Racine Environment Committee Records, 1967-1979

Container Title
PH 6222
Photographs, 1989
Item   1-2
Towers at the corner of 52nd Street and 30th Avenue
Note: These concrete towers at the corner of 52nd Street and 30th Avenue were built during World War II for testing of aircraft engines by the Nash Motors Company. The pictures were taken from 32nd Avenue between 53rd Street and 55th Street (there is no 54th Street). The camera points to the northeast overlooking an employees' parking lot.
Item   3
30th Avenue
Note: This shows various buildings along 30th Avenue. The camera points to the southeast overlooking same parking lot as in [Items] 1 and 2. This is the western perimeter of the plant, the eastern is 25th Street and 24th Street.
Item   4
Kenosha Chrysler Plant
Note: Another view of the aircraft engine testing towers taken from the corner of 32nd Avenue and 52nd Street. The view is toward the east.
WHi Image ID: 41098.
Item   5
The aircraft engine test towers viewed along 30th Avenue from the corner of 52nd Street and 30th Avenue looking south
Item   6
Building on 52nd Street
Note: The building to the left foreground was built at the same time that the towers were. The view is to the east along 52nd Street. The picture was taken just east of 30th Avenue. Before this building and the towers were built (1942-1943), this was the site of the Nash Ball Park and Playground.
Item   7
Bridge over 52nd Street
Note: This bridge over 52nd Street was built in 1952, and connected a new building on the left to an older building on the right. It was dismantled in May 1989. The view is taken from 28th Avenue looking east on 52nd Street.
Item   8
South view of Kenosha Chrysler Plant
Note: This view is looking south through the gates of the plant. It is through this area that the old Chicago, Milwaukee, and North Shore Electric Line had its tracks, which separated the plant. After the railroad closed down in the early 1960s, a tire company acquired the land (see [Item] 16 for a view looking north on the area).
Item   9
Bridge over 52nd Street
Note: This is a close up view of the bridge over 52nd Street looking east. It is now dismantled. It was built in 1952.
Item   10
26th Avenue
Note: This looks south along Twenty-sixth Avenue (see [Item] 22 for a view looking north). This was taken from Fifty-second Street.
Item   11
The overpass looking westward
Item   12
Corner of 26th Avenue and 52nd Street
Note: This shows both overpass and building at the corner of 26th Avenue and 52nd Street. It was taken from the corner of 25th Avenue and 52nd Street looking westward.
Item   13
Parking lot, 30th Avenue and 52nd Street
Note: This is a view of a parking lot looking northwest from the southeast corner of the intersection of 30th Avenue and 52nd Street. This area was originally known as Bonnie Hame. It was once owned by the Kenosha School Board and was to become the site for the second senior high school. During WWII it became the site of temporary housing which remained there until late in the 1950s or early 1960s. American Motors later purchased it for parking and for possible expansion.
Item   14
Parking lot, 52nd Street and 32nd Avenue
Note: This is a view of the parking lot looking northeast from the intersection of 52nd Street and 32nd Avenue (see also [Item] 13).
Item   15
Foundry building
Note: This building was originally the foundry. It is now used in the production of Chrysler engines. The view is looking eastward along 60th Street from midway between 30th Avenue and 31st Avenue. This portion of the plant is still operating.
Item   16
Railway area
Note: This picture is a view of the area through which the Chicago North Shore and Electric Railway ran (see [Item] 8). The camera looks north. It is on the other side of the plant from [Item] 8. To the right is the old drop forge building.
Item   17
Drop forge building
Note: This is a view of the old drop forge building looking northeast from the corner of 60th Street and 26th Avenue. (The morning I took this picture there had been a fire. One can see the cab of the fire engine to the right of the picture. A police squad car is on the street.)
Item   18
24th Avenue and 60th Street
Note: This was taken from the corner of 24th Avenue and 60th Street looking northwest. The picture shows on the left the old drop forge building. The parking lot was the site of the old Allen-A plant, a manufacturer of hosiery. Later the building housed the Quaker Manufacturing Company. The building was torn down for a parking lot for American Motors.
Item   19
Engineering Department building
Note: This building was the engineering department. It is located on 60th Street between 24th Avenue and 23rd Avenue. The view is looking southeast. Before being acquired by American Motors, it housed the Kenosha Full Fashion Mills which manufactured ladies hosiery.
Item   20
Plant office building
Note: This is the office building on the east side of the plant on 25th Avenue. The camera points from 24th Avenue over the parking lot.
Item   21
Plant office building
Note: This is a view of the office building along 25th Avenue looking south from midway between 59th Street and 58th Street.
Item   22
Assembly building, 26th Avenue
Note: This is a view of one of the assembly buildings looking north from 55th Street along 26th Avenue (see [Item] 10).
Item   23
30th Avenue
Note: The picture shows the western perimeter of the plant along 30th Avenue looking north. It was taken from the corner of 59th Street. In the distance can be seen the former aircraft testing towers.
Item   24
Foundry building, 30th Avenue
Note: The final picture shows the old foundry building -- the 30th Avenue side looking South from 59th Street (see [Item] 15).
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