “News, Censorship and Morale”
September 20, #134, “Should the Draft Age Be Lowered to 18?”
September 27, #135, “Should the People Have a Greater Voice in the Conduct of the War?”
October 4, #136, “How Can America Best Solve Its Manpower Problem?”
October 11, #137, “Would A Supreme Command of the United Nations Be Desirable?”
October 18, #138, “Is a Second Front Practical at This Time?”
October 25, #139, “Would a Planned Economy Destroy Our Two Party System?”
November 1, #140, “Is Civilian Morale Retarding Victory?”
November 8, #141, “What Kind of an America Are We Fighting For?”
November 14, #142, “Is Our Silver Policy Sound?”
November 22, #143, “Should the Government Accept Responsibility for Full Post-War Employment?”
November 29, #144, “Would Immediate Freedom for India Hasten or Retard Victory?”
December 6, #145, “Is the $25,000 Salary Limitation Justifiable?”
December 13, #146, “Should Congress Assume Greater Responsibility in Domestic Affairs and Planning for Peace?”
December 20, #147, “Is Washington Over-Regulating War Industry?”
December 27, #148, “What Is the War Doing to Our Colleges?”
January 3, #149, “Must Civilians Be Drafted for War Work?”
January 10, #150, “Can the People Have a Voice in Rationing?”
January 17, #151, “How Can We Solve the Shipping Crisis?”
January 24, #152, “Would Freedom From Want Create a Better World?”
January 31, #153, “What Should Be Done With Conquered Germany?”
February 7, #154, “What Should Be Done with Conquered Japan?”
February 14, #155, “Does the Profit System Penalize the Worker?”
February 21, #156, “What Is Free Enterprise?”
February 28, #157, “Should the Present Draft Laws Be Revised?”
March 7, #158, “Is Business Making Too Much Money Out of the War?”
March 14, #159, “What Should Be Done About Last Year's Income Tax Assessment?”
March 21, #160, “Can Free Enterprise Carry the Post-War Load?”
March 28, #161, “Can Our Manpower Problem Be Solved Through Voluntary Cooperation?”
April 4, #162, “What Kind of an America Are We Fighting For?”
April 11, #163, “What Would Thomas Jefferson Do Today?”
April 18, #164, “Should American Youth Support the Re-Establishment After War of Competitive Enterprise As Our Dominant Economic System?”
April 25, #165, “From Cradle to the Grave”
May 2, #166, “Will There Be Enough Food?”
May 9, #167, “Should Collective Bargaining Include Factory Foremen?”
May 16, #168, “Canada and the United States in the Post-War World”
May 23, #169, “What Stands in the Way of Higher Wages?”
May 30, #170, “Can We Hope for Effective Revolt in Occupied Europe?”
June 6, #171, “The Place of the Government in Post-War Prosperity”
June 13, #172, “Is Time on Japan's Side?”
June 20, #173, “Can We Head Off Serious Inflation?”
June 27, #174, “Does Modern Education Equip for Freedom?”
July 4, #175, “The Home Front in Relation to the Military Front”
July 11, #176, “Is Our Peace Planning Concrete and Realistic?”
September 5, #177, “Is Our Foreign Policy Winning Us Friends Abroad?”
September 12, #178, “Is an International Police Force Practical?”
September 19, #179, “Would a Military Alliance with Great Britain Contribute to a More Lasting Peace?”
September 26, #180, “Do We Understand Russia?”
October 3, #181, “Where Are Post-War Jobs Coming From?, Part 1”
October 10, #182, “Where Are Post-War Jobs Coming From?, Part 2”
October 17, #183, “The Future of the Liberal Arts College”
October 24, #184, “Does Any National Emergency Justify a Fourth Term?”
October 31, #185, “What Kind of America Do the Boys Want to Come Home To?”
November 7, #186, “What Is This Thing Called Capitalism?”
November 14, #187, “Does Congress' Desire for Re-Election Penalize Good Government?”
November 21, #188, “Where Are Post-War Jobs Coming From?, Part 3”
November 28, #189, “Oil -- Today and Tomorrow”
December 5, #190, “Should American Internationalism Involve Military Alliances?'
December 12, #191, “Where's the Money Coming From for Post-War Rehabilitation?”
December 19, #192, “What Part Should Congress Play in Determing Our Post-War Commitments Abroad?”
December 26, #193, “Can We Look Forward to a Better World?”
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January 9, #194, “Who Can Best Provide Post-War Jobs -- Private Industry or Government?”
January 16, #195, “What Economic Advantages Can America Expect from This War?”
January 30, #197, “Do We Need an Economic Bill of Rights”
#198, “Does Private Capitalism Breed Monopoly?”
#199, “How Are We Doing on the Diplomatic Front?”
#200, “What Price Social Security?”
#201, “Is America Moving Toward Fascism?”
#202, “The Role of Russia in the Post-War World”
#203, “Is American Democracy Threatened from Within?”
