Henry C. Taylor Papers, 1896-1967

Container Title
U.S. Mss BB
Series: Correspondence
Subseries: Professional Correspondence
Box   1
A-General, 1940-1939
Box   1
Adamic, Louis, 1939-1940
Box   1
Adams, A. Eugene, 1934-1942
Box   1
Adams, Florence, 1929-1931
Box   1
Affiliated Summer School for Women Workers in Industry, 1929-1932
Box   1
Agriculture, Department of, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1938-1939
Box   1
Airline Pilots, 1934-1937
Box   1
Airlines Negotiating Committee, 1946-1947
Box   1
Alschuler, Alfred S. & Leon (architects), 1930-1939
Box   1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 1924-1952
Box   1
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1928-1945
Box   1
American Arbitration Association, 1937-1952
Box   1
American Association for Applied Psychology, 1939
Box   1
American Association for Labor Legislation, 1911-1949
Box   2
American Association for Social Security-Abraham Epstein, 1929-1941
Box   2
American Association of Schools of Social Work, 1938-1940
Box   2
American Civil Liberties Union, 1933-1947
Box   2
American Economic Association, 1914-1947
Box   2
American Economic Review, 1911-1954
Box   2
American Federation of Labor, 1922-1949
Box   2
American Friends Service Committee, 1933-1948
Box   2
American Labor Education Services, Inc., 1932-1950
Box   2
American Management Association, 1926-1950
Box   2
American Short Line Railroad Association, 1936-1944
Box   3
American Society for Public Administration, 1941-1943
Box   3
American Transit Association, 1945-1946
Box   3
American University, 1935-1946
Box   3
Ameringer, Oscar and Freda, 1905-1941
Box   3
Anderson, Nels, 1940
Box   3
Andrews, Elmer L., 1935-1938
Box   3
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1933-1942
Box   3
Anrod, Dr. Charles W., 1941-1948
Antioch College
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
Box   4
Box   4
Apprenticeship, 1934-1937
Box   4
Army Industrial College, 1937-1947
Box   4
Art Color Printing Co., 1932-1933
Box   4
Ashley, H. W., 1920-1927
Box   4
Atkins, Willard S., 1928-1933
Box   4
Atkiss, Harold, 1927-1938
Box   4
Ault, Leroy H., 1930-1937
Box   4
Automobile Labor Board, 1935
Box   4
B-General, 1914-1956
Box   5
Babson's Business Conference, 1934-1935
Box   5
Bader, Louis, 1934-1939
Box   5
Bakke, S. Wight, 1939-1954
Box   5
Ball, Joseph H., 1942-1947
Box   5
Bankson, Virgil L., 1934-1954
Box   5
Barbash, Jack, 1944-1949
Box   5
Barnes, Charles B. & Frances, 1933-1941
Box   5
Batzell, Paul S., 1934-1940
Box   5
Beck, Carl, 1939-1952
Box   5
Bell, Spurgeon, 1927-1933
Box   5
Beman, L. W., 1935-1937
Box   5
Beyer, O. S., 1928-1943
Box   5
Bickers, T. E., 1938-1947
Box   5
Biddle, Francis, 1938-1941
Box   5
Billikopf, Jacob, 1924-1948
Box   5
Bishop, Lincoln, 1932-1946
Box   5
Bloch, Louis, 1938-1945
Box   5
Board of Christian Education, 1942-1943
Box   6
Bodman, John M., 1936-1953
Box   6
Bodman, John W., 1942-1952
Box   6
Booher, Edward, 1935-1945
Box   6
Bookwalter, Edwina, 1935-1936
Box   6
Bowen, Frank, 1939-1946
Box   6
Bowers, Glenn, 1927-1942
Box   6
Boylan, Stanley, 1931
Box   6
Bradley, Phillips, 1933-1951
Box   6
Bransome, E. D., 1941
Box   6
Brickner, Barnett R., 1933
Box   6
Brissenden, P. F., 1918-1950
Box   6
Broda, Mrs, Erna Jullig, 1934-1941
Box   6
Brodinsky, Joseph E., 1935-1946
Box   6
Brookings Institute, 1924-1949
Box   6
Brooks, Robert R., 1938-1939
Box   6
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, 1937-1947
Box   6
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, 1939-1956
Box   6
Brotherhood of Railway Agents, Telegraphers, and Signal Operators, 1939-1940
Box   6
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1944-1957
Box   6
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, 1919-1949
Box   6
Brown, Smily C., 1948-1950
Box   6
Brown, J. Douglas, 1926-1952
Box   6
