Wisconsin. Employment and Training Services Division: Wisconsin Balance of State CETA Oral History Project, 1980-1983


The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) was a large, federally-funded jobs and training program which existed from 1973 until October 1, 1983. See Appendix 2 for a fuller description of CETA's history.

As described and illustrated in Appendix 3, each state administered CETA through local “prime sponsors.” These local prime sponsors had to aggregate certain population totals. Those counties, which did not or could not affiliate with a local level prime sponsor, constituted the “Balance of State (BOS) “and were assigned to the Governor for administrative purposes. In Wisconsin forty-nine counties constituted the Balance of State and the Governor designated the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Division of Employment and Training Services, to administer Balance of State CETA programs.

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