UW-Milwaukee Physical Environment Committee Records, 1931-1996


After a May 1956 study of the future site of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee by the Long-Range Development Subcommittee of the Committee of Thirty, Provost (later Chancellor) J. Martin Klotsche organized the UWM Campus Planning Commission (CPC). At its first meeting in July 1957, Klotsche stated that he had established the commission to plan the campus and to participate in the design of new buildings needed to house the growing university. At that meeting, the CPC passed a motion stating "that the functions of this commission [will] be the same as the University Planning Commission at Madison, namely: 'priority, design, location, use of land, use of vacated building space and other pertinent subjects.'" Also, the CPC established a Steering Committee to develop building priorities for the campus.

The CPC changed its name in early July 1959 to the Campus Planning Committee. The Board of Regents officially authorized the CPC on September 6, 1963. In July 1969, Chancellor Klotsche reorganized the CPC as the Physical Environment Committee (PEC). On October 8, 1969, the PEC held its first meeting and assumed the functions of the CPC.

The PEC reports to the Secretary of the University. Members of the PEC are appointed by the Chancellor and the University Committee through several different procedures. The Chancellor acts as the chairman of the PEC and may create subcommittees of the PEC as necessary. Individual building subcommittees are appointed by the Chancellor.

Most subcommittees, especially those for individual buildings, exist for only a few years while completing their work and are then disbanded. Some of the subcommittees, such as the Names of Buildings Subcommittee and the Parking Subcommittee, have become de facto standing subcommittees through their longevity. The Names of Buildings Subcommittee was established circa 1958, began functioning in late 1959, and continues to meet as necessary. The Parking Subcommittee was created in October 1957 and has intermittently evaluated the parking needs and capacities on the campus.

In April 1981, the PEC established the Year 2000 Masterplan Committee to develop a plan to accommodate the current and foreseeable needs for the campus through the year 2000. This committee completed its work in May 1982 when it presented the Year 2000 Masterplan to the PEC. The plan analyzed the current and future needs of UWM and made recommendations on the resolution of space shortages through a comprehensive plan of remodeling and new construction.

Chairs of the Physical Environment Committee and Its Predecessors

1957-1973 J.M. Klotsche
1973-1979 Werner A. Baum
1979-1980 Leon M. Schur
1980-1985 Frank E. Horton
1985-1986 Norma Rees
1986-1990 Clifford Smith
1990- John H. Schroeder

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