Frank R. Stella Papers, 1928-1980


There is little biographical information about Frank R. Stella in the collection. However, he was a life-long member of Local 379 of the Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America, and held several union offices, including the following: vice-president, 1931-1934, 1947; secretary-treasurer, 1934-1943, 1952-1962; committee member, 1934, 1946; and director, 1952. Stella joined the Kenosha Union Label Council in May 1939, and served as treasurer, 1940-1941, and as secretary from 1942 until the mid-1960s or later. He joined the Kenosha Union Club in about 1948, serving as secretary and treasurer for many years. He was also on the board of directors and chairman of the Labor Day Committee. Stella was also a member of the Eagles Club (from December 1925), Moose Lodge, National Rifle Association and its Kenosha affiliate, Friends of the Kenosha Museum, and served as a captain of the Sheriff's Auxiliary.

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