Bruere, Robert W., 1923-1941
Box   6
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1937-1947
Box   6
Bureau of National Affairs, 1938-1949
Box   7
Bureau of Personnel Administration, 1929-1939
Box   7
Burns, Allen T., 1915-1940
Box   7
Bush, S. P., 1931-1937
Box   7
Bushnell, (Judge) George E., 1947-1950
Box   7
Business Week, 1939-1948
Box   7
C-General, 1930-1955
Box   7
California, University of, 1936-1952
Box   8
Calkins, Robert D., 19441947
Box   8
Canadian Congress of Labour, 1947
Box   8
Carmalt, James W., 1936-1937
Box   8
Carmody, John M., 1928-1958
Box   8
Chai, K. K., 1927-1938
Box   8
Chalmers, W. Ellison, 1933-1949
Box   8
Chamberlain, Joseph P., 1932-1939
Box   8
Chapman, John, 1942-1943
Box   8
Chicago, University of, 1911-1951
Box   8
Christensen, Frank, 1937-1939
Box   8
Civil Service Commission, 1939-1944
Box   8
Clark, Sheldon, 1935-1939
Box   8
Clarke, H. R., 1940
Box   8
Cleveland City Club, 1946
Box   8
Cluster, H. Raymond, 1952-1955
Box   8
Coal Industry Labor Act, 1943-1944
Box   8
Cole, David L., 1949-1956
Box   8
Cole, Robert F., 1937-1946
Box   8
Collective Bargaining, 1940-1948, 1952
Box   8
College of the City of New York-Phi Beta Kappa, 1941-1942
Box   8
Collins, John, 1911-1939
Box   8
Columbia Conserve Co., 1927-1934
Box   8
Columbia University, 1940-1952
Box   8
Committee for Economic Stability, 1940
Box   8
Committee on Economic Security, 1934-1935
Box   8
Common Council for American Unity, 1940-1942
Box   9
Commons, John R., 1910-1944
Box   9
Commonwealth Club of California, 1936-1942
Box   9
Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, 1944-1946
Box   9
Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1938-1951
Box   9
Connors, E. J., 1937-1942
Box   9
Conover, Marjorie, 1934-1938
Box   9
Consumers' League of Cincinnati, 1928-1933
Consumers' League of Ohio
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Minutes, etc., 1928-1932
Box   9
Consumers' Research, Inc.-Washington, New Jersey, 1929-1935
Box   9
Cook, George A., 1940-1944
Box   9
Cooke, Morris L., 1928-1947
Box   10
Cooley, R. L., 1915-1939
Box   10
Cornell University, 1945-1952
Box   10
Corwin, R. G., 1930-1940
Box   10
Cosmos Club, 1936-1956
Box   10
Couzens, James, 1929-1935
Box   10
Cowdrick, Edward S., 1931-1938
Box   10
Cox, Lauren, 1935-1939
Box   10
Creel, George, 1914-1941
Box   10
Cross, Ira B., 1910-1955
Box   10
Crosser, C. A., 1922-1946
Box   10
Crowell, Thomas Y., Co., 1948-1949
Box   10
Croxton, Fred C., 1917-1931
Box   10
Crozier, Michel J., 1947-1953
Box   10
Cullen, Harold D., 1938-1940
Box   10
Cushman, Bernard, 1943-1947
Box   10
D-General, 1925-1953
Box   11
Daugherty, Carroll, 1934-1941
Box   11
David, Paul T., 1928-1940
Box   11
Davis, Eleanor, 1936
Box   11
Davis, James J., 1939-1943
Box   11
Davis, Jerome, 1924-1950
Box   11
Davis, Opal, 1929-1933
Box   11
Davis, Robert L., 1953-1954
Box   11
Davis, William H., 1935-1949
Box   11
Davitt, Dan, 1931-1938
Box   11
Dayton Chamber of Commerce, 1926-1932
Box   11
Dayton Committee on Stabilization of Employment, 1930-1931
Box   11
Dayton Jobbers and Manufacturers Association, 1932-1933
Box   11
Democratic National Committee, 1935-1940
Box   11
Dennison, Henry S., 1923-1951
Box   11
de Schweinitz, Dorothea, 1940-1945
Box   11
Devine, Thomas C., 1924-1940
Box   11
Dinwiddie, Courtenay, 1915-1933
Box   11
Donoghue, Patrick A., 1933-1937
Box   11
Donovan, Arthur R., 1940-1949
Box   11
Douglas, Paul H., 1922-1955
Box   11
Duffus, W. M., 1922-1934
Box   11
Box   12
Box   12
Earley, James, 1932-1951
Box   12
Eastman, Joseph B., 1933-1943
Box   12
Economic and Business Foundation, 1944-1946
Box   12
Economic Club of Detroit, 1939-1940
Box   12
Edgerton, Henry W., 1911-1948
Box   12
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1952-1954
Box   12
Electrical Engineers, American Institute of, 1944-1945
Box   12
