Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources: DDT Hearings, 1968-1969

Contents List

Container Title
Series: 1913-1939
Box   1
Aaberg, G.-Aller, P.
Box   2
Allert, M.-Anderson, M.
Box   3
Anderson, M.-Ausman, W.
Box   4
Ausmus, C.-Barber, W.
Box   5
Barbian, D.-Beacom, G.
Box   6
Beadnell, T.-Benson, H.
Box   7
Benson, I.-Bingman, L.
Box   8
Binish, E.-Boethin, D.
Box   9
Boettcher, E.-Brabant, J.
Box   10
Brabazon, L.-Brighton, J.
Box   11
Brigot, J.-Brunner, R.
Box   12
Brunnette, F.-Burrit, C.
Box   13
Burola, O.-Carew, J.
Box   14
Oshkosh, N.-Chamberlain, W.
Box   15
Chamberlin, J.-Clark, S.
Box   16
Clark, S.- Colter, F.
Box   17
Cotton, A.-Cotter, T.
Box   18
Cottingham, E.-Currie, M.
Box   19
Currier-Davis, E.
Box   20
Davis, E.-Desnoyers, H.
Box   21
Desonia, B.-Dohse, O.
Box   22
Doigs, T.-Duclon, W.
Box   23
Duda, T.-Edwards, E.
Box   24
Edwards, F.-Engsberg, L.
Box   25
Engstrom, A.-Farnham, W.
Box   26
Farnhein, M.-Fischel, M.
Box   27
Fischer, B.-Forcier, F.
Box   28
Ford, A.-Freihammer, M.
Box   29
Freiling, J.-Galen, C.
Box   30
Galenza, E.-Gensicken, H.
Box   31
Genske, E.-Gilmour, G.
Box   32
Gilpatrick, B.-Gordon, F.
Box   33
Gordon, G.-Green, W.
Box   34
Greenberg, M.-Gruenberger, F.
Box   35
Gruendler, A.-Hafeman, M.
Box   36
Hafemeister, A.-Hammil, C.
Box   37
Hammon, E.-Hapstad, L.
Box   38
Hararla, A.-Haseltine, W.
Box   39
Hasey, J.-Heckler, T.
Box   40
Hecklinger, L.-Henricke, L.
Box   41
Henricke, M.-Hiller, M.
Box   42
Hill, G.-Hoffman, E.
Box   43
Hoffman, E.-Hooper, M.
Box   44
Hoover, W.-Huber, W.
Box   45
Huber, W.-Huysman, E.
Box   46
Huysman, E.-Jacaubek, K.
Box   47
Jakovich, D. Jr.-Johankneckt, B.
Box   48
Johannes, A.-Johnson, P.
Box   49
Johnson, P.-Joskin, S.
Box   50
Joss, C.-Kaurud, M.
Box   51
Kauten, K.-Keough, J.
Box   52
Keough, J.-Kiolbasse, E.
Box   53
Kionka, C.-Knight, W.
Box   54
Knights, B.-Kotecki, J.
Box   55
Kooten, B.-Krupp, F.
Box   56
Krupp, F.- Lakowski, A.
Box   57
Lakowski, H.-Larson, H.
Box   58
Larson, H.-Ledworowski, A.
Box   59
Lee, A.-Lewis, D.
Box   60
Lewis, D.-Lloyd, W.
Box   61
Loan, J.-Lucksinger, F.
Box   62
Lucksinger, J.-Mackiewicz, E.
Box   63
Mackin, A.-Mapes, W.
Box   64
Maples, H.-Matheson, V.
Box   65
Mathew, R.-McCarthy, W.
Box   66
McCartney, E.-McGoorty, N.
Box   67
McGovern, A.-McStay F.
Box   68
McStroul, E.-Mesten, H.
Box   69
Metcalf, A.-Miller, E.
Box   70
Miller, E.-Mochlman
Box   71
Moeiri, E.-Morefield, R.
