Racine Environment Committee Records, 1967-1979

Administrative/Restriction Information

Access Restrictions

Use of the student records in this collection is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, which allows access only if studies “are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents.”

Use Restrictions

In addition, researchers may not refer to an individual or commercial borrower in either the researcher's notes, completed study, or in any other manner that would reveal the identity of the borrower. This restriction applies to the financial statements of borrowers from the REC Business Opportunities Corporation, financial aid applications for educational funds, and reasons for termination of students by schools. This restriction, imposed by the donor, is in effect until October 31, 2029.

Prior to beginning research, readers should consult with the reference archivist concerning restrictions on use and publication of data.

Acquisition Information

Presented by the Racine Environment Committee, via Ralph C. Wagner, 1980. Accession Number: M80-147

Processing Information

Processed by Menzi Behrnd-Klodt, September 1980.

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