Oral History Interview with Percy S. Hardiman, 1976-1978

Index to the Interview with Percy Hardiman

Ahlgren, Henry
2:2, 27:25; 3:1, 11:45
Allen, Art
8:1, 00:35; 9:1, 10:35
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), see also Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation (WFBF)
3:2, 10:35; 12:1, 15:05
American Society of Equity
3:2, 10:35
Anderson, Oswald
11:2, 17:25; 12:1, 05:55
Armour and Company
8:1, 14:35
Associated Milk Producers Inc. (AMPI)
3:1, 17:20
Badger Farm Bureau News
11:2, 17:25
4:1, 00:30, 18:50, 23:30
3:2, 20:55
Big Bend
5:1, 18:55
Bishop, ---
8:1, 09:35
13:2, 14:05
8:2, 00:40
Borchert Field (Milwaukee)
4:1, 22:05
Brannan Plan
10:1, 00:30; 11:2, 17:25; 12:2, 22:35
Breun, Ed
9:2, 17:40
Brookfield, town of
8:1, 25:10
Brovold, Arnold
12:2, 17:15
9:1, 00:30
12:2, 09:45
2:1, 18:20, 24:15
Cattle, dairy
1:2, 10:15; 5:2, 07:45, 21:10, 26:40; 7:1, 19:30
Central Farmers Cooperative
12:2, 09:45
Chicago Cubs (baseball team)
4:1, 22:05
Christman, A.H.
3:1, 15:30,.18:25
Closed shops
13:1, 03:55
“Cob roller” tactic
8:1, 14:35
Commodity Advisory Committees
12:1, 08:25
Consolidated Badger Cooperative
11:1, 06:35
Cozden Oil Company (Sussex)
2:2, 09:05
D-X petroleum products
8:2, 00:40
Dairy herd improvement program
8:2, 00:40
1:1, 11:40; 7:1, 23:00, 25:25
Daylight savings time
13:1, 15:30
Dehnert, George
8:2, 00:40
8:2, 00:40
Democratic Party/Democrats
4:2, 19:15; 13:1, 23:30
Dempsey, Chester
4:2, 19:15
Dempsey family
4:2, 19:15
3:2, 03:15; 8:1, 23:00; 9:1, 10:35-17:55
Dineen, Charles
3:2, 05:55; 10:1, 25:35
Doeringsfeld, Carl
9:2, 25:40; 11:1, 09:45
Dreyfus, Lee S.
12:2, 27:00
Durham Hill (near Sussex)
3:1, 07:00
East Troy baseball team
4:1, 00:30
Economic Education Council
12:2, 27:00; 13:1, 00:30
Emerson Oil Company
8:2, 00:40
Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association
2:2, 21:10
Erdmann, Winn
9:1, 10:35
FS Services, Inc.
12:2, 09:45
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company
11:1, 11:15
Farm Foreclosures
1:2, 03:15; 3:2, 03:15; 8:1, 23:00
Farm Implements
1:2, 21:00, 23:55; 5:2, 07:45
Farm Labor
7:1, 19:30
Farm Power
2:1, 07:30, 08:30
Farm Taxes
3:1, 09:50; 9:1, 00:30; 10:1, 20:30; 13:1, 05:00, 18:20
Farm Women
9:1, 23:55; 9:2, 07:35
Farmco Supply Cooperative
8:2, 08:25
Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Wisconsin Division
see Wisconsin Farmers Union
Farmers Home Administration (FHA)
3:2, 03:15; 9:1, 17:55
Federal Land Bank
9:1, 17:55
Feed supplies
2:1, 03:45
Fertilizer Plant
8:1, 09:35; 11:2, 00:30
Fertilizer Prices
8:1, 14:35
Fire department picnics
4:1, 26:30
Fond du Lac
13:2, 00:30
4-H program
9:2, 00:40
Freitag, Willis
5:2, 19:55
Fruit Growers' Cooperative
10:1, 25:35
Genesee Depot
8:1, 09:35
13:1, 18:20
13:1, 23:30
Golden Guernsey Dairy Cooperative
1:1, 14:45; 2:2, 12:25; 3:1, 12:30, 19:00, 20:55; 3:2, 05:55, 10:35, 12:30; 5:1, 00:30; 11:1, 00:30
Grafton Woolen Mill
3:2, 13:55
Green, James
8:1, 04:10, 09:35; 11:1, 16:50; 11:2, 00:30
Green Lake County
10:1, 00:30
Gridley Dairy Company (Milwaukee)
1:1, 11:40, 14:45
Gulf and Western
12:2, 09:45
Haberman, George A.