Box   72
Morehauser, G.-Muenzel, V.
Box   73
Muenzner, C.-Nasg, E.
Box   74
Nass, B.-Neu, W.
Box   75
Neubauer, A.-Nordness, L.
Box   76
Nordquist, E.-O'Hern, J.
Box   77
O'Heron, E.-O'Malley, W.
Box   78
Oman, E.-Packer, W.
Box   79
Packman, D.-Pauhs, W.
Box   80
Paul, A.-Petering, H.
Box   81
Peterlaus, A.-Phillips, W.
Box   82
Phillipson, A.-Porter, W.
Box   83
Porterfield, B.-Prucha, A.
Box   84
Preuss, A.-Randall, I.
Box   85
Randecker, H.-Reickling, J.
Box   86
Reichman, N.-Richard, W.
Box   87
Richards, G.-Roberts, G.
Box   88
Roberts, G.-Rosa, R.
Box   89
Roseback, A.-Runey, J.
Box   90
Runge, C.-Sanden, Z.
Box   91
Sander, B.-Schellin, R.
Box   92
Schelling, E.-Scheckloth, T. Jr.
Box   93
Schneck, R.-Schulthesis, F.
Box   94
Schultz-Sebranek, G.
Box   95
SeCheverell, C.-Shaw
Box   96
Shawa, P.-Silverman, E.
Box   97
Silvernale, C.-Smith, A.
Box   98
Smith, A.-Snowden, W.
Box   99
Snyder, A.-Spragg, R.
Box   100
Sprague, A.-Steffgen, V.
Box   101
Steffick, O.-Stocks, W.
Box   102
Stockstod, J.-Stutsman, P.
Box   103
Stutz, G.-Szeliski, V. von
Box   104
Szolowicz, M.-Thayer, W.
Box   105
Theabo, E.-Thoreson, T.
Box   106
Thorhaug, A.-Tortine, S.
Box   107
Tortorici, V.-Turriff, A.
Box   108
Turrittin, H.-Von Ooyen, H.
Box   109
Van Order, B.-Vorous, V.
Box   110
Vorprahl, E.-Walsh, W.
Box   111
Walson, J.-Webber, S.
Box   112
Weber, D.-Werch, P.
Box   113
Werder, C.-Whitham, W.
Box   114
Whiting, B.-Williams, D.
Box   115
Williams, D.-Winnis, G.
Box   116
Winquist, A.-Woodhead, N.
Box   117
Woodhouse, E.-Young, Rev. W.
Box   118
Youngbauer, T.-Zywicke, A.
Series: 1940-1964
Box   119
Aaberg, E.Jr.-Ahrensmeyer, E.
Box   120
Ahrnsbrak, H.-Allison, W.
Box   121
Allman, D.-Anderson, E.
Box   122
Anderson, E.-Angell, S.
Box   123
Angelo, I.-Aspinwall, W.
Box   124
Asplin, D.-Bailer, H.
Box   125
Bailey, A.-Barbee, R.
Box   126
Barber, A.-Bartholf, R.
Box   127
Bartholomew, B.-Baury, R.
Box   128
Bawden, A.-Begliner, O.
Box   129
Beguhn, T.-Bennet, W.
Box   130
Bennetts, J.-Bernett, W.
Box   131
Bernhagan, L.-Billings, W.
Box   132
Billingsley, A.-Blasczyk, R.
Box   133
Blaszyk, R.-Boesel, F.
Box   134
Boeselager, A.-Borland, R.
Box   135
Borman, B.-Braaz, W.
Box   136
Brabant, A.-Breidel, R.
Box   137
Breidenbach, O.-Brock, P.
Box   138
Brockel, G.-Brown, W.
Box   139
Browne, B.-Budrewicy, I.
Box   140
Budsberg, N.-Burmeister, W.
Box   141
Burmek, R.-Byam, L.
Box   142
Byard, M.-Campbell, W.
Box   143
Campenni, F.-Carroll, W.