Elliott, Edwin A., 1939-1953
Box   12
Ellis, William, 1930-1931
Box   12
Ely, Richard T., 1910-1916
Box   12
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1929-1930
Box   12
Enochs, H. A., 1937-1944
Box   12
Ervin, Charles W., 1945-1946
Box   12
Euclid Aveenue Temple, 1930
Box   12
Evans, Charles F., 1913-1953
Box   12
Executive's Labor Letter, 1935-1947
Box   13
F-General, 1918-1953
Fan Mail-Congratulatory or Critical
Box   13
Box   13
1939, January-April
Box   13
1939, May-December
Box   13
Box   14
Farm Labor, California, 1935
Box   14
“Feather-Bea” Rules, 1943-1945
Box   14
Federal Advisory Council, 1937
Box   14
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1934-1947
Box   14
Feldman, Henry, 1928-1936
Box   14
Fess, Senator Simeon D., 1926-1931
Box   14
Fields, Arthur M., 1937-1938
Box   14
Filene, Edward A., 1931-1932
Box   14
Filter, Karl W., 1942-1946
Box   14
Fischer, Sophia, 1920-1933
Box   14
Fisher, Boyd, 1922-1932
Box   14
Fisher, Waldo C., 1938-1947
Box   14
Fitch, John A., 1909-1951
Box   14
Fite, Elizabeth, 1929-1941
Box   14
Flanders, Ralph C., 1939
Box   14
Flint, Charles W., 1931-1936
Box   14
Foisie, F. P. 1941-1950
Box   14
Fortune Magazine, 1937-1948
Box   14
Foxhowe Association, 1942
Box   14
Frankfurter, Felix (Supreme Court Justice), 1947-1951
Box   14
French, Will J., 1937-1945
Box   14
Frey, John P., 1918-1942
Box   15
Fulcher, Gordon S., 1931-1941
Box   15
G-General, 1914-1954
Box   15
Gallagher, Rachel, 1926-1929
Box   15
Gannett, Alice P., 1928-1932
Box   15
Garrison, Lloyd R., 1934-1943
Box   15
Gilson, Mary B., 1924-1941
Box   15
Gilson, Thomas Q., 1938-1939
Box   15
Givens, Meredith B., 1928-1933
Box   15
Goldberg, Louis, 1939-1940
Box   15
Golden, Clinton C., 1934-1954
Box   15
Golden, Robert K., 1934-1945
Box   15
Goodrick, Carter, 1925-1933
Box   15
Goodwillie, D. H., 1943-1945
Box   15
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 1923-1946
Box   15
Gordon, Leland J., 1938-1942
Box   15
Governors' Interstate Committee on Unemployment Insurance, 1931-1932
Box   15
Gould, J. S., 1926-1947
Box   15
Grand Rapids League of Women Voters, 1930-1931
Box   15
Gray, Herman A., 1933-1939
Box   15
Gray, Zoe, 1931-1934
Box   15
Greene, Helen F., 1926-1939
Box   15
Greenwald, Henry, 1930
Box   15
Gross, David, 1940-1941
Box   15
Group Health Association, 1938-1949
Box   15
Gruenberg, Benjamin, 1929-1931
Box   15
Gubitz, Albert C., 1926-1939
Box   16
H-General, 1913-1955
Box   16
Haber, William, 1933-1956
Box   16
Hall, Helen, 1932-1933
Box   16
Hanchett, David S., 1923-1940
Box   16
Handler, Milton, 1935-1945
Box   16
Hard, William, 1910-1945
Box   16
Hardman, J. B. S., 1942-1953
Box   16
Harman, S. Park, 1930-1931
Box   16
Harper and Brothers, 1922-1950
Box   17
Harris, Norman Wait, Memorial Foundation, 1931
Box   17
Harrison, George M., 1933-1955
Box   17
Harrison, Marvin C., 1932-1946
Box   17
Harrison, Milton W., 1937-1940
Box   17
Hart, Harnell, 1914-1927
Box   17
Hart, Schaffner, and Marx, 1923-1927
Box   17
Harvard University, 1925-1948
Box   17
Harvey, P. D., 1938-1944
Box   17
Hayes, H. Gordon, 1930-1933
Box   17
Heigho, Katherine, 1928-1931
Box   17
Herrick, Elinore Norehouse, 1927-1947
Box   17
Herzog, Paul, 1937-1953
Box   17
Hill, Lee H., 1945-1947
Box   17
Hillman, Sidney, 1935-1946
Box   17
Hoagland, H. E., 1914-1928
Box   17
Hoan, Daniel W., 1910-1915
Box   17
Hochstein, Irma, 1929-1945
Box   17
Hoehler, Fred K., 1930-1932
Box   17
Hoffman, H. A., 1928-1931
Box   17
Hook, Charles R. (Jr. & Sr.), 1942-1949
Box   17
Hook, James W., 1931-1932
Box   17
Hookstadt, Carl, 1910-1918
Box   17
Hotchkiss, W. C., 1923-1946
Box   17
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926-1931
Box   17
Household Finance Corporation, 1929-1932
Box   17
Howard, Maurice, 1939
Box   17
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1949-1952
Box   17