12:2, 22:35
Hardiman Family
5:2, 15:35; 9:1, 23:55
Hardiman Farm, Walter
1:1, 00:30, 07:55-11:40, 17:55, 21:30-25:15; 1:2, 00:30, 13:15, 21:00, 26:40; 2:1, 00:40, 05:45, 12:45, 18:20
Hardiman Oil Company
2:2, 09:05; 9:1, 10:35
Hardiman, Walter
1:1, 00:30, 14:45; 2:2, 12:25, 17:30, 23:30-27:25; 3:1, 00:30, 12:30, 18:25; 5:1, 00:30, 12:50
Harnett, Gabby (baseball player)
4:1, 22:05
Hatch, Curtis
9:2, 25:40; 10:1, 13:25; 11:1, 09:45, 19:30; 12:1, 05:55; 12:2, 11:20-22:35
Heil, Julius
5:1, 18:55
Hones, Kenneth
3:1, 02:30; 10:1, 09:05; 11:1, 19:30-22:20; 11:2, 11:10
Howell family
9:2, 07:35
Howell, Mrs. Henry
8:2, 13:40
12:2, 09:45
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
5:1, 09:05
8:1, 11:40; 11:1, 11:15-13:50
Interstate highways
13:2, 03:40
13:1, 26:05
13:2, 03:40
Jones, John
9:1, 10:35
KasaKaitas, William
10:1, 13:25; 11:2, 00:30; 12:1, 05:55; 13:1, 05:00
Kennedy, John F.
4:2, 22:30
Kindschi, Ivan
11:1, 16:50
Knowles, Robert
13:1, 23:30
Knutson family
13:2, 03:40
Kohler, Walter, Sr.
4:2, 14:40
Kramer Bros. (canners)
2:1, 18:20
Labor unions
12:2, 22:35; 13:1, 00:30-05:00
La Crosse
12:2, 17:15
La Crosse County
13:1, 00:30
La Follette, Bronson
4:2, 18:25
La Follette, Phillip
4:2, 14:40; 5:1, 18:55, 26:00
La Follette, Robert, Jr.
4:2, 14:40
La Follette, Robert, Sr.
4:2, 14:40, 22:30
Land condemnation
13:2, 03:40
Land O'Brooks baseball and basketball leagues
4:1, 00:30
Land O'Lakes baseball and basketball leagues
4:1, 00:30, 14:55
Land O'Rivers baseball and basketball leagues
4:1, 00:30
Leonard, Doc
8:1, 25:10
Lisbon, town of
8:1, 25:10
13:1, 05:00
Lurvey family
8:1, 25:10
Lurvey, Harry
8:1, 00:35; 9:1, 10:35
11:2, 20:05; 12:1, 00:30
Mammoth Springs Canning Company
2:1, 18:20
Masons (fraternal order)
4:1, 26:30
McKerrow, Gavin
1:1, 14:45; 3:1, 00:30; 5:1, 00:30; 8:1, 25:10; 11:1, 00:30
McKerrow, George
1:2, 08:10; 8:1, 25:10
Members' Cooperative Business Service
9:1, 00:30
Menomonee Falls
1:1, 21:30; 3:1, 15:30, 19:20; 4:1, 18:50
1:1, 21:30; 5:2, 00:30; 7:2, 00:30
11:2, 20:05
Midland Cooperative Wholesale
12:2, 11:20
Midland Cooperatives, Inc.
7:1, 09:50
Midwest Livestock Cooperative
10:1, 13:25
Migrant labor
13:2, 08:45
Milk strikes
3:1, 07:00, 20:55, 23:00
1:1, 17:55, 20:05, 21:30; 7:2, 00:30; 8:2, 08:25, 13:40; 13:2, 14:05
Milwaukee Brewers (AAA baseball team)
4:1, 22:05
Milwaukee County
10:1, 20:30
Milwaukee Milk Producers Cooperative
3:1, 15:30; 3:2, 05:55; 10:1, 25:35
12:2, 11:20
Moll, Ed
8:1, 25:10
Monches baseball team
4:1, 11:55
8:1, 25:10; 8:2, 00:40
Murphy, Art
9:2, 25:40
National Farmers Organization (NFO)
3:1, 19:20, 20:55
National Progressive Party
5:1, 26:00
National Tax Equality Association
11:1, 22:20-24:45
Naylor farm
5:2, 11:45; 7:1, 16:15
Neighborhood Politics and ethnicity
4:2, 14:40, 22:30
Neighborhood Social life
4:1, 26:30; 4:2, 00:30, 01:05, 26:25
New Mexico
12:2, 09:45
Niebur, George
12:2, 11:20
North Lake
4:2, 05:50
North Lake baseball team
4:1, 13:55
North Prairie
2:2, 03:35
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
1:2, 03:15
Northwestern Wisconsin, see also Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation “Operation Northwest”
10:1, 00:30-09:05; 11:2, 05:50
Norwegian Lutheran Church
8:1, 17:55
Oconomowoc, town of
8:1, 06:25, 25:10
Oosterhuis, A.C.