Box   144
Carrothers, M.-Champeau, J.
Box   145
Champine, L.-Christenson, D.
Box   146
Christenson, D.-Claus, R.
Box   147
Clausen, A.-Colber, E.
Box   148
Colbert, B.-Connor, Y.
Box   149
Connors, A.-Cornetto, J.
Box   150
Cornfield, L.-Craw, K.
Box   151
Crawford, A.-Cunningham
Box   152
Curadi, M.-Dales, K.
Box   153
D'Alessandris, A.-Davidson, W.
Box   154
Davies, A.-De Bauche, D.
Box   155
De Baufer, H. Jr.-Densaw, K.
Box   156
Dent, A.-Duckman, G.
Box   157
Dieckman, H.-Doheny, C.
Box   158
Doherty, A.-Douglas, V.
Box   159
Douglass, J.-Dubenske, R.
Box   160
Duberstein, H.-Durkee, M.
Box   161
Durkee, R.-Ederer, C.
Box   162
Edgar, M.-Elger, B.
Box   163
Eliason, A.-Engebretson, W.
Box   164
Engdahl, R.-Eskra, M.
Box   165
Eskridge, M.-Fahey, W.
Box   166
Fahl, E.-Fehly, F.
Box   167
Fehr, E.-Figler, S.
Box   168
Fihn, N.-Fitzmorris, V.
Box   169
Fitzpatrick, A.-Folz, S.
Box   170
Folzman, D.-France, V.
Box   171
Frances, E.-Frerking, A.
Box   172
Freshwaters, G.-Fullam, G. Jr.
Box   173
Fuller, A.-Gangstad, R.
Box   174
Gannegan, D.-Gee, R.
Box   175
Geen, A.-Getler, M.
Box   176
Getlinger, R.-Gillian, J.
Box   177
Gillingham, H.-Goings, D.
Box   178
Goins, R.-Gottlieb, S.
Box   179
Gottsacker, D.-Graves, R.
Box   180
Graville, M.-Griffitt, M.
Box   181
Grigg, E.-Grunwald, J.
Box   182
Grunwaldt, E.-Gyles, J.
Box   183
Gynn, G.-Hahn, W.
Box   184
Hahnan, M.-Hamele, R.
Box   185
Hamelin, H.-Hansemann, L.
Box   186
Hansen, E.-Hanson, M.
Box   187
Hansen, M.-Harris, G.
Box   188
Harris, G.-Haskins, W.
Box   189
Hasmuk, H.-Hayes, M.
Box   190
Hayes, M.-Heimick, J.
Box   191
Heider, E.-Hendrickson, D.
Box   192
Hendrickson, D.-Herreid, T.
Box   193
Herrell, D.-Hildahl, V.
Box   194
Hildebrand, A.-Hinze, W.
Box   195
Hinzman, G.-Hoffman, R.
Box   196
Hoffman, S.-Holstrum, E.
Box   197
Holt, B.-Horstmeyer, W.
Box   198
Horswell, F.-Hubatch, J.
Box   199
Hubbard, A.-Hunsaker, J.
Box   200
Hunsberger, L.-Ikert, L.
Box   201
Ilk, V.-Jacobsen, H.
Box   202
Jacobson, H.-Jarvis, W.
Box   203
Jarzomski, P.-Jesberger, R.
Box   204
Jeske, D.-Johnson, E.
Box   205
Johnson, E.-Johnson, P.
Box   206
Johnson, P.-Jones, L.
Box   207
Jones, L.-Juoni, K.
Box   208
Juranek, A.-Kaplan, W.
Box   209
Kaplansky, G.-Keesecker, C.
Box   210
Keeser, F.-Kennedy, M.
Box   211
Kennedy, M.-Kiger, L.
Box   212
Kihl, M.-Kirkpatrick, W.
Box   213
Kirkwood, R.-Klevenow, M.
Box   214
Klevgaard, D.-Knoepker, V.
