Wisconsin. State Crime Laboratory: Superintendent's Subject File, 1947-1965

Container Title
Series: Filed by Subject
Box   2
Architects and General contractors
Box   2
Madison Used Car Company
Box   2
Milwaukee Auto Association
Box   2
Briefs - Miscellaneous
Box   2
Brick dealers
Box   2
Cheese dealers
Box   2
Coal, wood and cement dealers
Box   3
Midwest Cement Bureau
Box   3
Box   3
Drug dealers
Box   3
Electrical contractors
Box   3
Box   3
Urma Association
Box   3
Heating contractors
Box   3
Hosiery and knit wear dealers
Box   3
Lumber dealers - price lists
Box   3
Lumber dealers
Box   3
Lumber cases
Box   4
Meat dealers
Box   4
Plumber Association
Box   4
Plumber case: State vs. Hamilton et al.; Clow Bulletin
Box   4
Box   4
Casket Manufacturers' Association
Box   5
Bread cases
Box   5
Chicago Millwork Cost Bureau
Box   5
Millwork exhibits
Box   5
Millwork cases
Box   6
Millwork cases, continued
Box   6
Bankers Association
Box   7
Milwaukee Florists Publicity Association
Leather and Shoe Finders Association:
Box   7
School Manufacturing Co.
Box   7
Progressive Shoe Machinery Co.
Box   7
Manning Abrasive Co.
Box   7
Wisconsin Cooperative Milk Producers Association
Box   7
Uniform Cost Accounting
Box   7
Union Carbide Company
Box   7
Tent and Awning Association
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