#204, “What Should Be Done with Defeated Germany?”
#205, “How Long Will the War Last?”
#206, “How Long Will the Public Debt Affect the Private Citizen in Post-War America?”
#207, “America's Post-War Miliary Policy”
#208, “Will Present Limitations of Business Profit Handicap Post-War Jobs?”
#209, “What is Fascism?”
#210, “Should America Re-examine Its Faith?”
#211, “Is There Any Substitute for Military Alliances?”
#212, “The Freedoms for Which We Fight”
#213, “What Kind of Post-war American Does Young America Want?”
#214, “Mobilizing for Abundance in the Post-War World”
#215, “Has America an Economic Future in the Orient?”
#216, “Should White Collar Wages Be Allowed to Rise?”
#217, “How Much Help Can Our Invasion Forces Expect from the Underground in Fortress Europe?”
#218, “Should Federal Social Security Be Abolished?”
#219, “Can German Morale Withstand Another Major Defeat?”
#220, “Will the Wagner Act Help or Hinder Post-war Employment?”
#221, “Will the Corporation Tax Handicap Post-war Employment?”
#222, “What Voice Should Labor Have in Management?”
#223, “Would the Continuation of Present Income Taxes Handicap Post-war Recovery?”
#224, “Should Organized Labor Take Sides Politically?”
#225, “Is the Fourth Term a Major Campaign Issue?”
#226, “How Long Should Government Economic Controls Continue After the War?”
#227, “Is Bureaucracy a Menace to Democracy?”
#228, “Are We Making Friends Abroad?”
#229, “Should Congress Ratify the Bretton Woods Conference Agreement?”
#230, “How Can We Guard Against Post-war Depression?”
#231, “Are Our Political Parties Becoming Class Conscious?”
#232, “Can Small Nations Have an Effective Voice in the Peace?”
#233, “Is Congress Assuming Its Reconversion Responsibilities?”
#234, “How Would a Change in Administration Affect the War Effort?”
#235, “What Will Our Votes Mean This November?”
#236, “Can the Peace Be Won Without Roosevelt?”
#237, “Are Communism and Fascism Campaign Issues?”
#238, “Roosevelt or Dewey?”
#239, “Will Germany Crack Before Spring?”
#240, “Does Internationalism Mean Imperialism?”
#241, “Foreign Trade and Full Employment?”
#242, “What Is Full Employment?”
#243, “Will Russia Fight Japan?”
#244, “Should America Have Compulsory Military Training After the War?”
#245, “Should the United States Change Its Basis of Treaty Ratification?”
#246, “What Do We Mean By Democracy?”
#247, “The World of Tomorrow”
#248, “What Is British Policy in the Mediterranean?”
#249, “Is American Still the Land of Opportunity?”
#250, “What Is the Future of Social Security?”
#251, “Is Dumbarton Oaks Our Best Chance for Peace?”
#252, “Would Wage Incentives Help Us Solve the Manpower Crisis?”
#253, “Should Government Guarantee Sixty Million Jobs?”
#254, “Does Congress Need Modernization?”
#255, “What Is the Place of Foreign Trade in American Prosperity?
#256, “Do Pressure Groups Threaten American Democracy?”
#257, “Will Monopolies Create Post-war Problems?”
#258, “How Can Government Best Help Business?”
#259, “What Is Labor's Part in Post-War Adjustments?”
#260, “What Is Management's Role in Post-war Adjustments?”
#261, “What Economic Claim Has the Individual Upon Society?”
#262, “How Can Peace Be Assured in Asia?”
#263, “Foreign Trade and Domestic Prosperity?”
#264, “What Is the Meaning of Bretton Woods?”
#265, “What Are the Problems of a Guaranteed Annual Wage?”
#266, “Should Foremen Be Unionized?”
#267, “Let's Examine the Post-war Slogans”
#268, “What Will Happen to Post-war Wages?”
#269, “Does the Wagner Act Threaten Post-war Prosperity?”
#270, “What Is the Future of the New Deal?”
#271, “What Is Behind the British Election?”
#272, “Has the American Form of Government Outlived Its Usefulness?”
#273, “Should the Little Steel Formula Be Scrapped Now?”
#274, “Can China Unite?”
#275, “Does Economic Security Endanger Personal Liberty?”
#276, “What Is America's Role in World Economic Stabilization?”
#277, “Can We Realize Full Employment?”
#278, “Is Government Economic Planning Compatible With Democracy?”
#279, “The Future of Labor Unions in Postwar America”
#281, “Has the American Educational System Been a Success?”
#282, “Could Civilization Survive Another World War?”
#283, “What Are the Possibilities for Democracy in Japan?”
#284, “What Does the British Labor Victory Mean to America?”
#285, “How Much Bureaucracy Must We Have?”
#286, “Should Congress Adopt the Murray Full Employment Bill?”
September 30, #287, “Would Increased Wages Mean Increased Prices?”