Box   215
Knoernschild, W.-Koeppler, M.
Box   216
Koepsel, D.-Kosikowski, C.
Box   217
Kosin, A.-Krauskopf, E.
Box   218
Krauss, F.-Krueger, L.
Box   219
Krueger, L.-Kuneret, G.
Box   220
Kunes, J.-LaMarche, M.
Box   221
Lamb, A.-Lannewehr, G.
Box   222
Lannin, J.-Larson, R.
Box   223
Larson, R.-Laykovich, K.
Box   224
Layman, C.-Leibl, W.
Box   225
Leibman, C.-Leu, W.
Box   226
Leubner, B.-Lightfoot, G.
Box   227
Lighthall, H.-Little, W.
Box   228
Littlefield, E.-Longseth, D.
Box   229
Longsine, L.-Lucht, W.
Box   230
Lucia, F.-Lutz, C.
Box   231
Lutz, C.-McCarter, M.
Box   232
McCarthy, A.-MacDonald, E.
Box   233
McDonald, F.-McIntyre, W.
Box   234
McInvaille, W.-McMurray, R.
Box   235
McMurrough, H.-Mahnke, R.
Box   236
Mahoney, A.-Mansor, G.
Box   237
Mansor, L.-Marshak, L.
Box   238
Marshall, A.-Massengale, T.
Box   239
Massey, A.-Mayarsak, S.
Box   240
Maybay, D.-Meland, V.
Box   241
Melang, C.-Meulenberg, C.
Box   242
Meulendyke, E.-Mienders, H.
Box   243
Mientke, R.-Miller, M.
Box   244
Miller, M.-Mittag, L.
Box   245
Mittelstad, A.-Montersatelli, E.
Box   246
Montgomery, A.-Mark, E.
Box   247
Morken, A.-Moynihan, W.
Box   248
Moyse, R.-Munson, W.
Box   249
Munthe, S.-Nadwocki, L.
Box   250
Naedler, H.-Nelson, C.
Box   251
Nelson, C.-Nemetz, W.
Box   252
Nemitz, C.-Nichols, M.
Box   253
Nichols, M.-Noggle, W.
Box   254
Nogosek, A.-Nutter, N.
Box   255
Nutting, M.-Offerdohl, A.
Box   256
Offord, P.-Olson, A.
Box   257
Olson, B.-Olsson, J.
Box   258
Olstad, A.-Osthoff, R.
Box   259
Ostlind, C.-Page, H.
Box   260
Page, H.-Parkins, R.
Box   261
Parkinson, C.-Pautzke, A.
Box   262
Pavcec, P.-Pepper, A.
Box   263
Pepper, A. Jr.-Peterson, C.
Box   264
Peterson, C.-Pettis, R.
Box   265
Pettit, B.-Pierson, W.
Box   266
Pierstorff, A.-Plymesser, P.
Box   267
Plzak, J.-Porterfield, J.
Box   268
Porth, J.-Pride, S.
Box   269
Prideaux, E.-Putchinski, E.
Box   270
Putman, C.-Raguse, C.
Box   271
Rahbek, T.-Rau, S.
Box   272
Raubacher, G. Jr.-Reich, B.
Box   273
Reich, C.-Replogli, A.
Box   274
Replogle, A.-Richardson, Z.
Box   275
Richardt, L.-Riphenburg, B.
Box   276
Ripley, C.-Robins, R.
Box   277
Robinson, A.-Rogge, W.
Box   278
Roggensack, M.-Ross, J.
Box   279
Ross, M.-Rozoff, H.
Box   280
Rubach, W.-Ryall, E.
Box   281
Ryan, A.-Samplawski, M.
Box   282
Sampson, A.-Savonne, G.
Box   283
Savoy, E.-Schenk, J.
Box   284
Schenkat, L.-Schmelter, M.
Box   285
Schmeltzer, A.-Schneider, E.
Box   286
Schneider, E.-Schroeder, N.