8:1, 06:25; 8:2, 00:40; 9:1, 10:35
PMR Cooperative
3:2, 20:55
Paulson, Donald
12:1, 20:55
Pavlak, Ray
12:2, 04:00
Penny auctions
3:2, 03:15
Petersen, Donald
8:1, 17:55; 9:1, 10:35
Petersen Families
8:1, 17:55
Petersen, T.C.
8:1, 00:35; 9:1, 10:35; 9:2, 17:40; 11:2, 00:30
Peterson, Morris
8:1, 25:10
Peterson, Ralph
10:1, 00:30
Philipp, Emanuel
4:2, 14:40
12:2, 09:45
Phosphorus plant
12:2, 09:45
13:2, 14:05
8:1, 17:55; 10:1, 00:30; 12:2, 22:35; 13:1, 23:30
12:2, 09:45
Prairie du Chien
7:1, 05:05; 8:1, 09:35
Production credit associations
9:1, 17:55
4:1, 16:25
Racial integration
13:2, 14:05
Racine County
3:2, 03:15
13:1, 18:20-23:30
4:1, 00:30, 26:30; 4:2, 26:25
8:1, 17:55
Republican Party/Republicans
4:2, 14:40, 19:15; 5:1, 18:55; 8:1, 17:55; 13:1, 23:30
Roads (rural)
4:2, 05:50
Rosenow, Henry
8:1, 25:10
F.S. Royster Guano Company
8:1, 14:35
Rural Mutual Casualty Insurance Company
11:1, 11:15; 11:2, 00:30; 12:1, 00:30
Rush, Ed
3:2, 05:55
St. Albans Church (Sussex)
4:1, 26:30
Sales tax legislation
13:1, 05:00
Sapiro, Aaron
3:1, 03:25
3:2, 10:35
Schmitt, John
12:2, 22:35; 13:1, 00:30
School transportation
2:2, 00:30, 03:35
Seed supplies
2:1, 03:45
Shawano County
10:1, 00:30
1:2, 08:10; 2:1, 15:15; 3:2, 13:55
Singler, Walter
3:1, 19:20, 23:00
Smith, Al
4:2, 22:30
Smith, William
8:1, 00:35
Snow, Jack
9:2, 00:40
Stapleton, Joe
4:1, 13:55
Stone Bank
8:1, 17:55
Sturgeon Bay
10:1, 20:30
1:1, 17:55; 2:1, 03:45, 18:20, 27:15; 2:2, 12:25; 3:1, 07:00; 4:1, 00:30, 11:55; 8:1, 25:10
Sussex Board of Education
2:2, 12:25
Swanton, Milo K.
3:1, 00:30; 5:1, 12:50; 11:1, 19:30; 13:1, 00:30
Swift and Company
8:1, 14:35
Taylor, James
8:1, 00:35-04:10
Teamsters, International Brotherhood of
3:1, 23:00; 5:1, 00:30
“Thirteenth Check”
3:1, 12:30; 7:1, 00:35
Thomas, J.F.
