Joseph C. Harsch Papers, 1928-1988

Contents List

Container Title
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   00:30
Opening Remarks by Sol Stetin
Scope and Content Note: Messages from the widows of Emil Rieve and William DuChessi. Singing of “Solidarity Forever.” Introduction of Bill Pollock, Jr. Historical remarks: four former CIO unions now make up the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU). Introduction of Scott Hoyman, Executive Vice President of ACTWU.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   10:15
Scott Hoyman: Greetings and Welcome
Scope and Content Note: Introduction of current ACTWU vice presidents in attendence - Charles Sallee and Bruce Dunton. Announcement that Rieve-Pollock Foundation has arranged for Cletus Daniels to write a history of the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA). [In Hoyman's remarks he mentions the election of “Nixon,” but means to say “Reagan.”]
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   23:50
John Fox - ACTWU Vice President and Manager of Philadelphia Joint Board
Scope and Content Note: Greetings. Comparison of 1934 and 1984.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   00:30
John Fox - continued
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   03:30
Sol Stetin Introduction and Playing of Songs by Joe Glazer
Note: Sound quality poor until about 05:55.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   21:30
Sol Stetin Introduction of Keir Jorgensen and the TWUA Chronology He Prepared; Introduction of George Perkel
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   23:35
George Perkel, Former TWUA Research Director: TWUA Historical Highlights
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   00:30
George Perkel - continued
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   21:45
Sol Stetin Introduction of Sol Barkin, Former Research Director
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   00:30
Sol Barkin: Analysis of 1934 Strike and the Textile Workers Organizing Committee
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   00:30
Sol Barkin - continued
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   15:25
Stetin: Break for Lunch
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   16:25
Stetin: Remarks on Rieve and Pollock; Introduction of Larry Rogin
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   22:25
Larry Rogin on the 1934 Strike
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   00:30
Larry Rogin - continued
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   15:50
Sol Stetin
Scope and Content Note: Introduction of Vera Rony and Alfred Friedman and their research on the 1934 strike. Calls on audience to make remarks.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   20:35
Remarks by Lloyd Davis, Alabama, Former Staff TWOC/TWUA
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   23:40
Remarks by Mike Botelho, Former Vice President: on 1934 Strike in New England
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   00:30
William Tuller, Former TWUA Vice President, Now an Advisor to Recently Elected U.S. Senator Paul Simon (Illinois)
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   03:30
Edmund Ryan, Former Manager of Penn-Appalachian Joint Board
Scope and Content Note: Must impress younger people with labor's story.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   05:25
Edward Todd, Former Vice President, Chicago
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   07:20
Irving Kahan, Former Publications Director of TWUA
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   08:20
Joe Caponi, Former Vice President & Assistant Director of ACTWU'S Textile Division
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   09:30
Bruce Dunton, Current Vice President and Mid-Atlantic Region Director
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   10:35
George Nejmeh, Former Manager of Allentown District Joint Board
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   15:10
Ace Benet, President of the Federation of Hosiery Workers at the Time of Their Merger with TWUA in 1965
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   21:00
Stetin Introduction of Al Barkan
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   24:15
Al Barkan, Former Director of TWUA, CIO, and AFL-CIO Committees on Political Education (COPE)
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of the 1984 election, held earlier in the week.
Tape/Side   4/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   4/2
Time   00:30
Al Barkan - continued
Scope and Content Note: Speculation on the political future of the country during the coming four years. Anecdote about 1960 Democratic Convention and the selection of Lyndon Johnson as vice president.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   00:30
Al Barkan - continued
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   04:25
Stetin: Introduction of Various People; Closing Remarks
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   08:40
Scott Hoyman: Farewell
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