Hunt, Edward Eyre, 1921-1930
Box   17
Hutchinson, Ruth C. (Mrs. E. M. Sevcik), 1930-1945
Box   18
I-General, 1911-1956
Box   18
Ickes, Harold L., 1934
Box   18
Illinois, University of, 1945-1955
Box   18
Industrial Relations Association of Philadelphia, 1938-1944
Industrial Relations Research Association
Box   18
General, 1950-1952
Box   18
Chicago Chapter, 1930-1954
Box   18
Washington Chapter, 1948-1954
Box   18
Ingersoll, Raymond V., 1924-1929
Box   18
Inglis, James, 1931-1940
Box   18
Institute of International Education, 1930-1931
Box   18
Institute of Public Affairs, 1939
Box   18
Intergroup Relations, Research Committee on (New York State), 1946-1947
Box   18
International Association of Public Employment Services, 1928-1952
Box   18
Irwin, Will, 1914
Box   18
Ives, Senator Irving M., 1953
Box   19
J-General, 1914-1954
Box   19
Jackson, John Price, 1938-1940
Box   19
Jackson, Mollie, 1928-1939
Box   19
Jacobs, Andrew, 1949-1953
Box   19
Jacobson, R. C., 1923-1947
Box   19
Jacobstein, Meyer, 1920-1946
Box   19
Janover, Cyrus J., 1938
Box   19
John Hopkins University, 1944-1949
Box   19
Johnson, Charles S., 1925-1932
Box   19
Johnson, F. Ernest, 1944-1946
Box   19
Johnson, Otto, 1928-1947
Box   19
Johnton, Wendell F., 1919-1952
Box   19
Joint Committee on Unemployment, 1931-1933
Box   19
Jones, Herschel F., 1936-1950
Box   19
Journal of Economic History, 1944-1946
Box   19
Box   20
Box   20
Kahn, Mark L., 1950-1952
Box   20
Kahoe, Walter, 1938-1948
Box   20
Kaiser, Clara A., 1929-1930
Box   20
Kansas City University Extension Center, 1923-1930
Box   20
Kaufmann, Fritz, 1930-1950
Box   20
Keezer, Dexter M., 1941-1951
Box   20
Keifer, Horace S., Ohio House of Representatives, 1931-1939
Box   20
Keightley, Fred, 1934-1943
Box   20
Keller, L. S., 1939-1941
Box   20
Kellogg, Arthur, 1931-1933
Box   20
Kellogg, Paul U., 1929-1947
Box   20
Kennedy, Thomas H., 1939-1941
Box   20
Kermode, Larry, 1933-1941
Box   20
Keiperling, Leon H., 1941-1950
Box   20
Keystone Adjustment Corporation, 1932
Box   20
Kibler, Thomas L., 19251948
Box   20
King, L. A. and Edith Shatto, 1918-1944
Box   20
King, Willford I., 1933-1939
Box   20
Kingsley, J. Donald, 1933-1942
Box   20
Klamon, Joseph M., 1933-1940
Box   20
Klapper, Paul, 1911-1950
Box   20
Kleiler, Frank M., 1936-1955
Box   21
Knopf, Alfred A., 1924-1951
Box   21
Kovner, Joseph, 1944-1952
Box   21
Krafft, Fred A., 1938-1943
Box   21
L-General, 1925-1955
Box   21
Labor, Department of, 1918-1954
Box   21
Labor-International, 1934-1948
Box   21
Labor (Newspaper)-Rubin Levin, 1945-1953
Box   21
Labor Bureau, Inc., The (New York City), 1923-1930
Box   21
Labor Law, 1949
Labor Legislation
Box   21
General, 1935-1947
Box   22
Foreign, 1941
Box   22
Mediation, 1941
Box   22
Labor Politics, 1944-1946
Box   22
Labor Relations Bills, 1940-1946
Box   22
La Follette, Robert M., Senator, 1937
Box   22
La Guardia, Fiorello H., 1937-1939
Box   22
Lahne, Herbert J., 1945-1948
Box   22
Lang, H. Jack, 1934-1939
Box   22
Lang, R. W., 1940-1941
Box   22
Lapp, John A., 1926-1951
Box   22
Laserson, Maurice and Max M., 194341946
Box   22
Lasker, Bruno, 1923-1928
Box   22
Lathrop, Julia, 1929-1930
Box   22
League for Industrial Democracy, 1925-1949
Box   22
League of Nations Association, 1930-1938
Box   22
League of Women Voters, 1930-1947
Box   22
Le Baron, Howard F., 1940-1955
Box   22
Lee, Edwin A., 1937-1938
Box   22
Leeds, Morris E., 1930-1934
Box   22
Lehman, Hans, 1936-1950
Box   22
Leibig, Ruth, 1930-1933
Box   22
Lewis, David J., 1931-1939
Box   22
Lewisohn, Sam A., 1927-1937
Box   22
Library of Congress, 1935-1939
Box   22
Lincoln, James F., 1932
Box   22
Lind, Ralph A., 1937-1950
Box   23
Lippart, Harry, 1928-1943
Box   23
Liss, Samuel, 1937-1953
Box   23
Littler, Robert, 1941-1944
Box   23
Locke, Walter, 1930-1951
Box   23
Lockett, Annie, 1930-1945
Logan, Charles H.
