Temple Bodley and Minnie G. Cook: Research Papers Concerning George Rogers Clark, 1614-1888

Contents List

Container Title
U.S. Mss AE
Box   1
Volume   1
Commercially bound, spine stamped “Alpha Index”
Scope and Content Note: No title page; legal size thin sheets, typewritten carbon; typed on one side; occasional handwritten annotations on righthand side. The index is arranged alphabetically by subject, under which the documents are listed chronologically. The entries include: date of item, brief statement of content, and Bodley's volume of notes in which the original statement is recorded, i.e. those listed below as volumes 3-11, 14-16.
Box   1
Volume   2
Complete Chronological Index
Scope and Content Note: Paper perforator binder, no title page, top of first page headed “---Complete Chronological Index---”; legal size yellow bond, typewritten carbon; few insertions in ink. The entries are arranged chronologically, 1614-1888. The entries include the same information as Volume 1.
Box   1
Volume   3
Selections from collections of the Virginia State Auditor's Office
Scope and Content Note: Legal size, paper perforator binder; typed carbon on yellow and white bond. Contains selections from collections of the Virginia State Auditor's Office stored in the basement of the State Library Building including the Pollock Papers, Dodge Papers, Nathan Papers, Shannon Papers, Barbour Papers, John Todd Papers, and other sources.
Richardson Notes (of Bodley's inventory)
Scope and Content Note: The primary source of this material appears to be the collections in the Virginia State Library: they include such collections as Governor's Letterbooks, Patrick Henry's Letterbook, Executive Papers, Papers of the Continental Congress, Virginia State Papers.
Box   2
Volume   4
Pages 1-112
Scope and Content Note: Standard size paper perforator binder, manuscript on bond paper.
Box   2
Volume   5
Pages 113-287
Scope and Content Note: Description same as Volume 4, typed carbon on yellow copy paper.
Box   2
Volume   6
Pages 288-591
Scope and Content Note: Description same as Volume 4, manuscript carbon on yellow copy paper. Indexed.
Box   2
Volume   7
Pages 592-915
Scope and Content Note: Description same as Volume 4, manuscript carbon.
Box   2
Volume   8
Bodley Miscellany (of Bodley's inventory)
Scope and Content Note: Legal size paper perforator binder; typewritten carbon on bond; not labeled, but “Miscellaneous Index” within indicates probable identity of this volume. Contains also a “Selections Index”; 172 pp. of data unlabeled; and 46 pages labeled “Mayes Copies, Br. Museum”.
Selections (from Bodley's inventory)
Scope and Content Note: Chronological arrangement of important notes (including most of those in the other volumes enumerated above. These selections also contain a good deal [from the Virginia Calendar of State Papers particularly] not in the others.) Each volume is legal size paper perforator binder; typewritten on bond.
Box   3
Volume   9
Pages 1-99a, 1763-1780 December 30
Box   3
Volume   10
Pages 100-271, 1781 January-1783 December 23
Box   3
Volume   11
Pages 273-457, 1784 January 2-1867 September 24
Box   3
Volume   12
Photostat reproductions of Clark items
Scope and Content Note: Legal size binders. Pollock papers, also a few dealing with the dollar sign ($).
Box   3
Volume   13
Photostat reproductions (continued)
Scope and Content Note: Miscellaneous papers, containing material from the Library of Congress, Draper Collection, etc.
Madison Copies (of Bodley's inventory)
Scope and Content Note: Each volume is a legal size binder; typewritten on bond paper. This material is from the Draper Collection and printed works in the Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
Box   4
Volume   14
Pages 1-209, 1620-1779 March 19
Box   4
Volume   15
Pages 210-423, 1779 April 9-1783
Box   4
Volume   16
Pages 424-611, 1782 December 20-1883 May 22
Box   4
Volume   17
French and Spanish papers
Scope and Content Note: Legal size binder, ink and pencil manuscript and typewritten originals. These notes apparently were made by Mrs. Cook at the Library of Congress.
Box   5
Volume   18
Cook Notes (of Bodley's inventory)
Scope and Content Note: Commercially bound, legal size; typed carbon on bond; 520 pp. Bound in back is a “Comparative Table” correlating the Cook volumes with the Richardson and Bodley volumes. Internally divided into 12 volumes (volume 6 is missing), each devoted to a single source or related group of sources of information, such as Fleming, Collot, Trabue, Brown, Innes, McAfee, Doolan papers, Beatty's diary, etc.
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