1:2, 13:15; 8:2, 00:40
Tri-State Breeders Cooperative
11:1, 06:35
University of Wisconsin Extension
8:1, 19:45
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1:1, 05:55; 2:2, 04:15; 9:1, 10:35
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
13:1, 00:30
11:1, 24:45
Van Norman farm
5:2, 00:30
Vernon, town of
8:1, 04:10
1:1, 14:45
Walworth County
3:2, 03:15
Washington County
5:2, 00:30
Washington County Farm Bureau
8:1, 00:35
Water rights legislation
13:1, 26:05; 13:2, 00:30
Watertown Plank Road
4:2, 05:50
1:1, 14:45; 2:2, 00:30, 03:35
Waukesha County
1:1, 00:30; 3:1, 07:00; 3:2, 03:15; 4:1, 00:30, 18:50; 4:2, 19:15; 5:1, 18:55; 5:2, 00:30; 8:1, 09:35, 19:45-22:20; 8:2, 19:15; 9:1, 17:55; 9:2, 09:30
Waukesha County Agricultural agent
1:2, 13:15
Waukesha County Agricultural Committee
8:2, 00:40
Waukesha County Cooperative Service
8:2, 08:25
Waukesha County Extension Service
9:2, 00:40
Waukesha County Farm Bureau
2:2, 14:10, 17:30, 18:10, 21:10; 8:1, 00:35-09:35, 19:45, 25:10; 8:2, 00:40-07:05, 13:40-19:15; 9:1, 00:30-10:35, 22:45-23:55; 9:2, 07:35- 15:40
Waukesha County Farm Bureau Women's Committee
8:2, 13:40
Waukesha County Farm Management Association
Waukesha County Farm Supply Cooperative
8:2, 00:40-07:05, 12:45
Waukesha County High School
4:1, 00:30
Waukesha County Young Farmers
9:2, 00:40
Waupaca County
13:1, 26:05
Weber, Martin
4:1, 00:30
Wileden, Arthur
1:1, 05:55
Wileden Family
1:1, 05:55
Will, C.J. (Charlie)
8:1, 25:10
8:1, 19:45; 9:1, 00:30; 11:1, 18:05-19:30; 11:2, 00:30-05:50, 13:15; 12:2, 00:30, 11:20, 22:35; 13:1, 05:00
Wisconsin Agriculturalists (Oral History Project)
1:1, 05:55
Wisconsin Association of Cooperatives (WAC)
3:1, 02:30; 3:2, 10:35; 11:1, 19:30-22:20; 13:1, 00:30, 05:00
Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce
11:1, 24:45
Wisconsin Cooperative Farm Supply Company
12:1, 25:10
Wisconsin Cooperative Milk Pool
3:1, 07:00, 15:30-19:20; 3:2, 00:30, 10:35
Wisconsin Cooperative Wool Growers Association
3:2, 13:55
Wisconsin Council of Agricultural Cooperatives (WCAC)
3:1, 00:30, 02:30; 3:2, 10:35; 5:1, 12:50; 11:1, 19:30-22:20; 13:1, 00:30, 05:00
Wisconsin Council of Agriculture
see Wisconsin Council of Agricultural Cooperatives (WCAC)
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture
11:2, 20:05
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
13:2, 00:30
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
2:1, 08:30
Wisconsin Employment Peace Act
5:1, 12:50, 17:50
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
3:2, 20:55; 4:2, 18:25; 7:1, 00:35, 09:50-13:00, 25:25; 8:1, 00:35-04:10, 09:35-25:10; 8:2, 08:25, 19:15; 9:1, 00:30; 9:2, 00:40, 17:40-25:40; 10:1, 00:30-20:30; 11:1, 00:30, 09:45-27:00; 11:2, 00:30-20:05; 12:1, 00:30, 08:25-23:45; 12:2, 04:00-22:35; 13:1, 03:55-18:20, 26:05; 13:2, 00:30-08:45
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation District One
9:2, 17:40; 10:1, 00:30, 20:30
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation District Two
10:1, 00:30
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation District Three
10:1, 00:30
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Headquarters building
11:2, 20:05; 12:1, 00:30
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation “Operation Northwest” (organizing drive)
11:2, 05:50-11:10
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Special Membership Reserve Fund
11:2, 05:50
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Women's Committee
12:1, 15:05-20:55
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers Committee
9:2, 00:40
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Young People's Committee
12:1, 15:05-20:55
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation WFBF News
12:1, 05:55
Wisconsin Farm Management Association
8:2, 00:40
Wisconsin Farm Service Board, Inc.
11:1, 00:30, 09:45; 12:1, 25:10; 12:2, 04:00
Wisconsin Farmco Service Cooperative
12:1, 25:10; 12:2, 00:30-04:00, 11:20
Wisconsin Farmco Supply Cooperative
7:1, 05:05; 8:2, 08:25
Wisconsin Farmers Union (WFU)
3:1, 02:30; 7:1, 09:50; 10:1, 09:05; 11:1, 22:20-24:45; 11:2, 05:50-11:10; 13:1, 00:30, 05:00
Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives
3:2, 10:35
Wisconsin Legislature
8:1, 11:40; 11:2, 00:30
Wisconsin Manufacturers Association
5:1, 12:50
Wisconsin National Guard
3:1, 07:00, 20:55
Wisconsin Plant Foods Cooperative
7:1, 12:00; 8:1, 09:35; 8:2, 00:40; 11:2, 00:30; 12:1, 25:10; 12:2, 04:00
Wisconsin Rapids
10:1, 20:30
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO
13:1, 00:30
Wisconsin State Fair
7:2, 07:30
Wisconsin State Federation of Labor
12:2, 22:35
Wisconsin State Grange
13:1, 00:30
Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
4:1, 16:25
Women's suffrage
4:2, 26:25
World War I
1:2, 03:15; 9:1, 17:55
World War II
5:2, 16:45; 7:1, 19:30; 9:1, 17:55
Zillmer, William
8:1, 25:10
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