Box   23
Box   24
Box   24
Lowenthal, Max, 1929-1941
Box   24
Lowie, S. Gale, 1927-1946
Box   24
Lubin, Isador, 1930-1943
Box   24
Mc-General, 1930-1953
Box   24
McCormick, Charles P., 1938-1939
Box   24
McCoy, Whitley P., 1940-1953
Box   24
McErlean, Charles F., 1945-1952
Box   24
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1928-1951
Box   24
Mac-General, 1930-1953
Box   24
MacFarland, Majorie, 1931-1933
Box   24
MacMillan, J. A., 1939-1942
Box   24
MacMillan Company, 1927-1955
Box   24
Box   25
Magee, Elizabeth
Box   25
1929-1932, May
Box   25
1932, June-1951
Box   25
Maher, Amy G., 1924-1939
Box   25
Mallary, Benjamin E., 1925-1935
Box   26
Mandel, Arch, 1930-1939
Box   26
Marburg, Theodore, 1935-1942
Box   26
Marcus, Samuel, 1939-1945
Box   26
Maritime Labor Board, 1938-1945
Box   26
Martitime Mediation Board, 1938-1941
Box   26
Marshall, L. C., 1922-1931
Box   26
Maruchess, Louis, 1922-1938
Box   26
Mason, Perry, 1935-1939
Box   26
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1935-1942
Box   26
Mathewson, Stanley, 1925-1942
Box   26
Meacham, Stanley, 1942-1950
Box   26
Mead, James M., 1939
Box   26
Meany, George (A.F.L.), 1955
Box   26
Metzenbaum, James, 1937-1943
Meyer, Arthur S.
Box   26
Box   26
Box   26
Michigan University, 1937-1951
Box   26
Miller, Chester, 1933-1936
Box   26
Miller, Francis P., 1940
Box   26
Miller, Frieda S., 1938-1940
Box   26
Miller, Newton Barr, 1943-1950
Box   26
Miller, Joseph L., 1939-1954
Box   26
Millis, Harry A., 1938-1948
Box   27
Minnesota, University of, 1939-1940
Box   27
Minnesota State Bar Association, 1939-1940
Box   27
Moran, Edward C., Jr., 1945
Box   27
Morehouse, Edward W., 1927-1948
Box   27
Morgan, A. E., 1925-1948
Box   27
Morse, David A., 1935-1948
Box   27
Morse, Wayne (U.S. Senator), 1945-1949
Box   27
Mosher, W. E., 1929-1938
Box   27
Moskowitz, Morris B., 1936-1956
Box   27
Mulholland, Frank L. & Clarence M., 1936-1949
Box   27
Mullenback, James, Industrial Institute, 1935-1943
Box   27
Murdock, Abe (U.S. Senator), 1940-1941
Box   27
Murphy, Frank M., 1931-1939
Box   27
Meyers, A. Howard, 1945
Box   27
Myers, James, 1933-1940
Box   27
N-General, 1910-1955
Box   28
Nash, Philip C., 1933-1944
Box   28
Nation, 1935-1941
Box   28
National Academy of Arbitrators, 1947-1950
Box   28
National Association of Manufacturers, 1938-1941
Box   28
National Child Labor Committee, 1940-1943
Box   28
National Conference of Social Work, 1939-1941
Box   28
National Consumers League, 1928-1957
Box   28
National Economic and Social Planning Association, 1938-1940
Box   28
National Industrial Conference Board, 1933-1954
Box   28
National Institute of Public Affairs, 1934-1939
Box   28
National Labor Relations Act, 1934
National Labor Relations Board
Note: Including correspondence with staff, etc.
