Spring Valley Iron and Ore Company Records, 1902-1934


By 1902 the Spring Valley Iron and Ore Company in Pierce County was a successful operation involved in mining iron ore, manufacturing pig iron, and selling iron ore and scrap and pig iron. At that date the owner of the company was Frederick H. Foote, an absentee who rarely returned to Spring Valley, but travelled extensively, especially in Florida and New York State. However, he conscientiously kept informed of the company's affairs and made all its major decisions. His son William Henry Foote managed the company for him from 1907 to 1908, when Charles Brown replaced him in these responsibilities. After Foote's death in 1924, his son William Henry, acting as executor, kept Brown as manager and left most company decisions to his discretion. Apparently, William, his sister, and his brother's heirs, all equal inheritors, sold the company in the mid or late 1930's.

The company records have been the main source for this history, but they include no information before 1902 or after 1934.

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