Box   287
Schroeder, O.-Schumann, W.
Box   288
Schumar, K.-Scoville, N.
Box   289
Scoville, B.-Serbiak, C.
Box   290
Sercombe, W.-Shearer
Box   291
Shearrow, S.-Showerman, Z.
Box   292
Showers, A.-Sinclair, S.
Box   293
Sincock, H.-Slock L.
Box   294
Slocum, A.-Smith, L.
Box   295
Smith, L.-Sodke, L.
Box   296
Sodolski, J.-Spatz, I.
Box   297
Spaulding, A.-Stahl, N.
Box   298
Stahl, J.-Steege, J.
Box   299
Steel, H.-Stephens, N.
Box   300
Stepner, B.-Stophen, C. Jr.
Box   301
Stoffels, G.-Streeter, W.
Box   302
Streeton, C.-Sullivan, R.
Box   303
Sullivan, R.-Sweet, V.
Box   304
Sweetland, H.-Taus, H.
Box   305
Taylor, A.-Tharpe, P.
Box   306
Thatcher, G.-Thompson, D.
Box   307
Thompson, D.-Tice, R.
Box   308
Tichenor, G.-Topzant, A.
Box   309
Torbeck, B.-Treuden, C.
Box   310
Treutel, A.-Tweet, T.
Box   311
Tweeten, B.-Von Arsdall, H.
Box   312
VanArsdel, R.-Velie, M.
Box   313
Velicer, A.-Voight
Box   314
Voightlander, H. Jr.-Waisman, R.
Box   315
Waite, B.-Walser, E.
Box   316
Walsh, A.-Warzeka, L.
Box   317
Warzinik, G.-Webstad, J.
Box   318
Webster, A.-Welby, C.
Box   319
Welch, A.-Wescott, A.
Box   320
Wescott, A.-White, F.
Box   321
White, F.-Wiggen, R.
Box   322
Wiggers, W.-Williams, H.
Box   323
Williams, H.-Wilson, W.
Box   324
Wilt, G.-Wittenwyler, C.
Box   325
Witter, P.-Wood, C.
Box   326
Wood, C.-Wudell, N.
Box   327
Wudke, W.-Youngren, J.
Box   328a
Youngs, E.-Ziegle, E.
Box   328b
Ziegler, A.-Zuege, E.
Box   328c
Zuege, J.-Zylstra, M.
Personnel: Local Examiners,
Box   329
Abbey, M.-Stoll, P.
Box   330
Stolper, E.-Zumbrunner, M.
Series: 1965-1968
Box   333
Aabram, K.-Anderson, S.
Box   334
Anderson, T.-Barrett, W.
Box   335
Barriage, J.-Berg, W.
Box   336
Berge, D.-Bock, J.
Box   337
Bocklin, D.-Brehm, L.
Box   338
Brehmer, B.-Bunting, A.
Box   339
BunJaPorte, B.-Casey, A.
Box   340
Casey, C.-Comeau, B.
Box   341
Comello, L.-Czubakowski, H.
Box   342
Daacon, G.-Deschane, M.
Box   343
Desens, M.-Dudley, M.
Box   344
Dudzinski, J.-Englerth, J.
Box   345
English, G.-Finney, M.
Box   346
Finnegan, D.-Fritsch, L.
Box   347
Fritsche, O.-Gile, S.
Box   348
Giles, L.-Grennier, M.
Box   349
Grenzow, S.-Hamacher, G.
Box   350
Hamann, A.-Hawkins, S.
Box   351
Hawley, A.-Hiebsch, G.
Box   352
Hielsberg, J.-Hottmann, B.
Box   353
Haufek, E.-Janson, N.
Box   354
Janssen, E.-Jones, R.
Box   355
Jones, R.-Kempfer, P.
Box   356
Kempka, R.-Knight, W.
Box   357
Knipschield, D.-Krueger, R.
Box   358
Krueger, R.-Larson, P.
Box   359
Larson, P.-Lincoln, J.