Box   28
Box   28
1942-1947, May
Box   29
1947, June-1952
National Mediation Board
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
National Occupational Conference, 1933-1939
National Planning Association
Box   30
Box   30
Box   30
National Policy Committee, 1940-1943
Box   30
National Railroad Adjustment Board, 1943-1954
Box   30
National Recovery Administration, 1933-1934
Box   30
National War Labor Board, 1942-1945
Box   30
Nelson, Frederic, 1942-1944
Box   30
Neumann, Franz, 1939-1940
Box   30
Neustadt, Richard H., 1933-1945
Box   30
New England Council, 1945-1946
Box   30
New Hampshire, University of, 1940-1941
New International Year Book
Box   30
General, 1939-1945
Box   31
Material for 1946 Edition
Box   31
Material for 1947 Edition
Box   31
New Republic, 1924-1946
Box   31
New School for Social Research, 1938-1945
Box   31
New York Central Railroad, 1944-1955
Box   31
New York State Division of Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1937-1939
Box   31
New York State Labor Relations Board, 1938-1945
Box   31
New York University, 1938-1951
Box   31
New York Women's Trade Union League, 1935-1941
Box   31
North Carolina, University of, 1940
Box   31
Norton, John Dewitt, 1933-1947
Box   31
Nourse, Dr. Edwin G., 1947-1950
Box   31
O-General, 1917-1953
Box   31
Oberlin College, 1937-1948
Box   31
O'Donoghue, Martin F., 1939
Box   31
Ogburn, Charlton, 1935-1950
Box   31
Ogburn, William F., 1918-1940
Box   31
Ohio Commission on Unemployment Insurance, 1931-1945
Box   32
Ohio Committee for the Stabilization of Employment, 1930-1932
Box   32
Ohio Department of Industrial Relations, 1922-1933
Box   32
Ohio League of Women Voters, 1931-1933
Box   32
Ohio Old Age Pension Conference, 1931-1932
Box   32
Ohio State Division of Minimum Wage (Stitt-Sheffler), 1933-1936
Box   32
Ohio State Employment Service, 1933-1940
Box   32
Ohio State Federation of Labor, 1928-1938
Box   32
Ohio State University, 1928-1951
Box   32
Omaha, University of, 1939-1941
Box   32
Otto, Max C., 1915-1955
Box   32
Box   33
Box   33
Palmer, Jane H., 1928-1935
Box   33
Pappendick, Francis W., 1946-1947
Box   33
Patterson, G. L., 1939-1947
Box   33
Pavey, Ernest W., 1933-1940
Box   33
Pearlman, Dorothy, 1931-1941
Box   33
Peck, Dr. Gustav, 1935-1948
Box   33
Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of, 1934-1938
Box   33
Pennsylvania, Unemployment Compensation Board of Review, 1939
Box   33
Pennsylvania, University of, 1935-1952
Box   33
Pennsylvania Conference on Social Work, 1935-1936
Box   33
Perkins, Frances, 1926-1949
Box   33
Perlman, Selig, 1924-1951
Box   33
Persons, Charles E., 1933-1941
Box   33
Peterson, Florence, 1942-1948
Box   33
Petroleum Labor Policy Board-N.R.A., 1934
Box   34
Phillips, Philip B., 1939-1942
Box   34
Pinchot, Gifford, 1922-1932
Box   34
Pitzele, Merlyn S., 1945-1954
Box   34
PM, Newspaper, 1940-1941
Box   34
Pratt, George O., 1935-1948
Box   34
Princeton University, 1935-1953
Box   34
Psychological Corporation, The, 1941-1942
Box   34
Public Affairs Institute, 1948-1949
Box   34
Q-General, 1933-1935
Box   34
R-General, 1932-1955
Box   34
Railway Employee's Department, 1921-1947
Box   34
Railway Labor Act, 1934-1943
Box   34
Railway Labor Executives' Association, 1942-1947
Box   34
Randolph, Mabel, 1927-1928
Box   35
Raushenbush, Carl, 1932-1933
Box   35
Ravage, Mark Eli, 1939-1940
Box   35
Refugees, 1938
Box   35
Resseguie, H. E., 1940-1946
Box   35
Reynolds, James A., 1931
Box   35
Rice, William Gorham, Jr., 1938-1943
Box   35
Richberg, Donald R., 1945-1953
Box   35
Richey, Carl L., 1928-1940
Box   35
Rising, Frank, 1940-1947
Box   35
Rochester, City Club of, 1939-1940
Box   35
Rockefeller Foundation, 1948-1950
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Box   35
Box   35
Memorial Foundation, 1947-1948
Box   35
Rosenfaro, Joseph, 1939-1948
Box   35