October 7, #288, “Should Price Ceilings Be Maintained?”
October 14, #289, “Is Industry-Wide Collective Bargaining Against the Public Interest?”
October 21, #290, “What Is Wrong With Labor-Management Relations?”
October 28, #291, “Would Free Trade Increase Our Domestic Prosperity?”
November 4, #292, “Has Victory Advanced the Cause of World Democracy?”
November 11, #293, “What Is Congress's Role in Establishing a Labor Policy?”
November 18, #294, “Should Congress Pass the 65 Cents an Hour Minimum Wage Law?”
November 25, #295, “Should the United States Subsidize British Socialism?”
December 2, #296, “How Would a 30% Wage Increase Affect the Public Interest?”
December 9, #297, “Which Way America?”
December 16, #298, “What Is Labor's Stake in Profits?”
December 23, #299, “Will Victory Create a Better World?”
December 30, #300, “Do Cartels Threaten International Peace?”
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January 6, #301, “Does Price Control Mean Fewer Jobs?”
January 13, #302, “Is Crime an Economic Problem?”
January 20, #303, “What Has Gone Wrong With Collective Bargaining?”
January 27, #304, “What Are the Rights of Labor?”
February 3, #305, “What Are the Rights of Management?”
February 10, #306, “What Are the Rights of the Public in Wage Disputes?”
February 17, #307, “Will Socialism Solve Britain's Economic Crisis?”
February 24, #308, “Can We Avoid Serious Inflation?”
March 3, #309, “Does Economic Security Contradict Individual Freedom?”
March 10, #310, “What Is the Significance of the Minimum Wage?”
March 17, #311, “Is Monopoly Still an Economic Problem?”
March 24, #312, “Does the Right to Strike Infringe the Right to Work?”
March 31, #313, “Is Big Business Too Big?”
April 7, #314, “Why Does Russia Want Iranian Oil?”
April 16, #315, “What Is the Role of the Liberal Tradition in Human Progress?”
April 23, #316, “Should Foremen Join Labor Unions?”
April 30, #317, “Should Price Control Be Continued?”
May 7, #318, “Is Russia Moving Toward Political Democracy?”
May 14, #319, “Has the War Strengthened American Democracy?”
May 21, #320, “Does the Industrial Progress of the South Require Increased Unionization of Labor?”
May 28, #321, “Have Post-war Strikes Been Against the Public Interest?”
June 4, #322, “Should We Have National Compulsory Health Insurance?”
June 11, #323, “Should We Extend the Draft?”
June 18, #324, “Should the Wagner Act Be Amended?”
June 25, #325, “Is the Franco Regime a Threat to Peace?”
July 2, #326, “Is Russia a Threat to Peace?”
July 9, #327, “Is Socialism Working in England?”
July 16, #328, “Would Wage Incentives Promote Industrial Peace?”
July 23, #329, “What Should Be Our National Labor Policy?”
July 30, #330, “What Should Be Our National Labor Policy?”
August 6, #331, “What Is Holding Up Production?”
August 13, #332, “How Can We Maintain a High Level of Employment?”
August 20, #333, “Can Competition Hold Prices in Line?”
August 27, #334, “What Is the Answer to the Housing Shortage?”
September 3, #335, “What Is Holding Up New Housing?”
September 10, #336, “Is Collective Bargaining Out of Balance?”
September 22, #337, “Must We Have Boom and Bust?”
September 29, #338, “Can Industry Offer a Guaranteed Annual Wage?”
October 6, #339, “What Is Socialism?”
October 13, #340, “What Are the Economic Issues of the Election?”
October 20, #341, “Is There a Threat to Freedom of Speech on the Air?”
October 27, #342, “What Do We Mean By Un-American Activities?”
November 3, #343, “Will 1947 Bring Industrial Peace?”
November 10, #344, “Would Socialism Benefit Canada?”
November 17, #345, “How Can Labor Get Higher Real Wages?”
November 24, #346, “Should the Closed Shop Be Outlawed?”
December 1, #347, “What Should Be Done About Rent Ceilings?”
December 8, #348, “What Is the Future of Trade Unionism?”
December 15, #349, “Are High Personal Taxes a Threat to Our National Welfare?”
December 29, #350, “Would a General Wage Increase Now Benefit the Country?”
December 29, #351, “Do Present Profits Justify a Wage Increase?”
January 5, #352, “Farm Prices and Prosperity”
January 12, #353, “Is Our Economic Policy in the Far East Sound?”
January 19, #354, “What Is Labor's Stake in Capitalism?”
January 26, #355, “What Is Capitalism?”
February 2, #356, “What Are the Issues of Portal-to-Portal Pay?”
February 9, #357, “Do We Need New Labor Legislation?”
February 16, #358, “Are High Personal Income Taxes Handicapping Prosperity?”
February 23, #359, “What Is Liberalism?”
March 2, #360, “How Can Capitalism Better Serve to Worker?”
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