Box   360
Loncoln, L.-Maas, W.
Box   361
Maastricht, P.-Masters, J.
Box   362
Masterson, M.-McPherson, M.
Box   363
McQuality, D.-Millis, J.
Box   364
Millison, S.-Mulvihill, E.
Box   365
Mumford, C.-Niehus, P.
Box   366
Nielson, B.-Olson, R.
Box   367
Olson, R.-Paulsen, W.
Box   368
Paulson, A.-Phetteplace, H.
Box   369
Philips, J.-Pritckett, M.
Box   370
Pritzl, M.-Reinfried, C.
Box   371
Reinhard, D.-Roeker, D.
Box   372
Roelke, L.-Sadler, L.
Box   373
Sadowski, L.-Schmitzer, K.
Box   374
Schmoldt, M.-Seidl, T.
Box   375
Seidlitz, J.-Slocum, J.
Box   376
Sloggy, M.-Staffeld, P.
Box   377
Staffeldt, G.-Stuchlik, S.
Box   378
Stuckert, M.-Thigpen, L.
Box   379
Thill, G.-Tucker, R.
Box   380
Tuckis, C.-Von Guten, L.
Box   381
Von Haden, R.-Wesse, E.
Box   382
Wegehaupt, W.-Wild, W.
Box   383
Wilda, A.-Woodstock, A.
Box   384
Woodward, E.-Zywicki, C.
Series: 1969-1970
Box   385
Aaberg, L.-Biderman, M.
Box   386
Biel, L.-Cater, R.
Box   387
Catrine, J.-Doyle, P.
Box   388
Draeger, B.-Fritz, S.
Box   389
Frizzell, C.-Hare, B.
Box   390
Hargrave, H.-Hutzler, H.
Box   391
Huyck, K.-Kite, P.
Box   392
Kitelinger, J.-London, A.
Box   393
Long, C.-Milz, R.
Box   394
McFarland, J.-Olson, T.
Box   395
Olstad, E.-Keimer, R.
Box   396
Rein, C.-Schoenmann, M.
Box   397
Schoepp, R.-Steuber, W.
Box   398
Stevens, G.-Verbrick, P.
Box   399
Verdoljak, J.-Wiswall, D.
Box   400
Witczak, T.-Zychowski, J.
Series: , 1958-1959: State Fair and GAR
State Fair: Professional Employees
Box   330
1958, Abel, K.-Z
Box   330
A-Reardon, K.
Box   331
Redford, E.-Zych, S.
GAR Member Help
Box   331
Albrecht, E.-Zwickel, G.
Series: , 1960-1961: State Fair
Box   331
Abel, I.-Menzel, E.
Box   332
Mews, D.-Zitelli, A.
Series: , 1968-1969: LTEs
First alphabetical sequence
Box   401
Box   402
Box   403
Box   404
Box   405
Second alphabetical sequence
Box   407
Box   408
Box   407
Assembly 125 Employees, A-Z
Box   407
Senate 138 Employees, A-Z
Box   409
305-Athletic Commission , (1963-1969) A-Z
Box   405
310 Conservation-Active, A-Z
Box   406
310 Conservation-Inactive, A-Z
411-State Fair
Box   408
Box   409
Series: 1920-1970
Box   410
Aaberg, Linda-Ayer, Douglas
Box   411
Aker, Dixie-Anderson, Stephen
Box   412
Anderson, Steven-Baier, Sylvia
Box   413
Baier, William-Baukus, Ethel
Box   414
Bauman, Dorothy-Beresford, Rita
Box   415
Berg, Carol-Blekeslee, James
Box   416
Blakeslee, Verna-Borsack, Karl
Box   417
Borseth, James-Breuer, Sherilynn
Box   418
Breunig, Anna-Buening, Mildred
Box   419
Buenzil, Gregory-Campbell, Lady
Box   420
Campbell, Marilyn-Christansen, Ilena
Box   421
Christansen, Ann-Conner, Lavern
Box   422
Conner, Margaret-Crow, Francis
Box   423