Ross, Arthur M., 1953-1954
Box   35
Rubinow, I. M., 1927-1938
Box   35
Rudow, Samuel, 1922-1925
Box   35
Russell Sage Foundation, 1915-1941
Box   35
Rutgers University, 1934-1940
Box   35
Box   36
Box   36
St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1945-1946
Box   36
Sandburg, Carl, 1911-1951
Box   36
Saposs, David J., 1913-1940
Box   36
Satterfield, Mary (Smith), 1937-1939
Box   36
Savings Bank Journal (Round Table Discussion), 1941
Box   36
Schwellenbach, Lewis B., 1945-1947
Box   36
Scientific Apparatus Makers of America, 1939-1941
Box   36
Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance, 1945-1947
Box   36
Seager, H. R., 1910-1924
Box   36
Seidman, Joel, 1942-1947
Box   36
Seasongood, Murray, 1928-1930
Box   36
Seligman, E. R. A., 1912-1915
Box   36
Senate Committee on Education and Labor, 1939-1946
Box   37
Sender, Tony, 1936-1938
Box   37
Shaw, David C., 1944-1950
Box   37
Shaw, R. Harland, 1932-1935
Box   37
Shenefield, H. T., 1931-1939
Box   37
Sheppard, Virgil, 1931-1936
Box   37
Shibata, Genkwan, 1927-1936
Box   37
Shister, Joseph, 1941-1955
Box   37
Shores, Louis S., 1925-1926
Box   37
Shover, John C., 1933-1945
Box   37
Shulman, Harry, 1938-1946
Box   37
Silcox, F. A., 1924-1930
Box   37
Simonson, Richard C., 1938-1941
Box   37
Slichter, Sumner H., 1915-1954
Box   37
Smith, Edwin S., 1931-1941
Box   37
Smith, H., Alexander, 1952
Box   37
Smith, Oscar, 1935-1950
Social Science Research Council
Box   37
Box   37
Box   38
Social Security (Committee on Economic Stability), 1934-1946
Box   38
Social Security Board, 1935-1951
Box   38
“Social Survey, The”-Labor Management Committee, 1946
Socialist Party, See Thompson, Carl D.
Box   38
Society for the Advancement of Management, 1938-1944
Box   38
Sonneborm & Co., H., 1922-1926
Note: See also Vol. 6, “Decisions in clothing industry, 1921-1925” in Trade Union Files series below.
Box   38
Soule, George, 1925-1934
Box   38
Speek, P. A., 1913-1928
Box   38
Spencer, W. H., 1937-1943
Box   38
Sperry, H. E., 1935-1941
Box   38
Spielmans, John V., 1942-1950
Box   38
Sprecklers, Walter P., 1939-1942
Box   38
Squires, Benjamin M., 1924-1935
Box   38
Stacy, Walter P., 1936-1944
Box   38
Stanford University, 1939-1950
Box   38
Stark, Arthur, 1953-1956
Box   38
Stark, Louis, 1930-1954
Box   39
State Department, 1939-1950
Box   39
Steele, A. R., 1939-1945
Box   39
Steelman, J. R., 1938-1949
Box   39
Stephens, John A., 1937
Box   39
Stern, Max and Beatrice, 1940-1947
Box   39
Stern, Robert (Office of the Solicitor General), 1938-1945
Box   39
Stewart, Bryce M., 1938-1946
Box   39
Stocking, George W., 1935-1949
Box   39
Stolberg, Benjamin, 1928-1947
Box   39
Stolz, Jiri, 1944-1952
Box   39
Stone, N. I., 1935-1941
Box   39
Strempel, E. Roy, 1934-1950
Box   39
Suffern, Arthur E., 1939-1940
Box   39
Sunday Breakfast Club, 1941
Survey Associates, Inc.
Box   39
Box   39
Box   39
Box   39
Swacker, Frank M., 1941-1954
Box   40
T-General, 1928-1953
Box   40
Taft-Hartley Bill (comments re by Leiserson)
Box   40
Tarbell, Ida M., 1914-1932
Box   40
Taylor, George W., 1933-1953
Box   40
Temple B'rith Kodesh, Rochester, N.Y., 1939
Box   40
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933-1940
Box   40
Thayer, V. T., 1922-1941
Box   40
Thomas, Elbert D. (Senator), 1941-1948
Box   40
Thompson, Carl D., 1911-1932
Box   40
Thompson, Eugene C., 1937-1956
Box   40
Thorne, Florence C., 1932-1933
Box   40
Thorp, Willard, 1933-1939
Box   40
Tierney, Leo F. (re Railway Labor Act), 1938-1941
Box   40
Time, 1938-1945
Box   40
The Times, Chicago, Illinois, 1937-1942
Box   40
Toledo, University of, 1940-1950
Box   40
Toledo Labor-Management Plan, 1946-1947
Box   40
Town Hall, Inc., 1938-1941
Box   40
Trezise, Philip H., 1941-1942
Box   40
Troxell, John P., 1945-1947
Box   40
Truman, Harry S., 1945-1950
Twentieth Century Fund
Box   40
Box   41
1935, Jan.-Feb.
Box   41
1935, March-Dec.
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Tyson, Francis D., 1931-1946
Box   42
U-General, 1935-1955
Box   42
Unemployment-General, 1912-1938
Box   42
Unemployment Insurance-Foreign, 1943-1946
Box   42
Union Pacific Railroad Company, 1935-1940
Box   42
Union Shop, 1946-1947
Box   42
United Jewish Appeal, 1938-1947
Box   42
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 1913-1915
Box   42
U.S. Conciliation Service, 1946-1947
Box   42
U.S. Department of Labor-Bureau of Immigration, 1918
Box   42
U.S. Employment Service, 1918-1947
Box   42
U.S. News, 1936-1947
Box   42
University Settlement, 1936-1939
Box   42
Upson, L. D., 1930-1937
Box   42
Urban, Nelson, 1929-1951
Box   42
V-General, 1932-1954
Box   42
Van Hecke, M. T., 1950-1952
Box   42
Vassar College, 1944-1945
Box   42
Vendig, Max, 1937-1939
Box   42
Virginia, University of, 1947-1948
Box   42
Voorhis, Jerry, 1939-1945
Box   43
W-General, 1911-1952
Box   43
Wage and Hour Division (Department of Labor), 1937-1940
Box   43
Wagenet, R. Gordon, 1923-1938
Box   43
Wagner, Robert F., 1941-1947
Box   43
Wallace, Henry A., 1938-1940
Box   43
Walsh, John W., 1939-1942
Box   43
Warren, Henry E., 1933-1939
Box   43
Washington Labor Survey, 1946
Box   43
Washington Post, 1936-1938
Box   43
Watkins, Ralph J., 1940-1943
Box   43
Watts, Robert B., 1943
Box   43
Watts, V. O., 1930, 1940
Box   43
WCFM-Co-op Broadcasting Station, 1948-1950
Box   43
Weigert, Dr. Oscar, 1934-1945
Box   43
Weisskopf, Walter A., 1938-1951
Box   44
Welfare Council of New York City, 1934-1939
Box   44
Wellesley Institute for Social Progress, 1933-1945
Box   44
Wesleyan University, 1945-1946
Box   44
Westchester League of Women Voters, 1940-1941
Box   44
Western Reserve University, 1940-1946
Box   44
Weston, E. J., 1934-1956
Box   44
Weston, Harold, 1946-1952
Box   44
Weybright, Victor, 1937-1944
Box   44
White, George (Governor of Ohio), 1931-1933
Box   44
Whitney, A. F., 1941-1945
Box   44
Whitney, Francis R., 1933-1945
Box   44
Wiener, Robert J., 1937-1943
Box   44
Wilcox, Sidney W., 1928-1934
Box   44
Wilie, J. & Sons, Inc., 1935-1947
Box   44
Williams, Howard, 1939-1940
Box   44
Williams, Sidney J., 1934-1941
Box   44
Williams, Whiting, 1918-1945
Box   44
Willits, Joseph H., 1915-1954
Box   44
Wilmotte, Raymond M., 1933-1935
Box   44
Wilson, J. C., 1938-1943
Box   44
Winans, W. H., 1933-1944
Box   44
Wing, Marie R., 1933
Box   44
Wisconsin, University of, 1935-1954
Box   44
Wisconsin Employment Relations Board, 1939-1942
Box   45
Wisconsin Industrial Commission, 1910-1932
Box   45
Wisconsin State Board of Vocational Education, 1931-1933
Box   45
Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, 1913
Box   45
Wissler, Willis, 1925-1947
Box   45
Witte, Edwin E., 1910-1957
Box   45
Wolf, Benedict, 1934-1939
Box   45
Wolf, Harry D., 1934-1945
Box   45
Wolfe, James H., 1939-1947
Box   45
Women's Trade Union League, 1934-1947
Box   45
Wood, Richard H., 1944-1945
Box   45
Workers Educational Bureau of America, 1926-1943
Box   45
Works Progress Administration, 1936-1941
Box   45
Worthington, George E., 1939-1942
Box   45
Wyzanski, Charles E., 1935-1937
Box   46
Y-General, 1933-1956
Box   46
Yale University, 1935-1948
Box   46
Yale-Harvard-Princeton Conference, 1938
Box   46
Yeddish Scientific Institute, 1941-1945
Box   46
Young, Arthur H., 1939-1941
Box   46
Young, C. R., 1937-1953
Box   46
Young, F. M., 1940-1943
Box   46
Young, Stephen, 1933-1936
Subseries: Personal Correspondence
Box   46
1909-1912, 1918-1933
Box   47
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