Crowe, Elizabeth-Davis, Harry Alton
Box   424
Davis, Hattie-Dilocker, Byron
Box   425
DiLorenzo, Francesca-Drescher, Norman
Box   426
Dresen, David-Effinger, Carl
Box   427
Eft, Martin-Erickson, Ora
Box   428
Erickson, Orla-Felker, Alma
Box   429
Felker, Margaret-Fogelberg, Maynard
Box   430
Foght, Edith-Fritsch, David
Box   431
Fritsche, Arthur-Gehrke, Peter
Box   432
Gehrke, Walter-Goetz, Gary
Box   433
Goetz, John-Gretzinger, Carey
Box   434
Greve, Marilyn-Hadt, Clarence
Box   435
Haebig, Helene-Hansen, Margaret
Box   436
Hansen, Margaret-Haug, Singe
Box   437
Hauge, Alfred-Hennessey, Ramona
Box   438
Hanney, Thomas-Hoepner, Otto
Box   439
Hoeppner, Joel-Hovey, Elizabeth
Box   440
Hovey, Mary-Izard, Charlotte
Box   441
Jaachim, Esther-Johnson, Andrew
Box   442
Johnson, Andrew-Jorgensen, Jack
Box   443
Jorgensen, John-Kaveggia, Elizabeth
Box   444
Kawczynski, Adalbert-King, Adrienne
Box   445
King, Alice-Knudson, Susan
Box   446
Knudson, William-Krausman, Joan
Box   447
Krauss, Florence-Kysilko, Delores
Box   448
Laabs, Wilmer-Lauersdorf
Box   449
Lauersdorf, Lynn-Leonard, Susan
Box   450
Leonhardt, Arlin-Loose, Sharon
Box   451
Looze, John-Maenner, Arthur
Box   452
Maenner, Paul-Marty, Audrey
Box   453
Marty, Carl-McEvilly, Alice
Box   454
McEvilly, Donald-Merlia, Robert
Box   455
Merkel, Kenneth-Miller, Sharon
Box   456
Miller, Sonja-Morrissey, James
Box   457
Morrissey, John-Neal, Bonnie
Box   458
Nealey, Alicia-Ninnemann, Carolyn
Box   459
Nipple, Penelope-Olkiewicz, Jerry
Box   460
Olkowski, John-Ozburn, William
Box   461
Paape, Karl-Pederson, Ruth
Box   462
Pederson, Thomas-Phillips, Donna
Box   463
Phillips, Donna-Powers, Ruth
Box   464
Powers, Sanger-Ramsdell, Delores
Box   465
Ramden, Bette-Reuter, Clarence
Box   466
Reuter, Gary-Robertson, William
Box   467
Robey, Howard-Royston, Donna
Box   468
Royston, Maxine-Savall, Mary
Box   469
Savee, Edwin-Schmidt, Louise
Box   470
Schmidt, Mac-Schultz, Lester
Box   471
Schultz, Lester-Severson, Rodney
Box   472
Severson, Ronald-Singletary, William
Box   473
Singleton, Janet-Snyder, Norbert
Box   474
Snyder, Norman-Stanley, Doris
Box   475
Stanley, Lynn-Stoffels, Sonja
Box   476
Stofflet, Marion-Swartzell, Faye
Box   477
Swatos, Louise-Thomas, Leslie
Box   478
Thomas, Lester-Towne, Joan
Box   479
Towne, Leton-Vangen, Adelia
Box   480
VanGorden, Cilfford-Wagner, Sally Ann
Box   481
Wagner, Ruth-Wedler, David
Box   482
Wedman, Evan-White, Raymond
Box   483
White, Richard-Wilson, William
Box   484
Wilting, Mary-Xander, Winnifred
Box   485
Yackley, Lee-Zuduck, Barbara
Series: 1971-1996
Box   486
A-Z (microfiche)
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